Exemple #1
  Creates a declaration for the object given in \a e.

  Children are not traversed recursively.

  \sa createObjectImpl()
void Uic::createObjectDecl( const QDomElement& e )
    if ( e.tagName() == "vbox" ) {
	out << "    QVBoxLayout* " << registerObject(getLayoutName(e) ) << ";" << endl;
    } else if ( e.tagName() == "hbox" ) {
	out << "    QHBoxLayout* " << registerObject(getLayoutName(e) ) << ";" << endl;
    } else if ( e.tagName() == "grid" ) {
	out << "    QGridLayout* " << registerObject(getLayoutName(e) ) << ";" << endl;
    } else {
	QString objClass = getClassName( e );
	if ( objClass.isEmpty() )
	QString objName = getObjectName( e );
	if ( objName.isEmpty() )
	// ignore QLayoutWidgets
	if ( objClass == "QLayoutWidget" )
	// register the object and unify its name
	objName = registerObject( objName );
	if ( objClass == "Line" )
	    objClass = "QFrame";
	else if (objClass == "Spacer")
	    objClass = "QSpacerItem";
	out << "    " << objClass << "* " << objName << ";" << endl;
Exemple #2
  Creates a declaration for the object given in \a e.

  Children are not traversed recursively.

  \sa createObjectImpl()
void Uic::createObjectDecl( const QDomElement& e )
    if ( e.tagName() == "vbox" || e.tagName() == "hbox" || e.tagName() == "grid" ) {
	out << indent << registerObject(getLayoutName(e) ) << endl;
    } else {
	QString objClass = getClassName( e );
	if ( objClass.isEmpty() )
	QString objName = getObjectName( e );
	if ( objName.isEmpty() )
	// ignore QLayoutWidgets
	if ( objClass == "Qt::LayoutWidget" )

        // register the object and unify its name
	objName = registerObject( objName );
	out << indent << objName << endl;
Exemple #3
  Creates the implementation of a layout tag. Called from createObjectImpl().
QString Uic::createLayoutImpl( const QDomElement &e, const QString& parentClass, const QString& parent, const QString& layout )
    QDomElement n;
    QString objClass, objName;
    objClass = e.tagName();

    QString qlayout = "QVBoxLayout";
    if ( objClass == "hbox" )
	qlayout = "QHBoxLayout";
    else if ( objClass == "grid" )
	qlayout = "QGridLayout";

    bool isGrid = e.tagName() == "grid" ;
    objName = registerObject( getLayoutName( e ) );
    layoutObjects += objName;

    QString margin = DomTool::readProperty( e, "margin", defMargin ).toString();
    QString spacing = DomTool::readProperty( e, "spacing", defSpacing ).toString();
    QString resizeMode = DomTool::readProperty( e, "resizeMode", QString::null ).toString();

    QString optcells;
    if ( isGrid )
	optcells = "1, 1, ";
    if ( (parentClass == "QGroupBox" || parentClass == "QButtonGroup") && layout.isEmpty() ) {
	// special case for group box
	out << indent << parent << "->setColumnLayout(0, Qt::Vertical );" << endl;
	out << indent << parent << "->layout()->setSpacing( " << spacing << " );" << endl;
	out << indent << parent << "->layout()->setMargin( " << margin << " );" << endl;
	out << indent << objName << " = new " << qlayout << "( " << parent << "->layout() );" << endl;
	out << indent << objName << "->setAlignment( Qt::AlignTop );" << endl;
    } else {
	out << indent << objName << " = new " << qlayout << "( ";
	if ( layout.isEmpty() )
	    out << parent;
	else {
	    out << "0";
	    if ( !DomTool::hasProperty( e, "margin" ) )
		margin = "0";
	out << ", " << optcells << margin << ", " << spacing << ", \"" << objName << "\"); " << endl;
    if ( !resizeMode.isEmpty() )
	out << indent << objName << "->setResizeMode( QLayout::" << resizeMode << " );" << endl;

    if ( !isGrid ) {
	for ( n = e.firstChild().toElement(); !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling().toElement() ) {
	    if ( n.tagName() == "spacer" ) {
		QString child = createSpacerImpl( n, parentClass, parent, objName );
		out << indent << objName << "->addItem( " << child << " );" << endl;
	    } else if ( tags.contains( n.tagName() ) ) {
		QString child = createObjectImpl( n, parentClass, parent, objName );
		if ( isLayout( child ) )
		    out << indent << objName << "->addLayout( " << child << " );" << endl;
		    out << indent << objName << "->addWidget( " << child << " );" << endl;
    } else {
	for ( n = e.firstChild().toElement(); !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling().toElement() ) {
	    QDomElement ae = n;
	    int row = ae.attribute( "row" ).toInt();
	    int col = ae.attribute( "column" ).toInt();
	    int rowspan = ae.attribute( "rowspan" ).toInt();
	    int colspan = ae.attribute( "colspan" ).toInt();
	    if ( rowspan < 1 )
		rowspan = 1;
	    if ( colspan < 1 )
		colspan = 1;
	    if ( n.tagName() == "spacer" ) {
		QString child = createSpacerImpl( n, parentClass, parent, objName );
		if ( rowspan * colspan != 1 )
		    out << indent << objName << "->addMultiCell( " << child << ", "
			<< row << ", " << ( row + rowspan - 1 ) << ", " << col << ", " << ( col  + colspan - 1 ) << " );" << endl;
		    out << indent << objName << "->addItem( " << child << ", "
			<< row << ", " << col << " );" << endl;
	    } else if ( tags.contains( n.tagName() ) ) {
		QString child = createObjectImpl( n, parentClass, parent, objName );
		out << endl;
		QString o = "Widget";
		if ( isLayout( child ) )
		    o = "Layout";
		if ( rowspan * colspan != 1 )
		    out << indent << objName << "->addMultiCell" << o << "( " << child << ", "
			<< row << ", " << ( row + rowspan - 1 ) << ", " << col << ", " << ( col  + colspan - 1 ) << " );" << endl;
		    out << indent << objName << "->add" << o << "( " << child << ", "
			<< row << ", " << col << " );" << endl;

    return objName;