Exemple #1
void QtMinimalWidget::paintGL()


  if ( getContinuousUpdate() && ( m_orbitRadians != 0.0f ) )
    DP_ASSERT( getViewState() && getViewState()->getCamera() );
    getViewState()->getCamera()->orbitY( getViewState()->getCamera()->getFocusDistance(), m_orbitRadians );

  // fps counter
  if ( m_showFPS )
    if ( m_benchmarkFrameCount == 1 )
      DP_ASSERT( 1 < m_benchmarkFrameCount );
      double elapsedSeconds = m_frameRateTimer.getTime();

      if ( elapsedSeconds > 1.0 )
        double fps = double(m_frameCount) / elapsedSeconds;
        m_benchmarkTime += elapsedSeconds;

        std::ostringstream windowTitle;
        windowTitle.setf( std::ios::fixed, std::ios::floatfield );
        windowTitle << m_windowTitle << ", " << fps << " FPS";

        if ( m_benchmarkFrames != ~0 )
          windowTitle << " Benchmark " << m_benchmarkFrameCount-1 << "/" << m_benchmarkFrames;
        else if ( 0.0 < m_benchmarkDuration )
          windowTitle << " Benchmark " << m_benchmarkTime << "/" << m_benchmarkDuration;

        setWindowTitle( windowTitle.str().c_str() );

        m_frameCount = 0;
  if (  ( ( m_benchmarkFrames != ~0 ) && ( m_benchmarkFrames == m_benchmarkFrameCount-1 ) )
     || ( ( 0.0 < m_benchmarkDuration ) && ( m_benchmarkDuration <= m_benchmarkTime ) ) )
    QCoreApplication::instance()->exit( int(100 * double(m_benchmarkFrameCount-1) / m_benchmarkTime) );
        bool TrackballTransformManipulator::updateFrame( float dt )
          bool result = false;

          if( m_transformPath && getViewState() && getRenderTarget() )
            switch( m_mode )
              case Mode::ROTATE:
                result = rotate();

              case Mode::PAN:
                result = pan();

              case Mode::DOLLY:
                result = dolly();


          return result; 
Exemple #3
void QtMinimalWidget::keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent *event )
  SceniXQGLWidget::keyPressEvent( event );

  if ( ( event->text().compare( " " ) == 0 ) && ! getContinuousUpdate() )
  else if ( event->text().compare( "d" ) == 0 )
    dp::sg::renderer::rix::gl::SceneRendererSharedPtr const& renderer = getSceneRenderer().staticCast<dp::sg::renderer::rix::gl::SceneRenderer>();
    renderer->setDepthPass( ! renderer->getDepthPass() );
  else if ( event->text().compare("s") == 0 )
  else if ( event->text().compare( "o" ) == 0 )
    dp::sg::algorithm::optimizeScene( getViewState()->getScene(), true, true
                                    , dp::sg::algorithm::CombineTraverser::CT_ALL_TARGETS_MASK
                                    , dp::sg::algorithm::EliminateTraverser::ET_ALL_TARGETS_MASK
                                    , dp::sg::algorithm::UnifyTraverser::UT_ALL_TARGETS_MASK
                                    , FLT_EPSILON );
  else if ( event->text().compare("x") == 0 )
    dp::gl::RenderContextFormat format = getFormat();
    format.setStereo( !format.isStereo() );
    setFormat( format );
        bool TrackballTransformManipulator::dolly()
          int dyScreen = getLastY() - getCurrentY();
          if( !dyScreen )
            dyScreen = getWheelTicksDelta();

          if ( dyScreen )
            DP_ASSERT( getViewState()->getCamera().isPtrTo<FrustumCamera>() );
            TransformSharedPtr transform = m_transformPath->getTail().staticCast<Transform>();
            FrustumCameraSharedPtr const& camera = getViewState()->getCamera().staticCast<FrustumCamera>();
            if ( camera && transform )
              unsigned int rtWidth = getRenderTarget()->getWidth();
              unsigned int rtHeight = getRenderTarget()->getHeight();
              Vec2f  camWinSize = camera->getWindowSize();
              if (    ( 0 < rtHeight ) && ( 0 < rtWidth )
                  &&  ( FLT_EPSILON < fabs( camWinSize[0] ) )
                  &&  ( FLT_EPSILON < fabs( camWinSize[1] ) ) )
                //  get all the matrices needed here
                Mat44f m2w, w2m, w2v, v2w;
                m_transformPath->getModelToWorldMatrix(m2w, w2m);   // model->world and world->model
                w2v = camera->getWorldToViewMatrix();               // world->view
                v2w = camera->getViewToWorldMatrix();            // view->world

                // transfer mouse delta into view space
                float dyView = camWinSize[1]/rtHeight * dyScreen;

                // transfer the mouse delta vector into the model space
                Vec4f modelDelta = Vec4f( 0.0f, 0.0f, dyView, 0.0f ) * v2w * w2m;

                // minus the delta to the translation of the transform
                // minus, because we want mouse down to move the object into the direction of the user
                Trafo trafo = transform->getTrafo();
                trafo.setTranslation( trafo.getTranslation() - Vec3f( modelDelta ) );
                transform->setTrafo( trafo );

                return true;
          return false;
void MycosmosController::downloadFinished(QNetworkReply *reply){
    QUrl url = reply->url();

    if(reply->error() == QNetworkReply::NoError) {
        // Get the http status code
        int v = reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::HttpStatusCodeAttribute).toInt();

        if (v >= 200 && v < 300){ // Success

        else if (v >= 300 && v < 400) {// Redirection

            // Get the redirection url

            QUrl newUrl = reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::RedirectionTargetAttribute).toUrl();
            // Because the redirection url can be relative,
            // we have to use the previous one to resolve it
            newUrl = reply->url().resolved(newUrl);

            //            QNetworkAccessManager *manager = nReply->manager();
            //            QNetworkRequest redirection(newUrl);
            //            QNetworkReply *newReply = manager->get(redirection);

            return; // to keep the manager for the next request

        // Here we got the final reply
        htmlReplyText = QString::fromUtf8(reply->readAll());

        // get view state string
        viewStateString =  getViewState(htmlReplyText);

        QList<QNetworkCookie>  cookies = nManager->cookieJar()->cookiesForUrl(url);
        for(int i=0; i<cookies.count(); i++){
            printf("COOKIE %d Name:%s Value:%s\n" ,i,qPrintable(QString::fromUtf8(cookies.at(i).name())),qPrintable(QString::fromUtf8(cookies.at(i).value())) );
        printf("COOKIES for %s\n%s\n" ,qPrintable(url.host()) ,qPrintable(QString::number(cookies.count())));

        // save cookies inside a QVariant

        emit successfulResponse();
        // Error
        printf("Download of %s failed: %s\n",url.toEncoded().constData(),qPrintable(reply->errorString()));

    printf("Url encoded Νένα 1:%s\n" ,qPrintable(QUrl::toPercentEncoding("Νένα 1",0,0)));

    // We receive ownership of the reply object
    // and therefore need to handle deletion.
    //    delete reply;
        bool TrackballTransformManipulator::rotate()
          if ( ( getCurrentX() != getLastX() ) || ( getCurrentY() != getLastY() ) )
            DP_ASSERT( getViewState()->getCamera().isPtrTo<FrustumCamera>() );
            TransformSharedPtr transform = m_transformPath->getTail().staticCast<Transform>();
            FrustumCameraSharedPtr const& camera = getViewState()->getCamera().staticCast<FrustumCamera>();
            if ( camera && transform )
              unsigned int rtWidth    = getRenderTarget()->getWidth();
              unsigned int rtHeight   = getRenderTarget()->getHeight();
              Vec2f  camWinSize = camera->getWindowSize();
              if (    ( 0 < rtHeight ) && ( 0 < rtWidth )
                  &&  ( FLT_EPSILON < fabs( camWinSize[0] ) )
                  &&  ( FLT_EPSILON < fabs( camWinSize[1] ) ) )
                //  get all the matrices needed here
                Mat44f m2w, w2m, w2v, v2w, v2s, m2v;
                m_transformPath->getModelToWorldMatrix( m2w, w2m ); // model->world and world->model
                w2v = camera->getWorldToViewMatrix();            // world->view
                v2w = camera->getViewToWorldMatrix();            // view->world
                v2s = camera->getProjection();                   // view->screen (normalized)
                m2v = m2w * w2v;

                const Sphere3f& bs = transform->getBoundingSphere();

                //  center of the object in view coordinates
                Vec4f centerV = Vec4f( bs.getCenter(), 1.0f ) * m2v;
                DP_ASSERT( fabs( centerV[3] - 1.0f ) < FLT_EPSILON );

                //  center of the object in normalized screen coordinates
                Vec4f centerNS = centerV * v2s;
                DP_ASSERT( centerNS[3] != 0.0f );
                centerNS /= centerNS[3];

                //  center of the object in screen space
                Vec2f centerS( rtWidth * ( 1 + centerNS[0] ) / 2, rtHeight * ( 1 - centerNS[1] ) / 2 );

                //  move the input points relative to the center 
                //  move the input points absolutely
                //Vec2f last( m_orbitCursor );
                Vec2f last( getLastCursorPosition() );
                Vec2f p0( last[0]    - centerS[0], centerS[1] - last[1] );
                Vec2f p1( getCurrentX() - centerS[0], centerS[1] - getCurrentY() );
                DP_ASSERT( p0[0] != p1[0] || p0[1] != p1[1] );

                //  get the scaling (from model to view)
                Vec3f scaling, translation;
                Quatf orientation, scaleOrientation;
                decompose( m2v, translation, orientation, scaling, scaleOrientation );
                float maxScale = std::max( scaling[0], std::max( scaling[1], scaling[2] ) );
                DP_ASSERT( FLT_EPSILON < fabs( maxScale ) );

                //  determine the radius in screen space (in the centers depth)
                Vec2f centerWindowSize = - centerV[2] / getViewState()->getTargetDistance() * camWinSize;
                float radius = bs.getRadius() * maxScale * rtWidth / centerWindowSize[0];

                //  with p0, p1, and the radius determine the axis and angle of rotation via the Trackball utility
                //  => axis is in view space then
                Vec3f axis;
                float angle;
                m_trackball.setSize( radius );
                m_trackball.apply( p0, p1, axis, angle );
                float dx = p1[0]-p0[0];
                float dy = p1[1]-p0[1];

                checkLockAxis(dx, dy);

                if ( m_activeLockAxis[static_cast<size_t>(Axis::X)] )
                  if ( dx < 0 )
                    axis = Vec3f(0.f, -1.f, 0.f);
                  else if ( dx > 0)
                    axis = Vec3f(0.f, 1.f, 0.f);
                    return false;
                else if ( m_activeLockAxis[static_cast<size_t>(Axis::Y)] )
                  if ( dy < 0 ) 
                    axis = Vec3f(1.f, 0.f, 0.f);
                  else if ( dy > 0) 
                    axis = Vec3f(-1.f, 0.f, 0.f);
                    return false;

                // transform axis back into model space
                axis = Vec3f( Vec4f( axis, 0.0f ) * v2w * w2m );

                //  create the rotation around the center (in model space)
                Trafo trafo;
                trafo.setCenter( bs.getCenter() );
                trafo.setOrientation( Quatf( axis, angle ) );

                //  concatenate this rotation with the current transformation
                trafo.setMatrix( transform->getTrafo().getMatrix() * trafo.getMatrix() );

                //  concatenate this rotation with the original transformation
                //trafo.setMatrix( m_matrix * trafo.getMatrix() );

                //  set the current transform
                transform->setTrafo( trafo );

                return true;

          return false;
        bool  TrackballTransformManipulator::pan()
          int dxScreen = getCurrentX() - getLastX();
          int dyScreen = getLastY() - getCurrentY();
          if ( dxScreen || dyScreen )
            DP_ASSERT( getViewState()->getCamera().isPtrTo<FrustumCamera>() );
            TransformSharedPtr transform = m_transformPath->getTail().staticCast<Transform>();
            FrustumCameraSharedPtr const& camera = getViewState()->getCamera().staticCast<FrustumCamera>();
            if ( camera && transform )
              unsigned int rtWidth = getRenderTarget()->getWidth();
              unsigned int rtHeight = getRenderTarget()->getHeight();
              Vec2f  camWinSize = camera->getWindowSize();
              if (    ( 0 < rtHeight ) && ( 0 < rtWidth )
                  &&  ( FLT_EPSILON < fabs( camWinSize[0] ) )
                  &&  ( FLT_EPSILON < fabs( camWinSize[1] ) ) )
                //  get all the matrices needed here
                Mat44f m2w, w2m;
                m_transformPath->getModelToWorldMatrix(m2w, w2m); // model->world and world->model
                Mat44f w2v = camera->getWorldToViewMatrix();   // world->view
                Mat44f v2w = camera->getViewToWorldMatrix();   // view->world

                //  center of the object in view coordinates
                Vec4f center = Vec4f( transform->getBoundingSphere().getCenter(), 1.0f ) * m2w * w2v;

                //  window size at distance of the center of the object
                Vec2f centerWindowSize = - center[2] / getViewState()->getTargetDistance() * camWinSize;

                checkLockAxis(dxScreen, dyScreen);
                if ( m_activeLockAxis[static_cast<size_t>(Axis::X)] )
                  if ( dxScreen != 0 )
                    dyScreen = 0;
                    return false;
                else if ( m_activeLockAxis[static_cast<size_t>(Axis::Y)] )
                  if ( dyScreen != 0)
                    dxScreen = 0;
                    return false;

                //  delta in model coordinates
                Vec4f viewCenter( centerWindowSize[0] * dxScreen / rtWidth
                                , centerWindowSize[1] * dyScreen / rtHeight, 0.f, 0.f );
                Vec4f modelDelta = viewCenter * v2w * w2m;
                // add the delta to the translation of the transform
                Trafo trafo = transform->getTrafo();
                trafo.setTranslation( trafo.getTranslation() + Vec3f( modelDelta ) );
                transform->setTrafo( trafo );

                return true;  
          return false;
void WaterfallCanvas::OnPaint(wxPaintEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) {
    wxPaintDC dc(this);
    const wxSize ClientSize = GetClientSize();
    long double currentZoom = zoom;
    if (mouseZoom != 1) {
        currentZoom = mouseZoom;
        mouseZoom = mouseZoom + (1.0 - mouseZoom) * 0.2;
        if (fabs(mouseZoom-1.0)<0.01) {
            mouseZoom = 1;
    if (scaleMove != 0) {
        SpectrumVisualProcessor *sp = wxGetApp().getSpectrumProcessor();
        FFTVisualDataThread *wdt = wxGetApp().getAppFrame()->getWaterfallDataThread();
        SpectrumVisualProcessor *wp = wdt->getProcessor();
        float factor = sp->getScaleFactor();

        factor += scaleMove * 0.02;
        if (factor < 0.25) {
            factor = 0.25;
        if (factor > 10.0) {
            factor = 10.0;
    if (freqMove != 0.0) {
        long long newFreq = getCenterFrequency() + (long long)((long double)getBandwidth()*freqMove) * 0.01;
        long long minFreq = bandwidth/2;
        if (newFreq < minFreq) {
            newFreq = minFreq;

        if (!freqMoving) {
            freqMove -= (freqMove * 0.2);
            if (fabs(freqMove) < 0.01) {
                freqMove = 0.0;
    long long bw;
    if (currentZoom != 1) {
        long long freq = wxGetApp().getFrequency();
        bw = getBandwidth();

        double mpos = 0;
        float mouseInView = false;

        if (mouseTracker.mouseInView()) {
            mpos = mouseTracker.getMouseX();
            mouseInView = true;
        } else if (spectrumCanvas && spectrumCanvas->getMouseTracker()->mouseInView()) {
            mpos = spectrumCanvas->getMouseTracker()->getMouseX();
            mouseInView = true;

        if (currentZoom < 1) {
            bw = (long long) ceil((long double) bw * currentZoom);
            if (bw < minBandwidth) {
                bw = minBandwidth;
            if (mouseInView) {
                long long mfreqA = getFrequencyAt(mpos, centerFreq, getBandwidth());
                long long mfreqB = getFrequencyAt(mpos, centerFreq, bw);
                centerFreq += mfreqA - mfreqB;
            setView(centerFreq, bw);
        } else {
            if (isView) {
                bw = (long long) ceil((long double) bw * currentZoom);

                if (bw >= wxGetApp().getSampleRate()) {
                    if (spectrumCanvas) {
                    bw = wxGetApp().getSampleRate();
                    centerFreq = wxGetApp().getFrequency();
                } else {
                    if (mouseInView) {
                        long long mfreqA = getFrequencyAt(mpos, centerFreq, getBandwidth());
                        long long mfreqB = getFrequencyAt(mpos, centerFreq, bw);
                        centerFreq += mfreqA - mfreqB;
                    } else {
        if (centerFreq < freq && (centerFreq - bandwidth / 2) < (freq - wxGetApp().getSampleRate() / 2)) {
            centerFreq = (freq - wxGetApp().getSampleRate() / 2) + bandwidth / 2;
        if (centerFreq > freq && (centerFreq + bandwidth / 2) > (freq + wxGetApp().getSampleRate() / 2)) {
            centerFreq = (freq + wxGetApp().getSampleRate() / 2) - bandwidth / 2;

        if (spectrumCanvas) {
            if ((spectrumCanvas->getCenterFrequency() != centerFreq) || (spectrumCanvas->getBandwidth() != bw)) {
                if (getViewState()) {
                } else {

    glViewport(0, 0, ClientSize.x, ClientSize.y);
    if (fft_size_changed.load()) {
        fft_size = new_fft_size;
        waterfallPanel.setup(fft_size, waterfall_lines);



    std::vector<DemodulatorInstance *> &demods = wxGetApp().getDemodMgr().getDemodulators();

    DemodulatorInstance *activeDemodulator = wxGetApp().getDemodMgr().getActiveDemodulator();
    DemodulatorInstance *lastActiveDemodulator = wxGetApp().getDemodMgr().getLastActiveDemodulator();

    bool isNew = shiftDown
            || (wxGetApp().getDemodMgr().getLastActiveDemodulator() && !wxGetApp().getDemodMgr().getLastActiveDemodulator()->isActive());

    int currentBandwidth = getBandwidth();
    long long currentCenterFreq = getCenterFrequency();

    ColorTheme *currentTheme = ThemeMgr::mgr.currentTheme;
    std::string last_type = wxGetApp().getDemodMgr().getLastDemodulatorType();

    if (mouseTracker.mouseInView() || wxGetApp().getDemodMgr().getActiveDemodulator()) {
        hoverAlpha += (1.0f-hoverAlpha)*0.1f;
        if (hoverAlpha > 1.5f) {
            hoverAlpha = 1.5f;
        if (nextDragState == WF_DRAG_RANGE) {
            float width = (1.0 / (float) ClientSize.x);
            float rangeWidth = mouseTracker.getOriginDeltaMouseX();
            float centerPos;

            if (mouseTracker.mouseDown()) {
                if (rangeWidth) {
                    width = rangeWidth;
                centerPos = mouseTracker.getOriginMouseX() + width / 2.0;
            } else {
                centerPos = mouseTracker.getMouseX();

            glContext->DrawDemod(lastActiveDemodulator, isNew?currentTheme->waterfallHighlight:currentTheme->waterfallDestroy, currentCenterFreq, currentBandwidth);

            if ((last_type == "LSB" || last_type == "USB") && mouseTracker.mouseDown()) {
                centerPos = mouseTracker.getMouseX();
                glContext->DrawRangeSelector(centerPos, centerPos-width, isNew?currentTheme->waterfallNew:currentTheme->waterfallHover);
            } else {
                glContext->DrawFreqSelector(centerPos, isNew?currentTheme->waterfallNew:currentTheme->waterfallHover, width, currentCenterFreq, currentBandwidth);
        } else {
            if (lastActiveDemodulator) {
                glContext->DrawDemod(lastActiveDemodulator, ((isNew && activeDemodulator == NULL) || (activeDemodulator != NULL))?currentTheme->waterfallHighlight:currentTheme->waterfallDestroy, currentCenterFreq, currentBandwidth);
            if (activeDemodulator == NULL) {
                glContext->DrawFreqSelector(mouseTracker.getMouseX(), ((isNew && lastActiveDemodulator) || (!lastActiveDemodulator) )?currentTheme->waterfallNew:currentTheme->waterfallHover, 0, currentCenterFreq, currentBandwidth);
            } else {
                glContext->DrawDemod(activeDemodulator, currentTheme->waterfallHover, currentCenterFreq, currentBandwidth);
    } else {
        hoverAlpha += (0.0f-hoverAlpha)*0.05f;
        if (hoverAlpha < 1.0e-5f) {
            hoverAlpha = 0;
        if (activeDemodulator) {
            glContext->DrawDemod(activeDemodulator, currentTheme->waterfallHighlight, currentCenterFreq, currentBandwidth);
        if (lastActiveDemodulator) {
            glContext->DrawDemod(lastActiveDemodulator, currentTheme->waterfallHighlight, currentCenterFreq, currentBandwidth);


    for (int i = 0, iMax = demods.size(); i < iMax; i++) {
        if (activeDemodulator == demods[i] || lastActiveDemodulator == demods[i]) {
        glContext->DrawDemod(demods[i], currentTheme->waterfallHighlight, currentCenterFreq, currentBandwidth);

