Net::Net(){ // Initialize Ethernet byte mac[]={ 0x90, 0xA2, 0xDA, 0x0D, 0x02, 0xD0 }; IPAddress ip(192,168,1, 77); IPAddress dns(192,168,1, 1); IPAddress gateway(192,168,1, 1); IPAddress subnet(255,255,255,0); Ethernet.begin(mac, ip, dns, gateway, subnet); // Processors processor=NULL; processorCount=0; // Enable interrupts EthernetInterrupt::begin(0); }
bool AtDrv::setApSSID(char *ssid, int type, const char *password) { bool ret = false; IPAddress ipStart(192, 168, 43, 100); IPAddress ipEnd(192, 168, 43, 200); IPAddress mask(255, 255, 255, 0); IPAddress gateway(192, 168, 43, 1); IPAddress dns1(192, 168, 43, 1); IPAddress dns2(8, 8, 8, 8); IPAddress netIp(192, 168, 43, 1); if(!isAtMode()) { if(!switchToAtMode()) { INFO1("Can't switch to at mode"); goto end; } } if(!setNetMode(NET_MODE_WIFI_AP)) goto end; if(!setWiFiConfig(ssid, type, password)) goto end; if(!setDhcpd(true)) goto end; if(!setDhcpdIp(ipStart, ipEnd, mask, gateway)) goto end; if(!setDhcpdDns(dns1, dns2)) goto end; if(!setDhcpdTime(86400)) goto end; if(!setNetIp(netIp, mask, gateway)) goto end; if(!setNetDns(dns1, dns2)) goto end; netCommit(); ret = true; end: return ret; }
/** * @brief 根据URL,获取要连接主机的IP地址和端口号 * @param aUri 请求的URL信息 * @return void */ void CSocketEngine::WeaveUrl(const TDesC8& aUriOld){ iSocketId=0; iData1.Zero(); TPtrC8 x_online_host;//得到主机字符串 HBufC8* hUri=HBufC8::NewL(aUriOld.Length()+512); TPtr8 aUri(hUri->Des()); aUri.Copy(aUriOld); DeleteBlank(aUri); if(aUri.FindF(_L8("http://"))!=KErrNotFound) x_online_host.Set(aUri.Mid(7));//"http://"以后的字符串 host:80/dir/file else x_online_host.Set(aUri); if(x_online_host.Find(_L8("/"))!=KErrNotFound) iAddress.Copy(x_online_host.Mid(x_online_host.Find(_L8("/")),x_online_host.Length()-(x_online_host.Find(_L8("/"))))); else iAddress.Copy(_L8("/")); // iAddress: /dir/file HBufC* hHost=HBufC::NewL(x_online_host.Length()+512); TPtr bufHost(hHost->Des()); TBuf8<16> bufPort; TInt port; if(x_online_host.Find(_L8("/"))!=KErrNotFound) iHostName.Copy(x_online_host.Left(x_online_host.Find(_L8("/")))); else iHostName.Copy(x_online_host); if(iHostName.Find(_L8(":"))!=KErrNotFound){ bufHost.Copy(iHostName.Mid(0,iHostName.Find(_L8(":")))); // or bufPort.Copy(iHostName.Mid(iHostName.Find(_L8(":"))+1,iHostName.Length()-iHostName.Find(_L8(":"))-1)); }else{ bufHost.Copy(iHostName);// or iHostName.Append(_L8(":80")); bufPort=_L8("80"); } TLex8 ch(bufPort); ch.Val(port); //如果是通过移动网关,则发送请求主机地址为10.0.0.172,真实主机地址放在x_online_host if(IsPassWGW){ TPtrC16 gateway(_L("")); ConnectQServer(gateway,80); }else{ ConnectQServer(bufHost,port); } preUri.Copy(aUri); delete hHost; delete hUri; }
//............................................................................... // start STA //............................................................................... void WIFI::startSTA() { String ssid = ffs.cfg.readItem("wifi_ssid"); String psk = ffs.cfg.readItem("wifi_password"); staMode = ffs.cfg.readItem("wifi"); // off, dhcp, manual apMode = ffs.cfg.readItem("ap"); // on, off, auto IPAddress address(0, 0, 0, 0); IPAddress gateway(0, 0, 0, 0); IPAddress netmask(0, 0, 0, 0); IPAddress dns(0, 0, 0, 0); //if (ssid != "") validSSID = true; else validSSID = false; validSSID = ssid != "" ? true : false; WiFi.softAPdisconnect(true); WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA); if (staMode == "dhcp") {"WiFi staMode=dhcp"); } else { // switch to static mode address.fromString(ffs.cfg.readItem("wifi_ip")); gateway.fromString(ffs.cfg.readItem("wifi_gateway")); netmask.fromString(ffs.cfg.readItem("wifi_netmask")); dns.fromString(ffs.cfg.readItem("wifi_dns"));"WiFi staMode=manual"); logging.debug(" IP address: " + address.toString()); logging.debug(" gateway: " + gateway.toString()); logging.debug(" netmask: " + netmask.toString()); logging.debug(" DNS server: " + dns.toString()); if (WiFi.config(address, gateway, netmask, dns)) { logging.debug("WiFi configuration applied"); //"local IP address switched to: " + // WiFi.localIP().toString()); } else { logging.error("could not apply WiFi configuration"); } }"try to connect to SSID: " + ssid); WiFi.begin(ssid.c_str(), psk.c_str()); }
void get_route(int socket, route_entry &route) { union { route_entry request; uint8 buffer[512]; }; request = route; if (ioctl(socket, SIOCGETRT, buffer, sizeof(buffer)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Could not get route: %s\n", kProgramName, strerror(errno)); return; } // find family const address_family *family = NULL; for (int32 i = 0; kFamilies[i].family >= 0; i++) { if (route.destination->sa_family == kFamilies[i].family) { family = &kFamilies[i]; break; } } if (family != NULL) { BNetworkAddress destination(*request.destination); BNetworkAddress mask(*request.mask); printf("%s", destination.ToString().String()); printf("/%zd ", mask.PrefixLength()); BNetworkAddress gateway(*request.gateway); if (request.flags & RTF_GATEWAY) printf("gateway %s ", gateway.ToString().String()); BNetworkAddress source(*request.source); printf("source %s\n", source.ToString().String()); } else { printf("unknown family "); } }
//............................................................................... // start accesspoint //............................................................................... void WIFI::startAP(int state) { if (state) { logging.debug("starting access point"); //Dl; WiFi.mode(WIFI_AP); //Dl; IPAddress apIP(192,168,4,1); IPAddress gateway(192,168,4,1); IPAddress subnet(255,255,255,0); //Dl; String apSSID = ffs.cfg.readItem("ap_ssid"); String apPSK = ffs.cfg.readItem("ap_password"); //Dl;"configuring access point"); logging.debug(" IP address: " + apIP.toString()); logging.debug(" gateway: " + gateway.toString()); logging.debug(" subnet: " + subnet.toString()); if (WiFi.softAPConfig(apIP, gateway, subnet)){ if (WiFi.softAP(apSSID.c_str(), apPSK.c_str())) {"access point is now on"); } else { logging.error("starting access point failed"); } } else { logging.error("access point configuration failed"); } if (on_ap_no_stations_connected != nullptr) on_ap_no_stations_connected(); } else { logging.debug("stopping access point"); WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA); WiFi.softAPdisconnect(true);"access point is now off"); } }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { bool res = ::wxInitialize(); if (!res) { ::fprintf(stderr, "ircddbgatewayd: failed to initialise the wxWidgets library, exiting\n"); return -1; } wxCmdLineParser parser(argc, argv); parser.AddSwitch(NOLOGGING_SWITCH, wxEmptyString, wxEmptyString, wxCMD_LINE_PARAM_OPTIONAL); parser.AddSwitch(DAEMON_SWITCH, wxEmptyString, wxEmptyString, wxCMD_LINE_PARAM_OPTIONAL); parser.AddOption(LOGDIR_OPTION, wxEmptyString, wxEmptyString, wxCMD_LINE_VAL_STRING, wxCMD_LINE_PARAM_OPTIONAL); parser.AddOption(CONFDIR_OPTION, wxEmptyString, wxEmptyString, wxCMD_LINE_VAL_STRING, wxCMD_LINE_PARAM_OPTIONAL); parser.AddParam(NAME_PARAM, wxCMD_LINE_VAL_STRING, wxCMD_LINE_PARAM_OPTIONAL); int cmd = parser.Parse(); if (cmd != 0) { ::wxUninitialize(); return 0; } bool nolog = parser.Found(NOLOGGING_SWITCH); bool daemon = parser.Found(DAEMON_SWITCH); wxString logDir; bool found = parser.Found(LOGDIR_OPTION, &logDir); if (!found) logDir.Clear(); wxString confDir; found = parser.Found(CONFDIR_OPTION, &confDir); if (!found) confDir = CONF_DIR; wxString name; if (parser.GetParamCount() > 0U) name = parser.GetParam(0U); if (daemon) { pid_t pid = ::fork(); if (pid < 0) { ::fprintf(stderr, "ircddbgatewayd: error in fork(), exiting\n"); ::wxUninitialize(); return 1; } // If this is the parent, exit if (pid > 0) return 0; // We are the child from here onwards ::setsid(); ::chdir("/"); ::umask(0); } CIRCDDBGatewayAppD gateway(nolog, logDir, confDir, name); if (!gateway.init()) { ::wxUninitialize(); return 1; }; ::wxUninitialize(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int index; int c; std::string ptp_dev("tun0"); std::string app_name("tunnel"); std::string endpoint("dtn:none"); unsigned int lifetime = 60; bool daemonize = false; bool stop_daemon = false; std::string pidfile; bool throughput = false; #ifdef HAVE_LIBDAEMON while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, "td:s:l:hDkp:")) != -1) #else while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, "td:s:l:h")) != -1) #endif switch (c) { #ifdef HAVE_LIBDAEMON case 'D': daemonize = true; break; case 'k': daemonize = true; stop_daemon = true; break; case 'p': pidfile = optarg; break; #endif case 'd': ptp_dev = optarg; break; case 't': throughput = true; break; case 's': app_name = optarg; break; case 'l': lifetime = atoi(optarg); break; default: print_help(argv[0]); return 1; } int optindex = 0; for (index = optind; index < argc; ++index) { switch (optindex) { case 0: endpoint = std::string(argv[index]); break; } optindex++; } // print help if not enough parameters are set if (!stop_daemon && (optindex < 1)) { print_help(argv[0]); exit(0); } // catch process signals ibrcommon::SignalHandler sighandler(term); sighandler.handle(SIGINT); sighandler.handle(SIGTERM); sighandler.handle(SIGQUIT); //initialize sighandler after possible exit call sighandler.initialize(); // logging options //const unsigned char logopts = ibrcommon::Logger::LOG_DATETIME | ibrcommon::Logger::LOG_LEVEL; const unsigned char logopts = 0; // error filter const unsigned char logerr = ibrcommon::Logger::LOGGER_ERR | ibrcommon::Logger::LOGGER_CRIT; // logging filter, everything but debug, err and crit const unsigned char logstd = ibrcommon::Logger::LOGGER_ALL ^ (ibrcommon::Logger::LOGGER_DEBUG | logerr); // syslog filter, everything but DEBUG and NOTICE const unsigned char logsys = ibrcommon::Logger::LOGGER_ALL ^ (ibrcommon::Logger::LOGGER_DEBUG | ibrcommon::Logger::LOGGER_NOTICE); #ifdef HAVE_LIBDAEMON if (daemonize) { // enable syslog logging ibrcommon::Logger::enableSyslog(argv[0], LOG_PID, LOG_DAEMON, logsys); } else #endif { // add logging to the cout ibrcommon::Logger::addStream(std::cout, logstd, logopts); // add logging to the cerr ibrcommon::Logger::addStream(std::cerr, logerr, logopts); } #ifdef HAVE_LIBDAEMON if (daemonize) { #ifdef HAVE_DAEMON_RESET_SIGS /* Reset signal handlers */ if (daemon_reset_sigs(-1) < 0) { IBRCOMMON_LOGGER_TAG("Core", error) << "Failed to reset all signal handlers: " << strerror(errno) << IBRCOMMON_LOGGER_ENDL; return 1; } /* Unblock signals */ if (daemon_unblock_sigs(-1) < 0) { IBRCOMMON_LOGGER_TAG("Core", error) << "Failed to unblock all signals: " << strerror(errno) << IBRCOMMON_LOGGER_ENDL; return 1; } #endif pid_t pid; /* Set identification string for the daemon for both syslog and PID file */ daemon_pid_file_ident = daemon_log_ident = daemon_ident_from_argv0(argv[0]); /* set the pid file path */ if (pidfile.length() > 0) { __daemon_pidfile__ = new char[pidfile.length() + 1]; ::strcpy(__daemon_pidfile__, pidfile.c_str()); daemon_pid_file_proc = __daemon_pid_file_proc__; } /* Check if we are called with -k parameter */ if (stop_daemon) { int ret; /* Kill daemon with SIGTERM */ /* Check if the new function daemon_pid_file_kill_wait() is available, if it is, use it. */ if ((ret = daemon_pid_file_kill_wait(SIGTERM, 5)) < 0) IBRCOMMON_LOGGER_TAG("Core", warning) << "Failed to kill daemon: " << strerror(errno) << IBRCOMMON_LOGGER_ENDL; return ret < 0 ? 1 : 0; } /* Check that the daemon is not rung twice a the same time */ if ((pid = daemon_pid_file_is_running()) >= 0) { IBRCOMMON_LOGGER_TAG("Core", error) << "Daemon already running on PID file " << pid << IBRCOMMON_LOGGER_ENDL; return 1; } /* Prepare for return value passing from the initialization procedure of the daemon process */ if (daemon_retval_init() < 0) { IBRCOMMON_LOGGER_TAG("Core", error) << "Failed to create pipe." << IBRCOMMON_LOGGER_ENDL; return 1; } /* Do the fork */ if ((pid = daemon_fork()) < 0) { /* Exit on error */ daemon_retval_done(); return 1; } else if (pid) { /* The parent */ int ret; /* Wait for 20 seconds for the return value passed from the daemon process */ if ((ret = daemon_retval_wait(20)) < 0) { IBRCOMMON_LOGGER_TAG("Core", error) << "Could not recieve return value from daemon process: " << strerror(errno) << IBRCOMMON_LOGGER_ENDL; return 255; } return ret; } else { /* The daemon */ /* Close FDs */ if (daemon_close_all(-1) < 0) { IBRCOMMON_LOGGER_TAG("Core", error) << "Failed to close all file descriptors: " << strerror(errno) << IBRCOMMON_LOGGER_ENDL; /* Send the error condition to the parent process */ daemon_retval_send(1); /* Do a cleanup */ daemon_retval_send(255); daemon_signal_done(); daemon_pid_file_remove(); return -1; } /* Create the PID file */ if (daemon_pid_file_create() < 0) { IBRCOMMON_LOGGER_TAG("Core", error) << "Could not create PID file ( " << strerror(errno) << ")." << IBRCOMMON_LOGGER_ENDL; daemon_retval_send(2); /* Do a cleanup */ daemon_retval_send(255); daemon_signal_done(); daemon_pid_file_remove(); return -1; } /* Send OK to parent process */ daemon_retval_send(0); } } #endif IBRCOMMON_LOGGER_TAG("Core", info) << "IBR-DTN IP <-> Bundle Tunnel" << IBRCOMMON_LOGGER_ENDL; // create a connection to the dtn daemon ibrcommon::vaddress addr("localhost", 4550); ibrcommon::socketstream conn(new ibrcommon::tcpsocket(addr)); try { // set-up tun2bundle gateway TUN2BundleGateway gateway(app_name, conn, ptp_dev); _gateway = &gateway; IBRCOMMON_LOGGER_TAG("Core", info) << "Local: " << app_name << IBRCOMMON_LOGGER_ENDL; IBRCOMMON_LOGGER_TAG("Core", info) << "Peer: " << endpoint << IBRCOMMON_LOGGER_ENDL; IBRCOMMON_LOGGER_TAG("Core", info) << "Device: " << gateway.getDeviceName() << IBRCOMMON_LOGGER_ENDL; IBRCOMMON_LOGGER_TAG("Core", notice) << IBRCOMMON_LOGGER_ENDL; IBRCOMMON_LOGGER_TAG("Core", notice) << "Now you need to set-up the ip tunnel. You can use commands like this:" << IBRCOMMON_LOGGER_ENDL; IBRCOMMON_LOGGER_TAG("Core", notice) << "# sudo ip link set " << gateway.getDeviceName() << " up mtu 65535" << IBRCOMMON_LOGGER_ENDL; IBRCOMMON_LOGGER_TAG("Core", notice) << "# sudo ip addr add dev " << gateway.getDeviceName() << IBRCOMMON_LOGGER_ENDL; IBRCOMMON_LOGGER_TAG("Core", notice) << IBRCOMMON_LOGGER_ENDL; timer_t timerid; struct sigevent sev; if (!daemonize && throughput) { // enable throughput timer signal(SIGRTMIN, timer_display_throughput); sev.sigev_notify = SIGEV_SIGNAL; sev.sigev_signo = SIGRTMIN; sev.sigev_value.sival_ptr = &timerid; // create a timer timer_create(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &sev, &timerid); // arm the timer struct itimerspec its; size_t freq_nanosecs = 200000000; its.it_value.tv_sec = freq_nanosecs / 1000000000;; its.it_value.tv_nsec = freq_nanosecs % 1000000000; its.it_interval.tv_sec = its.it_value.tv_sec; its.it_interval.tv_nsec = its.it_value.tv_nsec; if (timer_settime(timerid, 0, &its, NULL) == -1) { IBRCOMMON_LOGGER_TAG("Core", error) << "Timer set failed." << IBRCOMMON_LOGGER_ENDL; } } // destination dtn::data::EID eid(endpoint); while (m_running) { gateway.process(eid, lifetime); } gateway.shutdown(); } catch (const ibrcommon::Exception &ex) { if (m_running) { IBRCOMMON_LOGGER_TAG("Core", error) << ex.what() << IBRCOMMON_LOGGER_ENDL; return -1; } } #ifdef HAVE_LIBDAEMON if (daemonize) { /* Do a cleanup */ IBRCOMMON_LOGGER_TAG("Core", info) << "Stopped " << app_name << IBRCOMMON_LOGGER_ENDL; daemon_retval_send(255); daemon_signal_done(); daemon_pid_file_remove(); } else #endif { std::cout << std::endl; } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int option, inotifyfd; char *env; char *opt_host = NULL; char *configfile = NULL; char *opt_basedir = NULL; env = getenv(ENV_PREFIX"_HOST"); if ((env != NULL) && (strlen(env) != 0)) { if ((opt_host = malloc(strlen(env) + 1)) == NULL) { perror("malloc"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } strcpy(opt_host, env); host = opt_host; } env = getenv(ENV_PREFIX"_SPEED"); if ((env != NULL) && (strlen(env) != 0)) { sscanf(env, "%d", &speed); } env = getenv(ENV_PREFIX"_CONFIG"); if ((env != NULL) && (strlen(env) != 0)) { if ((configfile = malloc(strlen(env) + 1)) == NULL) { perror("malloc"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } strcpy(configfile, env); } env = getenv(ENV_PREFIX"_DIR"); if ((env != NULL) && (strlen(env) != 0)) { if ((opt_basedir = malloc(strlen(env) + 1)) == NULL) { perror("malloc"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } strcpy(opt_basedir, env); basedir = opt_basedir; } opterr = 1; while (1) { option = getopt(argc, argv, "h:s:c:d:"); if (option == -1) break; switch (option) { case 'h': if ((opt_host = malloc(strlen(optarg) + 1)) == NULL) { perror("malloc"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } strcpy(opt_host, optarg); host = opt_host; break; case 's': sscanf(optarg, "%d", &speed); break; case 'c': if ((configfile = malloc(strlen(optarg) + 1)) == NULL) { perror("malloc"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } strcpy(configfile, optarg); break; case 'd': if ((opt_basedir = malloc(strlen(optarg) + 1)) == NULL) { perror("malloc"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } strcpy(opt_basedir, optarg); basedir = opt_basedir; break; case '?': usage(argv[0]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); default: break; } } printf("Gateway settings:\n"); printf("\tHost: %s\n", host); printf("\tSpeed: %d\n", speed); printf("\tMonitoring device in: %s\n", basedir); if (configfile) { printf("\tConfig file: %s\n", configfile); if (loadports(configfile) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Warning: using defaults ports instead\n"); } } if (addexistingdevices(basedir) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Warning: already connected device not managed\n"); } if ((inotifyfd = getinotifyfd(basedir)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Warning: monitoring disabled"); } gateway(inotifyfd); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { //Setting the signals to trigger the cleanup function signal(SIGTERM, Cleanup); signal(SIGINT, Cleanup); //Define and process command line arguments std::string log_dir; std::string gateway_socket_url; bool gateway_socket_url_defined; bool nanomsg; ArgParse::ArgParser arg_parser("KSync Server - Server side of a Client-Server synchonization system using rsync."); KSync::Utilities::set_up_common_arguments_and_defaults(arg_parser, log_dir, gateway_socket_url, gateway_socket_url_defined, nanomsg); int status; if((status = arg_parser.ParseArgs(argc, argv)) < 0) { printf("Problem parsing arguments\n"); arg_parser.PrintHelp(); return -1; } if(arg_parser.HelpPrinted()) { return 0; } if (log_dir == "") { if(KSync::Utilities::get_user_ksync_dir(log_dir) < 0) { printf("There was a problem getting the ksync user directory!\n"); return -2; } } //Initialize logging: std::unique_ptr<g3::LogWorker> logworker; KSync::InitializeLogger(logworker, true, "KSync Server", log_dir); //Get gateway URL if (KSync::Utilities::GetGatewaySocketURL(gateway_socket_url, gateway_socket_url_defined) < 0) { LOGF(SEVERE, "There was a problem getting the gateway socket URL!"); return -2; } LOGF(INFO, "Using the following socket url: %s", gateway_socket_url.c_str()); //Initialize communication system std::shared_ptr<KSync::Comm::CommSystemInterface> comm_system; if (KSync::Utilities::GetCommSystem(comm_system, nanomsg) < 0) { LOGF(SEVERE, "There was a problem initializing the comm system!"); return -2; } //Initialize command system std::shared_ptr<KSync::Commanding::SystemInterface> command_system(new KSync::Commanding::PSCommandSystem()); //Initialize Gateway Thread socket std::shared_ptr<KSync::Comm::CommSystemSocket> gateway_thread_socket; if (comm_system->Create_Pair_Socket(gateway_thread_socket, 10) < 0) { LOGF(SEVERE, "There was a problem creating the gateway thread socket!"); return -3; } std::string gateway_thread_socket_url; if(KSync::Utilities::get_default_gateway_thread_url(gateway_thread_socket_url) < 0) { LOGF(SEVERE, "There was a problem getting the default gateway thread socket url!"); return -4; } if(gateway_thread_socket->Bind(gateway_thread_socket_url) < 0) { LOGF(SEVERE, "There was a problem binding the gateway thread socket!"); return -5; } //Launch Gateway Thread std::thread gateway(KSync::Server::gateway_thread, comm_system, gateway_thread_socket_url, gateway_socket_url); //Acknowledge connection std::shared_ptr<KSync::Comm::CommObject> herald_obj; status = gateway_thread_socket->Recv(herald_obj); if(status == KSync::Comm::CommSystemSocket::Other) { LOGF(SEVERE, "Didn't receive connect herald!"); return -6; } else if ((status == KSync::Comm::CommSystemSocket::Timeout)|| (status == KSync::Comm::CommSystemSocket::EmptyMessage)) { LOGF(SEVERE, "Herald retreive timed out!!!"); return -7; } else { if(herald_obj->GetType() == KSync::Comm::SocketConnectHerald::Type) { KSync::Comm::SocketConnectAcknowledge ack; std::shared_ptr<KSync::Comm::CommObject> ack_obj = ack.GetCommObject(); status = gateway_thread_socket->Send(ack_obj); if(status == KSync::Comm::CommSystemSocket::Other) { LOGF(SEVERE, "Couldn't send Acknowledgement!"); return -7; } else if (status == KSync::Comm::CommSystemSocket::Timeout) { LOGF(SEVERE, "Retreival of Ack timed out!!"); return -8; } } else { LOGF(SEVERE, "Didn't get a herald type (%i)!!\n", herald_obj->GetType()); return -8; } } KSync::Comm::ClientCommunicatorList client_communicators; while(!finished) { //Check gateway thread std::shared_ptr<KSync::Comm::CommObject> recv_obj; status = gateway_thread_socket->Recv(recv_obj); if(status == KSync::Comm::CommSystemSocket::Other) { LOGF(SEVERE,"There was a problem checking the gateway thread socket!"); return -9; } else if (status == KSync::Comm::CommSystemSocket::Timeout) { } else if (status == KSync::Comm::CommSystemSocket::EmptyMessage) { } else { // Handle connection request!! if(recv_obj->GetType() == KSync::Comm::GatewaySocketInitializationRequest::Type) { LOGF(INFO, "Received a connection request!"); std::shared_ptr<KSync::Comm::GatewaySocketInitializationRequest> request; KSync::Comm::CommCreator(request, recv_obj); LOGF(INFO, "Received client id: (%lu)\n",request->GetClientId()); std::shared_ptr<KSync::Comm::ClientCommunicator> client_communicator = client_communicators.find_first_if(request->GetClientId()); if(client_communicator == nullptr) { LOGF(INFO, "Generating new client socket!"); //Don't have a client with that ID yet! Handle creation of new socket client_communicator.reset(new KSync::Comm::ClientCommunicator(comm_system, request->GetClientId(), true)); //std::string new_socket_url; //if(KSync::Utilities::get_client_socket_url(new_socket_url, request->GetClientId()) < 0) { // LOGF(SEVERE, "Error! Couldn't get the client socket url!"); // return -10; //} //std::shared_ptr<KSync::Comm::CommSystemSocket> client_socket; //if (comm_system->Create_Pair_Socket(client_socket) < 0) { // LOGF(SEVERE, "There was a problem creating the gateway thread socket!"); // return -10; //} //if (client_socket->SetRecvTimeout(1000) < 0) { // LOGF(SEVERE, "There was a problem setting the recv timeout!"); // return -10; //} //if(client_socket->Bind(new_socket_url) < 0) { // LOGF(SEVERE, "There was a problem binding the gateway thread socket!"); // return -10; //} client_communicators.push_front(*client_communicator); KSync::Comm::ClientSocketCreation socket_message; socket_message.SetClientUrl(new_socket_url); socket_message.SetBroadcastUrl(broadcast_url); std::shared_ptr<KSync::Comm::CommObject> socket_message_obj = socket_message.GetCommObject(); LOGF(INFO, "Sending new client socket address!"); status = gateway_thread_socket->Send(socket_message_obj); if(status == KSync::Comm::CommSystemSocket::Other) { LOGF(SEVERE, "Couldn't send response!"); return -11; } else if (status == KSync::Comm::CommSystemSocket::Timeout) { LOGF(SEVERE, "Sending response timed out!!"); return -12; } } else { //We have a client with that ID! LOGF(WARNING, "We already have a client with ID (%lu)!\n", request->GetClientId()); KSync::Comm::GatewaySocketInitializationChangeId response; std::shared_ptr<KSync::Comm::CommObject> resp_obj = response.GetCommObject(); status = gateway_thread_socket->Send(resp_obj); if(status == KSync::Comm::CommSystemSocket::Other) { LOGF(SEVERE, "There was a problem sending a response to the gateway thread socket!"); return -11; } else if (status == KSync::Comm::CommSystemSocket::Timeout) { LOGF(SEVERE, "Sending response timedout!!"); return -12; } } } else { LOGF(SEVERE, "Unsupported message from gateway thread! (%i) (%s)\n", recv_obj->GetType(), KSync::Comm::GetTypeName(recv_obj->GetType())); return -11; } } //Check client sockets for(auto client_socket_it = client_sockets.begin(); client_socket_it != client_sockets.end(); ++client_socket_it) { //Check for incoming messages recv_obj = 0; std::shared_ptr<KSync::Comm::CommSystemSocket> client_socket = client_socket_it->second; status = client_socket->Recv(recv_obj); if(status == KSync::Comm::CommSystemSocket::Other) { LOGF(WARNING, "There was a problem receiving a message from a client socket!"); } else if ((status == KSync::Comm::CommSystemSocket::Timeout)||(status == KSync::Comm::CommSystemSocket::EmptyMessage)) { } else { if(recv_obj->GetType() == KSync::Comm::CommString::Type) { std::shared_ptr<KSync::Comm::CommString> message; KSync::Comm::CommCreator(message, recv_obj); LOGF(INFO, "Got message (%s)\n", message->c_str()); std::shared_ptr<KSync::Comm::CommObject> send_obj = message->GetCommObject(); status = client_socket->Send(send_obj); if(status == KSync::Comm::CommSystemSocket::Other) { LOGF(WARNING, "There was a problem sending a message on a client socket!"); } else if (status == KSync::Comm::CommSystemSocket::Timeout) { LOGF(WARNING, "Sending a message on a client socket timed out!"); } } else if (recv_obj->GetType() == KSync::Comm::ShutdownRequest::Type) { finished = true; KSync::Comm::ShutdownAck shutdown_ack; std::shared_ptr<KSync::Comm::CommObject> shutdown_obj = shutdown_ack.GetCommObject(); status = client_socket->Send(shutdown_obj); if(status == KSync::Comm::CommSystemSocket::Other) { LOGF(WARNING, "There was a problem sending the shutdown ack"); } else if (status == KSync::Comm::CommSystemSocket::Timeout) { LOGF(WARNING, "There was a timeout sending the shutdown ack"); } } else if (recv_obj->GetType() == KSync::Comm::ExecuteCommand::Type) { std::shared_ptr<KSync::Comm::ExecuteCommand> exec_com; KSync::Comm::CommCreator(exec_com, recv_obj); LOGF(INFO, "Received command (%s)\n", exec_com->c_str()); std::shared_ptr<KSync::Commanding::ExecutionContext> command_context = command_system->GetExecutionContext(); command_context->LaunchCommand(exec_com->c_str()); std::string std_out; std::string std_err; command_context->GetOutput(std_out, std_err); KSync::Comm::CommandOutput com_out; com_out.SetStdout(std_out); com_out.SetStderr(std_err); com_out.SetReturnCode(command_context->GetReturnCode()); std::shared_ptr<KSync::Comm::CommObject> test_resp = com_out.GetCommObject(); status = client_socket->Send(test_resp); if(status != KSync::Comm::CommSystemSocket::Success) { LOGF(WARNING, "There was a problem sending the test reponse!"); } } } } } // Shutting down // Broadcast shutdown message KSync::Comm::ServerShuttingDown shutdown_message; std::shared_ptr<KSync::Comm::CommObject> shutdown_obj = shutdown_message.GetCommObject(); status = broadcast_socket->Send(shutdown_obj); if(status == KSync::Comm::CommSystemSocket::Other) { LOGF(WARNING, "There was a problem sending the shutdown message!"); } else if (status == KSync::Comm::CommSystemSocket::Timeout) { LOGF(WARNING, "There was a timeout sending the shutdown message!"); } else { LOGF(WARNING, "Shutdown sent!"); } // Shutdown gateway thread status = gateway_thread_socket->Send(shutdown_obj); if(status == KSync::Comm::CommSystemSocket::Other) { LOGF(WARNING, "There was a problem closing down the gateway thread!"); } else if (status == KSync::Comm::CommSystemSocket::Timeout) { LOGF(WARNING, "There was a timeout closing down the gateway thread!"); } //Join gateway thread gateway.join(); return 0; }