int main(int argc, char * argv[])
    //checks to make sure that there are 2 arguments - one for input and output
    //Get the input file name...
    char *inputFileName = *(argv + 1);
    char *outputFileName = *(argv + 2);
    //Find out how many students are on the input file...
    int numberOfStudents = getRecordCount(inputFileName);
    //Create the number of students depending on the record count...
    Student listOfStudents[numberOfStudents];
    createStudents(listOfStudents, numberOfStudents);
    //Read the data of the input file...
    FILE *myFile = openFile(inputFileName);
    //Fill out all the student's info...
    fillStudentRecord(myFile, listOfStudents, numberOfStudents);
    //sortStudents using the array of student struct
    sortStudents(listOfStudents, numberOfStudents);
    //Calculate each student's GPA and recorded in the structure...
    getGPA(listOfStudents, numberOfStudents);
    //Calculate each student's Letter Grade and record in the structure...
    getGrade(listOfStudents, numberOfStudents);
    //Create ClassGrade structure pointer...
    ClassGrade *classGrade;
    classGrade = (ClassGrade *)malloc((sizeof classGrade) * 20);
    //Call functions to calculate the scores...
    getScoreAverage(listOfStudents, classGrade, numberOfStudents);
    getMinScore(listOfStudents, classGrade, numberOfStudents);
    getMaxScore(listOfStudents, classGrade, numberOfStudents);
    //Generate and output file with the student grade information
    generateOutputFile(outputFileName, inputFileName, listOfStudents, numberOfStudents);
    //Print out student's info...
    printAllStudents(listOfStudents, classGrade, numberOfStudents, inputFileName, outputFileName);
    return 0;
 * toString()
 * The student object will be put into string representation. Student info will be
 * ordered ID, name, address, phone number, and GPA. Each piece of information will
 * be on its own line. GPA will not have a newline following it and the precision
 * of the GPA will be rounded to two decimal places. For example,
 * 123456789
 * Ben Thompson
 * 17 Russell St, Provo, UT 84606
 * 555-555-5555
 * 3.12
 * Returns a string representation of the student object There is no trailing new line.
string Student::toString() {
	stringstream tt;
	tt << ID << endl << name << endl << address << endl << phone << endl << getGPA();
	return tt.str();
Exemple #3
int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) {
  struct node* root = NULL;
  root = createTree(); // points to root node of tree
  int execute = YES; // while loop control
  int numInserts = 0;

  if ( argc != 2 ) {
    println("No filename provided." );
  } else {
    int numInsertsFromFile = loadFile( root, argv[1] );
    numInserts += numInsertsFromFile;

  while ( execute ) {
    char cmd[MAX_COMMAND_SIZE];
    int studentId, studentId_a, studentId_b, top;
    char courseId[7], courseName[8], grade[3];
    char filename[MAX_COMMAND_SIZE];

    printf("Please enter your action: ");
    scanf("%s", cmd);

    if ( strEqual(cmd, "exit") ) {
      execute = NO;

    } else if ( strEqual(cmd, "printtree") ) {
      printTree( root );

    } else if ( strEqual(cmd, "print") ) {
      printNode( root );
    } else if ( strEqual(cmd, "find") ) {
      scanf("%d", &studentId);
      struct nodeIndex* nodeIndex = search( root, studentId );
      if ( nodeIndex->wasFound ) {
        println("StudentId %d was found in tree.", studentId);
      } else {
        println("StudentId %d was not found in tree.", studentId);
    } else if ( strEqual(cmd, "ins") ) { // studentId, courseId, courseName, grade
      scanf("%d %s %s %s", &studentId, courseId, courseName, grade);
      root = insertData( root, studentId, courseId, courseName, grade); // insert new data
      if ( studentId > 0 ) numInserts++;
    } else if ( strEqual(cmd, "load") ) { // filename
      scanf("%s", filename);
      int numInsertsFromFile = loadFile( root, filename );
      numInserts += numInsertsFromFile;
    } else if ( strEqual(cmd, "range") ) { // studentId_a, studentId_b
      scanf("%d %d", &studentId_a, &studentId_b);
      getInfoInRange( root,  studentId_a, studentId_b );
    } else if ( strEqual(cmd, "gpa") ) { // gpa <studentId>
      scanf("%d", &studentId);
      getGPA( root, studentId );
    } else if ( strEqual(cmd, "gpa_range") ) { // gpa_range <studentId_a> <studentId_b>
      scanf("%d %d", &studentId_a, &studentId_b);
      getGPAinRange( root, studentId_a, studentId_b );

    } else if ( strEqual(cmd, "top") ) {
      scanf("%d", &top);
      getTopCourses( root, top, numInserts );

    } else if ( strEqual(cmd, "verify") ) { // check all nodes to ensure properties of 2-4 tree
      println("STUB: verify.");

    } else if ( strEqual(cmd, "leaves") ) { // check all nodes to ensure properties of 2-4 tree
      traverseLeaves( root );
    } else {
      println("ERROR\nCommand '%s' not recognized.", cmd);

  } // end while

  freeTree( root );
  return 0;