Exemple #1
Texture* Texture::create(TextureHandle handle, int width, int height, Format format)
    GP_ASSERT( handle );

    Texture* texture = new Texture();
    if (glIsTexture(handle))
        // There is no real way to query for texture type, but an error will be returned if a cube texture is bound to a 2D texture... so check for that
        glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, handle);
        if (glGetError() == GL_NO_ERROR)
            texture->_type = TEXTURE_CUBE;
            // For now, it's either or. But if 3D textures and others are added, it might be useful to simply test a bunch of bindings and seeing which one doesn't error out
            texture->_type = TEXTURE_2D;

        // Restore the texture id
        GL_ASSERT( glBindTexture((GLenum)__currentTextureType, __currentTextureId) );
    texture->_handle = handle;
    texture->_format = format;
    texture->_width = width;
    texture->_height = height;
    texture->_internalFormat = getFormatInternal(format);
    texture->_texelType = getFormatTexel(format);
    texture->_bpp = getFormatBPP(format);

    return texture;
 void FFStream::seekImpl(double position) throw(Exception)
     if (position < 0)
         position = 0;
     // Translate float time to frametime
     uint64_t targetSample = uint64_t(position * getFormat().sampleFrequency);
     if (   (targetSample >= ffData->sampleBufferStart) 
         && (targetSample < ffData->sampleBufferStart + ffData->sampleBufferSize)   ) 
         // just skip data
         int advance = int(targetSample - ffData->sampleBufferStart);
         (char*&)ffData->sampleBuffer += ffData->sampleSize * advance;
         ffData->sampleBufferStart += advance;
         ffData->sampleBufferSize -= advance;
     } else {
         if (ffData->saneTimeStamps()) {
             // rough seek
             av_seek_frame(ffData->pFormatCtx, ffData->streamIndex, ffData->timeToPts(position), 
                 (targetSample < ffData->sampleBufferStart + ffData->sampleBufferSize) ? AVSEEK_FLAG_BACKWARD : 0);
         } else if (targetSample < ffData->sampleBufferStart) {
             // cannot seek but have to seek backwards, so...
             // ...close the file and reopen (yack)
             std::string path = ffData->filepath;
             VSFileSystem::VSFileType type = ffData->filetype;
             int streamIndex = ffData->audioStreamIndex;
             delete ffData;
             ffData = new __impl::FFData(path, type, getFormatInternal(), streamIndex);
         // just skip data (big steps)
         do {
         } while (targetSample >= ffData->sampleBufferStart + ffData->sampleBufferSize);
         // just skip data (small steps)
         int advance = int(targetSample - ffData->sampleBufferStart);
         (char*&)ffData->sampleBuffer += ffData->sampleSize * advance;
         ffData->sampleBufferStart += advance;
         ffData->sampleBufferSize -= advance;
 FFStream::FFStream(const std::string& path, int streamIndex, VSFileSystem::VSFileType type) throw(Exception)
     : Stream(path)
     ffData = new __impl::FFData(path, type, getFormatInternal(), streamIndex);
Exemple #4
Texture* Texture::create(Format format, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, const unsigned char* data, bool generateMipmaps, Texture::Type type)
    GP_ASSERT( type == Texture::TEXTURE_2D || type == Texture::TEXTURE_CUBE );

    GLenum target = (GLenum)type;

    GLint internalFormat = getFormatInternal(format);
    GP_ASSERT( internalFormat != 0 );

    GLenum texelType = getFormatTexel(format);
    GP_ASSERT( texelType != 0 );

    // Create the texture.
    GLuint textureId;
    GL_ASSERT( glGenTextures(1, &textureId) );
    GL_ASSERT( glBindTexture(target, textureId) );
    GL_ASSERT( glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1) );
#ifndef OPENGL_ES
    // glGenerateMipmap is new in OpenGL 3.0. For OpenGL 2.0 we must fallback to use glTexParameteri
    // with GL_GENERATE_MIPMAP prior to actual texture creation (glTexImage2D)
    if ( generateMipmaps && !std::addressof(glGenerateMipmap) )
        GL_ASSERT( glTexParameteri(target, GL_GENERATE_MIPMAP, GL_TRUE) );

    // Load the texture
    size_t bpp = getFormatBPP(format);
    if (type == Texture::TEXTURE_2D)
        GLenum f = (format == Texture::DEPTH) ? GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT : internalFormat;
        GL_ASSERT( glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, internalFormat, width, height, 0, f, texelType, data) );
        // Get texture size
        unsigned int textureSize = width * height;
        if (bpp == 0)
            glDeleteTextures(1, &textureId);
            GP_ERROR("Failed to determine texture size because format is UNKNOWN.");
            return NULL;
        textureSize *= bpp;
        // Texture Cube
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
            const unsigned char* texturePtr = (data == NULL) ? NULL : &data[i * textureSize];
            GL_ASSERT( glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + i, 0, internalFormat, width, height, 0, internalFormat, texelType, texturePtr) );

    // Set initial minification filter based on whether or not mipmaping was enabled.
    Filter minFilter;
    if (format == Texture::DEPTH)
    	minFilter = NEAREST;
    	GL_ASSERT( glTexParameteri(target, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_NEAREST) );
    	GL_ASSERT( glTexParameteri(target, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_NEAREST) );
    	GL_ASSERT( glTexParameteri(target, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE) );
    	GL_ASSERT( glTexParameteri(target, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE) );
#if !defined(OPENGL_ES) || defined(GL_ES_VERSION_3_0) && GL_ES_VERSION_3_0
    	GL_ASSERT( glTexParameteri(target, GL_TEXTURE_COMPARE_MODE, GL_NONE) );
    	minFilter = generateMipmaps ? NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR : LINEAR;
    	GL_ASSERT( glTexParameteri(target, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, minFilter) );

    Texture* texture = new Texture();
    texture->_handle = textureId;
    texture->_format = format;
    texture->_type = type;
    texture->_width = width;
    texture->_height = height;
    texture->_minFilter = minFilter;
    texture->_internalFormat = internalFormat;
    texture->_texelType = texelType;
    texture->_bpp = bpp;
    if (generateMipmaps)

    // Restore the texture id
    GL_ASSERT( glBindTexture((GLenum)__currentTextureType, __currentTextureId) );

    return texture;