Exemple #1
long KFile::getFileLen()
	long lVal = getFilePos();
	seekTo(0, KFile::KFILE_END);
	long fileLen = getFilePos();
	seekTo(lVal, KFILE_BEGIN);
	return fileLen;
Exemple #2
off_t LayoutParser::fskipTo(const char* linestart, const char* butnot) {
  /* reads the file from the current position
  until the next occurence of a line
  starting with linestart
  returns the line in buf and the file offset
  of the beginning of the line;
  the file offset is -1 if linestart was not found
  or -2 if an unwanted line-start came out of order
    off_t lastpos=getFilePos();
    int tlen=strlen(linestart);
    int nlen=(butnot==NULL) ? 0 : strlen(butnot);
    while (linebuf->getLine(f, f_pos)!=NULL) {
     if (nlen>0 && startsWith(linebuf->line(), butnot, nlen)) {
        GMessage("fSkipTo: unwanted line '%s' encountered when searching for '%s'\n",
          linebuf->line(), linestart);
        return -2;
     if (startsWith(linebuf->chars(), linestart, tlen)) return lastpos;
 return -1;
Exemple #3
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[],
                 int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
    int64_T len; /* File length in bytes */
    int64_T numRecs; /* Num records in file */
    char *filename;
    char *flag;
    short suppressText; /* boolean */
    FILE *fp;
    double *V;
    double *t;
    int64_T i, j;  /* Loop indices */
    short numChannels;
    int freq; /* Sampling rate */
    short gain;
    short* dt; /* Date and time */
    double scalingCoeffs[4]; /* Scaling coefficients to convert raw digital values to voltages */
    double* timeSpan; /* start and stop times to retrieve from file */
    int64_T outN; /* number of time pts. for output vectors */
    int64_T* timeSpanIdx;
    int64_T position; /* current position of file */
    int64_T offset; /* offset for next file jump */
    int isUsingTimespan = 0;
    int isUsingChannel = 0;
    /* Variables for temp storage of input */
    short val;
    int ch = -1; /* Channel num to extract (-1 if all channels, the default) */
    /* Check number of arguments */
    if (nrhs > 4)
        mexErrMsgTxt("Filename, channel number (optional), timespan (optional), and FLAGs (optional) are only allowable arguments.");
    if (nrhs < 1)
        mexErrMsgTxt("No input arguments. Include filename, channel number (optional), and timespan (optional).");
    if (nlhs > 2)
        mexErrMsgTxt("Too many output arguments (max. 2).");
    /* Input must be a string */
    if (mxIsChar(prhs[0]) != 1)
        mexErrMsgTxt("Input must be a string.");
    /* Input must be a row vector */
    if (mxGetM(prhs[0])!=1)
        mexErrMsgTxt("Input must be a row vector.");
    /* Copy the string data from prhs[0] into a C string 'filename'. */
    filename = mxArrayToString(prhs[0]);
    if (filename == NULL) 
        mexErrMsgTxt("Could not convert input to string.");
    /* Open file */
    fp = fopen(filename,"rb");
    if (fp == NULL)
        mexErrMsgTxt("Could not open file.");
    /* Get channel to extract (optional) */
    if (nrhs > 1) {
        if (!mxIsNumeric(prhs[1])) {
            mexErrMsgTxt("Channel number or time span must be numeric.");
        else {
            int numMembers;
            numMembers = mxGetNumberOfElements(prhs[1]);
            if (numMembers == 1) {
                ch = (int)(mxGetScalar(prhs[1]));    
                isUsingChannel = 1;
            else if (numMembers == 2) {
                timeSpan = mxGetPr(prhs[1]);
                if (timeSpan[1] < timeSpan[0]) {
                    mexErrMsgTxt("First element of time span (i.e., start time) must be less than second (i.e., stop time).");
                isUsingTimespan = 1;
            else {
                mexErrMsgTxt("Too many elements in second argument.");
    /* Get times to extract (optional) */
    if (nrhs > 2) {
        if (!mxIsNumeric(prhs[2])) {
            mexErrMsgTxt("Time span must be numeric.");
        else {
            int numMembers;
            numMembers = mxGetNumberOfElements(prhs[2]);
            if (numMembers != 2) {
                mexErrMsgTxt("Time span must have start and stop times.");
            else {
                timeSpan = mxGetPr(prhs[2]);
                if (timeSpan[1] < timeSpan[0]) {
                    mexErrMsgTxt("First element of time span (i.e., start time) must be less than second (i.e., stop time).");
                isUsingTimespan = 1;
    /* Check whether text was suppressed */
    suppressText = 0;
    if (nrhs > 3) {
        if (mxIsChar(prhs[3]) != 1)
            mexErrMsgTxt("FLAGs must be strings.");
        flag = mxArrayToString(prhs[0]);
        if (flag == NULL)
            mexErrMsgTxt("Could not convert FLAG input to string.");
        if (strcmpi(flag, "suppresstext"))
            suppressText = 1;
    /* Get file length */  
/*    fseek(fp,0,SEEK_END); /* Seek from end of file */
/*    len = ftell(fp); /* Where am I? */
/*    fseek(fp,0,SEEK_SET); /* Return to beginning of file */
/*    fflush(fp);
    /* Deal with large files */
        structStat statbuf;
        int64_T fileSize = 0;

        if (0 == getFileFstat(fileno(fp), &statbuf))
            len = statbuf.st_size;
                mexPrintf("File size is %" FMT64 "d bytes\n", len);
    /* There are 54 bytes in the header, then each record */
    fread(&numChannels,2,1,fp); /* Read numChannels */
    fread(&freq,4,1,fp); /* Read sampling rate */
    fread(&gain,2,1,fp); /* Read gain */
    fread(scalingCoeffs,8,4,fp);     /* Read scaling coeffs */
    dt = mxCalloc(7, sizeof(short)); /* Allocate memory for date&time */
    fread(dt,2,7,fp); /* Read date and time */

    /* Compute #records */
    numRecs = (len - 54) / (2 * (int64_T)numChannels);

    /* Print summary (header) data */
    if (!suppressText) {
        mexPrintf("#chs: %i\nsampling rate: %i\ngain: %i\n", numChannels, freq, gain);
        mexPrintf("date/time: %i-%i-%i %i:%i:%i:%i\n", dt[0], dt[1], dt[2], dt[3], dt[4], dt[5], dt[6]);
		 mexPrintf("scaling coefficients: %f +%f *x + %f*x^2 + %f*x^3 \n", scalingCoeffs[0], scalingCoeffs[1], scalingCoeffs[2], scalingCoeffs[3]);
        mexPrintf("\nTotal num. samples per channel: %i\n", numRecs);

    /* Compute start and stop indices, if time span was specified */
    timeSpanIdx = mxCalloc(2, sizeof(int64_T)); /* Allocate memory for start/stop indices */
    if (isUsingTimespan) {
        timeSpanIdx[0] = (int64_T)(ceil(timeSpan[0] * (double)freq));
        timeSpanIdx[1] = (int64_T)(ceil(timeSpan[1] * (double)freq));
        /* Take care of over/underrun */
        if (timeSpanIdx[0] < 0) {
            timeSpanIdx[0] = 0;
        else if (timeSpanIdx[0] >= numRecs || timeSpanIdx[1] < 0) {
            mexErrMsgTxt("No records in indicated time span.");
        if (timeSpanIdx[1] >= numRecs) {
            timeSpanIdx[1] = numRecs;
        outN = timeSpanIdx[1] - timeSpanIdx[0];
    else {
        timeSpanIdx[0] = 0;
        timeSpanIdx[1] = numRecs;
        outN = numRecs;
    /* Create output matrix */
    if (ch < 0) /* default, all channels */
        plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(numChannels,outN,mxREAL);
    else { /* just the specified channel */
        if (ch == 0 || ch > numChannels) {
            mexErrMsgTxt("Specified extraction channel does not exist in dataset.");
        plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,outN,mxREAL);
    V = mxGetPr(plhs[0]);
    /* If more than two left-hand side arguments, output times */
    if (nlhs > 1) {
        plhs[1] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,outN,mxREAL);
        t = mxGetPr(plhs[1]);
    /* Seek to start of time span, if specified */
    getFilePos(fp, (fpos_T*) &position);
    offset = position + (int64_T)(2*numChannels*timeSpanIdx[0]);
    setFilePos(fp, (fpos_T*) &offset);
    /*fseek(fp, 2*numChannels*timeSpanIdx[0], SEEK_CUR);*/
    /* Read each record */
    for (i = 0; i < outN; ++i) {
        if (nlhs > 1)
            t[i] = (double)(i + timeSpanIdx[0]) / (double)freq;
        if (ch < 0) {
            for (j = 0; j < numChannels; ++j) {
                fread(&val,2,1,fp); /* Read digital value */
                V[i*numChannels+j] = scalingCoeffs[0] + scalingCoeffs[1] * (double)val +
                    scalingCoeffs[2] * (double)val * (double)val +
                    scalingCoeffs[3] * (double)val * (double)val * (double)val;
            } /* NB: Matlab's indices go down each column, then to the next row */
        else { /* just extract one channel */
            getFilePos(fp, (fpos_T*) &position);
            offset = position + (int64_T)(2*(ch-1));
            setFilePos(fp, (fpos_T*) &offset);
            /*fseek(fp, 2*ch, SEEK_CUR); /* advance to next time channel appears */
            fread(&val,2,1,fp); /* Read value */
            V[i] = scalingCoeffs[0] + scalingCoeffs[1] * (double)val +
                scalingCoeffs[2] * (double)val * (double)val +
                scalingCoeffs[3] * (double)val * (double)val * (double)val;
            getFilePos(fp, (fpos_T*) &position);
            offset = position + (int64_T)(2*(numChannels - 1 - (ch-1)));
            setFilePos(fp, (fpos_T*) &offset);
            /*fseek(fp, 2*(numChannels - 1 - ch), SEEK_CUR); /* skip past remaining channels */
            /* NB: We could just do one initial seek, then always seek ahead by all channels,
             * but that code would be harder to read and not a whole lot faster */
    /* Free used memory */
Exemple #4
void load_trace_txt ( char* fname ) 
	std::string str, word;
	char buf[1024];

	unsigned long totalBytes = getFileSize ( fname );
	unsigned long currBytes = 0;

	FILE* fp = fopen ( fname, "rt" );
	int c;
	std::vector<std::string> changestates;
	changestates.push_back ( "x" );			// 0 = BIN_NOTUSED
	changestates.push_back ( "c" );			// 1 = BIN_CREATE
	changestates.push_back ( "u" );			// 2 = BIN_CHANGE
	changestates.push_back ( "s" );			// 3 = BIN_SWITCH
	changestates.push_back ( "-" );			// 4 = BIN_REUSE
	changestates.push_back ( "D" );

	Call cl;
	Event e;
	int lin = 0;
	int max_lin = 5000;
	std::string szstr;
	int sz;
	unsigned long cstart = 0;
	int cnum = 0;

	while (!feof(fp) && lin < max_lin) {
		currBytes = getFilePos ( fp );
		printf ( "%d (%.2f%%)\n", currBytes, currBytes*100.0f/totalBytes );

		fgets ( buf, 1024, fp );
		str = buf;
		int bin = 0;		
		str = strTrim ( str );

		e.name = word;
		if ( str.compare (0, 2, "C:") == 0 ) {
			/*word = strSplit ( str, " " );	
			word = strSplit ( str, " " );	cl.bin_id = strToI(word);
			word = strSplit ( str, " " );	cl.size = strToI(word); 
			word = strSplit ( str, " " );	cl.obj_id = strToLI(word);
			word = strSplit ( str, " " );	cl.val_id = strToLI(word);
			word = strSplit ( str, " " );	cl.name = word;
			mCalls.push_back ( cl );*/
		} else if ( str.compare ( 0, 2, "FR" ) == 0 ) {
			e.count = 1;
			for (int n=0; n < NUM_BIN; n++ ) {
				e.bin_id[n] = -1;
				e.bin_change[n] = -1;
			mEvents.push_back ( e );
		} else if ( str.compare ( 0, 2, "Dr" ) == 0 ) {
			e.count = 1;
			int bin = 0;
			word = strLeft ( str, 8 );
			str = strTrim ( str );			
			while ( str.length() > 0 ) {
				word = strSplit ( str, " " );				
				c = strExtract ( word, changestates );
				szstr = strParse ( word, "[", "]" );
				e.bin_id[bin] = strToI ( word );
				e.bin_change[bin] = c;		
				e.bin_size[bin] = strToI ( szstr );
			e.call_start = cstart;
			e.call_num = cnum;
			if ( e.bin_size[BIN_DRAW] > mMaxSize ) mMaxSize = e.bin_size[BIN_DRAW];
			mEvents.push_back ( e );			
			cstart += cnum;

	fclose ( fp );
Exemple #5
void load_trace_raw ( char* fname )
	unsigned long totalBytes = getFileSize ( fname );
	unsigned long currBytes = 0;

	FILE* fp = fopen ( fname, "rb" );
	char header[2048];
	char buf[2048];

	Call cl;
	Event e;
	char typ, nameID;
	unsigned long long tstart, tstop;
	int fnum, size = 0;	
	int cstart = 0, cnum = 0;
	mMaxSize = 1;

	int num_frame = 0;
	int num_draw = 0;

	Frame f;
	f.clear ();
	frame = 0;

	while ( !feof(fp) && (num_draw < maxDraw || maxDraw==0)) {
		readbytes ( header, 18, 1, fp );		// 18 byte header
		parseHeader ( header, typ, nameID, tstart, tstop );
		switch ( typ ) {
		case 'C': {
			readbytes ( buf, 20, 1, fp );			
			if ( num_frame >= startFrame ) {				
				parseTrace ( buf, nameID, cl );
				mCalls.push_back ( cl );
			} break;
		case 'D': {
				currBytes = getFilePos ( fp );
				if ( f.totalDraw % 100 == 0 ) {
					if ( maxDraw == 0 ) {
						app_printf ( "%dk read, %.2f%% of file, %.2f%% done\n", currBytes/1024, currBytes*100.0f/totalBytes, currBytes*100.0f/totalBytes );	
					} else {
						app_printf ( "%dk read, %.2f%% of file, %.2f%% done\n", currBytes/1024, currBytes*100.0f/totalBytes, num_draw*100.0f/maxDraw );	
				readbytes ( buf, NUM_BIN*9 + 9, 1, fp );
				if ( num_frame >= startFrame ) {
					parseTrace ( buf, nameID, e );
					e.frame = frame;
					e.call_num = cnum;
					e.call_start = cstart;
					mEvents.push_back ( e );
					cstart += cnum;
					cnum = 0;
					if ( e.bin_size[BIN_DRAW] > mMaxSize ) mMaxSize = e.bin_size[BIN_DRAW];
					if ( e.bin_id[BIN_DRAW] > mMaxPrim ) mMaxPrim = e.bin_id[BIN_DRAW];
					for (int n=0; n < NUM_BIN; n++) {
						f.binChange[n] += (e.bin_change[n]==BIN_CREATE || e.bin_change[n]==BIN_CHANGE) ? 1 : 0;
						f.binSwitch[n] += (e.bin_change[n]==BIN_SWITCH ) ? 1 : 0;
						f.binReuse[n] += (e.bin_change[n]==BIN_REUSE ) ? 1 : 0;
						f.binUnique[n] = (e.bin_id[n] > f.binUnique[n] ) ? e.bin_id[n] : f.binUnique[n];
					f.totalTransfer += e.bin_size[BIN_DRAW];
					f.totalPrim += e.bin_id[BIN_DRAW];		
			} break;
		case 'F': {
			readbytes ( buf, 8, 1, fp );
			if ( num_frame >= startFrame ) {
				mFrames.push_back ( f );		// record frame data
				f.clear ();
				parseTrace ( buf, fnum, size );
				e.name_id = nameID;
				e.name = "Present";
				e.call_num = cnum;
				e.call_start = cstart;			
				e.count = 1;
				for (int n=0; n < NUM_BIN; n++ ) {
					e.bin_id[n] = -1;
					e.bin_change[n] = -1;
				mEvents.push_back ( e );
				cstart += cnum;			
				cnum = 0;				

			} break;
	// read may not have gotten to end of frame
	mFrames.push_back ( f );

	if ( mFrames.size() == 0 || mEvents.size() == 0 ) {
		app_printf ( "Error: No frames or events detected.\n" );
		app_printf ( "Try running trace again. \n" );

	fclose ( fp );

Exemple #6
bool AceParser::loadContig(int ctgidx, fnLytSeq* seqfn, bool re_pos) {

    bool forgetCtg = false;
    if (ctgidx>=contigs.Count())
        GError("LayoutParser: invalid contig index '%d'\n", ctgidx);
    LytCtgData* ctgdata=contigs[ctgidx];
    if (re_pos && currentContig!=NULL) { //free previously loaded contig data
        currentContig->seqs.Clear();       // unless it was a parse() call
    int ctg_numSeqs=ctgdata->numseqs;

    if (re_pos) {
        seek(ctgdata->fpos); //position right where the contig definition starts
        char *r = linebuf->getLine(f,f_pos);
        if (r==NULL) return false;

    if (seqfn!=NULL) { //process the contig sequence!
        char* ctgseq=readSeq();
        forgetCtg=(*seqfn)(numContigs, ctgdata, NULL, ctgseq);
        GFREE(ctgseq); //obviously the caller should have made a copy
    //now look for all the component sequences
    if (fskipTo("AF ")<0) {
        GMessage("AceParser: error finding sequence offsets (AF)"
                 " for contig '%s' (%d)\n", ctgdata->name, ctgdata->len);
        return false;
    int numseqs=0;
    while (startsWith(linebuf->chars(), "AF ",3)) {
        if (addSeq(linebuf->chars(), ctgdata)==NULL) {
            GMessage("AceParser: error parsing AF entry:\n%s\n",linebuf->chars());
            return false;
        //read next line:
    if (numseqs!=ctg_numSeqs) {
        GMessage("Invalid number of AF entries found (%d) for contig '%s' "
                 "(length %d, numseqs %d)\n", numseqs,
                 ctgdata->name, ctgdata->len, ctg_numSeqs);
        return false;
    //now read each sequence entry
    off_t seqpos=fskipTo("RD ");
    numseqs=0; //count again, now the RD entries
    if (seqpos<0) {
        GMessage("AceParser: error locating first RD entry for contig '%s'\n",
        return false;
    //int numseqs=0;
    //reading the actual component sequence details
    while (startsWith(linebuf->chars(), "RD ",3)) {
        char* s=linebuf->chars()+3;
        char* p=strchrs(s, " \t");
        LytSeqInfo* seq;
        if (p==NULL) {
            GMessage("AceParser: Error parsing RD header line:\n%s\n", linebuf->chars());
            return false;
        if ((seq=seqinfo.Find(s))==NULL) {
            GMessage("AceParser: unknown RD encountered: '%s'\n", s);
            return false;
        p++; //now p is in linebuf after the RD name
        int len;
        if (sscanf(p, "%d", &len)!=1) {
            GMessage("AceParser: cannot parse RD length for '%s'\n", s);
            return false;
        //read the sequence data here if a callback fn was given:
        char* sseq=NULL;
        if (seqfn!=NULL)
            sseq=readSeq(seq); //read full sequence here
        if (fskipTo("QA ")<0) {
            GMessage("AceParser: Error finding QA entry for read %s! (fpos=%llu)\n", seq->name, (unsigned long long)f_pos);
            return false;
        //parse QA entry:
        int tmpa, tmpb;
        if (sscanf(linebuf->chars()+3, "%d %d %d %d", &tmpa, &tmpb, &seq->left,&seq->right)!=4 ||
                seq->left<=0 || seq->right<=0) {
            GMessage("AceParser: Error parsing QA entry.\n");
            return false;
        if (fskipTo("DS")<0) {
             GMessage("AceParser: Error closing RD entry ('DS' not found).\n");
             return false;
        bool forgetSeq=false;
        if (seqfn!=NULL) {
            forgetSeq=(*seqfn)(numContigs, ctgdata, seq, sseq);
        if (forgetSeq) { //parsing the whole stream -- aceconv)
        if (numseqs<ctgdata->numseqs)
            seqpos=fskipTo("RD ", "CO "); //more sequences left to read
    if (numseqs!=ctgdata->numseqs) {
        GMessage("Error: Invalid number of RD entries found (%d) for contig '%s' "
                 "(length %d, numseqs %d)\n", numseqs,
                 ctgdata->name, ctgdata->len, ctg_numSeqs);
        return false;
    if (forgetCtg) {
    return true;
Exemple #7
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
    char *filename = NULL;
    FILE *fp = NULL;
    double tmp;
    int64_T length = 0;
    int64_T offset = 0;
    int wipe = 0;
    int trunc = 1;
    if (nrhs < 2)
        mexErrMsgTxt("Not enough input arguments.");
    if (nrhs > 3)
        mexErrMsgTxt("Too many input arguments.");
    filename = mxArrayToString(prhs[0]);
    tmp = mxGetScalar(prhs[1]);
    length = (tmp < 0) ? 0 : (int64_T)tmp;
    if (nrhs == 3)
        mxArray *field = NULL;
        if (!mxIsStruct(prhs[2]))
            mexErrMsgTxt("Third input argument must be a struct.");
        field = mxGetField(prhs[2], 0, "offset");
        if (field != NULL)
            tmp = mxGetScalar(field);
            offset = (tmp < 0) ? 0 : (int64_T)tmp;
        field = mxGetField(prhs[2], 0, "wipe");
        if (field != NULL)
            wipe = mxGetScalar(field) > 0;
        field = mxGetField(prhs[2], 0, "truncate");
        if (field != NULL)
            trunc = mxGetScalar(field) > 0;
    fp = fopen(filename, "ab");
    if (fp == (FILE *)0)
        char msg[512];
        (void)snprintf(msg,sizeof(msg),"Can't open file for writing:\n\t%s\nCheck for write permission or whether the directory exists.", filename);
        static char zeros[512];
        int64_T fsize = 0;
        int64_T diff = 0;
        int64_T position = 0;
        structStat statbuf;

        if (getFileFstat(fileno(fp), &statbuf) != 0)
            char msg[512];
            (void)snprintf(msg,sizeof(msg),"Error when reading size of file:\n\t%s", filename);
        fsize = statbuf.st_size;
        setFilePos(fp, (fpos_T*) &fsize);
        getFilePos(fp, (fpos_T*) &position);
        /* mexPrintf("Pos: %"  FMT64 "d bytes.\n", position); */
        if ((wipe) && (position > offset))
            /* mexPrintf("Wipe!\n"); */
            fp = fopen(filename, "r+b");
            if (fp == (FILE *)0)
                char msg[512];
                (void)snprintf(msg,sizeof(msg),"Can't open file for writing:\n\t%s", filename);
            setFilePos(fp, (fpos_T*) &offset);
            getFilePos(fp, (fpos_T*) &position);
            diff = length;
            diff = length + offset - position;
        /* mexPrintf("Diff: %" FMT64 "d bytes.\n", diff); */
        if ((fsize > length + offset) && trunc)
            /* mexPrintf("Truncate!\n"); */
            if (ftruncate(fileno(fp),length+offset) != 0)
                /* mexPrintf("Truncate error: %s.\n",strerror(errno)); */
                char msg[512];
                (void)snprintf(msg,sizeof(msg),"Error when truncating file:\n\t%s", filename);
        while (diff >= (int64_T)sizeof(zeros))
            if (fwrite(zeros, sizeof(zeros), 1, fp) != 1)
                char msg[512];
                (void)snprintf(msg,sizeof(msg),"Error while writing to file:\n\t%s", filename);
            diff -= (int64_T)sizeof(zeros);
        if (diff > 0)
            if (fwrite(zeros, diff, 1, fp) != 1)
                char msg[512];
                (void)snprintf(msg,sizeof(msg),"Error while writing to file:\n\t%s", filename);