Exemple #1
QWidget *CSVWorld::CommandDelegate::createEditor (QWidget *parent, const QStyleOptionViewItem& option,
    const QModelIndex& index) const
    CSMWorld::ColumnBase::Display display = getDisplayTypeFromIndex(index);

    // This createEditor() method is called implicitly from tables.
    // For boolean values in tables use the default editor (combobox).
    // Checkboxes is looking ugly in the table view.
    // TODO: Find a better solution?
    if (display == CSMWorld::ColumnBase::Display_Boolean)
        return QItemEditorFactory::defaultFactory()->createEditor(QVariant::Bool, parent);
    // For tables the pop-up of the color editor should appear immediately after the editor creation
    // (the third parameter of ColorEditor's constructor)
    else if (display == CSMWorld::ColumnBase::Display_Colour)
        return new CSVWidget::ColorEditor(index.data().value<QColor>(), parent, true);
    return createEditor (parent, option, index, display);
QWidget *CSVWorld::IdCompletionDelegate::createEditor(QWidget *parent,
                                                      const QStyleOptionViewItem &option,
                                                      const QModelIndex &index) const
    return createEditor(parent, option, index, getDisplayTypeFromIndex(index));