Exemple #1
void MxCore::moveLocal( const osg::Vec3d& delta )
    const osg::Vec3d scaledDelta( delta[0] * _moveScale[0],
        delta[1] * _moveScale[1], delta[2] * _moveScale[2] );
    _position += ( scaledDelta * getOrientationMatrix() );
    _orbitCenter += ( scaledDelta * getOrientationMatrix() );
void Quadrotor::lookAtQuad()
    if(orientationMode == QuadOrientationMode::ANOTHERQUAD)
        glm::vec3 otherQuadPosition = otherQuad->getQuadPosition();
        glm::vec3 otherDirectionRelative = otherQuadPosition - getQuadPosition();
        glm::vec3 upVector,tempVector; 
        glm::vec3 eye = glm::vec3(0,0,0),center = otherDirectionRelative,up = glm::vec3(0,1,0);
        Model = getOrientationMatrix(eye,center,up);
        Model = glm::rotate(Model,-glm::half_pi<float>(),glm::vec3(0,1,0));
    else if(orientationMode == QuadOrientationMode::POINT)
        glm::vec3 otherDirectionRelative = lookAtPoint - getQuadPosition();
        glm::vec3 upVector,tempVector; 
        glm::vec3 eye = glm::vec3(0,0,0),center = otherDirectionRelative,up = glm::vec3(0,1,0);
        Model = getOrientationMatrix(eye,center,up);
        Model = glm::rotate(Model,-glm::half_pi<float>(),glm::vec3(0,1,0));
Exemple #3
glm::mat4 Transform::getModelMatrix(){
		mMatrix = getTranslationMatrix() * getOrientationMatrix() * getScaleMatrix();
		mDirty = false;
	return mMatrix;
const glm::mat4 & Transform::getOrientationScaleMatrix(){
		osMatrix = getOrientationMatrix() * getScaleMatrix();
		osDirty = false;
	return osMatrix;
Exemple #5
	void chase(glm::mat4 tar)	{
		float newRadian;
	//	showMat4("Chase target: ", tar);
		//get the foward vector of the missile
		glm::vec3 missileForwardVec = getIn(getOrientationMatrix());

		//get the distance vector between the missile and the target
		glm::vec3 distanceVec = getPosition(tar) - getMissilePosition();

		//normalizethe missile's forward and distance vector
		glm::vec3 targetNormal = glm::normalize(distanceVec);
		glm::vec3 missileNormal = glm::normalize(missileForwardVec);

		//showVec3("Target", targetNormal);
	//	showVec3("Missile", missileNormal);

		if (!(colinear(targetNormal, missileNormal, 0.1f)) )	{
			//showVec3("distance Vec Normal",targetNormal);
			//gets the cross product to find the axis of rotation
			//glm::vec3 axisOfRotation = glm::cross(targetNormal, missileNormal);
			glm::vec3 axisOfRotation = glm::cross(missileNormal, targetNormal);
			axisOfRotation = glm::normalize(axisOfRotation);

			//gets the axis of rotation's direction
			float axisOfRotationDirection = axisOfRotation.x + axisOfRotation.y + axisOfRotation.z;
			//printf("AOR-Direction: %f\n",axisOfRotationDirection);

			// get the dot product to find the rotation amount
			float totalRotation = glm::dot(missileNormal, targetNormal); 
			//float totalRotation = glm::dot(targetNormal, missileNormal);
			// get the length of the missile and target's normal
			float LOMN = glm::abs(distance(missileNormal, glm::vec3(0, 0, 0)));
			float LOTN = glm::abs(distance(targetNormal, glm::vec3(0, 0, 0)));

			//float totalRotation = glm::acos(glm::dot(targetNormal, missileNormal));
			//printf("Total Rotation: %f\n", totalRotation);
			//printf("AOR Direction: %f\n", axisOfRotationDirection);
			//check for the direction in which the missile is suppose to move in
			if (axisOfRotationDirection >= 0.01)
				newRadian = glm::acos(totalRotation);
				newRadian = - glm::acos(totalRotation);

			rotationMatrix = glm::rotate(identity, (newRadian / 4.0f), axisOfRotation);
			rotationMatrix = identity;

Exemple #6
	// function tests for collision from cases
	// case 0: tests for collision if the missile is looking for a target in its detection radius
	// case 1: tests for collision if the missile has it's target and when it collides with the target
	// return int; 1 for collision, 0 no collision
	bool collision(glm::mat4 tar, float tarBR, int whichBR)	{
		float getDistance;
		float rad;
		switch (whichBR)	{
		case 0:
			getDistance = distance(getPosition(tar), getPosition(getDetectionMatrix()));
			rad = detectionRadius;
		case 1:	
			getDistance = distance(getPosition(tar),getPosition(getOrientationMatrix()));
			rad = tarBR;
		if (getDistance < rad + modelBR)
			return true;
		return false;
Exemple #7
	// function that sets the new translation
	// glm::mat4 newTranslation & glm::vec3 newVector
	void setTranslationMatrix(glm::vec3 newVector)	{
		translationMatrix = glm::translate(getOrientationMatrix(), newVector);
void ViewingCore::rotate( osg::Vec2d start, osg::Vec2d dir )
    if( dir.length2() == 0. )
        // No motion

    if( _mode == FIRST_PERSON ) {
        // Position is constant in 1st person view. Obtain it (for later use)
        // *before* we alter the _viewDir.
        const osg::Vec3d position = getEyePosition();

        // Compute rotation matrix.
        osg::Vec3d cross = _viewDir ^ _viewUp;
        osg::Matrix m = osg::Matrix::rotate( dir[ 0 ], _viewUp ) *
                        osg::Matrix::rotate( -dir[ 1 ], cross );

        // Re-orient the basis.
        _viewDir = _viewDir * m;
        _viewUp = _viewUp * m;
        // Orthonormalize.
        cross = _viewDir ^ _viewUp;
        _viewUp = cross ^ _viewDir;

        // Compute the new view center.
        _viewCenter = position + ( _viewDir * _viewDistance );

    else { // THIRD_PERSON
        const osg::Matrixd orientMat = getOrientationMatrix();

        // Take the spin direction 'dir' and rotate it 90 degrees
        // to get our base axis (still in the window plane).
        // Simultaneously convert to current view space.
        osg::Vec2d screenAxis( -dir[ 1 ], dir[ 0 ] );
        const osg::Vec3d baseAxis = osg::Vec3d( screenAxis[ 0 ], screenAxis[ 1 ], 0. ) * orientMat;
        osg::Vec3d dir3 = osg::Vec3d( dir[ 0 ], dir[ 1 ], 0. ) * orientMat;

        // The distance from center, along with the roll sensitivity,
        // tells us how much to rotate the baseAxis (ballTouchAngle) to get
        // the actual ballAxis.
        const double distance = start.length();
        const double rotationDir( ( screenAxis * start > 0. ) ? -1. : 1. );
        const double ballTouchAngle = rotationDir * _trackballRollSensitivity * distance;
        osg::Vec3d ballAxis = baseAxis * osg::Matrixd::rotate( ballTouchAngle, dir3 );

        osg::Matrixd m = osg::Matrixd::rotate( -( dir.length() ), ballAxis );

        // Re-orient the basis.
        _viewDir = _viewDir * m;
        _viewUp = _viewUp * m;
        // Orthonormalize.
        osg::Vec3d cross = _viewDir ^ _viewUp;
        _viewUp = cross ^ _viewDir;
wxThread::ExitCode  HaloRenderingThread::Entry()

    setupStruct.resultValid = false;
    setupStruct.imageBuffer = 0;
    setupStruct.rayPaths = new map<RayPathId, RayPathDescriptor>;

    if (setupStruct.crystals.size() == 0)
        evt.SetString(wxT("No crystal population set up."));
        return 0;

    // Cast rays on crystals and refracted rays will form a pixel.

    int crystalTypeIndex = 0;
    CrystalDescriptor *currentDescriptor = &setupStruct.crystals[0];
    const int N_CRYSTAL_TYPES = setupStruct.crystals.size();
    int crystalsRemaining = currentDescriptor->populationWeight;
    Mesh currentMesh;
    size_t percentStep = setupStruct.crystalCount / 100;
    if (percentStep < 1) percentStep = 1;
    Vector3 sunPos(0, 0, -100000);
    rotate2d(sunPos.y, sunPos.z, setupStruct.solarAltitude * 3.14159265636 / 180.0);
    // Two prependicular vector
    Vector3 prepX = sunPos % Vector3(0, 1, 0); // FIXME: Sun on the zenith
    Vector3 prepY = sunPos % prepX;
    prepX /= ~prepX;
    prepY /= ~prepY;
    setupStruct.deleteBuffer = freeBuffer;
    setupStruct.deleteMap = freeMap;
    size_t size = setupStruct.imageSize;
    setupStruct.imageBuffer = new uint32_t[size * size * 6];
    memset(setupStruct.imageBuffer, 0, size * size * 6 * sizeof(uint32_t));
    uint32_t *leftPlane = setupStruct.imageBuffer; // 0th plane
    uint32_t *rightPlane = setupStruct.imageBuffer + size * size; // 1st plane
    uint32_t *topPlane = setupStruct.imageBuffer + 2 * size * size; // 2nd plane
    uint32_t *bottomPlane = setupStruct.imageBuffer + 3 * size * size; // 3rd plane
    uint32_t *backPlane = setupStruct.imageBuffer + 4 * size * size; // 4th plane
    uint32_t *frontPlane = setupStruct.imageBuffer + 5 * size * size; // 5th plane
    double halfImageSize = size * 0.5;
    int maxRays = (setupStruct.maxRayCastInfoSize * 1000000) / (sizeof(RayPathDescriptor) + sizeof(RayPathId));
    if (maxRays == 0) maxRays = 1;
    int recordRayModulus = setupStruct.crystalCount / maxRays;
    if (!recordRayModulus) recordRayModulus = 1;

    struct RefractionColor
        int rgb;
        double refractionIndex;

    RefractionColor colors[] =
        { 0x0000FF, 1.3072 },
        { 0x0080FF, 1.3094 },
        { 0x00FFFF, 1.31 },
        { 0x00FF80, 1.3107 },
        { 0x00FF00, 1.3114 },
        { 0x80FF00, 1.3125 },
        { 0xFFFF00, 1.3136 },
        { 0xFF8000, 1.3147 },
        { 0xFF0000, 1.3158 },
        { 0xFF0040, 1.3172 },
        { 0xFF0080, 1.32 },

    const int N_COLORS = sizeof(colors) / sizeof(colors[0]);

    // Cast many rays.
    for (size_t i = 0; i < setupStruct.crystalCount; i++)
        if (setupStruct.cancelled)
            // If the user shut the rendering down...
            delete[] setupStruct.imageBuffer;
            setupStruct.imageBuffer = 0;
            return 0;
        if (!crystalsRemaining)
            // We iterate through the crystals based on their population weights.
            if (crystalTypeIndex >= N_CRYSTAL_TYPES) crystalTypeIndex = 0;
            currentDescriptor = &setupStruct.crystals[crystalTypeIndex];
            crystalsRemaining = currentDescriptor->populationWeight;
        // Get the raw mesh
        currentMesh = currentDescriptor->mesh;
        // Rotate it according to the orientation.
        Matrix orientationMatrix = getOrientationMatrix(currentDescriptor->orientation);
        // Apply wobbliness
        Vector3 wobbleRotationAxis(1, 0, 0);
        rotate2d(wobbleRotationAxis.x, wobbleRotationAxis.z, randFloat(0, 3.1415));
        double wobblinessLimit = currentDescriptor->wobbliness * 3.1415 / 180.0;
        Matrix wobbleMatrix = createRotationMatrix(
        Matrix transformation = orientationMatrix % wobbleMatrix;
        transformMesh(currentMesh, transformation);

        // Crystal created, now cast a ray on it.
        Vector3 offset = prepX * randFloat(-1, 1) + prepY * randFloat(-1, 1);
        vector<RayPath> rayPaths;
        // Compute color here
        double colorCode = randFloat(0, N_COLORS - 1);
        RefractionColor prev = colors[(int)(floor(colorCode))];
        RefractionColor next = colors[(int)(ceil(colorCode))];
        double kColor = colorCode - floor(colorCode);
        RefractionColor currentColor;
        currentColor.rgb = prev.rgb;
        currentColor.refractionIndex = (1 - kColor) * prev.refractionIndex + kColor * next.refractionIndex;
        // Compute real poisition of the ray (Sun is a disk)
        Vector3 realSunPos = sunPos;
        Vector3 rayRotVector;
        double rayRotVectorLength;
            rayRotVector = realSunPos % getRandomVector();
            rayRotVectorLength = ~rayRotVector;
        while (rayRotVectorLength == 0);
        rayRotVector /= rayRotVectorLength;
        realSunPos = transformVector(
                    setupStruct.solarDiskRadius * 3.1415926536 / 180.0
        computeRayPathInGlassMesh(currentMesh, currentColor.refractionIndex, realSunPos + offset, -realSunPos, 0.01, rayPaths);
        /* Project rays on the six planes. */
        for (size_t j = 0; j < rayPaths.size(); j++)
            RayPath &current = rayPaths[j];
            size_t pathLength = current.size();

            Vector3 exitDir = current[pathLength - 1].first - current[pathLength - 2].first;
            Vector3 projectionDir = -exitDir;

            double xPos, yPos;
            // select the plane to project on.
            uint32_t *plane;
            double xm = 1, ym = 1;
            int planeId;
            if ((fabs(projectionDir.x) > fabs(projectionDir.y)) && (fabs(projectionDir.x) > fabs(projectionDir.z)))
                if (projectionDir.x < 0)
                    plane = leftPlane;
                    planeId = 0;
                    xm = -1;
                    plane = rightPlane;
                    planeId = 1;
                xPos = xm * projectionDir.z / fabs(projectionDir.x) * halfImageSize + halfImageSize;
                yPos = -ym * projectionDir.y / fabs(projectionDir.x) * halfImageSize + halfImageSize;
            if ((fabs(projectionDir.y) > fabs(projectionDir.x)) && (fabs(projectionDir.y) > fabs(projectionDir.z)))
                if (projectionDir.y < 0)
                    plane = bottomPlane;
                    planeId = 3;
                    ym = -1;
                    plane = topPlane;
                    planeId = 2;
                xPos = xm * projectionDir.x / fabs(projectionDir.y) * halfImageSize + halfImageSize;
                yPos = -ym * projectionDir.z / fabs(projectionDir.y) * halfImageSize + halfImageSize;
            if ((fabs(projectionDir.z) > fabs(projectionDir.x)) && (fabs(projectionDir.z) > fabs(projectionDir.y)))
                if (projectionDir.z < 0)
                    plane = frontPlane;
                    planeId = 5;
                    plane = backPlane;
                    planeId = 4;
                    xm = -1;
                xPos = xm * projectionDir.x / fabs(projectionDir.z) * halfImageSize + halfImageSize;
                yPos = -ym * projectionDir.y / fabs(projectionDir.z) * halfImageSize + halfImageSize;
            // Calculate the new intensity of the pixel.
            xPos = clampInInt(xPos, 0, size - 1);
            yPos = clampInInt(yPos, 0, size - 1);
            int prevPixel = plane[(int)(yPos) * size + (int)(xPos)];
            int nextPixel = 0;
            double intensity = current[pathLength - 2].second * 20;
            for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                int currentSaturation = (prevPixel >> (8 * j)) & 0xFF;
                int toAdd = (int)(((currentColor.rgb >> (8 * j)) & 0xFF) * intensity) >> 8;
                int nextSaturation;
                if (currentSaturation + toAdd > 255) nextSaturation = 255;
                else nextSaturation = currentSaturation + toAdd;
                nextPixel += (1 << (8 * j)) * nextSaturation * setupStruct.pixelIntensity;
            plane[(int)(yPos) * size + (int)(xPos)] = nextPixel;
            // Record the ray if needed
            if (!(i % recordRayModulus))
                RayPathId pixelId(planeId, (int)xPos, (int)yPos);
                RayPathDescriptor theDescriptor(
                    realSunPos + offset,
                map<RayPathId, RayPathDescriptor>::iterator it = setupStruct.rayPaths->find(pixelId);
                if (it == setupStruct.rayPaths->end())
                    // If not found, insert it as new
                else if (it->second.intensity < intensity)
                    // If found, update it if the current ray is more intense
                    it->second = theDescriptor;

        if (i % percentStep == 0)
            sendNotifyString(wxString::Format(wxT("Casting rays: %d%%"), i / percentStep));


    evt.SetInt(1); //< 1 means the operation is finished.
    setupStruct.resultValid = true;
    return 0;
void Quadrotor::executeTimeLineCommand()
        double current_time = QuadTimer::GetProcessTime();
            char command[100];
            char* commandstr;
            double peektime = -1;
            //double com_time;
            commandstr = timeline->readNextCommand(peektime);
            //read the command type
            if(sscanf(commandstr,"%lf %s",&comTime,command)==EOF)
            {readTimeline = false; return;}
            sprintf(delayedCommand,"%lf %s",peektime,commandstr);
            isExecuting = true;
        else if(current_time>=comTime && !isMoving)
            //command to set quad position

            sscanf(delayedCommand,"%lf %lf %s",&nextTime,&comTime,command);
            comOrientationTime = 0;
                sscanf(delayedCommand,"%lf %lf %s %f %f %f",&nextTime,&comTime, command,&comVect.x,&comVect.y,&comVect.z);
                moveAbs(comVect)  ;
            else if(!strcmp(command,"ROT"))
                sscanf(delayedCommand,"%lf %lf %s %f %f %f",&nextTime,&comTime, command,&comVect.x,&comVect.y,&comVect.z); 
            else if(!strcmp(command,"MOV"))
                sscanf(delayedCommand,"%lf %lf %s %lf %f %f %f",&nextTime,&comTime, command,&comOrientationTime,&comVect.x,&comVect.y,&comVect.z); 
                isExecuting = true;
                comOrientationTime = current_time + comOrientationTime;
                if(orientationMode == QuadOrientationMode::FREE)
                else if(orientationMode == QuadOrientationMode::ANOTHERQUAD)
                {  }
                else if(orientationMode == QuadOrientationMode::UPRIGHT)
                //Operations to align the quad with the direction of motion 
                comDirection = glm::vec3(comVect.x-pos_x,comVect.y-pos_y,comVect.z-pos_z);
                comDirection = glm::normalize(comDirection);
                /*glm::vec3 x_axis(1.0f,0.0f,0.0f);
                 *        glm::vec3 rotation_axis = glm::cross(comDirection,x_axis);
                 *        rotation_axis = glm::normalize(rotation_axis);
                 *        float angle = glm::angle(x_axis,comDirection);
                 *        Model = glm::rotate(glm::mat4(1.0f), -angle, rotation_axis);
            else if(!strcmp(command,"LOOKATQUAD"))
                char quadname[10];
                sscanf(delayedCommand,"%lf %lf %s %s",&nextTime,&comTime,command, quadname);
                otherQuad = Quadrotor::getQuadFromName(quadname);
                orientationMode = QuadOrientationMode::ANOTHERQUAD;
            else if(!strcmp(command,"LOOKATPOINT"))
                glm::vec3 position;
                sscanf(delayedCommand,"%lf %lf %s %f %f %f",&nextTime,&comTime,command, &position.x,&position.y,&position.z);

                lookAtPoint = position;
                orientationMode = QuadOrientationMode::POINT;
            else if(!strcmp(command,"FREE"))
                orientationMode = QuadOrientationMode::FREE;
            else if(!strcmp(command,"FIREAT"))
                float r,g,b,a;
                char ammotype[20];
                char quadname[10];
                sscanf(delayedCommand,"%lf %lf %s %s %f %f %f %f %s",&nextTime,&comTime,command, quadname,&r,&g,&b,&a,ammotype);
                AMMOTYPE::ENUM ammo_type = AMMOTYPE::getAmmotypeFromString(string(ammotype));
            else if(!strcmp(command,"FIREATPOINT"))
                float r,g,b,a;
                char ammotype[20];
                glm::vec3 position;
                sscanf(delayedCommand,"%lf %lf %s %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %s",&nextTime,&comTime,command, &position.x, &position.y, &position.z,&r,&g,&b,&a,ammotype);
                AMMOTYPE::ENUM ammo_type = AMMOTYPE::getAmmotypeFromString(string(ammotype));
                //Operations to align the quad with the direction of motion
            isMoving = true;
            //   printf("\nGot command:%f %f %f %f",com_time,com_posx,com_posy,com_posz);
        else if(current_time<=comOrientationTime) //dont have to worry about modes other than MOV
            glm::vec3 current_axis, current_up;
            double delta_time = comOrientationTime-current_time;
            current_axis = glm::normalize(current_axis);
            comRotationAxis = glm::cross(current_axis,comDirection);
            double timediff =   quadTime.getTimeDiffSec();
            if(timediff>delta_time) timediff = delta_time;
            float axisAngle = glm::angle(current_axis,comDirection);
        //    printf("\nX: %f",angle_axis);
                axisAngle = (2*Pi-axisAngle);
            axisAngle = axisAngle*(float) (timediff/ delta_time);
            Model = glm::rotate(Model,axisAngle,comRotationAxis);
            glm::vec3 eye = glm::vec3(0,0,0), 
            center = glm::vec3( Model*glm::vec4(1.0f,0.0f,0.0f,1.0f)),
            up = glm::vec3(0,1,0); 
            glm::mat4 mm = getOrientationMatrix(eye,center,up);
            Model = mm;
            Model = glm::rotate(Model,-glm::half_pi<float>(),glm::vec3(0,1,0));

        else if(current_time>=nextTime)
        { isExecuting = false;isMoving=false;}
        else if(current_time>=comTime)
                glm::vec3 distance = glm::vec3(comVect.x-pos_x,comVect.y-pos_y,comVect.z-pos_z);
                if(orientationMode == QuadOrientationMode::ANOTHERQUAD)
                    glm::vec3 otherQuadPosition = otherQuad->getQuadPosition();
                    glm::vec3 otherDirectionRelative = otherQuadPosition - getQuadPosition();
                    glm::vec3 upVector,tempVector; 
                    glm::vec3 eye = glm::vec3(0,0,0),center = otherDirectionRelative,up = glm::vec3(0,1,0);
                    glm::mat4 mm = getOrientationMatrix(eye,center,up);
                    Model = mm;
                    Model = glm::rotate(Model,-glm::half_pi<float>(),glm::vec3(0,1,0));
                if(orientationMode != QuadOrientationMode::ANOTHERQUAD && orientationMode != QuadOrientationMode::POINT)
                   glm::vec3 eye = glm::vec3(0,0,0),
                    center = comDirection,
                    up = glm::vec3(0,1,0);
                    glm::mat4 mm = getOrientationMatrix(eye,center,up);
                    Model = mm;
                    Model = glm::rotate(Model,-glm::half_pi<float>(),glm::vec3(0,1,0));
                 double delta_time = nextTime-current_time;
                 double timediff = quadTime.getTimeDiffSec();
                 if(delta_time < timediff)
                glm::vec3 dist2 = distance *(float) (timediff/ delta_time);
                //     printf("\ndelta pos:%f %f %f",dist2.x,dist2.y,dist2.z);
        //   printf("\ncurrent pos:%f %f %f",pos_x, pos_y,pos_z);