Exemple #1
	uint16_t DataPage::getRecordOffsetAt(size_type index) const
		RAISE_INTERNAL_ERROR_IF_ARG(index >= getNumberOfRecords());

		const size_type keyOffsetPosition = HEADER_DATA_END_OFFSET + (index * sizeof(uint16_t));
		return get16(keyOffsetPosition);
Exemple #2
	size_type DataPage::freeSpace() const
		const size_type recordPointerArraySize = getNumberOfRecords() * sizeof(uint16_t);
		const size_type bytesfree = getEndOfFreeArea() - (HEADER_DATA_END_OFFSET + recordPointerArraySize);
		RAISE_DATABASE_CORRUPTED_IF(bytesfree > size(), "free area %u > page size %u on %s", bytesfree, size(), getId().toString());
		return bytesfree;
	 * @param variable
	 * @return
	long CDFFileReader::getNumberOfRecords(const std::string& variable)
		//std::cout << "reading " << variable << std::endl;
		//get variable number
		long variableNum = CDFgetVarNum(current_file_id, (char *) variable.c_str());

		return getNumberOfRecords(variableNum);
Exemple #4
	void DataPage::setRecordOffsetAt(size_type index, size_type offset)
		RAISE_INTERNAL_ERROR_IF_ARG(index > getNumberOfRecords());
		RAISE_INTERNAL_ERROR_IF_ARG(offset > size());

		const size_type keyOffsetPosition = HEADER_DATA_END_OFFSET + (index * sizeof(uint16_t));
		const uint16_t sixteenBitOffset = static_cast<uint16_t>(offset);
		put16(keyOffsetPosition, sixteenBitOffset);
	void TraceDataByRank::getData(Time timeStart, Time timeRange,
			double pixelLength)
		// get the start location
		FileOffset startLoc = findTimeInInterval(timeStart, minloc, maxloc);

		// get the end location
		 Time endTime = timeStart + timeRange;
		 FileOffset endLoc = min(
				findTimeInInterval(endTime, minloc, maxloc) + SIZE_OF_TRACE_RECORD, maxloc);

		// get the number of records data to display
		 Long numRec = 1 + getNumberOfRecords(startLoc, endLoc);

		// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		// if the data-to-display is fit in the display zone, we don't need to use recursive binary search
		//	we just simply display everything from the file
		// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		if (numRec <= numPixelsH)
			// display all the records
			for (FileOffset i = startLoc; i <= endLoc;)
				// one record of data contains of an integer (cpid) and a long (time)
			// the data is too big: try to fit the "big" data into the display

			//fills in the rest of the data for this process timeline
			sampleTimeLine(startLoc, endLoc, 0, numPixelsH, 0, pixelLength, timeStart);
		// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		// get the last data if necessary: the rightmost time is still less then the upper limit
		// 	I think we can add the rightmost data into the list of samples
		// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		if (endLoc < maxloc)
			 TimeCPID dataLast = getData(endLoc);
			addSample(listCPID->size(), dataLast);

		// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		// get the first data if necessary: the leftmost time is still bigger than the lower limit
		//	similarly, we add to the list
		// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		if (startLoc > minloc)
			 TimeCPID dataFirst = getData(startLoc - SIZE_OF_TRACE_RECORD);
			addSample(0, dataFirst);
bool rspfShapeDatabase::getNextRecord(rspfShapeDatabaseRecord& result)
    if(isOpen() && ((theRecordNumber+1) < getNumberOfRecords()))
        return getRecord(result);

    return false;
bool rspfShapeDatabase::getRecord(rspfShapeDatabaseRecord& result,
                                  int recordNumber)
        if(recordNumber < getNumberOfRecords())
            theRecordNumber = recordNumber;
            return getRecord(result);

    return false;
int ScripMasterDataRequest::serialize(char *buf)
  int bytes = 0;
    UNSIGNED_SHORT tmpShort = 0;
    UNSIGNED_LONG tmpLong = 0;

    bytes = sizeof(UNSIGNED_SHORT);  // Leave 2 bytes for packet size
    // Put category of command
    SERIALIZE_8(tmpChar, (UNSIGNED_CHARACTER)(CMD::CommandCategory_SEND_SCRIP_MASTER_DATA), buf, bytes);  //Command Category

    // Put fields of this class
    SERIALIZE_8(tmpChar, getScripMasterDataRequestType(), buf, bytes);
    SERIALIZE_32(tmp, getClientId(), buf, bytes);
    SERIALIZE_64(tmpLong, getRecordNumber(), buf, bytes);
    SERIALIZE_64(tmpLong, getSecurityId(), buf, bytes);
    SERIALIZE_64(tmpLong, getSymbolId(), buf, bytes);
    SERIALIZE_16(tmpShort, getExchangeId(), buf, bytes);

    memcpy(buf + bytes, getSymbol(), SYMBOL_SIZE);
    bytes += SYMBOL_SIZE;
    memcpy(buf + bytes, getSeries(), SERIES_SIZE);
    bytes += SERIES_SIZE;
    memcpy(buf + bytes, getMarketName(), SERIES_SIZE);
    bytes += MARKET_NAME_SIZE;
    SERIALIZE_8(tmpChar, getOptionType(), buf, bytes);
    SERIALIZE_8(tmpChar, getOptionMode(), buf, bytes);
    SERIALIZE_8(tmpChar, getSecurityType(), buf, bytes);
    SERIALIZE_64(tmpLong, getStrikePrice(), buf, bytes);
    SERIALIZE_32(tmp, getExpiryYearMon(), buf, bytes);
    SERIALIZE_32(tmp, getExpiryDate(), buf, bytes);
    SERIALIZE_32(tmp, getNumberOfRecords(), buf, bytes);
    memcpy(buf + bytes, getSymbolAlias(), SYMBOL_ALIAS_SIZE);
    bytes += SYMBOL_ALIAS_SIZE;

    UNSIGNED_SHORT dummyBytes = 0;
    // Put size as the first field after deducting 2 bytes reserved for size
    SERIALIZE_16(tmpShort, (UNSIGNED_SHORT)(bytes-sizeof(UNSIGNED_SHORT)), buf, dummyBytes);

    return bytes;
Exemple #9
	size_type DataPage::deleteSingleRecord(const DataPageCursor& cursor)
		const uint16_t numberOfRecords = getNumberOfRecords();
		RAISE_INTERNAL_ERROR_IF_ARG(numberOfRecords == 0);
		RAISE_INTERNAL_ERROR_IF_ARG(! cursor.isValid());

		const size_type recordInlineSize = (cursor.isInlineValue())? 
			  cursor.recordOverheadSize() + static_cast<size_type>(cursor.inlineValue().size())	// inline value - overhead + value size
			: cursor.recordOverheadSize() + (2 * sizeof(uint32_t));								// big value - overhead + data size (4) + page pointer (4)

		if (cursor.index() < numberOfRecords - 1) {
			// Generic case: existing records and record pointers must be moved.
			const size_type endOfFreeArea = getEndOfFreeArea();

			const size_type movedBytes = getRecordOffsetAt(cursor.index()) - endOfFreeArea;
			const size_type newEndOfFreeArea = endOfFreeArea + recordInlineSize;

			// Move rest of the data to fill the hole.
			moveBytes(newEndOfFreeArea, endOfFreeArea, movedBytes);

			// Adjust record pointers.
			for (uint16_t i = cursor.index() + 1; i < numberOfRecords; ++i) {
				const size_type newOffset = getRecordOffsetAt(i) + recordInlineSize;
				setRecordOffsetAt(i - 1, newOffset);

		else {
			// Special case: adjust the end of free area when deleting the last item.
			const uint32_t newEndOfFreeArea = (numberOfRecords == 1)? size() : getRecordOffsetAt(cursor.index() - 1);
		setNumberOfRecords(numberOfRecords - 1);

		return recordInlineSize;
void ScripMasterDataRequest::dump()

  std::cout << "ScripMasterDataRequest dump : " << std::endl;
  std::cout << getScripMasterDataRequestType() << std::endl; 
  std::cout << getClientId() << std::endl; 
  std::cout << getRecordNumber() << std::endl; 
  std::cout << getSecurityId() << std::endl; 
  std::cout << getSymbolId() << std::endl; 
  std::cout << getExchangeId() << std::endl; 
  std::cout << getSymbol() << std::endl; 
  std::cout << getSeries() << std::endl; 
  std::cout << getMarketName() << std::endl; 
  std::cout << getOptionType() << std::endl; 
  std::cout << getOptionMode() << std::endl; 
  std::cout << getSecurityType() << std::endl; 
  std::cout << getStrikePrice() << std::endl; 
  std::cout << getExpiryYearMon() << std::endl; 
  std::cout << getExpiryDate() << std::endl; 
  std::cout << getNumberOfRecords() << std::endl;
  std::cout << getSymbolAlias() << std::endl;
  std::cout << "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\n" << std::endl;
Exemple #11
	void DataPage::addRecordOffset(size_type keyOffset)
		const uint16_t numberOfRecords = getNumberOfRecords();
		setRecordOffsetAt(numberOfRecords, keyOffset);
		setNumberOfRecords(numberOfRecords + 1);
	 * @param variable_id
	 * @return
	long HDF5FileReader::getNumberOfRecords(long variable)
		return getNumberOfRecords(this->variableGroup->getObjnameByIdx(variable));