    UInt32 numChildren      = getNumChildren     ();
    UInt32 numExtraChildren = getNumExtraChildren();

    Real32 scaleFactor      = getScaleFactor();
    Real32 hitDist          = getHitDistance();
    Real32 bvEnter;
    Real32 bvExit;


    for(UInt32 i = 0; i < numChildren; ++i)
#ifndef OSG_2_PREP
        const DynamicVolume &vol = getChild(i)->editVolume(true);
        const BoxVolume     &vol = getChild(i)->editVolume(true);

        if((vol.intersect(getRay(), bvEnter, bvExit) == true   ) &&
           (bvEnter * scaleFactor                    <  hitDist)   )
            setChildPriority(i, -bvEnter * scaleFactor);
            setChildActive  (i, false);

    for(UInt32 i = 0; i < numExtraChildren; ++i)
#ifndef OSG_2_PREP
        const DynamicVolume &vol = getChild(i)->editVolume(true);
        const BoxVolume     &vol = getChild(i)->editVolume(true);

        if((vol.intersect(getRay(), bvEnter, bvExit) == true   ) &&
           (bvEnter * scaleFactor                    <  hitDist)   )
            setExtraChildPriority(i, -bvEnter * scaleFactor);
            setExtraChildActive  (i, false);
Exemple #2
 * Performs a raytrace on the given pixel on the current scene.
 * The pixel is relative to the bottom-left corner of the image.
 * @param scene The scene to trace.
 * @param x The x-coordinate of the pixel to trace.
 * @param y The y-coordinate of the pixel to trace.
 * @param width The width of the screen in pixels.
 * @param height The height of the screen in pixels.
 * @return The color of that pixel in the final image.
static Color3 trace_pixel( const Scene* scene, size_t x, size_t y, size_t width, size_t height )
    ray_t tRay;
    real_t time;
    real_t bestTime = 100000;
    ray_t bestRay;
    int bestGeom;

    assert( 0 <= x && x < width );
    assert( 0 <= y && y < height );

    ray_t curRay = getRay(scene, x, y, width, height);

    Geometry* const* geometries = scene->get_geometries();
    Material* const* materials = scene->get_materials();

    for ( size_t i = 0; i < scene->num_geometries(); i++ ) {
        Geometry& geom = *geometries[i];
        tRay = transform(curRay, geom);
        time = geom.intersect(tRay);
        real_t lastTime = time;
        time = time / lastLength;
        if( (time > 0) && (time < bestTime) ) {
            bestTime = time;
            bestGeom = i;

    if(bestTime < 100000)
        return calcColor(bestTime, curRay, bestGeom, scene, MAX_DEPTH);
        return scene->background_color;
Exemple #3
void RayModel::applyTranslation(double dx, double dy, double dz)
    Vector3 d(dx,dy,dz);
    for (int i = 0; i < getNbRay(); i++)
        Ray ray = getRay(i);
        ray.setOrigin(ray.origin() + d);
void DefaultExtRaySceneQuery::execute( ExtRaySceneQueryListener* _listener )
    mOgreQuery->setQueryMask( getQueryMask() );
    mOgreQuery->setQueryTypeMask( getQueryTypeMask() );
    mOgreQuery->setWorldFragmentType( getWorldFragmentType() );
    mOgreQuery->setRay( getRay() );

    BridgeQueryListener bql( _listener );
    mOgreQuery->execute( &bql );
Exemple #5
Frustum Camera::getVolume( float screenLeft, float screenRight, float screenTop, float screenBottom )
	const Transform* transform = getEntity()->getTransform().get();
	const Vector3& pos = transform->getPosition();

	Frustum volume;

	if(frustum.projection == FrustumProjection::Perspective)
		Ray ul = getRay(screenLeft, screenTop);
		Ray ur = getRay(screenRight, screenTop);
		Ray bl = getRay(screenLeft, screenBottom);
		Ray br = getRay(screenRight, screenBottom);

		Vector3 normal;
		// Planes order: Left, Right, Top, Bottom, Near, Far.

		// Left plane
		normal = bl.direction.cross(ul.direction);
		volume.planes[0] = Plane(normal, pos);

		// Right plane
		normal = ur.direction.cross(br.direction);
		volume.planes[1] = Plane(normal, pos);

		// Top plane
		normal = ul.direction.cross(ur.direction);
		volume.planes[2] = Plane(normal, pos);

		// Bottom plane
		normal = br.direction.cross(bl.direction);
		volume.planes[3] = Plane(normal, pos);
		// Ortho planes are parallel to frustum planes
		Ray ul = getRay(screenLeft, screenTop);
		Ray br = getRay(screenRight, screenBottom);

		volume.planes[0] = Plane(frustum.planes[0].normal, ul.origin);
		volume.planes[1] = Plane(frustum.planes[1].normal, br.origin);
		volume.planes[2] = Plane(frustum.planes[2].normal, ul.origin);
		volume.planes[3] = Plane(frustum.planes[3].normal, br.origin);

	// Near & Far plane applicable to both projection types
	volume.planes[4] = frustum.planes[4];
	volume.planes[5] = frustum.planes[5];

	return volume;
Exemple #6
int Camera::getLine(int mx, int my, const std::vector<LineSegment>& lines,
                    LineSegment& line) {
    Ray ray = getRay(mx, my);
    Vector3 v1 = ray.GetOrigin();
    Vector3 v2 = v1 + ray.GetDirection() * 100.0f;
    LineSegment l;
    l.points[0] = v1;
    l.points[1] = v2;
    float minDist = 1000.0f;
    int linePos = -1;
    for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); ++i) {
        float dist = LineSegment::distSegmentSegment(lines[i], l);
        if (dist <= 0.1f) {
            minDist = dist;
            line = lines[i];
            linePos = i;
    return linePos;
Vector<double> AncillaryMethods::backprojectGP(const Vector<double> &pos2D, const Camera &cam, const Vector<double> &gp)
    Vector<double> gpN(3);
    gpN(0) = (gp(0));
    gpN(1) = (gp(1));
    gpN(2) = (gp(2));

    Vector<double> ray1;
    Vector<double> ray2;

    getRay(pos2D, ray1, ray2, cam);

    Vector<double> point3D;

    intersectPlane(gpN, gp(3), ray1, ray2, point3D);
    point3D *= Globals::WORLD_SCALE;

    return point3D;

Exemple #8
bool Camera::getPoint(int mx, int my, const std::vector<LineSegment>& lines,
                      Vector3& p, const Plane& plane) {
    float minDist = 1000.0f;
    bool findCurr = false;
    Ray ray = getRay(mx, my);

    for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); ++i) {
        for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j) {
            if (Ray::distRayPoint(ray, lines[i].points[j]) < 0.1f) {
                if ((ray.GetOrigin() - lines[i].points[j]).length() < minDist) {
                    minDist = (ray.GetOrigin() - lines[i].points[j]).length();
                    p = lines[i].points[j];
                    findCurr = true;
    if (!findCurr)
        p = intersect(ray, plane);
    // std::cout<<p<<std::endl;
    return findCurr;
Exemple #9
// x,y: pixel position on the screen
void rayCasting::castRay(int x, int y){
	glm::vec4 rayDir = getRay(x,y);
    glm::vec4 destColor = glm::vec4(0.0);
	float tmin, tmax;
	if (intersect(rayDir,tmin, tmax) == true){
		glm::vec4 pos = eye + tmin*rayDir;

		int index[3], indices[8], indexLow[3], indexHigh[3];
		float offset[3], distToCellCenter[3];
		getVolumePosition(index,offset, pos);

        indexLow[0] = index[0];     indexLow[1] = index[1];     indexLow[2] = index[2];
        indexHigh[0] = index[0];    indexHigh[1] = index[1];    indexHigh[2] = index[2];

		if (pos.x < 0.5){
        	indexLow[0] = indexLow[0]-1;
            distToCellCenter[0] = 0.5 + pos.x;
            indexHigh[0] = indexHigh[0]+1;
            distToCellCenter[0] = pos.x - 0.5;
        if (pos.y < 0.5){
            indexLow[1] = indexLow[1]-1;
            distToCellCenter[1] = 0.5 + pos.y;
            indexHigh[1] = indexHigh[1]+1;
            distToCellCenter[1] = pos.y - 0.5;

        if (pos.z < 0.5){
            indexLow[2] = indexLow[2]-1;
            distToCellCenter[1] = 0.5 + pos.z;
            indexHigh[2] = indexHigh[2]+1;
            distToCellCenter[1] = pos.z - 0.5;
        // Compute indices
        indices[0] = computeIndex(logicalBounds,indexLow[0] ,indexLow[1] ,indexLow[2]);
        indices[1] = computeIndex(logicalBounds,indexHigh[0],indexLow[1] ,indexLow[2]);
        indices[2] = computeIndex(logicalBounds,indexLow[0] ,indexHigh[1],indexLow[2]);
        indices[3] = computeIndex(logicalBounds,indexHigh[0],indexHigh[1],indexLow[2]);

        indices[4] = computeIndex(logicalBounds,indexLow[0] ,indexLow[1] ,indexHigh[2]);
        indices[5] = computeIndex(logicalBounds,indexHigh[0],indexLow[1] ,indexHigh[2]);
        indices[6] = computeIndex(logicalBounds,indexLow[0] ,indexHigh[1],indexHigh[2]);
        indices[7] = computeIndex(logicalBounds,indexHigh[0],indexHigh[1],indexHigh[2]);

        // Get the scalar values of the 8 surrounding cells
        float scalarValues[8];
        assignEight(scalarValues, indices);
        float scalar = trilinearInterpolate(scalarValues, 1.0-distToCellCenter[0], 1.0-distToCellCenter[1], 1.0-distToCellCenter[2]);

        // Get the color for that scalar value
        glm::vec4 srcColor = glm::vec4(0.0);
        QueryTF(scalar, srcColor);

        // lighting
        glm::vec3 gradient = glm::vec3(0.0);
        // compute gradient
        destColor = colorScalar(gradient, rayDir.xyz(), srcColor, destColor);
double Camera::bbToDetection(const Vector<double>& bbox, Vector<double>& pos3D, double ConvertScale, double& dist)
//    pos3D.clearContent();

    double x = bbox(0);
    double y = bbox(1);
    double w = bbox(2);
    double h = bbox(3);

    // bottom_left and bottom_right are the point of the BBOX
    Vector<double> bottom_left(3, 1.0);
    bottom_left(0) = x + w/2.0;
    bottom_left(1) = y + h;

    Vector<double> bottom_right(3, 1.0);
    bottom_right(0) = x + w;
    bottom_right(1) = y + h;

    Vector<double> ray_bot_left_1;
    Vector<double> ray_bot_left_2;

    Vector<double> ray_bot_right_1;
    Vector<double> ray_bot_right_2;

    // Backproject through base point
    getRay(bottom_left, ray_bot_left_1, ray_bot_left_2);
    getRay(bottom_right, ray_bot_right_1, ray_bot_right_2);

    Vector<double> gpPointLeft;
    Vector<double> gpPointRight;

    // Intersect with ground plane
    intersectPlane(GPN_, GPD_, ray_bot_left_1, ray_bot_left_2, gpPointLeft);
    intersectPlane(GPN_, GPD_, ray_bot_right_1, ray_bot_right_2, gpPointRight);

    // Find top point
    Vector<double> ray_top_1;
    Vector<double> ray_top_2;

    Vector<double> aux(3, 1.0);
    aux(0) = x;
    aux(1) = y;

    getRay(aux, ray_top_1, ray_top_2);

    // Vertical plane through base points + normal
    Vector<double> point3;
    point3 = gpPointLeft;
    point3 -= (GPN_);
    Vector<double> vpn(3,0.0);
    Vector<double> diffGpo1Point3;
    Vector<double> diffGpo2Point3;

    diffGpo1Point3 = gpPointLeft;
    diffGpo1Point3 -=(point3);

    diffGpo2Point3 = gpPointRight;
    diffGpo2Point3 -= point3;

    vpn = cross(diffGpo1Point3,diffGpo2Point3);
    double vpd = (-1.0)*DotProduct(vpn, point3);

    Vector<double> gpPointTop;
    intersectPlane(vpn, vpd, ray_top_1, ray_top_2, gpPointTop);

    // Results
    gpPointTop -= gpPointLeft;

    // Compute Size
    double dSize = gpPointTop.norm();

    // Compute Distance
    aux = t_;
    aux -= gpPointLeft;
    dist = aux.norm();

    dist = dist * ConvertScale;
    if(gpPointLeft(2) < t_(2)) dist = dist * (-1.0);
    // Compute 3D Position of BBOx
    double posX = gpPointLeft(0) * ConvertScale;
    double posY = gpPointLeft(1) * ConvertScale;
    double posZ = gpPointLeft(2) * ConvertScale;

    pos3D(0) = (posX);
    pos3D(1) = (posY);
    pos3D(2) = (posZ);

    return dSize * ConvertScale;

Exemple #11
Ray Screen::getRay(unsigned int image_width, unsigned int x, unsigned int y) const {
	return getRay( double(x) / double(image_width), double(y) / double(getImageHeight(image_width)));
Exemple #12
bool DepthBuffer::testAABB(vec3f min,vec3f max){
	vec4f vertices[8];
	ScreenSpaceQuad faces[6];
	auto faceCount = extractBoxQuads(faces,vertices,aabbFrontFaceMask);
	for(uint32 i = 0;i<faceCount;++i){
		if(testTriangle2x2(faces[i].v[0],faces[i].v[1],faces[i].v[2])) return true;
		if(testTriangle2x2(faces[i].v[2],faces[i].v[3],faces[i].v[0])) return true;
	return false;

	//Transform the AABB vertices to Homogenous clip space
	//vec4f vertices[8];
	vertices[0] = vec4f(min.x,min.y,min.z,1);
	vertices[1] = vec4f(max.x,min.y,min.z,1);
	vertices[2] = vec4f(max.x,max.y,min.z,1);
	vertices[3] = vec4f(min.x,max.y,min.z,1);
	vertices[4] = vec4f(min.x,min.y,max.z,1);
	vertices[5] = vec4f(max.x,min.y,max.z,1);
	vertices[6] = vec4f(max.x,max.y,max.z,1);
	vertices[7] = vec4f(min.x,max.y,max.z,1);
	vec4f clipMin,clipMax;
	for(uint32 i =0;i<8;++i){
		vertices[i] = viewProjection_ * vertices[i]; 
		vertices[i] = vertices[i] * (1.0f/vertices[i].w);
		//Homogenous coordinates => non-homogenous coordinates
		//Determine the min/max for the screen aabb
		clipMin = vec4f::min(vertices[i],clipMin);
		clipMax = vec4f::max(vertices[i],clipMax);
	//Determine the screen aabb which covers the box
	//Clip space coordinates => screen coordinates [-1,1] -> [-320,320] -> [0,640]
	clipMin = vec4f::max(clipMin,vec4f(-1.0f,-1.0f,-1.0f,-1.0f))*clipSpaceToScreenSpaceMultiplier;
	clipMax = vec4f::min(clipMax,vec4f(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,1.0f))*clipSpaceToScreenSpaceMultiplier;
	vec2i screenMin = vec2i(int32(clipMin.x),int32(clipMin.y))+center_;
	screenMin.x &= (~1);screenMin.y &= (~1);
	vec2i screenMax = vec2i(int32(clipMax.x),int32(clipMax.y))+center_;
	auto rowIdx = screenMin.y*size_.x + 2 * screenMin.x;

	float minZ = vertices[0].z;
	for(uint32 i = 1;i< 8;i++){
		minZ = std::min(minZ,vertices[i].z);
	VecF32 flatDepth(minZ);

	//Iterate over the pixels
	for(;screenMin.y < screenMax.y;screenMin.y+=2,rowIdx += 2 * size_.x){
		auto idx = rowIdx;
	for(int32 x = screenMin.x;x<screenMax.x;x+=2,idx+=4){
		//Fetch the distance value for the current pixel.
		auto depth = VecF32::load(data_ + idx);
		vec3f rayo,rayd;
		float dist;
		if(!rayAABBIntersect(min,max,rayo,rayd,dist)) continue;
		dist = ((dist-znear_)/zfar_ ) * 2.0f - 1.0f;
		VecF32 flatDepth(dist);
		auto mask = _mm_movemask_ps(cmple(flatDepth,depth).simd);
		//if(mask != 0)//{
			//return true; //Visible

		//Compute the distance to the aabb (raytrace)
		//vec3f rayo,rayd;
		//float dist;
		//Convert the distance from view space to depth space [-1,1]
		//dist = ((dist-znear_)/zfar_ ) * 2.0f - 1.0f;
		//Compare the values.
		//if(dist <= depth){
			//return true;
		//	data_[idx] = dist;
	} }
	return false;
cv::Mat SimulatingImage::projectPlane(int pattern) {
    cv::Mat img = cv::Mat::zeros(img_size.height, img_size.width, CV_8UC1);
    for (int y = 0; y < img_size.height; ++y) {
        for (int x = 0; x < img_size.width; ++x) {
            cv::Point3d ray = getRay(cv::Point2d(x,y));
            if (isCross(ray)) {
                cv::Point3d p = calcCrossPoint(ray);
                double s = calcS(p);
                double t = calcT(p);
                if (0 <= s && s <= 1 && 0 <= t && t <= 1) {
                    double step;
                    switch (pattern) {
                        case 0: // check
                            step = interval / pattern_size.width;
                            for (int i = 0; 2*i*step <= 1.0; ++i) {
                                if (step*(2*i) <= s && s <= step*(2*i+1)) {
                                    img.at<uchar>(y,x) = 255;
                            step = interval / pattern_size.height;
                            for (int i = 0; 2*i*step <= 1.0; ++i) {
                                if (step*(2*i) <= t && t <= step*(2*i+1)) {
                                    img.at<uchar>(y,x) = abs(img.at<uchar>(y,x)-255);
                        case 1: // vertical strip
                            step = interval / pattern_size.width;
                            for (int i = 0; 2*i*step <= 1.0; ++i) {
                                if (step*(2*i) <= s && s <= step*(2*i+1)) {
                                    img.at<uchar>(y,x) = 255;
                        case 2: // inverse of 1
                            step = interval / pattern_size.width;
                            for (int i = 0; (2*i+1)*step <= 1.0; ++i) {
                                if (step*(2*i+1) <= s && s <= step*(2*i+2)) {
                                    img.at<uchar>(y,x) = 255;
                        case 3: // horizontal strip
                            step = interval / pattern_size.height;
                            for (int i = 0; 2*i*step <= 1.0; ++i) {
                                if (step*(2*i) <= t && t <= step*(2*i+1)) {
                                    img.at<uchar>(y,x) = 255;
                        case 4: // inverse of 3
                            step = interval / pattern_size.height;
                            for (int i = 0; (2*i+1)*step <= 1.0; ++i) {
                                if (step*(2*i+1) <= t && t <= step*(2*i+2)) {
                                    img.at<uchar>(y,x) = 255;
    return img;