// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
QString BooleanWidgetCodeGenerator::generateFilterParameters()
  QString contents;
  QTextStream ss(&contents);
  ss << "    SIMPL_FILTER_PARAMETER(bool, " + getPropertyName() + ")\n";
  ss << "    Q_PROPERTY(bool " + getPropertyName() + " READ get" + getPropertyName() + " WRITE set" + getPropertyName() + ")";

  return contents;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
QString DynamicTableWidgetCodeGenerator::generateFilterParameters()
    QString contents;
    QTextStream ss(&contents);
    ss << "    SIMPL_FILTER_PARAMETER(DynamicTableData, " + getPropertyName() + ")\n";
    ss << "    Q_PROPERTY(DynamicTableData " + getPropertyName() + " READ get" + getPropertyName() + " WRITE set" + getPropertyName() + ")";

    return contents;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
QString Symmetric6x6WidgetCodeGenerator::generateFilterParameters()
  QString contents;
  QTextStream ss(&contents);
  ss << "    DREAM3D_FILTER_PARAMETER(FloatVec21_t, " + getPropertyName() + ")\n";
  ss << "    Q_PROPERTY(FloatVec21_t " + getPropertyName() + " READ get" + getPropertyName() + " WRITE set" + getPropertyName() + ")";

  return contents;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
QString OutputPathWidgetCodeGenerator::generateFilterParameters()
  QString contents;
  QTextStream ss(&contents);
  ss << "    DREAM3D_FILTER_PARAMETER(QString, " + getPropertyName() + ")\n";
  ss << "    Q_PROPERTY(QString " + getPropertyName() + " READ get" + getPropertyName() + " WRITE set" + getPropertyName() + ")";

  return contents;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
QString PreflightUpdatedValueWidgetCodeGenerator::generateFilterParameters()
  QString contents;
  QTextStream ss(&contents);
  ss << "    SIMPL_FILTER_PARAMETER(QString, " + getPropertyName() + ")\n";
  ss << "    Q_PROPERTY(QString " + getPropertyName() + " READ get" + getPropertyName() + " WRITE set" + getPropertyName() + ")";

  return contents;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
QString DataContainerReaderWidgetCodeGenerator::generateFilterParameters()
  QString contents;
  QTextStream ss(&contents);
  ss << "    DREAM3D_FILTER_PARAMETER(DataContainerArrayProxy, " + getPropertyName() + ")\n";
  ss << "    Q_PROPERTY(DataContainerArrayProxy " + getPropertyName() + " READ get" + getPropertyName() + " WRITE set" + getPropertyName() + ")";

  return contents;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
QString MultiDataArraySelectionWidgetCodeGenerator::generateFilterParameters()
  QString contents;
  QTextStream ss(&contents);
  ss << "    SIMPL_FILTER_PARAMETER(QVector<DataArrayPath>, " + getPropertyName() + ")\n";
  ss << "    Q_PROPERTY(QVector<DataArrayPath> " + getPropertyName() + " READ get" + getPropertyName() + " WRITE set" + getPropertyName() + ")";

  return contents;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
QString AttributeMatrixCreationWidgetCodeGenerator::generateFilterParameters()
  QString contents;
  QTextStream ss(&contents);
  ss << "    DREAM3D_FILTER_PARAMETER(DataArrayPath, " + getPropertyName() + ")\n";
  ss << "    Q_PROPERTY(DataArrayPath " + getPropertyName() + " READ get" + getPropertyName() + " WRITE set" + getPropertyName() + ")";

  return contents;
Exemple #9
bool GenericDataCollection::exportToCSV(CSVWriter& writer) const
  for (int i=0; i<getPropertNames().size(); ++i)
    writer.addHeader(getPropertyName(i), getPropertyTypeMeta(i));

  // Export the data ordered by ID
  QList<int> objKeys = m_objects.keys();

  for (int idx=0; idx < objKeys.size(); ++idx)
    CSVLine newLine;
    GenericDataObject* obj = m_objects.value(objKeys[idx]);
    for (int i=0; i<getPropertNames().size(); ++i)
      if (obj->containsValue(getPropertyName(i)))
        QMetaType::Type columnType = getPropertyTypeMeta(i);
        bool qualified = (columnType == QMetaType::QString);
        newLine.append(CSVColumn(obj->getString(getPropertyName(i)), qualified, columnType));
        newLine.append(CSVColumn("", false, QMetaType::QString));
#if 0
  QHashIterator<int, GenericDataObject*> iterator(m_objects);
  while (iterator.hasNext())
    CSVLine newLine;
    for (int i=0; i<getPropertNames().size(); ++i)
      if (iterator.value()->hasValue(getPropertyName(i)))
        QMetaType::Type columnType = CSVColumn::variantTypeToMetaType(getPropertyType(i));
        bool qualified = (columnType == QMetaType::QString);
        newLine.append(CSVColumn(iterator.value()->getString(getPropertyName(i)), qualified, columnType));
        newLine.append(CSVColumn("", false, QMetaType::QString));
  return true;
Exemple #10
static BOOL setHead( HWND hwnd, const SUBCLASSING *pHead ) {
    if( 0 != GetProp( hwnd, getPropertyName() ) ) {
        RemoveProp( hwnd, getPropertyName() );
    if ( 0 != pHead ) {
        SetProp( hwnd, getPropertyName(), (HANDLE) pHead );
    return (HANDLE) pHead == GetProp( hwnd, getPropertyName() );
bool DlgSetRDRPropertyByExpressionEditor::saveWidget(QSettings *settings, const QString &prefix)
    settings->setValue(prefix+"expression", getExpression());
    settings->setValue(prefix+"type", getType());
    settings->setValue(prefix+"property", getPropertyName());
    return true;
Exemple #12
bool ImplicitAnimation::sendTransitionEvent(const AtomicString& eventType, double elapsedTime)
    if (eventType == eventNames().webkitTransitionEndEvent) {
        Document::ListenerType listenerType = Document::TRANSITIONEND_LISTENER;

        if (shouldSendEventForListener(listenerType)) {
            String propertyName = getPropertyName(m_animatingProperty);
            // Dispatch the event
            RefPtr<Element> element = 0;
            if (m_object->node() && m_object->node()->isElementNode())
                element = static_cast<Element*>(m_object->node());

            ASSERT(!element || (element->document() && !element->document()->inPageCache()));
            if (!element)
                return false;

            // Schedule event handling
            m_compAnim->animationController()->addEventToDispatch(element, eventType, propertyName, elapsedTime);

            // Restore the original (unanimated) style
            if (eventType == eventNames().webkitTransitionEndEvent && element->renderer())

            return true; // Did dispatch an event

    return false; // Didn't dispatch an event
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
QString FPCodeGenerator::generateInitializationList()
    QString contents;
    QTextStream ss(&contents);
    ss << "  m_" + getPropertyName() + "(" + getInitValue() + "),";

    return contents;
Exemple #14
    bool operator<( FullPN const& rhs ) const
        if( getFullID() != rhs.getFullID() )
            return getFullID() < rhs.getFullID();

        return getPropertyName() < rhs.getPropertyName();
String PropertySetCSSStyleDeclaration::getPropertyShorthand(const String& propertyName)
    CSSPropertyID propertyID = cssPropertyID(propertyName);
    if (!propertyID)
        return String();
    CSSPropertyID shorthandID = m_propertySet->getPropertyShorthand(propertyID);
    if (!shorthandID)
        return String();
    return getPropertyName(shorthandID);
Exemple #16
String AbstractPropertySetCSSStyleDeclaration::item(unsigned i) const {
  if (i >= propertySet().propertyCount())
    return "";
  StylePropertySet::PropertyReference property = propertySet().propertyAt(i);
  if (property.id() == CSSPropertyVariable)
    return toCSSCustomPropertyDeclaration(property.value()).name();
  if (property.id() == CSSPropertyApplyAtRule)
    return "@apply";
  return getPropertyName(property.id());
String CSSStyleDeclaration::getPropertyShorthand(const String& propertyName)
    int propID = cssPropertyID(propertyName);
    if (!propID)
        return String();
    int shorthandID = getPropertyShorthand(propID);
    if (!shorthandID)
        return String();
    return getPropertyName(static_cast<CSSPropertyID>(shorthandID));
Exemple #18
    bool operator==( FullPN const& rhs ) const
        if( getFullID() != rhs.getFullID() )
            return false;

        // finally compare the ID strings
        return getPropertyName() == rhs.getPropertyName();
String StylePropertySerializer::getPropertyText(CSSPropertyID propertyID, const String& value, bool isNotFirstDecl) const
    StringBuilder result;
    if (isNotFirstDecl)
        result.append(' ');
    result.appendLiteral(": ");
    return result.toString();
String CSSComputedStyleDeclaration::cssText() const
    StringBuilder result;
    const Vector<CSSPropertyID>& properties = computableProperties();

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < properties.size(); i++) {
        if (i)
            result.append(' ');
        result.appendLiteral(": ");

    return result.toString();
void PropertyControlRuler::addControlItem2(ViewElement *el)
//    double x0 = el->getLayoutX();
//    double x1 = el->getWidth() + x0;
//    long val = 0;
//    el->event()->get<Rosegarden::Int>(getPropertyName(), val);
//    double y = (double) val / MIDI_CONTROL_MAX_VALUE;

//    size_t s = sizeof(MatrixElement);
//    RG_DEBUG << "PropertyControlRuler::addControlItem sizeof(MatrixElement): " << s;

    PropertyControlItem *controlItem = new PropertyControlItem(this, getPropertyName(), el, QPolygonF());

//    m_controlItemList.push_back(controlItem);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
QString DataContainerReaderWidgetCodeGenerator::generateSetupFilterParameters()
  QString contents;
  QTextStream ss(&contents);

  ss << "  {\n";
  ss << "    DataContainerReaderFilterParameter::Pointer parameter = DataContainerReaderFilterParameter::New();\n";
  ss << "    parameter->setHumanLabel(\"" + getHumanLabel() + "\");\n";
  ss << "    parameter->setPropertyName(\"" + getPropertyName() + "\");\n";
  ss << "    \n";
  ss << "    parameter->setDefaultFlagValue(Qt::Checked);\n";
  ss << "    parameter->setInputFileProperty(\"InputFilePropertyName\");    // Set this property name, if needed\n";
  ss << "    parameter->setCategory(" + getCategory() + ");\n";
  ss << "    parameters.push_back(parameter);\n";
  ss << "  }";

  return contents;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
QString AttributeMatrixCreationWidgetCodeGenerator::generateReadFilterParameters()
  return "  set" + getPropertyName() + "(reader->readDataArrayPath(\"" + getPropertyName() + "\", get" + getPropertyName() + "()));";
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
QString AttributeMatrixCreationWidgetCodeGenerator::generateSetupFilterParameters()
  return "  parameters.push_back(AttributeMatrixCreationFilterParameter::New(\"" + getHumanLabel() + "\", \"" + getPropertyName() + "\", get" + getPropertyName() + "(), " + getCategory() + "));";
int main(int argc, char* argv[])

    QUrl uri;

    //DataProvider information
    terrama2::core::DataProvider* dataProvider = new terrama2::core::DataProvider();
    terrama2::core::DataProviderPtr dataProviderPtr(dataProvider);
    dataProvider->uri = uri.url().toStdString();
    dataProvider->intent = terrama2::core::DataProviderIntent::COLLECTOR_INTENT;
    dataProvider->dataProviderType = "POSTGIS";
    dataProvider->active = true;

    //DataSeries information
    terrama2::core::DataSeries* dataSeries = new terrama2::core::DataSeries();
    terrama2::core::DataSeriesPtr dataSeriesPtr(dataSeries);
    auto& semanticsManager = terrama2::core::SemanticsManager::getInstance();
    dataSeries->semantics = semanticsManager.getSemantics("OCCURRENCE-postgis");

    //DataSet information
    terrama2::core::DataSetOccurrence* dataSet = new terrama2::core::DataSetOccurrence();
    dataSet->active = true;
    dataSet->format.emplace("table_name", "fires");
    dataSet->format.emplace("timestamp_property", "data_pas");
    dataSet->format.emplace("geometry_property", "geom");


    //accessing data
    terrama2::core::DataAccessorOccurrencePostGis accessor(dataProviderPtr, dataSeriesPtr);
    //empty filter
    terrama2::core::Filter filter;
    boost::local_time::time_zone_ptr zone(new boost::local_time::posix_time_zone("+00"));

    filter.lastValue = true;

    std::string boundingBoxWkt = "POLYGON((-51.11 -17.74, -41.11 -17.74, -41.11 -20.83, -51.11 -20.83, -51.11 -17.74))";
    te::gm::Geometry* geometry = te::gm::WKTReader::read(boundingBoxWkt.c_str());

    filter.region = std::shared_ptr<te::gm::Geometry>(geometry);

    terrama2::core::OccurrenceSeriesPtr occurrenceSeries = accessor.getOccurrenceSeries(filter);

    assert(occurrenceSeries->occurrencesMap().size() == 1);

    auto teDataSet = (*occurrenceSeries->occurrencesMap().begin()).second.syncDataSet->dataset();

    //Print column names and types (DateTime/Double)
    int dateColumn = -1;
    int geomColumn = -1;
    std::string names, types;
    for(int i = 0; i < teDataSet->getNumProperties(); ++i)
      std::string name = teDataSet->getPropertyName(i);
      names+= name + "\t";
      if(name == "data_pas")
        types+= "DataTime\t";
        dateColumn = i;
      else if(name == "geom")
        types+= "Geometry\t";
        geomColumn = i;
        types+= "Int\t";

    std::cout << names << std::endl;
    std::cout << types << std::endl;

    //Print values
      for(int i = 0; i < teDataSet->getNumProperties(); ++i)
          std::cout << "NULL";

        if(i == dateColumn)
          std::shared_ptr<te::dt::DateTime> dateTime =  teDataSet->getDateTime(i);
          std::cout << dateTime->toString();
        else if(i == geomColumn)
          std::cout << "<<Geometry>>";
          std::cout << teDataSet->getInt32(i);

        std::cout << "\t";
      std::cout << std::endl;

    std::cout << "\ndataset size: " << teDataSet->size() << std::endl;


  return 0;
Exemple #26
String CSSProperty::cssText() const
    return String(getPropertyName(id())) + ": " + m_value->cssText() + (isImportant() ? " !important" : "") + "; ";
Exemple #27
void CompositeAnimation::updateTransitions(RenderElement* renderer, RenderStyle* currentStyle, RenderStyle* targetStyle)
    // If currentStyle is null or there are no old or new transitions, just skip it
    if (!currentStyle || (!targetStyle->transitions() && m_transitions.isEmpty()))

    // Mark all existing transitions as no longer active. We will mark the still active ones
    // in the next loop and then toss the ones that didn't get marked.
    for (auto& transition : m_transitions.values())
    RefPtr<RenderStyle> modifiedCurrentStyle;
    // Check to see if we need to update the active transitions
    if (targetStyle->transitions()) {
        for (size_t i = 0; i < targetStyle->transitions()->size(); ++i) {
            Animation& animation = targetStyle->transitions()->animation(i);
            bool isActiveTransition = !m_suspended && (animation.duration() || animation.delay() > 0);

            Animation::AnimationMode mode = animation.animationMode();
            if (mode == Animation::AnimateNone)

            CSSPropertyID prop = animation.property();

            bool all = mode == Animation::AnimateAll;

            // Handle both the 'all' and single property cases. For the single prop case, we make only one pass
            // through the loop.
            for (int propertyIndex = 0; propertyIndex < CSSPropertyAnimation::getNumProperties(); ++propertyIndex) {
                if (all) {
                    // Get the next property which is not a shorthand.
                    bool isShorthand;
                    prop = CSSPropertyAnimation::getPropertyAtIndex(propertyIndex, isShorthand);
                    if (isShorthand)

                // ImplicitAnimations are always hashed by actual properties, never animateAll.
                ASSERT(prop >= firstCSSProperty && prop < (firstCSSProperty + numCSSProperties));

                // If there is a running animation for this property, the transition is overridden
                // and we have to use the unanimatedStyle from the animation. We do the test
                // against the unanimated style here, but we "override" the transition later.
                RefPtr<KeyframeAnimation> keyframeAnim = getAnimationForProperty(prop);
                RenderStyle* fromStyle = keyframeAnim ? keyframeAnim->unanimatedStyle() : currentStyle;

                // See if there is a current transition for this prop
                ImplicitAnimation* implAnim = m_transitions.get(prop);
                bool equal = true;

                if (implAnim) {
                    // If we are post active don't bother setting the active flag. This will cause
                    // this animation to get removed at the end of this function.
                    if (!implAnim->postActive())
                    // This might be a transition that is just finishing. That would be the case
                    // if it were postActive. But we still need to check for equality because
                    // it could be just finishing AND changing to a new goal state.
                    // This implAnim might also not be an already running transition. It might be
                    // newly added to the list in a previous iteration. This would happen if
                    // you have both an explicit transition-property and 'all' in the same
                    // list. In this case, the latter one overrides the earlier one, so we
                    // behave as though this is a running animation being replaced.
                    if (!implAnim->isTargetPropertyEqual(prop, targetStyle)) {
                        // For accelerated animations we need to return a new RenderStyle with the _current_ value
                        // of the property, so that restarted transitions use the correct starting point.
                        if (CSSPropertyAnimation::animationOfPropertyIsAccelerated(prop) && implAnim->isAccelerated()) {
                            if (!modifiedCurrentStyle)
                                modifiedCurrentStyle = RenderStyle::clone(currentStyle);

                            implAnim->blendPropertyValueInStyle(prop, modifiedCurrentStyle.get());
                        LOG(Animations, "Removing existing ImplicitAnimation %p for property %s", implAnim, getPropertyName(prop));
                        equal = false;
                } else {
                    // We need to start a transition if it is active and the properties don't match
                    equal = !isActiveTransition || CSSPropertyAnimation::propertiesEqual(prop, fromStyle, targetStyle);

                // We can be in this loop with an inactive transition (!isActiveTransition). We need
                // to do that to check to see if we are canceling a transition. But we don't want to
                // start one of the inactive transitions. So short circuit that here. (See
                // <https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=24787>
                if (!equal && isActiveTransition) {
                    // Add the new transition
                    RefPtr<ImplicitAnimation> implicitAnimation = ImplicitAnimation::create(animation, prop, renderer, this, modifiedCurrentStyle ? modifiedCurrentStyle.get() : fromStyle);
                    LOG(Animations, "Created ImplicitAnimation %p for property %s duration %.2f delay %.2f", implicitAnimation.get(), getPropertyName(prop), animation.duration(), animation.delay());
                    m_transitions.set(prop, implicitAnimation.release());
                // We only need one pass for the single prop case
                if (!all)

    // Make a list of transitions to be removed
    Vector<int> toBeRemoved;
    for (auto& transition : m_transitions.values()) {
        if (!transition->active()) {
            LOG(Animations, "Removing ImplicitAnimation %p for property %s", transition.get(), getPropertyName(transition->animatingProperty()));

    // Now remove the transitions from the list
    for (auto propertyToRemove : toBeRemoved)
Exemple #28
void CompositeAnimation::updateKeyframeAnimations(RenderElement* renderer, RenderStyle* currentStyle, RenderStyle* targetStyle)
    // Nothing to do if we don't have any animations, and didn't have any before
    if (m_keyframeAnimations.isEmpty() && !targetStyle->hasAnimations())

    if (currentStyle && currentStyle->hasAnimations() && targetStyle->hasAnimations() && *(currentStyle->animations()) == *(targetStyle->animations())) {
        // The current and target animations are the same so we just need to toss any 
        // animation which is finished (postActive).
        for (auto& animation : m_keyframeAnimations.values()) {
            if (animation->postActive())
    } else {
        // Mark all existing animations as no longer active.
        for (auto& animation : m_keyframeAnimations.values())

        m_hasScrollTriggeredAnimation = false;

        // Toss the animation order map.

        DEPRECATED_DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const AtomicString, none, ("none", AtomicString::ConstructFromLiteral));
        // Now mark any still active animations as active and add any new animations.
        if (targetStyle->animations()) {
            int numAnims = targetStyle->animations()->size();
            for (int i = 0; i < numAnims; ++i) {
                Animation& animation = targetStyle->animations()->animation(i);
                AtomicString animationName(animation.name());

                if (!animation.isValidAnimation())
                // See if there is a current animation for this name.
                RefPtr<KeyframeAnimation> keyframeAnim = m_keyframeAnimations.get(animationName.impl());
                if (keyframeAnim) {
                    // If this animation is postActive, skip it so it gets removed at the end of this function.
                    if (keyframeAnim->postActive())

                    if (animation.trigger()->isScrollAnimationTrigger())
                        m_hasScrollTriggeredAnimation = true;

                    // This one is still active.

                    // Animations match, but play states may differ. Update if needed.
                    // Set the saved animation to this new one, just in case the play state has changed.
                } else if ((animation.duration() || animation.delay()) && animation.iterationCount() && animationName != none) {
                    keyframeAnim = KeyframeAnimation::create(animation, renderer, i, this, targetStyle);
                    LOG(Animations, "Creating KeyframeAnimation %p with keyframes %s, duration %.2f, delay %.2f, iterations %.2f", keyframeAnim.get(), animation.name().utf8().data(), animation.duration(), animation.delay(), animation.iterationCount());
                    if (m_suspended) {
                        LOG(Animations, "  (created in suspended/paused state)");
                    for (auto propertyID : keyframeAnim->keyframes().properties())
                        LOG(Animations, "  property %s", getPropertyName(propertyID));

                    if (animation.trigger()->isScrollAnimationTrigger())
                        m_hasScrollTriggeredAnimation = true;

                    m_keyframeAnimations.set(keyframeAnim->name().impl(), keyframeAnim);
                // Add this to the animation order map.
                if (keyframeAnim)
    // Make a list of animations to be removed.
    Vector<AtomicStringImpl*> animsToBeRemoved;
    for (auto& animation : m_keyframeAnimations.values()) {
        if (animation->index() < 0) {
            LOG(Animations, "Removing KeyframeAnimation %p", animation.get());
    // Now remove the animations from the list.
    for (auto nameForRemoval : animsToBeRemoved)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
QString Symmetric6x6WidgetCodeGenerator::generateReadFilterParameters()
  return "  set" + getPropertyName() + "(reader->readFloatVec21(\"" + getPropertyName() + "\", get" + getPropertyName() + "()));";
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
QString Symmetric6x6WidgetCodeGenerator::generateSetupFilterParameters()
  return "  parameters.push_back(Symmetric6x6FilterParameter::New(\"" + getHumanLabel() + "\", \"" + getPropertyName() + "\", get" + getPropertyName() + "(), " + getCategory() + "));";