Exemple #1
    Return the number of lines the given text would be formatted to.
size_t Font::getFormattedLineCount(const String& text, const Rect& format_area, TextFormatting fmt, float x_scale)
    // handle simple non-wrapped cases.
    if ((fmt == LeftAligned) || (fmt == Centred) || (fmt == RightAligned) || (fmt == Justified))
        return std::count(text.begin(), text.end(), static_cast<utf8>('\n')) + 1;

    // handle wraping cases
    size_t lineStart = 0, lineEnd = 0;
    String	sourceLine;

    float	wrap_width = format_area.getWidth();
    String  whitespace = TextUtils::DefaultWhitespace;
    String	thisLine, thisWord;
    size_t	line_count = 0, currpos = 0;

    while (lineEnd < text.length())
        if ((lineEnd = text.find_first_of('\n', lineStart)) == String::npos)
            lineEnd = text.length();

        sourceLine = text.substr(lineStart, lineEnd - lineStart);
        lineStart = lineEnd + 1;

        // get first word.
        currpos = getNextWord(sourceLine, 0, thisLine);

        // while there are words left in the string...
        while (String::npos != sourceLine.find_first_not_of(whitespace, currpos))
            // get next word of the string...
            currpos += getNextWord(sourceLine, currpos, thisWord);

            // if the new word would make the string too long
            if ((getTextExtent(thisLine, x_scale) + getTextExtent(thisWord, x_scale)) > wrap_width)
                // too long, so that's another line of text

                // remove whitespace from next word - it will form start of next line
                thisWord = thisWord.substr(thisWord.find_first_not_of(whitespace));

                // reset for a new line.

            // add the next word to the line
            thisLine += thisWord;

        // plus one for final line

    return line_count;
Exemple #2
    Return the horizontal pixel extent given text would be formatted to.
float Font::getFormattedTextExtent(const String& text, const Rect& format_area, TextFormatting fmt, float x_scale)
    float lineWidth;
    float widest = 0;

    size_t lineStart = 0, lineEnd = 0;
    String	currLine;

    while (lineEnd < text.length())
        if ((lineEnd = text.find_first_of('\n', lineStart)) == String::npos)
            lineEnd = text.length();

        currLine = text.substr(lineStart, lineEnd - lineStart);
        lineStart = lineEnd + 1;	// +1 to skip \n char

        case Centred:
        case RightAligned:
        case LeftAligned:
            lineWidth = getTextExtent(currLine, x_scale);

        case Justified:
            // usually we use the width of the rect but we have to ensure the current line is not wider than that
            lineWidth = ceguimax(format_area.getWidth(), getTextExtent(currLine, x_scale));

        case WordWrapLeftAligned:
        case WordWrapRightAligned:
        case WordWrapCentred:
            lineWidth = getWrappedTextExtent(currLine, format_area.getWidth(), x_scale);

        case WordWrapJustified:
            // same as above
            lineWidth = ceguimax(format_area.getWidth(), getWrappedTextExtent(currLine, format_area.getWidth(), x_scale));

            throw InvalidRequestException("Font::getFormattedTextExtent - Unknown or unsupported TextFormatting value specified.");

        if (lineWidth > widest)
            widest = lineWidth;


    return widest;
void CColoredStatic::repaint(CDC &dc) {
  CFont *font = GetFont();
  if(font == NULL) {
    font = GetParent()->GetFont();
  CFont *oldFont = dc.SelectObject(font);
  if(m_bkColorSet) {

  String text = getWindowText(this);
  StringArray lineArray(Tokenizer(text, "\n"));

  const int textAlign = GetStyle() & 0x3;
  int y = 0;
  switch(textAlign) {
  case SS_LEFT:
    { for(size_t i = 0; i < lineArray.size(); i++) {
        const String &line = lineArray[i];
        const CSize lineSize = getTextExtent(dc, line);
        y += lineSize.cy;
  case SS_RIGHT:
    { const CSize winSize = getWindowSize(this);
      for(size_t i = 0; i < lineArray.size(); i++) {
        const String &line = lineArray[i];
        const CSize lineSize = getTextExtent(dc, line);
        dc.TextOut(max(0, winSize.cx - lineSize.cx), y, line.cstr());
        y += lineSize.cy;
  case SS_CENTER:
    { const CSize winSize = getWindowSize(this);
      for(size_t i = 0; i < lineArray.size(); i++) {
        const String &line = lineArray[i];
        const CSize lineSize = getTextExtent(dc, line);
        dc.TextOut(max(0, (winSize.cx - lineSize.cx)/2), y, line.cstr());
        y += lineSize.cy;
void SystemPainter::makeSpaceForText() {
  const int leftMargin   = m_yAxisPainter->getMaxTextOffset() + 2;
  const int rightMargin  = AbstractAxisPainter::ARROW_SIZE / 2;
  const int topMargin    = AbstractAxisPainter::ARROW_SIZE / 2;
  const int bottomMargin = m_xAxisPainter->getMaxTextOffset() + getTextExtent(m_yAxisPainter->getMaxText()).cy + 1;

  Rectangle2D fr = getViewport().getFromRectangle();
  const IntervalTransformation &xtr = getViewport().getXTransformation();
  const IntervalTransformation &ytr = getViewport().getYTransformation();
  bool adjustRectangle = false;
  if(xtr.isLinear() && fr.getMinX() == 0) {
    const double dx = -xtr.backwardTransform(getToRectangle().left + leftMargin);
    fr.m_x += dx;
    fr.m_w -= dx;
    adjustRectangle = true;
  if(ytr.isLinear() && fr.getMinY() == 0) {
    const double dy = -ytr.backwardTransform(getToRectangle().top - bottomMargin);
    fr.m_y += dy;
    fr.m_h -= dy;
    adjustRectangle = true;

  if(adjustRectangle) {
  Rectangle2DR innerRectangle = getToRectangle();

  innerRectangle.m_x += leftMargin;
  innerRectangle.m_w -= leftMargin + rightMargin;
  innerRectangle.m_y -= bottomMargin;
  innerRectangle.m_h += bottomMargin + topMargin;

  Point2D orig = innerRectangle.getProjection(Point2D(m_xAxisPainter->getAxisPoint(),m_yAxisPainter->getAxisPoint()));

  const double dx = min(orig.x - innerRectangle.m_x, leftMargin   - getTextExtent(m_xAxisPainter->getMinText()).cx/2 - 1);
  const double dy = min(innerRectangle.m_y - orig.y, bottomMargin - getTextExtent(m_yAxisPainter->getMinText()).cy/2 - 1);

  if(dx > 0) {
    innerRectangle.m_x -= dx;
    innerRectangle.m_w += dx;
  if(dy > 0) {
    innerRectangle.m_y += dy;
    innerRectangle.m_h -= dy;
  m_origin = innerRectangle.getProjection(orig);
Exemple #5
**   PdfPainter   ---  drawTextFormatted
void PdfPainter::drawTextFormatted( const MRect &r, const wxString &t, const int& align )
	double oldx = pdf->GetX();
	double oldy = pdf->GetY();
	double x1 = r.x;
	double y1 = r.y;

	MPoint p = getTextExtent( t );

	if ( align & Align::Top )
		y1 = r.y + p.imag();
	else if ( align & Align::Bottom )
		// add a certain part of p.imag, otherwise text will be too deep e.g. in SBC
		y1 = r.y + r.height - .2 * p.imag();
	else if ( align & Align::VCenter )
		y1 = r.y + .5 * ( r.height + p.imag() );
	if ( align & Align::HCenter )
		x1 = r.x + .5 * ( r.width - p.real() );
	else if ( align & Align::Right )
		x1 = r.x + r.width - p.real();
	pdf->Text( x1, y1, t );
	//drawEllipse( x1, y1, 2, 2 );
	pdf->SetXY( oldx, oldy );
Exemple #6
**   Painter   ---   getTextExtent
MPoint Painter::getTextExtent( const MToken &token )
	const wxFont oldFont = getCurrentFont();
	wxString s;
	Lang lang;
	SheetFormatter formatter( writercfg );
	MPoint p;

	wxChar symbol = 0;
	SymbolProvider sp( writercfg );
	switch ( token.entity )
			if ( writercfg->planetSymbols ) symbol = sp.getPlanetCode( (ObjectId)token.entityId );
			if ( ! symbol ) s = formatter.getObjectNamePlain( (ObjectId)token.entityId, token.textFormat, token.vedic );
		case TTSE_SIGN:
			if ( writercfg->signSymbols ) symbol = sp.getSignCode( (Rasi)token.entityId );
			if ( ! symbol ) s = lang.getSignName( (Rasi)token.entityId, token.textFormat ); //, writercfg->vedicSignNames );
			symbol = SymbolProvider().getAspectCode( (ASPECT_TYPE)token.entityId );
			if ( ! symbol ) s = AspectExpert::getAspectShortDescription( (int)token.entityId );
			symbol = sp.getRetroCode( (MOVING_DIRECTION)token.entityId );
			if ( ! symbol ) s = wxT( "R" );
			symbol = 0;
			s = token.text;
	if ( symbol )
		const int pointSize = oldFont.GetPointSize();
		setFont( *FontProvider::get()->getFontBySize( FONT_GRAPHIC_SYMBOLS, pointSize ));
		p = getTextExtent( symbol );
		p = getTextExtent( s );

	setFont( oldFont );
	return p;
Exemple #7
    draws wrapped text
size_t Font::drawWrappedText(const String& text, const Rect& draw_area, float z, const Rect& clip_rect, TextFormatting fmt, const ColourRect& colours, float x_scale, float y_scale)
    size_t	line_count = 0;
    Rect	dest_area(draw_area);
    float	wrap_width = draw_area.getWidth();

    String  whitespace = TextUtils::DefaultWhitespace;
    String	thisLine, thisWord;
    size_t	currpos = 0;

    // get first word.
    currpos += getNextWord(text, currpos, thisLine);

    // while there are words left in the string...
    while (String::npos != text.find_first_not_of(whitespace, currpos))
        // get next word of the string...
        currpos += getNextWord(text, currpos, thisWord);

        // if the new word would make the string too long
        if ((getTextExtent(thisLine, x_scale) + getTextExtent(thisWord, x_scale)) > wrap_width)
            // output what we had until this new word
            line_count += drawText(thisLine, dest_area, z, clip_rect, fmt, colours, x_scale, y_scale);

            // remove whitespace from next word - it will form start of next line
            thisWord = thisWord.substr(thisWord.find_first_not_of(whitespace));

            // reset for a new line.

            // update y co-ordinate for next line
            dest_area.d_top += getLineSpacing(y_scale);

        // add the next word to the line
        thisLine += thisWord;

    // Last line is left aligned
    TextFormatting last_fmt = (fmt == Justified ? LeftAligned : fmt);
    // output last bit of string
    line_count += drawText(thisLine, dest_area, z, clip_rect, last_fmt, colours, x_scale, y_scale);

    return line_count;
Exemple #8
**   Painter   ---   drawMString
void Painter::drawMString( const MRect &r, MString &f, const int& align )
	static wxLongLong totaltime = 0;
	const wxLongLong starttime = wxGetLocalTimeMillis();

	static int count = 0;
	SheetFormatter sfmt;
	wxString s;

	if ( f.formattedLines.size() == 0 )
		if ( ! f.isEmpty() && f.size.real() == 0 )
			s = sfmt.fragment2PlainText( f );
			//printf( "Painter::drawMString - old size %f %f\n", f.size.real(), f.size.imag());
			f.size = getTextExtent( f );
			printf( "Painter::drawMString - size not set #%d contents was %s, size now %f %f\n", count++, str2char( s ), f.size.real(), f.size.imag());
		drawSingleMStringLine( r, f, align );
		double y0 = r.y;
		if ( align & Align::Top )
			// nothing
		else if ( align & Align::Bottom )
			y0 = y0 + r.height - f.size.imag();
		else // default: align & align::VCenter
			y0 += .5 * ( r.height - f.size.imag());

		MRect rect( r.x, y0, r.width, r.height );

		int line = 0;
		for( list<MString>::iterator iter = f.formattedLines.begin(); iter != f.formattedLines.end(); iter++ )
			rect.height = iter->size.imag();
			//printf( "  --->>> Line %d width %f h %f\n", line, iter->size.real(), iter->size.imag() );
			drawSingleMStringLine( rect, *iter, align );
			rect.y += rect.height;
	const wxLongLong duration = wxGetLocalTimeMillis() - starttime;
	totaltime += duration;
	wxLogMessage( wxString::Format( wxT( "Painter::drawTextFormatted in %ld msec, total %ld" ), duration.ToLong(), totaltime.ToLong() ));

CSize getTextExtent1(HDC hdc, const StringArray &a) {
  CSize result(0,0);
  for(size_t i = 0; i < a.size(); i++) {
    const CSize lineSize = getTextExtent(hdc, a[i]);
    result.cy += lineSize.cy;
    result.cx = max(result.cx, lineSize.cx);
  return result;
CSize getMaxTextExtent(HDC hdc, const StringArray &a) {
  CSize result(0,0);
  for(size_t i = 0; i < a.size(); i++) {
    const CSize sz = getTextExtent(hdc, a[i]);
    result.cx = max(result.cx, sz.cx);
    result.cy = max(result.cy, sz.cy);
  return result;
Exemple #11
    returns extent of widest line of wrapped text.
float Font::getWrappedTextExtent(const String& text, float wrapWidth, float x_scale)
    String  whitespace = TextUtils::DefaultWhitespace;
    String	thisWord;
    size_t	currpos;
    float	lineWidth, wordWidth;
    float	widest = 0;

    // get first word.
    currpos = getNextWord (text, 0, thisWord);
    lineWidth = getTextExtent (thisWord, x_scale);

    // while there are words left in the string...
    while (String::npos != text.find_first_not_of (whitespace, currpos))
        // get next word of the string...
        currpos += getNextWord (text, currpos, thisWord);
        wordWidth = getTextExtent (thisWord, x_scale);

        // if the new word would make the string too long
        if ((lineWidth + wordWidth) > wrapWidth)
            if (lineWidth > widest)
                widest = lineWidth;

            // remove whitespace from next word - it will form start of next line
            thisWord = thisWord.substr (thisWord.find_first_not_of (whitespace));
            wordWidth = getTextExtent (thisWord, x_scale);

            // reset for a new line.
            lineWidth = 0;

        // add the next word to the line
        lineWidth += wordWidth;

    if (lineWidth > widest)
        widest = lineWidth;

    return widest;
Exemple #12
**   Painter   ---   getTextExtent
MPoint Painter::getTextExtent( const MString &f )
	double x = 0, y = 0;
	MPoint p;

	for( list<MToken>::const_iterator iter = f.tokens.begin(); iter != f.tokens.end(); iter++ )
		p = getTextExtent( *iter );
		x += p.real();
		y = Max( y, p.imag());
	return MPoint( x, y );
Exemple #13
**   DcPainter   ---   drawRotatedText
void DcPainter::drawRotatedText( wxString s, const double &x, const double &y, const double &alfa )
	MPoint p = getTextExtent( s );
	const double a = 2;
	printf( "DcPainter::drawRotatedText angle is %f extent %f %f\n", alfa, p.real(), p.imag());
	dc->DrawRectangle( x - .5 * p.real(), y - .5 * p.imag(), p.real(), p.imag());
	dc->DrawRectangle( x - a, y - a, 2 * a, 2 * a );

	const double w = .5 * p.real();
	const double h = .5 * p.imag();

	const double px = x - w * cos( alfa * DEG2RAD ) -  h * sin( alfa * DEG2RAD );
	const double py = y + w * sin( alfa * DEG2RAD ) - h * cos( alfa * DEG2RAD );

	//dc->DrawRectangle( px - a, py - a, 2 * a, 2 * a );
	dc->DrawRotatedText( s, px, py, alfa );
Exemple #14
**   PdfPainter   ---   drawRotatedText
void PdfPainter::drawRotatedText( wxString s, const double &x, const double &y, const double &alfa )
	MPoint p = getTextExtent( s );

	const double w = .5 * p.real();
	const double h = .5 * p.imag();

	// in pdf mode the anchor is located at the left sid of the text. y value is in the middle
	const double px = x - w * cos( alfa * DEG2RAD ) +  h * sin( alfa * DEG2RAD );
	const double py = y + w * sin( alfa * DEG2RAD ) + h * cos( alfa * DEG2RAD );

	const int rw = 1;
	//drawRectangle( x - rw, y - rw, 2 * rw, 2 * rw );
	drawRectangle( px - rw, py - rw, 2 * rw, 2 * rw );

	pdf->RotatedText( px, py, s, alfa );
Exemple #15
// Name: centerTextInArea
// Desc: Calculates the location at which to begin rendering so that the text string
//     will render centered horizontally inside of the given area.
GUISize GUIFont::centerTextInArea(const char* text,
                                  int chars,
                                  const GUIRect* area,
                                  GUIPoint* renderPoint) const
  // Calculate this text's area
  GUISize s;
  getTextExtent(text, chars, &s);

  // Center the text area in the rectangle
  int areaCenterX = (area->right + area->left) / 2;
  int areaCenterY = (area->bottom + area->top) / 2;
  int textCenterX = (s.width) / 2;
  int textCenterY = (s.height) / 2;

  renderPoint->x = areaCenterX - textCenterX;
  renderPoint->y = areaCenterY - textCenterY;

  return s;
Exemple #16
    Draw a justified line of text.
void Font::drawTextLineJustified (const String& text, const Rect& draw_area, const Vector3& position, const Rect& clip_rect, const ColourRect& colours, float x_scale, float y_scale)
    Vector3	cur_pos(position);

    const FontGlyph* glyph;
    float base_y = position.d_y;
    size_t char_count = text.length();

    // Calculate the length difference between the justified text and the same text, left aligned
    // This space has to be shared between the space characters of the line
    float lost_space = getFormattedTextExtent(text, draw_area, Justified, x_scale) - getTextExtent(text, x_scale);

    // The number of spaces and tabs in the current line
    uint space_count = 0;
    size_t c;
    for (c = 0; c < char_count; ++c)
        if ((text[c] == ' ') || (text[c] == '\t'))

    // The width that must be added to each space character in order to transform the left aligned text in justified text
    float shared_lost_space = 0.0;
    if (space_count > 0)
        shared_lost_space = lost_space / (float)space_count;

    for (c = 0; c < char_count; ++c)
        glyph = getGlyphData(text[c]);

        if (glyph)
            const Image* img = glyph->getImage();
            cur_pos.d_y = base_y - (img->getOffsetY() - img->getOffsetY() * y_scale);
            img->draw(cur_pos, glyph->getSize(x_scale, y_scale), clip_rect, colours);
            cur_pos.d_x += glyph->getAdvance(x_scale);

            // That's where we adjust the size of each space character
            if ((text[c] == ' ') || (text[c] == '\t'))
                cur_pos.d_x += shared_lost_space;
Exemple #17
//----[  wrapTextToWidth  ]----------------------------------------------------
void GUIFont::wrapTextToWidth(char* text_buffer, int width) {
  char* line_start = text_buffer;
  char* space_after_last_word = text_buffer;
  char* read_point = text_buffer;
  while (*read_point != '\0') {
    // move to to the next word
    while (*read_point != '\0' && *read_point != ' ') {

    // Swap in an endline to make getTextExtent work
    char old_ch = *read_point;
    *read_point = '\0';

    // check the size of the word
    GUISize line_size;
    getTextExtent(line_start, -1, &line_size);
    *read_point = old_ch; // restore the read point character
    if (line_size.width >= width) { // too wide?
      if (space_after_last_word != line_start) {
        *space_after_last_word = '\n'; // turn the space into a carriage return
        *read_point = old_ch; // restore the character at the read point
        line_start = space_after_last_word + 1; // begin after last line
        space_after_last_word = line_start;
        while (*line_start == ' ') ++line_start; // skip spaces
      } else {
        // turn this location into a return, even though its past the line
        if (read_point != '\0') {
          *read_point = '\n';
          line_start = read_point;
      read_point = line_start; // start reading
    } else {
      space_after_last_word = read_point;
      while (*read_point == ' ') ++read_point; // move up to the next word

**   PdfPainter   ---   drawSignSymbol
void PdfPainter::drawSignSymbol( const int&x, const int &y, const int &sign, const int type, const int zoom, const double angle )
	Lang lang;
	double w, h;
	wxString s;

	if ( type == 2 ) s = textwriter->getSignName( sign, TSHORT );
	else s = lang.getSignSymbolCode( sign, type );
	getTextExtent( s, &w, &h );

	drawRectangle( x-3, y-3, 6, 6 );
	drawRectangle( x-10, y-10, 20, 20 );

	double x4 = x - .5 * w * cos( .25 * PI + angle * DEG2RAD );
	double y4 = y + .5 * h * sin( .25 * PI + angle * DEG2RAD );

	pdf->RotatedText( x4, y4, s, angle );
**   PdfPainter   ---  drawTextFormatted
void PdfPainter::drawTextFormatted( const double &x, const double &y, const double &w, const double &h,
                                    const wxString &t, const int& align )
	double sw, sh;
	double oldx = pdf->GetX();
	double oldy = pdf->GetY();
	double x1 = x;
	double y1 = y;

	pdf->SetXY( x, y1 );

	getTextExtent( t, &sw, &sh );

	if ( align & Align::Top )
		y1 = y + h; // + .5 * sh;
	else if ( align & Align::Bottom )
		y1 = y + h; // + .5 * sh;
	else if ( align & Align::VCenter )
		y1 = y + .5 * ( h + sh );
	if ( align & Align::HCenter )
		x1 = x + .5 * ( w - sw );
	else if ( align & Align::Right )
		x1 = x + w - sw;
	pdf->Text( x1, y1, t );
	//drawEllipse( x1, y1, 2, 2 );
	pdf->SetXY( oldx, oldy );
Exemple #20
**   Painter   ---   drawSingleMStringLine
void Painter::drawSingleMStringLine( const MRect &r, MString &f, const int& align )
	assert( f.formattedLines.size() == 0 );
	wxString s;
	MPoint p;
	Lang lang( writercfg );
	wxFont oldFont = getCurrentFont();
	const int drawalign = Align::Left + Align::VCenter;
	SheetFormatter formatter( writercfg );

	if ( ! f.isEmpty() && ( f.size.real() == 0 ||  f.size.imag() == 0 ))
		printf( "WARN: size not set\n" );
		f.size = getTextExtent( f );

	//printf( "PAINT -- --- - - - - x %f y %f w %f h %f SIZE x %f y %f\n", r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height, size.real(), size.imag() );
	//printf( " ----- %s\n", str2char( formatter.fragment2PlainText( f )));

	double x0 = r.x;
	double y0 = r.y;

	if ( align & Align::HCenter )
		x0 += .5 * ( r.width - f.size.real());
	else if ( align & Align::Right )
		x0 = x0 + r.width - f.size.real();

	// offset for subscriptum and superscriptum
	const double yoffset = .5 * f.size.imag();

	double yy = y0; // + .5 * ( r.height - size.imag());
	for( list<MToken>::const_iterator iter = f.tokens.begin(); iter != f.tokens.end(); iter++ )
		switch ( iter->fontFormat )
				yy = y0 + yoffset;
				yy = y0 - yoffset;
			case TTFF_NORMAL:
				yy = y0;

		setFont( oldFont );

		wxChar symbol = 0;
		SymbolProvider sp( writercfg );
		switch ( iter->entity )
			case TTSE_PLANET:
				if ( writercfg->planetSymbols ) symbol = sp.getPlanetCode( (ObjectId)iter->entityId );
				if ( ! symbol || symbol == SYMBOL_CODE_ERROR )
					s = formatter.getObjectNamePlain( (ObjectId)iter->entityId, iter->textFormat, iter->vedic );
			case TTSE_SIGN:
				if ( writercfg->signSymbols ) symbol = sp.getSignCode( (Rasi)iter->entityId );
				if ( ! symbol ) s = lang.getSignName( (Rasi)iter->entityId, iter->textFormat ); //, writercfg->vedicSignNames );
			case TTSE_ASPECT:
				symbol = SymbolProvider().getAspectCode( (ASPECT_TYPE)iter->entityId );
				if ( ! symbol ) s = AspectExpert::getAspectShortDescription( (int)iter->entityId );
				symbol = sp.getRetroCode( (MOVING_DIRECTION)iter->entityId );
				if ( ! symbol ) s = wxT( "R" );
				symbol = 0;
				s = iter->text;
		if ( symbol && symbol != SYMBOL_CODE_ERROR )
			const int pointSize = oldFont.GetPointSize();
			setFont( *FontProvider::get()->getFontBySize( FONT_GRAPHIC_SYMBOLS, pointSize ));
			drawTextFormatted( MRect( x0, yy, r.width, r.height ), symbol, drawalign );
			p = getTextExtent( symbol );
			drawTextFormatted( MRect( x0, yy, r.width, r.height ), s, drawalign );
			p = getTextExtent( s );

		x0 += p.real();
CRect CHexViewView::updateSettings(CDC *dc) {
  CRect cr;
  CFont *oldFont = NULL;

  if(dc == NULL) {
    dc = &m_workDC;
    oldFont = dc->SelectObject(&m_font);

  m_readOnly    = GetDocument()->isReadOnly();
  m_radixFormat = m_settings->getRadixFormat();
  m_asciiFormat = m_settings->getAsciiFormat();
  m_byteSize    = dc->GetTextExtent(m_settings->getDataSampleText());
  m_charSize    = dc->GetTextExtent(_T("0"));
  m_docSize     = GetDocument()->getSize();

  m_addrFormat.update(m_docSize, *m_settings);

  const bool showAddr           = m_settings->getShowAddr();
  const bool showAscii          = m_settings->getShowAscii();

  if(showAddr) {
    const String sampleText     = m_addrFormat.getSampleText();

    m_addrTextSize              = getTextExtent(*dc,sampleText);
  } else {
    m_addrTextSize = CSize(0,0);
  m_contentRect.left            = m_addrTextSize.cx;
  m_contentRect.right           = cr.right  - m_byteSize.cx;
  m_contentRect.top             = m_addrTextSize.cy;
  m_contentRect.bottom          = cr.bottom - m_byteSize.cy;

  m_pageSize          = CSize((m_contentRect.Width()-4) / m_byteSize.cx + 1, m_contentRect.Height()/m_byteSize.cy);

  if(m_settings->getFitLinesToWindow()) {
    m_lineSize        = m_contentRect.Width()/m_byteSize.cx + 1; // Use windowsize to determine the number of bytes on each line
  } else {
    m_lineSize        = m_settings->getLineSize();

  m_lineSize          = max(m_lineSize, 1);   // just to prevent division by zero. see below
  m_maxLineOffset     = max(m_lineSize - m_pageSize.cx, 0);
  m_lineOffset        = min(m_lineOffset, m_maxLineOffset);
  m_lineCount         = (m_docSize - 1)/m_lineSize + 1;
  m_maxTopLine        = max(m_lineCount - m_pageSize.cy, 0);
  m_topLine           = min(m_topLine, m_maxTopLine);
  m_maxCaret          = CPoint(m_pageSize.cx, m_pageSize.cy - 1);
  m_maxCaret.x        = minMax(m_maxCaret.x, 0, (int)min(m_docSize, m_lineSize));
  if(m_maxCaret.y >= m_lineCount) {
    m_maxCaret.y = (int)m_lineCount - 1;
  if (m_maxCaret.y < 0) {
    m_maxCaret.y = 0;
  m_lastLineSize      = m_docSize % m_lineSize;

  if(m_lastLineSize == 0) {
    m_lastLineSize = m_lineSize;
  m_maxLastLineOffset = min(m_lastLineSize - 1, m_maxLineOffset);

  if(m_readOnly || m_settings->getShowAscii()) {  // readonly or ascii => only 0 is valid
    m_minDigitIndex = m_maxDigitIndex = 0;
  } else if((m_settings->getDataRadix() != 16)) { // dec or oct => [0..2]
    m_minDigitIndex = 0;
    m_maxDigitIndex = 2;
  } else  if(m_settings->getHex3Pos()) {          // hex 3-pos  => [1..2]
    m_minDigitIndex = 1;
    m_maxDigitIndex = 2;
  } else {                                        // hex 2-pos  => [0..1]
    m_minDigitIndex = 0;
    m_maxDigitIndex = 1;

  m_digitIndex = minMax(m_digitIndex, m_minDigitIndex, m_maxDigitIndex);

  if(dc == &m_workDC) {
  return cr;
Exemple #22
    Renders text on the display.  Return number of lines output.
size_t Font::drawText(const String& text, const Rect& draw_area, float z, const Rect& clip_rect, TextFormatting fmt, const ColourRect& colours, float x_scale, float y_scale)
    size_t thisCount;
    size_t lineCount = 0;

    float	y_base = draw_area.d_top + getBaseline(y_scale);

    Rect tmpDrawArea(

    size_t lineStart = 0, lineEnd = 0;
    String	currLine;

    while (lineEnd < text.length())
        if ((lineEnd = text.find_first_of('\n', lineStart)) == String::npos)
            lineEnd = text.length();

        currLine = text.substr(lineStart, lineEnd - lineStart);
        lineStart = lineEnd + 1;	// +1 to skip \n char

        case LeftAligned:
            drawTextLine(currLine, Vector3(tmpDrawArea.d_left, y_base, z), clip_rect, colours, x_scale, y_scale);
            thisCount = 1;
            y_base += getLineSpacing(y_scale);

        case RightAligned:
            drawTextLine(currLine, Vector3(tmpDrawArea.d_right - getTextExtent(currLine, x_scale), y_base, z), clip_rect, colours, x_scale, y_scale);
            thisCount = 1;
            y_base += getLineSpacing(y_scale);

        case Centred:
            drawTextLine(currLine, Vector3(PixelAligned(tmpDrawArea.d_left + ((tmpDrawArea.getWidth() - getTextExtent(currLine, x_scale)) / 2.0f)), y_base, z), clip_rect, colours, x_scale, y_scale);
            thisCount = 1;
            y_base += getLineSpacing(y_scale);

        case Justified:
            // new function in order to keep drawTextLine's signature unchanged
            drawTextLineJustified(currLine, draw_area, Vector3(tmpDrawArea.d_left, y_base, z), clip_rect, colours, x_scale, y_scale);
            thisCount = 1;
            y_base += getLineSpacing(y_scale);

        case WordWrapLeftAligned:
            thisCount = drawWrappedText(currLine, tmpDrawArea, z, clip_rect, LeftAligned, colours, x_scale, y_scale);
            tmpDrawArea.d_top += thisCount * getLineSpacing(y_scale);

        case WordWrapRightAligned:
            thisCount = drawWrappedText(currLine, tmpDrawArea, z, clip_rect, RightAligned, colours, x_scale, y_scale);
            tmpDrawArea.d_top += thisCount * getLineSpacing(y_scale);

        case WordWrapCentred:
            thisCount = drawWrappedText(currLine, tmpDrawArea, z, clip_rect, Centred, colours, x_scale, y_scale);
            tmpDrawArea.d_top += thisCount * getLineSpacing(y_scale);

        case WordWrapJustified:
            // no change needed
            thisCount = drawWrappedText(currLine, tmpDrawArea, z, clip_rect, Justified, colours, x_scale, y_scale);
            tmpDrawArea.d_top += thisCount * getLineSpacing(y_scale);

            throw InvalidRequestException("Font::drawText - Unknown or unsupported TextFormatting value specified.");

        lineCount += thisCount;


    // should not return 0
    return ceguimax(lineCount, (size_t)1);