// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  XMLASCIITranscoder: Implementation of the transcoder API
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
XMLASCIITranscoder::transcodeFrom(  const   XMLByte* const       srcData
                                    , const XMLSize_t            srcCount
                                    ,       XMLCh* const         toFill
                                    , const XMLSize_t            maxChars
                                    ,       XMLSize_t&           bytesEaten
                                    ,       unsigned char* const charSizes)
    //  Calculate the max chars we can do here. Its the lesser of the
    //  max output chars and the source byte count.
    const XMLSize_t countToDo = srcCount < maxChars ? srcCount : maxChars;

    //  Now loop through that many source chars and just cast each one
    //  over to the XMLCh format. Check each source that its really a
    //  valid ASCI char.
    const XMLByte*  srcPtr = srcData;
    XMLCh*          outPtr = toFill;
    XMLSize_t       countDone = 0;
    for (; countDone < countToDo; countDone++)
        // Do the optimistic work up front
        if (*srcPtr < 0x80)
            *outPtr++ = XMLCh(*srcPtr++);

        //  We got non source encoding char. If we got more than 32 chars,
        //  the just break out. We'll come back here later to hit this again
        //  and give an error much closer to the real source position.
        if (countDone > 32)

        XMLCh tmpBuf[17];
        XMLString::binToText((unsigned int)*srcPtr, tmpBuf, 16, 16, getMemoryManager());
            , XMLExcepts::Trans_Unrepresentable
            , tmpBuf
            , getEncodingName()
            , getMemoryManager()

    // Set the bytes we ate
    bytesEaten = countDone;

    // Set the char sizes to the fixed size
    memset(charSizes, 1, countDone);

    // Return the chars we transcoded
    return countDone;
unsigned int
XMLASCIITranscoder::transcodeTo(const   XMLCh* const    srcData
                                , const unsigned int    srcCount
                                ,       XMLByte* const  toFill
                                , const unsigned int    maxBytes
                                ,       unsigned int&   charsEaten
                                , const UnRepOpts       options)
    // If debugging, make sure that the block size is legal
    #if defined(XERCES_DEBUG)

    //  Calculate the max chars we can do here. Its the lesser of the
    //  max output chars and the source byte count.
    const unsigned int countToDo = srcCount < maxBytes ? srcCount : maxBytes;

    const XMLCh*    srcPtr = srcData;
    XMLByte*        outPtr = toFill;
    for (unsigned int index = 0; index < countToDo; index++)
        // If its legal, do it and jump back to the top
        if (*srcPtr < 0x80)
            *outPtr++ = XMLByte(*srcPtr++);

        //  Its not representable so use a replacement char. According to
        //  the options, either throw or use the replacement.
        if (options == UnRep_Throw)
            XMLCh tmpBuf[17];
            XMLString::binToText((unsigned int)*srcPtr, tmpBuf, 16, 16, getMemoryManager());
                , XMLExcepts::Trans_Unrepresentable
                , tmpBuf
                , getEncodingName()
                , getMemoryManager()

        // Use the replacement char
        *outPtr++ = 0x1A;

    // Set the chars we ate
    charsEaten = countToDo;

    // Return the byte we transcoded
    return countToDo;
XML88591Transcoder::transcodeTo(const   XMLCh* const    srcData
                                , const XMLSize_t       srcCount
                                ,       XMLByte* const  toFill
                                , const XMLSize_t       maxBytes
                                ,       XMLSize_t&      charsEaten
                                , const UnRepOpts       options)
    //  Calculate the max chars we can do here. Its the lesser of the
    //  max output bytes and the number of chars in the source.
    const XMLSize_t countToDo = srcCount < maxBytes ? srcCount : maxBytes;

    //  Loop through the bytes to do and convert over each byte. Its just
    //  a downcast of the wide char, checking for unrepresentable chars.
    const XMLCh*    srcPtr  = srcData;
    const XMLCh*    srcEnd  = srcPtr + countToDo;
    XMLByte*        destPtr = toFill;
    while (srcPtr < srcEnd)
        // If its legal, take it and jump back to top
        if (*srcPtr < 256)
            *destPtr++ = XMLByte(*srcPtr++);

        //  Its not representable so use a replacement char. According to
        //  the options, either throw or use the replacement.
        if (options == UnRep_Throw)
            XMLCh tmpBuf[17];
            XMLString::binToText((unsigned int)*srcPtr, tmpBuf, 16, 16, getMemoryManager());
                , XMLExcepts::Trans_Unrepresentable
                , tmpBuf
                , getEncodingName()
                , getMemoryManager()
        *destPtr++ = 0x1A;

    // Set the chars eaten
    charsEaten = countToDo;

    // Return the bytes we transcoded
    return countToDo;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  XMLASCIITranscoder390: Implementation of the transcoder API
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
unsigned int
XMLASCIITranscoder390::transcodeFrom(  const   XMLByte* const       srcData
                                    , const unsigned int         srcCount
                                    ,       XMLCh* const         toFill
                                    , const unsigned int         maxChars
                                    ,       unsigned int&        bytesEaten
                                    ,       unsigned char* const charSizes)
    // If debugging, make sure that the block size is legal
    #if defined(XERCES_DEBUG)

    //  Calculate the max chars we can do here. Its the lesser of the
    //  max output chars and the source byte count.
    const unsigned int countToDo = srcCount < maxChars ? srcCount : maxChars;

    //  Now loop through that many source chars and just cast each one
    //  over to the XMLCh format. Check each source that its really a
    //  valid ASCI char.
    const XMLByte*  srcPtr = srcData;
    XMLCh*          outPtr = toFill;
    unsigned int    countDone = countToDo;
    int             flag = 0;

    // if flag is set to 1, an non-ASCII character is encountered
    TROTASC(srcPtr, toFill, &countDone, padding_temp.gFromTable, 0xFFFF, &flag);

    if (flag == 1 && countDone < 32){
	    XMLCh tmpBuf[17];
        XMLString::binToText((unsigned int)*srcPtr, tmpBuf, 16, 16, getMemoryManager());
            , XMLExcepts::Trans_Unrepresentable
            , tmpBuf
            , getEncodingName()
            , getMemoryManager()
    }//end if

    // Set the bytes we ate
    bytesEaten = countDone;

    // Set the char sizes to the fixed size
    memset(charSizes, 1, countDone);

    // Return the chars we transcoded
    return countDone;
MacOSTranscoder::transcodeTo(const  XMLCh* const    srcData
                            , const XMLSize_t       srcCount
                            ,       XMLByte* const  toFill
                            , const XMLSize_t       maxBytes
                            ,       XMLSize_t&      charsEaten
                            , const UnRepOpts       options)
	//  Reset the tec state (since we don't know that we're part of a
	//  larger run of text).
    //  Do the conversion
    ByteCount bytesConsumed = 0;
    ByteCount bytesProduced = 0;
    OSStatus status = TECConvertText(mUnicodeToText,
                (ConstTextPtr) srcData,
                srcCount * sizeof(XMLCh),   // inputBufferLength
                &bytesConsumed,				// actualInputLength
                (TextPtr) toFill,           // outputBuffer
                maxBytes,                   // outputBufferLength
                &bytesProduced);			// actualOutputLength

    //  Ignorable error codes
    if(    status == kTECUsedFallbacksStatus
        || status == kTECOutputBufferFullStatus
        || status == kTECPartialCharErr
        status = noErr;
    std::size_t charsConsumed = bytesConsumed / sizeof(XMLCh);
    //  Deal with errors
    if (status != noErr)
    	if (status == kTECUnmappableElementErr && options == UnRep_Throw)
    		XMLCh tmpBuf[17];
            XMLString::binToText(srcData[charsConsumed], tmpBuf, 16, 16);
                , XMLExcepts::Trans_Unrepresentable
                , tmpBuf
                , getEncodingName()
    charsEaten = charsConsumed;
    return bytesProduced;
unsigned int
CygwinTranscoder::transcodeTo(const  XMLCh* const   srcData
                            , const unsigned int    srcCount
                            ,       XMLByte* const  toFill
                            , const unsigned int    maxBytes
                            ,       unsigned int&   charsEaten
                            , const UnRepOpts       options)
    // Get pointers to the start and end of each buffer
    const XMLCh*    srcPtr = srcData;
    const XMLCh*    srcEnd = srcData + srcCount;
    XMLByte*        outPtr = toFill;
    XMLByte*        outEnd = toFill + maxBytes;

    //  Now loop until we either get our max chars, or cannot get a whole
    //  character from the input buffer.
    //  NOTE: We have to use a loop for this unfortunately because the
    //  conversion API is too dumb to tell us how many chars it converted if
    //  it couldn't do the whole source.
    BOOL usedDef;
    while ((outPtr < outEnd) && (srcPtr < srcEnd))
        //  Do one char and see if it made it.
        const unsigned int bytesStored = ::WideCharToMultiByte
            , (LPCWSTR)srcPtr
            , 1
            , (char*)outPtr
            , outEnd - outPtr
            , 0
            , &usedDef

        // If we didn't transcode anything, then we are done
        if (!bytesStored)

        //  If the defaault char was used and the options indicate that
        //  this isn't allowed, then throw.
        if (usedDef && (options == UnRep_Throw))
            XMLCh tmpBuf[17];
            XMLString::binToText((unsigned int)*srcPtr, tmpBuf, 16, 16, getMemoryManager());
                , XMLExcepts::Trans_Unrepresentable
                , tmpBuf
                , getEncodingName()
                , getMemoryManager()

        // Update our pointers
        outPtr += bytesStored;

    // Update the chars eaten
    charsEaten = srcPtr - srcData;

    // And return the bytes we stored
    return outPtr - toFill;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  CygwinTranscoder: The virtual transcoder API
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
unsigned int
CygwinTranscoder::transcodeFrom(  const XMLByte* const      srcData
                                , const unsigned int        srcCount
                                ,       XMLCh* const        toFill
                                , const unsigned int        maxChars
                                ,       unsigned int&       bytesEaten
                                ,       unsigned char* const charSizes)
    // Get temp pointers to the in and out buffers, and the chars sizes one
    XMLCh*          outPtr = toFill;
    const XMLByte*  inPtr  = srcData;
    unsigned char*  sizesPtr = charSizes;

    // Calc end pointers for each of them
    XMLCh*          outEnd = toFill + maxChars;
    const XMLByte*  inEnd  = srcData + srcCount;

    //  Now loop until we either get our max chars, or cannot get a whole
    //  character from the input buffer.
    bytesEaten = 0;
    while ((outPtr < outEnd) && (inPtr < inEnd))
        //  If we are looking at a leading byte of a multibyte sequence,
        //  then we are going to eat 2 bytes, else 1.
        const unsigned int toEat = ::IsDBCSLeadByteEx(fWinCP, *inPtr) ?
                                    2 : 1;

        // Make sure a whol char is in the source
        if (inPtr + toEat > inEnd)

        // Try to translate this next char and check for an error
        const unsigned int converted = ::MultiByteToWideChar
            , (const char*)inPtr
            , toEat
            , (LPWSTR)outPtr
            , 1

        if (converted != 1)
            if (toEat == 1)
                XMLCh tmpBuf[17];
                XMLString::binToText((unsigned int)(*inPtr), tmpBuf, 16, 16, getMemoryManager());
                    , XMLExcepts::Trans_BadSrcCP
                    , tmpBuf
                    , getEncodingName()
                    , getMemoryManager()
                ThrowXMLwithMemMgr(TranscodingException, XMLExcepts::Trans_BadSrcSeq, getMemoryManager());

        // Update the char sizes array for this round
        *sizesPtr++ = toEat;

        // And update the bytes eaten count
        bytesEaten += toEat;

        // And update our in/out ptrs
        inPtr += toEat;

    // Return the chars we output
    return (outPtr - toFill);
Exemple #8
unsigned int
XMLUTF8Transcoder::transcodeTo( const   XMLCh* const    srcData
                                , const unsigned int    srcCount
                                ,       XMLByte* const  toFill
                                , const unsigned int    maxBytes
                                ,       unsigned int&   charsEaten
                                , const UnRepOpts       options)
    // Watch for pathological scenario. Shouldn't happen, but...
    if (!srcCount || !maxBytes)
        return 0;

    //  Get pointers to our start and end points of the input and output
    //  buffers.
    const XMLCh*    srcPtr = srcData;
    const XMLCh*    srcEnd = srcPtr + srcCount;
    XMLByte*        outPtr = toFill;
    XMLByte*        outEnd = toFill + maxBytes;

    while (srcPtr < srcEnd)
        //  Tentatively get the next char out. We have to get it into a
        //  32 bit value, because it could be a surrogate pair.
        XMLUInt32 curVal = *srcPtr;

        //  If its a leading surrogate, then lets see if we have the trailing
        //  available. If not, then give up now and leave it for next time.
        unsigned int srcUsed = 1;
        if ((curVal >= 0xD800) && (curVal <= 0xDBFF))
            if (srcPtr + 1 >= srcEnd)

            // Create the composite surrogate pair
            curVal = ((curVal - 0xD800) << 10)
                    + ((*(srcPtr + 1) - 0xDC00) + 0x10000);

            // And indicate that we ate another one

        // Figure out how many bytes we need
        unsigned int encodedBytes;
        if (curVal < 0x80)
            encodedBytes = 1;
        else if (curVal < 0x800)
            encodedBytes = 2;
        else if (curVal < 0x10000)
            encodedBytes = 3;
        else if (curVal < 0x110000)
            encodedBytes = 4;
            // If the options say to throw, then throw
            if (options == UnRep_Throw)
                XMLCh tmpBuf[17];
                XMLString::binToText(curVal, tmpBuf, 16, 16, getMemoryManager());
                    , XMLExcepts::Trans_Unrepresentable
                    , tmpBuf
                    , getEncodingName()
                    , getMemoryManager()

            // Else, use the replacement character
            *outPtr++ = chSpace;
            srcPtr += srcUsed;

        //  If we cannot fully get this char into the output buffer,
        //  then leave it for the next time.
        if (outPtr + encodedBytes > outEnd)

        // We can do it, so update the source index
        srcPtr += srcUsed;

        //  And spit out the bytes. We spit them out in reverse order
        //  here, so bump up the output pointer and work down as we go.
        outPtr += encodedBytes;
            case 6 : *--outPtr = XMLByte((curVal | 0x80UL) & 0xBFUL);
                     curVal >>= 6;
            case 5 : *--outPtr = XMLByte((curVal | 0x80UL) & 0xBFUL);
                     curVal >>= 6;
            case 4 : *--outPtr = XMLByte((curVal | 0x80UL) & 0xBFUL);
                     curVal >>= 6;
            case 3 : *--outPtr = XMLByte((curVal | 0x80UL) & 0xBFUL);
                     curVal >>= 6;
            case 2 : *--outPtr = XMLByte((curVal | 0x80UL) & 0xBFUL);
                     curVal >>= 6;
            case 1 : *--outPtr = XMLByte
                        curVal | gFirstByteMark[encodedBytes]

        // Add the encoded bytes back in again to indicate we've eaten them
        outPtr += encodedBytes;

    // Fill in the chars we ate
    charsEaten = (srcPtr - srcData);

    // And return the bytes we filled in
    return (outPtr - toFill);
Exemple #9
extern int
main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    const char *encoding = NULL;
    const char *outputDir = NULL; /* NULL = no output directory, use current */
    const char *inputDir  = ".";
    int tostdout = 0;
    int prbom = 0;

    const char *pname;

    UResourceBundle *bundle = NULL;
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    int32_t i = 0;

    UConverter *converter;

    const char* arg;

    /* Get the name of tool. */
    pname = uprv_strrchr(*argv, U_FILE_SEP_CHAR);
    if (!pname) {
        pname = uprv_strrchr(*argv, U_FILE_ALT_SEP_CHAR);
    if (!pname) {
        pname = *argv;
    } else {

    /* error handling, printing usage message */
    argc=u_parseArgs(argc, argv, sizeof(options)/sizeof(options[0]), options);

    /* error handling, printing usage message */
    if(argc<0) {
            "%s: error in command line argument \"%s\"\n", pname,
    if(argc<0 || options[0].doesOccur || options[1].doesOccur) {
        fprintf(argc < 0 ? stderr : stdout,
            "%csage: %s [ -h, -?, --help ] [ -V, --version ]\n"
            " [ -v, --verbose ] [ -e, --encoding encoding ] [ --bom ]\n"
            " [ -t, --truncate [ size ] ]\n"
            " [ -s, --sourcedir source ] [ -d, --destdir destination ]\n"
            " [ -i, --icudatadir directory ] [ -c, --to-stdout ]\n"
            " [ -A, --suppressAliases]\n"
            " bundle ...\n", argc < 0 ? 'u' : 'U',
        return argc<0 ? U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR : U_ZERO_ERROR;

    if(options[10].doesOccur) {
                "%s version %s (ICU version %s).\n"
        return U_ZERO_ERROR;
    if(options[2].doesOccur) {
        encoding = options[2].value;

    if (options[3].doesOccur) {
        tostdout = 1;

    if(options[4].doesOccur) {
        trunc = TRUE;
        if(options[4].value != NULL) {
            truncsize = atoi(options[4].value); /* user defined printable size */
        } else {
            truncsize = DERB_DEFAULT_TRUNC; /* we'll use default omitting size */
    } else {
        trunc = FALSE;

    if(options[5].doesOccur) {
        verbose = TRUE;

    if (options[6].doesOccur) {
        outputDir = options[6].value;

    if(options[7].doesOccur) {
        inputDir = options[7].value; /* we'll use users resources */

    if (options[8].doesOccur) {
        prbom = 1;

    if (options[9].doesOccur) {

    if (options[11].doesOccur) {
      suppressAliases = TRUE;

    converter = ucnv_open(encoding, &status);
    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "%s: couldn't create %s converter for encoding\n", pname, encoding ? encoding : ucnv_getDefaultName());
        return 2;
    ucnv_setFromUCallBack(converter, UCNV_FROM_U_CALLBACK_ESCAPE, UCNV_ESCAPE_C, 0, 0, &status);
    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "%s: couldn't configure converter for encoding\n", pname);
        return 3;

    defaultConverter = ucnv_open(0, &status);
    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "%s: couldn't create %s converter for encoding\n", ucnv_getDefaultName(), pname);
        return 2;

    for (i = 1; i < argc; ++i) {
        static const UChar sp[] = { 0x0020 }; /* " " */
        char infile[4096]; /* XXX Sloppy. */
        char locale[64];
        const char *thename = 0, *p, *q;
        UBool fromICUData = FALSE;

        arg = getLongPathname(argv[i]);

        if (verbose) {
            printf("processing bundle \"%s\"\n", argv[i]);

        p = uprv_strrchr(arg, U_FILE_SEP_CHAR);
        if (p == NULL) {
            p = uprv_strrchr(arg, U_FILE_ALT_SEP_CHAR);
        if (!p) {
            p = arg;
        } else {
        q = uprv_strrchr(p, '.');
        if (!q) {
            for (q = p; *q; ++q)
        uprv_strncpy(locale, p, q - p);
        locale[q - p] = 0;

        if (!(fromICUData = !uprv_strcmp(inputDir, "-"))) {
            UBool absfilename = *arg == U_FILE_SEP_CHAR;
#ifdef U_WINDOWS
            if (!absfilename) {
                absfilename = (uprv_strlen(arg) > 2 && isalpha(arg[0])
                    && arg[1] == ':' && arg[2] == U_FILE_SEP_CHAR);
            if (absfilename) {
                thename = arg;
            } else {
                q = uprv_strrchr(arg, U_FILE_SEP_CHAR);
                if (q == NULL) {
                    q = uprv_strrchr(arg, U_FILE_ALT_SEP_CHAR);
                uprv_strcpy(infile, inputDir);
                if(q != NULL) {
                    uprv_strcat(infile, U_FILE_SEP_STRING);
                    strncat(infile, arg, q-arg);
                thename = infile;
        status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        if (thename) {
            bundle = ures_openDirect(thename, locale, &status);
        } else {
            bundle = ures_open(fromICUData ? 0 : inputDir, locale, &status);
        if (status == U_ZERO_ERROR) {
            FILE *out;

            const char *filename = 0;
            const char *ext = 0;

            if (!locale || !tostdout) {
                filename = uprv_strrchr(arg, U_FILE_SEP_CHAR);

                if (!filename) {
                    filename = uprv_strrchr(arg, U_FILE_ALT_SEP_CHAR);
                if (!filename) {
                    filename = arg;
                } else {
                ext = uprv_strrchr(arg, '.');
                if (!ext) {
                    ext = filename + uprv_strlen(filename);

            if (tostdout) {
                out = stdout;
#if defined(U_WINDOWS) || defined(U_CYGWIN)
                if (setmode(fileno(out), O_BINARY) == -1) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "%s: couldn't set standard output to binary mode\n", pname);
                    return 4;
            } else {
                char thefile[4096], *tp;
                int32_t len;

                if (outputDir) {
                    uprv_strcpy(thefile, outputDir);
                    uprv_strcat(thefile, U_FILE_SEP_STRING);
                } else {
                    *thefile = 0;
                uprv_strcat(thefile, filename);
                tp = thefile + uprv_strlen(thefile);
                len = (int32_t)uprv_strlen(ext);
                if (len) {
                    tp -= len - 1;
                } else {
                    *tp++ = '.';
                uprv_strcpy(tp, "txt");

                out = fopen(thefile, "w");
                if (!out) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "%s: couldn't create %s\n", pname, thefile);
                    return 4;

            if (prbom) { /* XXX: Should be done only for UTFs */
                static const UChar bom[] = { 0xFEFF };
                printString(out, converter, bom, (int32_t)(sizeof(bom)/sizeof(*bom)));

            printCString(out, converter, "// -*- Coding: ", -1);
            printCString(out, converter, encoding ? encoding : getEncodingName(ucnv_getDefaultName()), -1);
            printCString(out, converter, "; -*-\n//\n", -1);
            printCString(out, converter, "// This file was dumped by derb(8) from ", -1);
            if (thename) {
                printCString(out, converter, thename, -1);
            } else if (fromICUData) {
                printCString(out, converter, "the ICU internal ", -1);
                printCString(out, converter, locale, -1);
                printCString(out, converter, " locale", -1);

            printCString(out, converter, "\n// derb(8) by Vladimir Weinstein and Yves Arrouye\n\n", -1);

            if (locale) {
                printCString(out, converter, locale, -1);
            } else {
                printCString(out, converter, filename, (int32_t)(ext - filename));
                printString(out, converter, sp, (int32_t)(sizeof(sp)/sizeof(*sp)));
            printOutBundle(out, converter, bundle, 0, pname, &status);

            if (out != stdout) {
        else {
            reportError(pname, &status, "opening resource file");



    return 0;
Exemple #10
unsigned int
XML256TableTranscoder390::transcodeTo( const   XMLCh* const    srcData
                                       , const unsigned int    srcCount
                                       ,       XMLByte* const  toFill
                                       , const unsigned int    maxBytes
                                       ,       unsigned int&   charsEaten
                                       , const UnRepOpts       options)
    // If debugging, make sure that the block size is legal
#if defined(XERCES_DEBUG)

    //  Calculate the max chars we can do here. Its the lesser of the
    //  max output chars and the number of chars in the source.
    const unsigned int countToDo = srcCount < maxBytes ? srcCount : maxBytes;

    //  Loop through the count we have to do and map each char via the
    //  lookup table.
    const XMLCh*    srcPtr = srcData;
    const XMLCh*    endPtr = (srcPtr + countToDo);
    XMLByte*        outPtr = toFill;
    XMLByte         nextOut;
    while (srcPtr < endPtr)
        //  Get the next src char out to a temp, then do a binary search
        //  of the 'to' table for this entry.
        if ((nextOut = xlatOneTo(*srcPtr)))
            *outPtr++ = nextOut;

        //  Its not representable so, according to the options, either
        //  throw or use the replacement.
        if (options == UnRep_Throw)
            XMLCh tmpBuf[17];
            XMLString::binToText((unsigned int)*srcPtr, tmpBuf, 16, 16, getMemoryManager());
                , XMLExcepts::Trans_Unrepresentable
                , tmpBuf
                , getEncodingName()
                , getMemoryManager()

        // Eat the source char and use the replacement char
        *outPtr++ = 0x3F;

    // Set the chars eaten
    charsEaten = countToDo;

    // Return the bytes we transcoded
    return countToDo;
Exemple #11
unsigned int
ICUTranscoder::transcodeTo( const   XMLCh* const    srcData
                            , const unsigned int    srcCount
                            ,       XMLByte* const  toFill
                            , const unsigned int    maxBytes
                            ,       unsigned int&   charsEaten
                            , const UnRepOpts       options)
    //  Get a pointer to the buffer to transcode. If UChar and XMLCh are
    //  the same size here, then use the original. Else, create a temp
    //  one and put a janitor on it.
    const UChar* srcPtr;
    UChar* tmpBufPtr = 0;
    if (sizeof(XMLCh) == sizeof(UChar))
        srcPtr = (const UChar*)srcData;
        tmpBufPtr = convertToUChar(srcData, srcCount, getMemoryManager());
        srcPtr = tmpBufPtr;
    ArrayJanitor<UChar> janTmpBuf(tmpBufPtr, getMemoryManager());

    //  Set the appropriate callback so that it will either fail or use
    //  the rep char. Remember the old one so we can put it back.
    UErrorCode  err = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    UConverterFromUCallback oldCB = NULL;
    void* orgContent;
    const void* orgContent;
        , (options == UnRep_Throw) ? UCNV_FROM_U_CALLBACK_STOP
                                   : UCNV_FROM_U_CALLBACK_SUBSTITUTE
        , NULL
        , &oldCB
        , &orgContent
        , &err

    //  Ok, lets transcode as many chars as we we can in one shot. The
    //  ICU API gives enough info not to have to do this one char by char.
    XMLByte*        startTarget = toFill;
    const UChar*    startSrc = srcPtr;
    err = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        , (char**)&startTarget
        , (char*)(startTarget + maxBytes)
        , &startSrc
        , srcPtr + srcCount
        , 0
        , false
        , &err

    // Rememember the status before we possibly overite the error code
    const bool res = (err == U_ZERO_ERROR);

    // Put the old handler back
    err = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    UConverterFromUCallback orgAction = NULL;

    ucnv_setFromUCallBack(fConverter, oldCB, NULL, &orgAction, &orgContent, &err);

    if (!res)
        XMLCh tmpBuf[17];
        XMLString::binToText((unsigned int)*startSrc, tmpBuf, 16, 16, getMemoryManager());
            , XMLExcepts::Trans_Unrepresentable
            , tmpBuf
            , getEncodingName()
            , getMemoryManager()

    // Fill in the chars we ate from the input
    charsEaten = startSrc - srcPtr;

    // Return the chars we stored
    return startTarget - toFill;
Exemple #12
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  ICUTranscoder: The virtual transcoder API
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
unsigned int
ICUTranscoder::transcodeFrom(const  XMLByte* const          srcData
                            , const unsigned int            srcCount
                            ,       XMLCh* const            toFill
                            , const unsigned int            maxChars
                            ,       unsigned int&           bytesEaten
                            ,       unsigned char* const    charSizes)
    // If debugging, insure the block size is legal
    #if defined(XERCES_DEBUG)

    // Set up pointers to the start and end of the source buffer
    const XMLByte*  startSrc = srcData;
    const XMLByte*  endSrc = srcData + srcCount;

    //  And now do the target buffer. This works differently according to
    //  whether XMLCh and UChar are the same size or not.
    UChar* startTarget;
    if (sizeof(XMLCh) == sizeof(UChar))
        startTarget = (UChar*)toFill;
        startTarget = (UChar*) getMemoryManager()->allocate
            maxChars * sizeof(UChar)
        );//new UChar[maxChars];
    UChar* orgTarget = startTarget;

    //  Transoode the buffer.  Buffer overflow errors are normal, occuring
    //  when the raw input buffer holds more characters than will fit in
    //  the Unicode output buffer.
    UErrorCode  err = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        , &startTarget
        , startTarget + maxChars
        , (const char**)&startSrc
        , (const char*)endSrc
        , (fFixed ? 0 : (int32_t*)fSrcOffsets)
        , false
        , &err

    if ((err != U_ZERO_ERROR) && (err != U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR))
        if (orgTarget != (UChar*)toFill)
            getMemoryManager()->deallocate(orgTarget);//delete [] orgTarget;

        if (fFixed)
            XMLCh tmpBuf[17];
            XMLString::binToText((unsigned int)(*startTarget), tmpBuf, 16, 16, getMemoryManager());
                , XMLExcepts::Trans_BadSrcCP
                , tmpBuf
                , getEncodingName()
                , getMemoryManager()
            ThrowXMLwithMemMgr(TranscodingException, XMLExcepts::Trans_BadSrcSeq, getMemoryManager());

    // Calculate the bytes eaten and store in caller's param
    bytesEaten = startSrc - srcData;

    // And the characters decoded
    const unsigned int charsDecoded = startTarget - orgTarget;

    //  Translate the array of char offsets into an array of character
    //  sizes, which is what the transcoder interface semantics requires.
    //  If its fixed, then we can optimize it.
    if (fFixed)
        const unsigned char fillSize = (unsigned char)ucnv_getMaxCharSize(fConverter);
        memset(charSizes, fillSize, maxChars);
        //  We have to convert the series of offsets into a series of
        //  sizes. If just one char was decoded, then its the total bytes
        //  eaten. Otherwise, do a loop and subtract out each element from
        //  its previous element.
        if (charsDecoded == 1)
            charSizes[0] = (unsigned char)bytesEaten;
            //  ICU does not return an extra element to allow us to figure
            //  out the last char size, so we have to compute it from the
            //  total bytes used.
            unsigned int index;
            for (index = 0; index < charsDecoded - 1; index++)
                charSizes[index] = (unsigned char)(fSrcOffsets[index + 1]
                                                    - fSrcOffsets[index]);
            if( charsDecoded > 0 ) {
                charSizes[charsDecoded - 1] = (unsigned char)(bytesEaten
                                              - fSrcOffsets[charsDecoded - 1]);

    //  If XMLCh and UChar are not the same size, then we need to copy over
    //  the temp buffer to the new one.
    if (sizeof(UChar) != sizeof(XMLCh))
        XMLCh* outPtr = toFill;
        startTarget = orgTarget;
        for (unsigned int index = 0; index < charsDecoded; index++)
            *outPtr++ = XMLCh(*startTarget++);

        // And delete the temp buffer
        getMemoryManager()->deallocate(orgTarget);//delete [] orgTarget;

    // Return the chars we put into the target buffer
    return charsDecoded;
Exemple #13
extern int
main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    const char *encoding = NULL;
    const char *outputDir = NULL; /* NULL = no output directory, use current */
    const char *inputDir  = ".";
    int tostdout = 0;
    int prbom = 0;

    const char *pname;

    UResourceBundle *bundle = NULL;
    int32_t i = 0;

    const char* arg;

    /* Get the name of tool. */
    pname = uprv_strrchr(*argv, U_FILE_SEP_CHAR);
    if (!pname) {
        pname = uprv_strrchr(*argv, U_FILE_ALT_SEP_CHAR);
    if (!pname) {
        pname = *argv;
    } else {

    /* error handling, printing usage message */
    argc=u_parseArgs(argc, argv, UPRV_LENGTHOF(options), options);

    /* error handling, printing usage message */
    if(argc<0) {
            "%s: error in command line argument \"%s\"\n", pname,
    if(argc<0 || options[0].doesOccur || options[1].doesOccur) {
        fprintf(argc < 0 ? stderr : stdout,
            "%csage: %s [ -h, -?, --help ] [ -V, --version ]\n"
            " [ -v, --verbose ] [ -e, --encoding encoding ] [ --bom ]\n"
            " [ -t, --truncate [ size ] ]\n"
            " [ -s, --sourcedir source ] [ -d, --destdir destination ]\n"
            " [ -i, --icudatadir directory ] [ -c, --to-stdout ]\n"
            " [ -A, --suppressAliases]\n"
            " bundle ...\n", argc < 0 ? 'u' : 'U',
        return argc<0 ? U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR : U_ZERO_ERROR;

    if(options[10].doesOccur) {
                "%s version %s (ICU version %s).\n"
        return U_ZERO_ERROR;
    if(options[2].doesOccur) {
        encoding = options[2].value;

    if (options[3].doesOccur) {
      if(options[2].doesOccur) {
        fprintf(stderr, "%s: Error: don't specify an encoding (-e) when writing to stdout (-c).\n", pname);
        return 3;
      tostdout = 1;

    if(options[4].doesOccur) {
        opt_truncate = TRUE;
        if(options[4].value != NULL) {
            truncsize = atoi(options[4].value); /* user defined printable size */
        } else {
            truncsize = DERB_DEFAULT_TRUNC; /* we'll use default omitting size */
    } else {
        opt_truncate = FALSE;

    if(options[5].doesOccur) {
        verbose = TRUE;

    if (options[6].doesOccur) {
        outputDir = options[6].value;

    if(options[7].doesOccur) {
        inputDir = options[7].value; /* we'll use users resources */

    if (options[8].doesOccur) {
        prbom = 1;

    if (options[9].doesOccur) {

    if (options[11].doesOccur) {
      suppressAliases = TRUE;

    fflush(stderr); // use ustderr now.
    ustderr = u_finit(stderr, NULL, NULL);

    for (i = 1; i < argc; ++i) {
        static const UChar sp[] = { 0x0020 }; /* " " */

        arg = getLongPathname(argv[i]);

        if (verbose) {
          u_fprintf(ustderr, "processing bundle \"%s\"\n", argv[i]);

        icu::CharString locale;
        UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
            const char *p = findBasename(arg);
            const char *q = uprv_strrchr(p, '.');
            if (q == NULL) {
                locale.append(p, status);
            } else {
                locale.append(p, (int32_t)(q - p), status);
        if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
            return status;

        icu::CharString infile;
        const char *thename = NULL;
        UBool fromICUData = !uprv_strcmp(inputDir, "-");
        if (!fromICUData) {
            UBool absfilename = *arg == U_FILE_SEP_CHAR;
            if (!absfilename) {
                absfilename = (uprv_strlen(arg) > 2 && isalpha(arg[0])
                    && arg[1] == ':' && arg[2] == U_FILE_SEP_CHAR);
            if (absfilename) {
                thename = arg;
            } else {
                const char *q = uprv_strrchr(arg, U_FILE_SEP_CHAR);
                if (q == NULL) {
                    q = uprv_strrchr(arg, U_FILE_ALT_SEP_CHAR);
                infile.append(inputDir, status);
                if(q != NULL) {
                    infile.appendPathPart(icu::StringPiece(arg, (int32_t)(q - arg)), status);
                if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
                    return status;
                thename = infile.data();
        if (thename) {
            bundle = ures_openDirect(thename, locale.data(), &status);
        } else {
            bundle = ures_open(fromICUData ? 0 : inputDir, locale.data(), &status);
        if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
            UFILE *out = NULL;

            const char *filename = 0;
            const char *ext = 0;

            if (locale.isEmpty() || !tostdout) {
                filename = findBasename(arg);
                ext = uprv_strrchr(filename, '.');
                if (!ext) {
                    ext = uprv_strchr(filename, 0);

            if (tostdout) {
                out = u_get_stdout();
            } else {
                icu::CharString thefile;
                if (outputDir) {
                    thefile.append(outputDir, status);
                thefile.appendPathPart(filename, status);
                if (*ext) {
                    thefile.truncate(thefile.length() - (int32_t)uprv_strlen(ext));
                thefile.append(".txt", status);
                if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
                    return status;

                out = u_fopen(thefile.data(), "w", NULL, encoding);
                if (!out) {
                  u_fprintf(ustderr, "%s: couldn't create %s\n", pname, thefile.data());
                  return 4;

            // now, set the callback.
            ucnv_setFromUCallBack(u_fgetConverter(out), UCNV_FROM_U_CALLBACK_ESCAPE, UCNV_ESCAPE_C, 0, 0, &status);
            if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
              u_fprintf(ustderr, "%s: couldn't configure converter for encoding\n", pname);
              if(!tostdout) {
              return 3;

            if (prbom) { /* XXX: Should be done only for UTFs */
              u_fputc(0xFEFF, out);
            u_fprintf(out, "// -*- Coding: %s; -*-\n//\n", encoding ? encoding : getEncodingName(ucnv_getDefaultName()));
            u_fprintf(out, "// This file was dumped by derb(8) from ");
            if (thename) {
              u_fprintf(out, "%s", thename);
            } else if (fromICUData) {
              u_fprintf(out, "the ICU internal %s locale", locale.data());

            u_fprintf(out, "\n// derb(8) by Vladimir Weinstein and Yves Arrouye\n\n");

            if (!locale.isEmpty()) {
              u_fprintf(out, "%s", locale.data());
            } else {
              u_fprintf(out, "%.*s%.*S", (int32_t)(ext - filename),  filename, UPRV_LENGTHOF(sp), sp);
            printOutBundle(out, bundle, 0, pname, &status);

            if (!tostdout) {
        else {
            reportError(pname, &status, "opening resource file");


    return 0;
Exemple #14
std::string ImageFormat::toString() const
	std::stringstream stream;
	stream << getWidth() << "x" << getHeight() << " pixels, " << getEncodingName() << " encoding";
	return stream.str();