void DockingCont::updateCaption(void)
	TCITEM			tcItem	= {0};
	INT				iItem	= getActiveTb();

	if (iItem < 0)

	/* get data of new active dialog */
	tcItem.mask		= TCIF_PARAM;
	::SendMessage(_hContTab, TCM_GETITEM, iItem, (LPARAM)&tcItem);

	/* update caption text */
	strcpy(_pszCaption, ((tTbData*)tcItem.lParam)->pszName);

	/* test if additional information are available */
	if ((((tTbData*)tcItem.lParam)->uMask & DWS_ADDINFO) && 
		(strlen(((tTbData*)tcItem.lParam)->pszAddInfo) != 0))
		strcat(_pszCaption, " - ");
		strcat(_pszCaption, ((tTbData*)tcItem.lParam)->pszAddInfo);

	if (_isFloating == true)
		::SetWindowText(_hSelf, _pszCaption);
		::SetWindowText(_hCaption, _pszCaption);
void DockingCont::focusClient(void)
	TCITEM		tcItem	= {0};
	INT			iItem	= getActiveTb();	

	if (iItem != -1)
		/* get data of new active dialog */
		tcItem.mask		= TCIF_PARAM;
		::SendMessage(_hContTab, TCM_GETITEM, iItem, (LPARAM)&tcItem);

		/* set focus */
Exemple #3
tTbData* DockingCont::getDataOfActiveTb()
	tTbData*	pTbData	= NULL;
	int			iItem	= getActiveTb();

	if (iItem != -1)
		TCITEM	tcItem	= {0};

		tcItem.mask		= TCIF_PARAM;
		::SendMessage(_hContTab, TCM_GETITEM, iItem, (LPARAM)&tcItem);
		pTbData = (tTbData*)tcItem.lParam;

	return pTbData;
Exemple #4
void DockingCont::viewToolbar(tTbData *pTbData)
	TCITEM		tcItem		= {0};
	int			iItemCnt	= ::SendMessage(_hContTab, TCM_GETITEMCOUNT, 0, 0);

	if (iItemCnt > 0)
		UINT	iItem	= getActiveTb();

		tcItem.mask		= TCIF_PARAM;
		::SendMessage(_hContTab, TCM_GETITEM, iItem, (LPARAM)&tcItem);
		if (!tcItem.lParam)
		// hide active dialog
		::ShowWindow(((tTbData*)tcItem.lParam)->hClient, SW_HIDE);

	// create new tab if it not exists
	int iTabPos = SearchPosInTab(pTbData);
	tcItem.mask			= TCIF_PARAM;
	tcItem.lParam		= (LPARAM)pTbData;

	if (iTabPos == -1)
		// set only params and text even if icon available
		::SendMessage(_hContTab, TCM_INSERTITEM, iItemCnt, (LPARAM)&tcItem);
	// if exists select it and update data
		::SendMessage(_hContTab, TCM_SETITEM, iTabPos, (LPARAM)&tcItem);

	// show dialog and notify parent to update dialog view
	if (isVisible() == false)
		::SendMessage(_hParent, WM_SIZE, 0, 0);

	// set position of client
void DockingCont::focusClient()
	TCITEM		tcItem	= {0};
	int			iItem	= getActiveTb();	

	if (iItem != -1)
		// get data of new active dialog
		tcItem.mask		= TCIF_PARAM;
		::SendMessage(_hContTab, TCM_GETITEM, iItem, (LPARAM)&tcItem);

		// set focus
		if (!tcItem.lParam)
Exemple #6
void DockingCont::focusClient()
	TCITEM		tcItem	= {0};
	int			iItem	= getActiveTb();	

	if (iItem != -1)
		// get data of new active dialog
		tcItem.mask		= TCIF_PARAM;
		::SendMessage(_hContTab, TCM_GETITEM, iItem, (LPARAM)&tcItem);

		// set focus
		if (!tcItem.lParam)

		tTbData *tbData = (tTbData *)tcItem.lParam;
		if (tbData->pszAddInfo && lstrcmp(tbData->pszAddInfo, DM_NOFOCUSWHILECLICKINGCAPTION) == 0)
Exemple #7
bool DockingCont::updateCaption()
	if (!_hContTab)
		return false;

	TCITEM			tcItem	= {0};
	int				iItem	= getActiveTb();

	if (iItem < 0)
		return false;

	// get data of new active dialog
	tcItem.mask		= TCIF_PARAM;
	::SendMessage(_hContTab, TCM_GETITEM, iItem, (LPARAM)&tcItem);

	if (!tcItem.lParam) return false;

	// update caption text
	_pszCaption = ((tTbData*)tcItem.lParam)->pszName;

	// test if additional information are available
	if ((((tTbData*)tcItem.lParam)->uMask & DWS_ADDINFO) && 
		(lstrlen(((tTbData*)tcItem.lParam)->pszAddInfo) != 0))
		_pszCaption += TEXT(" - ");
		_pszCaption += ((tTbData*)tcItem.lParam)->pszAddInfo; 

	if (_isFloating == true)
		::SetWindowText(_hSelf, _pszCaption.c_str());
		::SetWindowText(_hCaption, _pszCaption.c_str());
	return true;
Exemple #8
void DockingCont::drawTabItem(DRAWITEMSTRUCT *pDrawItemStruct)
	TCITEM	tcItem		= {0};
	RECT	rc			= pDrawItemStruct->rcItem;
	int		nTab		= pDrawItemStruct->itemID;
	bool	isSelected	= (nTab == getActiveTb());

	// get current selected item
	tcItem.mask = TCIF_PARAM;
	::SendMessage(_hContTab, TCM_GETITEM, nTab, (LPARAM)&tcItem);
	if (!tcItem.lParam)

	const TCHAR *text	= ((tTbData*)tcItem.lParam)->pszName;
	int		length	= lstrlen(((tTbData*)tcItem.lParam)->pszName);

	// get drawing context
	HDC hDc = pDrawItemStruct->hDC;

	int nSavedDC = ::SaveDC(hDc);

	// For some bizarre reason the rcItem you get extends above the actual
	// drawing area. We have to workaround this "feature".
	rc.top += ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYEDGE);

	::SetBkMode(hDc, TRANSPARENT);
	HBRUSH hBrush = ::CreateSolidBrush(::GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNFACE));
	::FillRect(hDc, &rc, hBrush);

	// draw orange bar
	if ((_bDrawOgLine == TRUE) && (isSelected))
		RECT barRect  = rc;
		barRect.top  += rc.bottom - 4;

		hBrush = ::CreateSolidBrush(RGB(250, 170, 60));
		::FillRect(hDc, &barRect, hBrush);


	// draw icon if enabled
	if (((tTbData*)tcItem.lParam)->uMask & DWS_ICONTAB)
		HIMAGELIST	hImageList	= (HIMAGELIST)::SendMessage(_hParent, DMM_GETIMAGELIST, 0, 0);
		int			iPosImage	= ::SendMessage(_hParent, DMM_GETICONPOS, 0, (LPARAM)((tTbData*)tcItem.lParam)->hClient);

		if ((hImageList != NULL) && (iPosImage >= 0))
			// Get height of image so we
			IMAGEINFO	info		= {0};
			RECT &		imageRect	= info.rcImage;
			ImageList_GetImageInfo(hImageList, iPosImage, &info);
			ImageList_Draw(hImageList, iPosImage, hDc, rc.left + 3, 2, ILD_NORMAL);

			if (isSelected == true)
				rc.left += imageRect.right - imageRect.left + 5;

	if (isSelected == true)
		COLORREF _unselectedColor = RGB(0, 0, 0);
		::SetTextColor(hDc, _unselectedColor);

		// draw text
		rc.top -= ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYEDGE);
		::SelectObject(hDc, _hFont);
		::DrawText(hDc, text, length, &rc, DT_SINGLELINE | DT_VCENTER | DT_NOPREFIX);

	::RestoreDC(hDc, nSavedDC);