/** Set value of a TimeSeriesProperty from input workspace
 * @brief AddSampleLog::setTimeSeriesData
 * @param run_obj
 * @param property_name
 * @param value_is_int
void AddSampleLog::setTimeSeriesData(Run &run_obj,
                                     const std::string &property_name,
                                     bool value_is_int) {
  // get input and
  MatrixWorkspace_sptr data_ws = getProperty("TimeSeriesWorkspace");
  int ws_index = getProperty("WorkspaceIndex");
  if (ws_index < 0 ||
      ws_index > static_cast<int>(data_ws->getNumberHistograms()))
    throw std::runtime_error("Input workspace index is out of range");

  // get meta data
  bool epochtime(false);
  std::string timeunit;
  getMetaData(data_ws, epochtime, timeunit);
  bool is_second = timeunit == "Second";

  // convert the data in workspace to time series property value
  std::vector<DateAndTime> time_vec =
      getTimes(data_ws, ws_index, epochtime, is_second, run_obj);
  if (value_is_int) {
    // integer property
    TimeSeriesProperty<int> *int_prop = dynamic_cast<TimeSeriesProperty<int> *>(
    std::vector<int> value_vec = getIntValues(data_ws, ws_index);
    int_prop->addValues(time_vec, value_vec);
  } else {
    // double property
    TimeSeriesProperty<double> *int_prop =
        dynamic_cast<TimeSeriesProperty<double> *>(
    std::vector<double> value_vec = getDblValues(data_ws, ws_index);
    int_prop->addValues(time_vec, value_vec);

int main() {
	//Declares all of the arrays that are to be used
	int fileContents[NUMINTSINFILE];
	int subtractedContents[NUMINTSAFTERSUBTRACTION];
	//Initializes the arrays to 0s
	initializeArray(addedContents, NUMINTSAFTERADDITION);
	initializeArray(fileContents, NUMINTSINFILE);
	initializeArray(subtractedContents, NUMINTSAFTERSUBTRACTION);
	//Declares the file streams to be used
	ifstream inFile;
	ofstream outFile;
	//Gets the input file name
	cout << "Please enter the file name to open: ";
	cin >> inFileName;
	//Gets the output file name
	cout << "Please enter the file name to write to: ";
	cin >> outFileName;
	//Reads in the values from the input file name to the input values array
	if (!inFile.fail()) {
		cout << "Input file found." << endl;
		getIntValues(fileContents, NUMINTSINFILE, inFile);
		toScreen(fileContents, NUMINTSINFILE);
	else {
		cout << "Input file not found. Ending program." << endl;
		return 1;
	//Adds the values per instruction into another array
	addValues(fileContents, addedContents, NUMINTSINFILE, NUMINTSAFTERADDITION);
	//Subtracts the values per instruction into another array
	subtractValues(fileContents, subtractedContents, NUMINTSINFILE, NUMINTSAFTERSUBTRACTION);
	//Outputs the added and subtracted values to the output file name
	if (!outFile.fail()) {
		cout << "Output file found." << endl;
		toScreen(addedContents, NUMINTSAFTERADDITION);
		toScreen(subtractedContents, NUMINTSAFTERSUBTRACTION);
		outFile << "Added values: " << endl;
		for (int i = 0; i < NUMINTSAFTERADDITION; i++) {
			outFile << addedContents[i] << " ";
		outFile << "\nSubtracted values: " << endl;
		for (int i = 0; i < NUMINTSAFTERSUBTRACTION; i++) {
			outFile << subtractedContents[i] << " ";
	else {
		cout << "Output file not found. Ending program." << endl;
		return 1;
	//Closes the file streams as to clean up system
	return 0;