Exemple #1
 * Set a breakpoint. We read the value in memory, save it and write a
 * 0xcc in replacement. The usual command to set a bp is not supported
 * by the gdbserver.
void                 gdbwrap_setbp(gdbwrap_t *desc, la32 linaddr, void *datasaved)
  u_char             bp = 0xcc;
  char               *ret;
  unsigned           atohresult;

  ASSERT(desc != NULL && desc != datasaved);
  ret = gdbwrap_readmem(desc, linaddr, 1);
  /* Fix: not clean. ATOH is not clean when returning an unsigned. */
  atohresult = gdbwrap_atoh(ret, 2 * 1);
  memcpy(datasaved, &atohresult, 1);
  gdbwrap_writemem(desc, linaddr, &bp, sizeof(u_char));
Exemple #2
static int __write(RIO *io, RIODesc *fd, const ut8 *buf, int count) {
	gdbwrap_writemem (RIOGDB_DESC (fd), io->off, (void *)buf, count);
	return count;
Exemple #3
void                 gdbwrap_delbp(gdbwrap_t *desc, la32 linaddr, void *datasaved)
  gdbwrap_writemem(desc, linaddr, datasaved, sizeof(u_char));