void FormStyle::SetColor() { QMP_RUN_OS os = getOS(); if ( os == QMP_MAC || ( os != QMP_WINDOWS && styl == "QtCurve" ) ) QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT( quickSetColor() ) ); quickSetColor(); setButtonsColor(); if ( !ui.colorsB->currentText().isEmpty() ) colorScheme = ui.colorsB->currentText(); resetTray(); }
DiagnosticsDialog::DiagnosticsDialog( QWidget *parent ) : QDialog( parent ) { setupUi( this ); setAttribute( Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose, true ); QString info; QTextStream s( &info ); s << "<b>" << tr("Locale:") << "</b> "; QLocale::Language language = QLocale::system().language(); s << (language == QLocale::C ? "English/United States" : QLocale::languageToString( language ) ) << "<br /><br />"; QString base = getRegistry( "Eesti ID kaardi tarkvara" ); if ( !base.isEmpty() ) s << "<b>" << tr("Base version:") << "</b> " << base << "<br />"; s << "<b>" << tr("ID-card utility version:") << "</b> "<< QCoreApplication::applicationVersion() << "<br />"; s << "<b>" << tr("OS:") << "</b> " << getOS() << " (" << getBits() << ")<br />"; s << "<b>" << tr("CPU:") << "</b> " << getProcessor() << "<br /><br />"; s << "<b>" << tr("Library paths:") << "</b> " << QCoreApplication::libraryPaths().join( ";" ) << "<br />"; s << "<b>" << tr("Libraries") << ":</b><br />"; s << getLibVersion( "digidoc") << "<br />"; s << getLibVersion( "digidocpp") << "<br />"; s << getLibVersion( "advapi32") << "<br />"; s << getLibVersion( "crypt32") << "<br />"; s << getLibVersion( "winscard") << "<br />"; s << getLibVersion( "esteidcsp") << "<br />"; s << getLibVersion( "esteidcm") << "<br />"; s << getLibVersion( "libeay32" ) << "<br />"; s << getLibVersion( "ssleay32" ) << "<br />"; s << getLibVersion( "opensc-pkcs11" ) << "<br />"; s << "QT (" << qVersion() << ")<br />" << "<br />"; s << "<b>" << tr("Smart Card service status: ") << "</b>" << " " << (isPCSCRunning() ? tr("Running") : tr("Not running")) << "<br /><br />"; s << "<b>" << tr("Card readers") << ":</b><br />" << getReaderInfo() << "<br />"; QString browsers = getRegistry( "Mozilla|Windows Internet Explorer|Google Chrome" ); if ( !browsers.isEmpty() ) s << "<b>" << tr("Browsers:") << "</b><br />" << browsers << "<br /><br />"; diagnosticsText->setHtml( info ); buttonBox->addButton( tr( "More info" ), QDialogButtonBox::HelpRole ); }
QString filestuff::mcDir() { QString result = st.read("general", "mcdir", "none").toString(); if (result == "none") { QString os = getOS(); if (os == "Win"){ result = QDir::homePath() + "/appdata/roaming/.minecraft"; } else if (os == "Mac") { result = QDir::homePath() + "/Library/Application Support/minecraft"; } else if (os == "Linux") { result = QDir::homePath() + "/.minecraft"; } } st.write("general", "mcdir", result); return result; }
QString filestuff::appDir() { QString result = st.read("general", "appdir", "none").toString(); if (result == "none") { QString os = getOS(); if (os == "Win"){ result = QDir::homePath() + "/appdata/roaming/MCMx"; } else if (os == "Mac") { result = QDir::homePath() + "/Library/Application Support/MCMx"; } else if (os == "Linux") { result = QDir::homePath() + "/.MCMx"; } } exMake(result); exMake(result + "/backups"); st.write("general", "appdir", result); return result; }
bool mmap_alloc_process::plat_createAllocationSnippet(Dyninst::Address addr, bool use_addr, unsigned long size, void* &buffer, unsigned long &buffer_size, unsigned long &start_offset) { int flags = MAP_ANONYMOUS | MAP_PRIVATE; if (use_addr) flags |= MAP_FIXED; else addr = 0x0; if (getTargetArch() == Arch_x86_64 || getTargetArch() == Arch_x86) { const void *buf_tmp = NULL; unsigned addr_size = 0; unsigned addr_pos = 0; unsigned flags_pos = 0; unsigned size_pos = 0; bool use_linux = (getOS() == Dyninst::Linux); bool use_bsd = (getOS() == Dyninst::FreeBSD); bool use_64 = (getTargetArch() == Arch_x86_64); if (use_linux && use_64) { buf_tmp = linux_x86_64_call_mmap; buffer_size = linux_x86_64_call_mmap_size; start_offset = linux_x86_64_mmap_start_position; addr_pos = linux_x86_64_mmap_addr_position; flags_pos = linux_x86_64_mmap_flags_position; size_pos = linux_x86_64_mmap_size_position; addr_size = 8; } else if (use_bsd && use_64) { buf_tmp = freebsd_x86_64_call_mmap; buffer_size = freebsd_x86_64_call_mmap_size; start_offset = freebsd_x86_64_mmap_start_position; addr_pos = freebsd_x86_64_mmap_addr_position; flags_pos = freebsd_x86_64_mmap_flags_position; size_pos = freebsd_x86_64_mmap_size_position; addr_size = 8; } else if (use_linux && !use_64) { buf_tmp = linux_x86_call_mmap; buffer_size = linux_x86_call_mmap_size; start_offset = linux_x86_mmap_start_position; addr_pos = linux_x86_mmap_addr_position; flags_pos = linux_x86_mmap_flags_position; size_pos = linux_x86_mmap_size_position; addr_size = 4; } else if (use_bsd && !use_64) { buf_tmp = freebsd_x86_call_mmap; buffer_size = freebsd_x86_call_mmap_size; start_offset = freebsd_x86_mmap_start_position; addr_pos = freebsd_x86_mmap_addr_position; flags_pos = freebsd_x86_mmap_flags_position; size_pos = freebsd_x86_mmap_size_position; addr_size = 4; } else { assert(0); //Fill in the entry in mmapalloc.h for this system } buffer = malloc(buffer_size); memcpy(buffer, buf_tmp, buffer_size); //Assuming endianess of debugger and debugee match. *((unsigned int *) (((char *) buffer)+size_pos)) = size; *((unsigned int *) (((char *) buffer)+flags_pos)) = flags; if (addr_size == 8) *((unsigned long *) (((char *) buffer)+addr_pos)) = addr; else if (addr_size == 4) *((unsigned *) (((char *) buffer)+addr_pos)) = (unsigned) addr; else assert(0); } else if (getTargetArch() == Arch_ppc32) { unsigned int flags_hi_position; unsigned int flags_lo_position; unsigned int size_hi_position; unsigned int size_lo_position; unsigned int addr_hi_position; unsigned int addr_lo_position; const void *buf_tmp; //BlueGene can share the linux allocation snippet. bool use_linux = (getOS() == Linux || getOS() == BlueGeneP || getOS() == BlueGeneL); if (use_linux) { flags_hi_position = linux_ppc32_mmap_flags_hi_position; flags_lo_position = linux_ppc32_mmap_flags_lo_position; size_hi_position = linux_ppc32_mmap_size_hi_position; size_lo_position = linux_ppc32_mmap_size_lo_position; addr_hi_position = linux_ppc32_mmap_addr_hi_position; addr_lo_position = linux_ppc32_mmap_addr_lo_position; start_offset = linux_ppc32_mmap_start_position; buffer_size = linux_ppc32_call_mmap_size; buf_tmp = linux_ppc32_call_mmap; } else { assert(0); //Fill in the entry in mmapalloc.h for this system } buffer = malloc(buffer_size); memcpy(buffer, buf_tmp, buffer_size); // Assuming endianess of debugger and debuggee match *((uint16_t *) (((char *) buffer)+size_hi_position)) = (uint16_t)(size >> 16); *((uint16_t *) (((char *) buffer)+size_lo_position)) = (uint16_t)size; *((uint16_t *) (((char *) buffer)+flags_hi_position)) = (uint16_t)(flags >> 16); *((uint16_t *) (((char *) buffer)+flags_lo_position)) = (uint16_t)flags; *((uint16_t *) (((char *) buffer)+addr_hi_position)) = (uint16_t)(addr >> 16); *((uint16_t *) (((char *) buffer)+addr_lo_position)) = (uint16_t)addr; }