Exemple #1
    int laneOffset,
    const std::pair<MSVehicle* const, SUMOReal>& leader,
    const std::vector<MSVehicle::LaneQ>& preb) const {

    std::pair<MSVehicle* const, SUMOReal> neighLead = getRealLeader(myCandi + laneOffset);
    std::pair<MSVehicle*, SUMOReal> neighFollow = getRealFollower(myCandi + laneOffset);
    if (neighLead.first != 0 && neighLead.first == neighFollow.first) {
        // vehicles should not be leader and follower at the same time to avoid
        // contradictory behavior
        neighFollow.first = 0;
    ChangerIt target = myCandi + laneOffset;
    return checkChange(laneOffset, target->lane, leader, neighLead, neighFollow, preb);
MSLaneChanger::change() {
    // Find change-candidate. If it is on an allowed lane, try to change
    // to the right (there is a rule in Germany that you have to change
    // to the right, unless you are overtaking). If change to the right
    // isn't possible, check if there is a possibility to overtake (on the
    // left.
    // If candidate isn't on an allowed lane, changing to an allowed has
    // priority.
    myCandi = findCandidate();
    MSVehicle* vehicle = veh(myCandi);
    if (gSelected.isSelected(GLO_VEHICLE, static_cast<const GUIVehicle*>(vehicle)->getGlID())) {
        int bla = 0;
    const std::vector<MSVehicle::LaneQ>& preb = vehicle->getBestLanes();
    assert(preb.size() == myChanger.size());
    for (int i = 0; i < (int) myChanger.size(); ++i) {
        ((std::vector<MSVehicle::LaneQ>&) preb)[i].occupation = myChanger[i].dens + preb[i].nextOccupation;

    std::pair<MSVehicle* const, SUMOReal> leader = getRealThisLeader(myCandi);
    // check whether the vehicle wants and is able to change to right lane
    int state1 = 0;
    if (myCandi != myChanger.begin() && (myCandi - 1)->lane->allowsVehicleClass(veh(myCandi)->getVehicleType().getVehicleClass())) {
        std::pair<MSVehicle* const, SUMOReal> rLead = getRealLeader(myCandi - 1);
        std::pair<MSVehicle* const, SUMOReal> rFollow = getRealFollower(myCandi - 1);
        state1 = change2right(leader, rLead, rFollow, preb);
        if ((state1 & LCA_URGENT) != 0 || (state1 & LCA_SPEEDGAIN) != 0) {
            state1 |= LCA_RIGHT;
        bool changingAllowed1 = (state1 & LCA_BLOCKED) == 0;
        // change if the vehicle wants to and is allowed to change
        if ((state1 & LCA_RIGHT) != 0 && changingAllowed1) {
#ifndef NO_TRACI
            // inform lane change model about this change
            (myCandi - 1)->hoppedVeh = vehicle;
            (myCandi - 1)->lane->myTmpVehicles.push_front(vehicle);
            vehicle->enterLaneAtLaneChange((myCandi - 1)->lane);
            (myCandi - 1)->lane->enteredByLaneChange(vehicle);
            vehicle->myLastLaneChangeOffset = 0;
            (myCandi - 1)->dens += (myCandi - 1)->hoppedVeh->getVehicleType().getLengthWithGap();
            return true;
        if ((state1 & LCA_RIGHT) != 0 && (state1 & LCA_URGENT) != 0) {
            (myCandi - 1)->lastBlocked = vehicle;

    // check whether the vehicle wants and is able to change to left lane
    int state2 = 0;
    if ((myCandi + 1) != myChanger.end() && (myCandi + 1)->lane->allowsVehicleClass(veh(myCandi)->getVehicleType().getVehicleClass())) {
        std::pair<MSVehicle* const, SUMOReal> lLead = getRealLeader(myCandi + 1);
        std::pair<MSVehicle* const, SUMOReal> lFollow = getRealFollower(myCandi + 1);
        state2 = change2left(leader, lLead, lFollow, preb);
        if ((state2 & LCA_URGENT) != 0 || (state2 & LCA_SPEEDGAIN) != 0) {
            state2 |= LCA_LEFT;
        bool changingAllowed2 = (state2 & LCA_BLOCKED) == 0;
        // change if the vehicle wants to and is allowed to change
        if ((state2 & LCA_LEFT) != 0 && changingAllowed2) {
#ifndef NO_TRACI
            // inform lane change model about this change
            (myCandi + 1)->hoppedVeh = veh(myCandi);
            (myCandi + 1)->lane->myTmpVehicles.push_front(veh(myCandi));
            vehicle->enterLaneAtLaneChange((myCandi + 1)->lane);
            (myCandi + 1)->lane->enteredByLaneChange(vehicle);
            vehicle->myLastLaneChangeOffset = 0;
            (myCandi + 1)->dens += (myCandi + 1)->hoppedVeh->getVehicleType().getLengthWithGap();
            return true;
        if ((state2 & LCA_LEFT) != 0 && (state2 & LCA_URGENT) != 0) {
            (myCandi + 1)->lastBlocked = vehicle;
    vehicle->getLaneChangeModel().setOwnState(state2 | state1);

    if ((state1 & (LCA_URGENT)) != 0 && (state2 & (LCA_URGENT)) != 0) {
        // ... wants to go to the left AND to the right
        // just let them go to the right lane...
        state2 = 0;
    // check whether the vehicles should be swapped
    if (myAllowsSwap && ((state1 & (LCA_URGENT)) != 0 || (state2 & (LCA_URGENT)) != 0)) {
        // get the direction ...
        ChangerIt target;
        if ((state1 & (LCA_URGENT)) != 0) {
            // ... wants to go right
            target = myCandi - 1;
        if ((state2 & (LCA_URGENT)) != 0) {
            // ... wants to go left
            target = myCandi + 1;
        MSVehicle* prohibitor = target->lead;
        if (target->hoppedVeh != 0) {
            SUMOReal hoppedPos = target->hoppedVeh->getPositionOnLane();
            if (prohibitor == 0 || (hoppedPos > vehicle->getPositionOnLane() && prohibitor->getPositionOnLane() > hoppedPos)) {
                prohibitor = 0;// !!! vehicles should not jump over more than one lanetarget->hoppedVeh;
        if (prohibitor != 0
                ((prohibitor->getLaneChangeModel().getOwnState() & (LCA_URGENT/*|LCA_SPEEDGAIN*/)) != 0
                 (prohibitor->getLaneChangeModel().getOwnState() & (LCA_LEFT | LCA_RIGHT))
                 (vehicle->getLaneChangeModel().getOwnState() & (LCA_LEFT | LCA_RIGHT))
           ) {

            // check for position and speed
            if (prohibitor->getVehicleType().getLengthWithGap() - vehicle->getVehicleType().getLengthWithGap() == 0) {
                // ok, may be swapped
                // remove vehicle to swap with
                MSLane::VehCont::iterator i = find(target->lane->myTmpVehicles.begin(), target->lane->myTmpVehicles.end(), prohibitor);
                if (i != target->lane->myTmpVehicles.end()) {
                    MSVehicle* bla = *i;
                    assert(bla == prohibitor);
                    // set this vehicle
                    target->hoppedVeh = vehicle;
                    myCandi->hoppedVeh = prohibitor;

                    // leave lane and detectors
                    // patch position and speed
                    SUMOReal p1 = vehicle->getPositionOnLane();
                    vehicle->myState.myPos = prohibitor->myState.myPos;
                    prohibitor->myState.myPos = p1;
                    p1 = vehicle->getSpeed();
                    vehicle->myState.mySpeed = prohibitor->myState.mySpeed;
                    prohibitor->myState.mySpeed = p1;
                    // enter lane and detectors
                    // mark lane change
                    vehicle->myLastLaneChangeOffset = 0;
                    prohibitor->myLastLaneChangeOffset = 0;
                    (myCandi)->dens += prohibitor->getVehicleType().getLengthWithGap();
                    (target)->dens += vehicle->getVehicleType().getLengthWithGap();
                    return true;
    // Candidate didn't change lane.
    vehicle->myLastLaneChangeOffset += DELTA_T;
    (myCandi)->dens += vehicle->getVehicleType().getLengthWithGap();
    return false;
Exemple #3
MSLaneChanger::change() {
    // Find change-candidate. If it is on an allowed lane, try to change
    // to the right (there is a rule in Germany that you have to change
    // to the right, unless you are overtaking). If change to the right
    // isn't possible, check if there is a possibility to overtake (on the
    // left.
    // If candidate isn't on an allowed lane, changing to an allowed has
    // priority.
    myCandi = findCandidate();
    MSVehicle* vehicle = veh(myCandi);

    if (gDebugSelectedVehicle == vehicle->getID()) {
        int bla = 0;
    if (vehicle->getLaneChangeModel().isChangingLanes()) {
        return continueChange(vehicle, myCandi);
    if (!myAllowsChanging || vehicle->getLaneChangeModel().alreadyChanged()) {
        return false;
    std::pair<MSVehicle* const, SUMOReal> leader = getRealLeader(myCandi);
    if (myChanger.size() == 1 || vehicle->getLaneChangeModel().isOpposite()) {
        if (changeOpposite(leader)) {
            return true;
        return false;

#ifndef NO_TRACI
    if (vehicle->isRemoteControlled()) {
        return false; // !!! temporary; just because it broke, here
    vehicle->updateBestLanes(); // needed?
    for (int i = 0; i < (int) myChanger.size(); ++i) {
        vehicle->adaptBestLanesOccupation(i, myChanger[i].dens);
    const std::vector<MSVehicle::LaneQ>& preb = vehicle->getBestLanes();
    // check whether the vehicle wants and is able to change to right lane
    int state1 = 0;
    if (mayChange(-1)) {
        state1 = checkChangeWithinEdge(-1, leader, preb);
        bool changingAllowed1 = (state1 & LCA_BLOCKED) == 0;
        // change if the vehicle wants to and is allowed to change
        if ((state1 & LCA_RIGHT) != 0 && changingAllowed1) {
            startChange(vehicle, myCandi, -1);
            return true;
        if ((state1 & LCA_RIGHT) != 0 && (state1 & LCA_URGENT) != 0) {
            (myCandi - 1)->lastBlocked = vehicle;
            if ((myCandi - 1)->firstBlocked == 0) {
                (myCandi - 1)->firstBlocked = vehicle;

    // check whether the vehicle wants and is able to change to left lane
    int state2 = 0;
    if (mayChange(1)) {
        state2 = checkChangeWithinEdge(1, leader, preb);
        bool changingAllowed2 = (state2 & LCA_BLOCKED) == 0;
        // change if the vehicle wants to and is allowed to change
        if ((state2 & LCA_LEFT) != 0 && changingAllowed2) {
            startChange(vehicle, myCandi, 1);
            return true;
        if ((state2 & LCA_LEFT) != 0 && (state2 & LCA_URGENT) != 0) {
            (myCandi + 1)->lastBlocked = vehicle;
            if ((myCandi + 1)->firstBlocked == 0) {
                (myCandi + 1)->firstBlocked = vehicle;

    if ((state1 & (LCA_URGENT)) != 0 && (state2 & (LCA_URGENT)) != 0) {
        // ... wants to go to the left AND to the right
        // just let them go to the right lane...
        state2 = 0;
    vehicle->getLaneChangeModel().setOwnState(state2 | state1);

    // only emergency vehicles should change to the opposite side on a
    // multi-lane road
    if (vehicle->getVehicleType().getVehicleClass() == SVC_EMERGENCY
            && changeOpposite(leader)) {
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;
Exemple #4
MSLaneChanger::change() {
    // Find change-candidate. If it is on an allowed lane, try to change
    // to the right (there is a rule in Germany that you have to change
    // to the right, unless you are overtaking). If change to the right
    // isn't possible, check if there is a possibility to overtake (on the
    // left.
    // If candidate isn't on an allowed lane, changing to an allowed has
    // priority.
    myCandi = findCandidate();
    MSVehicle* vehicle = veh(myCandi);

    if (gDebugSelectedVehicle == vehicle->getID()) {
        int bla = 0;
    if (vehicle->getLaneChangeModel().isChangingLanes()) {
        return continueChange(vehicle, myCandi);
    if (!myAllowsChanging || vehicle->getLaneChangeModel().alreadyChanged()) {
        return false;
    std::pair<MSVehicle* const, SUMOReal> leader = getRealLeader(myCandi);
    if (myChanger.size() == 1) {
        if (changeOpposite(leader)) {
            return true;
        return false;

#ifndef NO_TRACI
    if (vehicle->isRemoteControlled()) {
        return false; // !!! temporary; just because it broke, here
    vehicle->updateBestLanes(); // needed?
    for (int i = 0; i < (int) myChanger.size(); ++i) {
        vehicle->adaptBestLanesOccupation(i, myChanger[i].dens);
    const std::vector<MSVehicle::LaneQ>& preb = vehicle->getBestLanes();
    // check whether the vehicle wants and is able to change to right lane
    int state1 = 0;
    if (mayChange(-1)) {
        state1 = checkChangeWithinEdge(-1, leader, preb);
        bool changingAllowed1 = (state1 & LCA_BLOCKED) == 0;
        // change if the vehicle wants to and is allowed to change
        if ((state1 & LCA_RIGHT) != 0 && changingAllowed1) {
            startChange(vehicle, myCandi, -1);
            return true;
        if ((state1 & LCA_RIGHT) != 0 && (state1 & LCA_URGENT) != 0) {
            (myCandi - 1)->lastBlocked = vehicle;
            if ((myCandi - 1)->firstBlocked == 0) {
                (myCandi - 1)->firstBlocked = vehicle;

    // check whether the vehicle wants and is able to change to left lane
    int state2 = 0;
    if (mayChange(1)) {
        state2 = checkChangeWithinEdge(1, leader, preb);
        bool changingAllowed2 = (state2 & LCA_BLOCKED) == 0;
        // change if the vehicle wants to and is allowed to change
        if ((state2 & LCA_LEFT) != 0 && changingAllowed2) {
            startChange(vehicle, myCandi, 1);
            return true;
        if ((state2 & LCA_LEFT) != 0 && (state2 & LCA_URGENT) != 0) {
            (myCandi + 1)->lastBlocked = vehicle;
            if ((myCandi + 1)->firstBlocked == 0) {
                (myCandi + 1)->firstBlocked = vehicle;

    if ((state1 & (LCA_URGENT)) != 0 && (state2 & (LCA_URGENT)) != 0) {
        // ... wants to go to the left AND to the right
        // just let them go to the right lane...
        state2 = 0;
    vehicle->getLaneChangeModel().setOwnState(state2 | state1);

    // check whether the vehicles should be swapped
    if (myAllowsSwap && ((state1 & (LCA_URGENT)) != 0 || (state2 & (LCA_URGENT)) != 0)) {
        // get the direction ...
        ChangerIt target;
        int direction = 0;
        if ((state1 & (LCA_URGENT)) != 0) {
            // ... wants to go right
            target = myCandi - 1;
            direction = -1;
        if ((state2 & (LCA_URGENT)) != 0) {
            // ... wants to go left
            target = myCandi + 1;
            direction = 1;
        MSVehicle* prohibitor = target->lead;
        if (target->hoppedVeh != 0) {
            SUMOReal hoppedPos = target->hoppedVeh->getPositionOnLane();
            if (prohibitor == 0 || (hoppedPos > vehicle->getPositionOnLane() && prohibitor->getPositionOnLane() > hoppedPos)) {
                prohibitor = 0;// !!! vehicles should not jump over more than one lanetarget->hoppedVeh;
        if (prohibitor != 0
                ((prohibitor->getLaneChangeModel().getOwnState() & (LCA_URGENT/*|LCA_SPEEDGAIN*/)) != 0
                 (prohibitor->getLaneChangeModel().getOwnState() & (LCA_LEFT | LCA_RIGHT))
                 (vehicle->getLaneChangeModel().getOwnState() & (LCA_LEFT | LCA_RIGHT))
           ) {

            // check for position and speed
            if (prohibitor->getVehicleType().getLengthWithGap() == vehicle->getVehicleType().getLengthWithGap()) {
                // ok, may be swapped
                // remove vehicle to swap with
                MSLane::VehCont::iterator i = find(target->lane->myTmpVehicles.begin(), target->lane->myTmpVehicles.end(), prohibitor);
                if (i != target->lane->myTmpVehicles.end()) {
                    assert(*i == prohibitor);
                    startChange(vehicle, myCandi, direction);
                    startChange(prohibitor, target, -direction);
                    std::swap(vehicle->myState, prohibitor->myState);
                    myCandi->lead = prohibitor;
                    target->lead = vehicle;
                    return true;
    if (!changeOpposite(leader)) {
        return false;
    } else {
        return true;