Exemple #1
ofVec2f testApp::getVelocityForTime(float time){
    // To get the velocity we'll look at the position of two points and get their difference.
    // We want this relative to time, so we'll choose an arbitrary amount of time to look back into.  For this, I chose 0.09
    // We use MAX so we're never asking for a point less than 0 (because our first point exists at 0, there is nothing before it!)
    ofPoint prevPt = getPositionForTime( MAX(time - 0.09f, 0));		// Where we were 0.09 seconds ago. 
	ofPoint currPt = getPositionForTime(time);                      // Where we are now!
    ofPoint diff;
	diff.x = currPt.x - prevPt.x;
	diff.y = currPt.y - prevPt.y;
	return diff;
ofPoint	 TimeLine::getVelocityForTime( float _time){
	// to get the velcoity, look back a bit of time, and at the current time
	// and get the difference
	// veclocity = pos at time 1 - pos at time 0...
	ofPoint prevPt = getPositionForTime( MAX(_time - 0.09f, 0));		// check for where we were 0.05 seconds ago
	ofPoint currPt = getPositionForTime(_time);							// check for where we are now.
	ofPoint diff;
	diff.x = currPt.x - prevPt.x;
	diff.y = currPt.y - prevPt.y;
	return diff;
Exemple #3
void testApp::draw(){
	// -------------------------- draw the line
	for (int i = 0; i < pointList.size(); i++){
		ofVertex(pointList[i].x, pointList[i].y);
	// -------------------------- draw the point at the current time
	ofPoint pos = getPositionForTime(ofGetElapsedTimef() - playbackStartTime);
    ofVec2f vel = getVelocityForTime(ofGetElapsedTimef() - playbackStartTime);
    float angle = atan2( vel.y, vel.x );    // remember that y comes before x. It also works because velocity has a direction. Pos does not.
    float vecLen = vel.length();            // the length of our velocity vector
    ofSetRectMode( OF_RECTMODE_CENTER );
    // draw a box aligned to the path we drew, with some stretch based on velocity
        ofTranslate(pos.x, pos.y, 0);
        ofRotateZ( ofRadToDeg(angle) );
        ofRect(0,0,50 + vecLen*0.5, 50);
Exemple #4
void testApp::draw(){
	// we want to bounce back and forth, so we'll use something that cycles. How about sin?
    float sinVal            = sin( ofGetElapsedTimef() );
    float remappedSinPct    = ofMap(sinVal, -1, 1, 0, 1);
    // we may have no drawn anything yet. Lets check here.
    float drawingDuration = 0.0;
    if( pointList.size() > 0 ){
       drawingDuration = MAX(0, pointList[pointList.size()-1].t);  // the last time point is the same as the end time of our drawing
    float newTime           = drawingDuration * remappedSinPct;
	ofPoint pos = getPositionForTime( newTime );
    // -------------------------- map the background color to the height of the particle
    float bgcolor = ofMap( pos.y, 0, ofGetWindowHeight(), 0.0, 1.0);
    ofBackground( (1-bgcolor) * 255.0 );
    // -------------------------- draw the line
	for (int i = 0; i < pointList.size(); i++){
		ofVertex(pointList[i].x, pointList[i].y);
    // -------------------------- draw the circle
	ofCircle(pos.x, pos.y, 10);
void TimeLine::draw(){
    if (points.size() > 0){
        //  For making super smooth and gradient lines use ofMeshes.
        //  Them let you add vertex asociated to colors.
        //  OpenGL it's going to be in charge of making the gradient ; )
        ofMesh lineMesh;
        lineMesh.setMode(OF_PRIMITIVE_LINE_STRIP);  //  There are other modes like: points, triangles and quads
        for (int i = 0 ; i < points.size() ; i++){
            //  Map the position on the array with the alpha to geting alfa gradient
            //float alpha = ofMap(i+1, 1,points.size(), 0.0,1.0);
            lineMesh.addColor(1.0); //ofFloatColor(_color, alpha*0.3) );   //  We are using ofFloatColors that goes from 0.0 - 1.0
            //  instead of 0-255 that's way you have better quality
        //  Once this object call ofMesh it's done you can draw it.
        if ( isFinish() ){
            // figure out what time we are at, and make sure we playback cyclically (!)
            // use the duration here and make sure our timeToCheck is in the range of 0 - duration
            float timeToCheck = ofGetElapsedTimef();
            while (timeToCheck > getDuration() && getDuration() > 0){
                timeToCheck -= getDuration();
            // get the position and velocity at timeToCheck
            ofPoint pos = getPositionForTime(timeToCheck);
            ofSetColor(255, 0, 0);
            ofCircle(pos, 5);
Exemple #6
void testApp::draw() {

    // -------------------------- draw the line
    for (int i = 0; i < pts.size(); i++) {
        ofVertex(pts[i].x, pts[i].y);

    // -------------------------- draw the point at the current time
    ofPoint pos = getPositionForTime(ofGetElapsedTimef() - playbackStartTime);
    ofCircle(pos.x, pos.y, 10);
