Exemple #1
 * Returns decrypted note text if it is encrypted
 * The crypto key has to be set in the object
QString Note::getDecryptedNoteText() {
    QString noteText = this->noteText;
    QString encryptedNoteText = getEncryptedNoteText();

    if (encryptedNoteText == "") {
        return noteText;

    // decrypt the note text
    BotanWrapper botanWrapper;
    QString decryptedNoteText = botanWrapper.Decrypt(encryptedNoteText);

    // fallback to SimpleCrypt
    if (decryptedNoteText == "") {
        SimpleCrypt *crypto = new SimpleCrypt(static_cast<quint64>(cryptoKey));
        decryptedNoteText = crypto->decryptToString(encryptedNoteText);

    if (decryptedNoteText == "") {
        return noteText;

    // get regular expression for the encrypted string
    QRegularExpression re = getEncryptedNoteTextRegularExpression();

    // replace the encrypted text with the decrypted text
    noteText.replace(re, decryptedNoteText);
    return noteText;
Exemple #2
 * Returns encrypted note text if it is encrypted
QString Note::getEncryptedNoteText() {
    QString noteText = this->noteText;

    // get regular expression for the encrypted string
    QRegularExpression re = getEncryptedNoteTextRegularExpression();

    // check if we have an encrypted note text and return it if so
    QRegularExpressionMatch match = re.match(noteText);
    return match.hasMatch() ? match.captured(1) : "";
Exemple #3
 * Returns decrypted note text if it is encrypted
 * The crypto key has to be set in the object
QString Note::getDecryptedNoteText() {
    QString noteText = this->noteText;
    QString encryptedNoteText = getEncryptedNoteText();

    if (encryptedNoteText == "") {
        return noteText;

    // decrypt the note text
    SimpleCrypt* crypto = new SimpleCrypt(static_cast<quint64>(cryptoKey));
    QString decryptedNoteText = crypto->decryptToString(encryptedNoteText);

    if (decryptedNoteText == "") {
        return noteText;

    // get regular expression for the encrypted string
    QRegularExpression re = getEncryptedNoteTextRegularExpression();

    // replace the encrypted text with the decrypted text
    noteText.replace(re, decryptedNoteText);
    return noteText;