Exemple #1
	Method that injects a mouse button up event into the system.
bool System::injectMouseButtonUp(MouseButton button)
	// update system keys
	d_sysKeys &= ~mouseButtonToSyskey(button);

	MouseEventArgs ma(0);
	ma.position = MouseCursor::getSingleton().getPosition();
	ma.moveDelta = Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f);
	ma.button = button;
	ma.sysKeys = d_sysKeys;
	ma.wheelChange = 0;

    // get the tracker that holds the number of down events seen so far for this button
    MouseClickTracker& tkr = d_clickTrackerPimpl->click_trackers[button];
    // set click count in the event args
    ma.clickCount = tkr.d_click_count;

    Window* const initial_dest_window = getTargetWindow(ma.position);
	Window* dest_window = initial_dest_window;

	// loop backwards until event is handled or we run out of windows.
	while ((!ma.handled) && (dest_window != 0))
		ma.window = dest_window;
		dest_window = getNextTargetWindow(dest_window);

	bool wasUpHandled = ma.handled;

    // if requirements for click events are met
    if (((d_click_timeout == 0) || (tkr.d_timer.elapsed() <= d_click_timeout)) &&
        (tkr.d_click_area.isPointInRect(ma.position)) &&
        (tkr.d_target_window == initial_dest_window))
		ma.handled = false;
        dest_window = initial_dest_window;

		// loop backwards until event is handled or we run out of windows.
		while ((!ma.handled) && (dest_window != 0))
			ma.window = dest_window;
			dest_window = getNextTargetWindow(dest_window);


	return (ma.handled | wasUpHandled);
Exemple #2
	Method that injects a key up event into the system.
bool System::injectKeyUp(uint key_code)
	// update system keys
	d_sysKeys &= ~keyCodeToSyskey((Key::Scan)key_code, false);

	KeyEventArgs args(0);

	if (d_activeSheet)
		args.scancode = (Key::Scan)key_code;
		args.sysKeys = d_sysKeys;

		Window* dest = getKeyboardTargetWindow();

		// loop backwards until event is handled or we run out of windows.
		while ((dest != 0) && (!args.handled))
			args.window = dest;
			dest = getNextTargetWindow(dest);


	return args.handled;
Exemple #3
	Method that injects a mouse movement event into the system
bool System::injectMouseMove(float delta_x, float delta_y)
    MouseEventArgs ma(NULL);
    MouseCursor& mouse = MouseCursor::getSingleton();

    ma.moveDelta.d_x = delta_x * d_mouseScalingFactor;
    ma.moveDelta.d_y = delta_y * d_mouseScalingFactor;
    ma.sysKeys = d_sysKeys;
    ma.wheelChange = 0;
    ma.clickCount = 0;

    // move the mouse cursor & update position in args.
    ma.position = mouse.getPosition();

    Window* dest_window = getTargetWindow(ma.position);

    // if there is no GUI sheet, then there is nowhere to send input
    if (dest_window != NULL)
        if (dest_window != d_wndWithMouse)
            if (d_wndWithMouse != NULL)
                ma.window = d_wndWithMouse;

            d_wndWithMouse = dest_window;
            ma.window = dest_window;

        // ensure event starts as 'not handled'
        ma.handled = false;

        // loop backwards until event is handled or we run out of windows.
        while ((!ma.handled) && (dest_window != NULL))
            ma.window = dest_window;
            dest_window = getNextTargetWindow(dest_window);


    return ma.handled;
Exemple #4
bool System::mouseMoveInjection_impl(MouseEventArgs& ma)
    Window* dest_window = getTargetWindow(ma.position);

    // has window containing mouse changed?
    if (dest_window != d_wndWithMouse)
        // store previous window that contained mouse
        Window* oldWindow = d_wndWithMouse;
        // set the new window that contains the mouse.
        d_wndWithMouse = dest_window;

        // inform previous window the mouse has left it
        if (oldWindow)
            ma.window = oldWindow;

        // inform window containing mouse that mouse has entered it
        if (d_wndWithMouse)
            ma.window = d_wndWithMouse;
            ma.handled = false;

    // inform appropriate window of the mouse movement event
    if (dest_window)
        // ensure event starts as 'not handled'
        ma.handled = false;

        // loop backwards until event is handled or we run out of windows.
        while ((!ma.handled) && (dest_window != 0))
            ma.window = dest_window;
            dest_window = getNextTargetWindow(dest_window);

    return ma.handled;
Exemple #5
	Method that injects a mouse-wheel / scroll-wheel event into the system.
bool System::injectMouseWheelChange(float delta)
	MouseEventArgs ma(0);
	ma.position = MouseCursor::getSingleton().getPosition();
	ma.moveDelta = Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f);
	ma.button = NoButton;
	ma.sysKeys = d_sysKeys;
	ma.wheelChange = delta;
	ma.clickCount = 0;

	Window* dest_window = getTargetWindow(ma.position);

	// loop backwards until event is handled or we run out of windows.
	while ((!ma.handled) && (dest_window != 0))
		ma.window = dest_window;
		dest_window = getNextTargetWindow(dest_window);

	return ma.handled;
Exemple #6
	Method that injects a typed character event into the system.
bool System::injectChar(utf32 code_point)
	KeyEventArgs args(0);

	if (d_activeSheet)
		args.codepoint = code_point;
		args.sysKeys = d_sysKeys;

		Window* dest = getKeyboardTargetWindow();

		// loop backwards until event is handled or we run out of windows.
		while ((dest != 0) && (!args.handled))
			args.window = dest;
			dest = getNextTargetWindow(dest);


	return args.handled;
Exemple #7
	Method that injects a mouse button down event into the system.
bool System::injectMouseButtonDown(MouseButton button)
	// update system keys
	d_sysKeys |= mouseButtonToSyskey(button);

	MouseEventArgs ma(0);
	ma.position = MouseCursor::getSingleton().getPosition();
	ma.moveDelta = Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f);
	ma.button = button;
	ma.sysKeys = d_sysKeys;
	ma.wheelChange = 0;

    // find the likely destination for generated events.
    Window* dest_window = getTargetWindow(ma.position);

	// Handling for multi-click generation
	MouseClickTracker& tkr = d_clickTrackerPimpl->click_trackers[button];


    // if multi-click requirements are not met
    if (((d_dblclick_timeout > 0) && (tkr.d_timer.elapsed() > d_dblclick_timeout)) ||
        (!tkr.d_click_area.isPointInRect(ma.position)) ||
        (tkr.d_target_window != dest_window) ||
        (tkr.d_click_count > 3))
        // reset to single down event.
        tkr.d_click_count = 1;

        // build new allowable area for multi-clicks
        tkr.d_click_area.offset(Point(-(d_dblclick_size.d_width / 2), -(d_dblclick_size.d_height / 2)));

        // set target window for click events on this tracker
        tkr.d_target_window = dest_window;

	// set click count in the event args
	ma.clickCount = tkr.d_click_count;

	// loop backwards until event is handled or we run out of windows.
	while ((!ma.handled) && (dest_window != 0))
		ma.window = dest_window;

        if (dest_window->wantsMultiClickEvents())
            switch (tkr.d_click_count)
            case 1:

            case 2:

            case 3:
        // current target window does not want multi-clicks,
        // so just send a mouse down event instead.

		dest_window = getNextTargetWindow(dest_window);

	// reset timer for this tracker.

	return ma.handled;