Exemple #1
void distance(double *coord, int *nDim, int *nSite,
	      int *vec, double *dist){

  //This function computes either the euclidean distance or the
  //distance vector between each pair of locations
  const int nPair = *nSite * (*nSite - 1) / 2;

  if (*vec){
    #pragma omp parallel for
    for (int pair=0;pair<nPair;pair++){
      int i, j;
      getSiteIndex(pair, *nSite, &i, &j);

      for (int k=0;k<*nDim;k++)
	dist[k * nPair + pair] = coord[k * *nSite + j] - coord[k * *nSite + i];

    #pragma omp parallel for
    for (int pair=0;pair<nPair;pair++){
      int i, j;
      getSiteIndex(pair, *nSite, &i, &j);
      dist[pair] = 0;

      for (int k=0;k<*nDim;k++)
	dist[pair] += (coord[i + k * *nSite] -	coord[j + k * *nSite]) *
	  (coord[i + k * *nSite] - coord[j + k * *nSite]);

      dist[pair] = sqrt(dist[pair]);
Exemple #2
void empiricalBootConcProb(double *data, int *nSite, int *nObs, int *blockSize,
			   double *concProb){

  const double normCst = lchoose(*nObs, *blockSize);
  const int nPair = *nSite * (*nSite - 1) / 2;

  #pragma omp parallel for
  for (int currentPair=0;currentPair<nPair;currentPair++){
    int i, j;
    getSiteIndex(currentPair, *nSite, &i, &j);

    // For each pair compute the estimator
    concProb[currentPair] = 0;

    for (int k=0;k<*nObs;k++){
      int d = 0;

      for (int l=0;l<*nObs;l++)
	d += (data[l + i * *nObs] < data[k + i * *nObs]) && (data[l + j * *nObs] < data[k + j * *nObs]);

      concProb[currentPair] += exp(lchoose(d, *blockSize - 1) - normCst);

Exemple #3
double fbm(double *coord, double *dist, int dim, int nSite, double sill, double range,
	   double smooth, double *rho){

  /* This function computes the covariance function related to a
  fractional Brownian motion.  When ans != 0.0, the parameters are
  ill-defined. */

  const int nPairs = nSite * (nSite - 1) / 2;
  const double irange = 1 / range;
  double *distOrig = malloc(nSite * sizeof(double));

  //Some preliminary steps: Valid points?
  if (smooth < EPS)
    return (1 - smooth + EPS) * (1 - smooth + EPS) * MINF;

  else if (smooth > 2)
    return (smooth - 1) * (smooth - 1) * MINF;

  if (range <= 0)
    return (1 - range) * (1 - range) * MINF;

  if (sill <= 0)
    return (1 - sill) * (1 - sill) * MINF;

  distance2orig(coord, nSite, dim, distOrig, 0);

  /* Rmk: 0.5 Var[Z(x)] = \gamma(||x||) as Z(o) = 0, where \gamma is
     the semi-variogram */
  #pragma omp parallel for
  for (int i=0;i<nSite;i++)
    distOrig[i] = pow(distOrig[i] * irange, smooth);

  #pragma omp parallel for
  for (int currentPair=0;currentPair<nPairs;currentPair++){
    int i, j;
    getSiteIndex(currentPair, nSite, &i, &j);

    rho[currentPair] = sill * (distOrig[i] + distOrig[j] -
			       pow(dist[currentPair] * irange, smooth));


  return 0;
Exemple #4
void concProbKendall(double *data, int *nSite, int *nObs, double *concProb,
		     double *jackKnife, int *computeStdErr){

  const int nPair = *nSite * (*nSite - 1) / 2;

  if (!*computeStdErr){
#pragma omp parallel for
    for (int currentPair=0;currentPair<nPair;currentPair++){
      int i,j;
      getSiteIndex(currentPair, *nSite, &i, &j);

      int nEffObs = 0;//the number of effective contribution (because of possible missing values)
      for (int k=0;k<(*nObs-1);k++){

	if (ISNA(data[k + i * *nObs]) || ISNA(data[k + j * *nObs]))

	for (int l=k+1;l<*nObs;l++){

	  if (ISNA(data[l + i * *nObs]) || ISNA(data[l + j * *nObs]))

	  concProb[currentPair] += sign(data[k + i * *nObs] - data[l + i * *nObs]) *
	    sign(data[k + j * *nObs] - data[l + j * *nObs]);

      concProb[currentPair] *= nEffObs == 0 ? NA_REAL : 1.0 / ((double) nEffObs);

  else {
    //the number of effective observation for the jackknife estimates
    int *nEffObsJack = malloc(*nObs * sizeof(int));

    for (int currentPair=0;currentPair<nPair;currentPair++){
      int i,j;
      getSiteIndex(currentPair, *nSite, &i, &j);

      // Reinitialization for the new pair

      //the number of effective contribution (because of possible missing values)
      int nEffObs = 0;

      for (int k=0;k<*nObs;k++){
	nEffObsJack[k] = 0;

	if (ISNA(data[k + i * *nObs]) || ISNA(data[k + j * *nObs])){
	  // If the discarded observation is missing, jackknife
	  // estimate is meaningless...
	  jackKnife[k + currentPair * *nObs] = NA_REAL;

	for (int l=0;l<*nObs;l++){
	  if ((k == l) || ISNA(data[l + i * *nObs]) || ISNA(data[l + j * *nObs]))

	  nEffObs++; nEffObsJack[k]++;

	  double tmp = sign(data[k + i * *nObs] - data[l + i * *nObs]) *
	    sign(data[k + j * *nObs] - data[l + j * *nObs]);

	  concProb[currentPair] += tmp;
	  jackKnife[k + currentPair * *nObs] += tmp;

	Rmk: To compute the jackknife estimates (for a given pair of
	stations), we will use the following formula

	tau_(-k) = 2 / ((n - 1) (n-2)) * (n (n-1) / 2 * tau - sum_{l=1}^n
	sign(data_l(s_1) - data_k(s_1)) * sign(data_l(s_2) -

      for (int k = 0; k<*nObs; k++)
	jackKnife[k + currentPair * *nObs] = nEffObsJack[k] == 0 ? NA_REAL :
	  (concProb[currentPair] - 2.0 * jackKnife[k + currentPair * *nObs]) /
	  ((double) (nEffObs - 2 * nEffObsJack[k]));

      concProb[currentPair] *= nEffObs == 0 ? NA_REAL : 1.0 / ((double) nEffObs);

Exemple #5
void buildcovmat(int *nSite, int *grid, int *covmod, double *coord, int *dim,
		 double *nugget, double *sill, double *range,
		 double *smooth, double *covMat){

  int nPairs, effnSite = *nSite, zero = 0;
  const double one = 1, dzero = 0;
  double flag = 0;

  if (*grid)
    effnSite = R_pow_di(effnSite, *dim);

  nPairs = effnSite * (effnSite - 1) / 2;

  double *dist = malloc(nPairs * sizeof(double)),
    *rho = malloc(nPairs * sizeof(double)),
    *coordGrid = malloc(effnSite * *dim * sizeof(double));

  if (*grid){
    //Coord specify a grid
    for (int i = 0; i < *nSite; i++)
      for (int j = 0; j < *nSite; j++){
	coordGrid[j + i * *nSite] = coord[i];
	coordGrid[*nSite * (*nSite + i) + j] = coord[j];

    distance(coordGrid, dim, &effnSite, &zero, dist);

    //Coord don't specify a grid
    distance(coord, dim, nSite, &zero, dist);

  switch (*covmod){
  case 1:
    flag = whittleMatern(dist, nPairs, dzero, one, *range, *smooth, rho);
  case 2:
    flag = cauchy(dist, nPairs, dzero, one, *range, *smooth, rho);
  case 3:
    flag = powerExp(dist, nPairs, dzero, one, *range, *smooth, rho);
  case 4:
    flag = bessel(dist, nPairs, *dim, dzero, one, *range, *smooth, rho);
  case 6:
    if (*grid)
      flag = fbm(coordGrid, dist, *dim, effnSite, one, *range, *smooth, rho);

      flag = fbm(coord, dist, *dim, effnSite, one, *range, *smooth, rho);


  if (flag != 0.0)
    error("The covariance parameters seem to be ill-defined. Please check\n");

  //Fill the non-diagonal elements of the covariance matrix
  //#pragma omp parallel for
  for (int currentPair=0;currentPair<nPairs;currentPair++){
    int i = 0, j = 0;
    getSiteIndex(currentPair, effnSite, &i, &j);
    covMat[effnSite * i + j] = covMat[effnSite * j + i] = *sill * rho[currentPair];

  //Fill the diagonal elements of the covariance matrix
  if (*covmod == 6){
    //Fractional brownian
    double irange2 = 1 / (*range * *range);

    if (*grid){
      for (int i = 0; i < effnSite;i++){
	covMat[i * (effnSite + 1)] = 0;

	for (int j= 0; j < *dim; j++)
	  covMat[i * (effnSite + 1)] += coordGrid[i + j * effnSite] * coordGrid[i + j * effnSite];

	covMat[i * (effnSite + 1)] = 2 * pow(covMat[i * (effnSite + 1)] * irange2, 0.5 * *smooth);

    else {
      for (int i = 0; i < effnSite; i++){
	covMat[i * (effnSite + 1)] = 0;

	for (int j = 0; j < *dim; j++)
	  covMat[i * (effnSite + 1)] += coord[i + j * effnSite] * coord[i + j * effnSite];

	covMat[i * (effnSite + 1)] = 2 * pow(covMat[i * (effnSite + 1)] * irange2, 0.5 * *smooth);

    for (int i = 0; i < effnSite; i++)
      covMat[i * (effnSite + 1)] = *sill + *nugget;

  free(dist); free(rho); free(coordGrid);