static void MLOG_open() { char filebuf[80]; if (MLOGFP) return; generate_filename(logdir ? logdir : MYLOGDIR, MYLOGFILE, filebuf); MLOGFP = fopen(filebuf, PG_BINARY_A); if (!MLOGFP) { generate_homefile(MYLOGFILE, filebuf); MLOGFP = fopen(filebuf, PG_BINARY_A); if (!MLOGFP) { generate_filename("C:\\podbclog", MYLOGFILE, filebuf); MLOGFP = fopen(filebuf, PG_BINARY_A); #ifdef WIN32 if (!MLOGFP) { if (0 == _mkdir(PODBCLOGDIR)) MLOGFP = fopen(filebuf, PG_BINARY_A); } #endif /* WIN32 */ } } if (MLOGFP) setbuf(MLOGFP, NULL); }
void forcelog(const char *fmt,...) { static BOOL force_on = TRUE; va_list args; char filebuf[80]; int gerrno = GENERAL_ERRNO; if (!force_on) return; ENTER_MYLOG_CS; va_start(args, fmt); if (!MLOGFP) { generate_filename(MYLOGDIR, MYLOGFILE, filebuf); MLOGFP = fopen(filebuf, PG_BINARY_A); if (MLOGFP) setbuf(MLOGFP, NULL); if (!MLOGFP) { generate_homefile(MYLOGFILE, filebuf); MLOGFP = fopen(filebuf, PG_BINARY_A); } if (!MLOGFP) { generate_filename("C:\\podbclog", MYLOGFILE, filebuf); MLOGFP = fopen(filebuf, PG_BINARY_A); } if (MLOGFP) setbuf(MLOGFP, NULL); else force_on = FALSE; } if (MLOGFP) { #ifdef WIN_MULTITHREAD_SUPPORT #ifdef WIN32 time_t ntime; char ctim[128]; time(&ntime); strcpy(ctim, ctime(&ntime)); ctim[strlen(ctim) - 1] = '\0'; fprintf(MLOGFP, "[%d.%d(%s)]", GetCurrentProcessId(), GetCurrentThreadId(), ctim); #endif /* WIN32 */ #endif /* WIN_MULTITHREAD_SUPPORT */ #if defined(POSIX_MULTITHREAD_SUPPORT) fprintf(MLOGFP, "[%lu]", pthread_self()); #endif /* POSIX_MULTITHREAD_SUPPORT */ vfprintf(MLOGFP, fmt, args); } va_end(args); LEAVE_MYLOG_CS; GENERAL_ERRNO_SET(gerrno); }
DLL_DECLARE void mylog(const char *fmt,...) { va_list args; char filebuf[80]; int gerrno; if (!mylog_on) return; gerrno = GENERAL_ERRNO; ENTER_MYLOG_CS; #ifdef LOGGING_PROCESS_TIME if (!start_time) start_time = timeGetTime(); #endif /* LOGGING_PROCESS_TIME */ va_start(args, fmt); if (!MLOGFP) { generate_filename(logdir ? logdir : MYLOGDIR, MYLOGFILE, filebuf); MLOGFP = fopen(filebuf, PG_BINARY_A); if (!MLOGFP) { generate_homefile(MYLOGFILE, filebuf); MLOGFP = fopen(filebuf, PG_BINARY_A); if (!MLOGFP) { generate_filename("C:\\podbclog", MYLOGFILE, filebuf); MLOGFP = fopen(filebuf, PG_BINARY_A); } } if (MLOGFP) setbuf(MLOGFP, NULL); else mylog_on = 0; } if (MLOGFP) { #ifdef WIN_MULTITHREAD_SUPPORT #ifdef LOGGING_PROCESS_TIME DWORD proc_time = timeGetTime() - start_time; fprintf(MLOGFP, "[%u-%d.%03d]", GetCurrentThreadId(), proc_time / 1000, proc_time % 1000); #else fprintf(MLOGFP, "[%u]", GetCurrentThreadId()); #endif /* LOGGING_PROCESS_TIME */ #endif /* WIN_MULTITHREAD_SUPPORT */ #if defined(POSIX_MULTITHREAD_SUPPORT) fprintf(MLOGFP, "[%lu]", pthread_self()); #endif /* POSIX_MULTITHREAD_SUPPORT */ vfprintf(MLOGFP, fmt, args); } va_end(args); LEAVE_MYLOG_CS; GENERAL_ERRNO_SET(gerrno); }
HRESULT Camera::selectPicture(HWND hwndOwner,LPTSTR pszFilename) { RHO_ASSERT(pszFilename); #if defined( _WIN32_WCE ) && !defined( OS_PLATFORM_MOTCE ) OPENFILENAMEEX ofn = {0}; #else OPENFILENAME ofn = {0}; #endif pszFilename[0] = 0; ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(ofn); ofn.lpstrFilter = NULL; ofn.lpstrFile = pszFilename; ofn.nMaxFile = MAX_PATH; ofn.lpstrInitialDir = NULL; ofn.lpstrTitle = _T("Select an image"); #if defined( _WIN32_WCE ) && !defined( OS_PLATFORM_MOTCE ) ofn.ExFlags = OFN_EXFLAG_THUMBNAILVIEW|OFN_EXFLAG_NOFILECREATE|OFN_EXFLAG_LOCKDIRECTORY; if (GetOpenFileNameEx(&ofn)) #else if (GetOpenFileName(&ofn)) #endif { HRESULT hResult = S_OK; /* TCHAR rhoroot[MAX_PATH]; wchar_t* root = wce_mbtowc(rho_rhodesapp_getblobsdirpath()); wsprintf(rhoroot,L"%s",root); free(root); create_folder(rhoroot);*/ StringW strBlobRoot = convertToStringW( RHODESAPP().getBlobsDirPath() ); LPCTSTR szExt = wcsrchr(pszFilename, '.'); TCHAR filename[256]; generate_filename(filename, szExt); int len = strBlobRoot.length() + wcslen(L"\\") + wcslen(filename); wchar_t* full_name = (wchar_t*) malloc((len+2)*sizeof(wchar_t)); wsprintf(full_name,L"%s\\%s",strBlobRoot.c_str(),filename); if (copy_file(pszFilename,full_name)) { wcscpy( pszFilename, filename ); } else { hResult = E_INVALIDARG; } free(full_name); return hResult; } else if (GetLastError()==ERROR_SUCCESS) { return S_FALSE; //user cancel op } return E_INVALIDARG; }
void VoiceActingManager::build_example(CString section) { if (section == "") { m_example = ""; return; } m_example = generate_filename(section, 1, 2); }
HRESULT Camera::takePicture(HWND hwndOwner,LPTSTR pszFilename) { HRESULT hResult = S_OK; #if defined(_WIN32_WCE) //&& !defined( OS_PLATFORM_MOTCE ) if(RHO_IS_WMDEVICE) { SHCAMERACAPTURE shcc; StringW imageDir; convertToStringW(rho_rhodesapp_getblobsdirpath(), imageDir); StringW strFileName = generate_filename(L".jpg"); // Set the SHCAMERACAPTURE structure. ZeroMemory(&shcc, sizeof(shcc)); shcc.cbSize = sizeof(shcc); shcc.hwndOwner = hwndOwner; shcc.pszInitialDir = imageDir.c_str(); shcc.pszDefaultFileName = strFileName.c_str(); shcc.pszTitle = TEXT("Camera"); shcc.VideoTypes = CAMERACAPTURE_VIDEOTYPE_MESSAGING; shcc.nResolutionWidth = 176; shcc.nResolutionHeight = 144; shcc.StillQuality = CAMERACAPTURE_STILLQUALITY_LOW; shcc.nVideoTimeLimit = 15; shcc.Mode = CAMERACAPTURE_MODE_STILL; // Display the Camera Capture dialog. hResult = lpfn_Camera_Capture(&shcc); // The next statements will execute only after the user takes // a picture or video, or closes the Camera Capture dialog. if (S_OK == hResult) { LOG(INFO) + "takePicture get file: " + shcc.szFile; LPTSTR fname = get_file_name( shcc.szFile, imageDir.c_str() ); if (fname) { StringCchCopy( pszFilename, MAX_PATH, fname ); free(fname); } else { LOG(ERROR) + "takePicture error get file: " + shcc.szFile; hResult = E_INVALIDARG; } }else { LOG(ERROR) + "takePicture failed with code: " + LOGFMT("0x%X") + hResult; } } #endif //_WIN32_WCE return hResult; }
HRESULT Camera::takePicture(HWND hwndOwner,LPTSTR pszFilename) { HRESULT hResult = S_OK; #if defined(_WIN32_WCE) && !defined( OS_PLATFORM_MOTCE ) SHCAMERACAPTURE shcc; StringW root; convertToStringW(rho_rhodesapp_getblobsdirpath(), root); wsprintf( pszFilename, L"%s", root.c_str() ); create_folder(pszFilename); //LPCTSTR szExt = wcsrchr(pszFilename, '.'); TCHAR filename[256]; generate_filename(filename,L".jpg"); // Set the SHCAMERACAPTURE structure. ZeroMemory(&shcc, sizeof(shcc)); shcc.cbSize = sizeof(shcc); shcc.hwndOwner = hwndOwner; shcc.pszInitialDir = pszFilename; shcc.pszDefaultFileName = filename; shcc.pszTitle = TEXT("Camera"); shcc.VideoTypes = CAMERACAPTURE_VIDEOTYPE_MESSAGING; shcc.nResolutionWidth = 176; shcc.nResolutionHeight = 144; shcc.nVideoTimeLimit = 15; shcc.Mode = CAMERACAPTURE_MODE_STILL; // Display the Camera Capture dialog. hResult = SHCameraCapture(&shcc); // The next statements will execute only after the user takes // a picture or video, or closes the Camera Capture dialog. if (S_OK == hResult) { LPTSTR fname = get_file_name(shcc.szFile,pszFilename); if (fname) { StringCchCopy(pszFilename, MAX_PATH, fname); free(fname); } else { LOG(ERROR) + "takePicture error get file: " + shcc.szFile; hResult = E_INVALIDARG; } }else { LOG(ERROR) + "takePicture failed with code: " + LOGFMT("0x%X") + hResult; } #endif //_WIN32_WCE return hResult; }
void qlog(char *fmt,...) { va_list args; char filebuf[80]; int gerrno; if (!qlog_on) return; gerrno = GENERAL_ERRNO; ENTER_QLOG_CS; #ifdef LOGGING_PROCESS_TIME if (!start_time) start_time = timeGetTime(); #endif /* LOGGING_PROCESS_TIME */ va_start(args, fmt); if (!QLOGFP) { generate_filename(QLOGDIR, QLOGFILE, filebuf); QLOGFP = fopen(filebuf, PG_BINARY_A); if (!QLOGFP) { generate_homefile(QLOGFILE, filebuf); QLOGFP = fopen(filebuf, PG_BINARY_A); } if (QLOGFP) setbuf(QLOGFP, NULL); else qlog_on = 0; } if (QLOGFP) { #ifdef LOGGING_PROCESS_TIME DWORD proc_time = timeGetTime() - start_time; fprintf(QLOGFP, "[%d.%03d]", proc_time / 1000, proc_time % 1000); #endif /* LOGGING_PROCESS_TIME */ vfprintf(QLOGFP, fmt, args); } va_end(args); LEAVE_QLOG_CS; GENERAL_ERRNO_SET(gerrno); }
HRESULT Camera::takePicture(HWND hwndOwner,LPTSTR pszFilename) { HRESULT hResult; SHCAMERACAPTURE shcc; wchar_t* root = wce_mbtowc(RhoGetRootPath()); wsprintf(pszFilename,L"%s%s",root,L"apps\\public\\db-files"); free(root); create_folder(pszFilename); TCHAR filename[256]; generate_filename(filename); // Set the SHCAMERACAPTURE structure. ZeroMemory(&shcc, sizeof(shcc)); shcc.cbSize = sizeof(shcc); shcc.hwndOwner = hwndOwner; shcc.pszInitialDir = pszFilename; shcc.pszDefaultFileName = filename; shcc.pszTitle = TEXT("Camera"); shcc.VideoTypes = CAMERACAPTURE_VIDEOTYPE_MESSAGING; shcc.nResolutionWidth = 176; shcc.nResolutionHeight = 144; shcc.nVideoTimeLimit = 15; shcc.Mode = CAMERACAPTURE_MODE_STILL; // Display the Camera Capture dialog. hResult = SHCameraCapture(&shcc); // The next statements will execute only after the user takes // a picture or video, or closes the Camera Capture dialog. if (S_OK == hResult) { LPTSTR fname = get_file_name(shcc.szFile,pszFilename); if (fname) { StringCchCopy(pszFilename, MAX_PATH, fname); free(fname); } else { hResult = E_INVALIDARG; } } return hResult; }
static void generate_homefile(const char *prefix, char *filename) { char dir[PATH_MAX]; #ifdef WIN32 const char *ptr; dir[0] = '\0'; if (ptr=getenv("HOMEDRIVE"), NULL != ptr) strcat(dir, ptr); if (ptr=getenv("HOMEPATH"), NULL != ptr) strcat(dir, ptr); #else strcpy(dir, "~"); #endif /* WIN32 */ generate_filename(dir, prefix, filename); return; }
HRESULT Camera::selectPicture(HWND hwndOwner,LPTSTR pszFilename) { RHO_ASSERT(pszFilename); OPENFILENAMEEX ofn = {0}; ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(ofn); ofn.lpstrFilter = NULL; ofn.lpstrFile = pszFilename; ofn.nMaxFile = MAX_PATH; ofn.lpstrInitialDir = NULL; ofn.lpstrTitle = _T("Select an image"); ofn.ExFlags = OFN_EXFLAG_THUMBNAILVIEW|OFN_EXFLAG_NOFILECREATE|OFN_EXFLAG_LOCKDIRECTORY; if (GetOpenFileNameEx(&ofn)) { HRESULT hResult = S_OK; TCHAR rhoroot[MAX_PATH]; wchar_t* root = wce_mbtowc(RhoGetRootPath()); wsprintf(rhoroot,L"%s%s",root,L"apps\\public\\db-files"); free(root); create_folder(rhoroot); TCHAR filename[256]; generate_filename(filename); int len = wcslen(rhoroot) + wcslen(L"\\") + wcslen(filename); wchar_t* full_name = (wchar_t*) malloc((len+2)*sizeof(wchar_t)); wsprintf(full_name,L"%s\\%s",rhoroot,filename); if (copy_file(pszFilename,full_name)) { StringCchCopy(pszFilename, MAX_PATH, filename); } else { hResult = E_INVALIDARG; } free(full_name); return hResult; } else if (GetLastError()==ERROR_SUCCESS) { return S_FALSE; //user cancel op } return E_INVALIDARG; }
/*-------------------------------------------------------------- Routine : print_menu_cb Purpose : Invoked when an item is selected in the print menu. ---------------------------------------------------------------*/ void print_menu_cb( TREE_PIC_FOREST *tree_pic_forest, int item_no ) { char *report_filename; char *tree_filename; tree_filename = SU_Join(tree_pic_forest->tree_pic->tree->path, tree_pic_forest->tree_pic->tree->name); switch ( item_no ) { case PrintQualitative : /* Qualitative report */ if (tree_pic_forest->tree_pic->tree->mcs_exists) { report_filename = (char *)generate_filename( tree_filename, MCS_REPORT_SUFFIX ); FTAFramePrintTextFile(report_filename); strfree( report_filename ); } else { FTAFramePostError(MCS_NOT_GENERATED_ERROR, FTA_ERROR_TITLE); } break; case PrintProbability : /* Probabilities Report */ if (tree_pic_forest->tree_pic->tree->probs_exists) { report_filename = (char *)generate_filename( tree_filename, PROBS_REPORT_SUFFIX ); FTAFramePrintTextFile(report_filename); strfree( report_filename ); } else { FTAFramePostError(PROB_REPORT_NOT_GENERATED_ERROR, FTA_ERROR_TITLE); } break; case PrintMonteCarlo : /* Monte-Carlo Report */ if (tree_pic_forest->tree_pic->tree->monte_exists) { report_filename = (char *)generate_filename( tree_filename, MONTE_CARLO_REPORT_SUFFIX ); FTAFramePrintTextFile(report_filename); strfree( report_filename ); } else { FTAFramePostError(MC_REPORT_NOT_GENERATED_ERROR, FTA_ERROR_TITLE); } break; default: FTAFramePostError(UNAVAILABLE_WARNING, FTA_ERROR_TITLE); break; } strfree(tree_filename); }
static void send_with_encryption(gpointer compose) { GSList *alist, *cur; GHashTable *hash; SylPluginAttachInfo *ainfo; gboolean duplicated = FALSE; GtkWidget *dialog; gchar *password; const gchar *tmp_path; const gchar *arc_path; gchar *zip_path; gchar *filename; GString *cmdline; gint ret; gchar *orig_to; gchar *orig_cc; gchar *orig_bcc; gchar *orig_replyto; gchar *orig_subject; gchar *subject; gchar *body; gchar send_date[80]; /* Check attachments */ alist = syl_plugin_get_attach_list(compose); if (!alist) { syl_plugin_alertpanel_message(_("No attachment"), _("There is no attachment. Please attach files before sending."), 3); return; } hash = g_hash_table_new(str_case_hash, str_case_equal); for (cur = alist; cur != NULL; cur = cur->next) { const gchar *base; ainfo = (SylPluginAttachInfo *)cur->data; debug_print("attach: file: %s (%s) name: %s\n", ainfo->file, ainfo->content_type, ainfo->name); base = g_basename(ainfo->file); if (g_hash_table_lookup(hash, base)) { duplicated = TRUE; break; } else { g_hash_table_insert(hash, (gpointer)base, (gpointer)base); } } g_hash_table_destroy(hash); if (duplicated) { syl_plugin_alertpanel_message(_("Duplicate filename"), _("There are duplicate filenames. Multiple files with same name cannot be attached."), 3); return; } /* Get recipients */ orig_to = syl_plugin_compose_entry_get_text(compose, 0); orig_cc = syl_plugin_compose_entry_get_text(compose, 1); orig_bcc = syl_plugin_compose_entry_get_text(compose, 2); orig_replyto = syl_plugin_compose_entry_get_text(compose, 3); orig_subject = syl_plugin_compose_entry_get_text(compose, 4); if (orig_to) g_strstrip(orig_to); if (orig_cc) g_strstrip(orig_cc); if (orig_bcc) g_strstrip(orig_bcc); if ((!orig_to || *orig_to == '\0') && (!orig_cc || *orig_cc == '\0') && (!orig_bcc || *orig_bcc == '\0')) { syl_plugin_alertpanel_message(_("No recipients"), _("Recipient is not specified."), 3); g_free(orig_subject); g_free(orig_replyto); g_free(orig_bcc); g_free(orig_cc); g_free(orig_to); return; } /* Show processing dialog */ dialog = autoenc_processing_dialog_create(); /* Generate password */ password = generate_password(); /* Generate encrypted zip */ filename = generate_filename(); tmp_path = get_autoenc_tmp_dir(); if (!is_dir_exist(tmp_path)) { make_dir(tmp_path); } arc_path = get_7z_path(); zip_path = g_strconcat(tmp_path, G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S, filename, NULL); cmdline = g_string_new(""); if (arc_path) { g_string_append_printf(cmdline, "\"%s\\7z\" a -y ", arc_path); } else { g_string_append(cmdline, "7z a -y "); } g_string_append(cmdline, "-p"); g_string_append(cmdline, password); g_string_append(cmdline, " "); g_string_append_printf(cmdline, "\"%s\"", zip_path); for (cur = alist; cur != NULL; cur = cur->next) { ainfo = (SylPluginAttachInfo *)cur->data; g_string_append(cmdline, " "); g_string_append_printf(cmdline, "\"%s\"", ainfo->file); } debug_print("cmdline: %s\n", cmdline->str); ret = execute_command_line_async_wait(cmdline->str); /* Close processing dialog */ gtk_widget_destroy(dialog); // check if zip was really created if (ret != 0 || !is_file_exist(zip_path) || get_file_size(zip_path) <= 0) { gchar message[256]; if (ret < 0) { g_snprintf(message, sizeof(message), _("Error occurred while creating encrypted zip file.\n\n7z command could not be executed. Please check if 7-Zip is correctly installed.")); } else if (ret > 0) { g_snprintf(message, sizeof(message), _("Error occurred while creating encrypted zip file.\n\n7z command returned error (%d)"), ret); } else { g_snprintf(message, sizeof(message), _("Encrypted zip file could not be created.")); } syl_plugin_alertpanel_message(_("Encrypted zip file creation error"), message, 3); g_string_free(cmdline, TRUE); g_free(zip_path); g_free(filename); g_free(password); g_free(orig_subject); g_free(orig_replyto); g_free(orig_bcc); g_free(orig_cc); g_free(orig_to); g_slist_free(alist); return; } g_string_free(cmdline, TRUE); g_slist_free(alist); /* Replace attachments */ syl_plugin_compose_attach_remove_all(compose); syl_plugin_compose_attach_append(compose, zip_path, filename, "application/zip"); /* Send */ get_rfc822_date(send_date, sizeof(send_date)); ret = syl_plugin_compose_send(compose, TRUE); if (ret != 0) { g_free(zip_path); g_free(filename); g_free(password); g_free(orig_subject); g_free(orig_replyto); g_free(orig_bcc); g_free(orig_cc); g_free(orig_to); return; } /* Create password mail */ subject = create_password_mail_subject(orig_subject, send_date, filename, password); body = create_password_mail_body(orig_subject, send_date, filename, password); debug_print("%s\n", body); compose = syl_plugin_compose_new(NULL, NULL, body, NULL); syl_plugin_compose_entry_set(compose, orig_to, 0); syl_plugin_compose_entry_set(compose, orig_cc, 1); if (orig_bcc && *orig_bcc != '\0') syl_plugin_compose_entry_set(compose, orig_bcc, 2); if (orig_replyto && *orig_replyto != '\0') syl_plugin_compose_entry_set(compose, orig_replyto, 3); syl_plugin_compose_entry_set(compose, subject, 4); /* Cleanup */ g_free(body); g_free(subject); g_free(zip_path); g_free(filename); g_free(password); g_free(orig_subject); g_free(orig_replyto); g_free(orig_bcc); g_free(orig_cc); g_free(orig_to); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int count, status = EXIT_SUCCESS; TCHAR *fn; state *s; /* Because the main() function can handle wchar_t arguments on Win32, we need a way to reference those values. Thus we make a duplciate of the argc and argv values. */ #ifndef __GLIBC__ __progname = basename(argv[0]); #endif s = (state *)malloc(sizeof(state)); if (NULL == s) { // We can't use fatal_error because it requires a valid state print_status("%s: Unable to allocate state variable", __progname); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (initialize_state(s)) { print_status("%s: Unable to initialize state variable", __progname); return EXIT_FAILURE; } process_command_line(s,argc,argv); if (initialize_hashing_algorithms(s)) return EXIT_FAILURE; if (primary_audit == s->primary_function) setup_audit(s); #ifdef _WIN32 if (prepare_windows_command_line(s)) fatal_error(s,"%s: Unable to process command line arguments", __progname); check_wow64(s); #else s->argc = argc; s->argv = argv; #endif MD5DEEP_ALLOC(TCHAR,s->cwd,PATH_MAX); s->cwd = _tgetcwd(s->cwd,PATH_MAX); if (NULL == s->cwd) fatal_error(s,"%s: %s", __progname, strerror(errno)); /* Anything left on the command line at this point is a file or directory we're supposed to process. If there's nothing specified, we should tackle standard input */ if (optind == argc) hash_stdin(s); else { MD5DEEP_ALLOC(TCHAR,fn,PATH_MAX); count = optind; while (count < s->argc) { generate_filename(s,fn,s->cwd,s->argv[count]); #ifdef _WIN32 status = process_win32(s,fn); #else status = process_normal(s,fn); #endif ++count; } free(fn); } if (primary_audit == s->primary_function) status = display_audit_results(s); return status; }
int main_loop(int argc, const char **argv_) { vpx_codec_ctx_t decoder; char *fn = NULL; int i; uint8_t *buf = NULL; size_t bytes_in_buffer = 0, buffer_size = 0; FILE *infile; int frame_in = 0, frame_out = 0, flipuv = 0, noblit = 0; int do_md5 = 0, progress = 0; int stop_after = 0, postproc = 0, summary = 0, quiet = 1; int arg_skip = 0; int ec_enabled = 0; const VpxInterface *interface = NULL; const VpxInterface *fourcc_interface = NULL; uint64_t dx_time = 0; struct arg arg; char **argv, **argi, **argj; int single_file; int use_y4m = 1; vpx_codec_dec_cfg_t cfg = {0}; #if CONFIG_VP8_DECODER vp8_postproc_cfg_t vp8_pp_cfg = {0}; int vp8_dbg_color_ref_frame = 0; int vp8_dbg_color_mb_modes = 0; int vp8_dbg_color_b_modes = 0; int vp8_dbg_display_mv = 0; #endif int frames_corrupted = 0; int dec_flags = 0; int do_scale = 0; vpx_image_t *scaled_img = NULL; int frame_avail, got_data; int num_external_frame_buffers = 0; struct ExternalFrameBufferList ext_fb_list = {0}; const char *outfile_pattern = NULL; char outfile_name[PATH_MAX] = {0}; FILE *outfile = NULL; MD5Context md5_ctx; unsigned char md5_digest[16]; struct VpxDecInputContext input = {0}; struct VpxInputContext vpx_input_ctx = {0}; struct WebmInputContext webm_ctx = {0}; input.vpx_input_ctx = &vpx_input_ctx; input.webm_ctx = &webm_ctx; /* Parse command line */ exec_name = argv_[0]; argv = argv_dup(argc - 1, argv_ + 1); for (argi = argj = argv; (*argj = *argi); argi += arg.argv_step) { memset(&arg, 0, sizeof(arg)); arg.argv_step = 1; if (arg_match(&arg, &codecarg, argi)) { interface = get_vpx_decoder_by_name(arg.val); if (!interface) die("Error: Unrecognized argument (%s) to --codec\n", arg.val); } else if (arg_match(&arg, &looparg, argi)) { // no-op } else if (arg_match(&arg, &outputfile, argi)) outfile_pattern = arg.val; else if (arg_match(&arg, &use_yv12, argi)) { use_y4m = 0; flipuv = 1; } else if (arg_match(&arg, &use_i420, argi)) { use_y4m = 0; flipuv = 0; } else if (arg_match(&arg, &flipuvarg, argi)) flipuv = 1; else if (arg_match(&arg, &noblitarg, argi)) noblit = 1; else if (arg_match(&arg, &progressarg, argi)) progress = 1; else if (arg_match(&arg, &limitarg, argi)) stop_after = arg_parse_uint(&arg); else if (arg_match(&arg, &skiparg, argi)) arg_skip = arg_parse_uint(&arg); else if (arg_match(&arg, &postprocarg, argi)) postproc = 1; else if (arg_match(&arg, &md5arg, argi)) do_md5 = 1; else if (arg_match(&arg, &summaryarg, argi)) summary = 1; else if (arg_match(&arg, &threadsarg, argi)) cfg.threads = arg_parse_uint(&arg); else if (arg_match(&arg, &verbosearg, argi)) quiet = 0; else if (arg_match(&arg, &scalearg, argi)) do_scale = 1; else if (arg_match(&arg, &fb_arg, argi)) num_external_frame_buffers = arg_parse_uint(&arg); #if CONFIG_VP8_DECODER else if (arg_match(&arg, &addnoise_level, argi)) { postproc = 1; vp8_pp_cfg.post_proc_flag |= VP8_ADDNOISE; vp8_pp_cfg.noise_level = arg_parse_uint(&arg); } else if (arg_match(&arg, &demacroblock_level, argi)) { postproc = 1; vp8_pp_cfg.post_proc_flag |= VP8_DEMACROBLOCK; vp8_pp_cfg.deblocking_level = arg_parse_uint(&arg); } else if (arg_match(&arg, &deblock, argi)) { postproc = 1; vp8_pp_cfg.post_proc_flag |= VP8_DEBLOCK; } else if (arg_match(&arg, &mfqe, argi)) { postproc = 1; vp8_pp_cfg.post_proc_flag |= VP8_MFQE; } else if (arg_match(&arg, &pp_debug_info, argi)) { unsigned int level = arg_parse_uint(&arg); postproc = 1; vp8_pp_cfg.post_proc_flag &= ~0x7; if (level) vp8_pp_cfg.post_proc_flag |= level; } else if (arg_match(&arg, &pp_disp_ref_frame, argi)) { unsigned int flags = arg_parse_int(&arg); if (flags) { postproc = 1; vp8_dbg_color_ref_frame = flags; } } else if (arg_match(&arg, &pp_disp_mb_modes, argi)) { unsigned int flags = arg_parse_int(&arg); if (flags) { postproc = 1; vp8_dbg_color_mb_modes = flags; } } else if (arg_match(&arg, &pp_disp_b_modes, argi)) { unsigned int flags = arg_parse_int(&arg); if (flags) { postproc = 1; vp8_dbg_color_b_modes = flags; } } else if (arg_match(&arg, &pp_disp_mvs, argi)) { unsigned int flags = arg_parse_int(&arg); if (flags) { postproc = 1; vp8_dbg_display_mv = flags; } } else if (arg_match(&arg, &error_concealment, argi)) { ec_enabled = 1; } #endif else argj++; } /* Check for unrecognized options */ for (argi = argv; *argi; argi++) if (argi[0][0] == '-' && strlen(argi[0]) > 1) die("Error: Unrecognized option %s\n", *argi); /* Handle non-option arguments */ fn = argv[0]; if (!fn) usage_exit(); /* Open file */ infile = strcmp(fn, "-") ? fopen(fn, "rb") : set_binary_mode(stdin); if (!infile) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open file '%s'", strcmp(fn, "-") ? fn : "stdin"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } #if CONFIG_OS_SUPPORT /* Make sure we don't dump to the terminal, unless forced to with -o - */ if (!outfile_pattern && isatty(fileno(stdout)) && !do_md5 && !noblit) { fprintf(stderr, "Not dumping raw video to your terminal. Use '-o -' to " "override.\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } #endif input.vpx_input_ctx->file = infile; if (file_is_ivf(input.vpx_input_ctx)) input.vpx_input_ctx->file_type = FILE_TYPE_IVF; #if CONFIG_WEBM_IO else if (file_is_webm(input.webm_ctx, input.vpx_input_ctx)) input.vpx_input_ctx->file_type = FILE_TYPE_WEBM; #endif else if (file_is_raw(input.vpx_input_ctx)) input.vpx_input_ctx->file_type = FILE_TYPE_RAW; else { fprintf(stderr, "Unrecognized input file type.\n"); #if !CONFIG_WEBM_IO fprintf(stderr, "vpxdec was built without WebM container support.\n"); #endif return EXIT_FAILURE; } outfile_pattern = outfile_pattern ? outfile_pattern : "-"; single_file = is_single_file(outfile_pattern); if (!noblit && single_file) { generate_filename(outfile_pattern, outfile_name, PATH_MAX, vpx_input_ctx.width, vpx_input_ctx.height, 0); if (do_md5) MD5Init(&md5_ctx); else outfile = open_outfile(outfile_name); } if (use_y4m && !noblit) { if (!single_file) { fprintf(stderr, "YUV4MPEG2 not supported with output patterns," " try --i420 or --yv12.\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } #if CONFIG_WEBM_IO if (vpx_input_ctx.file_type == FILE_TYPE_WEBM) { if (webm_guess_framerate(input.webm_ctx, input.vpx_input_ctx)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to guess framerate -- error parsing " "webm file?\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } #endif } fourcc_interface = get_vpx_decoder_by_fourcc(vpx_input_ctx.fourcc); if (interface && fourcc_interface && interface != fourcc_interface) warn("Header indicates codec: %s\n", fourcc_interface->name); else interface = fourcc_interface; if (!interface) interface = get_vpx_decoder_by_index(0); dec_flags = (postproc ? VPX_CODEC_USE_POSTPROC : 0) | (ec_enabled ? VPX_CODEC_USE_ERROR_CONCEALMENT : 0); if (vpx_codec_dec_init(&decoder, interface->interface(), &cfg, dec_flags)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to initialize decoder: %s\n", vpx_codec_error(&decoder)); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (!quiet) fprintf(stderr, "%s\n",; #if CONFIG_VP8_DECODER if (vp8_pp_cfg.post_proc_flag && vpx_codec_control(&decoder, VP8_SET_POSTPROC, &vp8_pp_cfg)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to configure postproc: %s\n", vpx_codec_error(&decoder)); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (vp8_dbg_color_ref_frame && vpx_codec_control(&decoder, VP8_SET_DBG_COLOR_REF_FRAME, vp8_dbg_color_ref_frame)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to configure reference block visualizer: %s\n", vpx_codec_error(&decoder)); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (vp8_dbg_color_mb_modes && vpx_codec_control(&decoder, VP8_SET_DBG_COLOR_MB_MODES, vp8_dbg_color_mb_modes)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to configure macro block visualizer: %s\n", vpx_codec_error(&decoder)); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (vp8_dbg_color_b_modes && vpx_codec_control(&decoder, VP8_SET_DBG_COLOR_B_MODES, vp8_dbg_color_b_modes)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to configure block visualizer: %s\n", vpx_codec_error(&decoder)); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (vp8_dbg_display_mv && vpx_codec_control(&decoder, VP8_SET_DBG_DISPLAY_MV, vp8_dbg_display_mv)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to configure motion vector visualizer: %s\n", vpx_codec_error(&decoder)); return EXIT_FAILURE; } #endif if (arg_skip) fprintf(stderr, "Skipping first %d frames.\n", arg_skip); while (arg_skip) { if (read_frame(&input, &buf, &bytes_in_buffer, &buffer_size)) break; arg_skip--; } if (num_external_frame_buffers > 0) { ext_fb_list.num_external_frame_buffers = num_external_frame_buffers; ext_fb_list.ext_fb = (struct ExternalFrameBuffer *)calloc( num_external_frame_buffers, sizeof(*ext_fb_list.ext_fb)); if (vpx_codec_set_frame_buffer_functions( &decoder, get_vp9_frame_buffer, release_vp9_frame_buffer, &ext_fb_list)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to configure external frame buffers: %s\n", vpx_codec_error(&decoder)); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } frame_avail = 1; got_data = 0; /* Decode file */ while (frame_avail || got_data) { vpx_codec_iter_t iter = NULL; vpx_image_t *img; struct vpx_usec_timer timer; int corrupted; frame_avail = 0; if (!stop_after || frame_in < stop_after) { if (!read_frame(&input, &buf, &bytes_in_buffer, &buffer_size)) { frame_avail = 1; frame_in++; vpx_usec_timer_start(&timer); if (vpx_codec_decode(&decoder, buf, (unsigned int)bytes_in_buffer, NULL, 0)) { const char *detail = vpx_codec_error_detail(&decoder); warn("Failed to decode frame %d: %s", frame_in, vpx_codec_error(&decoder)); if (detail) warn("Additional information: %s", detail); goto fail; } vpx_usec_timer_mark(&timer); dx_time += vpx_usec_timer_elapsed(&timer); } } vpx_usec_timer_start(&timer); got_data = 0; if ((img = vpx_codec_get_frame(&decoder, &iter))) { ++frame_out; got_data = 1; } vpx_usec_timer_mark(&timer); dx_time += (unsigned int)vpx_usec_timer_elapsed(&timer); if (vpx_codec_control(&decoder, VP8D_GET_FRAME_CORRUPTED, &corrupted)) { warn("Failed VP8_GET_FRAME_CORRUPTED: %s", vpx_codec_error(&decoder)); goto fail; } frames_corrupted += corrupted; if (progress) show_progress(frame_in, frame_out, dx_time); if (!noblit && img) { const int PLANES_YUV[] = {VPX_PLANE_Y, VPX_PLANE_U, VPX_PLANE_V}; const int PLANES_YVU[] = {VPX_PLANE_Y, VPX_PLANE_V, VPX_PLANE_U}; const int *planes = flipuv ? PLANES_YVU : PLANES_YUV; if (do_scale) { if (frame_out == 1) { // If the output frames are to be scaled to a fixed display size then // use the width and height specified in the container. If either of // these is set to 0, use the display size set in the first frame // header. If that is unavailable, use the raw decoded size of the // first decoded frame. int display_width = vpx_input_ctx.width; int display_height = vpx_input_ctx.height; if (!display_width || !display_height) { int display_size[2]; if (vpx_codec_control(&decoder, VP9D_GET_DISPLAY_SIZE, display_size)) { // As last resort use size of first frame as display size. display_width = img->d_w; display_height = img->d_h; } else { display_width = display_size[0]; display_height = display_size[1]; } } scaled_img = vpx_img_alloc(NULL, VPX_IMG_FMT_I420, display_width, display_height, 16); } if (img->d_w != scaled_img->d_w || img->d_h != scaled_img->d_h) { vpx_image_scale(img, scaled_img, kFilterBox); img = scaled_img; } } if (single_file) { if (use_y4m) { char buf[Y4M_BUFFER_SIZE] = {0}; size_t len = 0; if (frame_out == 1) { // Y4M file header len = y4m_write_file_header(buf, sizeof(buf), vpx_input_ctx.width, vpx_input_ctx.height, &vpx_input_ctx.framerate, img->fmt); if (do_md5) { MD5Update(&md5_ctx, (md5byte *)buf, (unsigned int)len); } else { fputs(buf, outfile); } } // Y4M frame header len = y4m_write_frame_header(buf, sizeof(buf)); if (do_md5) { MD5Update(&md5_ctx, (md5byte *)buf, (unsigned int)len); } else { fputs(buf, outfile); } } if (do_md5) { update_image_md5(img, planes, &md5_ctx); } else { write_image_file(img, planes, outfile); } } else { generate_filename(outfile_pattern, outfile_name, PATH_MAX, img->d_w, img->d_h, frame_in); if (do_md5) { MD5Init(&md5_ctx); update_image_md5(img, planes, &md5_ctx); MD5Final(md5_digest, &md5_ctx); print_md5(md5_digest, outfile_name); } else { outfile = open_outfile(outfile_name); write_image_file(img, planes, outfile); fclose(outfile); } } } if (stop_after && frame_in >= stop_after) break; } if (summary || progress) { show_progress(frame_in, frame_out, dx_time); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } if (frames_corrupted) fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: %d frames corrupted.\n", frames_corrupted); fail: if (vpx_codec_destroy(&decoder)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to destroy decoder: %s\n", vpx_codec_error(&decoder)); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (!noblit && single_file) { if (do_md5) { MD5Final(md5_digest, &md5_ctx); print_md5(md5_digest, outfile_name); } else { fclose(outfile); } } #if CONFIG_WEBM_IO if (input.vpx_input_ctx->file_type == FILE_TYPE_WEBM) webm_free(input.webm_ctx); #endif if (input.vpx_input_ctx->file_type != FILE_TYPE_WEBM) free(buf); if (scaled_img) vpx_img_free(scaled_img); for (i = 0; i < ext_fb_list.num_external_frame_buffers; ++i) { free(ext_fb_list.ext_fb[i].data); } free(ext_fb_list.ext_fb); fclose(infile); free(argv); return frames_corrupted ? EXIT_FAILURE : EXIT_SUCCESS; }
static int main_loop(int argc, const char **argv_) { aom_codec_ctx_t decoder; char *fn = NULL; int i; int ret = EXIT_FAILURE; uint8_t *buf = NULL; size_t bytes_in_buffer = 0, buffer_size = 0; FILE *infile; int frame_in = 0, frame_out = 0, flipuv = 0, noblit = 0; int do_md5 = 0, progress = 0, frame_parallel = 0; int stop_after = 0, postproc = 0, summary = 0, quiet = 1; int arg_skip = 0; int ec_enabled = 0; int keep_going = 0; const AvxInterface *interface = NULL; const AvxInterface *fourcc_interface = NULL; uint64_t dx_time = 0; struct arg arg; char **argv, **argi, **argj; int single_file; int use_y4m = 1; int opt_yv12 = 0; int opt_i420 = 0; aom_codec_dec_cfg_t cfg = { 0, 0, 0 }; #if CONFIG_AOM_HIGHBITDEPTH unsigned int output_bit_depth = 0; #endif #if CONFIG_EXT_TILE int tile_row = -1; int tile_col = -1; #endif // CONFIG_EXT_TILE int frames_corrupted = 0; int dec_flags = 0; int do_scale = 0; aom_image_t *scaled_img = NULL; #if CONFIG_AOM_HIGHBITDEPTH aom_image_t *img_shifted = NULL; #endif int frame_avail, got_data, flush_decoder = 0; int num_external_frame_buffers = 0; struct ExternalFrameBufferList ext_fb_list = { 0, NULL }; const char *outfile_pattern = NULL; char outfile_name[PATH_MAX] = { 0 }; FILE *outfile = NULL; FILE *framestats_file = NULL; MD5Context md5_ctx; unsigned char md5_digest[16]; struct AvxDecInputContext input = { NULL, NULL }; struct AvxInputContext aom_input_ctx; #if CONFIG_WEBM_IO struct WebmInputContext webm_ctx; memset(&(webm_ctx), 0, sizeof(webm_ctx)); input.webm_ctx = &webm_ctx; #endif input.aom_input_ctx = &aom_input_ctx; /* Parse command line */ exec_name = argv_[0]; argv = argv_dup(argc - 1, argv_ + 1); for (argi = argj = argv; (*argj = *argi); argi += arg.argv_step) { memset(&arg, 0, sizeof(arg)); arg.argv_step = 1; if (arg_match(&arg, &codecarg, argi)) { interface = get_aom_decoder_by_name(arg.val); if (!interface) die("Error: Unrecognized argument (%s) to --codec\n", arg.val); } else if (arg_match(&arg, &looparg, argi)) { // no-op } else if (arg_match(&arg, &outputfile, argi)) { outfile_pattern = arg.val; } else if (arg_match(&arg, &use_yv12, argi)) { use_y4m = 0; flipuv = 1; opt_yv12 = 1; } else if (arg_match(&arg, &use_i420, argi)) { use_y4m = 0; flipuv = 0; opt_i420 = 1; } else if (arg_match(&arg, &rawvideo, argi)) { use_y4m = 0; } else if (arg_match(&arg, &flipuvarg, argi)) { flipuv = 1; } else if (arg_match(&arg, &noblitarg, argi)) { noblit = 1; } else if (arg_match(&arg, &progressarg, argi)) { progress = 1; } else if (arg_match(&arg, &limitarg, argi)) { stop_after = arg_parse_uint(&arg); } else if (arg_match(&arg, &skiparg, argi)) { arg_skip = arg_parse_uint(&arg); } else if (arg_match(&arg, &postprocarg, argi)) { postproc = 1; } else if (arg_match(&arg, &md5arg, argi)) { do_md5 = 1; } else if (arg_match(&arg, &framestatsarg, argi)) { framestats_file = fopen(arg.val, "w"); if (!framestats_file) { die("Error: Could not open --framestats file (%s) for writing.\n", arg.val); } } else if (arg_match(&arg, &summaryarg, argi)) { summary = 1; } else if (arg_match(&arg, &threadsarg, argi)) { cfg.threads = arg_parse_uint(&arg); } #if CONFIG_AV1_DECODER else if (arg_match(&arg, &frameparallelarg, argi)) frame_parallel = 1; #endif else if (arg_match(&arg, &verbosearg, argi)) quiet = 0; else if (arg_match(&arg, &scalearg, argi)) do_scale = 1; else if (arg_match(&arg, &fb_arg, argi)) num_external_frame_buffers = arg_parse_uint(&arg); else if (arg_match(&arg, &continuearg, argi)) keep_going = 1; #if CONFIG_AOM_HIGHBITDEPTH else if (arg_match(&arg, &outbitdeptharg, argi)) { output_bit_depth = arg_parse_uint(&arg); } #endif #if CONFIG_EXT_TILE else if (arg_match(&arg, &tiler, argi)) tile_row = arg_parse_int(&arg); else if (arg_match(&arg, &tilec, argi)) tile_col = arg_parse_int(&arg); #endif // CONFIG_EXT_TILE else argj++; } /* Check for unrecognized options */ for (argi = argv; *argi; argi++) if (argi[0][0] == '-' && strlen(argi[0]) > 1) die("Error: Unrecognized option %s\n", *argi); /* Handle non-option arguments */ fn = argv[0]; if (!fn) { free(argv); usage_exit(); } /* Open file */ infile = strcmp(fn, "-") ? fopen(fn, "rb") : set_binary_mode(stdin); if (!infile) { fatal("Failed to open input file '%s'", strcmp(fn, "-") ? fn : "stdin"); } #if CONFIG_OS_SUPPORT /* Make sure we don't dump to the terminal, unless forced to with -o - */ if (!outfile_pattern && isatty(STDOUT_FILENO) && !do_md5 && !noblit) { fprintf(stderr, "Not dumping raw video to your terminal. Use '-o -' to " "override.\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } #endif input.aom_input_ctx->file = infile; if (file_is_ivf(input.aom_input_ctx)) input.aom_input_ctx->file_type = FILE_TYPE_IVF; #if CONFIG_WEBM_IO else if (file_is_webm(input.webm_ctx, input.aom_input_ctx)) input.aom_input_ctx->file_type = FILE_TYPE_WEBM; #endif else if (file_is_raw(input.aom_input_ctx)) input.aom_input_ctx->file_type = FILE_TYPE_RAW; else { fprintf(stderr, "Unrecognized input file type.\n"); #if !CONFIG_WEBM_IO fprintf(stderr, "aomdec was built without WebM container support.\n"); #endif return EXIT_FAILURE; } outfile_pattern = outfile_pattern ? outfile_pattern : "-"; single_file = is_single_file(outfile_pattern); if (!noblit && single_file) { generate_filename(outfile_pattern, outfile_name, PATH_MAX, aom_input_ctx.width, aom_input_ctx.height, 0); if (do_md5) MD5Init(&md5_ctx); else outfile = open_outfile(outfile_name); } if (use_y4m && !noblit) { if (!single_file) { fprintf(stderr, "YUV4MPEG2 not supported with output patterns," " try --i420 or --yv12 or --rawvideo.\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } #if CONFIG_WEBM_IO if (aom_input_ctx.file_type == FILE_TYPE_WEBM) { if (webm_guess_framerate(input.webm_ctx, input.aom_input_ctx)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to guess framerate -- error parsing " "webm file?\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } #endif } fourcc_interface = get_aom_decoder_by_fourcc(aom_input_ctx.fourcc); if (interface && fourcc_interface && interface != fourcc_interface) warn("Header indicates codec: %s\n", fourcc_interface->name); else interface = fourcc_interface; if (!interface) interface = get_aom_decoder_by_index(0); dec_flags = (postproc ? AOM_CODEC_USE_POSTPROC : 0) | (ec_enabled ? AOM_CODEC_USE_ERROR_CONCEALMENT : 0) | (frame_parallel ? AOM_CODEC_USE_FRAME_THREADING : 0); if (aom_codec_dec_init(&decoder, interface->codec_interface(), &cfg, dec_flags)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to initialize decoder: %s\n", aom_codec_error(&decoder)); goto fail2; } if (!quiet) fprintf(stderr, "%s\n",; #if CONFIG_AV1_DECODER && CONFIG_EXT_TILE if (aom_codec_control(&decoder, AV1_SET_DECODE_TILE_ROW, tile_row)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to set decode_tile_row: %s\n", aom_codec_error(&decoder)); goto fail; } if (aom_codec_control(&decoder, AV1_SET_DECODE_TILE_COL, tile_col)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to set decode_tile_col: %s\n", aom_codec_error(&decoder)); goto fail; } #endif if (arg_skip) fprintf(stderr, "Skipping first %d frames.\n", arg_skip); while (arg_skip) { if (read_frame(&input, &buf, &bytes_in_buffer, &buffer_size)) break; arg_skip--; } if (num_external_frame_buffers > 0) { ext_fb_list.num_external_frame_buffers = num_external_frame_buffers; ext_fb_list.ext_fb = (struct ExternalFrameBuffer *)calloc( num_external_frame_buffers, sizeof(*ext_fb_list.ext_fb)); if (aom_codec_set_frame_buffer_functions(&decoder, get_av1_frame_buffer, release_av1_frame_buffer, &ext_fb_list)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to configure external frame buffers: %s\n", aom_codec_error(&decoder)); goto fail; } } frame_avail = 1; got_data = 0; if (framestats_file) fprintf(framestats_file, "bytes,qp\r\n"); /* Decode file */ while (frame_avail || got_data) { aom_codec_iter_t iter = NULL; aom_image_t *img; struct aom_usec_timer timer; int corrupted = 0; frame_avail = 0; if (!stop_after || frame_in < stop_after) { if (!read_frame(&input, &buf, &bytes_in_buffer, &buffer_size)) { frame_avail = 1; frame_in++; aom_usec_timer_start(&timer); if (aom_codec_decode(&decoder, buf, (unsigned int)bytes_in_buffer, NULL, 0)) { const char *detail = aom_codec_error_detail(&decoder); warn("Failed to decode frame %d: %s", frame_in, aom_codec_error(&decoder)); if (detail) warn("Additional information: %s", detail); if (!keep_going) goto fail; } if (framestats_file) { int qp; if (aom_codec_control(&decoder, AOMD_GET_LAST_QUANTIZER, &qp)) { warn("Failed AOMD_GET_LAST_QUANTIZER: %s", aom_codec_error(&decoder)); if (!keep_going) goto fail; } fprintf(framestats_file, "%d,%d\r\n", (int)bytes_in_buffer, qp); } aom_usec_timer_mark(&timer); dx_time += aom_usec_timer_elapsed(&timer); } else { flush_decoder = 1; } } else { flush_decoder = 1; } aom_usec_timer_start(&timer); if (flush_decoder) { // Flush the decoder in frame parallel decode. if (aom_codec_decode(&decoder, NULL, 0, NULL, 0)) { warn("Failed to flush decoder: %s", aom_codec_error(&decoder)); } } got_data = 0; if ((img = aom_codec_get_frame(&decoder, &iter))) { ++frame_out; got_data = 1; } aom_usec_timer_mark(&timer); dx_time += (unsigned int)aom_usec_timer_elapsed(&timer); if (!frame_parallel && aom_codec_control(&decoder, AOMD_GET_FRAME_CORRUPTED, &corrupted)) { warn("Failed AOM_GET_FRAME_CORRUPTED: %s", aom_codec_error(&decoder)); if (!keep_going) goto fail; } frames_corrupted += corrupted; if (progress) show_progress(frame_in, frame_out, dx_time); if (!noblit && img) { const int PLANES_YUV[] = { AOM_PLANE_Y, AOM_PLANE_U, AOM_PLANE_V }; const int PLANES_YVU[] = { AOM_PLANE_Y, AOM_PLANE_V, AOM_PLANE_U }; const int *planes = flipuv ? PLANES_YVU : PLANES_YUV; if (do_scale) { if (frame_out == 1) { // If the output frames are to be scaled to a fixed display size then // use the width and height specified in the container. If either of // these is set to 0, use the display size set in the first frame // header. If that is unavailable, use the raw decoded size of the // first decoded frame. int render_width = aom_input_ctx.width; int render_height = aom_input_ctx.height; if (!render_width || !render_height) { int render_size[2]; if (aom_codec_control(&decoder, AV1D_GET_DISPLAY_SIZE, render_size)) { // As last resort use size of first frame as display size. render_width = img->d_w; render_height = img->d_h; } else { render_width = render_size[0]; render_height = render_size[1]; } } scaled_img = aom_img_alloc(NULL, img->fmt, render_width, render_height, 16); scaled_img->bit_depth = img->bit_depth; } if (img->d_w != scaled_img->d_w || img->d_h != scaled_img->d_h) { #if CONFIG_LIBYUV libyuv_scale(img, scaled_img, kFilterBox); img = scaled_img; #else fprintf(stderr, "Failed to scale output frame: %s.\n" "Scaling is disabled in this configuration. " "To enable scaling, configure with --enable-libyuv\n", aom_codec_error(&decoder)); goto fail; #endif } } #if CONFIG_AOM_HIGHBITDEPTH // Default to codec bit depth if output bit depth not set if (!output_bit_depth && single_file && !do_md5) { output_bit_depth = img->bit_depth; } // Shift up or down if necessary if (output_bit_depth != 0 && output_bit_depth != img->bit_depth) { const aom_img_fmt_t shifted_fmt = output_bit_depth == 8 ? img->fmt ^ (img->fmt & AOM_IMG_FMT_HIGHBITDEPTH) : img->fmt | AOM_IMG_FMT_HIGHBITDEPTH; if (img_shifted && img_shifted_realloc_required(img, img_shifted, shifted_fmt)) { aom_img_free(img_shifted); img_shifted = NULL; } if (!img_shifted) { img_shifted = aom_img_alloc(NULL, shifted_fmt, img->d_w, img->d_h, 16); img_shifted->bit_depth = output_bit_depth; } if (output_bit_depth > img->bit_depth) { aom_img_upshift(img_shifted, img, output_bit_depth - img->bit_depth); } else { aom_img_downshift(img_shifted, img, img->bit_depth - output_bit_depth); } img = img_shifted; } #endif #if CONFIG_EXT_TILE aom_input_ctx.width = img->d_w; aom_input_ctx.height = img->d_h; #endif // CONFIG_EXT_TILE if (single_file) { if (use_y4m) { char y4m_buf[Y4M_BUFFER_SIZE] = { 0 }; size_t len = 0; if (img->fmt == AOM_IMG_FMT_I440 || img->fmt == AOM_IMG_FMT_I44016) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot produce y4m output for 440 sampling.\n"); goto fail; } if (frame_out == 1) { // Y4M file header len = y4m_write_file_header( y4m_buf, sizeof(y4m_buf), aom_input_ctx.width, aom_input_ctx.height, &aom_input_ctx.framerate, img->fmt, img->bit_depth); if (do_md5) { MD5Update(&md5_ctx, (md5byte *)y4m_buf, (unsigned int)len); } else { fputs(y4m_buf, outfile); } } // Y4M frame header len = y4m_write_frame_header(y4m_buf, sizeof(y4m_buf)); if (do_md5) { MD5Update(&md5_ctx, (md5byte *)y4m_buf, (unsigned int)len); } else { fputs(y4m_buf, outfile); } } else { if (frame_out == 1) { // Check if --yv12 or --i420 options are consistent with the // bit-stream decoded if (opt_i420) { if (img->fmt != AOM_IMG_FMT_I420 && img->fmt != AOM_IMG_FMT_I42016) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot produce i420 output for bit-stream.\n"); goto fail; } } if (opt_yv12) { if ((img->fmt != AOM_IMG_FMT_I420 && img->fmt != AOM_IMG_FMT_YV12) || img->bit_depth != 8) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot produce yv12 output for bit-stream.\n"); goto fail; } } } } if (do_md5) { update_image_md5(img, planes, &md5_ctx); } else { write_image_file(img, planes, outfile); } } else { generate_filename(outfile_pattern, outfile_name, PATH_MAX, img->d_w, img->d_h, frame_in); if (do_md5) { MD5Init(&md5_ctx); update_image_md5(img, planes, &md5_ctx); MD5Final(md5_digest, &md5_ctx); print_md5(md5_digest, outfile_name); } else { outfile = open_outfile(outfile_name); write_image_file(img, planes, outfile); fclose(outfile); } } } } if (summary || progress) { show_progress(frame_in, frame_out, dx_time); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } if (frames_corrupted) { fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: %d frames corrupted.\n", frames_corrupted); } else { ret = EXIT_SUCCESS; } fail: if (aom_codec_destroy(&decoder)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to destroy decoder: %s\n", aom_codec_error(&decoder)); } fail2: if (!noblit && single_file) { if (do_md5) { MD5Final(md5_digest, &md5_ctx); print_md5(md5_digest, outfile_name); } else { fclose(outfile); } } #if CONFIG_WEBM_IO if (input.aom_input_ctx->file_type == FILE_TYPE_WEBM) webm_free(input.webm_ctx); #endif if (input.aom_input_ctx->file_type != FILE_TYPE_WEBM) free(buf); if (scaled_img) aom_img_free(scaled_img); #if CONFIG_AOM_HIGHBITDEPTH if (img_shifted) aom_img_free(img_shifted); #endif for (i = 0; i < ext_fb_list.num_external_frame_buffers; ++i) { free(ext_fb_list.ext_fb[i].data); } free(ext_fb_list.ext_fb); fclose(infile); if (framestats_file) fclose(framestats_file); free(argv); return ret; }
void VoiceActingManager::OnGenerateFileNames() { int i; int digits; // stuff data to variables UpdateData(TRUE); // command briefings digits = calc_digits(Cmd_briefs[0].num_stages); for (i = 0; i < Cmd_briefs[0].num_stages; i++) { char *filename = Cmd_briefs[0].stage[i].wave_filename; // generate only if we're replacing or if it has a replaceable name if (!m_no_replace || !strlen(filename) || !strnicmp(filename, "none.wav", 4) || message_filename_is_generic(filename)) { strcpy(filename, LPCTSTR(generate_filename(m_abbrev_command_briefing, i + 1, digits))); } } // briefings digits = calc_digits(Briefings[0].num_stages); for (i = 0; i < Briefings[0].num_stages; i++) { char *filename = Briefings[0].stages[i].voice; // generate only if we're replacing or if it has a replaceable name if (!m_no_replace || !strlen(filename) || !strnicmp(filename, "none.wav", 4) || message_filename_is_generic(filename)) { strcpy(filename, LPCTSTR(generate_filename(m_abbrev_briefing, i + 1, digits))); } } // debriefings digits = calc_digits(Debriefings[0].num_stages); for (i = 0; i < Debriefings[0].num_stages; i++) { char *filename = Debriefings[0].stages[i].voice; // generate only if we're replacing or if it has a replaceable name if (!m_no_replace || !strlen(filename) || !strnicmp(filename, "none.wav", 4) || message_filename_is_generic(filename)) { strcpy(filename, LPCTSTR(generate_filename(m_abbrev_debriefing, i + 1, digits))); } } // messages digits = calc_digits(Num_messages - Num_builtin_messages); for (i = 0; i < Num_messages - Num_builtin_messages; i++) { char *filename = Messages[i + Num_builtin_messages]; // generate only if we're replacing or if it has a replaceable name if (!m_no_replace || !filename || !strlen(filename) || !strnicmp(filename, "none.wav", 4) || message_filename_is_generic(filename)) { // free existing filename if (filename != NULL) free(filename); // allocate new filename Messages[i + Num_builtin_messages] = strdup(LPCTSTR(generate_filename(m_abbrev_message, i + 1, digits))); } } // notify MessageBox("File name generation complete.", "Woohoo!"); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int listenfd, connfd, dbfd, itemfd, rservfd, logfd; int dflag, iflag, opt, n, i; int port = 0; pid_t childpid; char *database, *nameitem, *logfile; socklen_t clilen; struct sockaddr_in cliaddr, servaddr; struct sigaction act1, oact1, act2, oact2; act1.sa_handler = sig_chld; act1.sa_flags = SA_RESETHAND; act2.sa_handler = sig_int; act2.sa_flags = SA_RESETHAND; dflag = iflag = 0; /* parameter parer flag, unset at the beginning */ // parameter parser using getopt while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "d:i:p:")) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'd': /* database file path */ n = strlen(optarg); // copy the input string content to a new string if ((database = (char *) malloc(n + 1)) == NULL) { handle_err("[Error] main -- malloc error"); } for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { database[i] = optarg[i]; } database[i] = '\0'; dflag = 1; /* has been set */ break; case 'i': /* nameindex file path */ n = strlen(optarg); // copy the input string content to a new string if ((nameitem = (char *) malloc(n + 1)) == NULL) { handle_err("[Error] main -- malloc error"); } for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { nameitem[i] = optarg[i]; } nameitem[i] = '\0'; iflag = 1; break; case 'p': /* server port number */ port = atoi(optarg); if (port < 65535 && port > 1024) { fprintf(stderr, "[Error] main -- illegal port number\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } break; default: /* ? */ fprintf(stderr, "[Usage] %s [-d filepath] [-r filepath]\n", argv[0]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } if (dflag == 0) { // not input database path if (generate_filename(&database, ".db") < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "[Error] generate_filename error\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } if (iflag == 0) { // not input name index path if (generate_filename(&nameitem, ".index") < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "[Error] generate_filename error\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } if (generate_filename(&logfile, ".log") < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "[Error] generate_filename error\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // open needed file if ((dbfd = open(database, O_RDWR | O_APPEND | O_CREAT, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR)) < 0) { handle_err("[Error] main -- open or create database file error"); } if ((itemfd = open(nameitem, O_RDWR | O_APPEND | O_CREAT, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR)) < 0) { handle_err("[Error] main -- open or create nameindex table file error"); } if ((rservfd = open(ROUTE_SERVER, O_RDONLY)) < 0) { handle_err("[Error] main -- open routeserver config file error"); } if ((logfd = open(logfile, O_RDWR | O_APPEND | O_CREAT, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR)) < 0) { handle_err("[Error] main -- open or create log file error"); } // initialize the socket and listen to request listenfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (listenfd == -1) handle_err("[Error] main -- socket error"); bzero(&servaddr, sizeof(servaddr)); servaddr.sin_family = AF_INET; servaddr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); if (port == 0) { port = SERV_PORT; } servaddr.sin_port = htons(port); if (bind(listenfd, (struct sockaddr *) &servaddr, sizeof(servaddr)) < 0 ) handle_err("binding error"); if (listen(listenfd, LISTEN_BACKLOG) == -1) handle_err("listen error"); // signal handler if (sigaction(SIGCHLD, &act1, &oact1) < 0) { handle_err("sig_chld error"); } if (sigaction(SIGINT, &act2, &oact2) < 0) { handle_err("sig_int error"); } /* call accept, wait for a client */ for ( ; ; ) { clilen = sizeof(cliaddr); connfd = accept(listenfd, (struct sockaddr *) &cliaddr, &clilen); if (connfd < 0) { if (errno == EINTR) { continue; } else { handle_err("accept error"); } } if ((childpid = fork()) < 0) handle_err("fork error"); else if (childpid == 0) { /* child process */ close(listenfd); /* process the request */ name_server(connfd, dbfd, itemfd, rservfd, logfd, port); exit(0); } close(connfd); /* parent closes connected socket */ } exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int count, status, goal = argc; state *s; TCHAR *fn, *cwd; #ifndef __GLIBC__ __progname = basename(argv[0]); #endif s = (state *)malloc(sizeof(state)); if (NULL == s) fatal_error("%s: Unable to allocate state variable", __progname); if (initialize_state(s)) fatal_error("%s: Unable to initialize state variable", __progname); process_cmd_line(s,argc,argv); #ifdef _WIN32 if (prepare_windows_command_line(s)) fatal_error("%s: Unable to process command line arguments", __progname); #else s->argc = argc; s->argv = argv; #endif // Anything left on the command line at this point is a file // or directory we're supposed to process. If there's nothing // specified, we should tackle standard input if (optind == argc) { status = process_stdin(s); } else { MD5DEEP_ALLOC(TCHAR,fn,PATH_MAX); MD5DEEP_ALLOC(TCHAR,cwd,PATH_MAX); cwd = _tgetcwd(cwd,PATH_MAX); if (NULL == cwd) fatal_error("%s: %s", __progname, strerror(errno)); count = optind; // The signature comparsion mode needs to use the command line // arguments and argument count. We don't do wildcard expansion // on it on Win32 (i.e. where it matters). The setting of 'goal' // to the original argc occured at the start of main(), so we just // need to update it if we're *not* in signature compare mode. if (!(s->mode & mode_sigcompare)) { goal = s->argc; } while (count < goal) { if (MODE(mode_sigcompare)) match_load(s,argv[count]); else if (MODE(mode_compare_unknown)) match_compare_unknown(s,argv[count]); else { generate_filename(s,fn,cwd,s->argv[count]); #ifdef _WIN32 status = process_win32(s,fn); #else status = process_normal(s,fn); #endif } ++count; } // If we processed files, but didn't find anything large enough // to be meaningful, we should display a warning message to the user. // This happens mostly when people are testing very small files // e.g. $ echo "hello world" > foo && ssdeep foo if ( ! s->found_meaningful_file && s->processed_file) { print_error(s,"%s: Did not process files large enough to produce meaningful results", __progname); } } // If the user has requested us to compare signature files, use // our existng code to pretty-print directory matching to do the // work for us. if (s->mode & mode_sigcompare) s->mode |= mode_match_pretty; if (s->mode & mode_match_pretty) match_pretty(s); return (EXIT_SUCCESS); }
HRESULT Camera::selectPicture(HWND hwndOwner,LPTSTR pszFilename) { RHO_ASSERT(pszFilename); #if defined( _WIN32_WCE ) //&& !defined( OS_PLATFORM_MOTCE ) OPENFILENAMEEX ofnex = {0}; OPENFILENAME ofn = {0}; #else OPENFILENAME ofn = {0}; #endif pszFilename[0] = 0; ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(ofn); ofn.hwndOwner = hwndOwner; ofn.lpstrFilter = NULL; ofn.lpstrFile = pszFilename; ofn.nMaxFile = MAX_PATH; ofn.lpstrInitialDir = NULL; ofn.lpstrTitle = _T("Select an image"); #if defined( _WIN32_WCE ) //&& !defined( OS_PLATFORM_MOTCE ) BOOL bRes = false; if(RHO_IS_WMDEVICE) { ofnex.ExFlags = OFN_EXFLAG_THUMBNAILVIEW|OFN_EXFLAG_NOFILECREATE|OFN_EXFLAG_LOCKDIRECTORY; bRes = lpfn_GetOpen_FileEx(&ofnex); } else bRes = GetOpenFileName(&ofn); if (bRes) #else if (GetOpenFileName(&ofn)) #endif { HRESULT hResult = S_OK; /* TCHAR rhoroot[MAX_PATH]; wchar_t* root = wce_mbtowc(rho_rhodesapp_getblobsdirpath()); wsprintf(rhoroot,L"%s",root); free(root); create_folder(rhoroot);*/ StringW strBlobRoot = convertToStringW( RHODESAPP().getBlobsDirPath() ); LPCTSTR szExt = wcsrchr(pszFilename, '.'); StringW strFileName = generate_filename(szExt); StringW strFullName = strBlobRoot + L"\\" + strFileName; if (copy_file( pszFilename, strFullName.c_str() )) { wcscpy( pszFilename, strFileName.c_str() ); } else { hResult = E_INVALIDARG; } return hResult; } else if (GetLastError()==ERROR_SUCCESS) { return S_FALSE; //user cancel op } return E_INVALIDARG; }
/* Decompose an image. It returns the number of new (gray) images. * The image IDs for the new images are returned in image_ID_dst. * On failure, -1 is returned. */ static gint32 decompose (gint32 image_ID, gint32 drawable_ID, const gchar *extract_type, gint32 *image_ID_dst, gint32 *nlayers, gint32 *layer_ID_dst) { const gchar *layername; gint j, extract_idx; gint height, width, num_layers; GeglBuffer *src_buffer; GeglBuffer *dst_buffer[MAX_EXTRACT_IMAGES]; GimpPrecision precision; gboolean requirments = FALSE, decomp_has_alpha = FALSE; extract_idx = -1; /* Search extract type */ for (j = 0; j < G_N_ELEMENTS (extract); j++) { if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (extract_type, extract[j].type) == 0) { extract_idx = j; break; } } if (extract_idx < 0) return -1; num_layers = extract[extract_idx].num_images; /* Sanity checks */ src_buffer = gimp_drawable_get_buffer (drawable_ID); precision = gimp_image_get_precision (image_ID); for (j = 0; j < num_layers; j++) { /* FIXME: Not 100% reliable */ decomp_has_alpha |= !g_strcmp0 ("alpha", extract[extract_idx].component[j].babl_name); decomp_has_alpha |= !g_strcmp0 ("A", extract[extract_idx].component[j].babl_name); } requirments |= (gimp_drawable_is_rgb (drawable_ID)); requirments |= (gimp_drawable_is_indexed (drawable_ID)); requirments |= (gimp_drawable_is_gray (drawable_ID) && gimp_drawable_has_alpha (drawable_ID) && (num_layers <= 2) && decomp_has_alpha); requirments &= (!decomp_has_alpha || gimp_drawable_has_alpha (drawable_ID)); if (!requirments) { g_message (_("Image not suitable for this decomposition")); return -1; } width = gegl_buffer_get_width (src_buffer); height = gegl_buffer_get_height (src_buffer); /* Create all new gray images */ for (j = 0; j < num_layers; j++) { gchar *filename; gdouble xres, yres; filename = generate_filename (image_ID, extract_idx, j); gimp_image_get_resolution (image_ID, &xres, &yres); if (decovals.as_layers) { layername = gettext (extract[extract_idx].component[j].channel_name); if (j == 0) image_ID_dst[j] = create_new_image (filename, layername, width, height, GIMP_GRAY, precision, xres, yres, layer_ID_dst + j); else layer_ID_dst[j] = create_new_layer (image_ID_dst[0], j, layername, width, height, GIMP_GRAY); } else { image_ID_dst[j] = create_new_image (filename, NULL, width, height, GIMP_GRAY, precision, xres, yres, layer_ID_dst + j); } g_free (filename); dst_buffer[j] = gimp_drawable_get_buffer (layer_ID_dst[j]); } copy_n_components (src_buffer, dst_buffer, extract[extract_idx]); if (decovals.use_registration) transfer_registration_color (src_buffer, dst_buffer, num_layers); gimp_progress_update (1.0); g_object_unref (src_buffer); for (j = 0; j < num_layers; j++) { g_object_unref (dst_buffer[j]); } *nlayers = num_layers; return (decovals.as_layers ? 1 : num_layers); }
int main(int argc, char **argv){ int i; /* int a[22] = {19,20,21,22,29,30,31,32,33,39,40,41,42,43,44,49,50,51,52,53,54,55}; Vertexlist vtxlist; char fname[] = "vertexlists/__.dat"; for (int i=0; i<22; i++) { vtxlist=get_vertexlist(a[i]); sprintf(fname, "vertexlists/%d.dat", a[i]); export_vertexlist(vtxlist, fname); }*/ clock_t start, end; double elapsed; int ndof=0; /*Set default values*/ struct arguments arguments; arguments.T=1; arguments.whichF = 0; arguments.d = 0; arguments.k = 0; arguments.vtxlist = 0; arguments.regular = 0; arguments.regular_file = 0; arguments.p = 0; = 0; arguments.singular = 0; arguments.method = 0; arguments.qrregular = 0; arguments.qrsingular = 0; arguments.whichoutput = 7; arguments.portionwise = 0; arguments.output = 0; /*Get Input Data*/ argp_parse(&argp, argc, argv, 0, 0, &arguments); if(argc==1){ //no input arguments fprintf(stderr, "Error: Need input arguments.\n"); argp_help(&argp, stderr,ARGP_HELP_USAGE,argv[0]); exit(1); } /*Process Input Data*/ if(arguments.portionwise && (! arguments.whichF || arguments.method != QR_SPARSE)){ fprintf(stderr,"Error: You can only use --portionwise with --combination-method=sparse --function=NUMBER.\n"); } if(arguments.whichF){ if(arguments.whichoutput!=7){ fprintf(stderr,"Warning: Using --no-x, --no-y or --no-z with --function has no effect.\n"); } if(arguments.whichF==2 || arguments.whichF==4){ arguments.whichoutput=6; } else if(arguments.whichF==11){ arguments.whichoutput=7; } else{ arguments.whichoutput=1; } if(! arguments.vtxlist) { fprintf(stderr,"Error: --vertexlist must be set when using --function. If --function is set, the quadrature value on parallelotopes is calculated, so the position of parallelotopes is needed.\n"); exit(1); } } AffineTrafo A; if(arguments.vtxlist) { Vertexlist vtxlist = import_vertexlist(arguments.vtxlist); if(arguments.d || arguments.k){ fprintf(stderr,"Warning: Using --dimension or --intersection with --vertexlist has no effect.\n"); } //compute space dimension d and dimension of the intersection k int d= vtxlist.s1; int k= 2*(d+1)-vtxlist.s2-1; if(arguments.d && arguments.d!=d){ fprintf(stderr,"Warning: Spatial dimension set with --dimension is not identical with spatial dimension given by --vertexlist!\n"); } arguments.d = d; if(arguments.k && arguments.k!=k){ fprintf(stderr,"Warning: Dimension of intersection set with --intersection is not identical with dimension given by --vertexlist!\n"); } arguments.k = k; //Calculate Affine Transformation A=determineAffineTrafo(d, k, vtxlist); free_vertexlist(vtxlist); } double alpha=-2*arguments.d+arguments.k+eps; FILE *f; if(!arguments.whichF){ if(!arguments.output){ arguments.output = generate_filename(arguments); fprintf(stderr, "Warning: No output file name given, writing in \"%s\". Use --output=FILENAME to set file name.\n",arguments.output); } f=fopen(arguments.output, "wb"); if(f==NULL){ fprintf(stderr,"Error: Could not open file \"%s\" for writing.\n", arguments.output); exit(1); } } int K[2*arguments.d-1]; QuadRule QP1D[]; if(arguments.portionwise){ set_up_1dquadrules(,QP1D,arguments.regular); memset(K,0,(2*arguments.d-1)*sizeof(int)); } QuadRule QR_reg, QR_sing, QR; int nr=0; if(arguments.portionwise){ sparse_check(&arguments); set_nr(arguments, &nr); } double Q=0; int done = 0; while (! done) { if(arguments.portionwise){ if (! next_sparse(&QR_reg,, QP1D, K, arguments.d, arguments.p, arguments.T)) { break; } } else{ get_quadrature_rule_regular (&QR_reg, arguments, &nr); done = 1; } QR_sing = get_quadrature_rule_singular(arguments, nr, alpha); //print_quadpoints(QR_sing); for(i=0; i<QR_sing.n; i++){ init_quadrule(&QR, QR_reg.n, QR_reg.d+1); int m,l; for(m=0; m<QR_reg.n; m++){ for(l=0; l<QR_reg.d; l++){ QR.t[l+1][m]=QR_reg.t[l][m]; QR.wt[m]=QR_sing.wt[i]*QR_reg.wt[m]; } QR.t[0][m]=QR_sing.t[0][i]; } if(arguments.whichF){ start=clock(); Q=Q+cubequad(arguments.k,arguments.d, A, arguments.whichF, arguments.whichoutput, &ndof, &QR); end=clock(); elapsed = ((double)(end-start))/CLOCKS_PER_SEC; } else{ if(!arguments.vtxlist){ cubetransform(arguments.k,arguments.d,f,&QR); } else{ cubeaffine(arguments.k,arguments.d,A,arguments.whichoutput, &QR, f); } } free_quadrule(QR); } free_quadrule(QR_sing); free_quadrule(QR_reg); } if(arguments.whichF){ printf("%3.16lf, %d, %lf; \n", Q, ndof, elapsed); } if(!arguments.whichF){ fclose(f); } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { TCHAR *fn, *cwd; state *s; int count, status = STATUS_OK; /* Because the main() function can handle wchar_t arguments on Win32, we need a way to reference those values. Thus we make a duplciate of the argc and argv values. */ #ifndef __GLIBC__ __progname = basename(argv[0]); #endif s = (state *)malloc(sizeof(state)); if (NULL == s) { // We can't use fatal_error because it requires a valid state print_status("%s: Unable to allocate state variable", __progname); return STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR; } if (initialize_state(s)) { print_status("%s: Unable to initialize state variable", __progname); return STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR; } if (process_command_line(s,argc,argv)) { print_status("%s: Unable to process command line arguments", __progname); return STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR; } #ifdef _WIN32 if (prepare_windows_command_line(s)) fatal_error(s,"%s: Unable to process command line arguments", __progname); #else s->argc = argc; s->argv = argv; #endif /* Anything left on the command line at this point is a file or directory we're supposed to process. If there's nothing specified, we should tackle standard input */ if (optind == argc) hash_stdin(s); else { MD5DEEP_ALLOC(TCHAR,fn,PATH_MAX); MD5DEEP_ALLOC(TCHAR,cwd,PATH_MAX); cwd = _tgetcwd(cwd,PATH_MAX); if (NULL == cwd) fatal_error(s,"%s: %s", __progname, strerror(errno)); count = optind; while (count < s->argc) { generate_filename(s,fn,cwd,s->argv[count]); #ifdef _WIN32 status = process_win32(s,fn); #else status = process_normal(s,fn); #endif // if (status != STATUS_OK) // return status; ++count; } free(fn); free(cwd); } /* We only have to worry about checking for unused hashes if one of the matching modes was enabled. We let the display_not_matched function determine if it needs to display anything. The function also sets our return values in terms of inputs not being matched or known hashes not being used */ if ((s->mode & mode_match) || (s->mode & mode_match_neg)) s->return_value = finalize_matching(s); return s->return_value; }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { GError *err = NULL; gchar *outputuri = NULL; gchar *format = NULL; gchar *aformat = NULL; gchar *vformat = NULL; gboolean allmissing = FALSE; gboolean listcodecs = FALSE; GOptionEntry options[] = { { "silent", 's', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &silent, "Don't output the information structure", NULL }, { "outputuri", 'o', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &outputuri, "URI to encode to", "URI (<protocol>://<location>)" }, { "format", 'f', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &format, "Container format", "<GstCaps>" }, { "vformat", 'v', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &vformat, "Video format", "<GstCaps>" }, { "aformat", 'a', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &aformat, "Audio format", "<GstCaps>" }, { "allmissing", 'm', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &allmissing, "encode to all matching format/codec that aren't specified", NULL }, { "list-codecs", 'l', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &listcodecs, "list all available codecs and container formats", NULL }, {NULL} }; GOptionContext *ctx; GstEncodingProfile *prof; gchar *inputuri; ctx = g_option_context_new ("- encode URIs with GstProfile and encodebin"); g_option_context_add_main_entries (ctx, options, NULL); g_option_context_add_group (ctx, gst_init_get_option_group ()); if (!g_option_context_parse (ctx, &argc, &argv, &err)) { g_print ("Error initializing: %s\n", err->message); exit (1); } if (listcodecs) { list_codecs (); g_option_context_free (ctx); exit (0); } if (outputuri == NULL || argc != 2) { g_print ("%s", g_option_context_get_help (ctx, TRUE, NULL)); g_option_context_free (ctx); exit (-1); } g_option_context_free (ctx); /* Fixup outputuri to be a URI */ inputuri = ensure_uri (argv[1]); outputuri = ensure_uri (outputuri); if (allmissing) { GList *muxers; GstCaps *formats = NULL; GstCaps *vformats = NULL; GstCaps *aformats = NULL; guint f, v, a, flen, vlen, alen; if (!format) formats = gst_caps_list_container_formats (GST_RANK_NONE); else formats = gst_caps_from_string (format); if (!vformat) vformats = gst_caps_list_video_encoding_formats (GST_RANK_NONE); else vformats = gst_caps_from_string (vformat); if (!aformat) aformats = gst_caps_list_audio_encoding_formats (GST_RANK_NONE); else aformats = gst_caps_from_string (aformat); muxers = gst_element_factory_list_get_elements (GST_ELEMENT_FACTORY_TYPE_MUXER, GST_RANK_NONE); flen = gst_caps_get_size (formats); for (f = 0; f < flen; f++) { GstCaps *container = gst_caps_new_full (gst_caps_steal_structure (formats, 0), NULL); GstCaps *compatv = gst_caps_list_compatible_codecs (container, vformats, muxers); GstCaps *compata = gst_caps_list_compatible_codecs (container, aformats, muxers); vlen = gst_caps_get_size (compatv); alen = gst_caps_get_size (compata); for (v = 0; v < vlen; v++) { GstCaps *vcodec = gst_caps_new_full (gst_structure_copy (gst_caps_get_structure (compatv, v)), NULL); for (a = 0; a < alen; a++) { GstCaps *acodec = gst_caps_new_full (gst_structure_copy (gst_caps_get_structure (compata, a)), NULL); prof = create_profile ((GstCaps *) container, (GstCaps *) vcodec, (GstCaps *) acodec); if (G_UNLIKELY (prof == NULL)) { g_print ("Wrong arguments\n"); break; } outputuri = ensure_uri (generate_filename (container, vcodec, acodec)); transcode_file (inputuri, outputuri, prof); gst_encoding_profile_unref (prof); gst_caps_unref (acodec); } gst_caps_unref (vcodec); } gst_caps_unref (container); } } else { /* Create the profile */ prof = create_profile_from_string (format, vformat, aformat); if (G_UNLIKELY (prof == NULL)) { g_print ("Encoding arguments are not valid !\n"); return 1; } /* Transcode file */ transcode_file (inputuri, outputuri, prof); /* cleanup */ gst_encoding_profile_unref (prof); } return 0; }
int main(int args,char *argv[]){ const int smallOutputNumber=-1; int i,j; cJSON *root; int num_chromosome; int req_type=1; char buffer[30]; char req_gene[20]={0}; cJSON *msg; char req_kind[50]="E.coli K12-DH10B"; pi=0; ini=0; req_restrict.rfc10=0; req_restrict.rfc12=0; req_restrict.rfc12a=0; req_restrict.rfc21=0; req_restrict.rfc23=0; req_restrict.rfc25=0; char *req_str=argv_default; if(args==2) req_str=argv[1]; cJSON *request=cJSON_Parse(req_str); if(check_req(request)){ onError("illegal args"); return 0; } i=1; j=1; cJSON *cJSON_temp; cJSON_temp=cJSON_GetObjectItem(request,"type"); if(cJSON_temp) req_type=cJSON_temp->valueint; char req_pam[PAM_LEN+1]; int req_pam_len; strcpy(req_pam,cJSON_GetObjectItem(request,"pam")->valuestring); req_pam_len=(int)strlen(req_pam); char req_specie[30]; struct return_struct rs; int ptts_num; int len[NUM_CHROMOSOME]; strcpy(req_specie,cJSON_GetObjectItem(request,"specie")->valuestring); if(strcmp(req_specie,"SARS")==0){ rs=info_readin(PTT_SARS,ptts,str,wai,NULL); }else if(strcmp(req_specie,"E.coli")==0){ cJSON_temp=cJSON_GetObjectItem(request,"kind"); if(cJSON_temp) strcpy(req_kind,cJSON_temp->valuestring); rs=info_readin(PTT_ECOLI,ptts,str,wai,req_kind); }else if(strcmp(req_specie,"Saccharomycetes")==0){ rs=info_readin(PTT_SACCHAROMYCETES,ptts,str,wai,NULL); }else{ onError("no specie"); return 0; } ptts_num=rs.ptts_num; num_chromosome=rs.num_chromosome; for(i=1;i<=num_chromosome;i++) len[i]=rs.len[i]; double req_r1=0.65; cJSON_temp=cJSON_GetObjectItem(request,"gene"); if(cJSON_temp){ req_r1=cJSON_GetObjectItem(request,"r1")->valuedouble; } cJSON_temp=cJSON_GetObjectItem(request,"gene"); int req_id,req_gene_start,req_gene_end; if(cJSON_temp){ strcpy(req_gene,cJSON_temp->valuestring); for(int i=0;i<ptts_num;i++){ if(strcmp(req_gene,ptts[i].gene)==0){ req_id=ptts[i].chromosome; req_gene_start=ptts[i].s; req_gene_end=ptts[i].t; break; } } }else{ char req_location[20]; strcpy(req_location,cJSON_GetObjectItem(request,"location")->valuestring); sscanf(req_location,"%d:%d..%d",&req_id,&req_gene_start,&req_gene_end); } char req_rfc[10]; strcpy(req_rfc,cJSON_GetObjectItem(request,"rfc")->valuestring); req_restrict.rfc10=req_rfc[0]-48; req_restrict.rfc12=req_rfc[1]-48; req_restrict.rfc12a=req_rfc[2]-48; req_restrict.rfc21=req_rfc[3]-48; req_restrict.rfc23=req_rfc[4]-48; req_restrict.rfc25=req_rfc[5]-48; generate_filename(buffer,req_specie,req_kind,req_pam,req_type); dc_init(buffer); /* This part above is for read in JSON-style request. The result stored in req_specie, req_pam, req_gene_start, req_gene_end, rfc and so on. At the same time, it reads in ptt file for specie, and also open files. */ for(int id=1;id<=num_chromosome;id++){ for(i=LEN;i<len[id]-req_pam_len;i++){ // All possible gRNAs, +direction if(check_pam(str[id]+i,req_pam)){ psb_site[pi].index=i; psb_site[pi].strand='+'; psb_site[pi].chromosome=id; for(j=0;j<req_pam_len;j++) psb_site[pi].pam[j]=(str[id]+i)[j]; psb_site[pi].pam[j]=0; for(j=0;j<LEN;j++) psb_site[pi].nt[j]=(str[id]+i-LEN)[j]; psb_site[pi].nt[j]=0; pi++; } } char req_pam_rev[PAM_LEN]; int last=-1; dna_rev(req_pam_rev,req_pam,req_pam_len); for(i=0;i<len[id]-LEN-req_pam_len;i++){ // All possible gRNAs, -direction if(check_pam(str[id]+i,req_pam_rev)){ psb_site[pi].index=i+req_pam_len-1; psb_site[pi].strand='-'; psb_site[pi].chromosome=id; if(req_pam_len!=last){ last=req_pam_len; } for(j=0;j<req_pam_len;j++) psb_site[pi].pam[j]=dna_rev_char((str[id]+i)[req_pam_len-1-j]); psb_site[pi].pam[j]=0; for(j=0;j<LEN;j++) psb_site[pi].nt[j]=dna_rev_char((str[id]+i+req_pam_len)[LEN-j-1]); psb_site[pi].nt[j]=0; pi++; } } } for(i=0;i<pi;i++){ fflush(stdout); if(psb_site[i].chromosome!=req_id) continue; if(psb_site[i].strand=='+'){ if(psb_site[i].index<req_gene_start || psb_site[i].index+req_pam_len-1>req_gene_end) continue; for(j=psb_site[i].index-LEN;j<psb_site[i].index+req_pam_len-1;j++){ if(wai[req_id][j]!=1) break; } if(j<psb_site[i].index+req_pam_len-1) j=0; else j=1; }else{ if(psb_site[i].index-req_pam_len+1<req_gene_start || psb_site[i].index>req_gene_end) continue; for(j=psb_site[i].index-req_pam_len+1;j<psb_site[i].index+LEN;j++){ if(wai[req_id][j]!=1) break; } if(j<psb_site[i].index+LEN) j=0; else j=1; } if(j){ score(i,&ini,req_type,req_r1); } } dc_save(); sort(in_site,in_site+ini,cmp_in_site); // Sort & Output root=cJSON_CreateObject(); cJSON_AddNumberToObject(root,"status",0); msg=cJSON_CreateObject(); cJSON_AddStringToObject(msg,"specie",req_specie); cJSON_AddStringToObject(msg,"kind",req_kind); cJSON_AddStringToObject(msg,"gene",req_gene); sprintf(buffer,"%d:%d..%d",req_id,req_gene_start,req_gene_end); cJSON_AddStringToObject(msg,"location",buffer); cJSON_AddItemToObject(root,"message",msg); vector<cJSON*> list; list.clear(); for(i=0;i<ini && i!=smallOutputNumber;i++){ cJSON *ans=cJSON_CreateObject(); sprintf(buffer,"#%d",i+1); cJSON_AddStringToObject(ans,"key",buffer); sprintf(buffer,"%s%s",in_site[i].nt,in_site[i].pam); cJSON_AddStringToObject(ans,"grna",buffer); sprintf(buffer,"%d:%d",in_site[i].chromosome,in_site[i].index); cJSON_AddStringToObject(ans,"position",buffer); char xs[2]; xs[0]=in_site[i].strand; xs[1]=0; cJSON_AddStringToObject(ans,"strand",xs); cJSON_AddNumberToObject(ans,"total_score",(int)in_site[i].score); cJSON_AddNumberToObject(ans,"Sspe",(int)(req_r1*in_site[i].Sspe_nor)); cJSON_AddNumberToObject(ans,"Seff",(int)((1.0-req_r1)*in_site[i].Seff_nor)); cJSON_AddNumberToObject(ans,"count",in_site[i].count); cJSON_AddItemToObject(ans,"offtarget",in_site[i].otj); list.push_back(ans); } cJSON_AddItemToObject(root,"result",Create_array_of_anything(&(list[0]),list.size())); printf("%s\n",NomoreSpace(argv[0]=cJSON_Print(root))); free(argv[0]); return 0; }
static int main_loop(int argc, const char **argv_) { aom_codec_ctx_t decoder; char *fn = NULL; int i; int ret = EXIT_FAILURE; uint8_t *buf = NULL; size_t bytes_in_buffer = 0, buffer_size = 0; FILE *infile; int frame_in = 0, frame_out = 0, flipuv = 0, noblit = 0; int do_md5 = 0, progress = 0; int stop_after = 0, postproc = 0, summary = 0, quiet = 1; int arg_skip = 0; int keep_going = 0; const AvxInterface *interface = NULL; const AvxInterface *fourcc_interface = NULL; uint64_t dx_time = 0; struct arg arg; char **argv, **argi, **argj; int single_file; int use_y4m = 1; int opt_yv12 = 0; int opt_i420 = 0; int opt_raw = 0; aom_codec_dec_cfg_t cfg = { 0, 0, 0, CONFIG_LOWBITDEPTH, { 1 } }; unsigned int fixed_output_bit_depth = 0; unsigned int is_annexb = 0; int frames_corrupted = 0; int dec_flags = 0; int do_scale = 0; int operating_point = 0; int output_all_layers = 0; int skip_film_grain = 0; aom_image_t *scaled_img = NULL; aom_image_t *img_shifted = NULL; int frame_avail, got_data, flush_decoder = 0; int num_external_frame_buffers = 0; struct ExternalFrameBufferList ext_fb_list = { 0, NULL }; const char *outfile_pattern = NULL; char outfile_name[PATH_MAX] = { 0 }; FILE *outfile = NULL; FILE *framestats_file = NULL; MD5Context md5_ctx; unsigned char md5_digest[16]; struct AvxDecInputContext input = { NULL, NULL, NULL }; struct AvxInputContext aom_input_ctx; memset(&aom_input_ctx, 0, sizeof(aom_input_ctx)); #if CONFIG_WEBM_IO struct WebmInputContext webm_ctx; memset(&webm_ctx, 0, sizeof(webm_ctx)); input.webm_ctx = &webm_ctx; #endif struct ObuDecInputContext obu_ctx = { NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0 }; obu_ctx.avx_ctx = &aom_input_ctx; input.obu_ctx = &obu_ctx; input.aom_input_ctx = &aom_input_ctx; /* Parse command line */ exec_name = argv_[0]; argv = argv_dup(argc - 1, argv_ + 1); for (argi = argj = argv; (*argj = *argi); argi += arg.argv_step) { memset(&arg, 0, sizeof(arg)); arg.argv_step = 1; if (arg_match(&arg, &help, argi)) { show_help(stdout, 0); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } else if (arg_match(&arg, &codecarg, argi)) { interface = get_aom_decoder_by_name(arg.val); if (!interface) die("Error: Unrecognized argument (%s) to --codec\n", arg.val); } else if (arg_match(&arg, &looparg, argi)) { // no-op } else if (arg_match(&arg, &outputfile, argi)) { outfile_pattern = arg.val; } else if (arg_match(&arg, &use_yv12, argi)) { use_y4m = 0; flipuv = 1; opt_yv12 = 1; opt_i420 = 0; opt_raw = 0; } else if (arg_match(&arg, &use_i420, argi)) { use_y4m = 0; flipuv = 0; opt_yv12 = 0; opt_i420 = 1; opt_raw = 0; } else if (arg_match(&arg, &rawvideo, argi)) { use_y4m = 0; opt_yv12 = 0; opt_i420 = 0; opt_raw = 1; } else if (arg_match(&arg, &flipuvarg, argi)) { flipuv = 1; } else if (arg_match(&arg, &noblitarg, argi)) { noblit = 1; } else if (arg_match(&arg, &progressarg, argi)) { progress = 1; } else if (arg_match(&arg, &limitarg, argi)) { stop_after = arg_parse_uint(&arg); } else if (arg_match(&arg, &skiparg, argi)) { arg_skip = arg_parse_uint(&arg); } else if (arg_match(&arg, &postprocarg, argi)) { postproc = 1; } else if (arg_match(&arg, &md5arg, argi)) { do_md5 = 1; } else if (arg_match(&arg, &framestatsarg, argi)) { framestats_file = fopen(arg.val, "w"); if (!framestats_file) { die("Error: Could not open --framestats file (%s) for writing.\n", arg.val); } } else if (arg_match(&arg, &summaryarg, argi)) { summary = 1; } else if (arg_match(&arg, &threadsarg, argi)) { cfg.threads = arg_parse_uint(&arg); #if !CONFIG_MULTITHREAD if (cfg.threads > 1) { die("Error: --threads=%d is not supported when CONFIG_MULTITHREAD = " "0.\n", cfg.threads); } #endif } else if (arg_match(&arg, &verbosearg, argi)) { quiet = 0; } else if (arg_match(&arg, &scalearg, argi)) { do_scale = 1; } else if (arg_match(&arg, &fb_arg, argi)) { num_external_frame_buffers = arg_parse_uint(&arg); } else if (arg_match(&arg, &continuearg, argi)) { keep_going = 1; } else if (arg_match(&arg, &outbitdeptharg, argi)) { fixed_output_bit_depth = arg_parse_uint(&arg); } else if (arg_match(&arg, &isannexb, argi)) { is_annexb = 1; input.obu_ctx->is_annexb = 1; } else if (arg_match(&arg, &oppointarg, argi)) { operating_point = arg_parse_int(&arg); } else if (arg_match(&arg, &outallarg, argi)) { output_all_layers = 1; } else if (arg_match(&arg, &skipfilmgrain, argi)) { skip_film_grain = 1; } else { argj++; } } /* Check for unrecognized options */ for (argi = argv; *argi; argi++) if (argi[0][0] == '-' && strlen(argi[0]) > 1) die("Error: Unrecognized option %s\n", *argi); /* Handle non-option arguments */ fn = argv[0]; if (!fn) { free(argv); fprintf(stderr, "No input file specified!\n"); usage_exit(); } /* Open file */ infile = strcmp(fn, "-") ? fopen(fn, "rb") : set_binary_mode(stdin); if (!infile) { fatal("Failed to open input file '%s'", strcmp(fn, "-") ? fn : "stdin"); } #if CONFIG_OS_SUPPORT /* Make sure we don't dump to the terminal, unless forced to with -o - */ if (!outfile_pattern && isatty(STDOUT_FILENO) && !do_md5 && !noblit) { fprintf(stderr, "Not dumping raw video to your terminal. Use '-o -' to " "override.\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } #endif input.aom_input_ctx->filename = fn; input.aom_input_ctx->file = infile; if (file_is_ivf(input.aom_input_ctx)) input.aom_input_ctx->file_type = FILE_TYPE_IVF; #if CONFIG_WEBM_IO else if (file_is_webm(input.webm_ctx, input.aom_input_ctx)) input.aom_input_ctx->file_type = FILE_TYPE_WEBM; #endif else if (file_is_obu(&obu_ctx)) input.aom_input_ctx->file_type = FILE_TYPE_OBU; else if (file_is_raw(input.aom_input_ctx)) input.aom_input_ctx->file_type = FILE_TYPE_RAW; else { fprintf(stderr, "Unrecognized input file type.\n"); #if !CONFIG_WEBM_IO fprintf(stderr, "aomdec was built without WebM container support.\n"); #endif return EXIT_FAILURE; } outfile_pattern = outfile_pattern ? outfile_pattern : "-"; single_file = is_single_file(outfile_pattern); if (!noblit && single_file) { generate_filename(outfile_pattern, outfile_name, PATH_MAX, aom_input_ctx.width, aom_input_ctx.height, 0); if (do_md5) MD5Init(&md5_ctx); else outfile = open_outfile(outfile_name); } if (use_y4m && !noblit) { if (!single_file) { fprintf(stderr, "YUV4MPEG2 not supported with output patterns," " try --i420 or --yv12 or --rawvideo.\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } #if CONFIG_WEBM_IO if (aom_input_ctx.file_type == FILE_TYPE_WEBM) { if (webm_guess_framerate(input.webm_ctx, input.aom_input_ctx)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to guess framerate -- error parsing " "webm file?\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } #endif } fourcc_interface = get_aom_decoder_by_fourcc(aom_input_ctx.fourcc); if (interface && fourcc_interface && interface != fourcc_interface) warn("Header indicates codec: %s\n", fourcc_interface->name); else interface = fourcc_interface; if (!interface) interface = get_aom_decoder_by_index(0); dec_flags = (postproc ? AOM_CODEC_USE_POSTPROC : 0); if (aom_codec_dec_init(&decoder, interface->codec_interface(), &cfg, dec_flags)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to initialize decoder: %s\n", aom_codec_error(&decoder)); goto fail2; } if (!quiet) fprintf(stderr, "%s\n",; if (aom_codec_control(&decoder, AV1D_SET_IS_ANNEXB, is_annexb)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to set is_annexb: %s\n", aom_codec_error(&decoder)); goto fail; } if (aom_codec_control(&decoder, AV1D_SET_OPERATING_POINT, operating_point)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to set operating_point: %s\n", aom_codec_error(&decoder)); goto fail; } if (aom_codec_control(&decoder, AV1D_SET_OUTPUT_ALL_LAYERS, output_all_layers)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to set output_all_layers: %s\n", aom_codec_error(&decoder)); goto fail; } if (aom_codec_control(&decoder, AV1D_SET_SKIP_FILM_GRAIN, skip_film_grain)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to set skip_film_grain: %s\n", aom_codec_error(&decoder)); goto fail; } if (arg_skip) fprintf(stderr, "Skipping first %d frames.\n", arg_skip); while (arg_skip) { if (read_frame(&input, &buf, &bytes_in_buffer, &buffer_size)) break; arg_skip--; } if (num_external_frame_buffers > 0) { ext_fb_list.num_external_frame_buffers = num_external_frame_buffers; ext_fb_list.ext_fb = (struct ExternalFrameBuffer *)calloc( num_external_frame_buffers, sizeof(*ext_fb_list.ext_fb)); if (aom_codec_set_frame_buffer_functions(&decoder, get_av1_frame_buffer, release_av1_frame_buffer, &ext_fb_list)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to configure external frame buffers: %s\n", aom_codec_error(&decoder)); goto fail; } } frame_avail = 1; got_data = 0; if (framestats_file) fprintf(framestats_file, "bytes,qp\r\n"); /* Decode file */ while (frame_avail || got_data) { aom_codec_iter_t iter = NULL; aom_image_t *img; struct aom_usec_timer timer; int corrupted = 0; frame_avail = 0; if (!stop_after || frame_in < stop_after) { if (!read_frame(&input, &buf, &bytes_in_buffer, &buffer_size)) { frame_avail = 1; frame_in++; aom_usec_timer_start(&timer); if (aom_codec_decode(&decoder, buf, bytes_in_buffer, NULL)) { const char *detail = aom_codec_error_detail(&decoder); warn("Failed to decode frame %d: %s", frame_in, aom_codec_error(&decoder)); if (detail) warn("Additional information: %s", detail); if (!keep_going) goto fail; } if (framestats_file) { int qp; if (aom_codec_control(&decoder, AOMD_GET_LAST_QUANTIZER, &qp)) { warn("Failed AOMD_GET_LAST_QUANTIZER: %s", aom_codec_error(&decoder)); if (!keep_going) goto fail; } fprintf(framestats_file, "%d,%d\r\n", (int)bytes_in_buffer, qp); } aom_usec_timer_mark(&timer); dx_time += aom_usec_timer_elapsed(&timer); } else { flush_decoder = 1; } } else { flush_decoder = 1; } aom_usec_timer_start(&timer); if (flush_decoder) { // Flush the decoder. if (aom_codec_decode(&decoder, NULL, 0, NULL)) { warn("Failed to flush decoder: %s", aom_codec_error(&decoder)); } } aom_usec_timer_mark(&timer); dx_time += aom_usec_timer_elapsed(&timer); got_data = 0; while ((img = aom_codec_get_frame(&decoder, &iter))) { ++frame_out; got_data = 1; if (aom_codec_control(&decoder, AOMD_GET_FRAME_CORRUPTED, &corrupted)) { warn("Failed AOM_GET_FRAME_CORRUPTED: %s", aom_codec_error(&decoder)); if (!keep_going) goto fail; } frames_corrupted += corrupted; if (progress) show_progress(frame_in, frame_out, dx_time); if (!noblit) { const int PLANES_YUV[] = { AOM_PLANE_Y, AOM_PLANE_U, AOM_PLANE_V }; const int PLANES_YVU[] = { AOM_PLANE_Y, AOM_PLANE_V, AOM_PLANE_U }; const int *planes = flipuv ? PLANES_YVU : PLANES_YUV; if (do_scale) { if (frame_out == 1) { // If the output frames are to be scaled to a fixed display size // then use the width and height specified in the container. If // either of these is set to 0, use the display size set in the // first frame header. If that is unavailable, use the raw decoded // size of the first decoded frame. int render_width = aom_input_ctx.width; int render_height = aom_input_ctx.height; if (!render_width || !render_height) { int render_size[2]; if (aom_codec_control(&decoder, AV1D_GET_DISPLAY_SIZE, render_size)) { // As last resort use size of first frame as display size. render_width = img->d_w; render_height = img->d_h; } else { render_width = render_size[0]; render_height = render_size[1]; } } scaled_img = aom_img_alloc(NULL, img->fmt, render_width, render_height, 16); scaled_img->bit_depth = img->bit_depth; scaled_img->monochrome = img->monochrome; scaled_img->csp = img->csp; } if (img->d_w != scaled_img->d_w || img->d_h != scaled_img->d_h) { #if CONFIG_LIBYUV libyuv_scale(img, scaled_img, kFilterBox); img = scaled_img; #else fprintf( stderr, "Failed to scale output frame: %s.\n" "libyuv is required for scaling but is currently disabled.\n" "Be sure to specify -DCONFIG_LIBYUV=1 when running cmake.\n", aom_codec_error(&decoder)); goto fail; #endif } } // Default to codec bit depth if output bit depth not set unsigned int output_bit_depth; if (!fixed_output_bit_depth && single_file && !do_md5) { output_bit_depth = img->bit_depth; } else { output_bit_depth = fixed_output_bit_depth; } // Shift up or down if necessary if (output_bit_depth != 0) aom_shift_img(output_bit_depth, &img, &img_shifted); aom_input_ctx.width = img->d_w; aom_input_ctx.height = img->d_h; int num_planes = (opt_raw && img->monochrome) ? 1 : 3; if (single_file) { if (use_y4m) { char y4m_buf[Y4M_BUFFER_SIZE] = { 0 }; size_t len = 0; if (frame_out == 1) { // Y4M file header len = y4m_write_file_header( y4m_buf, sizeof(y4m_buf), aom_input_ctx.width, aom_input_ctx.height, &aom_input_ctx.framerate, img->monochrome, img->csp, img->fmt, img->bit_depth); if (img->csp == AOM_CSP_COLOCATED) { fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Y4M lacks a colorspace for colocated " "chroma. Using a placeholder.\n"); } if (do_md5) { MD5Update(&md5_ctx, (md5byte *)y4m_buf, (unsigned int)len); } else { fputs(y4m_buf, outfile); } } // Y4M frame header len = y4m_write_frame_header(y4m_buf, sizeof(y4m_buf)); if (do_md5) { MD5Update(&md5_ctx, (md5byte *)y4m_buf, (unsigned int)len); y4m_update_image_md5(img, planes, &md5_ctx); } else { fputs(y4m_buf, outfile); y4m_write_image_file(img, planes, outfile); } } else { if (frame_out == 1) { // Check if --yv12 or --i420 options are consistent with the // bit-stream decoded if (opt_i420) { if (img->fmt != AOM_IMG_FMT_I420 && img->fmt != AOM_IMG_FMT_I42016) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot produce i420 output for bit-stream.\n"); goto fail; } } if (opt_yv12) { if ((img->fmt != AOM_IMG_FMT_I420 && img->fmt != AOM_IMG_FMT_YV12) || img->bit_depth != 8) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot produce yv12 output for bit-stream.\n"); goto fail; } } } if (do_md5) { raw_update_image_md5(img, planes, num_planes, &md5_ctx); } else { raw_write_image_file(img, planes, num_planes, outfile); } } } else { generate_filename(outfile_pattern, outfile_name, PATH_MAX, img->d_w, img->d_h, frame_in); if (do_md5) { MD5Init(&md5_ctx); if (use_y4m) { y4m_update_image_md5(img, planes, &md5_ctx); } else { raw_update_image_md5(img, planes, num_planes, &md5_ctx); } MD5Final(md5_digest, &md5_ctx); print_md5(md5_digest, outfile_name); } else { outfile = open_outfile(outfile_name); if (use_y4m) { y4m_write_image_file(img, planes, outfile); } else { raw_write_image_file(img, planes, num_planes, outfile); } fclose(outfile); } } } } } if (summary || progress) { show_progress(frame_in, frame_out, dx_time); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } if (frames_corrupted) { fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: %d frames corrupted.\n", frames_corrupted); } else { ret = EXIT_SUCCESS; } fail: if (aom_codec_destroy(&decoder)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to destroy decoder: %s\n", aom_codec_error(&decoder)); } fail2: if (!noblit && single_file) { if (do_md5) { MD5Final(md5_digest, &md5_ctx); print_md5(md5_digest, outfile_name); } else { fclose(outfile); } } #if CONFIG_WEBM_IO if (input.aom_input_ctx->file_type == FILE_TYPE_WEBM) webm_free(input.webm_ctx); #endif if (input.aom_input_ctx->file_type == FILE_TYPE_OBU) obudec_free(input.obu_ctx); if (input.aom_input_ctx->file_type != FILE_TYPE_WEBM) free(buf); if (scaled_img) aom_img_free(scaled_img); if (img_shifted) aom_img_free(img_shifted); for (i = 0; i < ext_fb_list.num_external_frame_buffers; ++i) { free(ext_fb_list.ext_fb[i].data); } free(ext_fb_list.ext_fb); fclose(infile); if (framestats_file) fclose(framestats_file); free(argv); return ret; }