void ompl::control::SpaceInformation::setup()
    if (!statePropagator_)
        throw Exception("State propagator not defined");
    if (minSteps_ > maxSteps_)
        throw Exception("The minimum number of steps cannot be larger than the maximum number of steps");
    if (minSteps_ == 0 && maxSteps_ == 0)
        minSteps_ = 1;
        maxSteps_ = 10;
        OMPL_WARN("Assuming propagation will always have between %d and %d steps", minSteps_, maxSteps_);
    if (minSteps_ < 1)
        throw Exception("The minimum number of steps must be at least 1");

    if (stepSize_ < std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon())
        stepSize_ = getStateValidityCheckingResolution() * getMaximumExtent();
        if (stepSize_ < std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon())
            throw Exception("The propagation step size must be larger than 0");
        OMPL_WARN("The propagation step size is assumed to be %f", stepSize_);

    if (controlSpace_->getDimension() <= 0)
        throw Exception("The dimension of the control space we plan in must be > 0");
Exemple #2
void ompl::base::SpaceInformation::printSettings(std::ostream &out) const
    out << "Settings for the state space '" << stateSpace_->getName() << "'" << std::endl;
    out << "  - state validity check resolution: " << (getStateValidityCheckingResolution() * 100.0) << '%' << std::endl;
    out << "  - valid segment count factor: " << stateSpace_->getValidSegmentCountFactor() << std::endl;
    out << "  - state space:" << std::endl;
    out << std::endl << "Declared parameters:" << std::endl;
    ValidStateSamplerPtr vss = allocValidStateSampler();
    out << "Valid state sampler named " << vss->getName() << " with parameters:" << std::endl;