CommandTransformLinear::CommandTransformLinear(TransformType type, Editor::Axis axis, Editor::RotationPivot pivot, float delta, const QSet<int> &selection, ldraw::model *model)
	: CommandTransform(selection, model, pivot)
	axis_ = axis;
	type_ = type;
	delta_ = delta;

	/* no use for translating 'position' */
	if (type == Position)
		pivot_ = Editor::PivotEach;
	if (type == Rotation)
		postmult_ = getRotationMatrix(axis_, delta);
		premult_ = getPositionMatrix(axis_, delta);
Exemple #2
//ALEX OWEN 10/04/15
XMMATRIX GameObject::getWorldMatrix()
	if(!transformed) return XMLoadFloat4x4(&worldMatrix);
	// create matrices to create a single world matrix for the GameObject's transform
	XMMATRIX scaleMatrix = XMMatrixScaling( scale.x, scale.y, scale.z );
	XMMATRIX rotationMatrix = getRotationMatrix();
	XMMATRIX positionMatrix = getPositionMatrix();
	// 1) scale 
	// 2) rotate 
	// 3) position
	XMMATRIX _worldMatrix = XMMatrixTranspose( scaleMatrix * rotationMatrix * positionMatrix );
	transformed = false;
	return _worldMatrix;
bool CommandTransformLinear::mergeWith(const QUndoCommand *command)
	if (command->id() != id())
		return false;

	const CommandTransformLinear *ctl = dynamic_cast<const CommandTransformLinear *>(command);

	if (selection_ != ctl->selection())
		return false;

	delta_ += ctl->delta();
	if (type_ == Position)
		premult_ = getPositionMatrix(axis_, delta_);
		postmult_ = getRotationMatrix(axis_, delta_);

	return true;
	//Public - getTranslation Matrix to translate other objects in calling gameObject coordinate system
	myEngine::Matrix4x4 GameObject::getTranslationMatrix()
		Matrix4x4 translationMatrix = getPositionMatrix();