DocumentWriterPlugin::DocumentWriterPlugin() #ifdef SCASE1_PLUGIN_DOCUMENTWRITER_PREDICTION_ENABLED : presageCallback(presageStdContext), presage(&presageCallback, "plugins/presage/presage.xml") #endif { QTextCodec::setCodecForLocale(QTextCodec::codecForName("utf-8")); browserItemDelegate = NULL; rootLevel = NULL; autosave = true; #ifdef SCASE1_PLUGIN_DEBUG_LEVEL_VERBOSE qDebug() << "DocumentWriterPlugin::DocumentWriterPlugin:pluginDirPath?" << getPluginPath(); #endif settings = new QSettings(getPluginPath() + SCASE1_PLUGIN_DOCUMENTWRITER_SETTINGS_FILE + ".ini", QSettings::IniFormat, this); presentationWidget = new DWPTextEdit(settings->value("presentation/ignore_keypresses", false).toBool()); presentationWidget->setWordWrapMode(QTextOption::WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere); presentationWidget->setUndoRedoEnabled(true); presentationWidget->ensureCursorVisible(); presentationWidget->setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff); #ifdef SCASE1_PLUGIN_DOCUMENTWRITER_PREDICTION_ENABLED predictedItemsAdded = 0; #endif connect(presentationWidget, SIGNAL(textChanged()), this, SLOT(textHasChanged())); }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- long ctkPluginFrameworkLauncher::install(const QString& symbolicName, ctkPluginContext* context) { QString pluginPath = getPluginPath(symbolicName); if (pluginPath.isEmpty()) return -1; ctkPluginContext* pc = context; if (pc == 0 && d->fwFactory == 0) { d->fwFactory = new ctkPluginFrameworkFactory(d->fwProps); try { d->fwFactory->getFramework()->init(); pc = getPluginContext(); } catch (const ctkPluginException& exc) { qCritical() << "Failed to initialize the plug-in framework:" << exc; delete d->fwFactory; d->fwFactory = 0; return -1; } } try { return pc->installPlugin(QUrl::fromLocalFile(pluginPath))->getPluginId(); } catch (const ctkPluginException& exc) { qWarning() << "Failed to install plugin:" << exc; return -1; } }
int linkToNetworkTransmission(char * moduleName,char * modulePossiblePath ,char * moduleLib) { char *error; char functionNameStr[1024]={0}; if (!getPluginPath(modulePossiblePath,moduleLib,functionNameStr,1024)) { fprintf(stderr,RED "Could not find %s (try adding it to current directory)\n" NORMAL , moduleLib); return 0; } remoteNetworkDLhandle = dlopen (functionNameStr, RTLD_LAZY); if (!remoteNetworkDLhandle) { fprintf (stderr,RED "Failed while loading code for %s plugin from %s\n Error : %s\n" NORMAL, moduleName , functionNameStr , dlerror()); return 0; } dlerror(); /* Clear any existing error */ //Start Stop ================================================================================================================ startPushingToRemoteNetwork = dlsym(remoteNetworkDLhandle, "networkBackbone_startPushingToRemote" ); if ((error = dlerror()) != NULL) { fprintf (stderr, YELLOW "Could not find a definition of networkBackbone_startPushingToRemote : %s\n" NORMAL,error); } stopPushingToRemoteNetwork = dlsym(remoteNetworkDLhandle, "networkBackbone_stopPushingToRemote" ); if ((error = dlerror()) != NULL) { fprintf (stderr, YELLOW "Could not find a definition of networkBackbone_stopPushingToRemote : %s\n" NORMAL,error); } pushImageToRemoteNetwork = dlsym(remoteNetworkDLhandle, "networkBackbone_pushImageToRemote" ); if ((error = dlerror()) != NULL) { fprintf (stderr, YELLOW "Could not find a definition of networkBackbone_pushImageToRemote : %s\n" NORMAL,error); } return 1; }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool ctkPluginFrameworkLauncher::start(const QString& symbolicName, ctkPlugin::StartOptions options, ctkPluginContext* context) { // instantiate and start the framework if (context == 0 && d->fwFactory == 0) { d->fwFactory = new ctkPluginFrameworkFactory(d->fwProps); try { d->fwFactory->getFramework()->start(); } catch (const ctkPluginException& exc) { qCritical() << "Failed to start the plug-in framework:" << exc; delete d->fwFactory; d->fwFactory = 0; return false; } } else if (context == 0 && d->fwFactory->getFramework()->getState() != ctkPlugin::ACTIVE) { try { d->fwFactory->getFramework()->start(options); } catch (const ctkPluginException& exc) { qCritical() << "Failed to start the plug-in framework:" << exc; delete d->fwFactory; d->fwFactory = 0; return false; } } if(!symbolicName.isEmpty()) { QString pluginPath = getPluginPath(symbolicName); if (pluginPath.isEmpty()) return false; ctkPluginContext* pc = context ? context : getPluginContext(); try { pc->installPlugin(QUrl::fromLocalFile(pluginPath))->start(options); } catch (const ctkPluginException& exc) { qWarning() << "Failed to install plugin:" << exc; return false; } } return true; }
int acquisitionIsModuleLinked(ModuleIdentifier moduleID) { if (moduleID < NUMBER_OF_POSSIBLE_MODULES) { char tmp[1024]; return getPluginPath ( getPluginStr(moduleID,PLUGIN_PATH_STR) , getPluginStr(moduleID,PLUGIN_LIBNAME_STR) , tmp, 1024 ); } return 0; }
void FeatureExtractionPluginFactory::generateTaxonomy() { std::vector<QString> pluginPath = getPluginPath(); std::vector<QString> path; for (size_t i = 0; i < pluginPath.size(); ++i) { if (pluginPath[i].contains("/lib/")) { QString p(pluginPath[i]); path.push_back(p); p.replace("/lib/", "/share/"); path.push_back(p); } path.push_back(pluginPath[i]); } for (size_t i = 0; i < path.size(); ++i) { QDir dir(path[i], "*.cat"); // std::cerr << "LADSPAPluginFactory::generateFallbackCategories: directory " << path[i].toStdString() << " has " << dir.count() << " .cat files" << std::endl; for (unsigned int j = 0; j < dir.count(); ++j) { QFile file(path[i] + "/" + dir[j]); // std::cerr << "LADSPAPluginFactory::generateFallbackCategories: about to open " << (path[i].toStdString() + "/" + dir[j].toStdString()) << std::endl; if ( { // std::cerr << "...opened" << std::endl; QTextStream stream(&file); QString line; while (!stream.atEnd()) { line = stream.readLine(); // std::cerr << "line is: \"" << line.toStdString() << "\"" << std::endl; QString id = PluginIdentifier::canonicalise (line.section("::", 0, 0)); QString cat = line.section("::", 1, 1); m_taxonomy[id] = cat; // std::cerr << "FeatureExtractionPluginFactory: set id \"" << id.toStdString() << "\" to cat \"" << cat.toStdString() << "\"" << std::endl; } } } } }
void Audio::init(void) { #ifndef BUILD_STATIC char path[256]; dir_t dir; const char *dp = getPluginPath(); char filename[65]; if(!dp) return;; while(is(dir) &&, sizeof(filename)) > 0) { if(filename[0] == '.') continue; snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/%s", dp, filename); fsys::load(path); } dir.close(); #endif }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool ctkPluginFrameworkLauncher::stop(const QString& symbolicName, ctkPlugin::StopOptions options, ctkPluginContext* context) { if (d->fwFactory == 0) return true; ctkPluginContext* pc = context ? context : getPluginContext(); if (pc == 0) { qWarning() << "No valid plug-in context available"; return false; } if(!symbolicName.isEmpty()) { QString pluginPath = getPluginPath(symbolicName); if (pluginPath.isEmpty()) return false; try { QList<QSharedPointer<ctkPlugin> > plugins = pc->getPlugins(); foreach(QSharedPointer<ctkPlugin> plugin, plugins) { if (plugin->getSymbolicName() == symbolicName) { plugin->stop(options); return true; } } qWarning() << "Plug-in" << symbolicName << "not found"; return false; } catch (const ctkPluginException& exc) { qWarning() << "Failed to stop plug-in:" << exc; return false; } }
int linkToPlugin(char * moduleName,char * modulePossiblePath ,char * moduleLib , ModuleIdentifier moduleID) { char *error; char functionNameStr[1024]={0}; if (!getPluginPath(modulePossiblePath,moduleLib,functionNameStr,1024)) { fprintf(stderr,RED "Could not find %s (try adding it to current directory)\n" NORMAL , moduleLib); return 0; } plugins[moduleID].handle = dlopen (functionNameStr, RTLD_LAZY); if (!plugins[moduleID].handle) { fprintf (stderr,RED "Failed while loading code for %s plugin from %s\n Error : %s\n" NORMAL, moduleName , functionNameStr , dlerror()); return 0; } dlerror(); /* Clear any existing error */ //Start Stop ================================================================================================================ sprintf(functionNameStr,"start%sModule",moduleName); plugins[moduleID].startModule = dlsym(plugins[moduleID].handle, functionNameStr ); if ((error = dlerror()) != NULL) { fprintf (stderr, YELLOW "Could not find a definition of %s : %s\n" NORMAL ,functionNameStr , error); } sprintf(functionNameStr,"stop%sModule",moduleName); plugins[moduleID].stopModule = dlsym(plugins[moduleID].handle, functionNameStr ); if ((error = dlerror()) != NULL) { fprintf (stderr, YELLOW "Could not find a definition of %s : %s\n" NORMAL ,functionNameStr , error); } //================================================================================================================ sprintf(functionNameStr,"map%sDepthToRGB",moduleName); plugins[moduleID].mapDepthToRGB = dlsym(plugins[moduleID].handle, functionNameStr ); if ((error = dlerror()) != NULL) { fprintf (stderr, YELLOW "Could not find a definition of %s : %s\n" NORMAL ,functionNameStr , error); } sprintf(functionNameStr,"map%sRGBToDepth",moduleName); plugins[moduleID].mapRGBToDepth = dlsym(plugins[moduleID].handle, functionNameStr ); if ((error = dlerror()) != NULL) { fprintf (stderr, YELLOW "Could not find a definition of %s : %s\n" NORMAL ,functionNameStr , error); } sprintf(functionNameStr,"create%sDevice",moduleName); plugins[moduleID].createDevice = dlsym(plugins[moduleID].handle, functionNameStr ); if ((error = dlerror()) != NULL) { fprintf (stderr, YELLOW "Could not find a definition of %s : %s\n" NORMAL ,functionNameStr , error); } sprintf(functionNameStr,"destroy%sDevice",moduleName); plugins[moduleID].destroyDevice = dlsym(plugins[moduleID].handle, functionNameStr ); if ((error = dlerror()) != NULL) { fprintf (stderr, YELLOW "Could not find a definition of %s : %s\n" NORMAL ,functionNameStr , error); } sprintf(functionNameStr,"get%sNumberOfDevices",moduleName); plugins[moduleID].getNumberOfDevices = dlsym(plugins[moduleID].handle, functionNameStr ); if ((error = dlerror()) != NULL) { fprintf (stderr, YELLOW "Could not find a definition of %s : %s\n" NORMAL ,functionNameStr , error); } sprintf(functionNameStr,"seek%sFrame",moduleName); plugins[moduleID].seekFrame = dlsym(plugins[moduleID].handle, functionNameStr ); if ((error = dlerror()) != NULL) { fprintf (stderr, YELLOW "Could not find a definition of %s : %s\n" NORMAL ,functionNameStr , error); } sprintf(functionNameStr,"snap%sFrames",moduleName); plugins[moduleID].snapFrames = dlsym(plugins[moduleID].handle, functionNameStr ); if ((error = dlerror()) != NULL) { fprintf (stderr, YELLOW "Could not find a definition of %s : %s\n" NORMAL ,functionNameStr , error); } sprintf(functionNameStr,"getLast%sColorTimestamp",moduleName); plugins[moduleID].getLastColorTimestamp = dlsym(plugins[moduleID].handle, functionNameStr ); if ((error = dlerror()) != NULL) { fprintf (stderr, YELLOW "Could not find a definition of %s : %s\n" NORMAL ,functionNameStr , error); } sprintf(functionNameStr,"getLast%sDepthTimestamp",moduleName); plugins[moduleID].getLastDepthTimestamp = dlsym(plugins[moduleID].handle, functionNameStr ); if ((error = dlerror()) != NULL) { fprintf (stderr, YELLOW "Could not find a definition of %s : %s\n" NORMAL ,functionNameStr , error); } sprintf(functionNameStr,"get%sColorWidth",moduleName); plugins[moduleID].getColorWidth = dlsym(plugins[moduleID].handle, functionNameStr ); if ((error = dlerror()) != NULL) { fprintf (stderr, YELLOW "Could not find a definition of %s : %s\n" NORMAL ,functionNameStr , error); } sprintf(functionNameStr,"get%sColorHeight",moduleName); plugins[moduleID].getColorHeight = dlsym(plugins[moduleID].handle, functionNameStr ); if ((error = dlerror()) != NULL) { fprintf (stderr, YELLOW "Could not find a definition of %s : %s\n" NORMAL ,functionNameStr , error); } sprintf(functionNameStr,"get%sColorDataSize",moduleName); plugins[moduleID].getColorDataSize = dlsym(plugins[moduleID].handle, functionNameStr ); if ((error = dlerror()) != NULL) { fprintf (stderr, YELLOW "Could not find a definition of %s : %s\n" NORMAL ,functionNameStr , error); } sprintf(functionNameStr,"get%sColorChannels",moduleName); plugins[moduleID].getColorChannels = dlsym(plugins[moduleID].handle, functionNameStr ); if ((error = dlerror()) != NULL) { fprintf (stderr, YELLOW "Could not find a definition of %s : %s\n" NORMAL ,functionNameStr , error); } sprintf(functionNameStr,"get%sColorBitsPerPixel",moduleName); plugins[moduleID].getColorBitsPerPixel = dlsym(plugins[moduleID].handle, functionNameStr ); if ((error = dlerror()) != NULL) { fprintf (stderr, YELLOW "Could not find a definition of %s : %s\n" NORMAL ,functionNameStr , error); } sprintf(functionNameStr,"get%sColorPixels",moduleName); plugins[moduleID].getColorPixels = dlsym(plugins[moduleID].handle, functionNameStr ); if ((error = dlerror()) != NULL) { fprintf (stderr, YELLOW "Could not find a definition of %s : %s\n" NORMAL ,functionNameStr , error); } sprintf(functionNameStr,"get%sColorFocalLength",moduleName); plugins[moduleID].getColorFocalLength = dlsym(plugins[moduleID].handle, functionNameStr ); if ((error = dlerror()) != NULL) { fprintf (stderr, YELLOW "Could not find a definition of %s : %s\n" NORMAL ,functionNameStr , error); } sprintf(functionNameStr,"get%sColorPixelSize",moduleName); plugins[moduleID].getColorPixelSize = dlsym(plugins[moduleID].handle, functionNameStr ); if ((error = dlerror()) != NULL) { fprintf (stderr, YELLOW "Could not find a definition of %s : %s\n" NORMAL ,functionNameStr , error); } sprintf(functionNameStr,"get%sColorCalibration",moduleName); plugins[moduleID].getColorCalibration = dlsym(plugins[moduleID].handle, functionNameStr ); if ((error = dlerror()) != NULL) { fprintf (stderr, YELLOW "Could not find a definition of %s : %s\n" NORMAL ,functionNameStr , error); } sprintf(functionNameStr,"set%sColorCalibration",moduleName); plugins[moduleID].setColorCalibration = dlsym(plugins[moduleID].handle, functionNameStr ); if ((error = dlerror()) != NULL) { fprintf (stderr, YELLOW "Could not find a definition of %s : %s\n" NORMAL ,functionNameStr , error); } sprintf(functionNameStr,"get%sDepthWidth",moduleName); plugins[moduleID].getDepthWidth = dlsym(plugins[moduleID].handle, functionNameStr ); if ((error = dlerror()) != NULL) { fprintf (stderr, YELLOW "Could not find a definition of %s : %s\n" NORMAL ,functionNameStr , error); } sprintf(functionNameStr,"get%sDepthHeight",moduleName); plugins[moduleID].getDepthHeight = dlsym(plugins[moduleID].handle, functionNameStr ); if ((error = dlerror()) != NULL) { fprintf (stderr, YELLOW "Could not find a definition of %s : %s\n" NORMAL ,functionNameStr , error); } sprintf(functionNameStr,"get%sDepthDataSize",moduleName); plugins[moduleID].getDepthDataSize = dlsym(plugins[moduleID].handle, functionNameStr ); if ((error = dlerror()) != NULL) { fprintf (stderr, YELLOW "Could not find a definition of %s : %s\n" NORMAL ,functionNameStr , error); } sprintf(functionNameStr,"get%sDepthChannels",moduleName); plugins[moduleID].getDepthChannels = dlsym(plugins[moduleID].handle, functionNameStr ); if ((error = dlerror()) != NULL) { fprintf (stderr, YELLOW "Could not find a definition of %s : %s\n" NORMAL ,functionNameStr , error); } sprintf(functionNameStr,"get%sDepthBitsPerPixel",moduleName); plugins[moduleID].getDepthBitsPerPixel = dlsym(plugins[moduleID].handle, functionNameStr ); if ((error = dlerror()) != NULL) { fprintf (stderr, YELLOW "Could not find a definition of %s : %s\n" NORMAL ,functionNameStr , error); } sprintf(functionNameStr,"get%sDepthPixels",moduleName); plugins[moduleID].getDepthPixels = dlsym(plugins[moduleID].handle, functionNameStr ); if ((error = dlerror()) != NULL) { fprintf (stderr, YELLOW "Could not find a definition of %s : %s\n" NORMAL ,functionNameStr , error); } sprintf(functionNameStr,"get%sDepthFocalLength",moduleName); plugins[moduleID].getDepthFocalLength = dlsym(plugins[moduleID].handle, functionNameStr ); if ((error = dlerror()) != NULL) { fprintf (stderr, YELLOW "Could not find a definition of %s : %s\n" NORMAL ,functionNameStr , error); } sprintf(functionNameStr,"get%sDepthPixelSize",moduleName); plugins[moduleID].getDepthPixelSize = dlsym(plugins[moduleID].handle, functionNameStr ); if ((error = dlerror()) != NULL) { fprintf (stderr, YELLOW "Could not find a definition of %s : %s\n" NORMAL ,functionNameStr , error); } sprintf(functionNameStr,"get%sDepthCalibration",moduleName); plugins[moduleID].getDepthCalibration = dlsym(plugins[moduleID].handle, functionNameStr ); if ((error = dlerror()) != NULL) { fprintf (stderr, YELLOW "Could not find a definition of %s : %s\n" NORMAL ,functionNameStr , error); } sprintf(functionNameStr,"set%sDepthCalibration",moduleName); plugins[moduleID].setDepthCalibration = dlsym(plugins[moduleID].handle, functionNameStr ); if ((error = dlerror()) != NULL) { fprintf (stderr, YELLOW "Could not find a definition of %s : %s\n" NORMAL ,functionNameStr , error); } return 1; }
QString FeatureExtractionPluginFactory::findPluginFile(QString soname, QString inDir) { QString file = ""; #ifdef DEBUG_PLUGIN_SCAN_AND_INSTANTIATE std::cerr << "FeatureExtractionPluginFactory::findPluginFile(\"" << soname.toStdString() << "\", \"" << inDir.toStdString() << "\")" << std::endl; #endif if (inDir != "") { QDir dir(inDir, PLUGIN_GLOB, QDir::Name | QDir::IgnoreCase, QDir::Files | QDir::Readable); if (!dir.exists()) return ""; file = dir.filePath(QFileInfo(soname).fileName()); if (QFileInfo(file).exists() && QFileInfo(file).isFile()) { #ifdef DEBUG_PLUGIN_SCAN_AND_INSTANTIATE std::cerr << "FeatureExtractionPluginFactory::findPluginFile: " << "found trivially at " << file.toStdString() << std::endl; #endif return file; } for (unsigned int j = 0; j < dir.count(); ++j) { file = dir.filePath(dir[j]); if (QFileInfo(file).baseName() == QFileInfo(soname).baseName()) { #ifdef DEBUG_PLUGIN_SCAN_AND_INSTANTIATE std::cerr << "FeatureExtractionPluginFactory::findPluginFile: " << "found \"" << soname.toStdString() << "\" at " << file.toStdString() << std::endl; #endif return file; } } #ifdef DEBUG_PLUGIN_SCAN_AND_INSTANTIATE std::cerr << "FeatureExtractionPluginFactory::findPluginFile (with dir): " << "not found" << std::endl; #endif return ""; } else { QFileInfo fi(soname); if (fi.isAbsolute() && fi.exists() && fi.isFile()) { #ifdef DEBUG_PLUGIN_SCAN_AND_INSTANTIATE std::cerr << "FeatureExtractionPluginFactory::findPluginFile: " << "found trivially at " << soname.toStdString() << std::endl; #endif return soname; } if (fi.isAbsolute() && fi.absolutePath() != "") { file = findPluginFile(soname, fi.absolutePath()); if (file != "") return file; } std::vector<QString> path = getPluginPath(); for (std::vector<QString>::iterator i = path.begin(); i != path.end(); ++i) { if (*i != "") { file = findPluginFile(soname, *i); if (file != "") return file; } } #ifdef DEBUG_PLUGIN_SCAN_AND_INSTANTIATE std::cerr << "FeatureExtractionPluginFactory::findPluginFile: " << "not found" << std::endl; #endif return ""; } }
std::vector<QString> FeatureExtractionPluginFactory::getPluginIdentifiers() { Profiler profiler("FeatureExtractionPluginFactory::getPluginIdentifiers"); std::vector<QString> rv; std::vector<QString> path = getPluginPath(); for (std::vector<QString>::iterator i = path.begin(); i != path.end(); ++i) { #ifdef DEBUG_PLUGIN_SCAN_AND_INSTANTIATE std::cerr << "FeatureExtractionPluginFactory::getPluginIdentifiers: scanning directory " << i->toStdString() << std::endl; #endif QDir pluginDir(*i, PLUGIN_GLOB, QDir::Name | QDir::IgnoreCase, QDir::Files | QDir::Readable); for (unsigned int j = 0; j < pluginDir.count(); ++j) { QString soname = pluginDir.filePath(pluginDir[j]); #ifdef DEBUG_PLUGIN_SCAN_AND_INSTANTIATE std::cerr << "FeatureExtractionPluginFactory::getPluginIdentifiers: trying potential library " << soname.toStdString() << std::endl; #endif void *libraryHandle = DLOPEN(soname, RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_LOCAL); if (!libraryHandle) { std::cerr << "WARNING: FeatureExtractionPluginFactory::getPluginIdentifiers: Failed to load library " << soname.toStdString() << ": " << DLERROR() << std::endl; continue; } #ifdef DEBUG_PLUGIN_SCAN_AND_INSTANTIATE std::cerr << "FeatureExtractionPluginFactory::getPluginIdentifiers: It's a library all right, checking for descriptor" << std::endl; #endif VampGetPluginDescriptorFunction fn = (VampGetPluginDescriptorFunction) DLSYM(libraryHandle, "vampGetPluginDescriptor"); if (!fn) { std::cerr << "WARNING: FeatureExtractionPluginFactory::getPluginIdentifiers: No descriptor function in " << soname.toStdString() << std::endl; if (DLCLOSE(libraryHandle) != 0) { std::cerr << "WARNING: FeatureExtractionPluginFactory::getPluginIdentifiers: Failed to unload library " << soname.toStdString() << std::endl; } continue; } #ifdef DEBUG_PLUGIN_SCAN_AND_INSTANTIATE std::cerr << "FeatureExtractionPluginFactory::getPluginIdentifiers: Vamp descriptor found" << std::endl; #endif const VampPluginDescriptor *descriptor = 0; int index = 0; std::map<std::string, int> known; bool ok = true; while ((descriptor = fn(VAMP_API_VERSION, index))) { if (known.find(descriptor->identifier) != known.end()) { std::cerr << "WARNING: FeatureExtractionPluginFactory::getPluginIdentifiers: Plugin library " << soname.toStdString() << " returns the same plugin identifier \"" << descriptor->identifier << "\" at indices " << known[descriptor->identifier] << " and " << index << std::endl; std::cerr << "FeatureExtractionPluginFactory::getPluginIdentifiers: Avoiding this library (obsolete API?)" << std::endl; ok = false; break; } else { known[descriptor->identifier] = index; } ++index; } if (ok) { index = 0; while ((descriptor = fn(VAMP_API_VERSION, index))) { QString id = PluginIdentifier::createIdentifier ("vamp", soname, descriptor->identifier); rv.push_back(id); #ifdef DEBUG_PLUGIN_SCAN_AND_INSTANTIATE std::cerr << "FeatureExtractionPluginFactory::getPluginIdentifiers: Found plugin id " << id.toStdString() << " at index " << index << std::endl; #endif ++index; } } if (DLCLOSE(libraryHandle) != 0) { std::cerr << "WARNING: FeatureExtractionPluginFactory::getPluginIdentifiers: Failed to unload library " << soname.toStdString() << std::endl; } } } generateTaxonomy(); return rv; }
#include "overlay_texture.h" #include <Windows.h> #include "filesystem.h" #include "common.h" #include "util.h" #include "jvm_connection.hpp" #include "logging.h" static const char* RFACTOR_PATH = getRFactorPath(); static const char* PLUGIN_PATH = getPluginPath(); static const char* CONFIG_PATH = getConfigPath(); static char* fileBuffer = (char*)malloc( MAX_PATH ); OverlayTextureManager* textureManager = NULL; unsigned short resX, resY; static PixelBufferCallback* pixBuffCallback = new PixelBufferCallback(); unsigned char* PixelBufferCallback::getPixelBuffer( const unsigned char textureIndex, void** userObject ) { return ( getGlobal()->jvmConn.d3dFuncs.getPixelData( textureIndex ) ); } void PixelBufferCallback::releasePixelBuffer( const unsigned char textureIndex, unsigned char* buffer, void* userObject ) { getGlobal()->jvmConn.d3dFuncs.releasePixelData( textureIndex, buffer ); } void D3DManager::renderOverlay( void* d3dDev, const float postScaleX, const float postScaleY, JVMD3DUpdateFunctions* d3dFuncs )