Exemple #1
// ToGenTree - Convert a "condition" into a gentree node.
// Arguments:
//      comp    Compiler instance to allocate trees
// Return Values:
//      Returns the gen tree representation for the conditional operator on lhs and rhs trees
GenTreePtr LC_Condition::ToGenTree(Compiler* comp)
    GenTree* op1Tree = op1.ToGenTree(comp);
    GenTree* op2Tree = op2.ToGenTree(comp);
    assert(genTypeSize(genActualType(op1Tree->TypeGet())) == genTypeSize(genActualType(op2Tree->TypeGet())));
    return comp->gtNewOperNode(oper, TYP_INT, op1Tree, op2Tree);
// LowerStoreLoc: Lower a store of a lclVar
// Arguments:
//    storeLoc - the local store (GT_STORE_LCL_FLD or GT_STORE_LCL_VAR)
// Notes:
//    This involves:
//    - Widening operations of unsigneds.
void Lowering::LowerStoreLoc(GenTreeLclVarCommon* storeLoc)
    // Try to widen the ops if they are going into a local var.
    GenTree* op1 = storeLoc->gtGetOp1();
    if ((storeLoc->gtOper == GT_STORE_LCL_VAR) && (op1->gtOper == GT_CNS_INT))
        GenTreeIntCon* con    = op1->AsIntCon();
        ssize_t        ival   = con->gtIconVal;
        unsigned       varNum = storeLoc->gtLclNum;
        LclVarDsc*     varDsc = comp->lvaTable + varNum;

        if (varDsc->lvIsSIMDType())
            noway_assert(storeLoc->gtType != TYP_STRUCT);
        unsigned size = genTypeSize(storeLoc);
        // If we are storing a constant into a local variable
        // we extend the size of the store here
        if ((size < 4) && !varTypeIsStruct(varDsc))
            if (!varTypeIsUnsigned(varDsc))
                if (genTypeSize(storeLoc) == 1)
                    if ((ival & 0x7f) != ival)
                        ival = ival | 0xffffff00;
                    assert(genTypeSize(storeLoc) == 2);
                    if ((ival & 0x7fff) != ival)
                        ival = ival | 0xffff0000;

            // A local stack slot is at least 4 bytes in size, regardless of
            // what the local var is typed as, so auto-promote it here
            // unless it is a field of a promoted struct
            // TODO-CQ: if the field is promoted shouldn't we also be able to do this?
            if (!varDsc->lvIsStructField)
                storeLoc->gtType = TYP_INT;
    if (storeLoc->OperIs(GT_STORE_LCL_FLD))
        // We should only encounter this for lclVars that are lvDoNotEnregister.
// LowerRotate: Lower GT_ROL and GT_ROR nodes.
// Arguments:
//    tree - the node to lower
// Return Value:
//    None.
void Lowering::LowerRotate(GenTree* tree)
    if (tree->OperGet() == GT_ROL)
        // There is no ROL instruction on ARM. Convert ROL into ROR.
        GenTree* rotatedValue        = tree->gtOp.gtOp1;
        unsigned rotatedValueBitSize = genTypeSize(rotatedValue->gtType) * 8;
        GenTree* rotateLeftIndexNode = tree->gtOp.gtOp2;

        if (rotateLeftIndexNode->IsCnsIntOrI())
            ssize_t rotateLeftIndex                 = rotateLeftIndexNode->gtIntCon.gtIconVal;
            ssize_t rotateRightIndex                = rotatedValueBitSize - rotateLeftIndex;
            rotateLeftIndexNode->gtIntCon.gtIconVal = rotateRightIndex;
            GenTree* tmp = comp->gtNewOperNode(GT_NEG, genActualType(rotateLeftIndexNode->gtType), rotateLeftIndexNode);
            BlockRange().InsertAfter(rotateLeftIndexNode, tmp);
            tree->gtOp.gtOp2 = tmp;
Exemple #4
// DecomposeInd: Decompose GT_IND.
// Arguments:
//    use - the LIR::Use object for the def that needs to be decomposed.
// Return Value:
//    The next node to process.
GenTree* DecomposeLongs::DecomposeInd(LIR::Use& use)
    GenTree* indLow = use.Def();

    LIR::Use address(Range(), &indLow->gtOp.gtOp1, indLow);
    address.ReplaceWithLclVar(m_compiler, m_blockWeight);
    JITDUMP("[DecomposeInd]: Saving addr tree to a temp var:\n");
    DISPTREERANGE(Range(), address.Def());

    // Change the type of lower ind.
    indLow->gtType = TYP_INT;

    // Create tree of ind(addr+4)
    GenTreePtr addrBase     = indLow->gtGetOp1();
    GenTreePtr addrBaseHigh = new (m_compiler, GT_LCL_VAR)
    GenTreeLclVar(GT_LCL_VAR, addrBase->TypeGet(), addrBase->AsLclVarCommon()->GetLclNum(), BAD_IL_OFFSET);
    GenTreePtr addrHigh =
        new (m_compiler, GT_LEA) GenTreeAddrMode(TYP_REF, addrBaseHigh, nullptr, 0, genTypeSize(TYP_INT));
    GenTreePtr indHigh = new (m_compiler, GT_IND) GenTreeIndir(GT_IND, TYP_INT, addrHigh, nullptr);


    Range().InsertAfter(indLow, addrBaseHigh, addrHigh, indHigh);

    return FinalizeDecomposition(use, indLow, indHigh);
Exemple #5
// DecomposeInd: Decompose GT_IND.
// Arguments:
//    tree - the tree to decompose
// Return Value:
//    None.
void DecomposeLongs::DecomposeInd(GenTree** ppTree, Compiler::fgWalkData* data)
    GenTreePtr indLow = *ppTree;
    GenTreeStmt* addrStmt = CreateTemporary(&indLow->gtOp.gtOp1);
    JITDUMP("[DecomposeInd]: Saving addr tree to a temp var:\n");

    // Change the type of lower ind.
    indLow->gtType = TYP_INT;

    // Create tree of ind(addr+4)
    GenTreePtr addrBase = indLow->gtGetOp1();
    GenTreePtr addrBaseHigh = new(m_compiler, GT_LCL_VAR) GenTreeLclVar(GT_LCL_VAR,
        addrBase->TypeGet(), addrBase->AsLclVarCommon()->GetLclNum(), BAD_IL_OFFSET);
    GenTreePtr addrHigh = new(m_compiler, GT_LEA) GenTreeAddrMode(TYP_REF, addrBaseHigh, nullptr, 0, genTypeSize(TYP_INT));
    GenTreePtr indHigh = new (m_compiler, GT_IND) GenTreeIndir(GT_IND, TYP_INT, addrHigh, nullptr);
    // Connect linear links
    SimpleLinkNodeAfter(addrBaseHigh, addrHigh);
    SimpleLinkNodeAfter(addrHigh, indHigh);

    FinalizeDecomposition(ppTree, data, indLow, indHigh);
Exemple #6
// DecomposeStoreInd: Decompose GT_STOREIND.
// Arguments:
//    tree - the tree to decompose
// Return Value:
//    None.
void DecomposeLongs::DecomposeStoreInd(GenTree** ppTree, Compiler::fgWalkData* data)
    assert(ppTree != nullptr);
    assert(*ppTree != nullptr);
    assert(data != nullptr);
    assert((*ppTree)->OperGet() == GT_STOREIND);
    assert(m_compiler->compCurStmt != nullptr);

    GenTree* tree = *ppTree;

    assert(tree->gtOp.gtOp2->OperGet() == GT_LONG);

    GenTreeStmt* curStmt = m_compiler->compCurStmt->AsStmt();
    bool isEmbeddedStmt = !curStmt->gtStmtIsTopLevel();

    // Example input trees (a nested embedded statement case)
    //   <linkBegin Node>
    //   *  stmtExpr  void  (top level) (IL   ???...  ???)
    //   |  /--*  argPlace  ref    $280
    //   |  +--*  argPlace  int    $4a
    //   |  |  {  *  stmtExpr  void  (embedded) (IL   ???...  ???)
    //   |  |  {  |     /--*  lclVar    ref    V11 tmp9         u:3 $21c
    //   |  |  {  |     +--*  const     int    4 $44
    //   |  |  {  |  /--*  +         byref  $2c8
    //   |  |  {  |  |     {  *  stmtExpr  void  (embedded) (IL   ???...  ???)
    //   |  |  {  |  |     {  |  /--*  lclFld    long   V01 arg1         u:2[+8] Fseq[i] $380
    //   |  |  {  |  |     {  \--*  st.lclVar long  (P) V21 cse8
    //   |  |  {  |  |     {  \--*    int    V21.hi (offs=0x00) -> V22 rat0    
    //   |  |  {  |  |     {  \--*    int    V21.hi (offs=0x04) -> V23 rat1    
    //   |  |  {  |  |  /--*  lclVar    int    V22 rat0          $380
    //   |  |  {  |  |  +--*  lclVar    int    V23 rat1
    //   |  |  {  |  +--*  gt_long   long
    //   |  |  {  \--*  storeIndir long
    //   |  +--*  lclVar    ref    V11 tmp9         u:3 (last use) $21c
    //   |  +--*  lclVar    ref    V02 tmp0         u:3 $280
    //   |  +--*  const     int    8 $4a
    //   \--*  call help void   HELPER.CORINFO_HELP_ARRADDR_ST $205
    //  <linkEndNode>
    // (editor brace matching compensation: }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}})

    GenTree* linkBegin = m_compiler->fgGetFirstNode(tree)->gtPrev;
    GenTree* linkEnd = tree->gtNext;
    GenTree* gtLong = tree->gtOp.gtOp2;

    // Save address to a temp. It is used in storeIndLow and storeIndHigh trees.
    GenTreeStmt* addrStmt = CreateTemporary(&tree->gtOp.gtOp1);
    JITDUMP("[DecomposeStoreInd]: Saving address tree to a temp var:\n");

    if (!gtLong->gtOp.gtOp1->OperIsLeaf())
        GenTreeStmt* dataLowStmt = CreateTemporary(&gtLong->gtOp.gtOp1);
        JITDUMP("[DecomposeStoreInd]: Saving low data tree to a temp var:\n");

    if (!gtLong->gtOp.gtOp2->OperIsLeaf())
        GenTreeStmt* dataHighStmt = CreateTemporary(&gtLong->gtOp.gtOp2);
        JITDUMP("[DecomposeStoreInd]: Saving high data tree to a temp var:\n");

    // Example trees after embedded statements for address and data are added.
    // This example saves all address and data trees into temp variables 
    // to show how those embedded statements are created.
    //  *  stmtExpr  void  (top level) (IL   ???...  ???)
    //  |  /--*  argPlace  ref    $280
    //  |  +--*  argPlace  int    $4a
    //  |  |  {  *  stmtExpr  void  (embedded) (IL   ???...  ???)
    //  |  |  {  |     /--*  lclVar    ref    V11 tmp9         u:3 $21c
    //  |  |  {  |     +--*  const     int    4 $44
    //  |  |  {  |  /--*  +         byref  $2c8
    //  |  |  {  \--*  st.lclVar byref  V24 rat2
    //  |  |  {  *  stmtExpr  void  (embedded) (IL   ???...  ???)
    //  |  |  {  |  /--*  lclVar    byref  V24 rat2
    //  |  |  {  |  |     {  *  stmtExpr  void  (embedded) (IL   ???...  ???)
    //  |  |  {  |  |     {  |  /--*  lclFld    long   V01 arg1         u:2[+8] Fseq[i] $380380
    //  |  |  {  |  |     {  \--*  st.lclVar long  (P) V21 cse8
    //  |  |  {  |  |     {  \--*    int    V21.hi (offs=0x00) -> V22 rat0
    //  |  |  {  |  |     {  \--*    int    V21.hi (offs=0x04) -> V23 rat1
    //  |  |  {  |  |     {  *  stmtExpr  void  (embedded) (IL   ???...  ???)
    //  |  |  {  |  |     {  |  /--*  lclVar    int    V22 rat0          $380
    //  |  |  {  |  |     {  \--*  st.lclVar int    V25 rat3
    //  |  |  {  |  |  /--*  lclVar    int    V25 rat3
    //  |  |  {  |  |  |  {  *  stmtExpr  void  (embedded) (IL   ???...  ???)
    //  |  |  {  |  |  |  {  |  /--*  lclVar    int    V23 rat1
    //  |  |  {  |  |  |  {  \--*  st.lclVar int    V26 rat4
    //  |  |  {  |  |  +--*  lclVar    int    V26 rat4
    //  |  |  {  |  +--*  gt_long   long
    //  |  |  {  \--*  storeIndir long
    //  |  +--*  lclVar    ref    V11 tmp9         u:3 (last use) $21c
    //  |  +--*  lclVar    ref    V02 tmp0         u:3 $280
    //  |  +--*  const     int    8 $4a
    //  \--*  call help void   HELPER.CORINFO_HELP_ARRADDR_ST $205
    // (editor brace matching compensation: }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}})

    GenTree* addrBase = tree->gtOp.gtOp1;
    GenTree* dataHigh = gtLong->gtOp.gtOp2;
    GenTree* dataLow = gtLong->gtOp.gtOp1;
    GenTree* storeIndLow = tree;

    // Rewrite storeIndLow tree to save only lower 32-bit data.
    //  |  |  {  |  /--*  lclVar    byref  V24 rat2   (address)
    //  ...
    //  |  |  {  |  +--*  lclVar    int    V25 rat3   (lower 32-bit data)
    //  |  |  {  |  {  *  stmtExpr  void  (embedded) (IL   ???...  ???)
    //  |  |  {  |  {  |  /--*  lclVar    int    V23 rat1
    //  |  |  {  |  {  \--*  st.lclVar int    V26 rat4
    //  |  |  {  \--*  storeIndir int
    // (editor brace matching compensation: }}}}}}}}})

    m_compiler->fgSnipNode(curStmt, gtLong);
    m_compiler->fgSnipNode(curStmt, dataHigh);
    storeIndLow->gtOp.gtOp2 = dataLow;
    storeIndLow->gtType = TYP_INT;

    // Construct storeIndHigh tree
    // | | {  *stmtExpr  void  (embedded)(IL ? ? ? ... ? ? ? )
    // | | { | / --*  lclVar    int    V26 rat4
    // | | { | | / --*  lclVar    byref  V24 rat2
    // | | { | +--*  lea(b + 4)  ref
    // | | {  \--*  storeIndir int
    // (editor brace matching compensation: }}}}})

    GenTree* addrBaseHigh = new(m_compiler, GT_LCL_VAR) GenTreeLclVar(GT_LCL_VAR, 
        addrBase->TypeGet(), addrBase->AsLclVarCommon()->GetLclNum(), BAD_IL_OFFSET);
    GenTree* addrHigh = new(m_compiler, GT_LEA) GenTreeAddrMode(TYP_REF, addrBaseHigh, nullptr, 0, genTypeSize(TYP_INT));
    GenTree* storeIndHigh = new(m_compiler, GT_STOREIND) GenTreeStoreInd(TYP_INT, addrHigh, dataHigh);
    storeIndHigh->gtFlags = (storeIndLow->gtFlags & (GTF_ALL_EFFECT | GTF_LIVENESS_MASK));
    storeIndHigh->gtFlags |= GTF_REVERSE_OPS;

    // Internal links of storeIndHigh tree
    dataHigh->gtPrev = nullptr;
    dataHigh->gtNext = nullptr;
    SimpleLinkNodeAfter(dataHigh, addrBaseHigh);
    SimpleLinkNodeAfter(addrBaseHigh, addrHigh);
    SimpleLinkNodeAfter(addrHigh, storeIndHigh);
    // External links of storeIndHigh tree
    //dataHigh->gtPrev = nullptr;
    if (isEmbeddedStmt)
        // If storeIndTree is an embedded statement, connect storeIndLow
        // and dataHigh
        storeIndLow->gtNext = dataHigh;
        dataHigh->gtPrev = storeIndLow;
    storeIndHigh->gtNext = linkEnd;
    if (linkEnd != nullptr)
        linkEnd->gtPrev = storeIndHigh;


    // Example final output 
    //  *  stmtExpr  void  (top level) (IL   ???...  ???)
    //  |  /--*  argPlace  ref    $280
    //  |  +--*  argPlace  int    $4a
    //  |  |     {  *  stmtExpr  void  (embedded) (IL   ???...  ???)
    //  |  |     {  |     /--*  lclVar    ref    V11 tmp9         u:3 $21c
    //  |  |     {  |     +--*  const     int    4 $44
    //  |  |     {  |  /--*  +         byref  $2c8
    //  |  |     {  \--*  st.lclVar byref  V24 rat2
    //  |  |     {  *  stmtExpr  void  (embedded) (IL   ???...  ???)
    //  |  |     {  |  /--*  lclVar    byref  V24 rat2
    //  |  |     {  |  |  {  *  stmtExpr  void  (embedded) (IL   ???...  ???)
    //  |  |     {  |  |  {  |     /--*  lclFld    int    V01 arg1         u:2[+8] Fseq[i] $380
    //  |  |     {  |  |  {  |     +--*  lclFld    int    V01 arg1         [+12]
    //  |  |     {  |  |  {  |  /--*  gt_long   long
    //  |  |     {  |  |  {  \--*  st.lclVar long  (P) V21 cse8
    //  |  |     {  |  |  {  \--*    int    V21.hi (offs=0x00) -> V22 rat0    
    //  |  |     {  |  |  {  \--*    int    V21.hi (offs=0x04) -> V23 rat1    
    //  |  |     {  |  |  {  *  stmtExpr  void  (embedded) (IL   ???...  ???)
    //  |  |     {  |  |  {  |  /--*  lclVar    int    V22 rat0          $380
    //  |  |     {  |  |  {  \--*  st.lclVar int    V25 rat3
    //  |  |     {  |  +--*  lclVar    int    V25 rat3
    //  |  |     {  |  {  *  stmtExpr  void  (embedded) (IL   ???...  ???)
    //  |  |     {  |  {  |  /--*  lclVar    int    V23 rat1
    //  |  |     {  |  {  \--*  st.lclVar int    V26 rat4
    //  |  |     {  \--*  storeIndir int
    //  |  |     {  *  stmtExpr  void  (embedded) (IL   ???...  ???)
    //  |  |     {  |  /--*  lclVar    int    V26 rat4
    //  |  |     {  |  |  /--*  lclVar    byref  V24 rat2
    //  |  |     {  |  +--*  lea(b+4)  ref
    //  |  |     {  \--*  storeIndir int
    //  |  |  /--*  lclVar    ref    V11 tmp9         u:3 (last use) $21c
    //  |  +--*  putarg_stk [+0x00] ref
    //  |  |  /--*  lclVar    ref    V02 tmp0         u:3 $280
    //  |  +--*  putarg_reg ref
    //  |  |  /--*  const     int    8 $4a
    //  |  +--*  putarg_reg int
    //  \--*  call help void   HELPER.CORINFO_HELP_ARRADDR_ST $205
    // (editor brace matching compensation: }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}})
Exemple #7
Compiler::fgWalkResult Rationalizer::RewriteNode(GenTree** useEdge, ArrayStack<GenTree*>& parentStack)
    assert(useEdge != nullptr);

    GenTree* node = *useEdge;
    assert(node != nullptr);

#ifdef DEBUG
    const bool isLateArg = (node->gtFlags & GTF_LATE_ARG) != 0;

    // First, remove any preceeding list nodes, which are not otherwise visited by the tree walk.
    // NOTE: GT_FIELD_LIST head nodes, and GT_LIST nodes used by phi nodes will in fact be visited.
    for (GenTree* prev = node->gtPrev; prev != nullptr && prev->OperIsAnyList() && !(prev->OperIsFieldListHead());
         prev          = node->gtPrev)

    // In addition, remove the current node if it is a GT_LIST node that is not an aggregate.
    if (node->OperIsAnyList())
        GenTreeArgList* list = node->AsArgList();
        if (!list->OperIsFieldListHead())
        return Compiler::WALK_CONTINUE;

    LIR::Use use;
    if (parentStack.Height() < 2)
        use = LIR::Use::GetDummyUse(BlockRange(), *useEdge);
        use = LIR::Use(BlockRange(), useEdge, parentStack.Index(1));

    assert(node == use.Def());
    switch (node->OperGet())
        case GT_ASG:

        case GT_BOX:
            // GT_BOX at this level just passes through so get rid of it
            use.ReplaceWith(comp, node->gtGetOp1());

        case GT_ADDR:

        case GT_IND:
            // Clear the `GTF_IND_ASG_LHS` flag, which overlaps with `GTF_IND_REQ_ADDR_IN_REG`.
            node->gtFlags &= ~GTF_IND_ASG_LHS;

            if (varTypeIsSIMD(node))
                RewriteSIMDOperand(use, false);
                // Due to promotion of structs containing fields of type struct with a
                // single scalar type field, we could potentially see IR nodes of the
                // form GT_IND(GT_ADD(lclvarAddr, 0)) where 0 is an offset representing
                // a field-seq. These get folded here.
                // TODO: This code can be removed once JIT implements recursive struct
                // promotion instead of lying about the type of struct field as the type
                // of its single scalar field.
                GenTree* addr = node->AsIndir()->Addr();
                if (addr->OperGet() == GT_ADD && addr->gtGetOp1()->OperGet() == GT_LCL_VAR_ADDR &&
                    GenTreeLclVarCommon* lclVarNode = addr->gtGetOp1()->AsLclVarCommon();
                    unsigned             lclNum     = lclVarNode->GetLclNum();
                    LclVarDsc*           varDsc     = comp->lvaTable + lclNum;
                    if (node->TypeGet() == varDsc->TypeGet())
                        JITDUMP("Rewriting GT_IND(GT_ADD(LCL_VAR_ADDR,0)) to LCL_VAR\n");
                        lclVarNode->gtType = node->TypeGet();
                        use.ReplaceWith(comp, lclVarNode);

        case GT_NOP:
            // fgMorph sometimes inserts NOP nodes between defs and uses
            // supposedly 'to prevent constant folding'. In this case, remove the
            // NOP.
            if (node->gtGetOp1() != nullptr)
                use.ReplaceWith(comp, node->gtGetOp1());

        case GT_COMMA:
            GenTree* op1 = node->gtGetOp1();
            if ((op1->gtFlags & GTF_ALL_EFFECT) == 0)
                // The LHS has no side effects. Remove it.
                bool               isClosed    = false;
                unsigned           sideEffects = 0;
                LIR::ReadOnlyRange lhsRange    = BlockRange().GetTreeRange(op1, &isClosed, &sideEffects);

                // None of the transforms performed herein violate tree order, so these
                // should always be true.
                assert((sideEffects & GTF_ALL_EFFECT) == 0);

                BlockRange().Delete(comp, m_block, std::move(lhsRange));

            GenTree* replacement = node->gtGetOp2();
            if (!use.IsDummyUse())
                use.ReplaceWith(comp, replacement);
                // This is a top-level comma. If the RHS has no side effects we can remove
                // it as well.
                if ((replacement->gtFlags & GTF_ALL_EFFECT) == 0)
                    bool               isClosed    = false;
                    unsigned           sideEffects = 0;
                    LIR::ReadOnlyRange rhsRange    = BlockRange().GetTreeRange(replacement, &isClosed, &sideEffects);

                    // None of the transforms performed herein violate tree order, so these
                    // should always be true.
                    assert((sideEffects & GTF_ALL_EFFECT) == 0);

                    BlockRange().Delete(comp, m_block, std::move(rhsRange));


        case GT_ARGPLACE:
            // Remove argplace and list nodes from the execution order.
            // TODO: remove phi args and phi nodes as well?

#if defined(_TARGET_XARCH_) || defined(_TARGET_ARM_)
        case GT_CLS_VAR:
            // Class vars that are the target of an assignment will get rewritten into
            // GT_STOREIND(GT_CLS_VAR_ADDR, val) by RewriteAssignment. This check is
            // not strictly necessary--the GT_IND(GT_CLS_VAR_ADDR) pattern that would
            // otherwise be generated would also be picked up by RewriteAssignment--but
            // skipping the rewrite here saves an allocation and a bit of extra work.
            const bool isLHSOfAssignment = (use.User()->OperGet() == GT_ASG) && (use.User()->gtGetOp1() == node);
            if (!isLHSOfAssignment)
                GenTree* ind = comp->gtNewOperNode(GT_IND, node->TypeGet(), node);

                node->gtType = TYP_BYREF;

                BlockRange().InsertAfter(node, ind);
                use.ReplaceWith(comp, ind);

                // TODO: JIT dump
#endif // _TARGET_XARCH_

        case GT_INTRINSIC:
            // Non-target intrinsics should have already been rewritten back into user calls.

        case GT_BLK:
        case GT_OBJ:
            // TODO-1stClassStructs: These should have been transformed to GT_INDs, but in order
            // to preserve existing behavior, we will keep this as a block node if this is the
            // lhs of a block assignment, and either:
            // - It is a "generic" TYP_STRUCT assignment, OR
            // - It is an initblk, OR
            // - Neither the lhs or rhs are known to be of SIMD type.

            GenTree* parent  = use.User();
            bool     keepBlk = false;
            if ((parent->OperGet() == GT_ASG) && (node == parent->gtGetOp1()))
                if ((node->TypeGet() == TYP_STRUCT) || parent->OperIsInitBlkOp())
                    keepBlk = true;
                else if (!comp->isAddrOfSIMDType(node->AsBlk()->Addr()))
                    GenTree* dataSrc = parent->gtGetOp2();
                    if (!dataSrc->IsLocal() && (dataSrc->OperGet() != GT_SIMD))
                        keepBlk = !comp->isAddrOfSIMDType(dataSrc->AsIndir()->Addr());
            RewriteSIMDOperand(use, keepBlk);

        case GT_LCL_FLD:
        case GT_STORE_LCL_FLD:
            // TODO-1stClassStructs: Eliminate this.

        case GT_SIMD:
            GenTreeSIMD* simdNode = node->AsSIMD();
            unsigned     simdSize = simdNode->gtSIMDSize;
            var_types    simdType = comp->getSIMDTypeForSize(simdSize);

            // TODO-1stClassStructs: This should be handled more generally for enregistered or promoted
            // structs that are passed or returned in a different register type than their enregistered
            // type(s).
            if (simdNode->gtType == TYP_I_IMPL && simdNode->gtSIMDSize == TARGET_POINTER_SIZE)
                // This happens when it is consumed by a GT_RET_EXPR.
                // It can only be a Vector2f or Vector2i.
                assert(genTypeSize(simdNode->gtSIMDBaseType) == 4);
                simdNode->gtType = TYP_SIMD8;
            // Certain SIMD trees require rationalizing.
            if (simdNode->gtSIMD.gtSIMDIntrinsicID == SIMDIntrinsicInitArray)
                // Rewrite this as an explicit load.
                JITDUMP("Rewriting GT_SIMD array init as an explicit load:\n");
                unsigned int baseTypeSize = genTypeSize(simdNode->gtSIMDBaseType);
                GenTree*     address = new (comp, GT_LEA) GenTreeAddrMode(TYP_BYREF, simdNode->gtOp1, simdNode->gtOp2,
                                                                      baseTypeSize, offsetof(CORINFO_Array, u1Elems));
                GenTree* ind = comp->gtNewOperNode(GT_IND, simdType, address);

                BlockRange().InsertBefore(simdNode, address, ind);
                use.ReplaceWith(comp, ind);

                DISPTREERANGE(BlockRange(), use.Def());
                // This code depends on the fact that NONE of the SIMD intrinsics take vector operands
                // of a different width.  If that assumption changes, we will EITHER have to make these type
                // transformations during importation, and plumb the types all the way through the JIT,
                // OR add a lot of special handling here.
                GenTree* op1 = simdNode->gtGetOp1();
                if (op1 != nullptr && op1->gtType == TYP_STRUCT)
                    op1->gtType = simdType;

                GenTree* op2 = simdNode->gtGetOp2IfPresent();
                if (op2 != nullptr && op2->gtType == TYP_STRUCT)
                    op2->gtType = simdType;
#endif // FEATURE_SIMD

            // JCC nodes should not be present in HIR.
            assert(node->OperGet() != GT_JCC);

    // Do some extra processing on top-level nodes to remove unused local reads.
    if (node->OperIsLocalRead())
        if (use.IsDummyUse())
            // Local reads are side-effect-free; clear any flags leftover from frontend transformations.
            node->gtFlags &= ~GTF_ALL_EFFECT;

    assert(isLateArg == ((use.Def()->gtFlags & GTF_LATE_ARG) != 0));

    return Compiler::WALK_CONTINUE;
Exemple #8
void Rationalizer::RewriteAssignment(LIR::Use& use)

    GenTreeOp* assignment = use.Def()->AsOp();
    assert(assignment->OperGet() == GT_ASG);

    GenTree* location = assignment->gtGetOp1();
    GenTree* value    = assignment->gtGetOp2();

    genTreeOps locationOp = location->OperGet();

    if (assignment->OperIsBlkOp())
        if (varTypeIsSIMD(location) && assignment->OperIsInitBlkOp())
            if (location->OperGet() == GT_LCL_VAR)
                var_types simdType = location->TypeGet();
                GenTree*  initVal  = assignment->gtOp.gtOp2;
                var_types baseType = comp->getBaseTypeOfSIMDLocal(location);
                if (baseType != TYP_UNKNOWN)
                    GenTreeSIMD* simdTree = new (comp, GT_SIMD)
                        GenTreeSIMD(simdType, initVal, SIMDIntrinsicInit, baseType, genTypeSize(simdType));
                    assignment->gtOp.gtOp2 = simdTree;
                    value                  = simdTree;
                    initVal->gtNext        = simdTree;
                    simdTree->gtPrev       = initVal;

                    simdTree->gtNext = location;
                    location->gtPrev = simdTree;
#endif // FEATURE_SIMD
        if ((location->TypeGet() == TYP_STRUCT) && !assignment->IsPhiDefn() && !value->IsMultiRegCall())
            if ((location->OperGet() == GT_LCL_VAR))
                // We need to construct a block node for the location.
                // Modify lcl to be the address form.
                LclVarDsc* varDsc     = &(comp->lvaTable[location->AsLclVarCommon()->gtLclNum]);
                location->gtType      = TYP_BYREF;
                GenTreeBlk*  storeBlk = nullptr;
                unsigned int size     = varDsc->lvExactSize;

                if (varDsc->lvStructGcCount != 0)
                    CORINFO_CLASS_HANDLE structHnd = varDsc->lvVerTypeInfo.GetClassHandle();
                    GenTreeObj*          objNode   = comp->gtNewObjNode(structHnd, location)->AsObj();
                    unsigned int         slots = (unsigned)(roundUp(size, TARGET_POINTER_SIZE) / TARGET_POINTER_SIZE);

                    objNode->SetGCInfo(varDsc->lvGcLayout, varDsc->lvStructGcCount, slots);
                    storeBlk = objNode;
                    storeBlk = new (comp, GT_STORE_BLK) GenTreeBlk(GT_STORE_BLK, TYP_STRUCT, location, value, size);
                storeBlk->gtFlags |= (GTF_REVERSE_OPS | GTF_ASG);
                storeBlk->gtFlags |= ((location->gtFlags | value->gtFlags) & GTF_ALL_EFFECT);

                GenTree* insertionPoint = location->gtNext;
                BlockRange().InsertBefore(insertionPoint, storeBlk);
                use.ReplaceWith(comp, storeBlk);
                JITDUMP("After transforming local struct assignment into a block op:\n");
                DISPTREERANGE(BlockRange(), use.Def());

    switch (locationOp)
        case GT_LCL_VAR:
        case GT_LCL_FLD:
        case GT_REG_VAR:
        case GT_PHI_ARG:
            RewriteAssignmentIntoStoreLclCore(assignment, location, value, locationOp);

        case GT_IND:
            GenTreeStoreInd* store =
                new (comp, GT_STOREIND) GenTreeStoreInd(location->TypeGet(), location->gtGetOp1(), value);

            copyFlags(store, assignment, GTF_ALL_EFFECT);
            copyFlags(store, location, GTF_IND_FLAGS);

            if (assignment->IsReverseOp())
                store->gtFlags |= GTF_REVERSE_OPS;

            // TODO: JIT dump

            // Remove the GT_IND node and replace the assignment node with the store
            BlockRange().InsertBefore(assignment, store);
            use.ReplaceWith(comp, store);

        case GT_CLS_VAR:
            location->gtType = TYP_BYREF;


            // TODO: JIT dump

        case GT_BLK:
        case GT_OBJ:
        case GT_DYN_BLK:
            GenTreeBlk* storeBlk = location->AsBlk();
            genTreeOps  storeOper;
            switch (location->gtOper)
                case GT_BLK:
                    storeOper = GT_STORE_BLK;
                case GT_OBJ:
                    storeOper = GT_STORE_OBJ;
                case GT_DYN_BLK:
                    storeOper = GT_STORE_DYN_BLK;
            JITDUMP("Rewriting GT_ASG(%s(X), Y) to %s(X,Y):\n", GenTree::NodeName(location->gtOper),
            storeBlk->gtFlags &= ~GTF_DONT_CSE;
            storeBlk->gtFlags |= (assignment->gtFlags & (GTF_ALL_EFFECT | GTF_REVERSE_OPS | GTF_BLK_VOLATILE |
                                                         GTF_BLK_UNALIGNED | GTF_DONT_CSE));
            storeBlk->gtBlk.Data() = value;

            // Replace the assignment node with the store
            use.ReplaceWith(comp, storeBlk);
            DISPTREERANGE(BlockRange(), use.Def());

Exemple #9
void Rationalizer::RewriteAssignment(LIR::Use& use)

    GenTreeOp* assignment = use.Def()->AsOp();
    assert(assignment->OperGet() == GT_ASG);

    GenTree* location = assignment->gtGetOp1();
    GenTree* value    = assignment->gtGetOp2();

    genTreeOps locationOp = location->OperGet();

    if (varTypeIsSIMD(location) && assignment->OperIsInitBlkOp())
        if (location->OperGet() == GT_LCL_VAR)
            var_types simdType = location->TypeGet();
            GenTree*  initVal  = assignment->gtOp.gtOp2;
            var_types baseType = comp->getBaseTypeOfSIMDLocal(location);
            if (baseType != TYP_UNKNOWN)
                GenTreeSIMD* simdTree = new (comp, GT_SIMD)
                    GenTreeSIMD(simdType, initVal, SIMDIntrinsicInit, baseType, genTypeSize(simdType));
                assignment->gtOp.gtOp2 = simdTree;
                value                  = simdTree;
                initVal->gtNext        = simdTree;
                simdTree->gtPrev       = initVal;

                simdTree->gtNext = location;
                location->gtPrev = simdTree;
#endif // FEATURE_SIMD

    switch (locationOp)
        case GT_LCL_VAR:
        case GT_LCL_FLD:
        case GT_REG_VAR:
        case GT_PHI_ARG:
            RewriteAssignmentIntoStoreLclCore(assignment, location, value, locationOp);

        case GT_IND:
            GenTreeStoreInd* store =
                new (comp, GT_STOREIND) GenTreeStoreInd(location->TypeGet(), location->gtGetOp1(), value);

            copyFlags(store, assignment, GTF_ALL_EFFECT);
            copyFlags(store, location, GTF_IND_FLAGS);

            if (assignment->IsReverseOp())
                store->gtFlags |= GTF_REVERSE_OPS;

            // TODO: JIT dump

            // Remove the GT_IND node and replace the assignment node with the store
            BlockRange().InsertBefore(assignment, store);
            use.ReplaceWith(comp, store);

        case GT_CLS_VAR:
            location->gtType = TYP_BYREF;


            // TODO: JIT dump

        case GT_BLK:
        case GT_OBJ:
        case GT_DYN_BLK:
            GenTreeBlk* storeBlk = location->AsBlk();
            genTreeOps  storeOper;
            switch (location->gtOper)
                case GT_BLK:
                    storeOper = GT_STORE_BLK;
                case GT_OBJ:
                    storeOper = GT_STORE_OBJ;
                case GT_DYN_BLK:
                    storeOper = GT_STORE_DYN_BLK;
            JITDUMP("Rewriting GT_ASG(%s(X), Y) to %s(X,Y):\n", GenTree::NodeName(location->gtOper),
            storeBlk->gtFlags &= ~GTF_DONT_CSE;
            storeBlk->gtFlags |= (assignment->gtFlags & (GTF_ALL_EFFECT | GTF_REVERSE_OPS | GTF_BLK_VOLATILE |
                                                         GTF_BLK_UNALIGNED | GTF_BLK_INIT | GTF_DONT_CSE));
            storeBlk->gtBlk.Data() = value;

            // Replace the assignment node with the store
            use.ReplaceWith(comp, storeBlk);
            DISPTREERANGE(BlockRange(), use.Def());

Exemple #10
// DecomposeStoreInd: Decompose GT_STOREIND.
// Arguments:
//    use - the LIR::Use object for the def that needs to be decomposed.
// Return Value:
//    The next node to process.
GenTree* DecomposeLongs::DecomposeStoreInd(LIR::Use& use)
    assert(use.Def()->OperGet() == GT_STOREIND);

    GenTree* tree = use.Def();

    assert(tree->gtOp.gtOp2->OperGet() == GT_LONG);

    // Example input (address expression omitted):
    //  t51 = const     int    0x37C05E7D
    // t154 = const     int    0x2A0A3C80
    //      / --*  t51    int
    //      + --*  t154   int
    // t155 = *gt_long   long
    //      / --*  t52    byref
    //      + --*  t155   long
    //      *  storeIndir long

    GenTree* gtLong      = tree->gtOp.gtOp2;

    // Save address to a temp. It is used in storeIndLow and storeIndHigh trees.
    LIR::Use address(Range(), &tree->gtOp.gtOp1, tree);
    address.ReplaceWithLclVar(m_compiler, m_blockWeight);
    JITDUMP("[DecomposeStoreInd]: Saving address tree to a temp var:\n");
    DISPTREERANGE(Range(), address.Def());

    if (!gtLong->gtOp.gtOp1->OperIsLeaf())
        LIR::Use op1(Range(), &gtLong->gtOp.gtOp1, gtLong);
        op1.ReplaceWithLclVar(m_compiler, m_blockWeight);
        JITDUMP("[DecomposeStoreInd]: Saving low data tree to a temp var:\n");
        DISPTREERANGE(Range(), op1.Def());

    if (!gtLong->gtOp.gtOp2->OperIsLeaf())
        LIR::Use op2(Range(), &gtLong->gtOp.gtOp2, gtLong);
        op2.ReplaceWithLclVar(m_compiler, m_blockWeight);
        JITDUMP("[DecomposeStoreInd]: Saving high data tree to a temp var:\n");
        DISPTREERANGE(Range(), op2.Def());

    GenTree* addrBase    = tree->gtOp.gtOp1;
    GenTree* dataHigh    = gtLong->gtOp.gtOp2;
    GenTree* dataLow     = gtLong->gtOp.gtOp1;
    GenTree* storeIndLow = tree;

    storeIndLow->gtOp.gtOp2 = dataLow;
    storeIndLow->gtType     = TYP_INT;

    GenTree* addrBaseHigh = new (m_compiler, GT_LCL_VAR)
    GenTreeLclVar(GT_LCL_VAR, addrBase->TypeGet(), addrBase->AsLclVarCommon()->GetLclNum(), BAD_IL_OFFSET);
    GenTree* addrHigh =
        new (m_compiler, GT_LEA) GenTreeAddrMode(TYP_REF, addrBaseHigh, nullptr, 0, genTypeSize(TYP_INT));
    GenTree* storeIndHigh = new (m_compiler, GT_STOREIND) GenTreeStoreInd(TYP_INT, addrHigh, dataHigh);
    storeIndHigh->gtFlags = (storeIndLow->gtFlags & (GTF_ALL_EFFECT | GTF_LIVENESS_MASK));
    storeIndHigh->gtFlags |= GTF_REVERSE_OPS;


    Range().InsertAfter(storeIndLow, dataHigh, addrBaseHigh, addrHigh, storeIndHigh);

    return storeIndHigh;

    // Example final output:
    //      /--*  t52    byref
    //      *  st.lclVar byref  V07 rat0
    // t158 = lclVar    byref  V07 rat0
    //  t51 = const     int    0x37C05E7D
    //      /--*  t158   byref
    //      +--*  t51    int
    //      *  storeIndir int
    // t154 = const     int    0x2A0A3C80
    // t159 = lclVar    byref  V07 rat0
    //        /--*  t159   byref
    // t160 = *  lea(b + 4)  ref
    //      /--*  t154   int
    //      +--*  t160   ref
    //      *  storeIndir int
Exemple #11
Compiler::fgWalkResult Rationalizer::RewriteNode(GenTree** useEdge, ArrayStack<GenTree*>& parentStack)
    assert(useEdge != nullptr);

    GenTree* node = *useEdge;
    assert(node != nullptr);

#ifdef DEBUG
    const bool isLateArg = (node->gtFlags & GTF_LATE_ARG) != 0;

    // First, remove any preceeding GT_LIST nodes, which are not otherwise visited by the tree walk.
    // NOTE: GT_LIST nodes that are used by block ops and phi nodes will in fact be visited.
    for (GenTree* prev = node->gtPrev; prev != nullptr && prev->OperGet() == GT_LIST; prev = node->gtPrev)

    // In addition, remove the current node if it is a GT_LIST node.
    if ((*useEdge)->OperGet() == GT_LIST)
        return Compiler::WALK_CONTINUE;

    LIR::Use use;
    if (parentStack.Height() < 2)
        use = LIR::Use::GetDummyUse(BlockRange(), *useEdge);
        use = LIR::Use(BlockRange(), useEdge, parentStack.Index(1));

    assert(node == use.Def());
    switch (node->OperGet())
        case GT_ASG:

        case GT_BOX:
            // GT_BOX at this level just passes through so get rid of it
            use.ReplaceWith(comp, node->gtGetOp1());

        case GT_ADDR:

        case GT_NOP:
            // fgMorph sometimes inserts NOP nodes between defs and uses
            // supposedly 'to prevent constant folding'. In this case, remove the
            // NOP.
            if (node->gtGetOp1() != nullptr)
                use.ReplaceWith(comp, node->gtGetOp1());

        case GT_COMMA:
            GenTree* op1 = node->gtGetOp1();
            if ((op1->gtFlags & GTF_ALL_EFFECT) == 0)
                // The LHS has no side effects. Remove it.
                bool               isClosed    = false;
                unsigned           sideEffects = 0;
                LIR::ReadOnlyRange lhsRange    = BlockRange().GetTreeRange(op1, &isClosed, &sideEffects);

                // None of the transforms performed herein violate tree order, so these
                // should always be true.
                assert((sideEffects & GTF_ALL_EFFECT) == 0);

                BlockRange().Delete(comp, m_block, std::move(lhsRange));

            GenTree* replacement = node->gtGetOp2();
            if (!use.IsDummyUse())
                use.ReplaceWith(comp, replacement);
                // This is a top-level comma. If the RHS has no side effects we can remove
                // it as well.
                if ((replacement->gtFlags & GTF_ALL_EFFECT) == 0)
                    bool               isClosed    = false;
                    unsigned           sideEffects = 0;
                    LIR::ReadOnlyRange rhsRange    = BlockRange().GetTreeRange(replacement, &isClosed, &sideEffects);

                    // None of the transforms performed herein violate tree order, so these
                    // should always be true.
                    assert((sideEffects & GTF_ALL_EFFECT) == 0);

                    BlockRange().Delete(comp, m_block, std::move(rhsRange));


        case GT_ARGPLACE:
            // Remove argplace and list nodes from the execution order.
            // TODO: remove phi args and phi nodes as well?

        case GT_CLS_VAR:
            // Class vars that are the target of an assignment will get rewritten into
            // GT_STOREIND(GT_CLS_VAR_ADDR, val) by RewriteAssignment. This check is
            // not strictly necessary--the GT_IND(GT_CLS_VAR_ADDR) pattern that would
            // otherwise be generated would also be picked up by RewriteAssignment--but
            // skipping the rewrite here saves an allocation and a bit of extra work.
            const bool isLHSOfAssignment = (use.User()->OperGet() == GT_ASG) && (use.User()->gtGetOp1() == node);
            if (!isLHSOfAssignment)
                GenTree* ind = comp->gtNewOperNode(GT_IND, node->TypeGet(), node);

                node->gtType = TYP_BYREF;

                BlockRange().InsertAfter(node, ind);
                use.ReplaceWith(comp, ind);

                // TODO: JIT dump
#endif // _TARGET_XARCH_

        case GT_INTRINSIC:
            // Non-target intrinsics should have already been rewritten back into user calls.

        case GT_INITBLK:

        case GT_COPYBLK:

        case GT_OBJ:

        case GT_LCL_FLD:
        case GT_STORE_LCL_FLD:
            // TODO-1stClassStructs: Eliminate this.

        case GT_STOREIND:
        case GT_IND:
            if (node->gtType == TYP_STRUCT)
                GenTree* addr = node->AsIndir()->Addr();
                assert(addr->TypeGet() == TYP_BYREF);

                if (addr->OperIsLocal())
                    LclVarDsc* varDsc = &(comp->lvaTable[addr->AsLclVarCommon()->gtLclNum]);
                    unsigned simdSize = (unsigned int)roundUp(varDsc->lvExactSize, TARGET_POINTER_SIZE);
                    node->gtType      = comp->getSIMDTypeForSize(simdSize);
                    // If the address is not a local var, assert that the user of this IND is an ADDR node.
                    assert((use.User()->OperGet() == GT_ADDR) || use.User()->OperIsLocalAddr());

        case GT_SIMD:
            GenTreeSIMD* simdNode = node->AsSIMD();
            unsigned     simdSize = simdNode->gtSIMDSize;
            var_types    simdType = comp->getSIMDTypeForSize(simdSize);

            // TODO-1stClassStructs: This should be handled more generally for enregistered or promoted
            // structs that are passed or returned in a different register type than their enregistered
            // type(s).
            if (simdNode->gtType == TYP_I_IMPL && simdNode->gtSIMDSize == TARGET_POINTER_SIZE)
                // This happens when it is consumed by a GT_RET_EXPR.
                // It can only be a Vector2f or Vector2i.
                assert(genTypeSize(simdNode->gtSIMDBaseType) == 4);
                simdNode->gtType = TYP_SIMD8;
            else if (simdNode->gtType == TYP_STRUCT || varTypeIsSIMD(simdNode))
                node->gtType = simdType;

            // Certain SIMD trees require rationalizing.
            if (simdNode->gtSIMD.gtSIMDIntrinsicID == SIMDIntrinsicInitArray)
                // Rewrite this as an explicit load.
                JITDUMP("Rewriting GT_SIMD array init as an explicit load:\n");
                unsigned int baseTypeSize = genTypeSize(simdNode->gtSIMDBaseType);
                GenTree*     address = new (comp, GT_LEA) GenTreeAddrMode(TYP_BYREF, simdNode->gtOp1, simdNode->gtOp2,
                                                                      baseTypeSize, offsetof(CORINFO_Array, u1Elems));
                GenTree* ind = comp->gtNewOperNode(GT_IND, simdType, address);

                BlockRange().InsertBefore(simdNode, address, ind);
                use.ReplaceWith(comp, ind);

                DISPTREERANGE(BlockRange(), use.Def());
                // This code depends on the fact that NONE of the SIMD intrinsics take vector operands
                // of a different width.  If that assumption changes, we will EITHER have to make these type
                // transformations during importation, and plumb the types all the way through the JIT,
                // OR add a lot of special handling here.
                GenTree* op1 = simdNode->gtGetOp1();
                if (op1 != nullptr && op1->gtType == TYP_STRUCT)
                    op1->gtType = simdType;

                GenTree* op2 = simdNode->gtGetOp2();
                if (op2 != nullptr && op2->gtType == TYP_STRUCT)
                    op2->gtType = simdType;
#endif // FEATURE_SIMD


    // Do some extra processing on top-level nodes to remove unused local reads.
    if (use.IsDummyUse() && node->OperIsLocalRead())
        assert((node->gtFlags & GTF_ALL_EFFECT) == 0);


    assert(isLateArg == ((node->gtFlags & GTF_LATE_ARG) != 0));

    return Compiler::WALK_CONTINUE;
Exemple #12
// BuildSIMD: Set the NodeInfo for a GT_SIMD tree.
// Arguments:
//    tree       - The GT_SIMD node of interest
// Return Value:
//    The number of sources consumed by this node.
int LinearScan::BuildSIMD(GenTreeSIMD* simdTree)
    int srcCount = 0;
    // Only SIMDIntrinsicInit can be contained
    if (simdTree->isContained())
        assert(simdTree->gtSIMDIntrinsicID == SIMDIntrinsicInit);
    int dstCount = simdTree->IsValue() ? 1 : 0;
    assert(dstCount == 1);

    bool buildUses = true;

    GenTree* op1 = simdTree->gtGetOp1();
    GenTree* op2 = simdTree->gtGetOp2();

    switch (simdTree->gtSIMDIntrinsicID)
        case SIMDIntrinsicInit:
        case SIMDIntrinsicCast:
        case SIMDIntrinsicSqrt:
        case SIMDIntrinsicAbs:
        case SIMDIntrinsicConvertToSingle:
        case SIMDIntrinsicConvertToInt32:
        case SIMDIntrinsicConvertToDouble:
        case SIMDIntrinsicConvertToInt64:
        case SIMDIntrinsicWidenLo:
        case SIMDIntrinsicWidenHi:
            // No special handling required.

        case SIMDIntrinsicGetItem:
            op1 = simdTree->gtGetOp1();
            op2 = simdTree->gtGetOp2();

            // We have an object and an index, either of which may be contained.
            bool setOp2DelayFree = false;
            if (!op2->IsCnsIntOrI() && (!op1->isContained() || op1->OperIsLocal()))
                // If the index is not a constant and the object is not contained or is a local
                // we will need a general purpose register to calculate the address
                // internal register must not clobber input index
                // TODO-Cleanup: An internal register will never clobber a source; this code actually
                // ensures that the index (op2) doesn't interfere with the target.
                setOp2DelayFree = true;
            srcCount += BuildOperandUses(op1);
            if (!op2->isContained())
                RefPosition* op2Use = BuildUse(op2);
                if (setOp2DelayFree)

            if (!op2->IsCnsIntOrI() && (!op1->isContained()))
                // If vector is not already in memory (contained) and the index is not a constant,
                // we will use the SIMD temp location to store the vector.
            buildUses = false;

        case SIMDIntrinsicAdd:
        case SIMDIntrinsicSub:
        case SIMDIntrinsicMul:
        case SIMDIntrinsicDiv:
        case SIMDIntrinsicBitwiseAnd:
        case SIMDIntrinsicBitwiseAndNot:
        case SIMDIntrinsicBitwiseOr:
        case SIMDIntrinsicBitwiseXor:
        case SIMDIntrinsicMin:
        case SIMDIntrinsicMax:
        case SIMDIntrinsicEqual:
        case SIMDIntrinsicLessThan:
        case SIMDIntrinsicGreaterThan:
        case SIMDIntrinsicLessThanOrEqual:
        case SIMDIntrinsicGreaterThanOrEqual:
            // No special handling required.

        case SIMDIntrinsicSetX:
        case SIMDIntrinsicSetY:
        case SIMDIntrinsicSetZ:
        case SIMDIntrinsicSetW:
        case SIMDIntrinsicNarrow:
            // Op1 will write to dst before Op2 is free
            RefPosition* op2Use = BuildUse(op2);
            srcCount  = 2;
            buildUses = false;

        case SIMDIntrinsicInitN:
            var_types baseType = simdTree->gtSIMDBaseType;
            srcCount           = (short)(simdTree->gtSIMDSize / genTypeSize(baseType));
            if (varTypeIsFloating(simdTree->gtSIMDBaseType))
                // Need an internal register to stitch together all the values into a single vector in a SIMD reg.

            int initCount = 0;
            for (GenTree* list = op1; list != nullptr; list = list->gtGetOp2())
                assert(list->OperGet() == GT_LIST);
                GenTree* listItem = list->gtGetOp1();
                assert(listItem->TypeGet() == baseType);
            assert(initCount == srcCount);
            buildUses = false;


        case SIMDIntrinsicInitArray:
            // We have an array and an index, which may be contained.

        case SIMDIntrinsicOpEquality:
        case SIMDIntrinsicOpInEquality:

        case SIMDIntrinsicDotProduct:

        case SIMDIntrinsicSelect:
            // TODO-ARM64-CQ Allow lowering to see SIMDIntrinsicSelect so we can generate BSL VC, VA, VB
            // bsl target register must be VC.  Reserve a temp in case we need to shuffle things.
            // This will require a different approach, as GenTreeSIMD has only two operands.
            assert(!"SIMDIntrinsicSelect not yet supported");

        case SIMDIntrinsicInitArrayX:
        case SIMDIntrinsicInitFixed:
        case SIMDIntrinsicCopyToArray:
        case SIMDIntrinsicCopyToArrayX:
        case SIMDIntrinsicNone:
        case SIMDIntrinsicGetCount:
        case SIMDIntrinsicGetOne:
        case SIMDIntrinsicGetZero:
        case SIMDIntrinsicGetAllOnes:
        case SIMDIntrinsicGetX:
        case SIMDIntrinsicGetY:
        case SIMDIntrinsicGetZ:
        case SIMDIntrinsicGetW:
        case SIMDIntrinsicInstEquals:
        case SIMDIntrinsicHWAccel:
        case SIMDIntrinsicWiden:
        case SIMDIntrinsicInvalid:
            assert(!"These intrinsics should not be seen during register allocation");

            noway_assert(!"Unimplemented SIMD node type.");
    if (buildUses)
        assert(srcCount == 0);
        srcCount = BuildOperandUses(op1);
        if ((op2 != nullptr) && !op2->isContained())
            srcCount += BuildOperandUses(op2);
    assert(internalCount <= MaxInternalCount);
    if (dstCount == 1)
        assert(dstCount == 0);
    return srcCount;
Exemple #13
// DecomposeStoreInd: Decompose GT_STOREIND.
// Arguments:
//    use - the LIR::Use object for the def that needs to be decomposed.
// Return Value:
//    The next node to process.
// TODO-LIR: replace comments below that use embedded statements with ones that do not.
GenTree* DecomposeLongs::DecomposeStoreInd(LIR::Use& use)
    assert(use.Def()->OperGet() == GT_STOREIND);

    GenTree* tree = use.Def();

    assert(tree->gtOp.gtOp2->OperGet() == GT_LONG);

    // Example input trees (a nested embedded statement case)
    //   <linkBegin Node>
    //   *  stmtExpr  void  (top level) (IL   ???...  ???)
    //   |  /--*  argPlace  ref    $280
    //   |  +--*  argPlace  int    $4a
    //   |  |  {  *  stmtExpr  void  (embedded) (IL   ???...  ???)
    //   |  |  {  |     /--*  lclVar    ref    V11 tmp9         u:3 $21c
    //   |  |  {  |     +--*  const     int    4 $44
    //   |  |  {  |  /--*  +         byref  $2c8
    //   |  |  {  |  |     {  *  stmtExpr  void  (embedded) (IL   ???...  ???)
    //   |  |  {  |  |     {  |  /--*  lclFld    long   V01 arg1         u:2[+8] Fseq[i] $380
    //   |  |  {  |  |     {  \--*  st.lclVar long  (P) V21 cse8
    //   |  |  {  |  |     {  \--*    int    V21.hi (offs=0x00) -> V22 rat0
    //   |  |  {  |  |     {  \--*    int    V21.hi (offs=0x04) -> V23 rat1
    //   |  |  {  |  |  /--*  lclVar    int    V22 rat0          $380
    //   |  |  {  |  |  +--*  lclVar    int    V23 rat1
    //   |  |  {  |  +--*  gt_long   long
    //   |  |  {  \--*  storeIndir long
    //   |  +--*  lclVar    ref    V11 tmp9         u:3 (last use) $21c
    //   |  +--*  lclVar    ref    V02 tmp0         u:3 $280
    //   |  +--*  const     int    8 $4a
    //   \--*  call help void   HELPER.CORINFO_HELP_ARRADDR_ST $205
    //  <linkEndNode>
    // (editor brace matching compensation: }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}})

    GenTree* gtLong      = tree->gtOp.gtOp2;
    unsigned blockWeight = m_block->getBBWeight(m_compiler);

    // Save address to a temp. It is used in storeIndLow and storeIndHigh trees.
    LIR::Use address(BlockRange(), &tree->gtOp.gtOp1, tree);
    address.ReplaceWithLclVar(m_compiler, blockWeight);
    JITDUMP("[DecomposeStoreInd]: Saving address tree to a temp var:\n");
    DISPTREERANGE(BlockRange(), address.Def());

    if (!gtLong->gtOp.gtOp1->OperIsLeaf())
        LIR::Use op1(BlockRange(), &gtLong->gtOp.gtOp1, gtLong);
        op1.ReplaceWithLclVar(m_compiler, blockWeight);
        JITDUMP("[DecomposeStoreInd]: Saving low data tree to a temp var:\n");
        DISPTREERANGE(BlockRange(), op1.Def());

    if (!gtLong->gtOp.gtOp2->OperIsLeaf())
        LIR::Use op2(BlockRange(), &gtLong->gtOp.gtOp2, gtLong);
        op2.ReplaceWithLclVar(m_compiler, blockWeight);
        JITDUMP("[DecomposeStoreInd]: Saving high data tree to a temp var:\n");
        DISPTREERANGE(BlockRange(), op2.Def());

    // Example trees after embedded statements for address and data are added.
    // This example saves all address and data trees into temp variables
    // to show how those embedded statements are created.
    //  *  stmtExpr  void  (top level) (IL   ???...  ???)
    //  |  /--*  argPlace  ref    $280
    //  |  +--*  argPlace  int    $4a
    //  |  |  {  *  stmtExpr  void  (embedded) (IL   ???...  ???)
    //  |  |  {  |     /--*  lclVar    ref    V11 tmp9         u:3 $21c
    //  |  |  {  |     +--*  const     int    4 $44
    //  |  |  {  |  /--*  +         byref  $2c8
    //  |  |  {  \--*  st.lclVar byref  V24 rat2
    //  |  |  {  *  stmtExpr  void  (embedded) (IL   ???...  ???)
    //  |  |  {  |  /--*  lclVar    byref  V24 rat2
    //  |  |  {  |  |     {  *  stmtExpr  void  (embedded) (IL   ???...  ???)
    //  |  |  {  |  |     {  |  /--*  lclFld    long   V01 arg1         u:2[+8] Fseq[i] $380380
    //  |  |  {  |  |     {  \--*  st.lclVar long  (P) V21 cse8
    //  |  |  {  |  |     {  \--*    int    V21.hi (offs=0x00) -> V22 rat0
    //  |  |  {  |  |     {  \--*    int    V21.hi (offs=0x04) -> V23 rat1
    //  |  |  {  |  |     {  *  stmtExpr  void  (embedded) (IL   ???...  ???)
    //  |  |  {  |  |     {  |  /--*  lclVar    int    V22 rat0          $380
    //  |  |  {  |  |     {  \--*  st.lclVar int    V25 rat3
    //  |  |  {  |  |  /--*  lclVar    int    V25 rat3
    //  |  |  {  |  |  |  {  *  stmtExpr  void  (embedded) (IL   ???...  ???)
    //  |  |  {  |  |  |  {  |  /--*  lclVar    int    V23 rat1
    //  |  |  {  |  |  |  {  \--*  st.lclVar int    V26 rat4
    //  |  |  {  |  |  +--*  lclVar    int    V26 rat4
    //  |  |  {  |  +--*  gt_long   long
    //  |  |  {  \--*  storeIndir long
    //  |  +--*  lclVar    ref    V11 tmp9         u:3 (last use) $21c
    //  |  +--*  lclVar    ref    V02 tmp0         u:3 $280
    //  |  +--*  const     int    8 $4a
    //  \--*  call help void   HELPER.CORINFO_HELP_ARRADDR_ST $205
    // (editor brace matching compensation: }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}})

    GenTree* addrBase    = tree->gtOp.gtOp1;
    GenTree* dataHigh    = gtLong->gtOp.gtOp2;
    GenTree* dataLow     = gtLong->gtOp.gtOp1;
    GenTree* storeIndLow = tree;

    // Rewrite storeIndLow tree to save only lower 32-bit data.
    //  |  |  {  |  /--*  lclVar    byref  V24 rat2   (address)
    //  ...
    //  |  |  {  |  +--*  lclVar    int    V25 rat3   (lower 32-bit data)
    //  |  |  {  |  {  *  stmtExpr  void  (embedded) (IL   ???...  ???)
    //  |  |  {  |  {  |  /--*  lclVar    int    V23 rat1
    //  |  |  {  |  {  \--*  st.lclVar int    V26 rat4
    //  |  |  {  \--*  storeIndir int
    // (editor brace matching compensation: }}}}}}}}})

    storeIndLow->gtOp.gtOp2 = dataLow;
    storeIndLow->gtType     = TYP_INT;

    // Construct storeIndHigh tree
    // | | {  *stmtExpr  void  (embedded)(IL ? ? ? ... ? ? ? )
    // | | { | / --*  lclVar    int    V26 rat4
    // | | { | | / --*  lclVar    byref  V24 rat2
    // | | { | +--*  lea(b + 4)  ref
    // | | {  \--*  storeIndir int
    // (editor brace matching compensation: }}}}})

    GenTree* addrBaseHigh = new (m_compiler, GT_LCL_VAR)
        GenTreeLclVar(GT_LCL_VAR, addrBase->TypeGet(), addrBase->AsLclVarCommon()->GetLclNum(), BAD_IL_OFFSET);
    GenTree* addrHigh =
        new (m_compiler, GT_LEA) GenTreeAddrMode(TYP_REF, addrBaseHigh, nullptr, 0, genTypeSize(TYP_INT));
    GenTree* storeIndHigh = new (m_compiler, GT_STOREIND) GenTreeStoreInd(TYP_INT, addrHigh, dataHigh);
    storeIndHigh->gtFlags = (storeIndLow->gtFlags & (GTF_ALL_EFFECT | GTF_LIVENESS_MASK));
    storeIndHigh->gtFlags |= GTF_REVERSE_OPS;


    BlockRange().InsertAfter(storeIndLow, dataHigh, addrBaseHigh, addrHigh, storeIndHigh);

    return storeIndHigh;

    // Example final output
    //  *  stmtExpr  void  (top level) (IL   ???...  ???)
    //  |  /--*  argPlace  ref    $280
    //  |  +--*  argPlace  int    $4a
    //  |  |     {  *  stmtExpr  void  (embedded) (IL   ???...  ???)
    //  |  |     {  |     /--*  lclVar    ref    V11 tmp9         u:3 $21c
    //  |  |     {  |     +--*  const     int    4 $44
    //  |  |     {  |  /--*  +         byref  $2c8
    //  |  |     {  \--*  st.lclVar byref  V24 rat2
    //  |  |     {  *  stmtExpr  void  (embedded) (IL   ???...  ???)
    //  |  |     {  |  /--*  lclVar    byref  V24 rat2
    //  |  |     {  |  |  {  *  stmtExpr  void  (embedded) (IL   ???...  ???)
    //  |  |     {  |  |  {  |     /--*  lclFld    int    V01 arg1         u:2[+8] Fseq[i] $380
    //  |  |     {  |  |  {  |     +--*  lclFld    int    V01 arg1         [+12]
    //  |  |     {  |  |  {  |  /--*  gt_long   long
    //  |  |     {  |  |  {  \--*  st.lclVar long  (P) V21 cse8
    //  |  |     {  |  |  {  \--*    int    V21.hi (offs=0x00) -> V22 rat0
    //  |  |     {  |  |  {  \--*    int    V21.hi (offs=0x04) -> V23 rat1
    //  |  |     {  |  |  {  *  stmtExpr  void  (embedded) (IL   ???...  ???)
    //  |  |     {  |  |  {  |  /--*  lclVar    int    V22 rat0          $380
    //  |  |     {  |  |  {  \--*  st.lclVar int    V25 rat3
    //  |  |     {  |  +--*  lclVar    int    V25 rat3
    //  |  |     {  |  {  *  stmtExpr  void  (embedded) (IL   ???...  ???)
    //  |  |     {  |  {  |  /--*  lclVar    int    V23 rat1
    //  |  |     {  |  {  \--*  st.lclVar int    V26 rat4
    //  |  |     {  \--*  storeIndir int
    //  |  |     {  *  stmtExpr  void  (embedded) (IL   ???...  ???)
    //  |  |     {  |  /--*  lclVar    int    V26 rat4
    //  |  |     {  |  |  /--*  lclVar    byref  V24 rat2
    //  |  |     {  |  +--*  lea(b+4)  ref
    //  |  |     {  \--*  storeIndir int
    //  |  |  /--*  lclVar    ref    V11 tmp9         u:3 (last use) $21c
    //  |  +--*  putarg_stk [+0x00] ref
    //  |  |  /--*  lclVar    ref    V02 tmp0         u:3 $280
    //  |  +--*  putarg_reg ref
    //  |  |  /--*  const     int    8 $4a
    //  |  +--*  putarg_reg int
    //  \--*  call help void   HELPER.CORINFO_HELP_ARRADDR_ST $205
    // (editor brace matching compensation: }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}})