void Client::reloadSettings(bool updateNick) { /// @todo update the nick in ADC hubs? string prevNick; if(!updateNick) prevNick = get(Nick); auto fav = FavoriteManager::getInstance()->getFavoriteHubEntry(getHubUrl()); *static_cast<HubSettings*>(this) = SettingsManager::getInstance()->getHubSettings(); bool isAdcHub = AirUtil::isAdcHub(hubUrl); if(fav) { FavoriteManager::getInstance()->mergeHubSettings(fav, *this); if(!fav->getPassword().empty()) setPassword(fav->getPassword()); setStealth(!isAdcHub ? fav->getStealth() : false); setFavNoPM(fav->getFavNoPM()); favToken = fav->getToken(); } else { setStealth(false); setFavNoPM(false); setPassword(Util::emptyString); } searchQueue.minInterval = get(HubSettings::SearchInterval) * 1000; //convert from seconds if (updateNick) checkNick(get(Nick)); else get(Nick) = prevNick; }
int Server::login(string username,string password){ cout << "username: "******"username length: " << username.length() << endl; cout << "password: "******"password length: " << password.length() << endl; cout << getPassword(username) << endl; if(getPassword(username).find(password)==0){ return 1; }else{ return 0; } // int comp=0; // int comp = password.compare(getPassword(username)); // if(password==getPassword(username)){ // comp=1; // }else{ // comp=0; // } // cout << "comp: " << comp << endl; // if (comp==0){ // return 1; // } else{ // return 0; // } }
void NLoginCredentials::toStruct(_NLoginCredentials & input) { memset(&input, 0, sizeof(_NLoginCredentials)); getUsername().copy(input.Username, getUsername().length()); getPassword().copy(input.Password, getPassword().length()); }
void VKBase::Authorization() { if(!_curl || getLogin().empty() || getPassword().empty()) return; char errorBuffer[CURL_ERROR_SIZE]; std::string buffer = ""; // for response std::string url = "https://login.vk.com/?act=login&soft=1&utf8=1"; std::string request = "_origin=https://oauth.vk.com"; //request += "&ip_h=62371f194b8af424e4"; // it need parse request += "&to=aHR0cHM6Ly9vYXV0aC52ay5jb20vYXV0aG9yaXplP2NsaWVudF9pZD00NTYxOTg5JnJlZGlyZWN0X3VyaT1odHRwJTNBJTJGJTJGYXBpLnZrb250YWt0ZS5ydSUyRmJsYW5rLmh0bWwmcmVzcG9uc2VfdHlwZT10b2tlbiZzY29wZT04JnY9NS4yNCZzdGF0ZT0mcmV2b2tlPTEmZGlzcGxheT1tb2JpbGU-"; // redirect url to base64 request += "&email="+getLogin(); request += "&pass="+getPassword(); curl_easy_setopt(_curl, CURLOPT_URL, url.c_str()); curl_easy_setopt(_curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, request.c_str()); curl_easy_setopt(_curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, &VKBase::writer); curl_easy_setopt(_curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, &buffer); curl_easy_setopt(_curl, CURLOPT_ERRORBUFFER, errorBuffer); CURLcode result = curl_easy_perform(_curl); curlCheckError(_curl, result, errorBuffer); _ip_h = parseIPhFromHeaders(buffer); _hash = parseHashFromHeaders(buffer); }
int main(void) { TERMIO_Init(); printf("\n\r In test harness of passwords\r\n"); /* Intializes random number generator */ srand(rand()); randomizePasswords(); printPassword(getPassword(1)); printPassword(getPassword(2)); printPassword(getPassword(3)); printPassword(getPassword(4)); printf("\r\nThe correct password is %d\r\n\r\n", correctPassword); if (checkPassword(getPassword(1))) printf("Password1 is correct\r\n"); else printf("Password1 is incorrect\r\n"); if (checkPassword(getPassword(2))) printf("Password2 is correct\r\n"); else printf("Password2 is incorrect\r\n"); if (checkPassword(getPassword(3))) printf("Password3 is correct\r\n"); else printf("Password3 is incorrect\r\n"); if (checkPassword(getPassword(4))) printf("Password4 is correct\r\n"); else printf("Password4 is incorrect\r\n"); // Int to Character Stuff char c[] = {'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'}; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { printf("%c\r\n", c[getPassword(1)[i]]); } }
int K3PasswordDialog::getPassword(QWidget *parent, QByteArray &password, const QString &prompt, int *keep) { int res = K3PasswordDialog::Rejected; if (keep) { bool boolkeep = *keep; res = getPassword(parent, password, i18n("Password Input"), prompt, &boolkeep); *keep = boolkeep; } else { res = getPassword(parent, password, i18n("Password Input"), prompt); } return res; }
void FormCreateImage::enableDisableButtons() { bool imageFileEmpty = getImageFile().length() == 0; bool passwordEmpty = getPassword().length() == 0; ui.buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Ok)->setEnabled(!imageFileEmpty && !passwordEmpty); }
SessionPtr WebUserManager::authenticate(const string& aUserName, const string& aPassword, bool aIsSecure, uint64_t aMaxInactivityMinutes, bool aUserSession) noexcept { auto u = getUser(aUserName); if (!u) { return nullptr; } if (u->getPassword() != aPassword) { return nullptr; } u->setLastLogin(GET_TIME()); u->addSession(); fire(WebUserManagerListener::UserUpdated(), u); auto uuid = boost::uuids::random_generator()(); auto session = std::make_shared<Session>(u, boost::uuids::to_string(uuid), aIsSecure, server, aMaxInactivityMinutes, aUserSession); { WLock l(cs); sessionsRemoteId.emplace(session->getAuthToken(), session); sessionsLocalId.emplace(session->getId(), session); } if (aUserSession) { ActivityManager::getInstance()->updateActivity(); } return session; }
AP_MSG_HANDLER_METHOD(GmModule, IdentityMgmt_SetProperty) { if (!bActive_) { pMsg->apStatus = ApMessage::Ok; return; } int ok = 0; if (!hasGmLoginData()) { throw ApException(LOG_CONTEXT, "Missing login data"); } String sUrl = Apollo::getModuleConfig(MODULE_NAME, "Srpc/Url", ""); if (sUrl.empty()) { throw ApException(LOG_CONTEXT, "Missing Srpc/Url"); } SrpcMessage srpc; srpc.set(Srpc::Key::Method, GmService_Method_SetProperty); srpc.set("Token", Apollo::getModuleConfig(MODULE_NAME, "Srpc/Token", "8uzxXXZTAmHcni6tK3t-Apollo-3")); srpc.set("User", Apollo::getModuleConfig(MODULE_NAME, "User", "")); srpc.set("Password", getPassword()); srpc.set("Key", pMsg->sKey); srpc.set("Value", pMsg->sValue); SetPropertyClient* pClient = new SetPropertyClient(this); if (pClient != 0) { ok = pClient->Post(sUrl, srpc); if (!ok) { apLog_Error((LOG_CHANNEL, LOG_CONTEXT, "SetPropertyClient::Post(%s) failed", _sz(sUrl))); } } if (pMsg->sKey == "Nickname") { Apollo::setModuleConfig("Xmpp", "Room/Nickname", pMsg->sValue); } pMsg->apStatus = ok ? ApMessage::Ok : ApMessage::Error; }
void TextField::addToNextCharacter( int unichar ) { if(getTextLength() + 1 > getMaxLength()) { return; } char buffer[8]; for(int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { buffer[i] = 0; } unicodeFunctions.encodeUtf8(buffer,unichar); std::string appendStr = buffer; std::string text; if(!isPassword()) text = getText(); else text = getPassword(); unicodeFunctions.insert(text,getCaretPosition(),buffer); setThisText(text); positionCaret(getCaretPosition() + 1); }
boolean WiFiManager::autoConnect(char const *apName) { begin(apName); // DEBUG_PRINT(""); // DEBUG_PRINT("AutoConnect"); // read eeprom for ssid and pass String ssid = getSSID(); String pass = getPassword(); if ( ssid.length() > 1 ) { display.print("Waiting for Wifi to connect"); DEBUG_PRINT("Waiting for Wifi to connect"); WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA); WiFi.begin(ssid.c_str(), pass.c_str()); if ( hasConnected() ) { return true; } } //setup AP beginConfigMode(); //start portal and loop startWebConfig(); return false; }
bool Checkin::operator==(const Checkin& other) const { return true && _isUsernameSet(mgen::SHALLOW) == other._isUsernameSet(mgen::SHALLOW) && _isPasswordSet(mgen::SHALLOW) == other._isPasswordSet(mgen::SHALLOW) && getUsername() == other.getUsername() && getPassword() == other.getPassword(); }
Result Server::connect() { if(mServerHandle) { return Error; } mServerHandle = mysql_init(NULL); if(mServerHandle == NULL) { return Error; } unsigned long flags=0; if(mysql_real_connect(mServerHandle, getHost()->c_str(), getUsername()->c_str(), getPassword()->c_str(), NULL, mPort, NULL, flags) == NULL) { printError(); return Error; } return OK; }
void MainWindow::on_loginButon_clicked() { UsersDBManager udb; HomeWindow *home = new HomeWindow(); //passes the value of username from MainWindow to Welcome Label of HomeWindow connect(this,SIGNAL(setUName(QString)),home,SLOT(setWelcomeLabel(QString))); //Checking the input username and password are give or not if(ui->userName_txt->text().isEmpty() || ui->password_txt->text().isEmpty()){ mainMsgBox.setText("Please input the username and password"); mainMsgBox.exec(); } setUserName(ui->userName_txt->text()); setPassword(ui->password_txt->text()); bool successLogin = udb.checkLogin(getUserName(),getPassword()); if(successLogin){ //display another home window emit setUName(ui->userName_txt->text()); home->show(); this->close(); } else { //display qmessage login failed mainMsgBox.setText("Login failed. Please enter correct \nusername and password"); mainMsgBox.exec(); } }
bool CUserItem::getAsString( wxString& strUser ) { wxString wxstr; strUser.Empty(); strUser += wxString::Format( _("%ld;"), getUserID() ); strUser += getUser(); strUser += _(";"); // Protect password wxstr = getPassword(); for ( int i=0; i<wxstr.Length(); i++ ) { strUser += _("*"); } //strUser += getPassword(); strUser += _(";"); strUser += getFullname(); strUser += _(";"); vscp_writeFilterToString( getFilter(), wxstr ); strUser += wxstr; strUser += _(";"); vscp_writeMaskToString( getFilter(), wxstr ); strUser += wxstr; strUser += _(";"); strUser += getUserRightsAsString(); strUser += _(";"); strUser += getAllowedRemotesAsString(); strUser += _(";"); strUser += getAllowedEventsAsString(); strUser += _(";"); strUser += wxBase64Encode( getNote().mbc_str(), strlen( getNote().mbc_str() ) ); //strUser += getNote(); return true; }
void Server_Game::getInfo(ServerInfo_Game &result) const { QMutexLocker locker(&gameMutex); result.set_room_id(room->getId()); result.set_game_id(gameId); if (gameClosed) result.set_closed(true); else { for (int i = 0; i < gameTypes.size(); ++i) result.add_game_types(gameTypes[i]); result.set_max_players(getMaxPlayers()); result.set_description(getDescription().toStdString()); result.set_with_password(!getPassword().isEmpty()); result.set_player_count(getPlayerCount()); result.set_started(gameStarted); result.mutable_creator_info()->CopyFrom(*getCreatorInfo()); result.set_only_buddies(onlyBuddies); result.set_only_registered(onlyRegistered); result.set_spectators_allowed(getSpectatorsAllowed()); result.set_spectators_need_password(getSpectatorsNeedPassword()); result.set_spectators_can_chat(spectatorsCanTalk); result.set_spectators_omniscient(spectatorsSeeEverything); result.set_spectators_count(getSpectatorCount()); result.set_start_time(startTime.toTime_t()); } }
int RockComMailbox::loginRequest() { // LOG_ENTER("RockComMailbox::loginRequest"); const std::string vars = std::string("show_frame=Enter&action=login&domain=") + escape("rock.com") + "&mail_language=us&longlogin=1&login="******"&password="******"&submit.x=41&submit.y=8"; // setState(Mailbox::LoginIP); // LOG_ENTER(getUser()); // LOG_ENTER(getPassword()); page=doPost("http://webmail.rock.com/scripts/common/proxy.main", vars); boost::regex re("a"); boost::smatch match; if (boost::regex_search(page, match, re)) { // setState(Mailbox::LoginDone); // logged in auth = match[1]; // LOG(Log::Debug, "auth=" + auth); return 0; } else { // setState(Mailbox::LoginError); //login failure return 1; } }
void JabberClient::auth_digest() { AuthRequest *req = new AuthRequest(this); req->start_element("query"); req->add_attribute("xmlns", "jabber:iq:auth"); req->text_tag("username", data.owner.ID); string digest = m_id; digest += getPassword().utf8(); SHA_CTX c; unsigned char md[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH]; SHA1_Init(&c); SHA1_Update(&c, digest.c_str(),(unsigned long)digest.length()); SHA1_Final(md, &c); digest = ""; for (unsigned i = 0; i < SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH; i++){ char b[3]; sprintf(b, "%02x",md[i]); digest += b; } req->text_tag("digest", digest.c_str()); req->text_tag("resource", data.owner.Resource); req->send(); m_requests.push_back(req); }
static int processThread(HttpConn *conn, MprEvent *event) { ThreadData *td; cchar *path; char *url; int next; td = mprGetCurrentThread()->data; httpFollowRedirects(conn, !app->nofollow); httpSetTimeout(conn, app->timeout, app->timeout); if (strcmp(app->protocol, "HTTP/1.0") == 0) { httpSetKeepAliveCount(conn, 0); httpSetProtocol(conn, "HTTP/1.0"); } if (app->username) { if (app->password == 0 && !strchr(app->username, ':')) { app->password = getPassword(); } httpSetCredentials(conn, app->username, app->password); } while (!mprShouldDenyNewRequests(conn) && (app->success || app->continueOnErrors)) { if (app->singleStep) waitForUser(); if (app->files && !app->upload) { for (next = 0; (path = mprGetNextItem(app->files, &next)) != 0; ) { /* If URL ends with "/", assume it is a directory on the target and append each file name */ if (app->target[strlen(app->target) - 1] == '/') { url = mprJoinPath(app->target, mprGetPathBase(path)); } else { url = app->target; } app->requestFiles = mprCreateList(-1, MPR_LIST_STATIC_VALUES); mprAddItem(app->requestFiles, path); td->url = url = resolveUrl(conn, url); if (app->verbose) { mprPrintf("putting: %s to %s\n", path, url); } if (doRequest(conn, url, app->requestFiles) < 0) { app->success = 0; break; } } } else { td->url = url = resolveUrl(conn, app->target); if (doRequest(conn, url, app->files) < 0) { app->success = 0; break; } } if (iterationsComplete()) { break; } } httpDestroyConn(conn); finishThread((MprThread*) event->data); return -1; }
bool SCRAMSHA1ClientAuthenticator::setChallenge(const boost::optional<ByteArray>& challenge) { if (step == Initial) { if (!challenge) { return false; } initialServerMessage = *challenge; std::map<char, std::string> keys = parseMap(initialServerMessage.toString()); // Extract the salt ByteArray salt = Base64::decode(keys['s']); // Extract the server nonce std::string clientServerNonce = keys['r']; if (clientServerNonce.size() <= clientnonce.size()) { return false; } std::string receivedClientNonce = clientServerNonce.substr(0, clientnonce.size()); if (receivedClientNonce != clientnonce) { return false; } serverNonce = clientServerNonce.substr(clientnonce.size(), clientServerNonce.npos); // Extract the number of iterations int iterations = 0; try { iterations = boost::lexical_cast<int>(keys['i']); } catch (const boost::bad_lexical_cast&) { return false; } if (iterations <= 0) { return false; } ByteArray channelBindData; if (useChannelBinding && tlsChannelBindingData) { channelBindData = *tlsChannelBindingData; } // Compute all the values needed for the server signature saltedPassword = PBKDF2::encode(StringPrep::getPrepared(getPassword(), StringPrep::SASLPrep), salt, iterations); authMessage = getInitialBareClientMessage() + "," + initialServerMessage + "," + getFinalMessageWithoutProof(); ByteArray serverKey = HMACSHA1::getResult(saltedPassword, "Server Key"); serverSignature = HMACSHA1::getResult(serverKey, authMessage); step = Proof; return true; } else if (step == Proof) { ByteArray result = ByteArray("v=") + ByteArray(Base64::encode(serverSignature)); step = Final; return challenge && challenge == result; } else { return true; } }
int main(void) { char password[SIZE]; printf("please enter password\n"); getPassword(password); printf("Do something with the password <<%s>>\n", password); return 0; }
void HTTPS_Proxy::send_auth() { if (getAuth()){ string s = basic_auth(getUser(), getPassword()); bOut << "Proxy-Authorization: Basic "; bOut << s.c_str(); bOut << "\r\n"; } }
int AGIPUserLogin::showInfo() { int nRetCode = E_ERROR; char strUserName[AGIP_USER_NAME_LEN + 1]; char strPassword[AGIP_PASSWORD_LEN + 1]; int8_t cPasswordType = 0; uint32_t unUserIP = 0; uint16_t usUserPort = 0; uint8_t *pucIPSeg = 0; SysProtocol::showInfo(); nRetCode = getUserName(strUserName); strUserName[AGIP_USER_NAME_LEN] = '\0'; nRetCode = getPassword(strPassword); strPassword[AGIP_PASSWORD_LEN] = '\0'; nRetCode = getPasswordType(&cPasswordType); nRetCode = getUserIP(&unUserIP); nRetCode = getUserPort(&usUserPort); printf("--------------------------------------------------------AGIPUserLogin\n"); printf("User_Name:\t%s\n", strUserName); printf("Password:\t%s\n", strPassword); switch(cPasswordType) { case PASSWORD_TYPE_AUTHENTICATION: printf("Password_Type:\t%d(Authentication)\n", cPasswordType); break; case PASSWORD_TYPE_SECURITY: printf("Password_Type:\t%d(Security Code Verify)\n", cPasswordType); break; default: printf("Password_Type:\t%d(Others)\n", cPasswordType); break; } #if (defined(WIN32) || defined(LINUX)) pucIPSeg = (uint8_t *)&unUserIP; printf("User_IP:\t%08X(%u.%u.%u.%u)\n", unUserIP, pucIPSeg[3], pucIPSeg[2], pucIPSeg[1], pucIPSeg[0] ); #else pucIPSeg = (uint8_t *)&unUserIP; printf("User_IP:\t%08X(%u.%u.%u.%u)\n", unUserIP, pucIPSeg[0], pucIPSeg[1], pucIPSeg[2], pucIPSeg[3] ); #endif printf("User_Port:\t%u\n", usUserPort); printf("--------------------------------------------------------AGIPUserLogin\n"); return S_SUCCESS; }
void ICQClient::snac_login(unsigned short type, unsigned short) { unsigned long newUin; switch (type){ case ICQ_SNACxLOGIN_ERROR: m_reconnect = NO_RECONNECT; m_socket->error_state(I18N_NOOP("Login error"), AuthError); break; case ICQ_SNACxLOGIN_REGISTER: if (data.owner.Uin.value){ m_socket->error_state(I18N_NOOP("Registered in no register state")); break; } m_socket->readBuffer.incReadPos(0x2E); m_socket->readBuffer.unpack(newUin); log(L_DEBUG, "Register %u %08lX", newUin, newUin); setUin(newUin); setState(Connecting); m_socket->connect(getServer(), getPort(), this); break; case ICQ_SNACxLOGIN_AUTHxKEYxRESPONSE: if (data.owner.Screen.ptr){ string md5_key; m_socket->readBuffer.unpackStr(md5_key); snac(ICQ_SNACxFAM_LOGIN, ICQ_SNACxLOGIN_MD5xLOGIN, false, false); m_socket->writeBuffer.tlv(0x0001, data.owner.Screen.ptr); MD5_CTX c; MD5_Init(&c); unsigned char md[MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH]; MD5_Update(&c, md5_key.c_str(), md5_key.length()); string pswd = getContacts()->fromUnicode(NULL, getPassword()); MD5_Update(&c, pswd.c_str(), pswd.length()); pswd = "AOL Instant Messenger (SM)"; MD5_Update(&c, pswd.c_str(), pswd.length()); MD5_Final(md, &c); m_socket->writeBuffer.tlv(0x0025, (char*)&md, sizeof(md)); m_socket->writeBuffer.tlv(0x0003, "AOL Instant Messenger, version 5.1.3036/WIN32"); m_socket->writeBuffer.tlv(0x0016, (unsigned short)0x0109); m_socket->writeBuffer.tlv(0x0017, (unsigned short)0x0005); m_socket->writeBuffer.tlv(0x0018, (unsigned short)0x0001); m_socket->writeBuffer.tlv(0x0019, (unsigned short)0x0000); m_socket->writeBuffer.tlv(0x001A, (unsigned short)0x0BDC); m_socket->writeBuffer.tlv(0x0014, 0x000000D2L); m_socket->writeBuffer.tlv(0x000F, "en"); m_socket->writeBuffer.tlv(0x000E, "us"); m_socket->writeBuffer.tlv(0x004A, "\x01"); sendPacket(); } break; case ICQ_SNACxLOGIN_LOGINxREPLY: chn_close(); break; default: log(L_WARN, "Unknown login family type %04X", type); } }
void JabberClient::auth_register() { AuthRequest *req = new AuthRequest(this); req->start_element("query"); req->add_attribute("xmlns", "jabber:iq:register"); req->text_tag("username", data.owner.ID); req->text_tag("password", getPassword()); req->send(); m_requests.push_back(req); }
void cQTMySQLConnection::setPassword( const QString &p_qsPwd ) throw() /* This function sets the Password for the MySQL database access. * If the database is already open, it will be closed first. */ { if( getPassword() != p_qsPwd ) { close(); m_poDB->setPassword( p_qsPwd ); } }
void Url::dump() { UtlString proto; getUrlType(proto); printf("Url type: '%s'\n", proto.data()); UtlString disp; getDisplayName(disp); printf("DisplayName: '%s'\n", disp.data()); UtlString user; getUserId(user); printf("UserId: '%s'\n", user.data()); UtlString pwd; getPassword(pwd); printf("Password: '******'\n", pwd.data()); UtlString server; getHostAddress(server); printf("Address: '%s'\n", server.data()); int port = getHostPort(); printf("Port: %d\n", port); UtlString callId; getHeaderParameter("call-id", callId); printf("Call-Id: '%s'\n", callId.data()); UtlString name; UtlString value; int index = 0; printf("\nHeader Parameters:\n"); while(getHeaderParameter(index, name, value)) { printf("'%s'='%s'\n", name.data(), value.data()); index++; } index = 0; printf("\nField Parameters:\n"); while(getFieldParameter(index, name, value)) { printf("'%s'='%s'\n", name.data(), value.data()); index++; } index = 0; printf("\nURL Parameters:\n"); while(getUrlParameter(index, name, value)) { printf("'%s'='%s'\n", name.data(), value.data()); index++; } }
bool TestCppBase::TestSatelliteServer() { IniSetting::Map ini = IniSetting::Map::object; Hdf hdf; hdf.fromString( "Satellites {\n" " rpc {\n" " Type = RPCServer\n" " Port = 9999\n" " RequestInitDocument = my/rpc/rpc.php\n" " RequestInitFunction = init_me\n" " Password = abcd0987\n" " Passwords {\n" " * = abcd0987\n" " }\n" " }\n" " ips {\n" " Type = InternalPageServer\n" " BlockMainServer = false\n" " }\n" "}\n" ); std::vector<std::shared_ptr<SatelliteServerInfo>> infos; RuntimeOption::ReadSatelliteInfo(ini, hdf, infos, RuntimeOption::XboxPassword, RuntimeOption::XboxPasswords); for (auto& info_ptr : infos) { auto info = info_ptr.get(); auto name = info->getName(); if (name == "rpc") { VERIFY(info->getType() == SatelliteServer::Type::KindOfRPCServer); VERIFY(info->getPort() == 9999); VERIFY(info->getThreadCount() == 5); VERIFY(info->getTimeoutSeconds() == std::chrono::seconds(RuntimeOption::RequestTimeoutSeconds)); VERIFY(info->getURLs().size() == 0); VERIFY(info->getMaxRequest() == 500); VERIFY(info->getMaxDuration() == 120); VERIFY(info->getReqInitFunc() == "init_me"); VERIFY(info->getReqInitDoc() == "my/rpc/rpc.php"); VERIFY(info->getPassword() == "abcd0987"); VERIFY(info->getPasswords().size() == 1); VERIFY(info->getPasswords().find("abcd0987") != info->getPasswords().end()); VERIFY(info->alwaysReset() == false); VERIFY(RuntimeOption::XboxPassword == "abcd0987"); } else if (name == "ips") { VERIFY(info->getType() == SatelliteServer::Type::KindOfInternalPageServer); VERIFY(info->getURLs().size() == 0); } } return Count(true); }
void SOCKS5_Proxy::read_ready() { char b1, b2; unsigned long ip; switch (m_state){ case WaitAnswer: read(2); bIn >> b1 >> b2; if ((b1 != 0x05) || (b2 == '\xFF')) { error_state(ANSWER_ERROR, m_plugin->ProxyErr); return; } if (b2 == 0x02) { const char *user = getUser(); const char *pswd = getPassword(); bOut << (char)0x01 << (char)strlen(user) << user << (char)strlen(pswd) << pswd; m_state = WaitAuth; write(); return; } send_connect(); return; case WaitAuth: read(2); bIn >> b1 >> b2; if ((b1 != 0x01) || (b2 != 0x00)) { error_state(AUTH_ERROR, m_plugin->ProxyErr); return; } send_connect(); return; case WaitConnect: read(10); bIn >> b1 >> b2; if ((b1 != 0x05) || (b2 != 0x00)) { error_state(ANSWER_ERROR, m_plugin->ProxyErr); return; } bIn >> b1 >> b2; bIn >> ip; if (notify) notify->resolve_ready(ip); proxy_connect_ready(); return; default: break; } }
void DSN::loadAttributesFromRegistry() { char buf[65536]; const char* filename = "ODBC.INI"; if (getName().size() == 0) return; // don't load from registry if this dsn does not have a name. SQLGetPrivateProfileString(getName().c_str(), "url", getUrl().c_str(), buf, 65536, filename); setUrl(buf); SQLGetPrivateProfileString(getName().c_str(), "uid", getUser().c_str(), buf, 65536, filename); setUser(buf); SQLGetPrivateProfileString(getName().c_str(), "pwd", getPassword().c_str(), buf, 65536, filename); setPassword(buf); }