Exemple #1
bool EventsMonitor::initialize(dictionary * configuration)
    const char* uri = getStringProperty(configuration, monitorUri);
    EventsMonitor::host = getStringProperty(configuration, redisHost);
    EventsMonitor::port = getIntProperty(configuration, redisPort);
    EventsMonitor::machinePort = getStringProperty(configuration, serverPort);

    bool initialized = true;

    // connect to libvirt
    if (!connect(uri, callback))
        LOG("Unable to connect to hypervisor uri '%s'", uri);
        initialized = false;

    if (initialized)
        EventsMonitor::machineAddress = getIP(EventsMonitor::host, EventsMonitor::port);
        initialized = !EventsMonitor::machineAddress.empty();

    if (initialized)
        LOG("Physical machine address is http://%s:%s", EventsMonitor::machineAddress.c_str(), EventsMonitor::machinePort.c_str());

    return initialized;
bool HIDDeviceManager::initStrings(IOHIDDeviceRef device, HIDDeviceDesc* pDevDesc)

    // Regardless of whether they fail we'll try and get the remaining.
    getStringProperty(device, CFSTR(kIOHIDManufacturerKey), &(pDevDesc->Manufacturer));
    getStringProperty(device, CFSTR(kIOHIDProductKey), &(pDevDesc->Product));
    return true;
	Atom ArrayObject::_getIntProperty(int index) const
		if (index >= 0) 
			return _getUintProperty(index);
		else // integer is negative - we must intern it
			return getStringProperty(core()->internInt(index));
void MLPluginProcessor::advancePreset(int amount)
    int len = mPresetFiles->size();
    std::string extension (".mlpreset");

    int currIdx = - 1;
	currIdx = mPresetFiles->getFileIndexByName(getStringProperty("preset") + extension);
    if(currIdx >= 0)
        currIdx += amount;
        // not found
        currIdx = 0;
    if(currIdx < 0)
        currIdx = len - 1;
    if(currIdx >= len)
        currIdx = 0;
    std::string relPath = mPresetFiles->getFileNameByIndex(currIdx);
void printEdgeProperties(int startID, Edge* e) {
    char* type;
    int weight;

    type = getStringProperty(0, e->propEdge);
    weight = getIntegerProperty(1,e->propEdge);
    printf("ID = %d --->%d %s %d\n",startID,e->endNodeID,type,weight);
void printPersonProperties(Node* n) {
    char* name,*surname,*gender,*birthday,*creationDate,*locationIP,*browser;
    TagNode* temp;
    TagList* list;

    if(n == NULL)
    list = n->properties[7].property;
    name = getStringProperty(0, n->properties);
    surname = getStringProperty(1, n->properties);
    gender = getStringProperty(2, n->properties);
    birthday = getStringProperty(3, n->properties);
    creationDate = getStringProperty(4, n->properties);
    locationIP = getStringProperty(5, n->properties);
    browser = getStringProperty(6, n->properties);
        temp = list->head;
            temp =temp->next;
bool HIDDeviceManager::getSerialNumberString(IOHIDDeviceRef device, String* pResult)
    if (!getStringProperty(device, CFSTR(kIOHIDSerialNumberKey), pResult))
        return false;

    return true;
Exemple #8
bool Rimp::initialize(dictionary * configuration)
    const char* repository_c = getStringProperty(configuration, rimpRepository);
    const char* autobackup_c = getStringProperty(configuration, rimpAutoBackup);
    const char* autorestore_c = getStringProperty(configuration, rimpAutoRestore);
    const char* rimpDatastoreValidTypes_c = getStringProperty(configuration, rimpDatastoreValidTypes);

    if (repository_c == NULL || strlen(repository_c) < 2)
        LOG("[ERROR] [RIMP] Initialization fails :\n"
                "\tcan not read the ''repository'' configuration element "
                "\tset [rimp]\nrepository = XXXX ");

        return false;

    autobackup = holdsTrueValue(autobackup_c);
    autorestore = holdsTrueValue(autorestore_c);
    repository = string(repository_c);
    // check ends with '/'
    if (repository.at(repository.size() - 1) != '/')
        repository = repository.append("/");
    if(rimpDatastoreValidTypes_c == NULL)
        validTypes = defaultValidTypeVector();
        boost::split(validTypes, rimpDatastoreValidTypes_c, boost::is_any_of(","));


    //return checkRepository(repository); // Don't check at start
    return true;
// return true if the active GUI window is on the whitelist
bool KeyboardPriority::checkForKeyboardPriority()
  window_ = RootWindow(display, screen_);
  window_ = getLongProperty("_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW");

  // Compare the name of the active window to the white list
  std::string window_with_focus(reinterpret_cast<char*>( getStringProperty("WM_CLASS") ));
  for (int i=0; i<keyboard_whitelist_.size(); ++i)
    if ( window_with_focus.find( keyboard_whitelist_[i] ) != std::string::npos )
      return true;
  // Otherwise this app should ignore the keyboard commands

  return false;
Exemple #10
    Atom ScriptObject::getMultinameProperty(const Multiname* multiname) const
        if (multiname->isValidDynamicName())
            return getStringProperty(multiname->getName());
            Toplevel* toplevel = this->toplevel();

            if (multiname->isNsset())
                toplevel->throwReferenceError(kReadSealedErrorNs, multiname, traits());
                toplevel->throwReferenceError(kReadSealedError, multiname, traits());
            return undefinedAtom;
Exemple #11
void NodeConfig::getInitiatorIQN(string& iqn)
    dictionary* d = iniparser_load(iscsiInitiatorNameFile.c_str());
    iqn = "";

    if (d == NULL)
        LOG("Unable to load %s. The IQN returned will be empty.", iscsiInitiatorNameFile.c_str());

    if (iniparser_find_entry(d, ":InitiatorName") != 0)
        iqn = getStringProperty(d, ":InitiatorName");

    LOG("Request for node ISCSI initiator iqn = '%s'", iqn.c_str());
// auto-increment a version number and save at the current preset location with the new pathname.
int MLPluginProcessor::saveStateAsVersion()
    int r = 0;
	int version = 0;
    std::string nameStr(getStringProperty("preset"));
	std::string noVersionStr;
	std::string versionStr;
	int numberStart = 0;
	int digits = 0;
	// get version number
	int size = nameStr.size();
	char c = nameStr[size - 1];
	if(c == ']')
		numberStart = size - 2;
		while((numberStart > 0) && isdigit(nameStr[numberStart]))
		noVersionStr = nameStr.substr(0, numberStart - 1);
		versionStr = nameStr.substr(numberStart, digits);
		version = atoi(versionStr.c_str());
		noVersionStr = nameStr;
		version = 0;
	version = clamp(version, 1, 9999);
	char vBuf[16];
	sprintf(vBuf, "[%d]", version);
    std::string newName = noVersionStr + vBuf;
    r = 0;

	return r;
bool HIDDeviceManager::getPath(IOHIDDeviceRef device, String* pPath)

    String transport;
    if (!getStringProperty(device, CFSTR(kIOHIDTransportKey), &transport))
        return false;
    UInt16 vendorId;
    if (!getVendorId(device, &vendorId))
        return false;

    UInt16 productId;
    if (!getProductId(device, &productId))
        return false;
    String serialNumber;
	if (!getSerialNumberString(device, &serialNumber))
        return false;

    StringBuffer buffer;
    *pPath = String(buffer);
    return true;
Exemple #14
void Toplevel::getWindowRole()
    window_role = getStringProperty(window(), atoms->wm_window_role).toLower();
Exemple #15
  Returns WM_COMMAND property for a given window.
QByteArray Toplevel::staticWmCommand(xcb_window_t w)
    return getStringProperty(w, XCB_ATOM_WM_COMMAND, ' ');
int MLPluginProcessor::saveStateOverPrevious()
	return 0;
void MLPluginProcessor::getStateAsXML (XmlElement& xml)
	if( !(mEngine.getCompileStatus() == MLProc::OK)) return;
#if DEMO	
	xml.setAttribute ("pluginVersion", JucePlugin_VersionCode);	
    xml.setAttribute ("presetName", String("----"));	

  	const unsigned numParams = getNumParameters();

	// TODO use string properties of model instead of these JUCE strings.
	// also move to JSON.
	xml.setAttribute ("pluginVersion", JucePlugin_VersionCode);
	xml.setAttribute ("presetName", String(getStringProperty("preset").c_str()));
	xml.setAttribute ("scaleName", String(getStringProperty("key_scale").c_str()));

	// store parameter values to xml as a bunch of attributes.
	// not XML best practice in general but takes fewer characters.
	for(unsigned i=0; i<numParams; ++i)
		const String paramName = symbolToXMLAttr(getParameterAlias(i));
		const float defaultVal = getParameterDefault(i);
		const float paramVal = getParameter(i);
		if (paramVal != defaultVal)
			xml.setAttribute(paramName, paramVal);		
			//debug() << "setting XML param " << paramName << " to " << paramVal << "\n";

	// store patcher info to xml
		MLProcList patchers = getPatcherList();
		if (!patchers.empty())
			MLProcPatcher& firstPatcher = static_cast<MLProcPatcher&>(**patchers.begin());
			const int inputs = firstPatcher.getParam("inputs");
			const int outputs = firstPatcher.getParam("outputs");
			String outStr;
			String patcherInput = "patcher_input_";
			for(unsigned i=1; i<=inputs; ++i)
				bool differentFromDefault = false;
				outStr = "";
				for(unsigned j=1; j<=outputs; ++j)
					if (firstPatcher.getConnection(i, j))
						outStr += "1";
						differentFromDefault = true;
						outStr += "0";
					String outNum (i); 
					xml.setAttribute(patcherInput + outNum, outStr);	
	// store editor state to XML if one exists	
	MLPluginEditor* pEditor = static_cast<MLPluginEditor*>(getActiveEditor());
		MLRect r = pEditor->getWindowBounds();
		xml.setAttribute("editor_x", r.x());	
		xml.setAttribute("editor_y", r.y());	
		xml.setAttribute("editor_width", r.getWidth());	
		xml.setAttribute("editor_height", r.getHeight());
		xml.setAttribute("editor_num", getFloatProperty("patch_num"));	
		xml.setAttribute("editor_anim", getFloatProperty("patch_anim"));	
	// save blob as most recently saved state
	mpLatestStateLoaded = XmlElementPtr(new XmlElement(xml));

Exemple #18
  Returns SM_CLIENT_ID property for a given window.
QByteArray Toplevel::staticSessionId(xcb_window_t w)
    return getStringProperty(w, atoms->sm_client_id);
unsigned long KeyboardPriority::getLongProperty(char* property_name)
    unsigned char *prop = getStringProperty(property_name);
    unsigned long long_property = prop[0] + (prop[1]<<8) + (prop[2]<<16) + (prop[3]<<24);
    return long_property;
//TODO keylist should be a list/set of string sets, because an operator may have more than one candidate key each of which may consist of multiple attributes
computeKeyProp (QueryOperator *root)
    List *keyList = NIL;
    List *rKeyList = NIL;

    if (root == NULL)

    // compute key properties of children first
    if(root->inputs != NULL)
        FOREACH(QueryOperator, op, root->inputs)

    // table acces operator or constant relation operators have predetermined keys
    if(isA(root, TableAccessOperator))
        TableAccessOperator *rel = (TableAccessOperator *) root;
        keyList = getKeyInformation(rel->tableName);
        setStringProperty((QueryOperator *)root, PROP_STORE_LIST_KEY, (Node *)keyList);
        DEBUG_LOG("operator %s keys are {%s}", root->schema->name, stringListToString(keyList));
    else if (isA(root, ConstRelOperator))
        FOREACH(AttributeDef, a, root->schema->attrDefs)
            keyList = appendToTailOfList(keyList, strdup(a->attrName));
        setStringProperty((QueryOperator *)root, PROP_STORE_LIST_KEY, (Node *)keyList);
        DEBUG_LOG("operator %s keys are {%s}", root->schema->name, stringListToString(keyList));

    // get keys of children
    keyList = (List *) getStringProperty(OP_LCHILD(root), PROP_STORE_LIST_KEY);

    if (IS_BINARY_OP(root))
        List *newKeyList = NIL;
        rKeyList = (List *) getStringProperty(OP_RCHILD(root), PROP_STORE_LIST_KEY);
        newKeyList = concatTwoLists(keyList, rKeyList);
        setStringProperty((QueryOperator *)root, PROP_STORE_LIST_KEY, (Node *)newKeyList);
    // deal with different operator types

    // here we could use the ECs to determine new keys, e.g., if input has keys {{A}, {C}} and we have selection condition B = C, then we have a new key {{A}, {B}, {C}}
    if (isA(root, SelectionOperator))
        setStringProperty((QueryOperator *)root, PROP_STORE_LIST_KEY, (Node *)keyList);

    if (isA(root, ProjectionOperator))
        List *l1 = ((ProjectionOperator *)root)->projExprs;
        List *l2 = NIL;

        FOREACH(AttributeReference, op1, l1)
            l2 = appendToTailOfList(l2, op1->name);

        FOREACH(char, op, keyList)
            if(!searchListString(l2, op))
                setStringProperty((QueryOperator *)root, PROP_STORE_LIST_KEY, NULL);

            setStringProperty((QueryOperator *)root, PROP_STORE_LIST_KEY, (Node *)keyList);

    // dup removal operator has a key {all attributes} if the input does not have a key
    if (isA(root, DuplicateRemoval))
    	//List *l1 = getQueryOperatorAttrNames(OP_LCHILD(root));
    	//TODO Get the child's key property and Append it to above list and set it as property of duplicate operator

        setStringProperty((QueryOperator *)root, PROP_STORE_LIST_KEY, (Node *)keyList);

    DEBUG_LOG("operator %s keys are {%s}", root->schema->name, stringListToString(keyList));