bool VoxelProjectedPolygon::pointInside(const glm::vec2& point) const {
    // first check the bounding boxes, the point must be fully within the boounding box of this shadow
    if ((point.x > getMaxX()) ||
        (point.y > getMaxY()) ||
        (point.x < getMinX()) ||
        (point.y < getMinY())) {
        return false;

    float e = (getMaxX() - getMinX()) / 100.0f; // some epsilon
    // We need to have one ray that goes from a known outside position to the point in question. We'll pick a
    // start point just outside of our min X
    glm::vec2 r1p1(getMinX() - e, point.y);
    glm::vec2 r1p2(point);

    glm::vec2 r2p1(getVertex(getVertexCount()-1)); // start with last vertex to first vertex
    glm::vec2 r2p2;
    // Test the ray against all sides
    int intersections = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < getVertexCount(); i++) {
        r2p2 = getVertex(i);
        if (doLineSegmentsIntersect(r1p1, r1p2, r2p1, r2p2)) {
        r2p1 = r2p2; // set up for next side

    // If odd number of intersections, we're inside    
    return ((intersections & 1) == 1);
Exemple #2
bool GameLayer:: iscollision(Sprite *sprite1, Sprite *sprite2){
    auto rect1 = sprite1->getBoundingBox();//子弹
    auto rect2 = sprite2->getBoundingBox();//怪物

   return !(rect1.getMaxX() < rect2.getMinX() ||
            rect2.getMaxX() <  rect1.getMinX() ||
            rect1.getMaxY() < rect2.getMinY() ||
            rect2.getMaxY() <rect1.getMinY());
Exemple #3
    float Field::getDistanceToFieldX(float x)
        float distance = 0;

        if (x < getMinX())
            distance = getMinX() - x;

        else if (x > getMaxX())
            distance = x - getMaxX();

        return distance;
 bool isOverlapping(const Rectangle& rect) const
   /* Ugly, but correct. FIXME */
     (insideInterval(rect.getMinX(), getMinX(), getMaxX()) ||
      insideInterval(rect.getMaxX(), getMinX(), getMaxX()) ||
      insideInterval(getMinX(), rect.getMinX(), rect.getMaxX()) ||
      insideInterval(getMaxX(), rect.getMinX(), rect.getMaxX())) &&
     (insideInterval(rect.getMinY(), getMinY(), getMaxY()) ||
      insideInterval(rect.getMaxY(), getMinY(), getMaxY()) ||
      insideInterval(getMinY(), rect.getMinY(), rect.getMaxY()) ||
      insideInterval(getMaxY(), rect.getMinY(), rect.getMaxY()));
Exemple #5
bool Bonus::isCollidePlayer()
	auto player = GameScene::getTankM()->getPlayerTank();
	if (player == nullptr)
		return false;
	auto boundingBox1 = player->getBoundingBox();
	auto boundingBox2 = this->getBoundingBox();
	/* 不使用intersectsRect,因为边缘重合的时候并不算 */
	return !(boundingBox1.getMaxX() <= boundingBox2.getMinX() ||
		boundingBox2.getMaxX() <= boundingBox1.getMinX() ||
		boundingBox1.getMaxY() <= boundingBox2.getMinY() ||
		boundingBox2.getMaxY() <= boundingBox1.getMinY());
Exemple #6
void Ball::move(float delta) {
    this->setPosition(getPosition() + getVelocity() * delta);

    auto bBox = getBoundingBox();
    auto ballRight = bBox.getMaxX();
    auto ballLeft = bBox.getMinX();
    if (ballRight > VisibleRect::right().x) {
        setPosition(Point(VisibleRect::right().x - radius(),
                          getPosition().y) );
        _velocity.x *= -1;
    } else if (ballLeft < VisibleRect::left().x) {
        setPosition(Point(VisibleRect::left().x + radius(),
                          getPosition().y) );
        _velocity.x *= -1;
    if (getPosition().y > VisibleRect::top().y - radius()) {
                          VisibleRect::top().y - radius()));
        _velocity.y *= -1;
    } else if (getPosition().y < VisibleRect::bottom().y + radius()) {
                          VisibleRect::bottom().y + radius()));
        _velocity.y *= -1;
bool VoxelProjectedPolygon::occludes(const VoxelProjectedPolygon& occludee, bool checkAllInView) const {
    // if we are completely out of view, then we definitely don't occlude!
    // if the occludee is completely out of view, then we also don't occlude it
    // this is true, but unfortunately, we're not quite handling projects in the
    // case when SOME points are in view and others are not. So, we will not consider
    // occlusion for any shadows that are partially in view.
    if (checkAllInView && (!getAllInView() || !occludee.getAllInView())) {
        return false;

    // first check the bounding boxes, the occludee must be fully within the boounding box of this shadow
    if ((occludee.getMaxX() > getMaxX()) ||
        (occludee.getMaxY() > getMaxY()) ||
        (occludee.getMinX() < getMinX()) ||
        (occludee.getMinY() < getMinY())) {
        return false;
    // if we got this far, then check each vertex of the occludee, if all those points
    // are inside our polygon, then the tested occludee is fully occluded
    for(int i = 0; i < occludee.getVertexCount(); i++) {
        if (!pointInside(occludee.getVertex(i))) {
            return false;
    // if we got this far, then indeed the occludee is fully occluded by us
    return true;
bool OctreeProjectedPolygon::pointInside(const glm::vec2& point, bool* matchesVertex) const {


    // first check the bounding boxes, the point must be fully within the boounding box of this polygon
    if ((point.x > getMaxX()) ||
            (point.y > getMaxY()) ||
            (point.x < getMinX()) ||
            (point.y < getMinY())) {
        return false;

    // consider each edge of this polygon as a potential separating axis
    // check the point against each edge
    for (int i = 0; i < getVertexCount(); i++) {
        glm::vec2 start = getVertex(i);
        glm::vec2 end   = getVertex((i + 1) % getVertexCount());
        float a = start.y - end.y;
        float b = end.x - start.x;
        float c = a * start.x + b * start.y;
        if (a * point.x + b * point.y < c) {
            return false;

    return true;
Exemple #9
Envelope::translate(double transX, double transY)
	if (isNull()) return;
	init(getMinX() + transX, getMaxX() + transX,
		getMinY() + transY, getMaxY() + transY);
Exemple #10
bool DRect::intersectsRect(const DRect& rect) const
    return !(   getMaxX() < rect.getMinX()
             || rect.getMaxX() < getMinX()
             || getMaxY() < rect.getMinY()
             || rect.getMaxY() < getMinY());
 /* Get the rectangle which is big enough to hold both rectangles */
 Rectangle getUnion(const Rectangle& rect) const
   return Rectangle(
     std::min(getMinX(), rect.getMinX()),
     std::max(getMaxX(), rect.getMaxX()),
     std::min(getMinY(), rect.getMinY()),
     std::max(getMaxY(), rect.getMaxY()));  
bool Boundingbox::CollideBox(Boundingbox* _Box)
	if (getMinX() > _Box->getMaxX()) return false;
	if (getMaxX() < _Box->getMinX()) return false;
	if (getMinY() > _Box->getMaxY()) return false;
	if (getMaxY() < _Box->getMinY()) return false;
	return true;
Exemple #13
Envelope::centre(Coordinate& centre) const
	if (isNull()) return false;
	centre.x=(getMinX() + getMaxX()) / 2.0;
	centre.y=(getMinY() + getMaxY()) / 2.0;
	return true;
// can be optimized with new pointInside()
bool OctreeProjectedPolygon::occludes(const OctreeProjectedPolygon& occludee, bool checkAllInView) const {


    // if we are completely out of view, then we definitely don't occlude!
    // if the occludee is completely out of view, then we also don't occlude it
    // this is true, but unfortunately, we're not quite handling projects in the
    // case when SOME points are in view and others are not. So, we will not consider
    // occlusion for any shadows that are partially in view.
    if (checkAllInView && (!getAllInView() || !occludee.getAllInView())) {
        return false;

    // first check the bounding boxes, the occludee must be fully within the boounding box of this shadow
    if ((occludee.getMaxX() > getMaxX()) ||
            (occludee.getMaxY() > getMaxY()) ||
            (occludee.getMinX() < getMinX()) ||
            (occludee.getMinY() < getMinY())) {
        return false;

    // we need to test for identity as well, because in the case of identity, none of the points
    // will be "inside" but we don't want to bail early on the first non-inside point
    bool potentialIdenity = false;
    if ((occludee.getVertexCount() == getVertexCount()) && (getBoundingBox().contains(occludee.getBoundingBox())) ) {
        potentialIdenity = true;
    // if we got this far, then check each vertex of the occludee, if all those points
    // are inside our polygon, then the tested occludee is fully occluded
    int pointsInside = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < occludee.getVertexCount(); i++) {
        bool vertexMatched = false;
        if (!pointInside(occludee.getVertex(i), &vertexMatched)) {

            // so the point we just tested isn't inside, but it might have matched a vertex
            // if it didn't match a vertext, then we bail because we can't be an identity
            // or if we're not expecting identity, then we also bail early, no matter what
            if (!potentialIdenity || !vertexMatched) {
                return false;
        } else {

    // we're only here if all points are inside matched and/or we had a potentialIdentity we need to check
    if (pointsInside == occludee.getVertexCount()) {
        return true;

    // If we have the potential for identity, then test to see if we match, if we match, we occlude
    if (potentialIdenity) {
        return matches(occludee);

    return false; // if we got this far, then we're not occluded
Exemple #15
bool EnemyPlane::isStillOnScreen()
    auto boundings = getParent()->getBoundingBox();
    bool planeIsOnScreen = ( this->getPositionX()-19 < boundings.getMaxX() && this->getPositionX()-19 > boundings.getMinX() &&
    this->getPositionY()-19 < boundings.getMaxY() && this->getPositionY()-19  > boundings.getMinY());

    return planeIsOnScreen;
void CubeProjectedPolygon::printDebugDetails() const {
    qCDebug(shared, "CubeProjectedPolygon..."
            "    minX=%f maxX=%f minY=%f maxY=%f", (double)getMinX(), (double)getMaxX(), (double)getMinY(), (double)getMaxY());
    qCDebug(shared, "    vertex count=%d distance=%f", getVertexCount(), (double)getDistance());
    for (int i = 0; i < getVertexCount(); i++) {
        glm::vec2 point = getVertex(i);
        qCDebug(shared, "    vertex[%d] = %f, %f ", i, (double)point.x, (double)point.y);
void VoxelProjectedPolygon::printDebugDetails() const {
    printf("    minX=%f maxX=%f minY=%f maxY=%f\n", getMinX(), getMaxX(), getMinY(), getMaxY());
    printf("    vertex count=%d distance=%f\n", getVertexCount(), getDistance());
    for (int i = 0; i < getVertexCount(); i++) {
        glm::vec2 point = getVertex(i);
        printf("    vertex[%d] = %f, %f \n", i, point.x, point.y);
void ofRectangle::growToInclude(const ofPoint& p){
    float x0 = MIN(getMinX(),p.x);
    float x1 = MAX(getMaxX(),p.x);
    float y0 = MIN(getMinY(),p.y);
    float y1 = MAX(getMaxY(),p.y);
    float w = x1 - x0;
    float h = y1 - y0;
void ofRectangle::growToInclude(const ofRectangle& rect){
    float x0 = MIN(getMinX(),rect.getMinX());
    float x1 = MAX(getMaxX(),rect.getMaxX());
    float y0 = MIN(getMinY(),rect.getMinY());
    float y1 = MAX(getMaxY(),rect.getMaxY());
    float w = x1 - x0;
    float h = y1 - y0;
Exemple #20
bool Sphere::isIntersects(Vec3 p)
	if (getMaxX() > p.getX() && getMinX() < p.getX())
		return true;
	if (getMaxY() > p.getY() && getMinY() < p.getY())
		return true;
	if (getMaxZ() > p.getZ() && getMinZ() < p.getZ())
		return true;
	return false;
Exemple #21
int imageList::createPage(int pageno)
  char *s;

  if (currentPageNo == pageno)
    return 0;

  if (currentPageNo >= 1) {
     *  We need to unlink the files which change each time a new page is
     *  processed.  The final unlink is done by xtmpfile when pre-grohtml
     *  exits.

  if (show_progress) {
    fprintf(stderr, "[%d] ", pageno);

#if defined(DEBUGGING)
  if (debug)
    fprintf(stderr, "creating page %d\n", pageno);

  s = make_message("psselect -q -p%d %s %s\n",
		   pageno, psFileName, psPageName);

  if (s == NULL)
  html_system(s, 1);

  s = make_message("echo showpage | "
		   "%s%s -q -dBATCH -dSAFER "
		   "-sDEVICE=%s -r%d %s "
		   "-sOutputFile=%s %s -\n",
		   (getMaxX(pageno) * image_res) / postscriptRes,
  if (s == NULL)
  html_system(s, 1);
  currentPageNo = pageno;
  return 0;
Exemple #22
bool CCRect::containsPoint(const CCPoint& point) const
    bool bRet = false;

    if (point.x >= getMinX() && point.x <= getMaxX()
        && point.y >= getMinY() && point.y <= getMaxY())
        bRet = true;

    return bRet;
Exemple #23
void MainWindow::on_pushButton_4_clicked()
    if (!ui->lineEdit_2->text().isEmpty() && ui->lineEdit_2->text().toFloat() <= getMaxX())
        ui->label_3->setText(QString::number(Lagrange::interpolate(ui->lineEdit_2->text().toFloat(), values, rowCount)));
void HexaGridMap::updateTrajectory() {
    Point* ptsToDraw = new Point[this->trajectory.size()];
    for (int i = 0; i < this->trajectory.size(); i++) {
        auto name = Utils::generateNameByPoint(this->;
        auto box = this->getChildByName<HexaGridMapUnit*>(name)->getBoundingBox();
        ptsToDraw[i] = Point(box.getMinX()+box.getMaxX(), box.getMinY()+box.getMaxY())/2;
    for (int i = 1; i < this->trajectory.size(); i++) {
        ((DrawNode*)this->trajectoryCanvas)->drawSegment(ptsToDraw[i-1], ptsToDraw[i], 4, Color4F(.5, .25, .25, 1));
Exemple #25
 * @brief AddKeyFrameImageCoverPolicy
 * add a keyframe taking into account the percentage of image free of features matched
 * @param frame
 * @return
inline bool AddKeyFrameImageCoverPolicy( const StereoFrame& frame,
                                         const double imageWidth,
                                         const double coverThreshold) {

  const std::map<MapPoint*, Measurement> &measurements = frame.GetMeasurementsLeft();

  double minX = getMinX(measurements);
  double maxX = getMaxX(measurements);

  double imageAreaMeasurementFree = (minX + (imageWidth - maxX)) / imageWidth;

  return imageAreaMeasurementFree > coverThreshold;
void EnemyObject::walkInZone(const float delta){
  auto const rect = getHitbox();
  const float minX = rect->getMidX();
  const float maxX = rect->getMaxX();
  if(maxX >softXMax){
    objectSprite->setScaleX(-1 * abs(objectSprite->getScale()));
  }else if(minX < softXMin){
    objectSprite->setScaleX(1 * abs(objectSprite->getScale()));
Exemple #27
void MainWindow::on_pushButton_clicked()

    int maxX = getMaxX();

    for (float x = 1; x <= maxX; x += step)
        gr->points << QPointF(x, Lagrange::interpolate(x, values, rowCount));

bool ZoneImplementation::isWithinBoundaries(const Vector3& position) {
	//Remove 1/16th of the size to match client limits. NOTE: it has not been verified to work like this in the client.
	//Normal zone size is 8192, 1/16th of that is 512 resulting in 7680 as the boundary value.
	float maxX = getMaxX() * 15 / 16;
	float minX = getMinX() * 15 / 16;
	float maxY = getMaxY() * 15 / 16;
	float minY = getMinY() * 15 / 16;

	if (maxX >= position.getX() && minX <= position.getX() &&
			maxY >= position.getY() && minY <= position.getY()) {
		return true;
	} else {
		return false;
Exemple #29
void Rect::merge(const Rect& rect)
    float top1    = getMaxY();
    float left1   = getMinX();
    float right1  = getMaxX();
    float bottom1 = getMinY();
    float top2    = rect.getMaxY();
    float left2   = rect.getMinX();
    float right2  = rect.getMaxX();
    float bottom2 = rect.getMinY();
    origin.x = std::min(left1, left2);
    origin.y = std::min(bottom1, bottom2);
    size.width = std::max(right1, right2) - origin.x;
    size.height = std::max(top1, top2) - origin.y;
ofRectangle ofRectangle::getIntersection(const ofRectangle& rect) const {

    float x0 = MAX(getMinX(),rect.getMinX());
    float x1 = MIN(getMaxX(),rect.getMaxX());
    float w = x1 - x0;
    if(w < 0.0f) return ofRectangle(0,0,0,0); // short circuit if needed
    float y0 = MAX(getMinY(),rect.getMinY());
    float y1 = MIN(getMaxY(),rect.getMaxY());
    float h = y1 - y0;
    if(h < 0.0f) return ofRectangle(0,0,0,0);  // short circuit if needed
    return ofRectangle(x0,y0,w,h);