int tellstdfunc::stdLINEDEF::execute() {
   byte width       = getByteValue();
   byte patscale    = getByteValue();
   word pattern     = getWordValue();
   std::string col  = getStringValue();
   std::string name = getStringValue();
   DATC->addline(name, col, pattern, patscale, width);
   LogFile << LogFile.getFN() << "(\""<< name << "\" , \"" << col << "\","
         << pattern << " , " << patscale << " , " << width << ");";LogFile.flush();
   return EXEC_NEXT;
int tellstdfunc::stdCOLORDEF::execute() {
   byte         sat  = getByteValue();
   byte         colB = getByteValue();
   byte         colG = getByteValue();
   byte         colR = getByteValue();
   std::string  name = getStringValue();
   // error message - included in the method
   DATC->addcolor(name, colR, colG, colB, sat);
   LogFile << LogFile.getFN() << "(\""<< name << "\"," << colR << "," << 
                       colG << "," << colB << "," << sat << ");";LogFile.flush();
   return EXEC_NEXT;
void tellstdfunc::stdGRID::undo() {
   TEUNDO_DEBUG("grid( int bool ) UNDO");
   bool  visu     = getBoolValue(UNDOPstack, true);
   byte    no     = getByteValue(UNDOPstack, true);
int tellstdfunc::stdGRIDDEF::execute() {
   std::string  colname = getStringValue();
   real    step    = getOpValue();
   byte    no      = getByteValue();
   LogFile << LogFile.getFN() << "(" << no << "," << step << ",\"" <<
                                              colname << "\");";LogFile.flush();
   return EXEC_NEXT;
Exemple #5
unsigned int getByteValue(unsigned char *ch,int byteSum,int pos,int len,bool flag)
	if(len > 32) return 0;	//最多只能是4byte个字节
	if(pos < 0 || pos >= (byteSum << 3)) return 0;
	if(len <= 0 || pos + len >= (byteSum << 3)) return 0;
	unsigned int temp = 0;
	int head = (pos >> 3);
	int end = ((pos + len) >> 3);
		if(head == end) return getByteValue(ch[head],pos % 8,len);
		for(int i = head;i <= end;++ i)
			if(i == head) temp = getByteValue(ch[i],pos % 8,8 - (pos % 8));
			if(i == end) temp = (temp << ((pos + len) % 8)) + getByteValue(ch[i],0,(pos + len) % 8);
			else temp = (temp << 8) + ch[i];
		if(head == end) return getByteValue(ch[byteSum - head],pos % 8,len);
		for(int i = head;i <= end;++ i)
			if(i == head) temp = getByteValue(ch[byteSum - i],pos % 8,8 - (pos % 8));
			if(i == end) temp = (temp << ((pos + len) % 8)) + getByteValue(ch[byteSum - i],0,(pos + len) % 8);
			else temp = (temp << 8) + ch[byteSum - i];
	return temp;
int tellstdfunc::stdGRID::execute() {
   bool  visu     = getBoolValue();
   byte    no     = getByteValue();
   if (NULL != DATC->grid(no))
      UNDOPstack.push_front(new telldata::ttint(no));
      UNDOPstack.push_front(new telldata::ttbool(DATC->grid_visual(no)));
      LogFile << LogFile.getFN() << "(" << no << "," << LogFile._2bool(visu) << ");";
      tell_log(console::MT_ERROR,"Grid is not defined. Use definegrid(...) first");
   return EXEC_NEXT;
int tellstdfunc::stdSHAPEANGLE::execute() {
   byte angle    = getByteValue();
   if ((angle == 0) || (angle == 45) || (angle == 90)) {
      // prepare undo first
      UNDOPstack.push_front(new telldata::ttint(DATC->marker_angle()));
      wxCommandEvent eventGRIDUPD(wxEVT_SETINGSMENU);
      if       (angle == 0)  eventGRIDUPD.SetInt(tui::STS_ANGLE_0);
      else if  (angle == 45) eventGRIDUPD.SetInt(tui::STS_ANGLE_45);
      else if  (angle == 90) eventGRIDUPD.SetInt(tui::STS_ANGLE_90);
      else assert(false);
      wxPostEvent(TopedMainW, eventGRIDUPD);
      LogFile << LogFile.getFN() << "(" << angle << ");"; LogFile.flush();
   else {
      tell_log(console::MT_ERROR,"0, 45 or 90 degrees allowed only");
   return EXEC_NEXT;
void tellstdfunc::stdSHAPEANGLE::undo() {
   TEUNDO_DEBUG("shapeangle() UNDO");
   byte angle    = getByteValue(UNDOPstack,true);
void tellstdfunc::stdSHAPEANGLE::undo_cleanup() {
void tellstdfunc::stdGRID::undo_cleanup() {
   getByteValue(UNDOPstack, false);
   getBoolValue(UNDOPstack, false);
Exemple #11
void Pass2::readInstructions() {
	cout << endl << "           Program Listing" << endl;
	cout << "-------------------------------------------------" << endl;
	listFile << endl << "           Program Listing" << endl;
	listFile << "-------------------------------------------------" << endl;

	reader-> advance();
	stringstream stream;
	stream << hex << pass_1->startLocation;
	string strtLoc = stream.str();
	transform(strtLoc.begin(), strtLoc.end(), strtLoc.begin(), ::toupper);
	stream << hex << pass_1->lengthOfProgram;
	string len = stream.str();
	transform(len.begin(), len.end(), len.begin(), ::toupper);

	if (reader->getLabel().length() != 0) {
		writer->start(reader->getLabel() + "", strtLoc, len);
		cout << reader->getAddress() << "\t" << reader->getLabel() << "\t"
				<< "START" << "\t" << pass_1->startLocation << endl;
		listFile << reader->getAddress() << "\t" << reader->getLabel() << "\t"
				<< "START" << "\t" << pass_1->startLocation << endl;

	} else {
		writer->start("      ", strtLoc, len);
		cout << "     " << "\t" << "START" << "\t" << pass_1->startLocation
				<< "\t\t" << endl;
		listFile << "     " << "\t" << "START" << "\t" << pass_1->startLocation
				<< "\t\t" << endl;

	// handles the flow of line parsing
	while (reader->advance()) {
		string opcode = reader->getOpcode();
		string operand = reader->getOperand();
		string currAddress = reader->getAddress();
		string nextAddress;
		if (opcode != "END")
			nextAddress = reader->getNextAddress();

		cout << currAddress << "\t" << reader->getLabel() << "\t" << opcode
				<< "\t" << operand << "\t\t";
		listFile << currAddress << "\t" << reader->getLabel() << "\t" << opcode
				<< "\t" << operand << "\t\t";

		if (opTable->contains(opcode)) {//valid opcode not directive
			bool needModRec = false;
			string objectCode = opParser->parse(
					pass_1->hexaParser(nextAddress), opcode, operand,
			if (objectCode.substr(0, 5) == "error") {
				listFile << objectCode << endl;
				cout << "*** Error in operand: '" << operand << "' "
						<< objectCode.substr(5, objectCode.length() - 4)
						<< endl;
			if (needModRec) {
				writer->writeModRec(currAddress, 5);

			cout << objectCode;
			listFile << objectCode;

			writer->writeTextRec(objectCode, currAddress, 0);
		} else {//directive
			if (opcode == "BYTE") {
				writer->writeTextRec(getByteValue(operand), currAddress, 0);

				cout << getByteValue(operand);
			} else if (opcode == "WORD") {
				writer->writeTextRec(operand, currAddress, 0);
			} else if (opcode == "BASE") {

				int i = 0;
				if (operand[0] >= '0' && operand[0] <= '9')//numeric value
					i = atoi(operand.c_str());
				else if (pass_1->symTable->contains(operand))
					i = pass_1->symTable->get(operand)->getAddress();
				else {
					cerr << "BASE operand is not found";
					listFile << "     ****Error: BASE operand is not found";
				opParser->setBaseFlag(true, i);

			} else if (opcode == "NOBASE") {
				opParser->setBaseFlag(false, 0);
			} else if (opcode == "END") {

			} else if (opcode == "LTORG") {
			} else if (opcode == "RESB" || opcode == "RESW" || opcode == "ORG") {
				// RESB, RESW, ORG
		cout << "" << endl;
		listFile << "" << endl;