Exemple #1
    bool CheckConsistency() {
      if(getStridedBlockId() == -1) {
        //if(isContiguous() == false) return false;
        if(getNodeNumElements() % getFixedBlockSize() != 0) return false;
        if(getGlobalNumElements() % getFixedBlockSize() != 0) return false;
      else {
        Teuchos::ArrayView< const GlobalOrdinal > dofGids = getNodeElementList();

        // determine nStridedOffset
        size_t nStridedOffset = 0;
        for(int j=0; j<stridedBlockId_; j++) {
          nStridedOffset += stridingInfo_[j];
        //size_t nDofsPerNode = stridingInfo_[stridedBlockId_];

        const GlobalOrdinal goStridedOffset = Teuchos::as<GlobalOrdinal>(nStridedOffset);
        const GlobalOrdinal goZeroOffset = (dofGids[0] - nStridedOffset - offset_) / Teuchos::as<GlobalOrdinal>(getFixedBlockSize());
        /*printf("goZeroOffset: %i\n",goZeroOffset);
        printf("dofGids[0]: %i \n",dofGids[0]);
        printf("stridedOffset: %i\n",nStridedOffset);
        printf("offset_: %i\n",offset_);
        printf("goStridedOffset: %i\n",goStridedOffset);
        printf("getFixedBlkSize: %i\n",getFixedBlockSize());*/

        GlobalOrdinal cnt = 0;
        for(size_t i = 0; i<Teuchos::as<size_t>(dofGids.size())/stridingInfo_[stridedBlockId_]; i+=stridingInfo_[stridedBlockId_]) {

          for(size_t j=0; j<stridingInfo_[stridedBlockId_]; j++) {
            const GlobalOrdinal gid = dofGids[i+j];
            if((gid - Teuchos::as<GlobalOrdinal>(j) - goStridedOffset - offset_) / Teuchos::as<GlobalOrdinal>(getFixedBlockSize()) - goZeroOffset - cnt != 0) {
              //std::cout << "gid: " << gid << " GID: " <<  (gid - Teuchos::as<GlobalOrdinal>(j) - goStridedOffset) / Teuchos::as<GlobalOrdinal>(getFixedBlockSize()) - goZeroOffset - cnt << std::endl;
              return false;

      return true;
Exemple #2
    StridedMap(global_size_t numGlobalElements, const Teuchos::ArrayView< const GlobalOrdinal > &elementList, GlobalOrdinal indexBase, std::vector<size_t>& stridingInfo, const Teuchos::RCP< const Teuchos::Comm< int > > &comm, LocalOrdinal stridedBlockId=-1)
        : stridingInfo_(stridingInfo), stridedBlockId_(stridedBlockId)
        indexBase_ = indexBase;

        TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(stridingInfo.size() == 0, Exceptions::RuntimeError, "StridedMap::StridedMap: stridingInfo not valid: stridingInfo.size() = 0?");
        TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(stridedBlockId < -1, Exceptions::RuntimeError, "StridedMap::StridedMap: stridedBlockId must not be smaller than -1.");

        // the following tests are not valid if stridedBlockId != 1
        if (stridedBlockId == -1) {
            TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(numGlobalElements  % getFixedBlockSize() != 0, Exceptions::RuntimeError, "StridedMap::StridedMap: stridingInfo not valid: getFixedBlockSize is not an integer multiple of numGlobalElements.");
            TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(elementList.size() % getFixedBlockSize() != 0, Exceptions::RuntimeError, "StridedMap::StridedMap: stridingInfo not valid: getFixedBlockSize is not an integer multiple of elementList.size().");
        } else {
            // numGlobalElements can be -1! FIXME
            //TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(numGlobalElements % stridingInfo[stridedBlockId] != 0, Exceptions::RuntimeError, "StridedMap::StridedMap: stridingInfo not valid: stridingBlockInfo[stridedBlockId] is not an integer multiple of numGlobalElements.");
            TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(elementList.size() % stridingInfo[stridedBlockId] != 0, Exceptions::RuntimeError, "StridedMap::StridedMap: stridingInfo not valid: stridingBlockInfo[stridedBlockId] is not an integer multiple of elementList.size().");

        // calculate offset_

        // find minimum GID over all procs
        GlobalOrdinal minGidOnCurProc = 999999;  // TODO use scalar traits for max possible gid.
        for(Teuchos_Ordinal k=0; k<elementList.size(); ++k) { // TODO fix occurence of Teuchos_Ordinal
            if(elementList[k] < minGidOnCurProc) minGidOnCurProc = elementList[k];
        Teuchos::reduceAll(*comm, Teuchos::REDUCE_MIN, minGidOnCurProc, Teuchos::outArg(offset_));

        // calculate striding index
        size_t nStridedOffset = 0;
        for(int j=0; j<stridedBlockId; j++) {
            nStridedOffset += stridingInfo[j];
        const GlobalOrdinal goStridedOffset = Teuchos::as<GlobalOrdinal>(nStridedOffset);

        // adapt offset_
        offset_ -= goStridedOffset - indexBase_;  // TODO check me
Exemple #3
    // returns number of strided block id which gid belongs to.
    size_t GID2StridingBlockId( GlobalOrdinal gid ) const {
        GlobalOrdinal tgid = gid - offset_;
        tgid = tgid % getFixedBlockSize();

        size_t nStridedOffset = 0;
        size_t stridedBlockId = 0;
        for(size_t j=0; j<stridingInfo_.size(); j++) {
            nStridedOffset += stridingInfo_[j];
            if(Teuchos::as<size_t>(tgid) < nStridedOffset) {
                stridedBlockId = j;
        return stridedBlockId;
Exemple #4
  void CoarseMapFactory<Scalar, LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node, LocalMatOps>::Build(Level &currentLevel) const {
    FactoryMonitor m(*this, "Build", currentLevel);

    RCP<Aggregates>  aggregates = Get< RCP<Aggregates> >(currentLevel, "Aggregates");
    RCP<MultiVector> nullspace  = Get< RCP<MultiVector> >(currentLevel, "Nullspace");

    GlobalOrdinal                  numAggs = aggregates->GetNumAggregates();
    const size_t                   NSDim   = nullspace->getNumVectors();
    RCP<const Teuchos::Comm<int> > comm    = aggregates->GetMap()->getComm();

    // check for consistency of striding information with NSDim and nCoarseDofs
    if (stridedBlockId_== -1) {
      // this means we have no real strided map but only a block map with constant blockSize "NSDim"
      TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(stridingInfo_.size() > 1, Exceptions::RuntimeError, "MueLu::CoarseMapFactory::Build(): stridingInfo_.size() but must be one");
      TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(stridingInfo_.size() != 1, Exceptions::RuntimeError, "MueLu::CoarseMapFactory::Build(): stridingInfo_.size() but must be one");

    } else {
      // stridedBlockId_ > -1, set by user
      TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(stridedBlockId_ > Teuchos::as<LO>(stridingInfo_.size() - 1) , Exceptions::RuntimeError, "MueLu::CoarseMapFactory::Build(): it is stridingInfo_.size() <= stridedBlockId_. error.");
      size_t stridedBlockSize = stridingInfo_[stridedBlockId_];
      TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(stridedBlockSize != NSDim , Exceptions::RuntimeError, "MueLu::CoarseMapFactory::Build(): dimension of strided block != NSDim. error.");

    GetOStream(Statistics1, 0) << "domainGIDOffset: " << domainGidOffset_ << " block size: " << getFixedBlockSize() << " stridedBlockId: " << stridedBlockId_ << std::endl;

    // number of coarse level dofs (fixed by number of aggregates and blocksize data)
    GlobalOrdinal nCoarseDofs = numAggs * getFixedBlockSize();
    GlobalOrdinal indexBase   = aggregates->GetMap()->getIndexBase();

    RCP<const Map> coarseMap = StridedMapFactory::Build(aggregates->GetMap()->lib(),

    Set(currentLevel, "CoarseMap", coarseMap);
  } // Build
Exemple #5
 /// returns true, if this is a blocked map (i.e. more than 1 dof per node)
 /// either strided or just 1 block per node
 bool isBlocked()                                        {
     return getFixedBlockSize() > 1 ? true : false;
Exemple #6
 //! EpetraMap constructor to wrap a Epetra_Map object
 StridedEpetraMap(const Teuchos::RCP<const Epetra_BlockMap> &map, std::vector<size_t>& stridingInfo, LocalOrdinal stridedBlockId=-1, GlobalOrdinal offset = 0) 
   : EpetraMap(map), StridedMap<int, int>(stridingInfo, stridedBlockId, offset) { 
   int nDofsPerNode = Teuchos::as<int>(getFixedBlockSize());
   TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(map_->NumMyPoints() % nDofsPerNode != 0, Exceptions::RuntimeError, "StridedEpetraMap::StridedEpetraMap: wrong distribution of dofs among processors.");
   TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(CheckConsistency() == false, Exceptions::RuntimeError, "StridedEpetraMap::StridedEpetraMap: CheckConsistency() == false");
  void CoarseMapFactory<Scalar, LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal, Node, LocalMatOps>::Build(Level &currentLevel) const {
    FactoryMonitor m(*this, "Build", currentLevel);

    RCP<Aggregates>  aggregates = Get< RCP<Aggregates> >(currentLevel, "Aggregates");
    RCP<MultiVector> nullspace  = Get< RCP<MultiVector> >(currentLevel, "Nullspace");

    GlobalOrdinal                  numAggs = aggregates->GetNumAggregates();
    const size_t                   NSDim   = nullspace->getNumVectors();
    RCP<const Teuchos::Comm<int> > comm    = aggregates->GetMap()->getComm();

    // read in offset information from parameter list and fill the internal member variable
    GlobalOrdinal domainGidOffset = 0;
    std::vector<GlobalOrdinal> domainGidOffsets;
    const ParameterList & pL = GetParameterList();
    if(pL.isParameter("Domain GID offsets")) {
      std::string strDomainGIDs = pL.get<std::string>("Domain GID offsets");
      if(strDomainGIDs.empty() == false) {
        Teuchos::Array<GlobalOrdinal> arrayVal = Teuchos::fromStringToArray<GlobalOrdinal>(strDomainGIDs);
        domainGidOffsets = Teuchos::createVector(arrayVal);
        if(currentLevel.GetLevelID() < Teuchos::as<int>(domainGidOffsets.size()) ) {
          domainGidOffset = domainGidOffsets[currentLevel.GetLevelID()];

    LocalOrdinal stridedBlockId = pL.get<LocalOrdinal>("Strided block id");

    // read in stridingInfo from parameter list and fill the internal member variable
    // read the data only if the parameter "Striding info" exists and is non-empty
    //const ParameterList & pL = GetParameterList();
    if(pL.isParameter("Striding info")) {
      std::string strStridingInfo = pL.get<std::string>("Striding info");
      if(strStridingInfo.empty() == false) {
        Teuchos::Array<size_t> arrayVal = Teuchos::fromStringToArray<size_t>(strStridingInfo);
        stridingInfo_ = Teuchos::createVector(arrayVal);

    // check for consistency of striding information with NSDim and nCoarseDofs
    if (stridedBlockId== -1) {
      // this means we have no real strided map but only a block map with constant blockSize "NSDim"
      TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(stridingInfo_.size() > 1, Exceptions::RuntimeError, "MueLu::CoarseMapFactory::Build(): stridingInfo_.size() but must be one");
      TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(stridingInfo_.size() != 1, Exceptions::RuntimeError, "MueLu::CoarseMapFactory::Build(): stridingInfo_.size() but must be one");

    } else {
      // stridedBlockId > -1, set by user
      TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(stridedBlockId > Teuchos::as<LO>(stridingInfo_.size() - 1) , Exceptions::RuntimeError, "MueLu::CoarseMapFactory::Build(): it is stridingInfo_.size() <= stridedBlockId_. error.");
      size_t stridedBlockSize = stridingInfo_[stridedBlockId];
      TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(stridedBlockSize != NSDim , Exceptions::RuntimeError, "MueLu::CoarseMapFactory::Build(): dimension of strided block != NSDim. error.");

    GetOStream(Statistics2) << "domainGIDOffset: " << domainGidOffset << " block size: " << getFixedBlockSize() << " stridedBlockId: " << stridedBlockId << std::endl;

    // number of coarse level dofs (fixed by number of aggregates and blocksize data)
    GlobalOrdinal nCoarseDofs = numAggs * getFixedBlockSize();
    GlobalOrdinal indexBase   = aggregates->GetMap()->getIndexBase();

    RCP<const Map> coarseMap = StridedMapFactory::Build(aggregates->GetMap()->lib(),

    Set(currentLevel, "CoarseMap", coarseMap);
  } // Build