MSActuatedTrafficLightLogic::gapControl() {
    //intergreen times should not be lenghtend
    assert((int)myPhases.size() > myStep);
    double result = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
    if (!getCurrentPhaseDef().isGreenPhase()) {
        return result; // end current phase

    // Checks, if the maxDuration is kept. No phase should longer send than maxDuration.
    SUMOTime actDuration = MSNet::getInstance()->getCurrentTimeStep() - myPhases[myStep]->myLastSwitch;
    if (actDuration >= getCurrentPhaseDef().maxDuration) {
        return result; // end current phase

    // now the gapcontrol starts
    const std::string& state = getCurrentPhaseDef().getState();
    for (int i = 0; i < (int) state.size(); i++)  {
        if (state[i] == LINKSTATE_TL_GREEN_MAJOR || state[i] == LINKSTATE_TL_GREEN_MINOR) {
            const std::vector<MSLane*>& lanes = getLanesAt(i);
            for (LaneVector::const_iterator j = lanes.begin(); j != lanes.end(); j++) {
                if (myInductLoops.find(*j) == myInductLoops.end()) {
                if (!MSGlobals::gUseMesoSim) { // why not check outside the loop? (Leo)
                    const double actualGap = static_cast<MSInductLoop*>(myInductLoops.find(*j)->second)->getTimeSinceLastDetection();
                    if (actualGap < myMaxGap) {
                        result = MIN2(result, actualGap);
    return result;
MSAgentbasedTrafficLightLogic::collectData() throw() {
    //collects the traffic data

    // gets a copy of the driveMask
    const std::string &state = getCurrentPhaseDef().getState();
    // finds the maximum QUEUE_LENGTH_AHEAD_OF_TRAFFIC_LIGHTS_IN_VEHICLES of one phase
    SUMOReal maxPerPhase = 0;
    for (unsigned int i=0; i<(unsigned int) state.size(); i++)  {
           of all lanes of a bit of the drivemask, that shows green */
        if (state[i]==MSLink::LINKSTATE_TL_GREEN_MAJOR||state[i]==MSLink::LINKSTATE_TL_GREEN_MINOR) {
            const std::vector<MSLane*> &lanes = getLanesAt(i);
            if (lanes.empty())    {
            SUMOReal maxPerBit = 0;
            for (LaneVector::const_iterator j=lanes.begin(); j!=lanes.end(); j++) {
                if ((*j)->getEdge().getPurpose()==MSEdge::EDGEFUNCTION_INTERNAL) {
                SUMOReal tmp = currentForLane(E2::QUEUE_LENGTH_AHEAD_OF_TRAFFIC_LIGHTS_IN_VEHICLES, *j);
                if (maxPerBit < tmp)  {
                    maxPerBit = tmp;
                E2DetectorMap::const_iterator it=myE2Detectors.find(*j);
            if (maxPerPhase < maxPerBit) {
                maxPerPhase = maxPerBit;
    // if still no entry for the phase exists a new entry with an empty value is created
    if (myRawDetectorData.find(myStep) == myRawDetectorData.end()) {
        ValueType firstData;
        myRawDetectorData[myStep] = firstData;
    /* checks whether the number of values that are already in the dataqueue is
       the same number of values taht shall be consideres in the traffic control
       if both numbers are the same, the oldest value is deleted */
    if (myRawDetectorData[myStep].size()== numberOfValues) {
    // adds the detectorvalue of the considered phase