Exemple #1
    void EventHeader::toStream( std::ostream &stream )
        stream.write( reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&m_mode), 1 );

        // convert number of events to 24bit little endian representation
        uint32 numev = getNumEvents( );
        uint8 tmp[3];
        tmp[0] = numev % 256;
        tmp[1] = (numev / 256) % 256;
        tmp[2] = (numev / 65536) % 256;
        stream.write( reinterpret_cast<const char*>(tmp), 3 );

        writeLittleEndian( stream, getSamplingRate( ) );

        if( getMode() == 1 )
            Mode1Event e;
            // write event positions
            for( size_t i=0; i<getNumEvents(); i++)
                getEvent( i, e );
                writeLittleEndian( stream, e.position );
            // write event types
            for( size_t i=0; i<getNumEvents(); i++)
                getEvent( i, e );
                writeLittleEndian( stream, e.type );
        else if( getMode() == 3 )
            Mode3Event e;
            // write event positions
            for( size_t i=0; i<getNumEvents(); i++)
                getEvent( i, e );
                writeLittleEndian( stream, e.position );
            // write event types
            for( size_t i=0; i<getNumEvents(); i++)
                getEvent( i, e );
                writeLittleEndian( stream, e.type );
            // write event channels
            for( size_t i=0; i<getNumEvents(); i++)
                getEvent( i, e );
                writeLittleEndian( stream, e.channel );
            // write event durations
            for( size_t i=0; i<getNumEvents(); i++)
                getEvent( i, e );
                writeLittleEndian( stream, e.duration );
status_t AudioSystem::getOutputSamplingRateForAttr(uint32_t* samplingRate,
        const audio_attributes_t *attr)
    if (attr == NULL) {
        return BAD_VALUE;
    audio_io_handle_t output = getOutputForAttr(attr);
    if (output == 0) {
        return PERMISSION_DENIED;
    return getSamplingRate(output, samplingRate);
bool SoundSourceMediaFoundation::readProperties() {
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;

    //Get the duration, provided as a 64-bit integer of 100-nanosecond units
    hr = m_pReader->GetPresentationAttribute(MF_SOURCE_READER_MEDIASOURCE,
        MF_PD_DURATION, &prop);
    if (FAILED(hr)) {
        qWarning() << "SSMF: error getting duration";
        return false;
    m_mfDuration = prop.hVal.QuadPart;
    setFrameCount(frameFromMF(m_mfDuration, getSamplingRate()));
    qDebug() << "SSMF: Frame count" << getFrameCount();

    // presentation attribute MF_PD_AUDIO_ENCODING_BITRATE only exists for
    // presentation descriptors, one of which MFSourceReader is not.
    // Therefore, we calculate it ourselves.
    setBitrate(kBitsPerSample * frames2samples(getSamplingRate()));

    return true;
status_t AudioSystem::getOutputSamplingRate(uint32_t* samplingRate, audio_stream_type_t streamType)
    audio_io_handle_t output;

    if (streamType == AUDIO_STREAM_DEFAULT) {
        streamType = AUDIO_STREAM_MUSIC;

    output = getOutput(streamType);
    if (output == 0) {
        return PERMISSION_DENIED;

    return getSamplingRate(output, streamType, samplingRate);
SINT SoundSourceMediaFoundation::seekSampleFrame(
        SINT frameIndex) {
    if (sDebug) {
        qDebug() << "seekSampleFrame()" << frameIndex;
    qint64 mfSeekTarget(mfFromFrame(frameIndex, getSamplingRate()) - 1);
    // minus 1 here seems to make our seeking work properly, otherwise we will
    // (more often than not, maybe always) seek a bit too far (although not
    // enough for our calculatedFrameFromMF <= nextFrame assertion in ::read).
    // Has something to do with 100ns MF units being much smaller than most
    // frame offsets (in seconds) -bkgood
    SINT result = m_iCurrentPosition;
    if (m_dead) {
        return result;

    HRESULT hr;

    // this doesn't fail, see MS's implementation
    hr = InitPropVariantFromInt64(mfSeekTarget < 0 ? 0 : mfSeekTarget, &prop);

    if (FAILED(hr)) {
        qWarning() << "SSMF: failed to flush before seek";

    // http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd374668(v=VS.85).aspx
    hr = m_pReader->SetCurrentPosition(GUID_NULL, prop);
    if (FAILED(hr)) {
        // nothing we can do here as we can't fail (no facility to other than
        // crashing mixxx)
        qWarning() << "SSMF: failed to seek"
                << (hr == MF_E_INVALIDREQUEST ?
                        "Sample requests still pending" : "");
    } else {
        result = frameIndex;

    // record the next frame so that we can make sure we're there the next
    // time we get a buffer from MFSourceReader
    m_nextFrame = frameIndex;
    m_seeking = true;
    m_iCurrentPosition = result;
    return result;
SINT SoundSourceMp3::readSampleFrames(
        SINT numberOfFrames, CSAMPLE* sampleBuffer,
        SINT sampleBufferSize, bool readStereoSamples) {
    DEBUG_ASSERT(getSampleBufferSize(numberOfFrames, readStereoSamples) <= sampleBufferSize);

    const SINT numberOfFramesTotal = math_min(
            numberOfFrames, getMaxFrameIndex() - m_curFrameIndex);

    CSAMPLE* pSampleBuffer = sampleBuffer;
    SINT numberOfFramesRemaining = numberOfFramesTotal;
    while (0 < numberOfFramesRemaining) {
        if (0 >= m_madSynthCount) {
            // When all decoded output data has been consumed...
            DEBUG_ASSERT(0 == m_madSynthCount);
            // ...decode the next MP3 frame

            // WARNING: Correctly evaluating and handling the result
            // of mad_frame_decode() has proven to be extremely tricky.
            // Don't change anything at the following lines of code
            // unless you know what you are doing!!!
            unsigned char const* pMadThisFrame = m_madStream.this_frame;
            if (mad_frame_decode(&m_madFrame, &m_madStream)) {
                // Something went wrong when decoding the frame...
                if (MAD_ERROR_BUFLEN == m_madStream.error) {
                    // Abort
                if (isUnrecoverableError(m_madStream)) {
                    qWarning() << "Unrecoverable MP3 frame decoding error:"
                            << mad_stream_errorstr(&m_madStream);
                    // Abort decoding
                if (isRecoverableError(m_madStream)) {
                    if (pMadThisFrame != m_madStream.this_frame) {
                        // Ignore all recoverable errors (and especially
                        // "lost synchronization" warnings) while skipping
                        // over prefetched frames after seeking.
                        if (pSampleBuffer) {
                            qWarning() << "Recoverable MP3 frame decoding error:"
                                    << mad_stream_errorstr(&m_madStream);
                        } else {
                            // Decoded samples will simply be discarded
                            qDebug() << "Recoverable MP3 frame decoding error while skipping:"
                                << mad_stream_errorstr(&m_madStream);
                    // Continue decoding
            if (pMadThisFrame == m_madStream.this_frame) {
                qDebug() << "Retry decoding MP3 frame @" << m_curFrameIndex;
                // Retry decoding


            const SINT madFrameChannelCount = MAD_NCHANNELS(&m_madFrame.header);
            if (madFrameChannelCount != getChannelCount()) {
                qDebug() << "MP3 frame header with mismatching number of channels"
                        << madFrameChannelCount << "<>" << getChannelCount();

            // Once decoded the frame is synthesized to PCM samples
            mad_synth_frame(&m_madSynth, &m_madFrame);
            const SINT madSynthSampleRate =  m_madSynth.pcm.samplerate;
            if (madSynthSampleRate != getSamplingRate()) {
                qDebug() << "Reading MP3 data with different sampling rate"
                        << madSynthSampleRate << "<>" << getSamplingRate();
            m_madSynthCount = m_madSynth.pcm.length;
            DEBUG_ASSERT(0 < m_madSynthCount);

        const SINT synthReadCount = math_min(
                m_madSynthCount, numberOfFramesRemaining);
        if (pSampleBuffer) {
            DEBUG_ASSERT(m_madSynthCount <= m_madSynth.pcm.length);
            const SINT madSynthOffset =
                    m_madSynth.pcm.length - m_madSynthCount;
            DEBUG_ASSERT(madSynthOffset < m_madSynth.pcm.length);
            const SINT madSynthChannelCount = m_madSynth.pcm.channels;
            DEBUG_ASSERT(0 < madSynthChannelCount);
            DEBUG_ASSERT(madSynthChannelCount <= getChannelCount());
            if (madSynthChannelCount != getChannelCount()) {
                qDebug() << "Reading MP3 data with different number of channels"
                        << madSynthChannelCount << "<>" << getChannelCount();
            if (kChannelCountMono == madSynthChannelCount) {
                // MP3 frame contains a mono signal
                if (readStereoSamples || (kChannelCountStereo == getChannelCount())) {
                    // The reader explicitly requested a stereo signal
                    // or the AudioSource itself provides a stereo signal.
                    // Mono -> Stereo: Copy 1st channel twice
                    for (SINT i = 0; i < synthReadCount; ++i) {
                        const CSAMPLE sampleValue = madScaleSampleValue(
                                m_madSynth.pcm.samples[0][madSynthOffset + i]);
                        *pSampleBuffer++ = sampleValue;
                        *pSampleBuffer++ = sampleValue;
                } else {
                    // Mono -> Mono: Copy 1st channel
                    for (SINT i = 0; i < synthReadCount; ++i) {
                        const CSAMPLE sampleValue = madScaleSampleValue(
                                m_madSynth.pcm.samples[0][madSynthOffset + i]);
                        *pSampleBuffer++ = sampleValue;
            } else {
                // MP3 frame contains a stereo signal
                DEBUG_ASSERT(kChannelCountStereo == madSynthChannelCount);
                // If the MP3 frame contains a stereo signal then the whole
                // AudioSource must also provide 2 channels, because the
                // maximum channel count of all MP3 frames is used.
                DEBUG_ASSERT(kChannelCountStereo == getChannelCount());
                // Stereo -> Stereo: Copy 1st + 2nd channel
                for (SINT i = 0; i < synthReadCount; ++i) {
                    *pSampleBuffer++ = madScaleSampleValue(
                            m_madSynth.pcm.samples[0][madSynthOffset + i]);
                    *pSampleBuffer++ = madScaleSampleValue(
                            m_madSynth.pcm.samples[1][madSynthOffset + i]);
        // consume decoded output data
        m_madSynthCount -= synthReadCount;
        m_curFrameIndex += synthReadCount;
        numberOfFramesRemaining -= synthReadCount;

    DEBUG_ASSERT(numberOfFramesTotal >= numberOfFramesRemaining);
    return numberOfFramesTotal - numberOfFramesRemaining;
SINT SoundSourceMediaFoundation::readSampleFrames(
        SINT numberOfFrames, CSAMPLE* sampleBuffer) {
    if (sDebug) {
        qDebug() << "read()" << numberOfFrames;
    SINT framesNeeded(numberOfFrames);

    // first, copy frames from leftover buffer IF the leftover buffer is at
    // the correct frame
    if (m_leftoverBufferLength > 0 && m_leftoverBufferPosition == m_nextFrame) {
        copyFrames(sampleBuffer, &framesNeeded, m_leftoverBuffer,
        if (m_leftoverBufferLength > 0) {
            if (framesNeeded != 0) {
                qWarning() << __FILE__ << __LINE__
                        << "WARNING: Expected frames needed to be 0. Abandoning this file.";
                m_dead = true;
            m_leftoverBufferPosition += numberOfFrames;
    } else {
        // leftoverBuffer already empty or in the wrong position, clear it
        m_leftoverBufferLength = 0;

    while (!m_dead && framesNeeded > 0) {
        HRESULT hr(S_OK);
        DWORD dwFlags(0);
        qint64 timestamp(0);
        IMFSample *pSample(nullptr);
        bool error(false); // set to true to break after releasing

        hr = m_pReader->ReadSample(MF_SOURCE_READER_FIRST_AUDIO_STREAM, // [in] DWORD dwStreamIndex,
                0,                                 // [in] DWORD dwControlFlags,
                nullptr,                      // [out] DWORD *pdwActualStreamIndex,
                &dwFlags,                        // [out] DWORD *pdwStreamFlags,
                &timestamp,                     // [out] LONGLONG *pllTimestamp,
                &pSample);                         // [out] IMFSample **ppSample
        if (FAILED(hr)) {
            qWarning() << "ReadSample failed!";
            break; // abort

        if (sDebug) {
            qDebug() << "ReadSample timestamp:" << timestamp << "frame:"
                    << frameFromMF(timestamp, getSamplingRate()) << "dwflags:" << dwFlags;

        if (dwFlags & MF_SOURCE_READERF_ERROR) {
            // our source reader is now dead, according to the docs
                    << "SSMF: ReadSample set ERROR, SourceReader is now dead";
            m_dead = true;
        } else if (dwFlags & MF_SOURCE_READERF_ENDOFSTREAM) {
            qDebug() << "SSMF: End of input file.";
            qWarning() << "SSMF: Type change";
        } else if (pSample == nullptr) {
            // generally this will happen when dwFlags contains ENDOFSTREAM,
            // so it'll be caught before now -bkgood
            qWarning() << "SSMF: No sample";
        } // we now own a ref to the instance at pSample

        IMFMediaBuffer *pMBuffer(nullptr);
        // I know this does at least a memcopy and maybe a malloc, if we have
        // xrun issues with this we might want to look into using
        // IMFSample::GetBufferByIndex (although MS doesn't recommend this)
        if (FAILED(hr = pSample->ConvertToContiguousBuffer(&pMBuffer))) {
            error = true;
            goto releaseSample;
        CSAMPLE *buffer(nullptr);
        DWORD bufferLengthInBytes(0);
        hr = pMBuffer->Lock(reinterpret_cast<quint8**>(&buffer), nullptr, &bufferLengthInBytes);
        if (FAILED(hr)) {
            error = true;
            goto releaseMBuffer;
        SINT bufferLength = samples2frames(bufferLengthInBytes / sizeof(buffer[0]));

        if (m_seeking) {
            qint64 bufferPosition(frameFromMF(timestamp, getSamplingRate()));
            if (sDebug) {
                qDebug() << "While seeking to " << m_nextFrame
                        << "WMF put us at" << bufferPosition;

            if (m_nextFrame < bufferPosition) {
                // Uh oh. We are farther forward than our seek target. Emit
                // silence? We can't seek backwards here.
                CSAMPLE* pBufferCurpos = sampleBuffer
                        + frames2samples(numberOfFrames - framesNeeded);
                qint64 offshootFrames = bufferPosition - m_nextFrame;

                // If we can correct this immediately, write zeros and adjust
                // m_nextFrame to pretend it never happened.

                if (offshootFrames <= framesNeeded) {
                    qWarning() << __FILE__ << __LINE__
                            << "Working around inaccurate seeking. Writing silence for"
                            << offshootFrames << "frames";
                    // Set offshootFrames samples to zero.
                    memset(pBufferCurpos, 0,
                            sizeof(*pBufferCurpos) * frames2samples(offshootFrames));
                    // Now m_nextFrame == bufferPosition
                    m_nextFrame += offshootFrames;
                    framesNeeded -= offshootFrames;
                } else {
                    // It's more complicated. The buffer we have just decoded is
                    // more than framesNeeded frames away from us. It's too hard
                    // for us to handle this correctly currently, so let's just
                    // try to get on with our lives.
                    m_seeking = false;
                    m_nextFrame = bufferPosition;
                    qWarning() << __FILE__ << __LINE__
                            << "Seek offshoot is too drastic. Cutting losses and pretending the current decoded audio buffer is the right seek point.";

            if (m_nextFrame >= bufferPosition
                    && m_nextFrame < bufferPosition + bufferLength) {
                // m_nextFrame is in this buffer.
                buffer += frames2samples(m_nextFrame - bufferPosition);
                bufferLength -= m_nextFrame - bufferPosition;
                m_seeking = false;
            } else {
                // we need to keep going forward
                goto releaseRawBuffer;

        // If the bufferLength is larger than the leftover buffer, re-allocate
        // it with 2x the space.
        if (frames2samples(bufferLength) > m_leftoverBufferSize) {
            SINT newSize = m_leftoverBufferSize;

            while (newSize < frames2samples(bufferLength)) {
                newSize *= 2;
            CSAMPLE* newBuffer = new CSAMPLE[newSize];
            memcpy(newBuffer, m_leftoverBuffer,
                    sizeof(m_leftoverBuffer[0]) * m_leftoverBufferSize);
            delete[] m_leftoverBuffer;
            m_leftoverBuffer = newBuffer;
            m_leftoverBufferSize = newSize;
                sampleBuffer + frames2samples(numberOfFrames - framesNeeded),
                buffer, bufferLength);

        releaseRawBuffer: hr = pMBuffer->Unlock();
        // I'm ignoring this, MSDN for IMFMediaBuffer::Unlock stipulates
        // nothing about the state of the instance if this fails so might as
        // well just let it be released.
        //if (FAILED(hr)) break;
        releaseMBuffer: safeRelease(&pMBuffer);
        releaseSample: safeRelease(&pSample);
        if (error)

    SINT framesRead = numberOfFrames - framesNeeded;
    m_iCurrentPosition += framesRead;
    m_nextFrame += framesRead;
    if (m_leftoverBufferLength > 0) {
        if (framesNeeded != 0) {
            qWarning() << __FILE__ << __LINE__
                    << "WARNING: Expected frames needed to be 0. Abandoning this file.";
            m_dead = true;
        m_leftoverBufferPosition = m_nextFrame;
    if (sDebug) {
        qDebug() << "read()" << numberOfFrames << "returning" << framesRead;
    return framesRead;
SoundSource::OpenResult SoundSourceFFmpeg::tryOpen(const AudioSourceConfig& /*audioSrcCfg*/) {
    AVDictionary *l_iFormatOpts = nullptr;

    const QString localFileName(getLocalFileName());
    qDebug() << "New SoundSourceFFmpeg :" << localFileName;

    m_pFormatCtx = avformat_alloc_context();

    if (m_pFormatCtx == nullptr) {
        qDebug() << "SoundSourceFFmpeg::tryOpen: Can't allocate memory";
        return OpenResult::FAILED;

    // TODO() why is this required, should't it be a runtime check
#if LIBAVCODEC_VERSION_INT < 3622144 // 55.69.0
    m_pFormatCtx->max_analyze_duration = 999999999;

    // libav replaces open() with ff_win32_open() which accepts a
    // Utf8 path
    // see: avformat/os_support.h
    // The old method defining an URL_PROTOCOL is deprecated
#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__MINGW32CE__)
    const QByteArray qBAFilename(
            avformat_version() >= ((52<<16)+(0<<8)+0) ?
            getLocalFileName().toUtf8() :
    const QByteArray qBAFilename(getLocalFileName().toLocal8Bit());

    // Open file and make m_pFormatCtx
    if (avformat_open_input(&m_pFormatCtx, qBAFilename.constData(), nullptr,
                            &l_iFormatOpts) != 0) {
        qDebug() << "SoundSourceFFmpeg::tryOpen: cannot open" << localFileName;
        return OpenResult::FAILED;

    // TODO() why is this required, should't it be a runtime check
#if LIBAVCODEC_VERSION_INT > 3544932 // 54.23.100

    // Retrieve stream information
    if (avformat_find_stream_info(m_pFormatCtx, nullptr) < 0) {
        qDebug() << "SoundSourceFFmpeg::tryOpen: cannot open" << localFileName;
        return OpenResult::FAILED;

    //debug only (Enable if needed)
    //av_dump_format(m_pFormatCtx, 0, qBAFilename.constData(), false);

    // Find the first audio stream
    m_iAudioStream = -1;

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_pFormatCtx->nb_streams; i++)
        if (m_pFormatCtx->streams[i]->codec->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO) {
            m_iAudioStream = i;

    if (m_iAudioStream == -1) {
        qDebug() <<
                 "SoundSourceFFmpeg::tryOpen: cannot find an audio stream: cannot open"
                 << localFileName;
        return OpenResult::FAILED;

    // Get a pointer to the codec context for the audio stream
    m_pCodecCtx = m_pFormatCtx->streams[m_iAudioStream]->codec;

    // Find the decoder for the audio stream
    if (!(m_pCodec = avcodec_find_decoder(m_pCodecCtx->codec_id))) {
        qDebug() << "SoundSourceFFmpeg::tryOpen: cannot find a decoder for" <<
        return OpenResult::UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT;

    if (avcodec_open2(m_pCodecCtx, m_pCodec, nullptr)<0) {
        qDebug() << "SoundSourceFFmpeg::tryOpen: cannot open" << localFileName;
        return OpenResult::FAILED;

    m_pResample = std::make_unique<EncoderFfmpegResample>(m_pCodecCtx);
    m_pResample->openMixxx(m_pCodecCtx->sample_fmt, AV_SAMPLE_FMT_FLT);

    setFrameCount((qint64)round((double)((double)m_pFormatCtx->duration *
                                         (double)m_pCodecCtx->sample_rate) / (double)AV_TIME_BASE));

    qDebug() << "SoundSourceFFmpeg::tryOpen: Sampling rate: " << getSamplingRate() <<
             ", Channels: " <<
             getChannelCount() << "\n";
    if (getChannelCount() > 2) {
        qDebug() << "ffmpeg: No support for more than 2 channels!";
        return OpenResult::FAILED;

    return OpenResult::SUCCEEDED;
Exemple #9
static unsigned int get_length_in_samples(struct sppb_plugin_description *plugin, void *context)
	MPSP_DPRINTF("parser: get_length_in_samples(): %u\n", (ModPlug_GetLength(self) + 500) / 1000 * getSamplingRate());

	return (ModPlug_GetLength(self) + 500) / 1000 * get_sampling_rate();
Exemple #10
SINT SoundSourceM4A::readSampleFrames(
        SINT numberOfFrames, CSAMPLE* sampleBuffer) {

    const SINT numberOfFramesTotal = math_min(
            numberOfFrames, getMaxFrameIndex() - m_curFrameIndex);
    const SINT numberOfSamplesTotal = frames2samples(numberOfFramesTotal);

    CSAMPLE* pSampleBuffer = sampleBuffer;
    SINT numberOfSamplesRemaining = numberOfSamplesTotal;
    while (0 < numberOfSamplesRemaining) {

        if (!m_sampleBuffer.isEmpty()) {
            // Consume previously decoded sample data
            const SampleBuffer::ReadableChunk readableChunk(
            if (pSampleBuffer) {
                SampleUtil::copy(pSampleBuffer, readableChunk.data(), readableChunk.size());
                pSampleBuffer += readableChunk.size();
            m_curFrameIndex += samples2frames(readableChunk.size());
            DEBUG_ASSERT(numberOfSamplesRemaining >= readableChunk.size());
            numberOfSamplesRemaining -= readableChunk.size();
            if (0 == numberOfSamplesRemaining) {
                break; // exit loop
        // All previously decoded sample data has been consumed now

        if (0 == m_inputBufferLength) {
            // Fill input buffer from file
            if (isValidSampleBlockId(m_curSampleBlockId)) {
                // Read data for next sample block into input buffer
                u_int8_t* pInputBuffer = &m_inputBuffer[0];
                u_int32_t inputBufferLength = m_inputBuffer.size(); // in/out parameter
                if (!MP4ReadSample(m_hFile, m_trackId, m_curSampleBlockId,
                        &pInputBuffer, &inputBufferLength,
                        nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr)) {
                            << "Failed to read MP4 input data for sample block"
                            << m_curSampleBlockId << "(" << "min ="
                            << kSampleBlockIdMin << "," << "max ="
                            << m_maxSampleBlockId << ")";
                    break; // abort
                m_inputBufferLength = inputBufferLength;
                m_inputBufferOffset = 0;
        DEBUG_ASSERT(0 <= m_inputBufferLength);
        if (0 == m_inputBufferLength) {
            break; // EOF

        // NOTE(uklotzde): The sample buffer for NeAACDecDecode2 has to
        // be big enough for a whole block of decoded samples, which
        // contains up to m_framesPerSampleBlock frames. Otherwise
        // we need to use a temporary buffer.
        CSAMPLE* pDecodeBuffer; // in/out parameter
        SINT decodeBufferCapacity;
        const SINT decodeBufferCapacityMin = frames2samples(m_framesPerSampleBlock);
        if (pSampleBuffer && (decodeBufferCapacityMin <= numberOfSamplesRemaining)) {
            // Decode samples directly into sampleBuffer
            pDecodeBuffer = pSampleBuffer;
            decodeBufferCapacity = numberOfSamplesRemaining;
        } else {
            // Decode next sample block into temporary buffer
            const SINT writeToTailCount = math_max(
                    numberOfSamplesRemaining, decodeBufferCapacityMin);
            const SampleBuffer::WritableChunk writableChunk(
            pDecodeBuffer = writableChunk.data();
            decodeBufferCapacity = writableChunk.size();
        DEBUG_ASSERT(decodeBufferCapacityMin <= decodeBufferCapacity);

        NeAACDecFrameInfo decFrameInfo;
        void* pDecodeResult = NeAACDecDecode2(
                m_hDecoder, &decFrameInfo,
                decodeBufferCapacity * sizeof(*pDecodeBuffer));
        // Verify the decoding result
        if (0 != decFrameInfo.error) {
            qWarning() << "AAC decoding error:"
                    << decFrameInfo.error
                    << NeAACDecGetErrorMessage(decFrameInfo.error)
                    << getUrlString();
            break; // abort
        DEBUG_ASSERT(pDecodeResult == pDecodeBuffer); // verify the in/out parameter

        // Verify the decoded sample data for consistency
        if (getChannelCount() != decFrameInfo.channels) {
            qWarning() << "Corrupt or unsupported AAC file:"
                    << "Unexpected number of channels" << decFrameInfo.channels
                    << "<>" << getChannelCount();
            break; // abort
        if (getSamplingRate() != SINT(decFrameInfo.samplerate)) {
            qWarning() << "Corrupt or unsupported AAC file:"
                    << "Unexpected sampling rate" << decFrameInfo.samplerate
                    << "<>" << getSamplingRate();
            break; // abort

        // Consume input data
        m_inputBufferLength -= decFrameInfo.bytesconsumed;
        m_inputBufferOffset += decFrameInfo.bytesconsumed;

        // Consume decoded output data
        const SINT numberOfSamplesDecoded = decFrameInfo.samples;
        DEBUG_ASSERT(numberOfSamplesDecoded <= decodeBufferCapacity);
        SINT numberOfSamplesRead;
        if (pDecodeBuffer == pSampleBuffer) {
            numberOfSamplesRead = math_min(numberOfSamplesDecoded, numberOfSamplesRemaining);
            pSampleBuffer += numberOfSamplesRead;
        } else {
            m_sampleBuffer.readFromTail(decodeBufferCapacity - numberOfSamplesDecoded);
            const SampleBuffer::ReadableChunk readableChunk(
            numberOfSamplesRead = readableChunk.size();
            if (pSampleBuffer) {
                SampleUtil::copy(pSampleBuffer, readableChunk.data(), numberOfSamplesRead);
                pSampleBuffer += numberOfSamplesRead;
        // The decoder might decode more samples than actually needed
        // at the end of the file! When the end of the file has been
        // reached decoding can be restarted by seeking to a new
        // position.
        DEBUG_ASSERT(numberOfSamplesDecoded >= numberOfSamplesRead);
        m_curFrameIndex += samples2frames(numberOfSamplesRead);
        DEBUG_ASSERT(numberOfSamplesRemaining >= numberOfSamplesRead);
        numberOfSamplesRemaining -= numberOfSamplesRead;

    DEBUG_ASSERT(numberOfSamplesTotal >= numberOfSamplesRemaining);
    return samples2frames(numberOfSamplesTotal - numberOfSamplesRemaining);
Exemple #11
void SoundSourceFLAC::flacMetadata(const FLAC__StreamMetadata* metadata) {
    // https://xiph.org/flac/api/group__flac__stream__decoder.html#ga43e2329c15731c002ac4182a47990f85
    // "...one STREAMINFO block, followed by zero or more other metadata blocks."
    // "...by default the decoder only calls the metadata callback for the STREAMINFO block..."
    // "...always before the first audio frame (i.e. write callback)."
    switch (metadata->type) {
        const SINT channelCount = metadata->data.stream_info.channels;
        if (isValidChannelCount(channelCount)) {
            if (hasChannelCount()) {
                // already set before -> check for consistency
                if (getChannelCount() != channelCount) {
                    qWarning() << "Unexpected channel count:"
                            << channelCount << " <> " << getChannelCount();
            } else {
                // not set before
        } else {
            qWarning() << "Invalid channel count:"
                    << channelCount;
        const SINT samplingRate = metadata->data.stream_info.sample_rate;
        if (isValidSamplingRate(samplingRate)) {
            if (hasSamplingRate()) {
                // already set before -> check for consistency
                if (getSamplingRate() != samplingRate) {
                    qWarning() << "Unexpected sampling rate:"
                            << samplingRate << " <> " << getSamplingRate();
            } else {
                // not set before
        } else {
            qWarning() << "Invalid sampling rate:"
                    << samplingRate;
        const SINT frameCount = metadata->data.stream_info.total_samples;
        if (isEmpty()) {
            // not set before
        } else {
            // already set before -> check for consistency
            if (getFrameCount() != frameCount) {
                qWarning() << "Unexpected frame count:"
                        << frameCount << " <> " << getFrameCount();
        const unsigned bitsPerSample = metadata->data.stream_info.bits_per_sample;
        DEBUG_ASSERT(kBitsPerSampleDefault != bitsPerSample);
        if (kBitsPerSampleDefault == m_bitsPerSample) {
            // not set before
            m_bitsPerSample = bitsPerSample;
            m_sampleScaleFactor = CSAMPLE_PEAK
                    / CSAMPLE(FLAC__int32(1) << bitsPerSample);
        } else {
            // already set before -> check for consistency
            if (bitsPerSample != m_bitsPerSample) {
                qWarning() << "Unexpected bits per sample:"
                        << bitsPerSample << " <> " << m_bitsPerSample;
        m_maxBlocksize = metadata->data.stream_info.max_blocksize;
        if (0 >= m_maxBlocksize) {
            qWarning() << "Invalid max. blocksize" << m_maxBlocksize;
        const SINT sampleBufferCapacity =
                m_maxBlocksize * getChannelCount();
        // Ignore all other metadata types
Exemple #12
FLAC__StreamDecoderWriteStatus SoundSourceFLAC::flacWrite(
        const FLAC__Frame* frame, const FLAC__int32* const buffer[]) {
    const SINT numChannels = frame->header.channels;
    if (getChannelCount() > numChannels) {
        qWarning() << "Corrupt or unsupported FLAC file:"
                << "Invalid number of channels in FLAC frame header"
                << frame->header.channels << "<>" << getChannelCount();
    if (getSamplingRate() != SINT(frame->header.sample_rate)) {
        qWarning() << "Corrupt or unsupported FLAC file:"
                << "Invalid sample rate in FLAC frame header"
                << frame->header.sample_rate << "<>" << getSamplingRate();
    const SINT numReadableFrames = frame->header.blocksize;
    if (numReadableFrames > m_maxBlocksize) {
        qWarning() << "Corrupt or unsupported FLAC file:"
                << "Block size in FLAC frame header exceeds the maximum block size"
                << frame->header.blocksize << ">" << m_maxBlocksize;

    // According to the API docs the decoder will always report the current
    // position in "FLAC samples" (= "Mixxx frames") for convenience
    DEBUG_ASSERT(frame->header.number_type == FLAC__FRAME_NUMBER_TYPE_SAMPLE_NUMBER);
    m_curFrameIndex = frame->header.number.sample_number;

    // Decode buffer should be empty before decoding the next frame
    const SampleBuffer::WritableChunk writableChunk(

    const SINT numWritableFrames = samples2frames(writableChunk.size());
    DEBUG_ASSERT(numWritableFrames <= numReadableFrames);
    if (numWritableFrames < numReadableFrames) {
        qWarning() << "Sample buffer has not enough free space for all decoded FLAC samples:"
                << numWritableFrames << "<" << numReadableFrames;

    CSAMPLE* pSampleBuffer = writableChunk.data();
    DEBUG_ASSERT(getChannelCount() <= numChannels);
    switch (getChannelCount()) {
    case 1: {
        // optimized code for 1 channel (mono)
        for (SINT i = 0; i < numWritableFrames; ++i) {
            *pSampleBuffer++ = buffer[0][i] * m_sampleScaleFactor;
    case 2: {
        // optimized code for 2 channels (stereo)
        for (SINT i = 0; i < numWritableFrames; ++i) {
            *pSampleBuffer++ = buffer[0][i] * m_sampleScaleFactor;
            *pSampleBuffer++ = buffer[1][i] * m_sampleScaleFactor;
    default: {
        // generic code for multiple channels
        for (SINT i = 0; i < numWritableFrames; ++i) {
            for (SINT j = 0; j < getChannelCount(); ++j) {
                *pSampleBuffer++ = buffer[j][i] * m_sampleScaleFactor;
