Exemple #1
static Node initialization_proc(Symbol proc_name, Symbol type_name,
  Tuple formals, Tuple stmts)							/*;initialization_proc*/
	/* Build procedure with given formals and statement list. */

	Node	proc_node;

	int		i, n;
	Tuple	tup;
	NATURE   (proc_name)  = na_procedure;
	n = tup_size(formals);
	tup = tup_new(n);

	for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
		tup[i] = (char *) N_UNQ((Node)formals[i]);
	SIGNATURE(proc_name)  = tup;

     * Create as_subprogram_tr node with statements node as N_AST1 
     * instead of N_AST3 as it is with as_subprogram.
	proc_node         = new_node(as_subprogram_tr);
	N_UNQ(proc_node) = proc_name;
	N_AST1(proc_node)  = new_statements_node(stmts);
	N_AST2(proc_node)  = OPT_NODE;
	N_AST4(proc_node)  = OPT_NODE;

	return proc_node;
Exemple #2
 std::vector<std::string> generate_objects()
     std::vector<std::string> obj_names;
     for (auto const m : modules) {
     return obj_names;
Exemple #3
Node build_proc_init_rec(Symbol type_name)				/*;build_proc_init_rec*/
	 *  This is the   main procedure for  building default  initialization
	 *  procedures for record  types. Those initialization  procedures are
	 *  built if  the type  given  contains  some subcomponent for which a
	 *  default initialization exists (at any level of nesting),  or if it
	 *  has determinants.
	 *  Note that scalar objects are not initialized at all, which implies
	 *  that they get whatever initial value is in that location in memory
	 *  This saves some time in object creation.
	 *  All init. procedures  have an 'out' parameter that  designates the
	 *  object begin initialized (the space has already been allocated).

	int		side_effect;
	Node	invar_node; /* TBSL: is invar_node local??*/
	Tuple	stmts, tup, nstmts, formals, invariant_fields;
	Tuple	discr_list; /* is this local ?? TBSL */
	Fortup	ft1;
	Symbol	d, proc_name;
	Node	param, var_node, out_param;

	Node	node, node1, node2, discr_value_node;
#ifdef TRACE
	if (debug_flag)
		gen_trace_symbol("BUILD_PROC_INIT_REC", type_name);

	side_effect = FALSE;	 /* Let's hope... TBSL */

	 * The initialization procedure for records has the usual out param.,
	 * and one in parameter per discriminant. The CONSTRAINED flag is the
	 * first of the discriminants
	proc_name = new_unique_name("Init_ type_name");
	out_param = new_param_node("param_type_name", proc_name, type_name, na_out);
	tup = SIGNATURE(type_name);
	invar_node = (Node) tup[1];
	var_node = (Node) tup[2];
	discr_list = (Tuple) tup[3];
	invariant_fields = build_comp_names(invar_node);

	stmts = tup_new(0);
	if (tup_size(discr_list)) {
		/* Generate formal parameters for each. The body of the procedure */
		/* assigns them to the field of the object. */
		/* Note: the 'constrained' field is part of the discriminants. */

		formals = tup_new(0);
		FORTUP(d=(Symbol), discr_list, ft1);
			param = new_param_node("param_type_name", proc_name, TYPE_OF(d),
			formals = tup_with(formals, (char *) param );
			stmts = tup_with(stmts,
			  (char *) new_assign_node(new_selector_node(out_param, d), param));
			discr_value_node = new_selector_node (out_param, d);

			/* generate code in order to test if the value of discriminant is
			 * compatible with its subtype

			node1 = new_attribute_node(ATTR_T_FIRST, new_name_node(TYPE_OF(d)),
			  OPT_NODE, TYPE_OF(d));
			node2 = new_attribute_node(ATTR_T_LAST, new_name_node(TYPE_OF(d)),
			  OPT_NODE, TYPE_OF(d));
			node = node_new (as_list);
			  tup_new1((char *) new_cond_stmts_node( new_binop_node(symbol_or,
		 	    new_binop_node(symbol_lt, discr_value_node, node1,
			    new_binop_node(symbol_gt, discr_value_node, node2,
			    new_raise_node(symbol_constraint_error))), OPT_NODE);
			stmts = tup_with(stmts, (char *) node);
		formals = tup_with(formals, (char *) out_param );

		/* if there are default expressions for any other components, */
		/* further initialization steps are needed. */
		tup = proc_init_rec(type_name, invariant_fields, var_node, out_param);
		/*stmts += proc_init_rec(invariant_fields, var_node, out_param);*/
		nstmts = tup_add(stmts, tup);
		stmts = nstmts;
	else {
		/* record without discriminants. There may still be default values */
		/* for some components. */
		formals = tup_new1((char *) out_param);
		stmts   = proc_init_rec(type_name,invariant_fields,var_node, out_param);
	if (tup_size(stmts)) {
		INIT_PROC(type_name) = proc_name;
		return initialization_proc(proc_name, type_name, formals, stmts);
	else {
		return OPT_NODE;
Exemple #4
Node build_proc_init_ara(Symbol type_name)				/*;build_proc_init_ara*/
	 *  This is the   main procedure for  building default  initialization
	 *  procedures for array  types. Those  initialization  procedures are
	 *  built if  the type  given  contains  some subcomponent for which a
	 *  default initialization exists (at any level of nesting),  or if it
	 *  has determinants.
	 *  Note that scalar objects are not initialized at all, which implies
	 *  that they get whatever initial value is in that location in memory
	 *  This saves some time in object creation.
	 *  All init. procedures  have an 'out' parameter that  designates the
	 *  object being initialized (the space has already been allocated).

	int		side_effect;
	Tuple	tup, formals, subscripts;
	Symbol	c_type, ip, index_t, proc_name, index_sym;
	Node	one_component, init_stmt, out_param, i_nodes, d_node, iter_node;
	Fortup	ft1;
	Node	iterator, index_node;

#ifdef TRACE
	if (debug_flag) {
		gen_trace_symbol("BUILD_PROC_INIT_ARR", type_name);

	side_effect = FALSE;	 /* Let's hope... TBSL */

	tup = SIGNATURE(type_name);
	c_type    = (Symbol) tup[2];
	one_component = new_node(as_index);

	ip = INIT_PROC(base_type(c_type));
	if (ip != (Symbol)0 ){
		/* Use the initialization procedure for the component type */
		init_stmt = (Node) build_init_call(one_component, ip, c_type, OPT_NODE);
	else if (is_task_type(c_type)) {
		/* initialization is task creation. */
		init_stmt =
		  new_assign_node(one_component, new_create_task_node(c_type));
	else if (is_access_type(c_type)) {
		/* default value is the null pointer. */
		init_stmt = new_assign_node(one_component, new_null_node(c_type));
	else {
		init_stmt = (Node) 0;

	if (init_stmt != (Node)0) {
		/* body of initialization procedure is a loop over the indices */
		/* allocating each component. Generate loop variables and code */
		/* for iteration, using the attributes of the type. */

		proc_name = new_unique_name("type_name+INIT");
		out_param = new_param_node("param_type_name", proc_name,
		   type_name, na_out);
		formals               = tup_new1((char *) out_param);
		subscripts            = tup_new(0);
		FORTUP(index_t=(Symbol), index_types(type_name), ft1);
			/*index          = index_t + 'INDEX';*/
			index_sym          = new_unique_name("index_t+INDEX");
			NATURE (index_sym) = na_obj;
			TYPE_OF(index_sym) = index_t;
			subscripts = tup_with(subscripts, (char *)new_name_node(index_sym));

		i_nodes         = new_node(as_list);
		/* need tup_copy since subscripts used destructively below */
		N_LIST(i_nodes) = tup_copy(subscripts);

		/* Build the tree for the one_component of the array. */
		N_AST1(one_component) = out_param;
		N_AST2(one_component) = i_nodes;
		N_TYPE(one_component) = c_type;

		while (tup_size(subscripts)) {
			/* Build loop from innermost index outwards. The iterations */
			/* span the ranges of the array being initialized. */

			/* dimension spanned by this loop: */
			d_node   = new_ivalue_node(int_const(tup_size(subscripts)), 
			iterator = new_attribute_node(ATTR_O_RANGE,
			  new_name_node(N_UNQ(out_param)), d_node, type_name);

			index_node = (Node) tup_frome(subscripts);
			iter_node        = new_node(as_for);
			N_AST1(iter_node) = index_node;
			N_AST2(iter_node) = iterator;

			init_stmt = new_loop_node(OPT_NODE, iter_node, 
			  tup_new1((char *)init_stmt));

		INIT_PROC(type_name) = proc_name;
		return initialization_proc(proc_name, type_name,
		  formals, tup_new1((char *) init_stmt));
	else {
		return OPT_NODE;

Exemple #5
init_glblur (ModeInfo *mi)
  glblur_configuration *bp;
  int wire = MI_IS_WIREFRAME(mi);

  MI_INIT (mi, bps);

  bp = &bps[MI_SCREEN(mi)];

  bp->glx_context = init_GL(mi);

  reshape_glblur (mi, MI_WIDTH(mi), MI_HEIGHT(mi));
  clear_gl_error(); /* WTF? sometimes "invalid op" from glViewport! */

  if (!wire)
      GLfloat gamb[4]= {0.2, 0.2,  0.2, 1.0};
      GLfloat pos[4] = {0.0, 5.0, 10.0, 1.0};
      GLfloat amb[4] = {0.2, 0.2,  0.2, 1.0};
      GLfloat dif[4] = {0.3, 0.3,  0.3, 1.0};
      GLfloat spc[4] = {0.8, 0.8,  0.8, 1.0};
      GLfloat shiny = 128;



      glLightModelfv (GL_LIGHT_MODEL_AMBIENT, gamb);

      glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_POSITION, pos);
      glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_AMBIENT,  amb);
      glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_DIFFUSE,  dif);
      glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_SPECULAR, spc);


      glMaterialf(GL_FRONT, GL_SHININESS, shiny);

    Bool spinx=False, spiny=False, spinz=False;
    double spin_speed   = 0.9;
    double wander_speed = 0.06;

    char *s = do_spin;
    while (*s)
        if      (*s == 'x' || *s == 'X') spinx = True;
        else if (*s == 'y' || *s == 'Y') spiny = True;
        else if (*s == 'z' || *s == 'Z') spinz = True;
        else if (*s == '0') ;
            fprintf (stderr,
         "%s: spin must contain only the characters X, Y, or Z (not \"%s\")\n",
                     progname, do_spin);
            exit (1);

    bp->rot = make_rotator (spinx ? spin_speed : 0,
                            spiny ? spin_speed : 0,
                            spinz ? spin_speed : 0,
                            do_wander ? wander_speed : 0,
    bp->trackball = gltrackball_init (True);

  if (blursize < 0) blursize = 0;
  if (blursize > 200) blursize = 200;

  bp->ncolors = 128;
  bp->colors0 = (XColor *) calloc(bp->ncolors, sizeof(XColor));
  bp->colors1 = (XColor *) calloc(bp->ncolors, sizeof(XColor));
  bp->colors2 = (XColor *) calloc(bp->ncolors, sizeof(XColor));
  bp->colors3 = (XColor *) calloc(bp->ncolors, sizeof(XColor));
  make_smooth_colormap (0, 0, 0, bp->colors0, &bp->ncolors, False, 0, False);
  make_smooth_colormap (0, 0, 0, bp->colors1, &bp->ncolors, False, 0, False);
  make_smooth_colormap (0, 0, 0, bp->colors2, &bp->ncolors, False, 0, False);
  make_smooth_colormap (0, 0, 0, bp->colors3, &bp->ncolors, False, 0, False);
  bp->ccolor = 0;

  bp->obj_dlist0   = glGenLists (1);
  bp->obj_dlist1   = glGenLists (1);
  bp->obj_dlist2   = glGenLists (1);
  bp->obj_dlist3   = glGenLists (1);
  bp->scene_dlist1 = glGenLists (1);
  bp->scene_dlist2 = glGenLists (1);

  init_texture (mi);

  generate_object (mi);