bool ofxTLAudioTrack::togglePlay(){ if(getIsPlaying()){ stop(); } else { play(); } return getIsPlaying(); }
bool ofxTLAudioTrack::togglePlay(){ cout << "ofxTLAudioTrack::togglePlay" << endl; if(getIsPlaying()){ stop(); } else { play(); } return getIsPlaying(); }
bool ofxTLVideoTrack::togglePlay(){ if(!isLoaded()) return false; if(getIsPlaying()){ stop(); } else{ play(); } return getIsPlaying(); }
void AudioPlaybackBlock::togglePlayPause() { if (getIsPlaying()) { pause(); } else { play(); } }
void AudioPlaybackBlock::onIsPlayingChanged() { if (getIsPlaying()) { m_activeNode->setValue(1.0); } else { m_activeNode->setValue(0.0); } }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ofxSoundPlayerFMOD::setVolume(float vol) { if (getIsPlaying() == true){ FMOD_Channel_SetVolume(channel, vol); } volume = vol; }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ofxSoundPlayerFMOD::setPan(float p) { if (getIsPlaying() == true){ FMOD_Channel_SetPan(channel,p); } pan = p; }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ofxSoundPlayerFMOD::setSpeed(float spd) { if (getIsPlaying() == true){ FMOD_Channel_SetFrequency(channel, internalFreq * spd); } speed = spd; }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ofxSoundPlayerFMOD::setPaused(bool bP) { if (getIsPlaying() == true){ FMOD_Channel_SetPaused(channel,bP); bPaused = bP; } }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ofxSoundPlayerFMOD::setLoop(bool bLp) { if (getIsPlaying() == true){ FMOD_Channel_SetMode(channel, (bLp == true) ? FMOD_LOOP_NORMAL : FMOD_LOOP_OFF); } bLoop = bLp; }
void ofxTLAudioTrack::update(){ if(this == timeline->getTimecontrolTrack()){ if(getIsPlaying()){ if(player.getPosition() < lastPercent){ ofxTLPlaybackEventArgs args = timeline->createPlaybackEvent(); ofNotifyEvent(events().playbackLooped, args); } lastPercent = player.getPosition(); //currently only supports timelines with duration == duration of player if(lastPercent < timeline->getInOutRange().min){ //player.setPosition( timeline->getInOutRange().min ); player.setPosition( positionForSecond(timeline->getInTimeInSeconds()) ); } else if(lastPercent > timeline->getInOutRange().max){ if(timeline->getLoopType() == OF_LOOP_NONE){ // player.setPosition(timeline->getInOutRange().max); player.setPosition( positionForSecond(timeline->getInTimeInSeconds()) ); stop(); } else{ // player.setPosition(timeline->getInOutRange().min); player.setPosition( positionForSecond(timeline->getOutTimeInSeconds()) ); } } timeline->setCurrentTimeSeconds(player.getPosition() * player.getDuration()); } } //cout << "audio track " << player.getPosition() << " timeline " << timeline->getPercentComplete() << endl; }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ofxSoundPlayerFMOD::setPosition(float pct) { if (getIsPlaying() == true){ int sampleToBeAt = (int)(length * pct); FMOD_Channel_SetPosition(channel, sampleToBeAt, FMOD_TIMEUNIT_PCM); } }
void AudioPlaybackBlock::play() { if (m_alwaysStartAtBegin) { m_player.resetPosition(); } if (!getIsPlaying()) {; } }
//------------------------------------------------------------ void ofQuicktimeSoundPlayer::setSpeed(float spd){ if (getIsPlaying() == true){ if (fabs(spd - 0) < FLT_EPSILON){ bIWasPlayingAndMySpeedWasSetToZero = true; } else { bIWasPlayingAndMySpeedWasSetToZero = false; } SetMovieRate(soundToPlay, X2Fix(spd)); } speed = spd; }
//------------------------------------------------------------ void ofQuicktimeSoundPlayer::setPaused(bool bP){ if (getIsPlaying() == true){ bPaused = bP; if (bP == true){ StopMovie(soundToPlay); } else { StartMovie(soundToPlay); } } }
void ofxTLAudioTrack::draw(){ if(!soundLoaded || player.getBuffer().size() == 0){ ofPushStyle(); ofSetColor(timeline->getColors().disabledColor); ofRectangle(bounds); ofPopStyle(); return; } if(shouldRecomputePreview || viewIsDirty){ // cout << "recomputing waveform for audio file " << getSoundfilePath() << endl; recomputePreview(); } ofPushStyle(); ofSetColor(timeline->getColors().keyColor); ofNoFill(); for(int i = 0; i < previews.size(); i++){ ofPushMatrix(); ofTranslate( normalizedXtoScreenX(computedZoomBounds.min, zoomBounds) - normalizedXtoScreenX(zoomBounds.min, zoomBounds), 0, 0); ofScale(computedZoomBounds.span()/zoomBounds.span(), 1, 1); previews[i].draw(); ofPopMatrix(); } ofPopStyle(); if(getIsPlaying() || timeline->getIsPlaying()){ ofPushStyle(); //will refresh fft bins for other calls too vector<float>& bins = getFFTSpectrum(defaultFFTBins); float binWidth = bounds.width / bins.size(); //find max float averagebin = 0 ; for(int i = 0; i < bins.size(); i++){ maxBinReceived = MAX(maxBinReceived, bins[i]); averagebin += bins[i]; } averagebin /= bins.size(); ofFill(); ofSetColor(timeline->getColors().disabledColor, 120); for(int i = 0; i < bins.size(); i++){ float height = bounds.height * bins[i]/maxBinReceived; float y = bounds.y + bounds.height - height; ofRect(i*binWidth, y, binWidth, height); } ofPopStyle(); } }
//------------------------------------------------------------ int ofFmodSoundPlayer::getPositionMS(){ if (getIsPlaying() == true){ unsigned int sampleImAt; FMOD_Channel_GetPosition(channel, &sampleImAt, FMOD_TIMEUNIT_MS); return sampleImAt; } else { return 0; } }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool ofxSoundPlayerFMOD::getLoop() { FMOD_MODE mode; if (getIsPlaying() == true) { FMOD_Channel_GetMode(channel,&mode); if(mode == FMOD_LOOP_NORMAL) { return true; } } return false; }
//------------------------------------------------------------ float ofFmodSoundPlayer::getPosition(){ if (getIsPlaying() == true){ unsigned int sampleImAt; FMOD_Channel_GetPosition(channel, &sampleImAt, FMOD_TIMEUNIT_PCM); float pct = 0.0f; if (length > 0){ pct = sampleImAt / (float)length; } return pct; } else { return 0; } }
//------------------------------------------------------------ float ofQuicktimeSoundPlayer::getPosition(){ if (getIsPlaying() == true){ unsigned int sampleImAt; // TODO: get position float pct = 0.0f; if (length > 0){ pct = sampleImAt / (float)length; } return pct; } else { return 0; } }
void Sample::generateWaveForm(vector<MiniMaxima> * _waveForm) { _waveForm->clear(); bool loopState = getIsLooping(); setLooping(false); bool playState = getIsPlaying(); double tmpSpeed = getSpeed(); setSpeed(1.0f); play(); // waveform display method based on this discussion double sampleL, sampleR; while ((long)position<getLength()) { MiniMaxima mm; mm.minL = mm.minR = mm.maxL = mm.maxR = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++){ if(myChannels == 1) { sampleL = update(); sampleR = sampleL; } else { sampleL = update()*0.5; sampleR = update()*0.5; } mm.minL = MIN(mm.minL, sampleL); mm.minR = MIN(mm.minR, sampleR); mm.maxL = MAX(mm.maxL, sampleL); mm.maxR = MAX(mm.maxR, sampleR); } _waveForm->push_back(mm); //cout << mm.minR << " :: " << mm.maxR << " :: " << mm.minL << " :: " << mm.maxL << endl; } position = 0; setLooping(loopState); setSpeed(tmpSpeed); if(playState) play(); }
void ofxTLVideoTrack::play(){ if(isLoaded() && !getIsPlaying()){ if(player->getIsMovieDone()){ player->setFrame(inFrame); } if(getCurrentFrame() >= timeline->getOutFrame()){ player->setFrame(timeline->getInFrame()); } // #ifdef OF_VIDEO_PLAYER_QUICKTIME player->setSpeed(1.0); // #endif player->play(); ofxTLPlaybackEventArgs args = timeline->createPlaybackEvent(); ofNotifyEvent(events().playbackStarted, args); currentlyPlaying = true; } }
void ofxTLVideoTrack::stop(){ if(!isLoaded()){ return; } player->setSpeed(0); if(isLoaded() && getIsPlaying()){ // cout << "stopping playback" << endl; #ifdef OF_VIDEO_PLAYER_QUICKTIME player->setSpeed(0.0); #else player->stop(); #endif ofxTLPlaybackEventArgs args = timeline->createPlaybackEvent(); ofNotifyEvent(events().playbackEnded, args); currentlyPlaying = false; // cout << "player is playing? " << player->isPlaying() << endl; if(timeline->getTimecontrolTrack() == this){ timeline->setPercentComplete(player->getPosition()); } } }
//------------------------------------------------------------ void ofQuicktimeSoundPlayer::setPan(float p){ if (getIsPlaying() == true){ SetMovieAudioBalance(soundToPlay, pan, 0); } pan = p; }
//------------------------------------------------------------ void ofQuicktimeSoundPlayer::setLoop(bool bLp){ if (getIsPlaying() == true){ // TODO: set looping } bLoop = bLp; }
//void ofxTLVideoTrack::update(ofEventArgs& args){ void ofxTLVideoTrack::update(){ if(!isLoaded()){ return; } if(timeline->getTimecontrolTrack() == this){ if(timeline->getIsFrameBased()){ timeline->setCurrentFrame(player->getCurrentFrame()); } else { timeline->setCurrentTimeSeconds(player->getPosition()*player->getDuration()); } if(getIsPlaying()){ //no longer used if(player->getCurrentFrame() < inFrame || player->getCurrentFrame() > outFrame){ // cout << "reset in frame from " << player->getCurrentFrame() << endl; player->setFrame(inFrame); // cout << " to: " << player->getCurrentFrame() << endl; } if(selectedFrame > player->getCurrentFrame()){ currentLoop++; //cout << "LOOPED! with last frame " << lastFrame << " " << player->getCurrentFrame() << " current loop " << currentLoop << endl; } //if(timeline->getInOutRange().max < player->getPosition()){ if(timeline->getOutFrame() <= player->getCurrentFrame() || player->getIsMovieDone()){ // cout << " OVER " << endl; if(timeline->getLoopType() == OF_LOOP_NONE){ // cout << " no loop g" << endl; stop(); } else { int loopFrame = timeline->getInFrame(); selectFrame(loopFrame); if(playAlongToTimeline){ player->play(); } ofxTLPlaybackEventArgs args = timeline->createPlaybackEvent(); ofNotifyEvent(events().playbackLooped, args); } } //else if(timeline->getInOutRange().min > player->getPosition()){ if(timeline->getInFrame() > player->getCurrentFrame()){ //cout << "looping frame " << timeline->getInFrame() << endl; int loopFrame = timeline->getInFrame(); selectFrame(loopFrame); } //timeline->setPercentComplete(player->getPosition()); } else{ // if(player->getSpeed() != 0){ // player->setSpeed(0); // } if(player->isPlaying()){ stop(); } } } else { if(timeline->getCurrentTime() > player->getDuration()){ player->stop(); } } player->update(); // cout << "timeline frame vs video frame " << player->getCurrentFrame() << " vs " << timeline->getCurrentFrame() << endl; selectedFrame = player->getCurrentFrame(); }
void ofxTLAudioTrack::draw(){ if(!soundLoaded || player.getBuffer().size() == 0){ ofPushStyle(); ofSetColor(timeline->getColors().disabledColor); ofRectangle(bounds); ofPopStyle(); return; } if(shouldRecomputePreview || viewIsDirty){ recomputePreview(); } //cout << "ofxTLAudioTrack::draw" << endl; ofSetColor(255, 255, 255, 205); ofFill(); ofRect(bounds); ofPushStyle(); //ofSetColor(timeline->getColors().keyColor); ofSetColor(0, 0 , 0, 255); ofNoFill(); for(int i = 0; i < previews.size(); i++){ ofPushMatrix(); ofTranslate( normalizedXtoScreenX(computedZoomBounds.min, zoomBounds) - normalizedXtoScreenX(zoomBounds.min, zoomBounds), 0, 0); ofScale(computedZoomBounds.span()/zoomBounds.span(), 1, 1); previews[i].draw(); ofPopMatrix(); } ofPopStyle(); if(getIsPlaying() || timeline->getIsPlaying()){ ofPushStyle(); //will refresh fft bins for other calls too vector<float>& bins = getFFTSpectrum(defaultFFTBins); float binWidth = bounds.width / bins.size(); //find max float averagebin = 0 ; for(int i = 0; i < bins.size(); i++){ maxBinReceived = MAX(maxBinReceived, bins[i]); averagebin += bins[i]; } averagebin /= bins.size(); ofFill(); ofSetColor(timeline->getColors().disabledColor, 120); for(int i = 0; i < bins.size(); i++){ float height = bounds.height * bins[i]/maxBinReceived; float y = bounds.y + bounds.height - height; ofRect(bounds.x + i*binWidth, y, binWidth, height); } ofPopStyle(); } // playhead ofPushStyle(); ofSetColor(0, 0, 0, 255); float x = normalizedXtoScreenX( oldpos, zoomBounds); ofLine(x, bounds.y, x, bounds.y + bounds.height); ofSetLineWidth(3); ofPopStyle(); /* float pos = player.getPosition(); if (pos) { ofxTLZoomer2D *zoom = (ofxTLZoomer2D*)timeline->getZoomer(); ofRange z = zoom->getViewRange(); ofRange oldz = z; float c =; float d = pos - c; z.min = ofClamp(z.min + d, 0, 1); z.max = ofClamp(z.max + d, 0, 1); if (z.min == .0 && z.span() < oldz.span()) z.max = oldz.max - oldz.min; if (z.max == 1. && z.span() < oldz.span()) z.min = z.max - oldz.max + oldz.min; }*/ // draw markers: for (vector<AlignMarker>::iterator m = markers.begin(); m != markers.end(); m++) { float xn = screenXtoNormalizedX(millisToScreenX(m->ms)); if (zoomBounds.contains(xn)) { float x = timeline->normalizedXtoScreenX(xn, zoomBounds); if (m->selected) ofSetColor(255, 0, 0, 255); else ofSetColor(0, 0, 0, 255); ofLine(x, bounds.y, x, bounds.y+bounds.height); m->rect = ofRectangle(x - 5, bounds.y + bounds.height - 12, 10, 10); ofSetColor(10, 0, 200, 100); ofFill(); ofRect(m->rect); //cout << "m:" << m->ms << endl; ofSetColor(0, 0, 0, 255); timeline->getFont().drawString(ofToString(m->ms), x+1, bounds.y + 30); } } }
void ofFmodSoundPlayer::setPositionMS(int ms) { if (getIsPlaying() == true){ FMOD_Channel_SetPosition(channel, ms, FMOD_TIMEUNIT_MS); } }
void AudioPlaybackBlock::pause() { if (getIsPlaying()) { m_player.pause(); } }
//------------------------------------------------------------ void ofQuicktimeSoundPlayer::setVolume(float vol){ if (getIsPlaying() == true){ SetMovieVolume(soundToPlay, vol*255); } volume = vol; }