Exemple #1
Color Lambert::shade(const Ray& ray, const IntersectionInfo& info)
	Color diffuse = texture ? texture->sample(info) : this->color;
	Vector v1 = info.normal;
	Vector v2 = lightPos - info.ip;
	double lambertCoeff = dot(v1, v2);
	return ambientLight * diffuse
		+ diffuse * lambertCoeff * getLightContrib(info);
Exemple #2
Color Phong::shade(const Ray& ray, const IntersectionInfo& info)

	Color diffuse = texture ? texture->sample(info) : this->color;

	Color result(0, 0, 0);
	for (auto& light: scene.lights) {
		int N = 1;
		Color sum (0, 0, 0);
		for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
			Vector lightPos;
			Color lightColor;
			light->getNthSample(i, info.ip, lightPos, lightColor);
			Vector v2 = info.ip - lightPos; // from light towards the intersection point
			Vector v1 = faceforward(ray.dir, info.normal); // orient so that surface points to the light
			double lambertCoeff = dot(v1, -v2);
			Color fromLight = getLightContrib(info, lightPos, lightColor);

			Vector r = reflect(v2, v1);
			Vector toCamera = -ray.dir;
			double cosGamma = dot(toCamera, r);
			double phongCoeff;
			if (cosGamma > 0)
				phongCoeff = pow(cosGamma, specularExponent);
				phongCoeff = 0;

			sum += diffuse * lambertCoeff * fromLight
				  + (phongCoeff * specularMultiplier * fromLight);

		result += sum / N;
	result += scene.settings.ambientLight * diffuse;
	return result;

Exemple #3
Color Phong::shade(const Ray& ray, const IntersectionInfo& info)
	Color diffuse = texture ? texture->sample(info) : this->color;
	Vector v1 = info.normal;
	Vector v2 = lightPos - info.ip;
	double lambertCoeff = dot(v1, v2);
	double fromLight = getLightContrib(info);
	Vector r = reflect(info.ip - lightPos, info.normal);
	Vector toCamera = -ray.dir;
	double cosGamma = dot(toCamera, r);
	double phongCoeff;
	if (cosGamma > 0)
		phongCoeff = pow(cosGamma, specularExponent);
		phongCoeff = 0;
	return ambientLight * diffuse
		+ diffuse * lambertCoeff * fromLight
		+ Color(1, 1, 1) * (phongCoeff * specularMultiplier * fromLight);
Exemple #4
Color Lambert::shade(const Ray& ray, const IntersectionInfo& info)
	Color diffuse = texture ? texture->sample(info) : this->color;

	Color result(0, 0, 0);
	for (auto& light: scene.lights) {
		int N = light->getNumSamples();
		Color sum (0, 0, 0);
		for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
			Vector lightPos;
			Color lightColor;
			light->getNthSample(i, info.ip, lightPos, lightColor);
			Vector v2 = info.ip - lightPos; // from light towards the intersection point
			Vector v1 = faceforward(ray.dir, info.normal); // orient so that surface points to the light
			double lambertCoeff = dot(v1, -v2);
			sum += diffuse * lambertCoeff * getLightContrib(info, lightPos, lightColor);
		result += sum / N;
    result += scene.settings.ambientLight * diffuse;
	return result;
