Exemple #1
Ray Fisheye::_getRay(const double x, const double y) 
    double phi, theta;

    // TODO: Force into a circle of radius = min(width,height)

    // Map x and y to [-1,1]
    double _x = 2.0 * x - 1.0;
    double _y = 2.0 * y - 1.0;
    double r = _x*_x + _y*_y;
    if (r > 1.0) {
	return Ray();

    r = sqrt(r);
    if (IS_ZERO(r)) {
	phi = 0.0;
    } else {
	phi = asin(_y / r);
	if (_x < 0.0) {
	    phi = M_PI - phi;
    theta = r * getFieldOfView() / 2.0 ;

    Vector dir = Vector(sin(theta)*cos(phi), sin(theta)*sin(phi), cos(theta));
    dir = basis * dir;
    dir.normalize(); // TODO: Necessary?
    return Ray(position, dir, 1.0);
void TransformState::getProjMatrix(mat4& projMatrix, uint16_t nearZ) const {
    if (size.isEmpty()) {

     // Find the distance from the center point [width/2, height/2] to the
    // center top point [width/2, 0] in Z units, using the law of sines.
    // 1 Z unit is equivalent to 1 horizontal px at the center of the map
    // (the distance between[width/2, height/2] and [width/2 + 1, height/2])
    const double halfFov = getFieldOfView() / 2.0;
    const double groundAngle = M_PI / 2.0 + getPitch();
    const double topHalfSurfaceDistance = std::sin(halfFov) * getCameraToCenterDistance() / std::sin(M_PI - groundAngle - halfFov);

    // Calculate z distance of the farthest fragment that should be rendered.
    const double furthestDistance = std::cos(M_PI / 2 - getPitch()) * topHalfSurfaceDistance + getCameraToCenterDistance();
    // Add a bit extra to avoid precision problems when a fragment's distance is exactly `furthestDistance`
    const double farZ = furthestDistance * 1.01;

    matrix::perspective(projMatrix, getFieldOfView(), double(size.width) / size.height, nearZ, farZ);

    const bool flippedY = viewportMode == ViewportMode::FlippedY;
    matrix::scale(projMatrix, projMatrix, 1, flippedY ? 1 : -1, 1);

    matrix::translate(projMatrix, projMatrix, 0, 0, -getCameraToCenterDistance());

    using NO = NorthOrientation;
    switch (getNorthOrientation()) {
        case NO::Rightwards: matrix::rotate_y(projMatrix, projMatrix, getPitch()); break;
        case NO::Downwards: matrix::rotate_x(projMatrix, projMatrix, -getPitch()); break;
        case NO::Leftwards: matrix::rotate_y(projMatrix, projMatrix, -getPitch()); break;
        default: matrix::rotate_x(projMatrix, projMatrix, getPitch()); break;

    matrix::rotate_z(projMatrix, projMatrix, getAngle() + getNorthOrientationAngle());

    matrix::translate(projMatrix, projMatrix, pixel_x() - size.width / 2.0f,
                      pixel_y() - size.height / 2.0f, 0);

    matrix::scale(projMatrix, projMatrix, 1, 1,
                  1.0 / Projection::getMetersPerPixelAtLatitude(getLatLng(LatLng::Unwrapped).latitude(), getZoom()));
Exemple #3
void ViewpointNode::outputContext(ostream& printStream, const char *indentString) 
	SFVec3f *position = getPositionField();
	SFRotation *orientation = getOrientationField();
	SFBool *jump = getJumpField();
	SFString *description = getDescriptionField();
	printStream << indentString << "\t" << "fieldOfView " << getFieldOfView() << endl;
	printStream << indentString << "\t" << "jump " << jump << endl;
	printStream << indentString << "\t" << "position " << position << endl;
	printStream << indentString << "\t" << "orientation " << orientation << endl;
	printStream << indentString << "\t" << "description " << description << endl;
void CX3DViewpointNode::print(int indent)
	FILE *fp = CX3DParser::getDebugLogFp();

	char *nodeName = getNodeName();
	if (nodeName)
		float x, y, z, rot;

		fprintf(fp, "%s (%s)\n", nodeName, CX3DNode::getNodeTypeString(getNodeType()));

		fprintf(fp, "fieldOfView : (%f)\n", getFieldOfView()->getValue());

		fprintf(fp, "jump : %s\n", getJump()->getValue() ? "TRUE" : "FALSE");

		fprintf(fp, "retainUserOffsets : %s\n", getRetainUserOffsets()->getValue() ? "TRUE" : "FALSE");

		getOrientation()->getValue(x, y, z, rot);
		fprintf(fp, "orientation : (%f %f %f)(%f)\n", x, y, z, rot);

		getPosition()->getValue(x, y, z);
		fprintf(fp, "position : (%f %f %f)\n", x, y, z);

		getCenterOfRotation()->getValue(x, y, z);
		fprintf(fp, "centerOfRotation : (%f %f %f)\n", x, y, z);

		fprintf(fp, "description : (%s)\n", getDescription()->getValue());
Exemple #5
vector<Vec2> Level::getVisibleTiles(Vec2 pos, VisionId vision) const {
  return filter(getFieldOfView(vision).getVisibleTiles(pos),
      [&](Vec2 v) { return isWithinVision(pos, v, vision); });
Exemple #6
vector<Vec2> Level::getVisibleTilesNoDarkness(Vec2 pos, VisionId vision) const {
  return getFieldOfView(vision).getVisibleTiles(pos);
Exemple #7
bool Level::canSee(Vec2 from, Vec2 to, VisionId vision) const {
  return isWithinVision(from, to, vision) && getFieldOfView(vision).canSee(from, to);
void TransformState::getProjMatrix(mat4& projMatrix, uint16_t nearZ, bool aligned) const {
    if (size.isEmpty()) {

     // Find the distance from the center point [width/2, height/2] to the
    // center top point [width/2, 0] in Z units, using the law of sines.
    // 1 Z unit is equivalent to 1 horizontal px at the center of the map
    // (the distance between[width/2, height/2] and [width/2 + 1, height/2])
    const double halfFov = getFieldOfView() / 2.0;
    const double groundAngle = M_PI / 2.0 + getPitch();
    const double topHalfSurfaceDistance = std::sin(halfFov) * getCameraToCenterDistance() / std::sin(M_PI - groundAngle - halfFov);

    // Calculate z distance of the farthest fragment that should be rendered.
    const double furthestDistance = std::cos(M_PI / 2 - getPitch()) * topHalfSurfaceDistance + getCameraToCenterDistance();
    // Add a bit extra to avoid precision problems when a fragment's distance is exactly `furthestDistance`
    const double farZ = furthestDistance * 1.01;

    matrix::perspective(projMatrix, getFieldOfView(), double(size.width) / size.height, nearZ, farZ);

    const bool flippedY = viewportMode == ViewportMode::FlippedY;
    matrix::scale(projMatrix, projMatrix, 1, flippedY ? 1 : -1, 1);

    matrix::translate(projMatrix, projMatrix, 0, 0, -getCameraToCenterDistance());

    using NO = NorthOrientation;
    switch (getNorthOrientation()) {
        case NO::Rightwards: matrix::rotate_y(projMatrix, projMatrix, getPitch()); break;
        case NO::Downwards: matrix::rotate_x(projMatrix, projMatrix, -getPitch()); break;
        case NO::Leftwards: matrix::rotate_y(projMatrix, projMatrix, -getPitch()); break;
        default: matrix::rotate_x(projMatrix, projMatrix, getPitch()); break;

    matrix::rotate_z(projMatrix, projMatrix, getAngle() + getNorthOrientationAngle());

    const double dx = pixel_x() - size.width / 2.0f, dy = pixel_y() - size.height / 2.0f;
    matrix::translate(projMatrix, projMatrix, dx, dy, 0);

    if (axonometric) {
        // mat[11] controls perspective
        projMatrix[11] = 0;

        // mat[8], mat[9] control x-skew, y-skew
        projMatrix[8] = xSkew;
        projMatrix[9] = ySkew;

    matrix::scale(projMatrix, projMatrix, 1, 1,
                  1.0 / Projection::getMetersPerPixelAtLatitude(getLatLng(LatLng::Unwrapped).latitude(), getZoom()));

    // Make a second projection matrix that is aligned to a pixel grid for rendering raster tiles.
    // We're rounding the (floating point) x/y values to achieve to avoid rendering raster images to fractional
    // coordinates. Additionally, we adjust by half a pixel in either direction in case that viewport dimension
    // is an odd integer to preserve rendering to the pixel grid. We're rotating this shift based on the angle
    // of the transformation so that 0°, 90°, 180°, and 270° rasters are crisp, and adjust the shift so that
    // it is always <= 0.5 pixels.
    if (aligned) {
        const float xShift = float(size.width % 2) / 2, yShift = float(size.height % 2) / 2;
        const double angleCos = std::cos(angle), angleSin = std::sin(angle);
        double devNull;
        const float dxa = -std::modf(dx, &devNull) + angleCos * xShift + angleSin * yShift;
        const float dya = -std::modf(dy, &devNull) + angleCos * yShift + angleSin * xShift;
        matrix::translate(projMatrix, projMatrix, dxa > 0.5 ? dxa - 1 : dxa, dya > 0.5 ? dya - 1 : dya, 0);
Exemple #9
GLfloat CC3Camera::getEffectiveFieldOfView()
    return (GLfloat)MIN(getFieldOfView() / getUniformScale(), kMaxEffectiveFOV);
glm::mat4 Camera::calculateProjectionMatrix(){
    // Use all of the intrinsic values to create the projection matrix
    return glm::perspective(getFieldOfView(), getViewport().getAspectRatio(), getNearClip(), getFarClip());