 * Trace a ray and return the color of the given ray.
 * @param  ray [description]
 * @return
glm::vec3 trace(Ray ray, float distanceTraveled, int maxDepth) {
  glm::vec3 color = glm::vec3(0.0f);
  Intersection inters = getClosestIntersection(ray, false);
  if(inters.didHit()) { //if we hit something figure out the color.

    color += inters.object->material.aColor; // Ambient lighting.

    if(inters.object->material.opacity < 1.0f  && maxDepth > 0) { // Transmitted light
      float rRatio;
      float cosTheta = glm::dot(inters.incident.direction, inters.normal);
      if(inters.inside) {
        rRatio = inters.object->material.refractiveIndex;
        cosTheta *= -1.0f;
      else {
        rRatio = 1.0f/inters.object->material.refractiveIndex;

      float antiCos = sqrtf(1.0f - (1.0f-cosTheta*cosTheta)*rRatio*rRatio);
      // printf("refraction with ratio: %f, cos: %f, antiCos: %f\n", rRatio, cosTheta, antiCos);
      glm::vec3 refractedDir = rRatio*inters.incident.direction + (cosTheta*rRatio + antiCos)*inters.normal;
      color += trace(Ray(inters.point, refractedDir), inters.distanceTraveled+distanceTraveled, maxDepth-1)*(1.0f-inters.object->material.opacity);

    if(inters.object->material.reflectivity > 0.0f && maxDepth > 0) { // Reflected light
      glm::vec3 projOntoNorm = -glm::dot(inters.incident.direction, inters.normal)*inters.normal;
      glm::vec3 reflectDir = inters.incident.direction + projOntoNorm*2.0f;
      color += trace(Ray(inters.point, reflectDir), inters.distanceTraveled+distanceTraveled, maxDepth-1)*inters.object->material.rColor*inters.object->material.reflectivity;

    if(!inters.inside) { // GLORIOUS IMPROVEMENTS, Diffuse light
      for(std::vector<Light>::iterator lightIter = scene.lights.begin(); lightIter != scene.lights.end(); ++lightIter) {
        glm::vec3 lightDir = lightIter->location - inters.point;
        float distanceToLight = glm::length(lightDir);
        lightDir = glm::normalize(lightDir);

        Ray shadowRay = Ray(inters.point, lightDir);
        Intersection shadowIntersection = getClosestIntersection(shadowRay, true);

        if((!shadowIntersection.didHit() || distanceToLight < shadowIntersection.distanceTraveled )) {// We hit something behind the light
          float totalDistanceTraveled = distanceToLight + inters.distanceTraveled + distanceTraveled; // Distance from light to intersection + inters to eye + recursion(reflected/refracted)

          float difIntensity = glm::dot(lightDir, inters.normal)*lightIter->power;

          glm::vec3 halfAngle = glm::normalize(lightDir - inters.incident.direction); // incident is in the direction from eye, so negate
          float NdotH = std::max(0.0f, glm::dot(inters.normal, halfAngle));
          float specIntensity = powf(NdotH, inters.object->material.specHardness)*lightIter->power; // Spectral hardness of the material

          color += (lightIter->color * inters.object->material.sColor)*specIntensity/powf(totalDistanceTraveled, 2);
          color += (lightIter->color * inters.object->material.dColor)*difIntensity/powf(totalDistanceTraveled, 2);

  return color;
Exemple #2
	Vector3d traceRay(Ray* ray, vector<SceneObject*>* objects, vector<SceneObject*>* lights, int remainingDepth) {
		Vector3d backgroundColour(0, 0, 0);
		Vector3d ambientLight(25, 25, 25);

		/*Vector3d RED(255, 0, 0);
		Vector3d GREEN(0, 255, 0);
		Vector3d BLUE(255, 0, 255);
		Vector3d YELLOW(255, 255, 0);
		Vector3d CYAN(0, 255, 255);
		Vector3d MAJENTA(255, 0, 255);*/

		if (remainingDepth <= 0)
			return backgroundColour;

		vector<Intersection*>* intersections = getIntersections(objects, ray, NULL, false, (remainingDepth < 2));
		Intersection* closestIntersection = getClosestIntersection(ray->origin, intersections);
		Vector3d closestOrigin;
		Vector3d closestDirection;
		SceneObject* closestObject;

		if (closestIntersection != NULL) {
			closestOrigin = *(closestIntersection->origin);
			closestDirection = *(closestIntersection->direction);
			closestObject = closestIntersection->object;

		delete intersections;

		if (closestIntersection != NULL) {
			Vector3d fullLightColour = ambientLight;
			Vector3d surfaceColour = *(closestIntersection->object->colour);

			//for each light, add it to the full light on this point (if not blocked)
			for (unsigned int lightNum = 0; lightNum < lights->size(); lightNum++) {
				SceneObject* light = (*lights)[lightNum];
				Vector3d toLight = *(light->position) - closestOrigin;
				Vector3d toLightNormalized = toLight.normalized();
				double dot = toLightNormalized.dot(closestDirection);

				if (dot > 0) {
					intersections = getIntersections(objects, new Ray(&closestOrigin, &toLightNormalized), closestObject, true, false);
					bool inLight = false;
					if (intersections->size() == 0) {
						inLight = true;
					else {
						Intersection* intersection = (*intersections)[0];
						Vector3d intersectionOrigin = Vector3d(*(intersection->origin));
						Vector3d intersectionDirection = Vector3d(*(intersection->direction));
						SceneObject* obj = intersection->object;

						if ((intersectionOrigin - closestOrigin).norm() > toLight.norm()) {
							inLight = true;

					if (inLight) {
						fullLightColour += *(light->colour) * dot;

					delete intersections;

			double reflectivity = closestObject->reflectivity;
			if (reflectivity > 0) {
				Vector3d rayDirection = *(ray->direction);
				Vector3d normal = closestDirection;
				Vector3d reflectedDirection = rayDirection - ((2 * (normal.dot(rayDirection))) * normal);
				Ray* reflectedRay = new Ray(&closestOrigin, &reflectedDirection);

				Vector3d reflectionColour = traceRay(reflectedRay, objects, lights, remainingDepth - 1);
				delete reflectedRay;

				surfaceColour *= 1 - reflectivity;
				surfaceColour += reflectionColour * reflectivity;

			Vector3d endColour = surfaceColour;
			endColour[0] *= fullLightColour[0] / 255;
			endColour[1] *= fullLightColour[1] / 255;
			endColour[2] *= fullLightColour[2] / 255;

			return endColour;
		else {
			return backgroundColour;