Action QLearner::getAction(const State &state)
    Action nextAction;

    if(getValue(state) < someValue)
        nextAction = static_cast<Action>(rand() % 3);
        nextAction = getBestAction(state);

    return nextAction;
    QLearner::doLearningIteration(LearningProblemState * state)
        // Pick a new state once in a while
        if (randomReal() < nu) {
            state = problem->getRandomState();

        // Get the list of actions
        LearningProblemAction* actions = problem->getActions(state);
        LearningProblemAction* action = NULL;

        // Check if we should use a random action, or the best one
        if (randomReal() < rho) {
            unsigned randPos = randomInt(actions->getCount());
            action = actions->getAtPositionInList(randPos);
        } else {
            action = getBestAction(state);

        // Make sure we've got something to do
        if (action != NULL)
            // Carry out the action
            LearningProblemActionResult result =
                problem->getResult(state, action);

            // Get the current q value
            real q = getQValue(state, action);

            // Get the q of the best action from the new state
            real maxQ = getBestQValue(result.state);

            // recalculate the q
            q = ((real)1.0-alpha) * q + alpha * (result.reward + gamma * maxQ);

            // Store the new Q value
            storeQValue(state, action, q);

            return result.state;
        // Otherwise we need to get a new state - we've reached the
        // end of the road.
            return problem->getRandomState();