void GoogleEarthOptionsDialog::browseFilenameDialog()
    QString	fn			= "";
    QString file		= this->GoogleEarthProgram_lineEdit->text();
    QString fileStart	= getProgramDir();

// ***********************************************************************************************************************

    fileStart.replace( "://", ":/" );

    QFileInfo fi( file );

    if ( fi.exists() == true )
        fileStart = file;

    #if defined(Q_OS_WIN)
        fn = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName( this, tr( "Select the Google Earth program" ), fileStart, tr( "EXE file (*.exe)" ), 0, QFileDialog::DontUseNativeDialog );

    #if defined(Q_OS_LINUX)
        fn = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName( this, tr( "Select the Google Earth program" ), fileStart, tr( "All (*)" ), 0, QFileDialog::DontUseNativeDialog );

    #if defined(Q_OS_MAC)
        fn = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory( this, tr( "Select the Google Earth program" ), fileStart, QFileDialog::DontUseNativeDialog );

    if ( fn.isEmpty() == true )
        fn = file;

    this->GoogleEarthProgram_lineEdit->setText( QDir::toNativeSeparators( fn ) );

Exemple #2
int loadMotif() {
    void * xmLib = NULL, *xtLib = NULL, *x11Lib = NULL, *xinLib = NULL;
#ifdef AIX
    void * motifShim = NULL;
    char * path = getProgramDir();
    int dlFlags = RTLD_LAZY;

    /* initialize ptr struct to 0's */
    memset(&motif, 0, sizeof(struct MOTIF_PTRS));

#ifndef AIX
    if (path != NULL) {
        /* look for libXm first in the root of eclipse */
        char * lib = malloc((strlen(path) + strlen(_T_ECLIPSE(XM_LIB)) + 2) * sizeof(char));
        sprintf( lib, "%s%c%s", path, dirSeparator, XM_LIB);
        xmLib = dlopen(lib, dlFlags);
    dlFlags |= RTLD_MEMBER;
    motifShim = loadMotifShimLibrary();
    if (motifShim == NULL)
        return -1;

    if (xmLib == NULL) {
        xmLib = dlopen(XM_LIB, dlFlags);

    if (xmLib == NULL) {
        /* bail now, don't load the others, libXm must be loaded first, so leave things for
         * swt to do later */
        return -1;

    xtLib = dlopen(XT_LIB, dlFlags);
    x11Lib = dlopen(X11_LIB, dlFlags);

    /* printf("XmLib: %s: %x\nXtLib: %s: %x\nX11Lib:%s, %x\n", XM_LIB, xmLib, XT_LIB, xtLib, X11_LIB, x11Lib);*/
    /* don't fail without Xinerama */
    xinLib = dlopen(XIN_LIB, dlFlags);
    if (xinLib != NULL)
        loadMotifSymbols(xinLib, xinFunctions);
    if( xtLib == NULL || x11Lib == NULL)
        return -1;

    if (loadMotifSymbols(xmLib, xmFunctions)  != 0) return -1;
    if (loadMotifSymbols(xtLib, xtFunctions)  != 0) return -1;
    if (loadMotifSymbols(x11Lib, x11Functions)  != 0) return -1;
#ifdef AIX
    if (loadMotifSymbols(motifShim, shimFunctions) !=0) return -1;

    return 0;
void CallDaemon::loadConfig()
	ZConfig conf(getProgramDir()+"incalladd.ini", true);
	//allowout = conf.readBoolEntry("CONFIG","allowout");
	showno = conf.readBoolEntry("CONFIG", "showno");
	switchrc = conf.readBoolEntry("CONFIG", "switchcallrecord");
    //ignorewav = conf.readEntry("FIREWALL","ignorewav");
    //mode = conf.readEntry("FIREWALL", "mode");
    //blacklist = conf.readListEntry("FIREWALL", "blacklist", QChar(';'));
    //whitelist = conf.readListEntry("FIREWALL", "whitelist", QChar(';'));
    iplist = conf.readListEntry("IP", "iplist", ';');
Exemple #4
void ZGui::eliminarTipoDELETE()
{ QString aux="";
  ZConfig conf ( getProgramDir() + "av_db.cfg", true );
 QStringList list = conf.readListEntry ( QString("DATABASE"), QString("DELETE"), QChar(';') );
 ZSingleSelectDlg * dlg = new ZSingleSelectDlg("Remove", "Select type", this, "ZSingleSelectDlg", true, 0, 0);
 int elegido=dlg->getCheckedItemIndex();
 conf.writeEntry(QString("DATABASE"), QString("DELETE"), list, ';');
  infos = new ZNoticeDlg(ZNoticeDlg::Information, 3000, QString("OK"), QString("Type " + aux +" removed"), this, "z", true, 0);
  } infos=NULL;
Exemple #5
void ZGui::agregarTipoASK()
  QString aux="";
ZSingleCaptureDlg* dialogo = new ZSingleCaptureDlg ( "Add type", "Enter new file type", ZSingleCaptureDlg::normal, NULL, "dlg", true, 0, 0 );
     if ( dialogo->exec() )
        aux = dialogo->getResultText();
 if(aux!="") {
 ZConfig conf ( getProgramDir() + "av_db.cfg", true );
 QStringList list = conf.readListEntry ( QString("DATABASE"), QString("ASK"), QChar(';') );
 list +=  aux;
 conf.writeEntry(QString("DATABASE"), QString("ASK"), list, ';');}
  infos = new ZNoticeDlg(ZNoticeDlg::Information, 3000, QString("OK"), QString("Type " + aux +" added"), this, "z", true, 0);
  } infos=NULL;
Exemple #6
ZGui::ZGui ( const QString &ejecuta, QWidget* parent, const char* name, WFlags fl )
    : ZKbMainWidget ( ZHeader::FULL_TYPE, NULL, "ZMainWidget", 0 )
  QString eje = ejecuta;
  if ( eje == "cleannow" )
  ZConfig conf ( getProgramDir() + "av_db.cfg", true );
  QStringList list = conf.readListEntry ( QString("DATABASE"), QString("DELETE"), QChar(';') );
  QStringList a="";
  for(int i=0;i< list.count();i++) {
  a=limpiar(SD,list[i]); borrar(a); a="";
  a=limpiar(phone,list[i]); borrar(a); a="";}
  CreateWindow ( parent );
  ( ( ZApplication* ) qApp )->showMainWidget ( this );}
Exemple #7
int main( int argc, _TCHAR* argv[] )
    _TCHAR*  errorMsg;
    _TCHAR*  program;
    _TCHAR*  iniFile;
    _TCHAR*  ch;
    _TCHAR** configArgv = NULL;
    int 	 configArgc = 0;
    int      exitCode = 0;
    int      ret = 0;
    void *	 handle = 0;
    RunMethod 		runMethod;
    SetInitialArgs  setArgs;

    setlocale(LC_ALL, "");

    initialArgc = argc;
    initialArgv = malloc((argc + 1) * sizeof(_TCHAR*));
    memcpy(initialArgv, argv, (argc + 1) * sizeof(_TCHAR*));

     * Strip off any extroneous <CR> from the last argument. If a shell script
     * on Linux is created in DOS format (lines end with <CR><LF>), the C-shell
     * does not strip off the <CR> and hence the argument is bogus and may
     * not be recognized by the launcher or eclipse itself.
    ch = _tcschr( argv[ argc - 1 ], _T_ECLIPSE('\r') );
    if (ch != NULL)
        *ch = _T_ECLIPSE('\0');

    /* Determine the full pathname of this program. */
    program = findProgram(argv);

    /* Parse configuration file arguments */
    iniFile = checkForIni(argc, argv);
    if (iniFile != NULL)
        ret = readConfigFile(iniFile, &configArgc, &configArgv);
        ret = readIniFile(program, &configArgc, &configArgv);
    if (ret == 0)
        parseArgs (&configArgc, configArgv);

    /* Parse command line arguments           */
    /* Overrides configuration file arguments */
    parseArgs( &argc, argv );

    /* Special case - user arguments specified in the config file
     * are appended to the user arguments passed from the command line.
    if (configArgc > 0)
        createUserArgs(configArgc, configArgv, &argc, &argv);

    /* Initialize official program name */
    officialName = name != NULL ? _tcsdup( name ) : getDefaultOfficialName(program);

    /* Find the directory where the Eclipse program is installed. */
    programDir = getProgramDir(program);

    /* Find the eclipse library */
    eclipseLibrary = findLibrary(eclipseLibrary, program);

    if(eclipseLibrary != NULL)
        handle = loadLibrary(eclipseLibrary);
    if(handle == NULL) {
        errorMsg = malloc( (_tcslen(libraryMsg) + _tcslen(officialName) + 10) * sizeof(_TCHAR) );
        _stprintf( errorMsg, libraryMsg, officialName );
        if (!suppressErrors)
            displayMessage( officialName, errorMsg );
            _ftprintf(stderr, _T_ECLIPSE("%s:\n%s\n"), officialName, errorMsg);
        free( errorMsg );
        exit( 1 );

    setArgs = (SetInitialArgs)findSymbol(handle, SET_INITIAL_ARGS);
    if(setArgs != NULL)
        setArgs(initialArgc, initialArgv, eclipseLibrary);
    else {
            displayMessage(officialName, entryMsg);
            _ftprintf(stderr, _T_ECLIPSE("%s:\n%s\n"), officialName, entryMsg);

    runMethod = (RunMethod)findSymbol(handle, RUN_METHOD);
    if(runMethod != NULL)
        exitCode = runMethod(argc, argv, userVMarg);
    else {
            displayMessage(officialName, entryMsg);
            _ftprintf(stderr, _T_ECLIPSE("%s:\n%s\n"), officialName, entryMsg);

    free( eclipseLibrary );
    free( programDir );
    free( program );
    free( officialName );

    return exitCode;
 * Find the VM shared library starting from the java executable 
static _TCHAR* findLib( _TCHAR* command ) {
	int i, j;
	size_t pathLength;	
	struct _stat stats;
	_TCHAR * path;				/* path to resulting jvm shared library */
	_TCHAR * location;			/* points to begining of jvmLocations section of path */
	/* for looking in the registry */
	HKEY jreKey = NULL;
	DWORD length = MAX_PATH;
	_TCHAR keyName[MAX_PATH];
	_TCHAR * jreKeyName;		
	if (command != NULL) {
		location = lastDirSeparator( command ) + 1;
		/*check first to see if command already points to the library */
		if (isVMLibrary(command)) {
			if (_tstat( command, &stats ) == 0 && (stats.st_mode & S_IFREG) != 0)
				return command; 	/* exists */
			return NULL; /* doesn't exist */
		pathLength = (size_t) (location - command);
		path = malloc((pathLength + MAX_LOCATION_LENGTH + 1 + _tcslen(vmLibrary) + 1) * sizeof(_TCHAR));
		_tcsncpy(path, command, pathLength);
		location = &path[pathLength];
		 * We are trying base/jvmLocations[*]/vmLibrary
		 * where base is the directory containing the given java command, normally jre/bin
		i = -1;
		while(jvmLocations[++i] != NULL) {
			_stprintf(location, _T_ECLIPSE("%s%c%s"), jvmLocations[i], dirSeparator, vmLibrary);
			if (_tstat( path, &stats ) == 0 && (stats.st_mode & S_IFREG) != 0)
			{	/* found it */
				return path;
		/* if command is eclipse/jre, don't look in registry */
		 location = malloc( (_tcslen( getProgramDir() ) + _tcslen( shippedVMDir ) + 1) * sizeof(_TCHAR) );
        _stprintf( location, _T_ECLIPSE("%s%s"), getProgramDir(), shippedVMDir );
        if( _tcsncmp(command, location, _tcslen(location)) == 0) {
        	return NULL;
	/* Not found yet, try the registry, we will use the first vm >= 1.4 */
	jreKeyName = _T("Software\\JavaSoft\\Java Runtime Environment");
	if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, jreKeyName, 0, KEY_READ, &jreKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
		if(RegQueryValueEx(jreKey, _T_ECLIPSE("CurrentVersion"), NULL, NULL, (void*)&keyName, &length) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
			path = checkVMRegistryKey(jreKey, keyName);
			if (path != NULL) {
				return path;
		j = 0;
		length = MAX_PATH;
		while (RegEnumKeyEx(jreKey, j++, keyName, &length, 0, 0, 0, 0) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {  
			/*look for a 1.4 or 1.5 vm*/ 
			if( _tcsncmp(_T("1.4"), keyName, 3) <= 0 ) {
				path = checkVMRegistryKey(jreKey, keyName);
				if (path != NULL) {
					return path;
	return NULL;
Exemple #9
void ZGui::CreateWindow ( QWidget * )
	///Set title window
	setMainWidgetTitle ( "zTextEdit" );
	///load lenguage
	ProgDir = getProgramDir();
	lng->ProgDir = ProgDir;

	///Load settings
	ZConfig cfg(ProgDir+"/zTextEdit.cfg");
	cfg_fontSize = cfg.readNumEntry(QString("GUI"), QString("FontSize"), 15);
	cfg_underline = cfg.readBoolEntry(QString("GUI"), QString("Underline"), true);
	cfg_autoOpen = cfg.readBoolEntry(QString("GUI"), QString("AutoOpen"), false);
	cfg_menuCopy = cfg.readBoolEntry(QString("GUI"), QString("MenuCopyOnDial"), false);
	#ifdef MDI
	if (cfg_autoOpen)
		sFileName = cfg.readEntry(QString("LastFile"), QString("FileName"), "");
		sFilePath = cfg.readEntry(QString("LastFile"), QString("FilePath"), "");
	cfg_chineseCodeDetect = cfg.readBoolEntry(QString("Enginea"), QString("ChineseCodeDetect"), false);
	cfg_selCurLine = cfg.readBoolEntry(QString("GUI"), QString("SelCurLine"), false);
	#if !( defined(EZX_ZN5) || defined(EZX_U9) || defined(EZX_Z6W) )
	cfg_infoBar = cfg.readBoolEntry(QString("GUI"), QString("InfoBar"), false);
	//Create info bar
	if ( cfg_infoBar )
  		ZAppInfoArea *pAIA = new ZAppInfoArea(this);
  		#if defined(EZX_Z6) || defined(EZX_V8)
  		pAIA->setActArea( ZAppInfoArea::no_progress_meter );
  		pAIA->setActArea( ZAppInfoArea::NO_PROGRESS_METER );
  		setAppInfoArea( pAIA );

	///Create main widget on window
	#ifndef MDI
	edit = new ZMultiLineEdit( this, false, 1, "ZMultiLineEdit"  );
	edit->setGeometry( ZGlobal::getContentR( false ) );
	wStack = new QWidgetStack(this);
    zmeEditList[curDlg] = new ZMultiLineEdit( this, false, 1, "ZMultiLineEdit"  );
    dlgCapList[curDlg] = "New";
	wStack->addWidget(zmeEditList[curDlg], curDlg);

	///Create SoftKey and Menu
	ZSoftKey *softKey = new ZSoftKey ( NULL , this , this );
	QPixmap* pm  = new QPixmap();
	MainMenu = new ZOptionsMenu ( rect, softKey, NULL, 0 );
	///File Menu
	FileMenu = new ZOptionsMenu ( rect, softKey, NULL, 0 );
	pm->load(ProgDir+ "/img/new.png");
	FileMenu->insertItem ( MENU_FIX+lng->getString("NEW"), NULL, pm, true, 0, 0 );
	pm->load(ProgDir+ "/img/open.png");	
	FileMenu->insertItem ( MENU_FIX+lng->getString("OPEN"), NULL, pm, true, 1, 1 );
	pm->load(ProgDir+ "/img/save.png");	
	FileMenu->insertItem ( MENU_FIX+lng->getString("SAVE"), NULL, pm, true, 2, 2 );
	pm->load(ProgDir+ "/img/fake.png");
	FileMenu->insertItem ( MENU_FIX+lng->getString("SAVEAS"), NULL, pm, true, 3, 3 );	
	FileMenu->connectItem ( 0, this, SLOT ( slot_fileNew() ) );
	FileMenu->connectItem ( 1, this, SLOT ( slot_fileOpen() ) );	
	FileMenu->connectItem ( 2, this, SLOT ( slot_fileSave() ) );
	FileMenu->connectItem ( 3, this, SLOT ( slot_fileSaveAs() ) );	

	pm->load(ProgDir+ "/img/new.png");
	MainMenu->insertItem ( MENU_FIX+lng->getString("FILE"), FileMenu, pm , true , 1, 1 );  

	///Edit Menu
	EditMenu = new ZOptionsMenu ( rect, softKey, NULL, 0 );
	pm->load(ProgDir+ "/img/copy.png");
	EditMenu->insertItem ( MENU_FIX+lng->getString("COPY"), NULL, pm, true, 0, 0);
	pm->load(ProgDir+ "/img/cut.png");
	EditMenu->insertItem ( MENU_FIX+lng->getString("CUT"), NULL, pm, true, 1, 1);
	pm->load(ProgDir+ "/img/paste.png");
	EditMenu->insertItem ( MENU_FIX+lng->getString("PASTE"), NULL, pm, true, 2, 2);
	pm->load(ProgDir+ "/img/select_all.png");
	EditMenu->insertItem ( MENU_FIX+lng->getString("SELECT_ALL"), NULL, pm, true, 3, 3);
	pm->load(ProgDir+ "/img/fake.png");
	EditMenu->insertItem ( MENU_FIX+lng->getString("SELECT_BLOCK"), NULL, pm, true, 4, 4);	
	EditMenu->connectItem ( 0, this, SLOT ( slot_editCopy() ) );
	EditMenu->connectItem ( 1, this, SLOT ( slot_editCut() ) );
	EditMenu->connectItem ( 2, this, SLOT ( slot_editPaste() ) );
	EditMenu->connectItem ( 3, this, SLOT ( slot_editSelAll() ) );
	EditMenu->connectItem ( 4, this, SLOT ( slot_editSelectBlock() ) );
	pm->load(ProgDir+ "/img/edit.png");
	MainMenu->insertItem ( MENU_FIX+lng->getString("EDIT"), EditMenu, pm , true , 2, 2 );  
	CodeMenu = new ZOptionsMenu ( rect, softKey, NULL, 0 );
	#if !(defined(EZX_Z6) || defined(EZX_V8))
	CodeMenu->insertItem ( "UTF-8", NULL, NULL, true, 0, 0, false, true, true );	
	CodeMenu->insertItem ( "Win1251", NULL, NULL, true, 1, 1, false, true );
	CodeMenu->insertItem ( "KOI8-R", NULL, NULL, true, 2, 2, false, true );	
	CodeMenu->insertItem ( "ISO8859-1", NULL, NULL, true, 3, 3, false, true );
	CodeMenu->insertItem ( "ISO8859-2", NULL, NULL, true, 4, 4, false, true );
	CodeMenu->insertItem ( "ISO8859-5", NULL, NULL, true, 5, 5, false, true );
	CodeMenu->insertItem ( "KOI8-U", NULL, NULL, true, 6, 6, false, true );	
	CodeMenu->insertItem ( "Big5", NULL, NULL, true, 7, 7, false, true );	
	CodeMenu->insertItem ( "GBK", NULL, NULL, true, 8, 8, false, true );	
	CodeMenu->insertItem ( "UTF-8", NULL, NULL, NULL, true, true, true, 0, 0 );	
	CodeMenu->insertItem ( "Win1251", NULL, NULL, NULL, true, true, false, 1, 1 );
	CodeMenu->insertItem ( "KOI8-R", NULL, NULL, NULL, true, true, false, 2, 2 );	
	CodeMenu->insertItem ( "ISO8859-1", NULL, NULL, NULL, true, true, false, 3, 3 );
	CodeMenu->insertItem ( "ISO8859-2", NULL, NULL, NULL, true, true, false, 4, 4 );
	CodeMenu->insertItem ( "ISO8859-5", NULL, NULL, NULL, true, true, false, 5, 5 );
	CodeMenu->insertItem ( "KOI8-U", NULL, NULL, NULL, true, true, false, 6, 6 );	
	CodeMenu->insertItem ( "Big5", NULL, NULL, NULL, true, true, false, 7, 7 );
	CodeMenu->insertItem ( "GBK", NULL, NULL, NULL, true, true, false, 8, 8 );

	#define CODEC_COUNT 9
	connect( CodeMenu, SIGNAL( activated( int ) ), this, SLOT( slot_codecChenged( int ) ) );
	pm->load(ProgDir+ "/img/fake.png");
	MainMenu->insertItem ( MENU_FIX+lng->getString("CODE"), CodeMenu, pm, true , 3, 3 );  
	#ifdef MDI
	DlgMenu = new ZOptionsMenu ( rect, softKey, NULL, 0 );
	connect( DlgMenu, SIGNAL( activated( int ) ), this, SLOT( slot_dlgChenged( int ) ) );
	pm->load(ProgDir+ "/img/document.png");
	MainMenu->insertItem ( MENU_FIX+lng->getString("DLG"), DlgMenu, pm, true , 3, 3 ); 
	pm->load(ProgDir+ "/img/find.png");
	MainMenu->insertItem ( MENU_FIX+lng->getString("SEARCH"), NULL, pm, true, 4, 4 );		
	pm->load(ProgDir+ "/img/options.png");
	MainMenu->insertItem ( MENU_FIX+lng->getString("OPTION"), NULL, pm, true, 5, 5 );	
	pm->load(ProgDir+ "/img/about.png");
	MainMenu->insertItem ( MENU_FIX+lng->getString("ABOUT"), NULL, pm, true, 6, 6 );	
	pm->load(ProgDir+ "/img/exit.png");
	MainMenu->insertItem ( MENU_FIX+lng->getString("EXIT"), NULL, pm, true, 7, 7 );
	MainMenu->connectItem ( 4, this, SLOT ( slot_fileFind() ) );
	MainMenu->connectItem ( 5, this, SLOT ( slot_settings() ) );	
	MainMenu->connectItem ( 6, this, SLOT ( slot_about() ) );
	MainMenu->connectItem ( 7, this, SLOT ( slot_exit() ) );	
	softKey->setText ( ZSoftKey::LEFT, lng->getString("FILE"), ( ZSoftKey::TEXT_PRIORITY ) 0 );
	softKey->setText ( ZSoftKey::RIGHT, lng->getString("EXIT"), ( ZSoftKey::TEXT_PRIORITY ) 0 );
	softKey->setOptMenu ( ZSoftKey::LEFT, MainMenu );
	softKey->setClickedSlot ( ZSoftKey::RIGHT, this, SLOT ( slot_exit() ) );
	#if defined(EZX_ZN5) || defined(EZX_U9) || defined(EZX_Z6W)
	edit->setFixedHeight( SCREEN_HEIGHT - headerSize().height() - softKey->height());
	setSoftKey ( softKey );
	///Connect std signal
	#ifndef EZX_VE66
	connect( qApp, SIGNAL(signalRaise()), this, SLOT(slot_Raise()) );
	connect( qApp, SIGNAL(askReturnToIdle(int)), this, SLOT(slot_ReturnToIdle(int)) );	
	///init peremen
	textCode = 0;
	pos = NULL;
	isMarck = false;
	///load file if need
	if ( !cfg_autoOpen )
		sFileName = "";	
	QFile file;
	if ( qApp->argc() > 1  )
		sFileName = "";
		if ( file.exists(QString::fromUtf8(qApp->argv()[1])) )
			sFileName = QString::fromUtf8(qApp->argv()[1]);
		if ( qApp->argc() > 2  )
			if ( file.exists(QString::fromUtf8(qApp->argv()[2])) )
				sFileName = QString::fromUtf8(qApp->argv()[2]);
		sFilePath = getFilePath(sFileName);
		sFileName = getFileName(sFileName);			

	if ( sFileName.isEmpty() || sFilePath.isEmpty() )
Exemple #10
void ZGui::CreateWindow ( QWidget* parent )
  setMainWidgetTitle ( "zCleaner" );
  ZWidget *myWidget = new ZWidget ( this, NULL, 0, ( ZSkinService::WidgetClsID ) 40 );
  QFont f ( qApp->font() );
  f.setPointSize ( 10 );
  myWidget->setFont ( f );

  QVBoxLayout *myVBoxLayout = new QVBoxLayout ( myWidget, 0 );
  //*** add elements here
  QLabel *myLabel = new QLabel ( QString ( "<qt><font size=\"+1\">zCleaner</font><br>"
                                 "<font size=\"-1\">Simple antivirus for Z6</font></qt>" ), myWidget );
  myVBoxLayout->addWidget ( myLabel, 0 );
  myLabel->setIndent ( 5 );
  myLabel->setAutoResize ( true );

  scrollPanel = new ZScrollPanel ( myWidget, NULL, 0, ( ZSkinService::WidgetClsID ) 0 );
  scrollPanel->resize ( 240, 320 );
  modo=new ZComboBox(this,"ZComboBox",true);//declaro los combobox
  lugar=new ZComboBox(this,"ZComboBox",true);
  modo->insertItem("Clean", 0 );
  modo->insertItem("AV", 1 );	
  //modo->insertItem("Picture/Video", 2 );  
  scrollPanel->addChild(modo , 100 , 5);//agrego el combobox de las apps al escritorio

  lab1 = new ZLabel("Mode" , this, "ZLabel", 0, (ZSkinService::WidgetClsID)4);
  lab1->setAutoResize(true );
  scrollPanel->addChild(lab1 , 10 , 8);//agrego el label al menu

  scrollPanel->addChild(lugar , 100 , 55);//agrego el propiestario al escritorio
  lab2  = new ZLabel("Location" , this, "ZLabel", 0, (ZSkinService::WidgetClsID)4);
  lab2->setAutoResize(true );
  scrollPanel->addChild(lab2 , 10 , 58);//agrego el label al menu
  myVBoxLayout->addWidget ( scrollPanel, 0 );

  setContentWidget ( myWidget );
  //************** softkeys and menus **************************
  ZSoftKey *softKey = new ZSoftKey ( NULL , this , this );
  QPixmap* pm  = new QPixmap();
  QRect rect, rect2, rect3, rect4;

  ZOptionsMenu* agre = new ZOptionsMenu ( rect3, softKey, NULL, 0, ( ZSkinService::WidgetClsID ) 2 );
  //pm->load(getProgramDir() + "img/about.png");
  agre->insertItem ( QString ( " ASK" ), NULL, NULL, true, 0, 0 );
  agre->insertItem ( QString ( " DELETE" ), NULL, NULL, true, 1, 1 );
  agre->connectItem ( 0, this, SLOT ( agregarTipoASK() ) );
  agre->connectItem ( 1, this, SLOT ( agregarTipoDELETE() ) );

  ZOptionsMenu* borr = new ZOptionsMenu ( rect4, softKey, NULL, 0, ( ZSkinService::WidgetClsID ) 2 );
  borr->insertItem ( QString ( " ASK" ), NULL, NULL, true, 0, 0 );
  borr->insertItem ( QString ( " DELETE" ), NULL, NULL, true, 1, 1 );
  borr->connectItem ( 0, this, SLOT ( eliminarTipoASK() ) );

  ZOptionsMenu* data = new ZOptionsMenu ( rect2, softKey, NULL, 0, ( ZSkinService::WidgetClsID ) 2 );
  pm->load(getProgramDir() + "img/add.png");
  data->insertItem ( QString ( " Add type" ), agre, pm, true, 0, 0 );
  pm->load(getProgramDir() + "img/remove.png");
  data->insertItem ( QString ( " Remove type" ), borr, pm, true, 1, 1 );

  ZOptionsMenu* menu = new ZOptionsMenu ( rect, softKey, NULL, 0, ( ZSkinService::WidgetClsID ) 2 );
  pm->load(getProgramDir() + "img/about.png");
  menu->insertItem ( QString ( " About" ), NULL, pm, true, 0, 0 );
  menu->insertSeparator(1, 1); 
  pm->load(getProgramDir() + "img/white.png");
  menu->insertItem ( QString ( " Clean" ), NULL, pm, true, 2, 2 );
  pm->load(getProgramDir() + "img/properties.png");
  menu->insertItem ( QString ( " Database" ), data, pm, true, 3, 3 );
  pm->load(getProgramDir() + "img/edit.png");
  menu->insertItem ( QString ( " Save delete files list" ), NULL, pm, true, 4, 4 );
  menu->insertSeparator(5, 5); 
  pm->load(getProgramDir() + "img/exit.png");
  menu->insertItem ( QString ( " Exit" ), NULL, pm, true, 6, 6 );

  menu->connectItem ( 6, qApp, SLOT ( quit() ) );
  menu->connectItem ( 2, this, SLOT ( ejecutar() ) );
  menu->connectItem ( 0, this, SLOT ( about() ) );
  menu->connectItem ( 4, this, SLOT ( verEliminados() ) );

  softKey->setOptMenu ( ZSoftKey::LEFT, menu );
  softKey->setText ( ZSoftKey::LEFT, "Menu", ( ZSoftKey::TEXT_PRIORITY ) 0 );
  softKey->setText ( ZSoftKey::RIGHT, "Exit", ( ZSoftKey::TEXT_PRIORITY ) 0 );
  softKey->setClickedSlot ( ZSoftKey::RIGHT, qApp, SLOT ( quit() ) ); 
  setSoftKey ( softKey );

Exemple #11
void ZGui::ejecutar()
 QStringList a="";
 int lug=0;
 int mod=0;
 if(mod==1)//MODO AV
   ZConfig conf ( getProgramDir() + "av_db.cfg", true );
   QStringList list = conf.readListEntry ( QString("DATABASE"), QString("ASK"), QChar(';') );
    for(int i=0;i<list.count();i++)
      a=limpiar(SD,list[i]); borrarcuidado(a); a="";
   else if(lug==1)
    for(int i=0;i<list.count();i++)
      a=limpiar(phone,list[i]); borrarcuidado(a); a="";
   else if(lug==2)
    for(int i=0;i<list.count();i++)
      a=limpiar(SD,list[i]); borrarcuidado(a); a="";
      a=limpiar(phone,list[i]); borrarcuidado(a); a="";
  else if(mod==0)
   ZConfig conf ( getProgramDir() + "av_db.cfg", true );
   QStringList list = conf.readListEntry ( QString("DATABASE"), QString("DELETE"), QChar(';') );
  //for(int j=0;j<list.count();j++) sal << list[j] << endl;
    for(int i=0;i<list.count();i++)
      a=limpiar(SD,list[i]); borrar(a); a="";
   else if(lug==1)
    for(int i=0;i<list.count();i++)
      a=limpiar(phone,list[i]); borrar(a); a="";
   else if(lug==2)
    for(int i=0;i<list.count();i++)
      a=limpiar(SD,list[i]); borrar(a); a="";
      a=limpiar(phone,list[i]); borrar(a); a="";
   }//Fin modo clean

  infos = new ZNoticeDlg(ZNoticeDlg::Information, 3000, QString("Your Z6 is clean now"), QString("!!"), this, "z", true, 0);
  } infos=NULL;