oexUINT CBin::Threshold( oexINT nType, oexUINT uOffset, oexUINT uSamples, oexUINT uE, oexDOUBLE dUpper, oexDOUBLE dUpperDef, oexDOUBLE dLower, oexDOUBLE dLowerDef ) {_STT(); // Get element size oexUINT uESize = obj::StaticSize( nType ); if ( !uESize ) return 0; // Starting in the buffer? if ( ( uOffset + uESize ) >= getUsed() ) return 0; // Boundry limit samples oexUINT uMaxSamples = ( getUsed() - uOffset ) / uESize; if ( !uSamples || uSamples > uMaxSamples ) uSamples = uMaxSamples; switch( nType ) { OEX_CBIN_TH_TYPE( tInt8, CHAR, uE ); OEX_CBIN_TH_TYPE( tUInt8, UCHAR, uE ); OEX_CBIN_TH_TYPE( tInt16, SHORT, uE ); OEX_CBIN_TH_TYPE( tUInt16, USHORT, uE ); OEX_CBIN_TH_TYPE( tInt32, INT, uE ); OEX_CBIN_TH_TYPE( tUInt32, UINT, uE ); OEX_CBIN_TH_TYPE( tInt64, INT64, uE ); OEX_CBIN_TH_TYPE( tUInt64, UINT64, uE ); OEX_CBIN_TH_TYPE( tFloat, FLOAT, uE ); OEX_CBIN_TH_TYPE( tDouble, DOUBLE, uE ); default : break; } // end switch return uESize; }
bool SynopsisMD2::evict_lleaf(int lvl,int idx,int left_child, int leaf_idx,bool left,bool right,int target_size) { prev_victim.idx = idx; prev_victim.lvl = lvl; bool merged = false; string action; //print_clock(); if(!mergeEqual && (getUsed(lvl+1,leaf_idx)>0 || getUsed(lvl+1,leaf_idx+1)>0) && (right != left)) { //cout<<"decrementing"<<endl; decrementUsed(lvl+1,leaf_idx); decrementUsed(lvl+1,leaf_idx+1); action="decrementing"; } else /* they are equal, or mergeable [because none of them is used] */ { if(!mergeEqual || (mergeEqual && left==right)) { merge(lvl,left_child,idx); action="merging"; merged =true; //levels->at(lvl).prefix = 0; //levels->at(lvl).idx = 0; /*int offset = getLeafOffset(lvl,idx); if(!getLeaf(lvl,idx,offset)) // if it's a zero leaf incrementUsed(lvl,offset); //parents used thingey else setUsed(lvl,offset,0);*/ } } stringstream ss; //print_clock(); ss<<"after leaf "<<action<<" : size ="<<num_bits<<" clock:"<<prev_victim.lvl<<","<<prev_victim.idx; //takeSnapshot(ss.str()); if(num_bits>target_size) return false; else return true; }
simplest::Simple simplest::Simple::create() { if(instanceCount() == 0) return Simple(); Simple result = popFreeSimple(); if(!result.isValid()) { if(getUsed() >= instanceCount()) reallocInstances(instanceCount() << 1); result = Simple(getUsed()); setUsed(getUsed() + 1); } result.reset(); result.onCreate(); return result; }
testlist::Parent testlist::Parent::create() { if(instanceCount() == 0) return Parent(); Parent result = popFreeParent(); if(!result.isValid()) { if(getUsed() >= instanceCount()) reallocInstances(instanceCount() << 1); result = Parent(getUsed()); setUsed(getUsed() + 1); } result.reset(); result.onCreate(); return result; }
testlist::Child testlist::Child::create() { if(instanceCount() == 0) return Child(); Child result = popFreeChild(); if(!result.isValid()) { if(getUsed() >= instanceCount()) reallocInstances(instanceCount() << 1); result = Child(getUsed()); setUsed(getUsed() + 1); } result.reset(); result.onCreate(); return result; }
CBin::t_size CBin::Randomize( int nStart, int nEnd ) { if ( nStart < 0 ) nStart = 0; if ( nEnd <= 0 ) nEnd = getUsed(); else if ( nEnd > getUsed() ) nEnd = getUsed(); if ( nStart >= nEnd ) return 0; os::CSys::Rand( _Ptr( nStart ), nEnd - nStart ); return nEnd - nStart; }
CBin::t_size CBin::Copy( CBin *x_p ) {_STT(); // Just ensuring our internal buffer is unshared? if ( !x_p ) { // Where's the buffer we're dealing with? t_size nUsed = getUsed(); const CBin::t_byte* ptr = Ptr(); // Valid buffer? if ( 0 >= nUsed || !ptr ) { Destroy(); return 0; } // end if // User ptr buffer? if ( m_ptr ) m_buf.MemCpy( ptr, nUsed ), FreePtr(); // Make a copy of shared pointer else { t_buffer buf; buf.MemCpy( ptr, nUsed ); m_buf.Assume( buf ); } // end else if // Restore used count m_nUsed = nUsed; m_nOffset = 0; return nUsed; } // end if // Valid buffer? if ( !x_p->Ptr() || !x_p->getUsed() ) { Destroy(); return 0; } // end if // Lose Ptr buffer if any FreePtr(); m_nUsed = x_p->getUsed(); // Ptr buffer? m_buf.MemCpy( x_p->Ptr(), m_nUsed ); return m_nUsed; }
CBin::t_size CBin::Insert( CBin::t_size x_nBytes, CBin::t_size x_nOffset = 0 ) {_STT(); if ( !x_nBytes ) return 0; // Is it past the end? if ( !getUsed() || x_nOffset >= getUsed() ) { // Resize the buffer Resize( x_nOffset + x_nBytes ); // Zero space between end of buffer and offset t_size over = x_nOffset - getUsed(); if ( over ) oexZeroMemory( _Ptr( getUsed() ), over ); // Update used value setUsed( x_nOffset + x_nBytes ); return getUsed(); } // end if // Allocate space Resize( getUsed() + x_nBytes ); // Move block ( can't use memcpy because blocks overlap ) t_size copy = getUsed() - x_nOffset; if ( copy ) { t_byte *dst = _Ptr( x_nOffset + x_nBytes + copy - 1 ), *src = _Ptr( x_nOffset + copy - 1 ); while ( copy-- ) *dst-- = *src--; } // end if // Set new size setUsed( getUsed() + x_nBytes ); return getUsed(); }
CBin::t_size CBin::LShift( CBin::t_size x_nBytes ) {_STT(); // Anything to do? if ( !x_nBytes && !m_nOffset ) return 0; // All of it? if ( x_nBytes >= getUsed() ) { FreePtr(); return 0; } // end if // Account for the offset x_nBytes += m_nOffset; m_nOffset = 0; // Are we doing any work? if ( !x_nBytes ) return m_nUsed; // Copy Ptr buffer if needed if ( m_ptr ) { // What's the new size? m_nUsed -= x_nBytes; if ( !m_buf.OexNew( m_nUsed ).Ptr() ) return 0; // Copy to private buffer m_buf.MemCpy( &m_ptr[ x_nBytes ], m_nUsed ); } // end if else { // Just shift the buffer m_buf.LShift( x_nBytes, m_nUsed - x_nBytes ), m_nUsed -= x_nBytes; } // end else return m_nUsed; }
void QuadSynopsis::buildGraph(int lvl,int idx,vector<int> low, vector<int> high,string & graph) { stringstream ss; int leaf_offset; ss<<"id"<<id<<"node"<<lvl<<"idx"<<idx; string fillcolor ="white"; string style = "filled"; bool isClock = false; bool isCurr = false; if(lvl == prev_victim.lvl && idx == prev_victim.idx) { //fillcolor="#B4CDCD"; // awlays keep track of the clock // isClock = true; } //isClock = false; if(lvl == curr_leaf.lvl && idx == curr_leaf.idx) { //fillcolor="#B4CDCD"; // awlays keep track of the clock // isCurr = true; } if(isLeaf(lvl,idx)) { bool val = getLeaf(lvl,idx); if(val) fillcolor="green"; else fillcolor="tomato"; //if(isClock) // fillcolor="#B4CDCD"; if(isCurr) fillcolor="yellow"; if(low[0]<0) { fillcolor = "gray"; ss<<"[style="<<style<<",fillcolor=\""<<fillcolor<<"\",color=black,label = \""; ss<<"[ UNUSED ] "; unused++; } else { int used_val = getUsed(lvl,getLeafOffset(lvl,idx)); ss<<"[style="<<style<<",fillcolor=\""<<fillcolor<<"\",color=black,label = \""; ss<<"[ "<<getVector(low)<<","<<getVector(high)<<"]";// used ="<<used_val; //if(val) // ss<<" [HAZ]"; //if(isClock) // ss<<", CLOCK"; if(low.size() ==1) { int len = high[0]-low[0]+1; ss<<", len = "<<len; } } ss<<"\"];\n"; graph+= ss.str(); } else //we need the kids too { vector< vector<int> > lowb= getChildrenLowerBounds(low,high); vector< vector<int> > highb = getChildrenUpperBounds(low,high); int first_child = getFirstChild(lvl,idx); //if(isClock) // fillcolor="#B4CDCD"; if(isCurr) fillcolor="yellow"; ss<<"[style="<<style<<",fillcolor=\""<<fillcolor<<"\",label = \""; ss<<"[ "<<getVector(low)<<","<<getVector(high)<<"]"; //if(isClock) // ss<<", CLOCK"; ss<<"\"];\n"; //connect it to its kids :)) //"node1" -> "node2"; for(int i=0;i<lowb.size();i++) ss<<"\"id"<<id<<"node"<<lvl<<"idx"<<idx<<"\" -> \"id"<<id<<"node"<<lvl+1<<"idx"<<first_child+i<<"\";\n"; graph+= ss.str(); for(int i=0;i<lowb.size();i++) buildGraph(lvl+1,first_child+i,lowb[i],highb[i],graph); } }
CStr8 CBin::uncompress() {_STT(); return oexUncompress( CStr8( Ptr(), getUsed() ) ); }
CStr8 CBin::base16_decode() {_STT(); return CBase16::Decode( Ptr(), getUsed() ); }
CStr8 CBin::base64_encode() {_STT(); return CBase64::Encode( Ptr(), getUsed() ); }
oexUINT CBin::GroupAvg( oexINT nType, oexUINT uOffset, oexUINT uInterval, oexUINT uGroups, CBin &bin, oexINT nFlags ) { // Sanity check if ( 0 >= uGroups || !getUsed() ) return 0; // Get skip value oexUINT uSkip = nFlags & 0x0f; if ( uSkip >= uGroups ) uSkip = 0; // Get element size oexUINT uESize = obj::StaticSize( nType ); if ( !uESize ) return 0; // Total samples oexUINT uSamples = getUsed() / uESize; if ( uSamples < uInterval ) return 0; // How many samples per group oexUINT nSamplesPerGroup = ( uInterval - uSkip ) / ( uGroups - uSkip ); if ( !nSamplesPerGroup ) return 0; // Allocate memory oexUINT uBytes = uGroups * uESize; if ( bin.Size() < uBytes ) if ( !bin.Allocate( uBytes ) ) return oexFALSE; // Allocate an array to hold the counts TMem< oexUINT > aCnts; if ( !aCnts.OexNew( uGroups ).Ptr() ) return oexFALSE; // Memory to hold acc TMem< oexLONGDOUBLE > aAcc; if ( !aAcc.OexNew( uGroups ).Ptr() ) return oexFALSE; // Initialize group averages for ( oexUINT i = 0; i < uGroups; i++ ) aAcc[ i ] = 0, aCnts[ i ] = 0; // Accumulate all samples while( ( uOffset + uInterval ) < uSamples ) { // Accumulate samples in this interval for ( oexUINT s = 0; s < uInterval; s++ ) { // Get the value oexLONGDOUBLE dV; switch( nType ) { case obj::tInt : dV = getINT( uOffset + s ); break; case obj::tFloat : dV = getFLOAT( uOffset + s ); break; case obj::tDouble : dV = getDOUBLE( uOffset + s ); break; default : dV = 0; } // end switch // Range check and add // if ( 1000000 > oex::cmn::Abs( dV ) && .0000001 < oex::cmn::Abs( dV ) ) if ( s < uSkip ) aAcc[ s ] = dV, aCnts[ s ]++; else { oexUINT o = uSkip + s / nSamplesPerGroup; if ( o >= uGroups ) o = uGroups - 1; aAcc[ o ] += dV; aCnts[ o ]++; } // end else } // end for uOffset += uInterval; } // end while // Calculate averages switch( nType ) { case obj::tInt : for ( oexUINT g = 0; g < uGroups; g++ ) bin.setINT( g, aCnts[ g ] ? oexINT( aAcc[ g ] / aCnts[ g ] ) : 0 ); break; case obj::tFloat : for ( oexUINT g = 0; g < uGroups; g++ ) bin.setFLOAT( g, aCnts[ g ] ? oexFLOAT( aAcc[ g ] / aCnts[ g ] ) : 0 ); break; case obj::tDouble : for ( oexUINT g = 0; g < uGroups; g++ ) bin.setDOUBLE( g, aCnts[ g ] ? oexDOUBLE( aAcc[ g ] / aCnts[ g ] ) : 0 ); break; default : return 0; } // end switch // Number of bytes we used bin.setUsed( uBytes ); return uOffset; }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { AVIHDR avihdr; FILE *fin; int optchar; int flags = 0x00; static char strused[5], strdesc[5]; char *ptrused = NULL, *ptrdesc = NULL; char MAGIC[] = { 'R', 'I', 'F', 'F' }; memset (&avihdr, 0, AVILEN); /*init avihdr just in case! */ opterr = 0; puts ("cfourcc - (stupid) console fourcc changer\nCopyright (C) 2014 Mohammad Hafiz <*****@*****.**>\nLicensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 (or later)\n"); while ((optchar = getopt (argc, argv, "d:u:ihf::")) != -1) { switch (optchar) { case 'i': /* printf("print info\n");*/ flags |= FLAG_INFO; break; case 'f': flags |= FLAG_FORCE; break; case 'd': flags |= FLAG_DESC; ptrdesc = (char *) strdup (optarg); break; case 'u': flags |= FLAG_USED; ptrused = (char *) strdup (optarg); break; case '?': /* flags|=FLAG_HELP;*/ /*usage(); */ break; case 'h': flags |= FLAG_HELP; usage (); puts ("\t-h\t\t Prints this help ;)"); puts ("\t-i\t\t Prints FOURCC information (default)"); puts ("\t-f\t\t Force changing FOURCC on unsupported file (dangerous)"); puts ("\t-u CODE\t\t Sets FOURCC \'used\' codec"); puts ("\t-d CODE\t\t Sets FOURCC \'description\' codec\n"); puts ("\t ** refer to \'codeclist.txt\' documentation for a list of FOURCC\n\n"); break; default: return 0x0; } } if (!((optind > 0) && (optchar = -1) && (argv[optind] != NULL))) { if ((flags & FLAG_HELP) != FLAG_HELP) usage (); return 0x0f; } fin = fopen (argv[optind], "rb"); if (fin == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "Error : Cannot access %s\n", argv[optind]); return 0x01; } if (fread (avihdr, sizeof (char), AVILEN, fin) < AVILEN) { fprintf (stderr, "Error : Read end unexpectedly, incomplete file?\n"); return 0x02; } fclose (fin); /*lazy verifier! */ if (memcmp (avihdr, MAGIC, 4) && !(flags & FLAG_FORCE) ) { fprintf (stderr, "Error : Probably not a supported AVI or media file\n"); return 0x03; } if (flags == 0x0 || ( (flags & FLAG_INFO) == FLAG_INFO)) { /*default behaviour */ getDesc (avihdr, strdesc); getUsed (avihdr, strused); printf ("FOURCC of \'%s\' :\nDescription : %s\nUse : %s\n\n", argv[optind], strdesc, strused); return 0x00; } if (((flags & FLAG_USED) == FLAG_USED) || ((flags & FLAG_DESC) == FLAG_DESC)) { fin = fopen (argv[optind], "r+b"); if (fin == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "Error : Cannot access %s for writing\n", argv[optind]); return 0x01; } if (flags & FLAG_USED) setUsed (avihdr, ptrused); if (flags & FLAG_DESC) setDesc (avihdr, ptrdesc); fseek (fin, 0, SEEK_SET); fwrite (avihdr, sizeof (char), AVILEN, fin); fflush (fin); fclose (fin); puts ("Attempting to change FOURCC value...\n"); } puts ("Done.\n"); return 0; }
void SynopsisMD2::merge(int parent_lvl, int left_idx, int parent_idx) { int lvl = parent_lvl; bool updateClock = false; if(lvl+1 == prev_victim.lvl && (prev_victim.idx == left_idx || prev_victim.idx == left_idx+1)) updateClock = true; int right_idx = left_idx + 1; assert(isLeaf(lvl+1,left_idx) && isLeaf(lvl+1,right_idx)); int leaf_idx; bool left = getLeaf(lvl+1,left_idx,leaf_idx,true); int right_leaf = leaf_idx + 1; bool right = getLeaf(lvl+1,left_idx+1); bool merged_val = left | right; int used_val = getUsed(lvl+1,leaf_idx) + getUsed(lvl+1,right_leaf); /*#if defined(DOTRACE) && defined(TRACEMERGE) vector<pair<int,int> > special_nodes; pair<int,int> p,l,r; p.first =parent_lvl; p.second = parent_idx; r.first = parent_lvl +1; r.second = right_idx; l.first = parent_lvl +1; l.second = left_idx; special_nodes.push_back(p); special_nodes.push_back(l); special_nodes.push_back(r); takeSnapshot(special_nodes,TRACEMERGE); #endif*/ removeValue(lvl+1,left_idx); removeValue(lvl+1,left_idx); //this is not a mistake for(int i=0;i<dim_bits;i++) removeValue(lvl+1,left_idx); //removing dimension bits :) removeLeafValue(lvl+1,leaf_idx); removeLeafValue(lvl+1,leaf_idx);//this is not a mistake setValue(lvl,parent_idx,false); //parent is turned into a leaf node #ifdef SYNDEBUG assert(isLeaf(lvl,parent_idx)); #endif int leaf_offset = getLeafOffset(lvl,parent_idx); insertLeafValue(lvl,leaf_offset ,merged_val); //used will initially be zero or N/A // if(!merged_val) //if it is an empty leaf, adjust its used counter { setUsed(lvl,leaf_offset,used_val); } num_bits = num_bits - (3+dim_bits) - (used_bit_size*1); //if we merged a prev.victim -> the prev victim is the parent if(updateClock) { prev_victim.lvl = lvl; prev_victim.idx = parent_idx; } }