void CSetDlgColors::ColorSetEdit(HWND hWnd2, WORD c)
	// Hook ctrl procedure
	if (!gColorBoxMap.Initialized())
	HWND hBox = GetDlgItem(hWnd2, c);
	if (!gColorBoxMap.Get(hBox, NULL))
		WNDPROC pfnOld = (WNDPROC)SetWindowLongPtr(hBox, GWLP_WNDPROC, (LONG_PTR)ColorBoxProc);
		gColorBoxMap.Set(hBox, pfnOld);
	// text box ID
	WORD tc = (tc0-c0) + c;
	// Well, 11 chars are enough for "255 255 255"
	// But sometimes it is interesting to copy/paste/cut when editing palettes, so x2
	SendDlgItemMessage(hWnd2, tc, EM_SETLIMITTEXT, 23, 0);
	COLORREF cr = 0;
	GetColorById(c, &cr);
	wchar_t temp[16];
	switch (gpSetCls->m_ColorFormat)
	case CSettings::eRgbHex:
		_wsprintf(temp, SKIPLEN(countof(temp)) L"#%02x%02x%02x", getR(cr), getG(cr), getB(cr));
	case CSettings::eBgrHex:
		_wsprintf(temp, SKIPLEN(countof(temp)) L"0x%02x%02x%02x", getB(cr), getG(cr), getR(cr));
		_wsprintf(temp, SKIPLEN(countof(temp)) L"%i %i %i", getR(cr), getG(cr), getB(cr));
	SetDlgItemText(hWnd2, tc, temp);
Exemple #2
/* bool Dstar::replan()
 * --------------------------
 * Updates the costs for all cells and computes the shortest path to
 * goal. Returns true if a path is found, false otherwise. The path is
 * computed by doing a greedy search over the cost+g values in each
 * cells. In order to get around the problem of the robot taking a
 * path that is near a 45 degree angle to goal we break ties based on
 *  the metric euclidean(state, goal) + euclidean(state,start).
bool Dstar::replan() {


  int res = computeShortestPath();
  //printf("res: %d ols: %d ohs: %d tk: [%f %f] sk: [%f %f] sgr: (%f,%f)\n",res,openList.size(),openHash.size(),openList.top().k.first,openList.top().k.second, s_start.k.first, s_start.k.second,getRHS(s_start),getG(s_start));
  if (res < 0) {
    fprintf(stderr, "NO PATH TO GOAL\n");
    return false;
  list<state> n;
  list<state>::iterator i;

  state cur = s_start;

  if (isinf(getG(s_start))) {
    fprintf(stderr, "NO PATH TO GOAL\n");
    return false;

  while(cur != s_goal) {

    getSucc(cur, n);

    if (n.empty()) {
      fprintf(stderr, "NO PATH TO GOAL\n");
      return false;

    double cmin = INFINITY;
    double tmin;
    state smin;

    for (i=n.begin(); i!=n.end(); i++) {

      //if (occupied(*i)) continue;
      double val  = cost(cur,*i);
      double val2 = trueDist(*i,s_goal) + trueDist(s_start,*i); // (Euclidean) cost to goal + cost to pred
      val += getG(*i);

      if (close(val,cmin)) {
        if (tmin > val2) {
          tmin = val2;
          cmin = val;
          smin = *i;
      } else if (val < cmin) {
        tmin = val2;
        cmin = val;
        smin = *i;
    cur = smin;
  return true;
Exemple #3
/* int Dstar::computeShortestPath()
 * --------------------------
 * As per [S. Koenig, 2002] except for 2 main modifications:
 * 1. We stop planning after a number of steps, 'maxsteps' we do this
 *    because this algorithm can plan forever if the start is
 *    surrounded by obstacles.
 * 2. We lazily remove states from the open list so we never have to
 *    iterate through it.
int Dstar::computeShortestPath() {

  list<state> s;
  list<state>::iterator i;

  if (openList.empty()) return 1;

  int k=0;
  while ((!openList.empty()) &&
         (openList.top() < (s_start = calculateKey(s_start))) ||
         (getRHS(s_start) != getG(s_start))) {

    if (k++ > maxSteps) {
      fprintf(stderr, "At maxsteps\n");
      return -1;

    state u;

    bool test = (getRHS(s_start) != getG(s_start));

    // lazy remove
    while(1) {
      if (openList.empty()) return 1;
      u = openList.top();

      if (!isValid(u)) continue;
      if (!(u < s_start) && (!test)) return 2;

    ds_oh::iterator cur = openHash.find(u);

    state k_old = u;

    if (k_old < calculateKey(u)) { // u is out of date
    } else if (getG(u) > getRHS(u)) { // needs update (got better)
      for (i=s.begin();i != s.end(); i++) {
    } else {   // g <= rhs, state has got worse
      for (i=s.begin();i != s.end(); i++) {
  return 0;
Exemple #4
bool WindowBitmap::rgbEqual(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
   int r1 = getR(x1, y1);
   int g1 = getG(x1, y1);
   int b1 = getB(x1, y1);

   int r2 = getR(x2, y2);
   int g2 = getG(x2, y2);
   int b2 = getB(x2, y2);

   return (r1 == r2) && (g1 == g2) && (b1 == b2);
Exemple #5
	void MCNeuronSim::setupSingleNeuronParms(int grpRowId, int neurId, bool coupledComp){
			for(unsigned int c = 0; c < compCount; c++) // each neuron has compCount compartments
				network->setIzhikevichParameter(excGroup[grpRowId][c], neurId, "C", getCm(neurId, c));
				network->setIzhikevichParameter(excGroup[grpRowId][c], neurId, "k", getK(neurId, c));
				network->setIzhikevichParameter(excGroup[grpRowId][c], neurId, "vr", getVr(neurId));
				network->setIzhikevichParameter(excGroup[grpRowId][c], neurId, "vt", getVt(neurId, c));
				network->setIzhikevichParameter(excGroup[grpRowId][c], neurId, "a", getA(neurId, c));
				network->setIzhikevichParameter(excGroup[grpRowId][c], neurId, "b", getB(neurId, c));
				network->setIzhikevichParameter(excGroup[grpRowId][c], neurId, "vpeak", getVpeak(neurId, c));
				network->setIzhikevichParameter(excGroup[grpRowId][c], neurId, "c", getVmin(neurId, c));
				network->setIzhikevichParameter(excGroup[grpRowId][c], neurId, "d", getD(neurId, c));

						double G = getG(neurId, c); //parameters[neurId][G_idx[c-1]];
						double P = getP(neurId, c);//parameters[neurId][P_idx[c-1]];
						float fwd = G * P;
						float bwd = G * (1-P);
						 * generally, fwd is carlsim 'down', bwd is carlsim 'up' for the purpose of coupling constant assignment, but,
						 * when there is a dendrite 'below' soma: ****cases 3c2 and 4c2***
						 * up and down are reversed.
						if(compCount>2 && c==1 && connLayout[c]==connLayout[c+1]){ //meaning 2 dendrites (dend 1 and dend2 ) connecting to the same point
							network->setCouplingConstant(excGroup[grpRowId][connLayout[c]], neurId, "down", bwd);
							network->setCouplingConstant(excGroup[grpRowId][c], neurId, "up", fwd);
							network->setCouplingConstant(excGroup[grpRowId][c], neurId, "down", fwd);
							network->setCouplingConstant(excGroup[grpRowId][connLayout[c]], neurId, "up", bwd);
const Matrix&

    // resize K
    int ndf = this->getNumDOF();
    K.resize(ndf, ndf);

    Vector G(6);
    Matrix L(3,3);

    // other matrices
    for(int a=0; a<3; a++) {
        for(int b=0; b<3; b++) {
            K(numDOFs(2*a+1), numDOFs(2*b)) = G(2*b);   // GxT
            K(numDOFs(2*a+1), numDOFs(2*b)+1) = G(2*b+1); // GyT

            K(numDOFs(2*a), numDOFs(2*b+1)) = -G(2*a);   // -Gx
            K(numDOFs(2*a)+1, numDOFs(2*b+1)) = -G(2*a+1); // -Gy

            K(numDOFs(2*a+1), numDOFs(2*b+1)) = L(a,b);   // bubble
    //opserr<<"K = "<<K;
    return K;
Exemple #7
// Pass 1, to be called from tip to base.
template<int dof, bool noR_FM, bool noX_MB, bool noR_PF> void
RigidBodyNodeSpec<dof, noR_FM, noX_MB, noR_PF>::multiplyByMInvPass1Inward(
    const SBInstanceCache&                  ic,
    const SBTreePositionCache&              pc,
    const SBArticulatedBodyInertiaCache&    abc,
    const Real*                             jointForces,
    SpatialVec*                             allZ,
    SpatialVec*                             allZPlus,
    Real*                                   allEpsilon) const
    const Vec<dof>&   f     = fromU(jointForces);
    SpatialVec&       z     = allZ[nodeNum];
    SpatialVec&       zPlus = allZPlus[nodeNum];
    Vec<dof>&         eps   = toU(allEpsilon);

    const bool isPrescribed = isUDotKnown(ic);
    const HType&              H = getH(pc);
    const HType&              G = getG(abc);

    z = 0;

    for (unsigned i=0; i<children.size(); i++) {
        const PhiMatrix&  phiChild  = children[i]->getPhi(pc);
        const SpatialVec& zPlusChild = allZPlus[children[i]->getNodeNum()];
        z += phiChild * zPlusChild; // 18 flops

    zPlus = z;
    if (!isPrescribed) {
        eps    = f - ~H*z;  // 12*dof flops
        zPlus += G*eps;     // 12*dof flops
Exemple #8
int getG(long long x, int low = 2)
	if (x <= maxn && g[x] != -1)
		return g[x];
	printf("%lld\n", x);
	long long ans = -1;
	int sqr = sqrt(x + 0.5);
	for (int i = low; i <= sqr; ++i)
		if (x % i == 0)
			if (x / i % i == 0)
				ans = getMu(x / i, i) * powmod(i, K);
				ans = getMu(x / i, i) * powmod(i, K) - getG(x / i, i);
	if (ans == -1)
		ans = powmod(x, K) - 1;
	if (x <= maxn)
		g[x] = ans;
	return ans;
Exemple #9
// Pass 2 of multiplyByMInv.
// Base to tip: temp allA_GB does not need to be initialized before
// beginning the iteration.
template<int dof, bool noR_FM, bool noX_MB, bool noR_PF> void 
RigidBodyNodeSpec<dof, noR_FM, noX_MB, noR_PF>::multiplyByMInvPass2Outward(
    const SBInstanceCache&                  ic,
    const SBTreePositionCache&              pc,
    const SBArticulatedBodyInertiaCache&    abc,
    const Real*                             allEpsilon,
    SpatialVec*                             allA_GB,
    Real*                                   allUDot) const
    const Vec<dof>& eps  = fromU(allEpsilon);
    SpatialVec&     A_GB = allA_GB[nodeNum];
    Vec<dof>&       udot = toU(allUDot); // pull out this node's udot

    const bool isPrescribed = isUDotKnown(ic);
    const HType&        H   = getH(pc);
    const PhiMatrix&    phi = getPhi(pc);
    const Mat<dof,dof>& DI  = getDI(abc);
    const HType&        G   = getG(abc);

    // Shift parent's acceleration outward (Ground==0). 12 flops
    const SpatialVec& A_GP  = allA_GB[parent->getNodeNum()]; 
    const SpatialVec  APlus = ~phi * A_GP;

    // For a prescribed mobilizer, set udot==0.
    if (isPrescribed) {
        udot = 0;
        A_GB = APlus;
    } else {
        udot = DI*eps - ~G*APlus;   // 2dof^2 + 11 dof flops
        A_GB = APlus + H*udot;      // 12 dof flops
Exemple #10
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_jp_dego_sample_ipcv_MainActivity_getGrayScale(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jintArray pix,
        jint w, jint h)
    unsigned char r, g, b, gray;
    jint* pixels = (*env)->GetIntArrayElements(env, pix, 0);

    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < w * h; i++) {
        // rgb 抽出
        // r = (pixels[i] & 0x00FF0000) >> 16;
        // g = (pixels[i] & 0x0000FF00) >> 8;
        // b = (pixels[i] & 0x000000FF);
        r = getR(pixels[i]);
        g = getG(pixels[i]);
        b = getB(pixels[i]);

        // グレイスケールの輝度値を計算
        gray = (r + g + b) / 3;
        if (gray > 255)
            gray = 255;

        // 色データ組み換え
        pixels[i] = 0xFF000000 | (gray << 16) | (gray << 8) | gray;
        // pixels[i] = gray;

    // 確保したメモリを開放
    (*env)->ReleaseIntArrayElements(env, pix, pixels, 0);
Exemple #11
bool WindowBitmap::rgbEqual(int x1, int y1, BYTE r, BYTE g, BYTE b)
   int r1 = getR(x1, y1);
   int g1 = getG(x1, y1);
   int b1 = getB(x1, y1);

   return (r1 == r) && (g1 == g) && (b1 == b);
Exemple #12
bool WindowBitmap::rgbLarger(int x1, int y1, BYTE r, BYTE g, BYTE b)
   int r1 = getR(x1, y1);
   int g1 = getG(x1, y1);
   int b1 = getB(x1, y1);

   return (r1 > r) && (g1 > g) && (b1 > b);
Exemple #13
bool WindowBitmap::rgbLess(int x1, int y1, BYTE r, BYTE g, BYTE b)
   int r1 = getR(x1, y1);
   int g1 = getG(x1, y1);
   int b1 = getB(x1, y1);

   return (r1 < r) && (g1 < g) && (b1 < b);
Exemple #14
bool WindowBitmap::rgbNear(int x1, int y1, BYTE r, BYTE g, BYTE b)
   int r1 = getR(x1, y1);
   int g1 = getG(x1, y1);
   int b1 = getB(x1, y1);

   return (abs(r1-r)<=10) && (abs(g1-g)<=10) && (abs(b1-b)<=10);
Exemple #15
/* int Dstar::computeShortestPath()
 * --------------------------
 * As per [S. Koenig, 2002] except for 2 main modifications:
 * 1. We stop planning after a number of steps, 'maxsteps' we do this
 *    because this algorithm can plan forever if the start is
 *    surrounded by obstacles. 
 * 2. We lazily remove states from the open list so we never have to
 *    iterate through it.
int Dstar::computeShortestPath() {
  list<state> s;
  list<state>::iterator i;

  if (openList.empty()) return 1;

  int k=0;
  while ((!openList.empty()) && 
         (openList.top() < (calculateKey(s_start))) || 
         (!isConsistent(s_start))) {

    if (k++ > maxSteps) {
      fprintf(stderr, "At maxsteps\n");
      return -1;
    state u;
    // check consistency (one of the loop conditions)
    bool test = isConsistent(s_start);
    //(getRHS(s_start) != getG(s_start));
    // lazy remove
    while(1) { 
      if (openList.empty()) return 1; // checks outer loop condition #1
      u = openList.top();
      if (!queuePop()) continue;
      if (!(u < s_start) && test) return 2; // checks outer loop conditions #2,3 still hold
    state k_old = u;

    if (k_old < calculateKey(u)) { // u is out of date
      insert(u); // u has been removed already, reinsert into pq with new key
    } else if (getG(u) > getRHS(u)) { // needs update (got better)
      for (i=s.begin();i != s.end(); i++) {
    } else {   // g <= rhs, state has got worse
      for (i=s.begin();i != s.end(); i++) {
  return 0;
Exemple #16
/* state Dstar::calculateKey(state u)
 * --------------------------
 * As per [S. Koenig, 2002]
state Dstar::calculateKey(state u) {

  double val = fmin(getRHS(u),getG(u));

  u.k.first  = val + heuristic(u,s_start) + k_m;
  u.k.second = val;

  return u;

Exemple #17
bool Astar::checkOpen(int col, int row, int id)
    // 检查open列表中是否有更小的步长,并排序
    for(int i = _open->count() - 1; i > 0; i--) {
        auto item = (AstarItem*)_open->getObjectAtIndex(i);
        if(item->getCol() == col && item->getRow() == row) {
            int tempG = getG(col, row, id);
            if(tempG < item->getG()) {
                item->setF(tempG + item->getH());
            return false;

    return true;
Exemple #18
/* void Dstar::updateVertex(state u)
 * --------------------------
 * As per [S. Koenig, 2002]
void Dstar::updateVertex(state u) {

  list<state> s;
  list<state>::iterator i;

  if (u != s_goal) {
    double tmp = INFINITY;
    double tmp2;

    for (i=s.begin();i != s.end(); i++) {
      tmp2 = getG(*i) + cost(u,*i);
      if (tmp2 < tmp) tmp = tmp2;
    if (!close(getRHS(u),tmp)) setRHS(u,tmp);

  if (!close(getG(u),getRHS(u))) insert(u);

Exemple #19
peano::applications::faxen::records::RegularGridCell peano::applications::faxen::records::RegularGridCellPacked::convert() const{
   return RegularGridCell(
Exemple #20
void Texture::lock(std::string filename, std::string maskFile, long maskColor, bool mipmap, DEXGL_TEXGEN funcTexGen)
	if (filename != "")
		int width, height;
		long *data = FileBmp::loadBmp(filename, width, height);
		for (int i = 1; i < width; i *= 2);
		for (int j = 1; j < height; j *= 2);
		int newWidth = i;
		int newHeight = j;
		long *newData = FileBmp::resizeBmp(
			data, width, height, newWidth, newHeight
		if (newData)
			delete []data;
			newData = data;
		if (maskFile == "")
			for (long k = 0; k < (long) newWidth * newHeight; k++)
				newData[k] = newData[k] | 0xFF000000;
			long *mask = FileBmp::loadBmp(maskFile, width, height);
			long *newMask = FileBmp::resizeBmp(
				mask, width, height, newWidth, newHeight
			if (newMask)
				delete []mask;
				newMask = mask;
			float r = (float) 1 / (255 * 3);
			for (long k = 0; k < (long) newWidth * newHeight; k++)
				if (maskColor == -1)
					float alpha = (float) (
						getR(newData[k]) +
						getG(newData[k]) +
						) * r;
					newData[k] = newData[k] | (((long) (alpha * 255)) << 24);
					newData[k] = (newMask[k] == maskColor) ?
						(newData[k] | 0xFF000000) : newData[k];
			delete []newMask;
		mNumID = funcTexGen(newData, newWidth, newHeight, mipmap);
		delete []newData;
		mGlow = (maskColor < 0);
Exemple #21
int Astar::getG(int col, int row, int id)
    auto item = (AstarItem*)_close->getObjectAtIndex(id);

    int fx = item->getCol();
    int fy = item->getRow();
    int fg = item->getG();
    if(fx - col != 0 && fy - row != 0) {
        return fg + 14;
    } else {
        return fg + 10;

Exemple #22
void Astar::addtoopen(int col,int row,int id)
    AstarItem * temp = new AstarItem();
	int g = getG(col, row, id);
	int h = getH(col, row);
	temp->setf(g + h);
	resetSort(open->count() - 1);

void FunctionsSingleton::coutAll() const
	std::cout << getD() << std::endl;
	std::cout << getF() << std::endl;
	std::cout << getG() << std::endl;
	std::cout << getM() << std::endl;
	std::cout << getN() << std::endl;
	std::cout << getP() << std::endl;
	std::cout << getQ() << std::endl;
	std::cout << getR() << std::endl;
	std::cout << getW() << std::endl;
	std::cout << "Alpha: " << mAlpha << std::endl;
	std::cout << "Beta: "  << mBeta  << std::endl;
	std::cout << "Gamma: " << mGamma << std::endl;
Exemple #24
void Astar::addToOpen(int col, int row, int id)
    CC_ASSERT(_open != nullptr && "the open is nullptr");

    AstarItem* temp = AstarItem::create();
    temp->setPos(col, row);
    int g = getG(col, row, id);
    int h = getH(col, row);
    temp->setF(g +h);

    resetSort(_open->count() - 1);
Exemple #25
void Pixelgroup::paint(PixelWriterInterface& writer)
  // safeties
  if (!isDirty() && !m_isFlickering) return;
  if (getPixels() == 0 || getSize() == 0) return;
  bool strobeState = !Strobe::isStrobing() || Strobe::getStrobeState();
  bool flickeringDone = false;
  // mark as clean
  for (uint8_t i=0; i<getSize(); i++) {
    uint8_t pixelIndex = getPixels()[i];
    if (m_isFlickering > 0 &&
#ifdef ESP8266
      if ((rand() % 100) > 80) {
      if ((random() % 100) > 80) {
        strobeState &= 0;
        flickeringDone = true;
        // mark as dirty to redraw on next cycle
    // set pixel color (or black)
    // sets color in pixelWriter
    // sets pixelwriter to dirty
    if (!strobeState || flickeringDone) {
      writer.setPixelColor(pixelIndex, 0, 0, 0);
    } else { 
      writer.setPixelColor((uint8_t)pixelIndex, getR(), getG(), getB());
Exemple #26
int main()
	memset(g, -1, sizeof g);
	g[1] = 1;
	long long N;
	scanf("%lld %d", &N, &K);
	long long ans = 0;
	for (int i = 1; i <= N; ++i)
		ans += N / i * N / i % mod * getG(i) % mod;
		ans %= mod;
	printf("%lld\n", ans);
	return 0;
Exemple #27
//                                   CALC UDOT
// To be called from tip to base.
// Temps do not need to be initialized.
// First pass
// ----------
// Given previously-calculated quantities from the State 
//      P       this body's articulated body inertia
//     Phi      composite body child-to-parent shift matrix
//      H       joint transition matrix; sense is transposed from Jain
//      G       P * H * DI
// and supplied arguments
//      F       body force applied to B
//      f       generalize forces applied to B's mobilities
//    udot_p    known udots (if mobilizer is prescribed)
// calculate 
//      z       articulated body residual force on B
//    zPlus     AB residual force as felt on inboard side of mobilizer
//     eps      f - ~H*z  gen force plus gen equiv of body forces
// For a prescribed mobilizer we have zPlus=z. Otherwise, zPlus = z + G*eps.
// This is the first (inward) loop of Algorithm 16.2 on page 323 of Jain's
// 2011 book, modified to include the applied body force and not including
// the auxiliary quantity "nu=DI*eps".
template<int dof, bool noR_FM, bool noX_MB, bool noR_PF> void
RigidBodyNodeSpec<dof, noR_FM, noX_MB, noR_PF>::calcUDotPass1Inward(
    const SBInstanceCache&                  ic,
    const SBTreePositionCache&              pc,
    const SBArticulatedBodyInertiaCache&    abc,
    const SBDynamicsCache&                  dc,
    const Real*                             jointForces,
    const SpatialVec*                       bodyForces,
    const Real*                             allUDot,
    SpatialVec*                             allZ,
    SpatialVec*                             allZPlus,
    Real*                                   allEpsilon) const 
    const Vec<dof>&   f     = fromU(jointForces);
    const SpatialVec& F     = bodyForces[nodeNum];
    SpatialVec&       z     = allZ[nodeNum];
    SpatialVec&       zPlus = allZPlus[nodeNum];
    Vec<dof>&         eps   = toU(allEpsilon);

    const bool isPrescribed = isUDotKnown(ic);
    const HType&              H = getH(pc);
    const ArticulatedInertia& P = getP(abc);
    const HType&              G = getG(abc);

    // z = Pa+b - F
    z = getMobilizerCentrifugalForces(dc) - F; // 6 flops

    // z += P H udot_p if prescribed
    if (isPrescribed && !isUDotKnownToBeZero(ic)) {
        const Vec<dof>& udot = fromU(allUDot);
        z += P*(H*udot); // 66+12*dof flops

    // z += sum(Phi(child) * zPlus(child)) for all children
    for (unsigned i=0; i<children.size(); ++i) {
        const PhiMatrix&  phiChild   = children[i]->getPhi(pc);
        const SpatialVec& zPlusChild = allZPlus[children[i]->getNodeNum()];
        z += phiChild * zPlusChild; // 18 flops

    eps  = f - ~H*z; // 12*dof flops

    zPlus = z;
    if (!isPrescribed)
        zPlus += G*eps; // 12*dof flops
Exemple #28
bool Astar::checkOpen(int col,int row,int id)
	for(int i = open->count() - 1;i > 0;i --){
		if(((AstarItem *)open->objectAtIndex(i))->getcol() == col && ((AstarItem *)open->objectAtIndex(i))->getrow() == row){
		    int tempG = getG(col,row,id);
			if(tempG < ((AstarItem *)open->objectAtIndex(i))->getg()){
			   ((AstarItem *)open->objectAtIndex(i))->setg(tempG);
			   ((AstarItem *)open->objectAtIndex(i))->setfid(id);
			   ((AstarItem *)open->objectAtIndex(i))->setf(tempG + ((AstarItem *)open->objectAtIndex(i))->geth());
			return false;
	return true;
Exemple #29
void peano::applications::faxen::records::RegularGridCellPacked::toString (std::ostream& out) const {
   out << "("; 
   out << "P:" << getP();
   out << ",";
   out << "U:" << getU();
   out << ",";
   out << "V:" << getV();
   out << ",";
   out << "F:" << getF();
   out << ",";
   out << "G:" << getG();
   out << ",";
   out << "rhs:" << getRhs();
   out << ",";
   out << "res:" << getRes();
   out << ",";
   out << "isInside:" << getIsInside();
   out <<  ")";
Exemple #30
// Calculate acceleration in internal coordinates, based on the last set
// of forces that were reduced into epsilon (e.g., see above).
// Base to tip: temp allA_GB does not need to be initialized before
// beginning the iteration.
template<int dof, bool noR_FM, bool noX_MB, bool noR_PF> void 
RigidBodyNodeSpec<dof, noR_FM, noX_MB, noR_PF>::calcUDotPass2Outward(
    const SBInstanceCache&                  ic,
    const SBTreePositionCache&              pc,
    const SBArticulatedBodyInertiaCache&    abc,
    const SBTreeVelocityCache&              vc,
    const SBDynamicsCache&                  dc,
    const Real*                             allEpsilon,
    SpatialVec*                             allA_GB,
    Real*                                   allUDot,
    Real*                                   allTau) const
    const Vec<dof>& eps  = fromU(allEpsilon);
    SpatialVec&     A_GB = allA_GB[nodeNum];
    Vec<dof>&       udot = toU(allUDot);    // pull out this node's udot

    const bool isPrescribed = isUDotKnown(ic);
    const HType&              H   = getH(pc);
    const PhiMatrix&          phi = getPhi(pc);
    const ArticulatedInertia& P   = getP(abc);
    const SpatialVec&         a   = getMobilizerCoriolisAcceleration(vc);
    const Mat<dof,dof>&       DI  = getDI(abc);
    const HType&              G   = getG(abc);

    // Shift parent's acceleration outward (Ground==0). 12 flops
    const SpatialVec& A_GP  = allA_GB[parent->getNodeNum()]; 
    const SpatialVec  APlus = ~phi * A_GP;

    if (isPrescribed) {
        Vec<dof>& tau = updTau(ic,allTau);  // pull out this node's tau
        // This is f - ~H(P*APlus + z); compare Jain 16.17b. Note sign
        // change since our tau is on the LHS while his is on the RHS.
        tau = eps - ~H*(P*APlus); // 66 + 12*dof flops
    } else {
        udot = DI*eps - ~G*APlus; // 2*dof^2 + 11*dof

    A_GB = APlus + H*udot + a;