Exemple #1
void traceProperties_NDFSM( NDFSM_TestEngineData* ndfsm_state )
char buff[64];

  // Deferred Reactions Enabled
  traceTestEngineProperty( "Deferred Reactions Enabled", areDeferredReactionsEnabled() ? "true" : "false" );
  if (areDeferredReactionsEnabled())
   {// WTime
    if (getWTimeMSec() % 1000 == 0)
      sprintf(buff,"%d secs",getWTime());
      sprintf(buff,"%d millisecs",getWTimeMSec());
    traceTestEngineProperty( "WTime", buff );
	// Is Find First Series Only
	traceTestEngineProperty( "Find First Series Only", isFindFirstSeriesOnly() ? "true" : "false" );
  // Time Model
  switch (getTSTimeModel())
   {case NotUseTSTime :
	  traceTestEngineProperty( "Time Model", "not used" );
    case LinearTSTime :
	  traceTestEngineProperty( "Time Model", "linear" );
	case DistributedTSTime :
	  traceTestEngineProperty( "Time Model", "distributed" );
	default :
	  assertion( false, "Unexpected Time Model" );
  // Finish Mode
  switch (getFinishMode())
   {case UNTIL_ERROR :
      if (tsNumberOfErrorsToFinish == 1)
        traceTestEngineProperty( "Finish Mode", "until an error" );
        sprintf( buff, "until %d errors", tsNumberOfErrorsToFinish );
        traceTestEngineProperty( "Finish Mode", buff );
    case UNTIL_END :
      traceTestEngineProperty( "Finish Mode", "until end" );
    default :
      assertion( false, "Unexpected Finish Mode" );
 *         Conjugate Gradient          *
 *   This function will do the CG      *
 *  algorithm without preconditioning. *
 *    For optimiziation you must not   *
 *        change the algorithm.        *
 r(0)    = b - Ax(0)
 p(0)    = r(0)
 rho(0)    =  <r(0),r(0)>                
 for k=0,1,2,...,n-1
   q(k)      = A * p(k)                 
   dot_pq    = <p(k),q(k)>             
   alpha     = rho(k) / dot_pq
   x(k+1)    = x(k) + alpha*p(k)      
   r(k+1)    = r(k) - alpha*q(k)     
   check convergence ||r(k+1)||_2 < eps  
	 rho(k+1)  = <r(k+1), r(k+1)>         
   beta      = rho(k+1) / rho(k)
   p(k+1)    = r(k+1) + beta*p(k)      
void cg(const int n, const int nnz, const int maxNNZ, const floatType* data, const int* indices, const int* length, const floatType* b, floatType* x, struct SolverConfig* sc){

	floatType* r, *p, *q;
	floatType alpha, beta, rho, rho_old, dot_pq, bnrm2;
	int iter;
 	double timeMatvec_s;
 	double timeMatvec=0;
	int i;
	floatType temp;
	/* allocate memory */
	r = (floatType*)malloc(n * sizeof(floatType));
	p = (floatType*)malloc(n * sizeof(floatType));
	q = (floatType*)malloc(n * sizeof(floatType));
#pragma acc data copyin(data[0:n*maxNNZ], indices[0:n*maxNNZ], length[0:n], n, nnz, maxNNZ, b[0:n]) copy(x[0:n]) create(alpha, beta, r[0:n], p[0:n], q[0:n], i, temp) //eigentlich auch copy(x[0:n]) aber error: not found on device???
	DBGMAT("Start matrix A = ", n, nnz, maxNNZ, data, indices, length)
	DBGVEC("b = ", b, n);
	DBGVEC("x = ", x, n);

	/* r(0)    = b - Ax(0) */
	timeMatvec_s = getWTime();
	matvec(n, nnz, maxNNZ, data, indices, length, x, r);
//hier inline ausprobieren
/*int i, j, k;
#pragma acc parallel loop present(data, indices, length, x)
	for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
		r[i] = 0;
		for (j = 0; j < length[i]; j++) {
			k = j * n + i;
			r[i] += data[k] * x[indices[k]];
	timeMatvec += getWTime() - timeMatvec_s;
	xpay(b, -1.0, n, r);
	DBGVEC("r = b - Ax = ", r, n);

	/* Calculate initial residuum */
	nrm2(r, n, &bnrm2);
	bnrm2 = 1.0 /bnrm2;

	/* p(0)    = r(0) */
	memcpy(p, r, n*sizeof(floatType));
	DBGVEC("p = r = ", p, n);

	/* rho(0)    =  <r(0),r(0)> */
	vectorDot(r, r, n, &rho);
	printf("rho_0=%e\n", rho);

	for(iter = 0; iter < sc->maxIter; iter++){
		DBGMSG("=============== Iteration %d ======================\n", iter);
		/* q(k)      = A * p(k) */
		timeMatvec_s = getWTime();
		matvec(n, nnz, maxNNZ, data, indices, length, p, q);
		timeMatvec += getWTime() - timeMatvec_s;
		DBGVEC("q = A * p= ", q, n);

		/* dot_pq    = <p(k),q(k)> */
		vectorDot(p, q, n, &dot_pq);
		DBGSCA("dot_pq = <p, q> = ", dot_pq);

		/* alpha     = rho(k) / dot_pq */
		alpha = rho / dot_pq;
		DBGSCA("alpha = rho / dot_pq = ", alpha);

		/* x(k+1)    = x(k) + alpha*p(k) */
		axpy(alpha, p, n, x);
#pragma acc update host(x[0:n])
		DBGVEC("x = x + alpha * p= ", x, n);

		/* r(k+1)    = r(k) - alpha*q(k) */
		axpy(-alpha, q, n, r);
		DBGVEC("r = r - alpha * q= ", r, n);

		rho_old = rho;
		DBGSCA("rho_old = rho = ", rho_old);

		/* rho(k+1)  = <r(k+1), r(k+1)> */
		vectorDot(r, r, n, &rho);
		DBGSCA("rho = <r, r> = ", rho);

		/* Normalize the residual with initial one */
		sc->residual= sqrt(rho) * bnrm2;

		/* Check convergence ||r(k+1)||_2 < eps
		 * If the residual is smaller than the CG
		 * tolerance specified in the CG_TOLERANCE
		 * environment variable our solution vector
		 * is good enough and we can stop the 
		 * algorithm. */
		printf("res_%d=%e\n", iter+1, sc->residual);
		if(sc->residual <= sc->tolerance)

		/* beta      = rho(k+1) / rho(k) */
		beta = rho / rho_old;
		DBGSCA("beta = rho / rho_old= ", beta);

		/* p(k+1)    = r(k+1) + beta*p(k) */
		xpay(r, beta, n, p);
		DBGVEC("p = r + beta * p> = ", p, n);


	/* Store the number of iterations and the 
	 * time for the sparse matrix vector
	 * product which is the most expensive 
	 * function in the whole CG algorithm. */
	sc->iter = iter;
	sc->timeMatvec = timeMatvec;

	/* Clean up */
}//ende data region