void Heightfield::buildStruct(void)
    hsmap = new HighStruct[W*H];
     * to build the first level, consider that, when we're inside some square
     * and consider the highest possible elevation around with R = 1. This is the
     * 5x5 square around that point (we need 3x3 to cover all possible squares
     * one can reach with radius 1, and then also extend that further with 1 to
     * account for the fact that the heightfield is not composed of solid blocks, but
     * rather a combination of two triangles. The triangles may rise up quite higher,
     * if the neighbouring points of the heightfield are higher; to account for them,
     * we include an extra layer around the 3x3, thus yielding a 5x5.
    for (int y = 0; y < H; y++)
        for (int x = 0; x < W; x++) {
            float maxh = getHeight(x, y);
            for (int dy = -2; dy <= 2; dy++)
                for (int dx = -2; dx <= 2; dx++)
                    maxh = max(maxh, getHeight(x + dx, y + dy));
            hsmap[y * W + x].h[0] = maxh;
     * Here's our structure-building algorithm
     *   Consider the record for (x, y), for various values of k:
     *   for k = 0, we have the highest texel in a 5x5 square, cenrtered in (x, y) (as explained above)
     *   for k = 1, we have the highest texel for a square 7x7 centered in (x, y). We can get that by combining four 5x5 instances
     *              (level 0) at offsets (-1, -1), (-1, 1), (1, -1), (1, 1). There are overlapping texels, but since we only need
     *              the maximum, they don't really matter
     *   for k = 2, we have the highest texel for 11x11 square at (x, y). Find that by integrating four 7x7 instances
     *              at offsets (-2, -2), (-2, 2), (2, -2) and (2, 2).
     *   for k = 3, the squares are 19x19
     *   for k = 4, the squares are 35x35
     * etc, etc...
     *   generally, for any k, we have the highest texel for a (2^(k+1)+3)x(2^(k+1)+3) square (radius 2^k). To compute it, we get four
     *   squares of (k-1) size (i.e. (2^k + 3)x(2^k + 3)) and compute the max of their maxes. The offsets from (x, y) are 2^(k-1).
    // maxK is the number of levels: maxK ~= log2(N)
    maxK = (int) (ceil(log((double) max(W, H)) / log(2.0))) + 1; // +1 to get the diagonal as well
    for (int k = 1; k < maxK; k++) {
        for (int y = 0; y < H; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < W; x++) {
                int offset = 1 << (k - 1);
                float up_left    =  getHighest(x - offset, y - offset, k - 1);
                float up_right   =  getHighest(x + offset, y - offset, k - 1);
                float down_left  =  getHighest(x - offset, y + offset, k - 1);
                float down_right =  getHighest(x + offset, y + offset, k - 1);
                hsmap[y * W + x].h[k] = max(max(up_left, up_right), max(down_left, down_right));
void GLWidget::rangeSearch(TwoDTree::Node *p, RangeQuery &rq, std::vector<QPointF> &includingPoints)
    if (p != nullptr) {
        double l;
        double r;
        double coord;

        if (p->isVertical) {
            l = qMin(rq.p2.y(), rq.p1.y());
            r = qMax(rq.p2.y(), rq.p1.y());
            coord = p->value.y();
        } else {
            l = qMin(rq.p2.x(), rq.p1.x());
            r = qMax(rq.p2.x(), rq.p1.x());
            coord = p->value.x();

        if (p->value.y() <= getHighest(rq) && p->value.y() >= getLowest(rq) &&
            p->value.x() >= getLeftMost(rq) && p->value.x() <= getRightMost(rq)) {
        if (l < coord) {
            rangeSearch(p->left, rq, includingPoints);
        if (r > coord) {
            rangeSearch(p->right, rq, includingPoints);
int main()
		string fileName = getFileName();

		vector<int> numberArray;
		initializeArray(fileName, numberArray);

		cout << "The lowest number is: " << getLowest(numberArray) << endl;
		cout << "The highest number is: " << getHighest(numberArray) << endl;
		cout << "The sum of all these numbers is: " << getSum(numberArray) << endl;
		cout << "The average of all these numbers is: " << setprecision(10) << fixed << getAverage(numberArray) << endl;

	} while (!wantToExit());

	return 0;
void get_best_move(int *result, int idRow, int spaces, int Xcrd, int Ycrd, int NumOfRows, int NumOfCols, int FishArray[NumOfRows][NumOfCols], int AllPengs, int PengArray[AllPengs][3]) {

    int i, j;

    int best_4_moves[4][3]; // spaces, direction, fish

    for(i = 0; i<4; i++)
        for(j=1; j <= 3; j++) {
            best_4_moves[i][0] = j;
            best_4_moves[i][1] = getHighestDir(j, Xcrd, Ycrd, NumOfRows, NumOfCols, FishArray, AllPengs, PengArray);
            best_4_moves[i][2] = getHighest(j, Xcrd, Ycrd, NumOfRows, NumOfCols, FishArray, AllPengs, PengArray);

    result[0] = best_4_moves[0][0];
    result[1] = best_4_moves[0][1];

    for(i = 1; i<4; i++) {
        if(CheckMove(idRow, result[1], result[1], NumOfCols, FishArray, AllPengs, PengArray) == 0) {
            result[0] = best_4_moves[i][0];
            result[1] = best_4_moves[i][1];
Exemple #5
vector<int> CSVop::getHighestrows(vector<int> rows, int col, double precision, bool absolute)
    double maxval;
    maxval = getHighest(col, rows);
    return getrowswtol(rows, col, maxval, precision, absolute);
bool Heightfield::intersect(const Ray& ray, IntersectionInfo& info) const
    double dist = bbox.closestIntersection(ray);
    if (dist >= INF) return false;
    // position p (the current point we consider) at the edge of the BBox
    // and then slowly move it along the heightfield
    Vector p = ray.start + ray.dir * (dist + 1e-6); // step briefly inside the bbox

    Vector step = ray.dir;
    double mx = 1.0 / ray.dir.x; // mx = how much to go along ray.dir until the unit distance along X is traversed
    double mz = 1.0 / ray.dir.z; // same as mx, for Z
    while (bbox.inside(p)) {
        int x0 = (int) floor(p.x);
        int z0 = (int) floor(p.z);
        if (x0 < 0 || x0 >= W || z0 < 0 || z0 >= H) break; // if outside the [0..W)x[0..H) rect, get out
        // try to use the fast structure:
        if (useOptimization) {
            int k = 0;

            // explanation (see below): A is the highest peak around (x0, z0) at radius 2^k
            //  B is the minimum of the starting ray height, and the final height after going
            //  2^k units along the ray. I.e., A is the highest the terrain may go up to;
            //  B is the lowest the ray can go down to. If A < B, then no intersection is possible,
            //  and it is safe to skip 2^k along the ray, and we may even opt to skip more.

            //    while        [         A         ] < [                B                 ]
            while (k < maxK && getHighest(x0, z0, k) < min(p.y, p.y + ray.dir.y * (1 << k)))

            k--; // decrease k, because at k, the test failed; k - 1 is OK
            if (k > 0) {
                p += ray.dir * (1 << k);
            // if the test failed at k = 0, we're too close to the terrain - check for intersection:
        // calculate how much we need to go along ray.dir until we hit the next X voxel boundary:
        double lx = ray.dir.x > 0 ? (ceil(p.x) - p.x) * mx : (floor(p.x) - p.x) * mx;
        // same as lx, for the Z direction:
        double lz = ray.dir.z > 0 ? (ceil(p.z) - p.z) * mz : (floor(p.z) - p.z) * mz;
        // advance p along ray.dir until we hit the next X or Z gridline
        // also, go a little more than that, to assure we're firmly inside the next voxel:
        Vector p_next = p + step * (min(lx, lz) + 1e-6);
        // "p" is position before advancement; p_next is after we take a single step.
        // if any of those are below the height of the nearest four voxels of the heightfield,
        // we need to test the current voxel for intersection:
        if (min(p.y, p_next.y) < maxH[z0 * W + x0]) {
            double l1, l2, closestDist = INF;
            // form ABCD - the four corners of the current voxel, whose heights are taken from the heightmap
            // then form triangles ABD and BCD and try to intersect the ray with each of them:
            Vector A = Vector(x0, getHeight(x0, z0), z0);
            Vector B = Vector(x0 + 1, getHeight(x0 + 1, z0), z0);
            Vector C = Vector(x0 + 1, getHeight(x0 + 1, z0 + 1), z0 + 1);
            Vector D = Vector(x0, getHeight(x0, z0 + 1), z0 + 1);
            Triangle T1, T2;
            T1.AB = B - A;
            T1.AC = D - A;
            T2.AB = C - B;
            T2.AC = D - B;
            T1.ABcrossAC = T1.AB ^ T1.AC;
            T2.ABcrossAC = T2.AB ^ T2.AC;
            if (intersectTriangleFast(ray, A, T1, l1, l2, closestDist) ||
                    intersectTriangleFast(ray, B, T2, l1, l2, closestDist))
                // intersection found: ray hits either triangle ABD or BCD. Which one exactly isn't
                // important, because we calculate the normals by bilinear interpolation of the
                // precalculated normals at the four corners:
                info.distance = closestDist;
                info.ip = ray.start + ray.dir * closestDist;
                if (!(ray.flags & RF_SHADOW)) {
                    info.norm = getNormal((float) info.ip.x, (float) info.ip.z);
                    info.u = info.ip.x / W;
                    info.v = info.ip.z / H;
                    info.g = this;
                return true;
        p = p_next;
    return false;