namespace tables { #ifndef WIN32 fs::path kEtcHosts = "/etc/hosts"; #else fs::path kEtcHosts = (getSystemRoot() / "system32\\drivers\\etc\\hosts"); fs::path kEtcHostsIcs = (getSystemRoot() / "system32\\drivers\\etc\\hosts.ics"); #endif QueryData parseEtcHostsContent(const std::string& content) { QueryData results; for (const auto& _line : osquery::split(content, "\n")) { auto line = split(_line); if (line.size() == 0 || boost::starts_with(line[0], "#")) { continue; } Row r; r["address"] = line[0]; if (line.size() > 1) { std::vector<std::string> hostnames; for (size_t i = 1; i < line.size(); ++i) { if (boost::starts_with(line[i], "#")) { break; } hostnames.push_back(line[i]); } r["hostnames"] = boost::algorithm::join(hostnames, " "); } results.push_back(r); } return results; } QueryData genEtcHosts(QueryContext& context) { std::string content; QueryData qres = {}; if (readFile(kEtcHosts, content).ok()) { qres = parseEtcHostsContent(content); } #ifdef WIN32 content.clear(); QueryData qres_ics = {}; if (readFile(kEtcHostsIcs, content).ok()) { qres_ics = parseEtcHostsContent(content); qres.insert(qres.end(), qres_ics.begin(), qres_ics.end()); } #endif return qres; } }
void GetSystemDriveGUID(Row& r) { char buf[51] = {0}; auto sysRoot = getSystemRoot().root_name().string() + "\\"; if (GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPoint( sysRoot.c_str(), static_cast<LPSTR>(buf), 50)) { r["device"] = SQL_TEXT(buf); } }
QueryData genKernelInfo(QueryContext& context) { Row r; GetKernelVersion(r); GetBootArgs(r); GetSystemDriveGUID(r); r["path"] = SQL_TEXT(getSystemRoot().string() + "\\System32\\ntoskrnl.exe"); return {r}; }
namespace tables { #ifndef WIN32 fs::path kEtcProtocols = "/etc/protocols"; #else fs::path kEtcProtocols = (getSystemRoot() / "system32\\drivers\\etc\\protocol"); #endif QueryData parseEtcProtocolsContent(const std::string& content) { QueryData results; for (const auto& line : osquery::split(content, "\n")) { // Empty line or comment. if (line.size() == 0 || boost::starts_with(line, "#")) { continue; } // [0]: name protocol_number alias // [1]: [comment part1] // [2]: [comment part2] // [n]: [comment partn] auto protocol_comment = osquery::split(line, "#"); // [0]: name // [1]: protocol_number // [2]: alias auto protocol_fields = osquery::split(protocol_comment[0]); if (protocol_fields.size() < 2) { continue; } Row r; r["name"] = TEXT(protocol_fields[0]); r["number"] = INTEGER(protocol_fields[1]); if (protocol_fields.size() > 2) { r["alias"] = TEXT(protocol_fields[2]); } // If there is a comment for the service. if (protocol_comment.size() > 1) { // Removes everything except the comment (parts of the comment). protocol_comment.erase(protocol_comment.begin(), protocol_comment.begin() + 1); r["comment"] = TEXT(boost::algorithm::join(protocol_comment, " # ")); } results.push_back(r); } return results; } QueryData genEtcProtocols(QueryContext& context) { std::string content; auto s = readFile(kEtcProtocols, content); if (s.ok()) { return parseEtcProtocolsContent(content); } else { TLOG << "Error reading " << kEtcProtocols << ": " << s.toString(); return {}; } } }
namespace tables { std::string kNtKernelPath = (getSystemRoot() / "System32\\ntoskrnl.exe").string(); void GetBootArgs(Row& r) { QueryData regResults; queryKey("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control", regResults); for (const auto& aKey : regResults) { if ("name") == "SystemStartOptions") { r["arguments"] = SQL_TEXT("data")); } } } void GetSystemDriveGUID(Row& r) { char buf[51] = {0}; auto sysRoot = getSystemRoot().root_name().string() + "\\"; if (GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPoint( sysRoot.c_str(), static_cast<LPSTR>(buf), 50)) { r["device"] = SQL_TEXT(buf); } } void GetKernelVersion(Row& r) { unsigned int size = 0; auto verSize = GetFileVersionInfoSize(kNtKernelPath.c_str(), nullptr); if (verSize == 0) { TLOG << "GetFileVersionInfoSize failed (" << GetLastError() << ")"; return; } auto verData = static_cast<LPSTR>(malloc(verSize)); if (!GetFileVersionInfo(kNtKernelPath.c_str(), 0, verSize, verData)) { TLOG << "GetFileVersionInfo failed (" << GetLastError() << ")"; } void* vptrVersionInfo = nullptr; if (!VerQueryValue(verData, "\\", &vptrVersionInfo, &size)) { TLOG << "GetFileVersionInfo failed (" << GetLastError() << ")"; } auto lpVersionInfo = static_cast<VS_FIXEDFILEINFO*>(vptrVersionInfo); if (size > 0) { if (lpVersionInfo->dwSignature == 0xfeef04bd) { auto majorMS = HIWORD(lpVersionInfo->dwProductVersionMS); auto minorMS = LOWORD(lpVersionInfo->dwProductVersionMS); auto majorLS = HIWORD(lpVersionInfo->dwProductVersionLS); auto minorLS = LOWORD(lpVersionInfo->dwProductVersionLS); r["version"] = SQL_TEXT( std::to_string(majorMS) + "." + std::to_string(minorMS) + "." + std::to_string(majorLS) + "." + std::to_string(minorLS)); } else { TLOG << "Incorrect Version Signature (" << GetLastError() << ")"; } } else { TLOG << "No Version information (" << GetLastError() << ")"; } free(verData); } QueryData genKernelInfo(QueryContext& context) { Row r; GetKernelVersion(r); GetBootArgs(r); GetSystemDriveGUID(r); r["path"] = SQL_TEXT(getSystemRoot().string() + "\\System32\\ntoskrnl.exe"); return {r}; } } // namespace tables