Status CatalogManagerReplicaSet::checkAndUpgrade(bool checkOnly) { auto versionStatus = _getConfigVersion(); if (!versionStatus.isOK()) { return versionStatus.getStatus(); } auto versionInfo = versionStatus.getValue(); if (versionInfo.getMinCompatibleVersion() > CURRENT_CONFIG_VERSION) { return {ErrorCodes::IncompatibleShardingConfigVersion, str::stream() << "current version v" << CURRENT_CONFIG_VERSION << " is older than the cluster min compatible v" << versionInfo.getMinCompatibleVersion()}; } if (versionInfo.getCurrentVersion() == UpgradeHistory_EmptyVersion) { VersionType newVersion; newVersion.setClusterId(OID::gen()); // For v3.2, only v3.2 binaries can talk to RS Config servers. newVersion.setMinCompatibleVersion(CURRENT_CONFIG_VERSION); newVersion.setCurrentVersion(CURRENT_CONFIG_VERSION); BSONObj versionObj(newVersion.toBSON()); return update(VersionType::ConfigNS, versionObj, versionObj, true /* upsert*/, false /* multi */, nullptr); } if (versionInfo.getCurrentVersion() == UpgradeHistory_UnreportedVersion) { return {ErrorCodes::IncompatibleShardingConfigVersion, "Assuming config data is old since the version document cannot be found in the" "config server and it contains databases aside 'local' and 'admin'. " "Please upgrade if this is the case. Otherwise, make sure that the config " "server is clean."}; } if (versionInfo.getCurrentVersion() < CURRENT_CONFIG_VERSION) { return {ErrorCodes::IncompatibleShardingConfigVersion, str::stream() << "need to upgrade current cluster version to v" << CURRENT_CONFIG_VERSION << "; currently at v" << versionInfo.getCurrentVersion()}; } return Status::OK(); }
int64_t IndexReader::getCurrentVersion(const char* directory){ Directory* dir = FSDirectory::getDirectory(directory); int64_t version = getCurrentVersion(dir); dir->close(); _CLDECDELETE(dir); return version; }
void SyncConnector::urlTested(QNetworkReply* reply) { ignoreSslErrors(reply); if (reply->error() == QNetworkReply::TimeoutError || reply->error() == QNetworkReply::ConnectionRefusedError) { shutdownINotifyProcess(); mpConnectionAvailabilityTimer->start(1000); } else { ConnectionState connectionInfo = api::APIHandlerFactory<QNetworkReply>().getConnectionVersionInfo(reply); int versionNumber = getCurrentVersion(connectionInfo.first); if (mAPIHandler == nullptr || mAPIHandler->version != versionNumber) { mAPIHandler = std::unique_ptr<api::APIHandlerBase>( api::APIHandlerFactory<QNetworkReply>().getAPIForVersion(versionNumber)); } mConnectionStateCallback(connectionInfo); mpConnectionAvailabilityTimer->stop(); mpConnectionHealthTimer->start(mConnectionHealthTime); checkAndSpawnINotifyProcess(false); } reply->deleteLater(); }
TEST(TBDv2, ReadFile2) { static const char tbd_v2_file2[] = "--- !tapi-tbd-v2\n" "archs: [ armv7, armv7s, armv7k, arm64 ]\n" "platform: ios\n" "flags: [ flat_namespace, not_app_extension_safe ]\n" "install-name: Test.dylib\n" "swift-version: 1.1\n" "exports:\n" " - archs: [ armv7, armv7s, armv7k, arm64 ]\n" " symbols: [ _sym1, _sym2, _sym3, _sym4, $ld$hide$os9.0$_sym1 ]\n" " objc-classes: [ _class1, _class2 ]\n" " objc-ivars: [ _class1._ivar1, _class1._ivar2 ]\n" " weak-def-symbols: [ _weak1, _weak2 ]\n" " thread-local-symbols: [ _tlv1, _tlv2 ]\n" " - archs: [ armv7, armv7s, armv7k ]\n" " symbols: [ _sym5 ]\n" " objc-classes: [ _class3 ]\n" " objc-ivars: [ _class1._ivar3 ]\n" " weak-def-symbols: [ _weak3 ]\n" " thread-local-symbols: [ _tlv3 ]\n" "undefineds:\n" " - archs: [ armv7, armv7s, armv7k, arm64 ]\n" " symbols: [ _undefSym1, _undefSym2, _undefSym3 ]\n" " objc-classes: [ _undefClass1, _undefClass2 ]\n" " objc-ivars: [ _undefClass1._ivar1, _undefClass1._ivar2 ]\n" " weak-ref-symbols: [ _undefWeak1, _undefWeak2 ]\n" "...\n"; auto Buffer = MemoryBuffer::getMemBuffer(tbd_v2_file2, "Test.tbd"); auto Result = TextAPIReader::get(std::move(Buffer)); EXPECT_TRUE(!!Result); auto File = std::move(Result.get()); EXPECT_EQ(FileType::TBD_V2, File->getFileType()); auto Archs = AK_armv7 | AK_armv7s | AK_armv7k | AK_arm64; EXPECT_EQ(Archs, File->getArchitectures()); EXPECT_EQ(PlatformKind::iOS, File->getPlatform()); EXPECT_EQ(std::string("Test.dylib"), File->getInstallName()); EXPECT_EQ(PackedVersion(1, 0, 0), File->getCurrentVersion()); EXPECT_EQ(PackedVersion(1, 0, 0), File->getCompatibilityVersion()); EXPECT_EQ(2U, File->getSwiftABIVersion()); EXPECT_EQ(ObjCConstraintType::Retain_Release, File->getObjCConstraint()); EXPECT_FALSE(File->isTwoLevelNamespace()); EXPECT_FALSE(File->isApplicationExtensionSafe()); EXPECT_FALSE(File->isInstallAPI()); EXPECT_EQ(0U, File->allowableClients().size()); EXPECT_EQ(0U, File->reexportedLibraries().size()); }
void RO6DTxn::commit( const ChopFinishRequest &req, ChopFinishResponse *res, rrr::DeferredReply *defer) { std::vector<i64> ids; Compressor::string_to_vector(req.read_only, &ids); // handle ro list, put ro ids into table // I assume one txn may query multiple rows on this node? for (auto &pair : row_col_map) { auto row = (RO6Row *) pair.first; int col_id = pair.second; // get current version of the cell this txn is going to update version_t current_version = row->getCurrentVersion(col_id); for (i64 &ro_id : ids) { row->rtxn_tracker.checkIfTxnIdBeenRecorded(col_id, ro_id, true, current_version); } } // We need to commit this txn after updating the table, because we need to know what the // old version number was before committing current version. RCCDTxn::commit(req, res, defer); }
void UpdateManager::downloadUpdater() { std::string fileName; std::string address; if (!_versionConfDownloaded) { fileName = string("version.conf"); std::string currentVersion = getCurrentVersion(); string userId(readConfValue("user-id", "")); address = "" + currentVersion;// readConfValue("version-file", ""); address = address.append("&userId=" + userId); } fileName = *getTempDir() + "/" + fileName; _file = new QFile(QString(fileName.c_str())); if (_file->exists()) { _file->remove(); } QUrl url(address.c_str()); _manager->get(QNetworkRequest(url)); _downloading = true; }
void UpdateManager::checkVersion() { std::string tempFileName = *getTempDir() + "/version.conf"; _isLastVersion = true; if (existFile(tempFileName.c_str())) { std::string versioncont = std::string(readFile(const_cast<char*>(tempFileName.c_str()))); if (versioncont.find("version:") == -1) { versioncont = "version:" + versioncont + ";\nreleaseNotesURL:" + VERSION + ";"; } const char* cwebLastVersion = readValue(versioncont, "version"); if (strlen(cwebLastVersion) > 0) { Version webVersion = getVersion(cwebLastVersion); Version currentVersion = getCurrentVersion(); if (webVersion > currentVersion) { _isLastVersion = false; } if (!_isLastVersion) { QMessageBox box; box.setWindowTitle("d-jon update available"); box.setTextFormat(Qt::RichText); std::stringstream ss; ss << "A new version of d-jon is available at <a href=\"\"></a><br/>"; ss << "please take a look of the <a href=\""; std::string releaseNotesURL = readValue(versioncont, "releaseNotesURL"); ss << releaseNotesURL << "\">release notes</a> to know what is new in this release."; std::string message = ss.str(); box.setText(message.c_str()); box.exec(); } } _file->remove(); delete(_file); _file = NULL; } }
void CommonBlob::initialize() { magic = magicNumber; this->blobVersion = getCurrentVersion(); }
TEST(TBDv2, ReadFile) { static const char tbd_v2_file1[] = "--- !tapi-tbd-v2\n" "archs: [ armv7, armv7s, armv7k, arm64 ]\n" "platform: ios\n" "flags: [ installapi ]\n" "install-name: Test.dylib\n" "current-version: 2.3.4\n" "compatibility-version: 1.0\n" "swift-version: 1.1\n" "parent-umbrella: Umbrella.dylib\n" "exports:\n" " - archs: [ armv7, armv7s, armv7k, arm64 ]\n" " allowable-clients: [ clientA ]\n" " re-exports: [ /usr/lib/libfoo.dylib ]\n" " symbols: [ _sym1, _sym2, _sym3, _sym4, $ld$hide$os9.0$_sym1 ]\n" " objc-classes: [ _class1, _class2 ]\n" " objc-ivars: [ _class1._ivar1, _class1._ivar2 ]\n" " weak-def-symbols: [ _weak1, _weak2 ]\n" " thread-local-symbols: [ _tlv1, _tlv2 ]\n" " - archs: [ armv7, armv7s, armv7k ]\n" " symbols: [ _sym5 ]\n" " objc-classes: [ _class3 ]\n" " objc-ivars: [ _class1._ivar3 ]\n" " weak-def-symbols: [ _weak3 ]\n" " thread-local-symbols: [ _tlv3 ]\n" "...\n"; auto Buffer = MemoryBuffer::getMemBuffer(tbd_v2_file1, "Test.tbd"); auto Result = TextAPIReader::get(std::move(Buffer)); EXPECT_TRUE(!!Result); auto File = std::move(Result.get()); EXPECT_EQ(FileType::TBD_V2, File->getFileType()); auto Archs = AK_armv7 | AK_armv7s | AK_armv7k | AK_arm64; EXPECT_EQ(Archs, File->getArchitectures()); EXPECT_EQ(PlatformKind::iOS, File->getPlatform()); EXPECT_EQ(std::string("Test.dylib"), File->getInstallName()); EXPECT_EQ(PackedVersion(2, 3, 4), File->getCurrentVersion()); EXPECT_EQ(PackedVersion(1, 0, 0), File->getCompatibilityVersion()); EXPECT_EQ(2U, File->getSwiftABIVersion()); EXPECT_EQ(ObjCConstraintType::Retain_Release, File->getObjCConstraint()); EXPECT_TRUE(File->isTwoLevelNamespace()); EXPECT_TRUE(File->isApplicationExtensionSafe()); EXPECT_TRUE(File->isInstallAPI()); InterfaceFileRef client("clientA", Archs); InterfaceFileRef reexport("/usr/lib/libfoo.dylib", Archs); EXPECT_EQ(1U, File->allowableClients().size()); EXPECT_EQ(client, File->allowableClients().front()); EXPECT_EQ(1U, File->reexportedLibraries().size()); EXPECT_EQ(reexport, File->reexportedLibraries().front()); ExportedSymbolSeq Exports; for (const auto *Sym : File->symbols()) { EXPECT_FALSE(Sym->isWeakReferenced()); EXPECT_FALSE(Sym->isUndefined()); Exports.emplace_back(ExportedSymbol{Sym->getKind(), Sym->getName(), Sym->isWeakDefined(), Sym->isThreadLocalValue()}); } llvm::sort(Exports.begin(), Exports.end()); EXPECT_EQ(sizeof(TBDv2Symbols) / sizeof(ExportedSymbol), Exports.size()); EXPECT_TRUE( std::equal(Exports.begin(), Exports.end(), std::begin(TBDv2Symbols))); }
int runTheGame(int argc, char** pp_argv) { FileSystem& fs = FileSystem::inst(); const std::string homeDirectory(fs.getAppHomeDirectory()); const std::string versionInitialized(detectInitializedVersion()); fs.createDirectory(homeDirectory); clearLog(); printfLog("Blocks 5\n"); printfLog("========\n"); printfLog("Installed game version: %s\n", p_localVersion); printfLog("Last played: %s\n", versionInitialized.c_str()); if(versionInitialized != p_localVersion) { printfLog("Initializing/Updating ...\n"); bool success = true; std::string errorMsg; bool severeError = false; bool quit = false; if(versionInitialized == "not_played" || versionInitialized == "<= 1.0.7") { // Verzeichnis initialisieren success &= fs.createDirectory(homeDirectory + "levels"); success &= fs.createDirectory(homeDirectory + "levels/campaigns"); success &= fs.createDirectory(homeDirectory + "levels/skins"); success &= fs.createDirectory(homeDirectory + "screenshots"); success &= fs.createDirectory(homeDirectory + "videos"); if (fs.fileExists("config.xml")) success &= fs.copyFile("config.xml", homeDirectory + "config.xml"); success &= fs.copyFile("videos/readme.txt", homeDirectory + "videos/readme.txt"); if(versionInitialized == "<= 1.0.7") success &= fs.copyFile("", homeDirectory + ""); success &= fs.copyFile("update_checker_disable.bat", homeDirectory + "update_checker_disable.bat"); success &= fs.copyFile("update_checker_enable.bat", homeDirectory + "update_checker_enable.bat"); if(fs.fileExists(".update_checker")) success &= fs.copyFile(".update_checker", homeDirectory + ".update_checker"); std::list<std::string> fileList(fs.listDirectory("levels")); for(std::list<std::string>::const_iterator it = fileList.begin(); it != fileList.end(); ++it) success &= fs.copyFile(std::string("levels/") + *it, homeDirectory + "levels/" + *it); fileList = fs.listDirectory("levels/campaigns"); for(std::list<std::string>::const_iterator it = fileList.begin(); it != fileList.end(); ++it) success &= fs.copyFile(std::string("levels/campaigns/") + *it, homeDirectory + "levels/campaigns/" + *it); fileList = fs.listDirectory("levels/skins"); for(std::list<std::string>::const_iterator it = fileList.begin(); it != fileList.end(); ++it) success &= fs.copyFile(std::string("levels/skins/") + *it, homeDirectory + "levels/skins/" + *it); fileList = fs.listDirectory("screenshots"); for(std::list<std::string>::const_iterator it = fileList.begin(); it != fileList.end(); ++it) success &= fs.copyFile(std::string("screenshots/") + *it, homeDirectory + "screenshots/" + *it); if(success) { if(versionInitialized != "not_played") { #ifdef _WIN32 int answer = MessageBoxA(0, "In the new version, Blocks 5 stores the levels, campaigns and other data in a different folder. " "These files are now in a folder called \"Blocks 5\" within your \"My Documents\" folder. " "Please keep this in mind when installing new levels, campaigns or skins!\r\n\r\n" "Do you want to open this folder now in Windows Explorer?", "Important update information", MB_YESNO | MB_ICONINFORMATION); if(answer == IDYES) { std::string temp(homeDirectory); for(std::string::iterator it = temp.begin(); it != temp.end(); ++it) if(*it == '/') *it = '\\'; const std::string cmdLine = std::string("EXPLORER.EXE \"") + temp + "\""; WinExec(cmdLine.c_str(), SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED); Sleep(5000); MessageBoxA(0, "Windows Explorer has been started, you should now see the new folder. " "Click OK to continue.", "Continue", MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION); } } #endif } else { severeError = true; errorMsg = std::string("The program could not create and initialize the folder: \"") + homeDirectory + "\""; } } else if(versionInitialized == "1.0.71" || versionInitialized == "1.0.72") { fs.deleteFile(homeDirectory + ""); success &= fs.copyFile("update_checker_disable.bat", homeDirectory + "update_checker_disable.bat"); success &= fs.copyFile("update_checker_enable.bat", homeDirectory + "update_checker_enable.bat"); if(fs.fileExists(".update_checker")) success &= fs.copyFile(".update_checker", homeDirectory + ".update_checker"); success &= fs.createDirectory(homeDirectory + "videos"); success &= fs.copyFile("videos/readme.txt", homeDirectory + "videos/readme.txt"); if(!success) errorMsg = "Could not migrate all settings!"; } else if(versionInitialized == "1.0.73") { fs.deleteFile(homeDirectory + ""); success &= fs.copyFile("update_checker_disable.bat", homeDirectory + "update_checker_disable.bat"); success &= fs.copyFile("update_checker_enable.bat", homeDirectory + "update_checker_enable.bat"); if (fs.fileExists(".update_checker")) success &= fs.copyFile(".update_checker", homeDirectory + ".update_checker"); if(!success) errorMsg = "Could not migrate all settings!"; } if(success) { fs.writeStringToFile(p_localVersion, homeDirectory + ".initialized"); printfLog("Succeeded initializing/updating user directory!\n"); #ifdef _WIN32 if(versionInitialized != "not_played") { int answer = MessageBoxA(0, "Do you want to read the changelog (what's new in this version)? " "If you click \"Yes\", the changelog will be opened in Notepad. " "Once you close the window, the game will start.", "Read changelog?", MB_YESNO | MB_ICONQUESTION); if(answer == IDYES) { system("NOTEPAD.EXE readme.txt"); Sleep(1000); } } #endif } else { #ifdef _WIN32 MessageBoxA(0, errorMsg.c_str(), "Error!", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); #else std::cerr << errorMsg.c_str() << std::endl; #endif printfLog("%s\n", errorMsg.c_str()); if(severeError) return 1; } if(quit) return 0; } if (!fs.fileExists(homeDirectory + ".update_checker")) fs.writeStringToFile("0", homeDirectory + ".update_checker"); const std::string updateCheckerStatus(fs.readStringFromFile(homeDirectory + ".update_checker")); if(!updateCheckerStatus.empty() && updateCheckerStatus[0] == '1') { printfLog("Checking for update ...\n"); // Neue Version da? std::string currentVersion = getCurrentVersion(); if(currentVersion.empty()) printfLog("Could not detect current version!\n"); else printfLog("Current game version: %s\n", currentVersion.c_str()); if(!currentVersion.empty() && isNewer(currentVersion, p_localVersion)) { std::ostringstream str; str << "A new version of Blocks 5 is available.\r\n"; str << "Installed version: " << p_localVersion << "\r\n"; str << "New version: " << currentVersion << "\r\n\r\n"; str << "Do you want to visit the Blocks 5 website now?" << "\r\n\r\n"; #ifdef _WIN32 int answer = MessageBoxA(0, str.str().c_str(), "Update available!", MB_YESNO | MB_ICONINFORMATION); if(answer == IDYES) { // Seite öffnen ShellExecuteA(0, "open", "Blocks 5 Website.url", NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL); return 0; } } #else #error NOT IMPLEMENTED #endif } else { // Keine automatischen Updates! printfLog("Not checking for update!\n"); } // Daten aus dem verschlüsselten Archiv lesen fs.pushCurrentDir("[3Cs18Ab0bV0Aat3Wf27le1ZM12kt0Xs05Aa4PX1EyI2V112Jr26v2GZO3dN0Ec91hk024P3cA32bc3GZ07Em4bf34st4320F7d13S00wd4Mg1ANn4SF2EO94Hz13Qq0LO18iY4Qy2C8r2XF28Bh]"); // Alternativ: Daten aus dem lokalen Verzeichnis lesen // fs.pushCurrentDir("data"); // Fortschritt laden ProgressDB::inst().load(); bool fullScreen; bool useHQ2X = false; #ifdef _DEBUG fullScreen = false; #else fullScreen = true; #endif // Argumente parsen for(int i = 0; i < argc; i++) { char* p_arg = pp_argv[i]; if(!_stricmp(p_arg, "-windowed")) fullScreen = false; else if(!_stricmp(p_arg, "-fullScreen")) fullScreen = true; else if(!_stricmp(p_arg, "-hq2x")) useHQ2X = true; } printfLog("Initializing engine ...\n"); Engine& engine = Engine::inst(); // Spielaktionen festlegen Action* p_action = engine.registerAction("$A_LEFT", engine.getKeyboardVK(SDLK_LEFT), engine.getKeyboardVK(SDLK_KP4)); p_action->resetsActions.push_back("$A_UP"); p_action->resetsActions.push_back("$A_DOWN"); p_action = engine.registerAction("$A_RIGHT", engine.getKeyboardVK(SDLK_RIGHT), engine.getKeyboardVK(SDLK_KP6)); p_action->resetsActions.push_back("$A_UP"); p_action->resetsActions.push_back("$A_DOWN"); p_action = engine.registerAction("$A_UP", engine.getKeyboardVK(SDLK_UP), engine.getKeyboardVK(SDLK_KP8)); p_action->resetsActions.push_back("$A_LEFT"); p_action->resetsActions.push_back("$A_RIGHT"); p_action = engine.registerAction("$A_DOWN", engine.getKeyboardVK(SDLK_DOWN), engine.getKeyboardVK(SDLK_KP2)); p_action->resetsActions.push_back("$A_LEFT"); p_action->resetsActions.push_back("$A_RIGHT"); engine.registerAction("$A_PLANT_BOMB", engine.getKeyboardVK(SDLK_LSHIFT), engine.getKeyboardVK(SDLK_RSHIFT)); engine.registerAction("$A_PUT_DOWN_BOMB", engine.getKeyboardVK(SDLK_LCTRL), engine.getKeyboardVK(SDLK_RCTRL)); engine.registerAction("$A_SWITCH_CHARACTER", engine.getKeyboardVK(SDLK_TAB)); engine.registerAction("$A_SAVE_IN_HOTEL", engine.getKeyboardVK(SDLK_RETURN), engine.getKeyboardVK(SDLK_KP_ENTER)); p_action = engine.registerAction("$A_RESTART_LEVEL", engine.getKeyboardVK(SDLK_F5)); p_action->delay = 1000; p_action->interval = 1000; p_action = engine.registerAction("$A_RESTART_FROM_HOTEL", engine.getKeyboardVK(SDLK_F10)); p_action->delay = 1000; p_action->interval = 1000; p_action = engine.registerAction("$A_PAUSE", engine.getKeyboardVK(SDLK_PAUSE)); p_action->delay = 200; p_action->interval = 500; // Engine-Aktionen festlegen p_action = engine.registerAction("$A_TOGGLE_MUTE", engine.getKeyboardVK(SDLK_F1)); p_action->delay = INT_MAX; p_action = engine.registerAction("$A_CAPTURE_SCREENSHOT", engine.getKeyboardVK(SDLK_F11)); p_action->delay = INT_MAX; p_action = engine.registerAction("$A_TOGGLE_CAPTURE_VIDEO", engine.getKeyboardVK(SDLK_F12)); p_action->delay = INT_MAX; if(!engine.init("Blocks 5", "window.png", 640, 480, fullScreen, useHQ2X)) { printfLog("Error while initializing the engine.\n"); return 1; } // Lokalisierung laden engine.loadStringDB("languages.txt"); // Instanzen der Spielzustandsklassen erzeugen GS_Menu menu; GS_SelectLevel selectLevel; GS_Game game; GS_LevelEditor levelEditor; GS_CampaignEditor campaignEditor; GS_Credits credits; GS_Loading loading; printfLog("Starting game ...\n"); engine.setGameState("GS_Loading"); printfLog("Entering main loop ...\n"); engine.mainLoop(); printfLog("Shutting down the engine ...\n"); engine.exit(); printfLog("Engine has been shut down.\n"); return 0; }
Status CatalogManagerReplicaSet::initConfigVersion(OperationContext* txn) { for (int x = 0; x < kMaxConfigVersionInitRetry; x++) { auto versionStatus = _getConfigVersion(txn); if (!versionStatus.isOK()) { return versionStatus.getStatus(); } auto versionInfo = versionStatus.getValue(); if (versionInfo.getMinCompatibleVersion() > CURRENT_CONFIG_VERSION) { return {ErrorCodes::IncompatibleShardingConfigVersion, str::stream() << "current version v" << CURRENT_CONFIG_VERSION << " is older than the cluster min compatible v" << versionInfo.getMinCompatibleVersion()}; } if (versionInfo.getCurrentVersion() == UpgradeHistory_EmptyVersion) { VersionType newVersion; newVersion.setClusterId(OID::gen()); newVersion.setMinCompatibleVersion(MIN_COMPATIBLE_CONFIG_VERSION); newVersion.setCurrentVersion(CURRENT_CONFIG_VERSION); BSONObj versionObj(newVersion.toBSON()); BatchedCommandResponse response; auto upsertStatus = update(txn, VersionType::ConfigNS, versionObj, versionObj, true /* upsert*/, false /* multi */, &response); if ((upsertStatus.isOK() && response.getN() < 1) || upsertStatus == ErrorCodes::DuplicateKey) { // Do the check again as someone inserted a new config version document // and the upsert neither inserted nor updated a config version document. // Note: you can get duplicate key errors on upsert because of SERVER-14322. continue; } return upsertStatus; } if (versionInfo.getCurrentVersion() == UpgradeHistory_UnreportedVersion) { return {ErrorCodes::IncompatibleShardingConfigVersion, "Assuming config data is old since the version document cannot be found in the " "config server and it contains databases aside 'local' and 'admin'. " "Please upgrade if this is the case. Otherwise, make sure that the config " "server is clean."}; } if (versionInfo.getCurrentVersion() < CURRENT_CONFIG_VERSION) { return {ErrorCodes::IncompatibleShardingConfigVersion, str::stream() << "need to upgrade current cluster version to v" << CURRENT_CONFIG_VERSION << "; currently at v" << versionInfo.getCurrentVersion()}; } return Status::OK(); } return {ErrorCodes::IncompatibleShardingConfigVersion, str::stream() << "unable to create new config version document after " << kMaxConfigVersionInitRetry << " retries"}; }
int HolisticRecognizer::train(const string& trainingList, string& strModelDataHeaderInfoFile, string &comment, string &dataset, const string &inFileType) { LOG( LTKLogger::LTK_LOGLEVEL_DEBUG) << "Entered HolisticRecognizer::train" << endl; string path; // file path of a ink file string shapeId; // shape id of the ink file int shapeCount = 0; // count of the no. of shape samples read so far int prevShape = 0; // shape id of the previous shape int numStrokes = 0; // number of strokes in a particular character int numFeatures = 0; // number of features being used int traceIndex; // variable to loop over all traces of the trace group bool firstFileFlag = true; // flag is used for writing the number of features in the dat file LTKCaptureDevice captureDevice; LTKScreenContext screenContext; int iMajor, iMinor, iBugFix; // Version identifiers char versionInfo[VERSION_STR_LEN]; // Holds the version information. string version; ///, pca="PCA"; // opening the file containing the training list of each of the shapes ifstream in(trainingList.c_str()); // throwing error if unable to open the training list file if(!in) { throw LTKException(ETRAINLIST_FILE_OPEN); } // opening the output reference model file ofstream out(m_referenceModelFile.c_str(),ios::out); // throwing error if unable to open the reference model file if(!out) { throw LTKException(EMODEL_DATA_FILE_OPEN); } // writing the header information into the reference model file out << m_numShapes << endl; LOG( LTKLogger::LTK_LOGLEVEL_DEBUG) << "m_numShapes = " << m_numShapes << endl; // reading the ink file paths from the training list file while(in) { getline(in, path, ' '); getline(in, shapeId); if(atoi(shapeId.c_str()) != prevShape) { ++shapeCount; prevShape = atoi(shapeId.c_str()); } // checking for end of training data if(shapeCount == m_numShapes) { break; } LTKTraceGroup traceGroup; float2DVector featureVector; cout << path ; // reading the ink files LTKInkFileReader::readUnipenInkFile(path, traceGroup, captureDevice, screenContext); numStrokes = traceGroup.getNumTraces(); // extracting features from the traceGroup m_featureExtractorObj.extractFeatures(traceGroup, captureDevice, screenContext, ltkShapeRecPtr, featureVector); // writing the number of features in the dat file only the first time if (firstFileFlag==true) { numFeatures =; out << numFeatures << endl; } firstFileFlag = false; // writing the shapeId and the corresponding features in the dat file out << shapeId << " "; out << numStrokes << " "; for(traceIndex = 0; traceIndex < numStrokes; ++traceIndex) { for(int loopIndex = 0; loopIndex < numFeatures; ++loopIndex) { out << << " "; } } out << endl; }//while(in) // closing the training list file and returning in.close(); out.close(); getCurrentVersion(&iMajor,&iMinor,&iBugFix); sprintf(versionInfo, "%d.%d.%d",iMajor, iMinor, iBugFix); version = versionInfo; headerInfo[RECVERSION] = version; string algoName = "holistic"; headerInfo[RECNAME] = algoName; headerInfo[COMMENT]=comment; headerInfo[DATASET]=dataset; if(errorCode = cheSumGen.addHeaderInfo(strModelDataHeaderInfoFile, m_referenceModelFile, headerInfo)) { return errorCode; } LOG( LTKLogger::LTK_LOGLEVEL_DEBUG) << "Holistic Engine Trained" << endl; LOG( LTKLogger::LTK_LOGLEVEL_DEBUG) << "Exiting HolisticRecognizer::train" << endl; return SUCCESS; }
int HolisticRecognizer::loadModelData(void) { LOG( LTKLogger::LTK_LOGLEVEL_DEBUG) << "Entered HolisticRecognizer::loadTrainingData" << endl; int numShapes; // number of shapes in the problem set int shapeId; // temp variable for storing the shape ID of incoming tracegroup int numFeatures; // total number of features used int numStrokes; // number of strokes in the character HolisticShapeModel shapeModel; // a shape model variable string algoVersion; //Algorithm version. char versionInfo[VERSION_STR_LEN]; string version; int iMajor, iMinor, iBugfix; stringStringMap headerSequence; float2DVector::iterator strokeIter; // Iterator to loop over number of strokes float2DVector::iterator strokeIterEnd; floatVector::iterator loopIter; // Iterator to loop over all the features floatVector::iterator loopIterEnd; // load the training file for the mapping if(m_confMapFile != "") { m_confMapper.readConfigMapping(m_confMapFile); } else { LOG( LTKLogger::LTK_LOGLEVEL_DEBUG) << "Warning: Mapping file is not set in the config" << endl; } if((errorCode = cheSumGen.readMDTHeader(m_referenceModelFile,headerSequence)) != 0) { return errorCode; //throw LTKException("ModelData File has been corrupted" + m_referenceModelFile); } algoVersion = headerSequence[RECVERSION].c_str(); getCurrentVersion(&iMajor, &iMinor, &iBugfix); sprintf(versionInfo, "%c", algoVersion[0]); int ver = atoi(versionInfo); if(ver != iMajor) { LOG( LTKLogger::LTK_LOGLEVEL_ERR) << "Incompatible algorithm version : " + version << endl; LTKReturnError(EINCOMPATIBLE_VERSION); } // open the reference model file for loading the training data ifstream infile(m_referenceModelFile.c_str(),ios::in); if(!infile) { LOG( LTKLogger::LTK_LOGLEVEL_ERR) << "Unable to open model data file : " + m_referenceModelFile << endl; LTKReturnError(EMODEL_DATA_FILE_OPEN); } infile.seekg(atoi(headerSequence[HEADERLEN].c_str()),ios::beg); LOG( LTKLogger::LTK_LOGLEVEL_DEBUG) << "Reference model file read" << endl; // reading reference model file header infile >> numShapes; LOG( LTKLogger::LTK_LOGLEVEL_DEBUG) << "number of shapes read from reference model file = " << numShapes << endl; if(m_numShapes != numShapes) { LOG( LTKLogger::LTK_LOGLEVEL_ERR) << "Invalid value for number of shapes" << endl; LOG( LTKLogger::LTK_LOGLEVEL_ERR) << "NumShapes from cofiguration file ( or default value ) : " << m_numShapes << endl; LOG( LTKLogger::LTK_LOGLEVEL_ERR) << "NumShapes from model data file : " << numShapes << endl; LTKReturnError(EINVALID_NUM_OF_SHAPES); } infile >> numFeatures; LOG( LTKLogger::LTK_LOGLEVEL_DEBUG) << "number of features read from reference model file = " << numFeatures << endl; floatVector tempFloatVector(numFeatures,0); // temporary float vector // reading the prototype models while(infile) { infile >> shapeId; infile >> numStrokes; float2DVector featureVector(numStrokes,tempFloatVector); // reading from the dat file and populating the featureVector strokeIterEnd = featureVector.end(); for(strokeIter = featureVector.begin(); strokeIter != strokeIterEnd; ++strokeIter) { loopIterEnd = (*strokeIter).end(); for(loopIter = (*strokeIter).begin(); loopIter != loopIterEnd; ++loopIter) { infile >> (*loopIter); } } shapeModel.setShapeId(shapeId); shapeModel.setModel(featureVector); m_referenceModels.push_back(shapeModel); // populating the reference models } cout << "Total number of reference models read - " << m_referenceModels.size() << endl; infile.close(); LOG( LTKLogger::LTK_LOGLEVEL_DEBUG) << "Exiting HolisticRecognizer::loadTrainingData" << endl; return SUCCESS; }