Exemple #1
static void makeFastFace(TileSpec tile, u16 li0, u16 li1, u16 li2, u16 li3,
                         v3f p, v3s16 dir, v3f scale, u8 light_source, core::array<FastFace> &dest)
    FastFace face;

    // Position is at the center of the cube.
    v3f pos = p * BS;

    v3f vertex_pos[4];
    v3s16 vertex_dirs[4];
    getNodeVertexDirs(dir, vertex_dirs);
    for(u16 i=0; i<4; i++)
        vertex_pos[i] = v3f(

    for(u16 i=0; i<4; i++)
        vertex_pos[i].X *= scale.X;
        vertex_pos[i].Y *= scale.Y;
        vertex_pos[i].Z *= scale.Z;
        vertex_pos[i] += pos;

    f32 abs_scale = 1.;
    if     (scale.X < 0.999 || scale.X > 1.001) abs_scale = scale.X;
    else if(scale.Y < 0.999 || scale.Y > 1.001) abs_scale = scale.Y;
    else if(scale.Z < 0.999 || scale.Z > 1.001) abs_scale = scale.Z;

    v3f normal(dir.X, dir.Y, dir.Z);

    u8 alpha = tile.alpha;

    float x0 = tile.texture.pos.X;
    float y0 = tile.texture.pos.Y;
    float w = tile.texture.size.X;
    float h = tile.texture.size.Y;

    face.vertices[0] = video::S3DVertex(vertex_pos[0], normal,
                                        MapBlock_LightColor(alpha, li0, light_source),
                                        core::vector2d<f32>(x0+w*abs_scale, y0+h));
    face.vertices[1] = video::S3DVertex(vertex_pos[1], normal,
                                        MapBlock_LightColor(alpha, li1, light_source),
                                        core::vector2d<f32>(x0, y0+h));
    face.vertices[2] = video::S3DVertex(vertex_pos[2], normal,
                                        MapBlock_LightColor(alpha, li2, light_source),
                                        core::vector2d<f32>(x0, y0));
    face.vertices[3] = video::S3DVertex(vertex_pos[3], normal,
                                        MapBlock_LightColor(alpha, li3, light_source),
                                        core::vector2d<f32>(x0+w*abs_scale, y0));

    face.tile = tile;

static void getTileInfo(
		// Input:
		MeshMakeData *data,
		v3s16 p,
		v3s16 face_dir,
		// Output:
		bool &makes_face,
		v3s16 &p_corrected,
		v3s16 &face_dir_corrected,
		u16 *lights,
		TileSpec &tile,
		u8 &light_source
	VoxelManipulator &vmanip = data->m_vmanip;
	INodeDefManager *ndef = data->m_gamedef->ndef();
	v3s16 blockpos_nodes = data->m_blockpos * MAP_BLOCKSIZE;

	MapNode n0 = vmanip.getNodeNoEx(blockpos_nodes + p);
	MapNode n1 = vmanip.getNodeNoEx(blockpos_nodes + p + face_dir);
	TileSpec tile0 = getNodeTile(n0, p, face_dir, data);
	TileSpec tile1 = getNodeTile(n1, p + face_dir, -face_dir, data);
	// This is hackish
	bool equivalent = false;
	u8 mf = face_contents(n0.getContent(), n1.getContent(),
			&equivalent, ndef);

	if(mf == 0)
		makes_face = false;

	makes_face = true;
	if(mf == 1)
		tile = tile0;
		p_corrected = p;
		face_dir_corrected = face_dir;
		light_source = ndef->get(n0).light_source;
		tile = tile1;
		p_corrected = p + face_dir;
		face_dir_corrected = -face_dir;
		light_source = ndef->get(n1).light_source;
	// eg. water and glass
		tile.material_flags |= MATERIAL_FLAG_BACKFACE_CULLING;

	if(data->m_smooth_lighting == false)
		lights[0] = lights[1] = lights[2] = lights[3] =
				getFaceLight(n0, n1, face_dir, data);
		v3s16 vertex_dirs[4];
		getNodeVertexDirs(face_dir_corrected, vertex_dirs);
		for(u16 i=0; i<4; i++)
			lights[i] = getSmoothLight(
					blockpos_nodes + p_corrected,
					vertex_dirs[i], data);
static void makeFastFace(TileSpec tile, u16 li0, u16 li1, u16 li2, u16 li3,
		v3f p, v3s16 dir, v3f scale, u8 light_source, std::vector<FastFace> &dest)
	FastFace face;

	// Position is at the center of the cube.
	v3f pos = p * BS;

	float x0 = 0.0;
	float y0 = 0.0;
	float w = 1.0;
	float h = 1.0;

	v3f vertex_pos[4];
	v3s16 vertex_dirs[4];
	getNodeVertexDirs(dir, vertex_dirs);

	v3s16 t;
	u16 t1;
	switch (tile.rotation)
	case 0:
	case 1: //R90
		t = vertex_dirs[0];
		vertex_dirs[0] = vertex_dirs[3];
		vertex_dirs[3] = vertex_dirs[2];
		vertex_dirs[2] = vertex_dirs[1];
		vertex_dirs[1] = t;
	case 2: //R180
		t = vertex_dirs[0];
		vertex_dirs[0] = vertex_dirs[2];
		vertex_dirs[2] = t;
		t = vertex_dirs[1];
		vertex_dirs[1] = vertex_dirs[3];
		vertex_dirs[3] = t;
		t1  = li0;
		li0 = li2;
		li2 = t1;
		t1  = li1;
		li1 = li3;
		li3 = t1;
	case 3: //R270
		t = vertex_dirs[0];
		vertex_dirs[0] = vertex_dirs[1];
		vertex_dirs[1] = vertex_dirs[2];
		vertex_dirs[2] = vertex_dirs[3];
		vertex_dirs[3] = t;
		t1  = li0;
		li0 = li1;
		li1 = li2;
		li2 = li3;
		li3 = t1;
	case 4: //FXR90
		t = vertex_dirs[0];
		vertex_dirs[0] = vertex_dirs[3];
		vertex_dirs[3] = vertex_dirs[2];
		vertex_dirs[2] = vertex_dirs[1];
		vertex_dirs[1] = t;
		t1  = li0;
		li0 = li3;
		li3 = li2;
		li2 = li1;
		li1 = t1;
		y0 += h;
		h *= -1;
	case 5: //FXR270
		t = vertex_dirs[0];
		vertex_dirs[0] = vertex_dirs[1];
		vertex_dirs[1] = vertex_dirs[2];
		vertex_dirs[2] = vertex_dirs[3];
		vertex_dirs[3] = t;
		t1  = li0;
		li0 = li1;
		li1 = li2;
		li2 = li3;
		li3 = t1;
		y0 += h;
		h *= -1;
	case 6: //FYR90
		t = vertex_dirs[0];
		vertex_dirs[0] = vertex_dirs[3];
		vertex_dirs[3] = vertex_dirs[2];
		vertex_dirs[2] = vertex_dirs[1];
		vertex_dirs[1] = t;
		t1  = li0;
		li0 = li3;
		li3 = li2;
		li2 = li1;
		li1 = t1;
		x0 += w;
		w *= -1;
	case 7: //FYR270
		t = vertex_dirs[0];
		vertex_dirs[0] = vertex_dirs[1];
		vertex_dirs[1] = vertex_dirs[2];
		vertex_dirs[2] = vertex_dirs[3];
		vertex_dirs[3] = t;
		t1  = li0;
		li0 = li1;
		li1 = li2;
		li2 = li3;
		li3 = t1;
		x0 += w;
		w *= -1;
	case 8: //FX
		y0 += h;
		h *= -1;
	case 9: //FY
		x0 += w;
		w *= -1;

	for(u16 i=0; i<4; i++)
		vertex_pos[i] = v3f(

	for(u16 i=0; i<4; i++)
		vertex_pos[i].X *= scale.X;
		vertex_pos[i].Y *= scale.Y;
		vertex_pos[i].Z *= scale.Z;
		vertex_pos[i] += pos;

	f32 abs_scale = 1.0;
	if     (scale.X < 0.999 || scale.X > 1.001) abs_scale = scale.X;
	else if(scale.Y < 0.999 || scale.Y > 1.001) abs_scale = scale.Y;
	else if(scale.Z < 0.999 || scale.Z > 1.001) abs_scale = scale.Z;

	v3f normal(dir.X, dir.Y, dir.Z);

	u8 alpha = tile.alpha;

	face.vertices[0] = video::S3DVertex(vertex_pos[0], normal,
			MapBlock_LightColor(alpha, li0, light_source),
			core::vector2d<f32>(x0+w*abs_scale, y0+h));
	face.vertices[1] = video::S3DVertex(vertex_pos[1], normal,
			MapBlock_LightColor(alpha, li1, light_source),
			core::vector2d<f32>(x0, y0+h));
	face.vertices[2] = video::S3DVertex(vertex_pos[2], normal,
			MapBlock_LightColor(alpha, li2, light_source),
			core::vector2d<f32>(x0, y0));
	face.vertices[3] = video::S3DVertex(vertex_pos[3], normal,
			MapBlock_LightColor(alpha, li3, light_source),
			core::vector2d<f32>(x0+w*abs_scale, y0));

	face.tile = tile;
void getTileInfo(
		// Input:
		v3s16 blockpos_nodes,
		v3s16 p,
		v3s16 face_dir,
		u32 daynight_ratio,
		VoxelManipulator &vmanip,
		NodeModMap &temp_mods,
		bool smooth_lighting,
		// Output:
		bool &makes_face,
		v3s16 &p_corrected,
		v3s16 &face_dir_corrected,
		u8 *lights,
		TileSpec &tile
	MapNode n0 = vmanip.getNodeNoEx(blockpos_nodes + p);
	MapNode n1 = vmanip.getNodeNoEx(blockpos_nodes + p + face_dir);
	TileSpec tile0 = getNodeTile(n0, p, face_dir, temp_mods);
	TileSpec tile1 = getNodeTile(n1, p + face_dir, -face_dir, temp_mods);
	// This is hackish
	u8 content0 = getNodeContent(p, n0, temp_mods);
	u8 content1 = getNodeContent(p + face_dir, n1, temp_mods);
	u8 mf = face_contents(content0, content1);

	if(mf == 0)
		makes_face = false;

	makes_face = true;
	if(mf == 1)
		tile = tile0;
		p_corrected = p;
		face_dir_corrected = face_dir;
		tile = tile1;
		p_corrected = p + face_dir;
		face_dir_corrected = -face_dir;
	if(smooth_lighting == false)
		lights[0] = lights[1] = lights[2] = lights[3] =
				decode_light(getFaceLight(daynight_ratio, n0, n1, face_dir));
		v3s16 vertex_dirs[4];
		getNodeVertexDirs(face_dir_corrected, vertex_dirs);
		for(u16 i=0; i<4; i++)
			lights[i] = getSmoothLight(blockpos_nodes + p_corrected,
					vertex_dirs[i], vmanip, daynight_ratio);
void makeFastFace(TileSpec tile, u8 li0, u8 li1, u8 li2, u8 li3, v3f p,
		v3s16 dir, v3f scale, v3f posRelative_f,
		core::array<FastFace> &dest)
	FastFace face;
	// Position is at the center of the cube.
	v3f pos = p * BS;
	posRelative_f *= BS;

	v3f vertex_pos[4];
	v3s16 vertex_dirs[4];
	getNodeVertexDirs(dir, vertex_dirs);
	for(u16 i=0; i<4; i++)
		vertex_pos[i] = v3f(

	for(u16 i=0; i<4; i++)
		vertex_pos[i].X *= scale.X;
		vertex_pos[i].Y *= scale.Y;
		vertex_pos[i].Z *= scale.Z;
		vertex_pos[i] += pos + posRelative_f;

	f32 abs_scale = 1.;
	if     (scale.X < 0.999 || scale.X > 1.001) abs_scale = scale.X;
	else if(scale.Y < 0.999 || scale.Y > 1.001) abs_scale = scale.Y;
	else if(scale.Z < 0.999 || scale.Z > 1.001) abs_scale = scale.Z;

	v3f zerovector = v3f(0,0,0);
	u8 alpha = tile.alpha;
	/*u8 alpha = 255;
	if(tile.id == TILE_WATER)
		alpha = WATER_ALPHA;*/

	float x0 = tile.texture.pos.X;
	float y0 = tile.texture.pos.Y;
	float w = tile.texture.size.X;
	float h = tile.texture.size.Y;

	/*video::SColor c = lightColor(alpha, li);

	face.vertices[0] = video::S3DVertex(vertex_pos[0], v3f(0,1,0), c,
			core::vector2d<f32>(x0+w*abs_scale, y0+h));
	face.vertices[1] = video::S3DVertex(vertex_pos[1], v3f(0,1,0), c,
			core::vector2d<f32>(x0, y0+h));
	face.vertices[2] = video::S3DVertex(vertex_pos[2], v3f(0,1,0), c,
			core::vector2d<f32>(x0, y0));
	face.vertices[3] = video::S3DVertex(vertex_pos[3], v3f(0,1,0), c,
			core::vector2d<f32>(x0+w*abs_scale, y0));*/

	face.vertices[0] = video::S3DVertex(vertex_pos[0], v3f(0,1,0),
			lightColor(alpha, li0),
			core::vector2d<f32>(x0+w*abs_scale, y0+h));
	face.vertices[1] = video::S3DVertex(vertex_pos[1], v3f(0,1,0),
			lightColor(alpha, li1),
			core::vector2d<f32>(x0, y0+h));
	face.vertices[2] = video::S3DVertex(vertex_pos[2], v3f(0,1,0),
			lightColor(alpha, li2),
			core::vector2d<f32>(x0, y0));
	face.vertices[3] = video::S3DVertex(vertex_pos[3], v3f(0,1,0),
			lightColor(alpha, li3),
			core::vector2d<f32>(x0+w*abs_scale, y0));

	face.tile = tile;
	//f->tile = TILE_STONE;
Exemple #6
static void getTileInfo(
		// Input:
		MeshMakeData *data,
		v3s16 p,
		v3s16 face_dir,
		// Output:
		bool &makes_face,
		v3s16 &p_corrected,
		v3s16 &face_dir_corrected,
		u16 *lights,
		TileSpec &tile,
		u8 &light_source
		,int step
	auto &vmanip = data->m_vmanip;
	INodeDefManager *ndef = data->m_gamedef->ndef();
	v3s16 blockpos_nodes = data->m_blockpos * MAP_BLOCKSIZE;

	MapNode n0 = vmanip.getNodeNoEx(blockpos_nodes + p*step);

	// Don't even try to get n1 if n0 is already CONTENT_IGNORE
	if (n0.getContent() == CONTENT_IGNORE ) {
		makes_face = false;
	MapNode n1 = vmanip.getNodeNoEx(blockpos_nodes + p*step + face_dir*step);
	// if(data->debug) infostream<<" GN "<<n0<< n1<< blockpos_nodes<<blockpos_nodes + p*step<<blockpos_nodes + p*step + face_dir*step<<std::endl;

	// This is hackish
	bool equivalent = false;
	u8 mf = face_contents(n0.getContent(), n1.getContent(),
			&equivalent, ndef);

	if(mf == 0)
		makes_face = false;

	makes_face = true;

	if(mf == 1)
		tile = getNodeTile(n0, p, face_dir, data);
		p_corrected = p;
		face_dir_corrected = face_dir;
		light_source = ndef->get(n0).light_source;
		tile = getNodeTile(n1, p + face_dir, -face_dir, data);
		p_corrected = p + face_dir;
		face_dir_corrected = -face_dir;
		light_source = ndef->get(n1).light_source;

	// eg. water and glass
		tile.material_flags |= MATERIAL_FLAG_BACKFACE_CULLING;

	if(data->m_smooth_lighting == false || step > 1)
		lights[0] = lights[1] = lights[2] = lights[3] =
				getFaceLight(n0, n1, face_dir, ndef);
		v3s16 vertex_dirs[4];
		getNodeVertexDirs(face_dir_corrected, vertex_dirs);
		for(u16 i=0; i<4; i++)
			lights[i] = getSmoothLight(
					blockpos_nodes + p_corrected,
					vertex_dirs[i], data);
