void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[],
                  int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
//  srand(0xffffff);
  //options struct
  HkmOptions opt; 
  //get input class
  mxClassID classID = getClassID(dataIn);

  //get the inputs
  if (nrhs<1)
    mexErrMsgTxt("At least one input is required");  
  if (nrhs>1) opt.niters = (int) *(mxGetPr(nitersIn));
  if (nrhs>2) opt.nlevels = (int) *(mxGetPr(nlevelsIn));
  if (nrhs>3) opt.nbranches = (int) *(mxGetPr(nbranchesIn));
  if (nrhs>4) opt.dist = getDistanceType(distIn);
  if (nrhs>5) opt.ntrees = (int) *(mxGetPr(ntreesIn));
  if (nrhs>6) opt.nchecks = (int) *(mxGetPr(nchecksIn));
  if (nrhs>7) opt.usekdt = (bool) *(mxGetPr(usekdtIn));
  if (nrhs>8) opt.kdtopt.ntrees = (int) *(mxGetPr(nkdtreesIn));
  if (nrhs>9) opt.kdtopt.varrange= (float) *(mxGetPr(varrangeIn));
  if (nrhs>10) opt.kdtopt.meanrange = (float) *(mxGetPr(meanrangeIn));
  if (nrhs>11) opt.kdtopt.cycle = (char) *(mxGetPr(cycleIn));
  if (nrhs>12) opt.kdtopt.maxbins = (int) *(mxGetPr(maxbinsIn));
  if (nrhs>13) opt.kdtopt.sample = (int) *(mxGetPr(sampleIn));  

  //set distance
  opt.kdtopt.dist = opt.dist;

//  //return output
//  mxArray* ret;
  //fill with the data
#define __CASE(CLASS)                                                     \
  {                                                                       \
    /*get the data*/                                                      \
    Data<TYPEOF_##CLASS> data;                                            \
  	/*allocate the kdforest*/                                             \
    Hkms<TYPEOF_##CLASS>* hkm = new Hkms<TYPEOF_##CLASS>(opt);            \
    /*set data*/                                                          \
    fillData(data, dataIn, false);                                        \
    /*create*/                                                            \
    hkm->create(data);                                                    \
    /*clear data*/                                                        \
    data.clear();                                                         \
    /*put output*/                                                        \
    hkmOut = exportMatlabPointer(*hkm);                                   \

  __SWITCH(classID, __CASE)
//  hkmOut = ret;
//  cout << "here" << endl;
void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[],
                  int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
  //options struct
  KdtOptions opt;
  //get input class
  mxClassID classID = getClassID(dataIn);

  //get the inputs
  if (nrhs<1)
    mexErrMsgTxt("At least one input is required");  
  if (nrhs>1) opt.ntrees = (int) *(mxGetPr(ntreesIn));
  if (nrhs>2) opt.varrange= (float) *(mxGetPr(varrangeIn));
  if (nrhs>3) opt.meanrange = (float) *(mxGetPr(meanrangeIn));
  if (nrhs>4) opt.maxdepth = (int) *(mxGetPr(maxdepthIn));
  if (nrhs>5) opt.minvar = (float) *(mxGetPr(minvarIn));
  if (nrhs>6) opt.cycle = (char) *(mxGetPr(cycleIn));
  if (nrhs>7) opt.dist = getDistanceType(distIn); 
  if (nrhs>8) opt.maxbins = (int) *(mxGetPr(maxbinsIn));
  if (nrhs>9) opt.sample = (int) *(mxGetPr(sampleIn));  
  if (nrhs>10) opt.bitsperdim = (int) *(mxGetPr(bitsperdimIn));

//   mexPrintf("depth = %d\n", opt.maxdepth);
//   mexPrintf("bitsperdim = %d\n", opt.bitsperdim);
//  mexPrintf("n inputs = %d\n", nrhs);
//  mexPrintf("sample = %f\n", opt.sample);
//  plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1, 1, mxREAL);
//  return;

  //allocate the kdforest
  Kdf* kdf = new Kdf(opt);
  //fill with the data
#define __CASE(CLASS)                                                     \
  {                                                                       \
    /*get the data*/                                                      \
    Data<TYPEOF_##CLASS> data;                                            \
    /*set data*/                                                          \
    fillData(data, dataIn);                                               \
    /*create*/                                                            \
    create(*kdf, data);                                                   \
    /*clear data*/                                                        \
    data.clear();                                                         \

  __SWITCH(classID, __CASE)

  //return output
  mxArray* ret = mxCreateNumericMatrix(1,1,mxINDEX_CLASS,mxREAL);
  *(Kdf**) mxGetPr(ret) = kdf;
  kdfOut = ret;
void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[],
                  int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
  if (nrhs!=5)	mexErrMsgTxt("Five inputs required");
  //get the lsh objcect
  Lsh* lsh = *(Lsh**)mxGetData(lshIn);
  //get the class of points
  mxClassID classID = getClassID(lshPointsIn); 

  //get number of points in search data
  mwSize npoints = getNpoints(pointsIn);

  //number of nearest neighbors to return 
  uint k = (uint) *mxGetPr(kIn);
  //empty distance, then use the one inside the lsh
  DistanceType dist;
  if (mxIsEmpty(distIn))
    dist = lsh->opt.dist;
  	dist = getDistanceType(distIn);

  //  mexPrintf("sizes are: %dx%d %dx%d\n", rows1, cols1, rows2, cols2);
  mxArray *dists, *ids;
  uint n1;
  #define __CASE(CLASS)                                                       \
  {                                                                           \
    /*datas*/                                                                 \
    Data<TYPEOF_##CLASS> lshPoints, points;                                   \
    fillData(lshPoints, lshPointsIn);                                         \
    fillData(points, pointsIn);                                               \
    /*allocate output*/                                                       \
    n1 = points.size();                                                       \
    dists = mxCreateNumericMatrix(k, n1, mxSINGLE_CLASS, mxREAL);             \
    ids = mxCreateNumericMatrix(k, n1, mxUINT32_CLASS, mxREAL);               \
    /*compute*/                                                               \
    getKnn(*lsh, lshPoints, points, k,  dist, (uint*) mxGetData(ids),         \
            (float*) mxGetData(dists));                                       \
    /*clear memory*/                                                          \
    lshPoints.clear();                                                        \
    points.clear();                                                           \

  __SWITCH(classID, __CASE)

  //add one to the ids to make it Matlab compatible
  uint* idp = (uint*) mxGetData(ids);
  float* distp = (float*) mxGetData(dists);
  for (mwSize i=0; i<k*n1; ++i) 
    if (distp[i] < numeric_limits<float>::infinity())
      idp[i] += 1;
  idsOut = ids;
  if (nlhs>1) 
    distsOut = dists;  