void VolumeGradientBase::requestAtoms( const std::vector<AtomNumber>& atoms ) {
  ActionAtomistic::requestAtoms(atoms); bridgeVariable=3*atoms.size();
  std::map<std::string,bool> checklabs;
  for(const auto & p : getDependencies() ) checklabs.insert(std::pair<std::string,bool>(p->getLabel(),false));
  for(const auto & p : plumed.getActionSet() ) {
    if( p->getLabel()==getPntrToMultiColvar()->getLabel() ) break;
    if( checklabs.count(p->getLabel()) ) checklabs[p->getLabel()]=true;
  for(const auto & p : checklabs ) {
    if( !p.second ) error("the input for the virtual atoms used in the input for this action must appear in the input file before the input multicolvar");
  addDependency( getPntrToMultiColvar() );
  tmpforces.resize( 3*atoms.size()+9 );
void MultiColvarFilter::completeTask( const unsigned& curr, MultiValue& invals, MultiValue& outvals ) const {
  invals.copyValues( outvals );
  if( derivativesAreRequired() ) invals.copyDerivatives( outvals );
  // Retrive the value of the multicolvar and apply filter
  double val=invals.get(1), df, weight=applyFilter( val, df );

  // Now propegate derivatives
  if( !getPntrToMultiColvar()->weightHasDerivatives ){
     outvals.setValue( 0, weight );
     if( derivativesAreRequired() ){
         for(unsigned i=0;i<invals.getNumberActive();++i){
             unsigned jder=invals.getActiveIndex(i);
             outvals.addDerivative( 0, jder, df*invals.getDerivative(1, jder ) );
  } else {
     double ww=outvals.get(0); outvals.setValue( 0, ww*weight );
     if( derivativesAreRequired() ){
         for(unsigned i=0;i<outvals.getNumberActive();++i){
             unsigned ider=outvals.getActiveIndex(i);
             outvals.setDerivative( 0, ider, weight*outvals.getDerivative(1,ider) + ww*df*outvals.getDerivative(0,ider) );
MultiColvarFilter::MultiColvarFilter(const ActionOptions&ao):
  if( getPntrToMultiColvar()->isDensity() ) error("filtering density makes no sense");
Exemple #4
bool ActionVolume::inVolumeOfInterest( const unsigned& curr ) const {
  Vector catom_pos=getPntrToMultiColvar()->getCentralAtomPos( curr );
  Vector wdf; Tensor vir; std::vector<Vector> refders( getNumberOfAtoms() );
  double weight=calculateNumberInside( catom_pos, wdf, vir, refders );
  if( not_in ) weight = 1.0 - weight;
  if( weight<getTolerance() ) return false;
  return true;
void VolumeGradientBase::completeTask( const unsigned& curr, MultiValue& invals, MultiValue& outvals ) const {
  if( getPntrToMultiColvar()->isDensity() ) {
    outvals.setValue(0, 1.0); outvals.setValue(1, 1.0);
  } else {
    // Copy derivatives of the colvar and the value of the colvar
    invals.copyValues( outvals );
    if( derivativesAreRequired() ) invals.copyDerivatives( outvals );
  calculateAllVolumes( curr, outvals );
Exemple #6
void ActionVolume::calculateAllVolumes( const unsigned& curr, MultiValue& outvals ) const {
  Vector catom_pos=getPntrToMultiColvar()->getCentralAtomPos( curr );

  double weight; Vector wdf; Tensor vir; std::vector<Vector> refders( getNumberOfAtoms() );
  weight=calculateNumberInside( catom_pos, wdf, vir, refders );
  if( not_in ) {
    weight = 1.0 - weight; wdf *= -1.; vir *=-1;
    for(unsigned i=0; i<refders.size(); ++i) refders[i]*=-1;
  setNumberInVolume( 0, curr, weight, wdf, vir, refders, outvals );
MultiColvarFilter::MultiColvarFilter(const ActionOptions&ao):
  if( getPntrToMultiColvar()->isDensity() ) error("filtering/transforming density makes no sense");

  if( getName().find("MFILTER")!=std::string::npos ) filter=true;
  else {
    plumed_assert( getName().find("MTRANSFORM")!=std::string::npos );

Exemple #8
ActionVolume::ActionVolume(const ActionOptions&ao):
  // Find number of quantities
  if( getPntrToMultiColvar()->isDensity() ) nquantities=2;                           // Value + weight
  else if( getPntrToMultiColvar()->getNumberOfQuantities()==2 ) nquantities=2;       // Value + weight
  else nquantities = 1 + getPntrToMultiColvar()->getNumberOfQuantities()-2 + 1;      // Norm  + vector + weight

  // Output some nice information
  std::string functype=getPntrToMultiColvar()->getName();
  std::transform( functype.begin(), functype.end(), functype.begin(), tolower );
  log.printf("  calculating %s inside region of insterest\n",functype.c_str() );

  parseFlag("OUTSIDE",not_in); sigma=0.0;
  if( keywords.exists("SIGMA") ) parse("SIGMA",sigma);
  if( keywords.exists("KERNEL") ) parse("KERNEL",kerneltype);

  if( getPntrToMultiColvar()->isDensity() ) {
    std::string input;
    addVessel( "SUM", input, -1 );  // -1 here means that this value will be named getLabel()
void VolumeGradientBase::setNumberInVolume( const unsigned& ivol, const unsigned& curr, const double& weight,
    const Vector& wdf, const Tensor& virial, const std::vector<Vector>& refders,
    MultiValue& outvals ) const {
  MultiColvarBase* mcolv=getPntrToMultiColvar();
  if( !mcolv->weightHasDerivatives ) {
    outvals.setValue(ivol, weight );
    if( derivativesAreRequired() ) {
      CatomPack catom; mcolv->getCentralAtomPack( 0, curr, catom );
      for(unsigned i=0; i<catom.getNumberOfAtomsWithDerivatives(); ++i) {
        unsigned jatom=3*catom.getIndex(i);
        outvals.addDerivative( ivol, jatom+0, catom.getDerivative(i,0,wdf) );
        outvals.addDerivative( ivol, jatom+1, catom.getDerivative(i,1,wdf) );
        outvals.addDerivative( ivol, jatom+2, catom.getDerivative(i,2,wdf) );
      unsigned nmder=getPntrToMultiColvar()->getNumberOfDerivatives();
      for(unsigned i=0; i<3; ++i) for(unsigned j=0; j<3; ++j) outvals.addDerivative( ivol, nmder-9+3*i+j, virial(i,j) );
      for(unsigned i=0; i<refders.size(); ++i) {
        unsigned iatom=nmder+3*i;

        outvals.addDerivative( ivol, iatom+0, refders[i][0] );
        outvals.addDerivative( ivol, iatom+1, refders[i][1] );
        outvals.addDerivative( ivol, iatom+2, refders[i][2] );
  } else if(ivol==0) {
    double ww=outvals.get(0); outvals.setValue(ivol,ww*weight);
    if( derivativesAreRequired() ) {
      plumed_merror("This needs testing");
      CatomPack catom; mcolv->getCentralAtomPack( 0, curr, catom );
      for(unsigned i=0; i<catom.getNumberOfAtomsWithDerivatives(); ++i) {
        unsigned jatom=3*catom.getIndex(i);
        outvals.addDerivative( ivol, jatom+0, weight*outvals.getDerivative(ivol,jatom+0) + ww*catom.getDerivative(i,0,wdf) );
        outvals.addDerivative( ivol, jatom+1, weight*outvals.getDerivative(ivol,jatom+1) + ww*catom.getDerivative(i,1,wdf) );
        outvals.addDerivative( ivol, jatom+2, weight*outvals.getDerivative(ivol,jatom+2) + ww*catom.getDerivative(i,2,wdf) );
      unsigned nmder=getPntrToMultiColvar()->getNumberOfDerivatives();
      for(unsigned i=0; i<3; ++i) for(unsigned j=0; j<3; ++j) outvals.addDerivative( ivol, nmder-9+3*i+j, ww*virial(i,j) );
      for(unsigned i=0; i<refders.size(); ++i) {
        unsigned iatom=nmder+3*i;
        outvals.addDerivative( ivol, iatom+0, ww*refders[i][0] );
        outvals.addDerivative( ivol, iatom+1, ww*refders[i][1] );
        outvals.addDerivative( ivol, iatom+2, ww*refders[i][2] );
  } else {
    double ww=outvals.get(0); outvals.setValue(ivol,ww*weight);
    if( derivativesAreRequired() ) {
      plumed_merror("This needs testing");
      CatomPack catom; mcolv->getCentralAtomPack( 0, curr, catom );
      for(unsigned i=0; i<catom.getNumberOfAtomsWithDerivatives(); ++i) {
        unsigned jatom=3*catom.getIndex(i);
        outvals.addDerivative( ivol, jatom+0, ww*catom.getDerivative(i,0,wdf) );
        outvals.addDerivative( ivol, jatom+1, ww*catom.getDerivative(i,1,wdf) );
        outvals.addDerivative( ivol, jatom+2, ww*catom.getDerivative(i,2,wdf) );
      unsigned nmder=getPntrToMultiColvar()->getNumberOfDerivatives();
      for(unsigned i=0; i<3; ++i) for(unsigned j=0; j<3; ++j) outvals.addDerivative( ivol, nmder-9+3*i+j, ww*virial(i,j) );
      for(unsigned i=0; i<refders.size(); ++i) {
        unsigned iatom=nmder+3*i;
        outvals.addDerivative( ivol, iatom+0, ww*refders[i][0] );
        outvals.addDerivative( ivol, iatom+1, ww*refders[i][1] );
        outvals.addDerivative( ivol, iatom+2, ww*refders[i][2] );